Newsletter 4

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Garland Independent School District

Diverse Community - Shared Vision - Exceptional Education

McDade Minutes
McDade Minutes

Area Directors Message

Where Will You Go Wednesdays
at Golden Meadows

Lesson objectves aligned to the appropriate grade level/
content standards
Academic rigor
Student engagement
Actvely Engaged
Students work on assignments clearly connected to the standard
and rigor level intended and are connected to results that demon-
strate comprehension
90-100% of students are engaged most of the tme
All students are engaged at multple tmes within the content learn-
Peer interactons are consistently incorporated and make strong
connectons to content
By receiving weekly observatons and feedback, a
teacher develops as much in one year as most teachers
do in twenty.
Observatons and feedback are only fully efectve when
leaders systematcally track which teachers have been
observed, what feedback they have received, and
whether that feed-back has improved their practce.
Weekly Schedule

As we approach our second week of school, our challenge is
to increase academic rigor and student engagement. I urge
each of you to develop a daily schedule to ensure that you
are observing and providing feedback to all teachers. Con-
tinue your discussions about posting the objectives on the
board and be consistent in your expectations for this. I also
encourage each of you to continue to engage your staff in
discussions about philosophy and beliefs because teachers
beliefs about students chances of success in school influ-
ences students achievement. If the teacher believes stu-
dents can succeed, he/she tends to behave in ways that help
them succeed (Marzano). Our students deserve the very
best and there is no excuse for poor quality instruction.



September 2: SCHOOL HOLIDAY/ CIP Due
September 4: New Teacher Recepton @ CCC 4:00-5:30
September 12: Team GISD Meetng @ CCC 9:30
Level Meetngs: High School/Middle School 7:30
Elementary 1:00
September 27: Documentaton that all staf members on your campus have viewed specifc
training videos

October 4: First Grading Period Ends
October 7: Fair Day
October 8: Staf Development
October9-November 8: ELEMENTARY Parent/Teacher Conference Window

Meetngs/ Upcoming Events
Tuesday: HB 5 Meetng (McDade)
1:00-3:00 Principal InterviewGHS
Wednesday: 8:30-10:30 CIA Meetng
11:00-12:00 P-Card Training
1:30-4:30 Area Director Meetng
Thursday: 8:00-10:00 Principal InterviewAustn Academy
10:30-12:30 Principal InterviewWilliams EL
1:30-3:30 Principal InterviewGolden Meadows
Friday: 8:00-10:00 Principal InterviewHillside Academy
10:30-12:30 Principal Interview Kimberlin Academy
1:30-3:30 Principal Interview Walnut Glen

August 30, 2013
Leverage Leadership: Core Idea
Area #1

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