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Learn how to achieve simple exploits on UNIX based systems

Creator: m!
In computer terms" an exploit is a process that can be followed
to #ain elevated privled#es with #araunteed results$ Under
unix based systems" %root% is the hi#hest level of access"
havin# access to anythin# and everythin# a user lo##ed into
this account wishes$ &n exploit does not necessarily re'uire
this level of access tho" it may (ust ta)e you from a level of
access li)e world readable access #iven by a httpd daemon to
a standard shell access account$ In other words you could #o
from only bein# able to loo) at the computers web pa#e" to
bein# able to traverse the file system and loo) at the
administrators hidden porn collection$ In #eneral cases" an
exploit will either be used to #ain access to the passwd and
shadow files" or to directly #ain a %root% shell$
*irstly lets (ust examine how a simple exploit may wor)$ Lets
say we find a pro#ram in %+var+bin% that is called %system% and
by luc) this pro#ram is ,etUID root" which basically means"
when you run the pro#ram your user is temporarily made to
be root until the pro#ram has finished runnin#$ Now by
examinin# the pro#ram a little further we find the pro#ram
reads a confi# file %+var+bin+system$conf% and shows the
contents in the options menu$ -y typin# %strin#s system% we
find that there is indeed a strin# that directly refers to
%+var+bin+system$conf% so we decide to exploit this$ *irst we
remove the confi# file with the followin# command %rm .rf
+var+bin+system$conf% Now that is done we shall create a
symbolic lin) to %+etc+passwd% to read the system passwords$
%ln .s +etc+passwd +var+bin+system$conf% /his creates the lin)"
now what the lin) does is basically refers anythin# that as)s
for %+var+bin+system$conf% to %+etc+passwd% so in theory when
our pro#ram tries to load %+var+bin+system$conf% it will be
referenced to %+etc+passwd% and show us the contents of the
file$ ,o now %+var+bin+system% is executed and sure enou#h we
are shown the password hashes contained in %+etc+passwd%
/his is a very simple example" and shows extremely poor
pro#rammin# of the pro#ram" similar exploits may occur tho"
for example the pro#ram may call %more% to show a text file
durin# execution$ Under %more% a simple %0cat +etc+passwd% will
execute %cat +etc+passwd%
I*, can be a very interestin# tool" what it basically does is sets
what seperates commands in the shell" usually (ust %0% and
%enter% are used" but this variable can be set$ *or example with
I*, set as default %+bin+ls 0 mail% will be brea)en down into two
commands %+bin+ls% and %mail% Now if I*, were say set to %+%
then the command would be split up into %bin%"%ls 0 mail% /his
can lead to some pretty useful implementations$ If for example
our pro#ram %system% were to execute %+bin+ls% durin# its
execution" by typin# %export I*,12+2% I*, would be set to %+%
and we could create a file in the current directory called %bin%"
place some code in it to show us the passwd file" %chmod 344
bin% to ma)e it executable" and %system% could be made to
execute our commands as %root%
*or simple exploits li)e these" it is normally possible to %strin#s
file% to find out what it may execute or do$ & %5ace Condition%
may come in handy if a pro#ram is made to chec) whether a
file that is writen to" or read contains a symbolic lin)$ -asically
by executin# two pro#rams at once" after the pro#ram chec)s
for the existance of the lin)" the other pro#ram is made to
remove the file that would be used" and lin) it to another file
such as %+etc+passwd% &n example of this is:
+usr+bin+ps6 7
rm .rf +var+tmp6+ps6$tmp
ln .s +home+hac)er+exploit +var+tmp6+ps6
/his would execute %+usr+bin+ps6% and while it is still runnin#
remove its temp file and replace it with our own file$
& symbolic lin) can also be turned into a %Denial of ,ervice%
most of the time with little effort" an example of this with
%Xfree 8$$6% is:
cd +tmp
rm .f +tmp+$tX!.loc)
ln .s +dev+hd! +tmp+$tX!.loc)
/his would ma)e %X% write data directly over the raw data on
hard drive !" althou#h I stron#ly condemn the use of thin#s
such as %Do,% or %DDo,% attac)s" in the case of a retaliation to a
prior attac) on your own system" it may be useful$
/here are many more types of exploits out there" these are
(ust the simpler ones" I will later deal with basic -uffer
9verflow attac)s" the more prominent of attac)s these days$$$

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