Text Editor

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Text editor is a program that enables you to create and edit text files. There are many
different types of editor, but they all fall into two general categories
!. "ine editors # $ primiti%e form of editor that re&uires you to specific line of text
before you can ma'e changes to it.
(. )creen#oriented editors # It is also called as full#screen editors* these editors
enable you to modify any text that appears on the display screen by mo%ing the
cursor to the desired location.
Types of text Editor
-..I Editor
/.0)#.1 editor
VI Editor
Vi is a family of screen#oriented text editors, which share certain characteristics, such as
methods of in%ocation from the operating system command interpreter, and characteristic
user interface features. It is another text editor which is used to create 2 edit text files and
which is a%ailable on all 3+IX system. It has the powerful features to aid programmers.
.I0 is the earlier %ersion of .I text editor.
Operating modes
.i is a modal editor. It is generally operates in either insert mode or command mode.
4hen the editor is in insert mode then whate%er typed becomes the part of the document
and put these typed 'eystro'es into the current file.
4hen the editor is in command mode then the 'eystro'es entered by 'eyboard are
interpreted as commands that control the edit session.
Typing 5i6 while in command mode switches the editor into insert mode.
Typing 5i6 again at this point places an 5i6 character in the document.
How to start vi editor
The %i editor enables a user to create new files or edit existing files. The command to
start the %i editor is %i, followed by the filename.
EX# %i temporary
7ou can start %i without a filename, but when you want to sa%e your wor', you will ha%e
to tell %i which filename to sa%e it into later.
How to exit
In order to fet out of %i you ha%e to be in command mode. 8it the 'eyu labeled 9Escape:
or 9Esc: to get into command mode. If you were already in the command mode when
you again hit 9Escape: 'ey it might beep but you will still be in the command mode.
.i editor has -; buffers for storing pieces of text, out of which one buffer is a general#
purpose buffer.
w filename# 4rites<sa%es= the current document.
&#>uits the editor without sa%ing the current file.
Compilation and running a vi text editor program
To 1ompile a file with filename filename.c
11 filename.c
?11 filename.c
a.out or @a.out will run a file which is currently closed or sa%ed using text editor.
MS-VC editor
Microsoft Visual C <often abbre%iated as MSVC or VC= is a commercial, non#free
integrated de%elopment en%ironment <IDE= product from 0icrosoft for the 1, 1,,, and
1,,@1"I programming languages. It has tools for de%eloping and debugging 1,, code,
especially code written for the 0icrosoft 4indows $AI, the DirectX $AI, and the
0icrosoft .+ET Bramewor'.

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