QUERP - Players Companion

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Luca Ccb (order #5910746)

Luca Ccb (order #5910746)

QUERP created by Shane Garvey
Shane Garvey
layout & Graphic Design:
Jamie Wallis
Martin Mckenna; Cindi L; Andreas Meyer;
Jerey Collingwood; Johannes Wiebel; Mark William Penny;
pzAxe; Ralf Juergen Kraft; Jamie Wallis; Sinisa Botas; Algol;
Drazen Vukelic & Linda Bucklin.
All character names and place names in this book are ictional. Any
resemblance to actual persons or places is purely coincidental.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Published by Greywood Publishing
First Edition Print: July 2009
Second Edition Print: July 2009
ISBN: 978-0-9559855-6-0
QUERP: Quick Easy Role Playing
is copyright 2009 Crymson Games
Text is copyright 2009 Shane Garvey
Trade dress, QUERP Logo, Greywood Publishing Logo
& cover design are copyright 2009
Greywood Publishing
Images are copyright their respective owners.
No part of this book may copied or reproduced with
prior written permission of the the copyright holders
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
ORC 40
Advanced Knowledge 43
Alchemy 44
Animal Handling 45
Archery 45
Armour Training 45
Battle Rage 45
Bribery 45
Camouflage 45
Climbing 45
Code of Honour 45
Critical Strike 46
Damaging Blow 46
Dark Sight 46
Disarm 46
Disguise 46
Dodge 46
Etiquette 46
Foraging 46
Haggling 47
Healing 47
Hunting 47
Leap 47
Lock Picking 47
Martial Arts 47
Perception 47
Prayer 47
Riding 47
Shield Training 48
Sixth Sense 48
Sneak 48
Sorcery 48
Swimming 48
Tactician 48
Tough 48
Tracking 48
Wealthy 48
Weapon Mastery 48
Weapon Training 48
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Welcome to the QUERP: Players
This tome aims to expand upon
the six character types found in the
QUERP Rulebook by adding almost
forty more. In addition to warriors,
mages, barbarians, priests, thieves
and sages, players can now become a
mighty berserker, a shady and dark
necromancer, a noble knight or a na-
ture-loving druid, as well as many
In addition, for the rst time players
will be able to customize their charac-
ters by playing a dierent race, such
as an elf or dwarf. No longer are you
restricted to being a human!
Finally, the back section of the book
provides advanced rules for character
creation that allow you full exibility
in creating the exact type of character
you want. Be warned, however, as
this section can take the quick out
of Quick Easy Role Playing!
This is not a standalone book. This
book requires the QUERP, Quick
Easy Role Play, Rulebook as pub-
lished by Greywood Publishing
(ISBN: 978-0-9559855-0-8).
This book is split into four parts.
The rst section deals with character
types as found in the QUERP Rule-
book. Simply pick a character type
you wish to play as and write all
the relevant details down onto your
character sheet.
The second section of the book con-
tains the rules you need if you want
to play a non-human character. It
details any modications you must
make to your characters scores as
well as any special rules that race
may give your character. Pick a race
and make any adjustments to the
character type you have chosen from
the rst section of the book.
The third section of the book details a
brand new and much more advanced
method of choosing a character. This
section is much more involved than
the rst two and will require much
more time and planning. However, it
does oer unparalleled exibility in
coming up with exactly the type of
character you want.
Finally, the nal section oers a new
selection of equipment that you can
arm your characters with.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
This rst section of the book provides
all new character types for your play-
ers to choose from. For the sake of
completion, the six character types
from the QUERP Rulebook are also
presented here.
It could not be simpler in choosing a
character. Simply read through the
available character types and pick
one you like. Write all of the relevant
details down on a character sheet and
you are ready to play!
If you wish to play as a non-human
character, you still need to pick one
of the following character types be-
fore referring to the Non-Human
Races chapter of this book.
Each of the dierent character types
are presented in the same way. A brief
description of the layout follows:
Characteristics: This section lists the
characters scores for Fighting, Mag-
ic, Strength, Charisma, Stealth and
Starting Health and Mana: This lists
the characters starting Health and
Mana scores.
Description: Includes background
information of the character type, as
well as the role they normally play in
a group of adventurers.
Weapons and Armour: This entry
lists what weapons and armour the
character is able to use.
Starting Equipment: Listed here is
how much money the character be-
gins with to buy gear or, alternately,
a package of gear they may take au-
Special Rules: Every character type
has at least one special rule, and these
are listed in this section.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: 1
Magic: 5
Strength: 3
Charisma: 3
Stealth: 3
Knowledge: 6
Starting Health: 13 + 1 dice
Starting Mana: 10
In the world of QUERP, an alchemist
is someone who is capable of creat-
ing magical potions. Using special
ingredients and a touch of magic, an
alchemist can create a potion, tonic or
salve for almost any situation. Their
services are usually in high demand,
and so a skilled alchemist can often
make a good living from his craft.
