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Name Jessica Taing
NetID Jtai425
Group Number: 224
Website Link:
Tutorial Details
Tutor: Day: Time:
Johnnie Shubert Wednesday 11am
Time Spent on
16 hours Word Count: 1587


Accidents are unpredictable and airplane crashes cause the loss of many lives. In these
situations, human resources and the aid of the best technologies are highly depended on to
locate the missing plane in a constricted time frame. However, the current technology
available is not the most efficient and deploying manual searches can be costly and time
consuming as proved by the MH370 case. A cost effective product is Ocean Eyes, the
combination of existing technology to offer an all-in-one solution that records imagery
(thermal and plane sight), is pinger locator built in, and has AIS (Automatic Identification
System) and GPS (Global Positioning System). Ocean Eyes acts as the eyes of the ocean,
provides real-time information and has the potential to transform the way in which searches
are conducted by improving efficiency.
3.1 Vision
To provide a sense of security and assurance to all travelling citizens around the world
3.2 Industry Analysis: Aviation search and rescue industry
Industry: Aviation search and rescue Industry.
Force: High/Low: Justification:
Buyer power: Low Although there are other existing products that
could aid in the search for missing planes, there is
currently nothing in the marketplace that is
similar to Ocean Eyes. Buyers cannot resort to
other options as there is no other choice
therefore buyer power is low. (BBC, 2014)


Supplier power: Low In New Zealand there are quite a few suppliers
who can provide the resources needed in order to
manufacture Ocean Eyes. For example, GPS
Tracking NZ Ltd and Navman are wellknown New
Zealand companies that can provide a GPS
software. However, GPS companies overseas
must also be taken into consideration as there
are many and can be easily approached. The
same concept applies to other require parts i.e.
weather buoys and therefore supplier power is
low. (Smartrak, n.d.)
Threat of new entrants: Low Manufacturing products for the aviation search
and rescue industry is difficult as many resources
and high investment in infrastructure is required.
In this industry, it is necessary to retain a large
amount of capital and so, threat of new entrants
is low due to the high cost barriers. (Snider &
Williams, 2011)
Threat of substitutes: High The threat of substitute products is relatively high
although there is nothing quite like Ocean Eyes in
the aviation search and rescue industry. There are
other products that can be used alongside other
products however this will not have the same
affect as Ocean Eyes. Because technology is
rapidly advancing, the industry can be quite
unpredictable as we live in an era where new
ideas can develop over night. (Globalization101,


Rivalry among existing
Low Competition in the aviation search and rescue
industry is low for Ocean Eyes as there are no
existing competitors who offer a similar product.
However, there are existing competitors with
products that have specific functions of Ocean
Eyes i.e. sonar, pinger locator, GPS, and thermal
cameras. (BBC, 2014)
Overall attractiveness of the industry: This industry shows potential as four of Porters Five
Forces is low. The threat of substitutes is potentially high due to the fact that ICT is growing
constantly and consumers can resort to using a combination of different products. However,
this threat can be minimised as consumers are surely after a product that is not only cost
and time efficient but offers convenience as well and Ocean Eyes is a product that integrates
a lot of functions that other products do not have and is more advanced in comparison.
3.3 Customers and Thei r Needs
Ocean Eyes is a product that is targeted at those who would like to take safety measures for
aviation. Specific examples include the Aviation Security Service, Civil Aviation Authority,
IATA and airlines. Because aviation is worldwide, there are both international and national
consumers, and this product will also cater to government agencies such as the air force,
navy, defence force, and maritime.
These consumers heavily rely on the accuracy of data, reliability and responsiveness of
information systems. It is also proven that these consumers desire products that are user-
friendly and IATA expressed the need for new technology in the aviation industry to make
savings. (Airline Industry Information, 2005)
3.4 The Product and Service


