Eliminarea Hârtiilor-2

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No more wasted paper?

"Eliminarea hrtiilor"

Petru Poni Technical College focuses on the environmental education of its students,
through its European programs and projects. Thus, within the Comenius project HA!"#$
%" EATH, for &'%E for PE"P&E coordinated () our high school we initiated a saving and
rec)cling paper program, (ecause we as*ed ourselves whether nowada)s when people use
computer so intensivel) ,(ecoming +uite addicted to it, do the) have a friendl), (ehaviour towards
the common writing paper-in order to ac+uire an eco.responsi(le (ehaviour we must , each and
ever) one of us, change our mentalit) and ha(its. /e must (e aware that dail) do we have the
opportunit) to reduce the negative impact on the environment generated () our activities. %rom the
ver) (eginning, Eco.responsa(le (ehaviour is a sate of mind referring to adopting some apparentl)
simple gestures with great effect on reducing the fatal influence over the environment represented
() producing waste, pollutants,greenhouse gas, etc. Ever) )ear, appro0imatel) 12 million ha are
e0tinct. Ever) fallen tree represents the loosing of the protection that the environment and nature in
general, gives us.

The widely usage of e-mails
The E.mail, intended as just an accesor) of the 'nternet, (ecame an indispensa(le instrument
of communication. #evertheless,, it is not as eas) to maintain our position of friend
of the environment,. 3efore printing an e.mail, we must thin* the reason for doing it.
Printing less means saving not onl) paper and in* 4 ehich is (eneficial for the
environment, (ut also saving our mone). 3efore printing a document or e.mail, thin*
twice if)ou reall) need the printed version. A civili5ed European citi5en uses appro0imatel) 67
*ilograms of paper ever) month8
A few solutions to (ecome friendl) environmental9 'nstead of printing the page to give it to
someone to read it, we clic* the %"/A: (utton. Also, we can include in our e.mail signature a
sentence as9,Ta*e into consideration the environment (efore printing this e.mail,, Thin* green8,
or Ta*e care of our planet and print this e.mail onl) if it;s necessar)8, .3) doing this we will ma*e
our ecological message *nown and we will help save trees.
Developping an intranet system in which course (oo*s, decisions, specifications,etcto (e stored
on magnetic support,we( pages of intern circulation, the result (eing also a
faster access to information.
3oo*s have got into a new stage of evolution 4the.electronic book or e-book 4 which
represents the digital version of a wor* <alread) e0istant on paper or (roadcast onl) in the digital
format=repre5int> o versiune digital> a unei lucr>ri <fie e0istent> deja ?n format scris, fie difu5at>
doar ?n formatul digital=,version which can (e viewed either () using a computer or () using other
compati(le devices versiune .
E.(oo*s e0ist in a e0tremel) wide variet) of formats. Each of them has its advantages and
disadavantages, the most popular formats (eing those permitting the search of some elements
<words, sentences, etc= in the te0t.
On-line o operation! through transfer of eletroni files in a network! replaing a slower
irulation of douments on paper
There are some we(sites dedicated to ecological news which have (een created in the domain
of the environmental protection. Their purpose is to show an overview of the ecological
phenomenon with its main o(jective of informing people a(out what is happening in the ecological
fields, which are the (ad or good changes and what other news time (rings to us, good or (ad.
Also,there is a platform of ecological forums and blogs made to improve communication among
nature fans. EcoChat was 4 a chat platform for real time communication through organi5ing,On.
line roundtables,to discuss ecological issues or to create plans of development for ecological
"eduing of paper douments in firms - benefiiaries! ostumers and providers onnetions
A drop in the cost of creation, processing, distri(ution, *eeping and retrieving of information,
until now (ased on paper is made through creation of a personalised attractive we(site.
Communicating costs are reduced, there is a possi(ilit) of products and services adjustment
according to (eneficiaries; needs and procedures are made easier, competitiveness rationalising of
(usiness processes through internal reorgani5ation and information technologies are also possi(le.
##$- the %D$ file whih annot be printed
#owada)s,world paper consumtion is much too great for forests to (e saved, these
disappearing fast. According to scientists, forests; e0tinguishment e+uali5es 67@ of glo(al +uantit)
of car(on emissions. //% leads world campaigns against deforestation, a ver)
important topic of climatic summits. 3) creationof the new format. //%.the
organi5ation tries to remind us that each sheet of printed paper matters.
Therefore, this new unprinta(le file format 4//%.was intended to stop
useless printing and to draw attention towards the wa) in which paper is used. 't
is a simple idea which saves forests. This new format hasalread) attracted numerous fans not onl)
on %ace(oo* (ut also on Twitter.

$ii verde folosind faturi &n format eletroni
An nou concept care promovea5> reducerea polu>rii prin reducerea consumului de hBrtie prin
trimiterea, primirea Ci plata de facturi ?n format electronic a fost lansat ?n omBnia9 $atura 'erde.
Anul dintre motivele fundamentale ale adopt>rii factur>rii ?n
format electronic este reducerea polu>rii Ci includerea companiei ?n
rBndul celor responsa(ile social. Prin netip>rirea unei facturi se va
reduce poluarea prin eliminarea tuturor celorlalte procese implicate,
cum sunt transportul Ci imprimarea.. Prin trecerea la facturile ?n
format electronic, se reduc desp>duririle Ci se contri(uie la
eliminarea dio0idului de car(on.

Consider>m utili5area hBrtiei un lucru atBt de normal, ?ncBt uit>m ce presupune aceasta9
tierea unui copac, extragerea celulozei, producerea hrtiei, folosirea i aruncarea acesteia,
tierea unui alt copac pentru producerea unei alte cantiti de hrtie dup ce o aruncm pe cea
dinainte. Dns>, ignor>m o etap> esenEial>9 reciclarea hBrtiei Ci salvarea copacilor. eciclarea este una
din cele mai simple <sau nu8= metode de a proteja planeta de poluare. Principiul e simplu9 refoloseCti
hBrtia pBn> te plictiseCti Ci nu mai tai alEi copaci.
HBrtia consumat> de fiecare din noi ?nseamn> cam F copaci t>iaEi pe an, la care se adaug>
consumul de energie, ap> Ci agenEi chimici. Ca urmare a reclamelor tip>rite Ci a altor efecte poCtale,
cca G7.777 tone de hBrtie ajung anual la gropile de gunoi. Ajunse la groapa de gunoi, deCeurile se
descompun Ci poluea5> aerul, solul Ci pBn5a freatic>. 'ncinerarea deCeurilor nu este o soluEie de
viitor, deoarece produce cenuC>, uneori periculoas>, ga5e acide care poluea5> aerul Ci contri(uie la
?nc>l5irea glo(al>.
1. :o(rescu,P. 4 !ass.media Ci societatea, Editura H#HPA, 3ucureCti, 677GI
6. amoneE, '. 4 Tirania comunic>rii, Editura :acia, 3ucureCti, 6772.

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