A player character alchemist is valu-
able to the group for the potions he
can create. Whether to heal wounds
or cause a ery explosion amongst
the enemy, the alchemist often has a
tool for any situation.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Weapons & Armour: Alchemist
may use daggers, staves and clubs.
They may not wear armour or use a
Starting Equipment: Dagger, back-
pack, bedroll, clothing (average),
ask, int and steel, 2 days worth of
rations, waterskin, 2 potions of heal-
ing, 35 silver coins.
Special Rules: Alchemists can cre-
ate potions from the list below. To
do this they must make a Knowledge
roll against the listed Di culty of the
potion. Each time they atempt to cre-
ate a potion they must reduce their
Mana score by 1. They must also pay
10-60 silver coins for each potion they
atempt to create (roll 1 dice and mul-
tiply the result by 10). This covers the
cost of ingredients. Creating a potion
takes an hour of game time.
Potion of Cure All (Di culty 15):
The drinker of this potion regains all
lost Health.
Potion of Curing (Di culty 13): The
drinker of this potion regains 2-12
Health (roll 2 dice).
Potion of Dragons Breath (Di cul-
ty 16): The drinker of this potion may
breath re in the same was a dragon
(or re dragon if using the QUERP
Bestiary). This lasts for 1 minute of
game time.
Potion of Enhancement (Di culty
14): Choose a characteristic, such as
Fighting. The drinker of this potion
gains a +2 bonus to that characteristic
for the next 5 minutes of game time.
Potion of Healing (Di culty 11):
The drinker of this potion regains 1-6
Health (roll 1 dice).
Potion of Invisibility (Di culty 12):
The drinker of this potion turns in-
visible for 5 minutes of game time.
Potion of Luck (Di culty 14): The
drinker gets a +2 bonus on the dice
roll for the next characteristic roll he
Potion of Poison (Di culty 16):
The drinker of this potion loses 2-12
Health (roll 2 dice).
Potion of Resistance (Di culty 13):
The drinker of this potion takes 1 less
damage from any source for the next
5 minutes of game time.
Potion of Skill (Di culty 15): The
drinker gets a +1 bonus on all char-
acteristics for the next 5 minutes of
game time.
Potion of Sleep (Di culty 13): The
drinker of this potion falls into a deep
sleep for an hour of game time. Only
atacking the drinker will wake him.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: 6
Magic: 2
Strength: 4
Charisma: 3
Stealth: 4
Knowledge: 2
Starting Health: 14 + 1 dice
Starting Mana: 4
If the warrior is the undisputed mas-
ter of hand-to-hand combat, then
the archer is undoubtedly the king
of ranged ghting. Trained to use
all manner of missile weapons, from
bows and crossbows to spears and
throwing daggers, archers are dead-
eye marksmen who excel in ghting
from a distance.
Player character archers are often
found holding back from a ght,
picking out lone enemies to shoot at.
They are quite good at this but can
also hold their own in close quarters
Weapons & Armour: Archers may
use any weapons as long as they are
not two-handed. They may wear light
or medium armour, but may not use
Starting Equipment: Light armour,
bow, dagger, short sword, 10 arrows,
backpack, bedroll, clothing (average),
int and steel, quiver, 2 days worth
of rations, waterskin, 20 silver coins.
Special Rules: Archers inict +1 dam-
age when using a ranged weapon.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: 5
Magic: 1
Strength: 3
Charisma: 4
Stealth: 6
Knowledge: 2
Starting Health: 13 + 1 dice
Starting Mana: 2
Assassins are men and women that
are highly trained for one thing to
kill. Usually evil, an assassin is ca-
pable of sneaking up on someone
completely undetected and plunging
a knife into the base of their neck be-
fore they can even register something
is wrong. Some assassins, however,
are hired to take out evil doers before
they can cause great harm.
Player character assassins work for
the side of good in the ght against
evil. Though murder is a crime their
reasons are often just; they do it for
the greater good. In a group of adven-
turers they are able to quickly bring
down their enemies from either close
range or afar.
Weapons & Armour: Assassins can
use any weapons. They may wear
light armour, but cannot use shields.
Starting Equipment: Light armour,
3 daggers, short sword, backpack,
bedroll, clothing (average), int and
steel, 2 days worth of rations, water-
skin, 50 silver coins.
Special Rules: Assassins are trained
killers and now how to strike to cause
maximum damage. When rolling for
damage, an assassin may roll 2 dice
instead of 1 and may pick the highest
roll to use for calculating damage. For
an example, if an assassin rolled a 3
and a 5, he may use the 5 for damage.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: 5
Magic: 3
Strength: 6
Charisma: 2
Stealth: 4
Knowledge: 1
Starting Health: 19 + 1 dice
Starting Mana: 6
Barbarians are strong and powerful
men and women who live far from
civilized lands. They are often con-
sidered to be savages by normal
people, but the truth of the mater
is that they simply have developed
their own culture, one that depends
on living o the land rather than in
a town or city. They usually orga-
nize themselves into clans and tribes
based around a totem animal.