Ocean Eyes satisfies the needs of customers as it is time and cost efficient, user-friendly and
provides data specific to the consumers requirements. The fact that Ocean Eyes provides
real-time data is beneficial and crucial for government agencies as they are required to carry
out timely operations. As Ocean Eyes is built upon an information systems infrastructure, it
enables data to be accessed anywhere, anytime under the appropriate security measures
and whereby software is available. The product is also flexible in the sense of tailoring to
consumers needs i.e. Ocean Eyes can be moored or drifting depending on desired search
area in which the system will deliver information to the consumer for them to make a
decision on whether search and rescue needs to be carried out.
3.5 Suppliers and Partners
The main partners working with Ocean Eyes are firms such as Garmin, a GPS software
provider, and computer programmers such as Topcoder. These businesses work with ocean
Eyes to gain a competitive advantage based on their sustainable creditials. Garmin will
provide geographical imagery to support the functions of the product while Topcoder set
out instructions and program the software for specific tasks.
The US National Data Buoy Centre (NDBC) is a key supplier as they primarily focus on
circulating data about the sea and weather patterns from various areas. NDBC would be
able to provide the hardware and raw materials needed in order to manufacture Ocean
3.6 Strategy: Focused High Cost
Ocean Eyes is a product for the narrow market as it is mainly targeted at government
agencies which affects a small amount of the population. This product is developed and
tailored specifically to the unique needs of customers and would therefore have to enter
the market with a high cost strategy.
The overall strategy is therefore Focused High Cost
3.7 Value Chain Activity: Make product
The most important value chain activity for this business is making the product.


Ocean Eyes vision is to ensure travelling citizens of their safety no matter where they are
located in the world as the eyes of the ocean are present and will enable the fast response
of aviation search and rescue organizations. Without the product, this vision is simply not
achievable as no data can be obtained and therefore meaningful information is not
delivered to support processes to strategically carryout search and rescue operations in the
event of a disaster.
3.8 Business Processes
3.8.1. INVENTORY CONTROL PROCESS - The inventory control process increases efficiency and
productivity as the business relies on information regarding inventory volumes in the
inventory control system which then enables the decision making of the inventory amount
required to order. The process includes the receiving, storage, withdrawal, movement and
tracking of inventory throughout various stages to maintain records of those events and the
corresponding effects.




3.8.2. PRODUCT ASSEMBLY PROCESS - The product assembly process involves the production
schedule, allocation of materials and steps associated with making the product. A
production plan must be conducted to ensure efficient use of resources and smooth
production of Ocean Eyes.


3.9 Functionalities
Identify the amount of inventory required from database
Physically check if actual inventory volumes match requirement
Create production plan
Make and assemble product
3.10 Systems

3.10. 1. INVENTORY CONTROL SYSTEM this is a decision support system that enables the
business to recognise the amount of inventory required and in current possession in order
to make decisions and determine how much inventory needs to be ordered. In turn, this will
ensure that Ocean Eyes will have enough inventory to carry on with operations.
3.10. 2. PRODUCTI ON SCHEDULING SYSTEM this is a management information system which
enables the managers to monitor production and determine production levels so that Ocean
Eyes is not over-produced nor under-produced in order to meet consumer demands while
ensuring the efficient use of resources.
3.10. 3. MATERI AL MOVEMENT CONTROL SYSTEM - this is a transaction processing system
that sorts and store data of the material movement and keeps track of the movement of
manufactured goods so that the amount of finished goods can be established and used as a
reference in the future.


3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems

Value Chain
Processes Functionalities Specific Information
Broad Information

1. Inventory
1. Identify the amount of inventory required
from database

2. Physically check if actual inventory volumes
match requirement
Inventory Control System

Inventory Control System
Decision Support System

Decision Support System
2. Product
1. Create production plan

2. Make and assemble product
Production Scheduling

Material Movement Control
Management Information

Transaction Processing


Ocean Eyes aims to provide a sense of security and assurance to travelling citizens through
the use of information systems to deliver real-time information and enable government
agencies to carryout timely search and rescue operations. The MH730 incident is very
unfortunate and has caused the loss of many lives. Events as such are unpredictable but
with the efficient use of information technology, such mishaps can be reduced. Ocean Eyes
is a product that is cost and time efficient in comparison to existing products and services.
The all-in-one solution is sure to change and transform history, making travelling around the
world more safer than ever.

1. Smartrak. (n.d.). Efficiency & Productivity. Retrieved from

2. IATA says aviation industry needs new technology to make savings. (2005). Airline
Industry Information. Retrieved from

3. Snider & Williams. (2011). Barriers to Entry in the Airline Industry: A Regression
Discontinuity Approach. Retrieved from

4. BBC. (2014). How do you track a plane?. Retrieved from

5. Information Technology. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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