Information Technology Curriculum Module: Word Processing

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Information Technology Curriculum Module

CXC Level Technical Proficiency
Word Processing
In this unit, students will be provided with hands on experience in preparing
documents for mail merge. They will perform the mail merge and print and save
the required documents.
INSTR!TI"N#$ "%&'!TI('S

Students should be able to)
!reate a main document in preparation for mail merge
!reate a data source
Insert merge fields
*erge to a new document or to the printer
R'+IR', !"NT'NT
*ail *erge
The purpose of mail merge is to prepare personali-ed letters to send to several
individuals or organi-ations. The body of the letter is primarily the same, but
yet it is personali-ed .e.g. name, address of the individual or organi-ation/. 0or
example if you are sending letters out to parents informing them of a school tea
party and their required contribution you would prepare one letter which would
be personali-ed for each parent during the merge.
1ou need to create the following three .2/ files in order to perform a mail
3. # data file 4secondary file
5. # form file4 primary file
2. #n out put file4 merged file
The data file contains a table with information regarding the persons to whom
the document needs to be sent. This file can be created in *S 6"R,, '7!'$
or #!!'SS.
The form file is made up of the document with the fields from the data file
inserted at the required points.
The output file is a combination of the data and form files hence showing a
document for each person or organi-ation in the data file. 0ields are replaced
with the personali-ed information of each individual or organi-ation.
Steps to *ail *erge 8rocess in *S 6"R, 5995, 5992, 78
3. :o to Tools, $etters and *ailings
5. Select *ail *erge 6i-ard
2. 0ollow the steps of the wi-ard
Steps to *ail *erge 8rocess in *S 6"R, 5999
3. "pen the main document
5. :o to Tools on the menu and choose mail merge
2. The mail merge dialog box appears
;. nder *ain document, choose the !reate button, and then choose
0orm $etters
<. !hoose the #ctive 6indow button
=. nder data Source, !hoose :et data and then create data Source
>. 1ou can create the column headings4 field names or use those pre
defined by 6ord. #dd or remove field names as required .N% no
spaces or punctuation mar?s should be used in field names/
To add a field name, type the name if the field and press enter. To
remove a field name clic? on the field to be deleted and clic? remove
field name.
@. !lic? "A when you are complete.
B. Save the data document
39. !lic? 'dit data source and then type in the records pressing enter
after each or add new. #fter the last record has been entered clic?
33. Type the letter or document, inserting the *erge 0ields at points
where the data should appear. .!lic? the insert merged field icon on
the mail merge toolbar/ Save the letter4document.
35. se the mail merge toolbar and clic? the view merged data button to
view one of the merged documents
32. !lic? the merge to new document icon to merge. Save the output file.
3;. "r clic? the merge to printer icon to print the documents
Students can do the following activities with the assistance of teacher.
'xercise 53C *ail *erge
The following is the structure of a letter of ac?nowledgement to be sent on
behalf of various former employees.
To 6hom It *ay !oncern
This letter serves to confirm that D0irst NameE DSurnameE was employed at
The 1on 6iles Shoe !ompany from D,ate of Initial #ppointmentE. DTitleE
DSurnameEFs last assignment was in the D$ast ,epartmentE department as a
Garold 1. 6iles
.a/ !reate the letter and save it as *#IN.
.b/ The table below gives details of people for whom this letter will be
0ull Name #ppointment
$ast 8osition
*r. &ohn %ors &uly @, 3B>9 Sales ,eputy *anager
*iss Su-y $ies *ay 35, 3BBB *anufacture !utting
*rs. &onnette
"ctober 5, 3BB< %illing #ccount
8repare the secondary document named 8'"8$', using the
information in the table.