Player character barbarians are usu-
ally used in a ghting roll, often
standing at the front lines and facing
the most dangerous enemies. They
are also called upon when great
strength is required.
Weapons & Armour: Barbarians
may use any weapon, but may only
wear light armour. They may use
Starting Equipment: Light armour,
shield, batle axe, spear, sling, 10
sling stones, backpack, bedroll, cloth-
ing (average), int and steel, 2 days
worth of rations, waterskin, 40 silver
Special Rules: Barbarians are tough-
er than other character types, and
thus begin with more Health (this is
reected in the Starting Health score,
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: 5
Magic: 5
Strength: 4
Charisma: 2
Stealth: 1
Knowledge: 4
Starting Health: 14 + 1 dice
Starting Mana: 10
When a batlemage takes the eld of
batle it is indeed wise to be wary, for
these warrior-wizards combine exem-
plary ghting abilities with the dev-
astating arts of war magic. Wielding
both sword and spell, a batlemage
is a fearsome opponent, using both
forms of atack to great eect.
Player character batlemages are part
of the group for one reason only
to kill the groups enemies. Should
someone or something stand in the
groups way, a batlemage knows
how to handle it and that is with
brute force.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Weapons & Armour: Batlemag-
es may wield any weapon. They
may wear light armour and can use
Starting Equipment: Light armour,
dagger, sword, backpack, bedroll,
clothing (average), int and steel, 2
days worth of rations, waterskin, po-
tion of healing, 25 silver coins.
Special Rules: Batlemages can cast
spells from the list below. To do so
they must pass a Magic roll against
the listed Di culty of the spell. Ev-
ery time they atempt to cast a spell
they must spend 1 point of Mana,
whether the spell works or not.
Arcane Arrow (Di culty 12): This
spell summons an arrow of magical
energy that shoots at an opponent.
The caster must make a Fighting roll
against the targets Defence; if suc-
cessful, the spell does 1-6 damage
(roll 1 die).
Batle Armour (Di culty 13): Cast-
ing this spell encases the batlemage
in a eld of glowing blue that oers
great protection. The spell lasts for 5
minutes of game time, during which
time the caster gains a +4 bonus to his
or her Defence score.
Flaming Sword (Di culty 14): A
sword of re appears in the hands of
the batlemage. The spell lasts for one
combat. As long as the batlemage is
wielding the aming sword, he deals
2-12 damage (roll 2 dice).
Invisible Shield (Di culty 10): If
successful, this spell creates a disc
of force that the batlemage may use
as a shield, adding +1 to his or her
Defence. If the batlemage already
carries a shield, the Defence bonus
of it increases by an additional +1.
The spell lasts for 5 minutes of game
Vigour (Di culty 14): The caster im-
bues himself or one of his allies with
great energy. The target immediately
regains 1-6 Health (roll 1 dice), and
may add +1 to his Fighting and in-
crease the damage he inicts by +1
for one minute of game time.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: 6
Magic: 3
Strength: 6
Charisma: 1
Stealth: 2
Knowledge: 3
Starting Health: 16 + 1 dice
Starting Mana: 6
In many cultures it is traditional for
some warriors to work themselves
into a frenzy before a batle. These
men and women are often wild-
looking, with many scars to show
for their passion. They often paint
their faces with intimidating pat-
terns and designs, with bold striking
colours to cause fear in their oppo-
nents hearts.
Player character berserkers are dan-
gerous people in hand-to-hand com-
bat, able to deal out a lot of damage.
However, they are vulnerable, and
must pick and choose their ghts
Weapons & Armour: Bersekers may
wield any weapon. They may not
wear armour or use shields.
Starting Equipment: Two-handed
sword, backpack, bedroll, cloth-
ing (average), int and steel, 2 days
worth of trail rations, waterskin, 50
silver coins.
Special Rules: Bersekers are fero-
cious individuals. When ghting in
hand-to-hand combat, a berserker
adds +2 to any damage he deals, but
must also reduce his Defence score
by 2. A berserker may never escape
from hand-to-hand combat.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: 5
Magic: 2
Strength: 3
Charisma: 5
Stealth: 4
Knowledge: 2
Starting Health: 13 + 1 dice
Starting Mana: 4
Duellists sometimes also known as
swashbucklers are men and wom-
en who are daring, charming and
also quite dangerous. They love to
prove how superior they are to oth-
ers by the art of swordplay, challeng-
ing those who insult or wrong them
to a duel of blades. More often than
not, they will win these tests of skill,
though they will not consider it a win
unless they humiliate their opponent
in the process.
