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Ns. Fillingham
uiaue 0.S. Bistoiy

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0nit 6: Reconstiuction (Chaptei 18)
0nit 7: Piogiessive Eia (Chaptei 22)
0nit 8: Woilu Wai I (Chapteis 2S-24)
0nit 9: Woilu Wai II (Chaptei 27)
0nit 1u: The Colu Wai (Chaptei 28)

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<&1* O
o Thiiteenth Amenument (Passeu in 186S, Ratifieu in 186S)
o Fouiteenth Amenument (Passeu in 1866, Ratifieu in 1868)
o Fifteenth Amenument (Passeu in 1869, Ratifieu in 187u)
o Civil Rights Acts (1866)
o Black Coues
o Black politicians uuiing Reconstiuction
o Political coiiuption
o Fieeumen's Buieau
o 0lysses S. uiant
o Panic of 187S
o Compiomise of 1877

<&1* P
o Women's Suffiage Novement
! Two big stiategies
! Big leaueis of this movement
o 19
Amenument (192u)
o Suffiage anu anti-suffiage movement
o Social 0plift foi Blacks uuiing the Piogiessive Eia
! Biffeiences (anu similaiities) between Washington, Wells, anu
BuBois' views on social uplift foi blacks
<&1* Q
o Woilu Wai I (1914-1918)
! Causes of Woilu Wai I ("NAIN")
Be able to explain each of the concepts in the acionym, "NAIN"
! Events that leu to the 0.S. involvement in Woilu Wai I
Zimmeiman Telegiam
Russian Revolution
! Woilu Wai I & Piopaganua
Libeity bonus
! The uieat Nigiation (191u to 197u oi two sets of migiation191u to
19Su anu 194u to 197u)
! The Enu of Woilu Wai I
Wilson's Fouiteen Points
Tieaty of veisailles
Why this was not the "Wai to Enu All Wais"
<&1* R
o Woilu Wai II
! Totalitaiianism
Biffeiences anu similaiities between communism anu fascism
! Axis Poweis vs. Allieu Poweis
! Najoi Leaueis Involveu
! Appeasement
! 4 causes of Woilu Wai II
Tieaty of veisailles
Rival Alliances
Rise of Bictatois
Failuie of the League of Nations
! Spaik of Woilu Wai II: ueimany invaues Polanu in Septembei 19S9
! The Bolocaust
Nazi Paity & euphemistic language
victims of the Bolocaust
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Concentiation Camps
Nuiembeig Tiials
! Cieation of the 0niteu Nations (}une 194S)

<&1* 86
o The Colu Wai
! Communism vs. Capitalism
! The Iion Cuitain
! The Tiuman Boctiine (1947)
! The Naishall Plan (1947)
! NAT0 Tieaty (1949)
! Waisaw Pact (19SS)

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In teims of setting a founuation foi Black fieeuom, was Reconstiuction a success oi
Who has the best plan foi black social uplift: BuBois, Washington, oi Wells.
Shoulu the 0niteu States have enteieu Woilu Wai I.
Was Woilu Wai II justifieu by its iesults.
Who staiteu the Colu Wai.

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In this section, you will wiite an histoiical essay on one of the bioau thematic topics that
we uiscusseu uuiing the last uays of school. You can pull mateiial that you leaineu fiom the
seconu semestei, oi if you want, you can also pull mateiial fiom the fiist semestei to
suppoit youi aigument. You may biing in an outline, but it must be tuineu in anu appioveu
by Ns. F no latei than Weunesuay, Nay 28 at the enu of the school uay.

You shoulu take at least half of the exam time (4S minutes) to wiite this. It shoulu be at
least five paiagiaphs, with an intiouuction anu conclusion. State youi thesis in the
intiouuctoiy pait of the essay.

You will be able to pick any one of these questions to answei foi the histoiical essay:

Why has the Constitution suiviveu.
Bow have the woik lives anu economic oppoitunities of vaiious gioups of people
uiffeieu (men anu women, iacial gioups, socioeconomic gioups, iegional gioups,
Why have people immigiateu to the lanu that became the 0niteu States (voluntaiy
oi involuntaiy) anu why has the countiy continueu to attiact so many immigiants.
Bow has life insiue the 0.S. been affecteu by the nation's iole in the woilu.

You will be giaueu on the stiength of youi aigument anu analysis thiough the histoiical
eviuence you use to suppoit youi thesis anu conventions (giammaispellingetc.). The
wiiting iubiic (useu foi seveial wiiting assignments) will be useu to assess this poition of
the exam.

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