.c/ *erge the two documents to produce the letters. Save the letters as
'xercise 55C *ail *erge
3. ,r. &oanne ,ixon has been practicing pediatric medicine in "xford
8la-a for the past ten .39/ years. She recently purchased a 8! to
ma?e her operations more efficient. She, however, does not have the
time to do this all herself. She has hired you to assist her.
#s your first assignment, you are required to send out notice to the
parents of the children who are scheduled to have booster vaccines
The format of the notice isC
Garcout *edical !enter
5< "xford 8la-a
DInsert todayFs dateE
D8arentFs NameE
D8arentFs #ddressE
,ear DTitleE D8arentFs SurnameE
I wish to remind you that DchildFs nameE will require Dhis4herE
,TI8 booster vaccines on Dhis4herE approaching fourth .;
/ birthday.
8lease call my office to ma?e an appointment for this vaccination.
I loo? forward to your visit.
1ours sincerely,
,r &oanne ,ixon
5. Send this letter to the following three .2/ parents.
*r #lpha 6hite, 35 Gigh Street, !astries, Stephanie 6hite
*rs !heryl &acobs, 5; !oral Street, %abonneau, Stanley &acobs
*iss Sanda Gaynes, => !amel Street, :ros Islet, ,anny 8hillips
'xercise 52C *ail *erge
%elow is a letter to be mailed to all customers of an insurance company.
52 &uly 3BB<
$$% Insurance !ompany is launching a new product which will be enable our
customers to ta?e advantage of their life insurance policies while they are still
aliveHH The product is an exciting and innovative one which we are sure would
be of great interest to you.
6e urge you to contact your agent, please call our !ustomer Service ,epartment
at =<>I@@=< where we will be happy to assist you.
6e loo? forward to hearing from you.
1ours truly,
&enine Garvey
!ustomer Service *anager
1ou are required toC
.a/ 'nter the above form letter, allowing 3J top and right margins.
.b/ Save the letter in a file called $'TT'R5.
.c/ se *ail *erge facilities to send the letter to T6" customers of your
choice. 0or '#!G customer, include a 5 line address to be inserted
as shown in the example below. Save your customer list to a file
called !ST"*'R.
.d/ 'ach letter should follow the pattern below
52 &uly 3BB<
*rs &ane ,oe
29 %attle Street
,ear *rs ,oe
$$% Insurance !ompany is launching)))))).
Save the updated version of $'TT'R5. Save the file with letter as
'xercise 5;C *ail *erge
It is invoice time at #%, 'lectrics again. 'ach invoice should ta?e the
following formatC
#%, 'lectrics
3I2 *ain Street
D!lient NameE
D!lient #ddressE
3< November, 3BBB
DService ,escriptionE DService #mountE
Total #mount ,ueC DService #mount K
#%, 'lectrics) Aeeping you wiredH
NoteC D!lient NameE, D!lient #ddressE, DService ,escriptionE, DService
amountE, DTaxE and DService #mount K TaxE will be replaced with actual
1ou are required toC
3. !reate the above invoice template as a word processing document
allowing 3J top, left and right margins.
5. Save the invoice template in a file called IN("I!'.
2. se mail merge facilities to send the invoice to the following customer
plus T6" customers of your choice. Save the customer list to a file
called !ST"*'R5.
&ane !hristy
3< %elmonth ,rive
Installation of electrical fixtures I L39<
Tax I L3<
Total I L359
Save the file with invoices as IN($IST
'xercise 5<C *ail *erge
!"*8T'R ,IS!"NT
39 Gigh Street, +ueenstown, :uyana
TelC @=2;<M 0axC @5>99
59 September 5999
D!ustomer NameE
D!ustomer #ddressE
,ear D!ustomer NameE
This is in regard to your overdue account number D#ccount NumberE.
!urrently, your account has an outstanding balance of Damount owedE. 8lease
remit at your earliest opportunity.
Than? you for your assistance in the matter. If you have any questions, please
contact *ary 8eters at @<;>=.
Sincerely 1ours,
&ohn 6illiams
.a/ 'nter and save the above text in preparation for a mailImerge, in a
file called !S$'T.
.b/ 'nter the following in a secondary document .data file/ called
!ustomer nameC *r. &ohn Smith
!ustomer #ddressC 3< *iddle Street, Aingston, %arbados
#ccount NumberC &S93
#mount "wedC L5<,@>=
!ustomer nameC *s. &oan #lbert
!ustomer #ddressC 39 Trinity $ane, Tobago
#ccount NumberC &#9<
#mount "wedC L3<,B99
.c/ #dd "N' record of your own to ,'%T"RS. Save ,'%T"RS.
*#T'RI#$S R'+IR',
*ail merge exercises 53,55,52,5; N 5<,
8ractical #ssessment >
!omputer, 6ord 8rocessor
R'0'R'N!'S #N, S"R!'S IN!$,IN: R$FS
!7! Information Technology by Aevin S?eete
Sure 8ass in Information Technology by *egan &ones 8anton
Individual assessment
Students will be given the following exercises to complete individually.
8ractical #ssessment >
#%! Gigh School will be sending out letters to all parents requesting
contributions towards their annual school barbecue. The contribution sought will
be dependent on the studentFs form, as followsC
0orm 3 Nap?ins
0orm 5 ,rin?s
0orm 2 8lates, !ups, Anives, 0or?s
0orm ; Rolls
0orm < !hic?en
0orm = Aetchup, %arbecue Sauce, Seasonings
1ou are required toC
.a/ 8repare the following letter to be used as a mailImerge document.
Save it to a file called #%! $'TT'RS.
#%! Gigh School
352 *ain Street, !apital !ity
Insert todayFs ,ate
D8arentFs nameE
D8arentFs #ddressE
,ear DTitleE DSurnameE
#s you are aware, our annual barbecue approaches. The funds from this
yearFs barbecue will be used to enhance our computer laboratory facilities. In
?eeping with our normal practice, parents are being as?ed to contribute in cash
or ?ind to his venture. 1our Dson or daughterE DchildFs nameEFs class is
being as?ed to contribute Ditem requiredE.
#s usual we loo? forward to your participation in this event.
1ours truly,
*adge 6eller
.b/ 8repare a secondary document, called 8#R'NTS, from the following
.i/ *rs. *axine 8eart, mother of 8aul 8eart who is in 0orm 3.
#ddressC 2= *ain Street, St 8eter
.ii/ *r. ,everaO Sing, father of ,evi Singh who is in 0orm 2.
#ddressC 3@ *ills wood #venue, Aingstown.
.iii/ *s. ,eborah Gamilton, mother of Aarlene Spense who is in
0orm ;. #ddressC 35# :emstone ,rive, St. 8hillip
.iv/ *r. 8eter Shay, father of Stefan Shay who is in 0orm 5.
#ddressC 32 6 'nd Street, St #ndrew
.c/ *erge the two documents to produce the letters to be sent to parents.
Save the letters as R'+'STS.
3. Typed document free of errors 5 mar?s
5. Inserted the correct date 3 mar?
2. !entered, %old #ddress 3 mar?
;. Spacing in document appropriate4correct
.between salutation and address, date and address, yours truly and name/
5 mar?s
<. Inserted merged fields correctly 3 mar?
=. ,ata source correct .free of errors/ 5 mar?s
>. *erged correctly to produce ; letters 3 mar?
"ffice 8rocedures
'lectronic ,ocumentation and 8reparation *anagement .',8*/
0rom this unit, students should be able to use the mail merge facility of a word
processor to send out multiple letters or documents with the same basic content.

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