Player character duellists are quick
wited and fast talking. They are
skilled in combat, though are not the
front line ghters that warriors and
barbarians are. However, they can be
expected to ght and win.
Weapons & Armour: Duellists may
only use weapons which are not two-
handed. They may not wear armour,
but they may use shields.
Starting Equipment: Dagger, rapier,
shield, backpack, bedroll, clothing
(ne), deck of cards, int and steel,
2 days worth of trail rations, water-
skin, 50 silver coins.
Special Rules: A duellist may chal-
lenge a single humanoid opponent
each combat. As long as the duellist
is ghting that opponent by himself,
he gains a +1 bonus to both his Fight-
ing and Defence scores, as well as a
+1 bonus to any damage he deals. No
one else may join that combat at any
time. If they do, or if the duellist es-
capes from the combat, he loses this
ability for a week of game time.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: 3
Magic: 6
Strength: 4
Charisma: 2
Stealth: 2
Knowledge: 4
Starting Health: 14 + 1 dice
Starting Mana: 12
A druid is a man or woman who wor-
ships the forces of nature. They live
alone or in small groups deep within
the forests or high within the moun-
tains, where they meditate and prey
until they become one with the land
itself. Once achieved, they become
masters of all things natural: animals,
plants and the elements.
Player character druids are powerful
spellcasters equal in power to magi-
cians. However, a druids power is
not derived from pure sorcery and
the aects are more natural.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Weapons & Armour: Druids may
only use wooden weapons (bow,
club, sling, spear and sta) as well as
the sickle. They may wear light ar-
mour but may not use shields.
Starting Equipment: Sickle, sling,
sta, 10 sling stones, backpack, bed-
roll, clothing (average), int and
steel, 2 days worth of trail rations,
waterskin, potion of curing, 25 silver
Special Rules: Druids can cast spells
from the list below. To do so they
must pass a Magic roll against the
listed Di culty of the spell. Every
time they atempt to cast a spell they
must spend 1 point of Mana, whether
the spell works or not.
Animal Speech (Di culty 10): This
spell allows the druid to communi-
cate with any normal animal. He can
understand its language and the ani-
mal can understand the druid.
Concussive Blast (Di culty 11):
Choose a target. A blast of concus-
sive air pummels the target, causing
1-3 damage (roll 1 dice and divided
it by 2).
Immolation (Di culty 14): Choose
a target. That target suddenly bursts
into ames, causing 2-7 damage (roll
1 dice + 1).
Pacify (Di culty 13): The druid may
cast this spell on any animal that is
about to atack or is atacking the
group. That animal will no longer
atack. However, if the animal is at-
tacked the spell will be broken and
the animal may ght as normal.
Part Water (Di culty 12): This spell
allows the druid to create a path
through a body of water that allows
free passage without having to swim.
The druid can only maintain this spell
for two minutes of game time.
Tremor (Di culty 12): This spell
causes an earth tremor to shake the
ground. All creatures in the area im-
mediately fall over, except for the
caster. Player characters may make a
Stealth roll (Di culty 10) to remain
standing. Creatures that fall over
must make a move action to stand up
or suer a -1 penalty to their Fighting
and Defence scores.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: 1
Magic: 6
Strength: 1
Charisma: 4
Stealth: 5
Knowledge: 4
Starting Health: 11 + 1 dice
Starting Mana: 12
Tricky, cunning, devious and de-
ceitful all of these words perfectly
describe the illusionist. Masters of
deceptive magic, illusionists are of-
ten seen as lesser magicians who use
their arts to beguile others. However,
many put their skills to use to en-
tertain others, creating pictures and
sounds to delight and amuse.
Player character illusionists are usu-
ally employed to trick or blu their
way past encounters without hav-
ing to engage in combat. These skills
come in hand particularly when the
group is badly wounded and may
not survive another ght.
Weapons & Armour: Illusionists can
only use daggers or staves. They may
not wear any armour or use shields.
Starting Equipment: Dagger, sta,
backpack, bedroll, clothing (average),
int and steel, 2 days worth of trail
rations, waterskin, potion of luck, 10
silver coins.
Special Rules: Illusionists can cast
spells from the list below. To do so
they must pass a Magic roll against
the listed Di culty of the spell. Ev-
ery time they atempt to cast a spell
they must spend 1 point of Mana,
whether the spell works or not.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Grand Illusion (Di culty 15): This
spell works in a similar way to the il-
lusion spell below. Where it diers
is that touching the illusion does not
cause the spell to end. Instead, only
a Magic roll at Di culty 15 by some-
one atempting to discern if what
they are seeing is an illusion or not
can break the spell. This spell lasts
for 5 minutes of game time.
Illusion (Di culty 13): The illusion-
ist can use this spell to create things
that make onlookers believe what
they are seeing is actually real. The
illusion can be absolutely anything
at all: a huge dragon, a pot of gold, a
castle in the clouds or simply a wall
blocking some ones path. The illusion
has full sound eects and even gives
o an odour if need be. Of course,
these things are not actually there
and cannot cause any damage. The
spell can be broken by someone sim-
ply touching the illusion. The spell
lasts for 5 minutes of game time.
Invisibility (Di culty 12): This spell
will make the illusionist appear to
vanish into thin air. Only the keen-
est eye will spot the illusionist as the
spell bends light around him. The il-
lusionist can talk and act as normal
wile under the eects of the spell.
However, if he atempts to cast an-
other spell or atack the spell will be
broken. This spell lasts for 5 minutes
of game time. The caster gains a +4
bonus to their Defence score while
the spell lasts.
Phantasm (Di culty 11): With this
spell an illusionist can create an im-
age in the mind of one target creature
nearby. Like the illusion spell, the
image can be of anything the caster
wishes; however, it will only be able
to be seen by the target. The image
created is simply an image; no sound
is heard from the phantasm. The spell
can be broken by the target simply
touching the illusion. The spell lasts
for 5 minutes of game time.
Reveal Illusion (Di culty 10): By
casting this spell, the illusionist will
instantly sense anything near him
that is an illusion. That illusion will
then have no aect on him.
Transformation (Di culty 13): The
casting of this spell allows the il-
lusionist to appear as someone or
something else. Anyone viewing the
illusionist while the spell is in eect
will instead see the image the cast-
er has created. If the illusionist has
transformed into a specic person
in order to imitate them, then any-
one who sees the illusionist and is
familiar with that person may make
a Knowledge roll (Di culty 13). If
they succeed they realize that what
they are seeing is an illusion and the
spell is broken. Transformation lasts
for 5 minutes of game time.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: 6
Magic: 2
Strength: 4
Charisma: 5
Stealth: 1
Knowledge: 3
Starting Health: 14 + 1 dice
Starting Mana: 4
Looking splendid in their shining
armour and mounted upon mag-
nicent war horses, the knights of
the world are both a respected and
feared force. Ferocious in batle but
gentle with their words, knights are
both skilled and charming ghters
whose mission is to protect the weak
and frail and rid the world of evil.
Player character knights are often
the spokesperson for the adventur-
ing group as well as one of the front
line ghters. They must remain dis-
ciplined and true to their course
though, lest they become a liability.
Weapons & Armour: Knights may
use any weapons except ranged ones
(these are considered dishonourable).
They may wear any armour and use
Starting Equipment: Heavy armour,
shield, sword, dagger, backpack,
bedroll, clothing (average), int and
steel, 2 days worth of trail rations,
waterskin, 5 silver coins.
Special Rules: Knights gain a +1 bo-
nus to all dice rolls. However, a knight
must abide by a strict code of honour
in order to keep this ability; should
they break the code of honour, they
instead suer a -1 penalty to all dice
rolls for a week of game time.
In order to maintain their honour, a
knight may not ever willing do one
of the following acts:
Tell a lie
Flee from batle
Refuse to help those less
fortunate than themselves
Commit an evil act
Kill an opponent oering mercy
Insult a lady
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: 1
Magic: 6
Strength: 2
Charisma: 4
Stealth: 3
Knowledge: 5
Starting Health: 12 + 1 dice
Starting Mana: 12
Magicians are men and women who
dedicate their lives to the art of spell
casting. They spend long hours read-
ing dusty old tomes, hoping to un-
lock the secrets of the arcane. Few
succeed, but those who do gain the
ability to wield great power.
Player character magicians are valued
for their magical skills and knowl-
edge. Although not good in a ght,
magicians can still blast enemies from
a distance and their spells are useful
in a variety of situations.
Weapons & Armour: Magicians can
only use daggers or staves. They may
not wear any armour or use shields.
Starting Equipment: Dagger, sta,
backpack, bedroll, clothing (aver-
age), int and steel, 2 days worth of
trail rations, waterskin, potion of in-
visibility, potion of healing, 25 silver
Special Rules: Magicians can cast
spells from the list below. To do so
they must pass a Magic roll against
the listed Di culty of the spell. Ev-
ery time they atempt to cast a spell
they must spend 1 point of Mana,
whether the spell works or not.
Enhancement (Di culty 14): This
spell gives either the magician or an
ally a +2 bonus to one of their charac-
teristics for 1 minute of game time.
Fiery Blast (Di culty 13): Choose
a target. A bolt of ame shoots from
your palm and hits it in the chest,
causing 1-6 damage (roll 1 die).
Levitation (Di culty 12): This
spell allows the magician to move
one creature or object up and down
through the air for up to 1 minute of
game time.
Lightning Bolt (Di culty 16):
Choose a target. A bolt of lightning
shoots from your hand and hits the
target, causing 2-12 damage (roll 2
Mage Light (Di culty 10): This spell
can be cast on an inanimate object,
causing it to glow like a lantern for
up to 1 hour of game time.
Protective Aura (Di culty 11): A
eld of energy surrounds the ma-
gician, granting him or her a +2 bo-
nus to their Defence for 5 minutes of
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: 6
Magic: 1
Strength: 4
Charisma: 2
Stealth: 5
Knowledge: 3
Starting Health: 14 + 1 dice
Starting Mana: 2
A martial artist is a man or woman
who is a master of unarmed com-
bat. For these people ghting is like
a strange dance, with punches, kicks
and throws mixed in with blocks and
swift movement. They strive to per-
fect their art, in the process becom-
ing combat machines, and are almost
graceful to watch.
Player character martial artists are on
the front lines when combat starts,
using their hands and sts to ght
their enemies. They are as eective
as any other combat-oriented class
when the ghting starts.
Weapons & Armour: Martial artists
can use daggers and stas. They may
not wear armour or use shields.
Starting Equipment: Backpack, bed-
roll, clothing (average), int and steel,
2 days worth of trail rations, water-
skin, potion of resistance, potion of
invisibility, 15 silver coins.
Special Rules: As masters of un-
armed combat, a martial artist may
add their Strength scores to any dam-
age they deal while unarmed. There-
fore, a starting martial artist will do
+1 damage when unarmed (-3 for be-
ing unarmed, +4 for their Strength,
equals a total of +1).
In addition, a martial artist can use
defensive techniques instead of all
out atack. To do this, they must re-
duce their Fighting score to 1, but
may increase their Defence by +4.
They may only do this when ghting
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: 1
Magic: 6
Strength: 2
Charisma: 1
Stealth: 5
Knowledge: 6
Starting Health: 12 + 1 dice
Starting Mana: 12
Dark, mysterious and often evil; this
description perfectly ts the necro-
mancer. These men and women are
spell casters whose magic is per-
formed on the dead; usually it is as-
sociated with summoning zombies,
ghosts and skeletal warriors. How-
ever, not all necromancers are evil.
Some use their magic for good, in or-
der to banish and protect against the
Player character necromancers are
not evil and do indeed use their mag-
ic for the greater good. However,
they carry a stigma with them that,
should other people nd out, could
lead to the necromancer and the ad-
venturing group into trouble with
the authorities.
Weapons & Armour: Necromancers can
only use daggers or staves. They may
not wear any armour or use shields.
Starting Equipment: Dagger, sta,
backpack, bedroll, clothing (average),
int and steel, 2 days worth of trail
rations, waterskin, potion of sleep, 35
silver coins.
Special Rules: Necromancers can
cast spells from the list below. To do
so they must pass a Magic roll against
the listed Di culty of the spell. Every
time they atempt to cast a spell they
must spend 1 point of Mana, whether
the spell works or not.
Banish the Dead (Di culty 14): This
spell can be cast upon any undead
creature. It inicts 2-12 damage (roll
2 dice).
Bone Spear (Di culty 13): The cast-
er creates a spear of gleaming white
bone that he throws at a target. The
victim takes 1-6 damage (roll 1 dice).
Drain Life (Di culty 12): A black
ray shoots out from the casters hand
and hits another creature between the
eyes. That creature loses 1-3 Health
(roll 1 die and divide by 2) and the
caster regains 1-3 Health.
Raise the Dead (Di culty special):
This spell can only be cast on a dead
creature. That creature is turned into
one of the undead, of a type of the
necromancers choosing. The Di -
culty of the spell depends on what
type of creature is being created:
Skeleton (Di culty 12), Wraith (Dif-
culty 15) or Zombie (Di culty 12).
Resurrection (Di culty 18): By cast-
ing this spell, the necromancer is able
to restore to life a recently deceased
creature. The creature (or person, for
that mater) must have been dead less
than 24 hours for this spell to work.
The creature is restored to life, with 1
Health point.
Vile Curse (Di culty 13): The caster
may choose one enemy. That creature
suers a -1 penalty to all dice rolls for
the next 1 minute of game time.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: 1
Magic: 5
Strength: 3
Charisma: 6
Stealth: 2
Knowledge: 4
Starting Health: 13 + 1 dice
Starting Mana: 10
Priests are religious men and women
who devote their lives to following
the teachings of their god or god-
dess. As individuals they are trusted
and respected by the general popu-
lace, but with this comes the respon-
sibility of helping wherever they can.
Most priests are atached to a church
is some way, but often get sent away
on pilgrimages and other missions.
Player character priests are valued
members of the group due to their
helpful magic. They are also often
used as the party spokesperson due
to their high Charisma.
Weapons & Armour: Priests may
only use blunt weapons. They may
wear light armour only, and may not
use shields.
Starting Equipment: Mace, back-
pack, bedroll, clothing (average), int
and steel, holy symbol, holy water, 2
days worth of trail rations, waterskin,
25 silver coins.
Special Rules: A priest may pray to
his or her god for assistance when
making a characteristic roll. This costs
1 Mana and the priest then makes a
Charisma roll using the Di culty of
the action he is atempting to inu-
ence. If the roll is passed, the priest
gains a +2 bonus on the characteristic
Priests can also cast spells. To do so
they must pass a Magic roll against
the listed Di culty of the spell. Ev-
ery time they atempt to cast a spell
they must spend 1 point of Mana,
whether the spell works or not.
Banish the Dead (Di culty 14): This
spell can be cast upon any undead
creature. It inicts 2-12 damage (roll
2 dice).
Blessing of the Gods (Di culty 12):
This spell gives the priest or one of
his or her allies a +1 bonus to one of
the characteristics for 1 minute of
game time.
Divine Guidance (Di culty 13): The
priest gains a +1 bonus to all dice rolls
for the next 1 minute of game time.
Healing Hands (Di culty 11): The
target of this spell regains 1-6 Health
(roll 1 die).
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: 5
Magic: 2
Strength: 4
Charisma: 1
Stealth: 6
Knowledge: 3
Starting Health: 13 + 1 dice
Starting Mana: 4
The life of a ranger is often a lonely
one. Living in the wild amongst the
animals and plants, they often go
without human contact for months
or years on end. This usually leads
to them being and feeling awkward
amongst other people, especially in
urban environments. However, once
in the forests and woodlands they
call home, they are much more com-
fortable and it is there that their skills
really shine through.
Player character rangers are often
unsociable fellows who care litle for
their fellow man. In a group of ad-
venturers they often talk litle and
can seem a litle stando sh, but once
they are out in the wild their skills
take over and they become extremely
valuable to the group.
Weapons & Armour: Rangers may
use any weapons. They may wear
light armour, though they may not
use shields.
Starting Equipment: Light armour,
bow, dagger, spear, 10 arrows, back-
pack, bedroll, clothing (average), int
and steel, quiver, 2 days worth of trail
rations, waterskin, 10 silver coins.
Special Rules: Rangers live their lives
amongst the animals of the woods,
often trapping and hunting them for
food. A ranger therefore gains a +1
bonus to their Fighting score against
animals. In addition, a ranger may
make a Stealth check (Di culty 12)
when in areas of wilderness (such
as forests or mountains) to hunt for
food. If successful, they nd enough
food to feed 1-6 people (roll 1 dice).
This ability cannot be used in areas
of desert or wasteland.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: 2
Magic: 5
Strength: 3
Charisma: 4
Stealth: 1
Knowledge: 6
Starting Health: 13 + 1 dice
Starting Mana: 10
The sage is a scholarly character who
seeks knowledge in all its forms. Ded-
icated to their studies, a sage often
spends long, lonely hours in dusty
libraries reading obscure tomes and
scrolls from ages past. Sometimes
they will devote themselves to one
particular eld of study, but more of-
ten than not they will gather informa-
tion on whatever takes their fancy at
the time.
Player character sages are used by the
adventuring group for their intelli-
gence. When something unknown to
the rest of the group appears, the sage
can often provide valuable informa-
tion. In addition, their versatile choice
of spells allows them to play whatever
role is needed for the group.
Weapons & Armour: Sages can use
any weapons and armour. However,
if they use a weapon other than a dag-
ger or sta they suer a -1 penalty to
their Fighting score. If they wear me-
dium or heavy armour they also suer
a -1 penalty to their Fighting score.
Starting Equipment: Dagger, sta,
backpack, bedroll, clothing (average),
int and steel, 2 days worth of trail ra-
tions, waterskin, potion of skill.
Special Rules: Sages may choose any
two spells available to any character
type. They may cast these spells as
normal. To do so they must pass a
Magic roll against the listed Di culty
of the spell. Every time they atempt
to cast a spell they must spend 1 point
of Mana, whether the spell works or
Sages often train extensively in one
area of expertise. A starting sage char-
acter may therefore increase one of his
or her characteristic scores by 1 point
before the game begins.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: 6
Magic: 3
Strength: 5
Charisma: 4
Stealth: 1
Knowledge: 2
Starting Health: 15 + 1 dice
Starting Mana: 6
A templar is a holy knight, a warrior
in service to a specic deity. They
usually serve in the temples and
churches of their patron god or god-
dess, where they train and study to
become a protector of the faith. Al-
though normally assigned to guard
places held sacred by their deity,
they are also often used to protect
pilgrims and travellers on the dan-
gerous highways of the world.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Player character templars are, rst
and foremost, ghters. They can and
should be one of the rst to wade into
combat. However, the small amount
of divine magic they gain also allows
them some exibility in their role in
the adventuring group.
Weapons & Armour: Templars
can use all weapons, armour and
Starting Equipment: Medium ar-
mour, war hammer, backpack, bed-
roll, clothing (average), int and steel,
holy symbol, 2 days worth of trail ra-
tions, waterskin, 10 silver coins.
Special Rules: Templars can cast
spells. To do so they must pass a Mag-
ic roll against the listed Di culty of
the spell. Every time they atempt to
cast a spell they must spend 1 point
of Mana, whether the spell works or
not. A templar only knows one spell,
which must be chosen from the Priest
Divine Shield (Di culty 10): The
target of this spell may add +1 to their
Defence for ve minutes of game
Healing Hands (Di culty 11): The
target of this spell regains 1-6 Health
(roll 1 dice).
Holy Blade (Di culty 13): This spell
causes the templars weapon to be-
come imbued with divine power.
While using this weapon, the templar
adds +1 to his Fighting and damage
for one minute of game time.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: 3
Magic: 4
Strength: 1
Charisma: 5
Stealth: 6
Knowledge: 2
Starting Health: 11 + 1 dice
Starting Mana: 8
Thieves are sly, sneaky and deceitful
people, who use their unique skills
and talents to steal whatever it is they
want. Usually found in large cities,
professional thieves
sometimes belong to
a guild that regulates
an individual thiefs
jobs, but also splits the
spoils evenly amongst
its members. However,
some thieves go solo,
preferring to do their
own thing and play by
their own rules.
Player character
thieves are those who
have given up a life of
crime to go adventur-
ing instead, something
that their unique skills
are well suited for.
As long as they dont
cross the group or try
stealing from them, thieves can be in-
valuable as an adventurer.
Weapons & Armour: A thief can use
any weapon, as long as it is not two-
handed. They may wear light armour
only. They may not use a shield.
Starting Equipment: Light armour,
dagger, short sword, backpack, bed-
roll, clothing (average), int and steel,
grappling hook, 2 days worth of trail
rations, rope, thieves tools, potion of
skill, waterskin, 20 silver coins.
Special Rules: Thieves start with
more money than other characters;
this is reected in their starting equip-
ment. They also start with a free set
of thieves tools.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: 2
Magic: 2
Strength: 2
Charisma: 6
Stealth: 4
Knowledge: 5
Starting Health: 12 + 1 dice
Starting Mana: 4
A troubadour is a wandering min-
strel or bard, a traveller who journeys
from place to place telling stories
and singing songs. They are great
students of history, studying the
ancient tales for more stories to tell.
Being well travelled they also know
much about the land and its people.
Player character troubadours are
valuable not for their ghting prow-
ess or magical abilities but for their
knowledge and charm. They are,
along with sages, one of the most in-
telligent character types and are of-
ten the spokesperson for the group.
Weapons & Armour: Troubadours
may use daggers, staves, clubs and
short swords, as well as slings. They
may only wear light armour and
may not use shields.
Starting Equipment: Dagger, short
sword, backpack, bedroll, clothing
(ne), int and steel, mirror, musical
instrument, 2 days worth of trail ra-
tions, waterskin, 60 silver coins.
Special Rules: Troubadours have a
great knowledge of history and geog-
raphy due to their studies and travel.
Whenever a troubadour must make
a Knowledge roll on something to do
with either of these two subjects, he
may add +2 to the roll.
Due to their charming nature and
quick wit, a troubadour may also add
+2 to any Charisma roll they make
when atempting to bribe someone.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: 6
Magic: 2
Strength: 5
Charisma: 1
Stealth: 4
Knowledge: 3
Starting Health: 15 + 1 dice
Starting Mana: 4
Warriors are born to ght. Whether
it is with sword and shield, axe or
mace, spear or sta, a warrior is an
expert in the art of hand-to-hand
combat. They can be found in every
culture, in every race, and in every
part of the world. They know how
to use the weapons they wield to full
eect and often nd themselves put-
ting those skills to good use.
Player character warriors are front-
line ghters, usually one of the rst
to tackle any monsters the adventur-
ing group encounters. If anyone is
going to take the monsters down it
will be the warriors!
Weapons & Armour: Warriors can
use any type of weapon, wear any
type of armour and use shields.
Starting Equipment: Medium ar-
mour, shield, dagger, sword, spear,
backpack, bedroll, clothing (average),
int and steel, 2 days worth of trail
rations, waterskin, 10 silver coins.
Special Rules: When ghting in
hand-to-hand combat, a warrior may
increase any damage they deal by +1
due to their training with weapons.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Up until now, it has simply been
assumed that the default race for
your character is human. Individual
Gamesmasters have had to come up
with rules for those people wanting
to have elf, dwarf or other types of
characters. This chapter provides of-
cial rules for people wanting to play
something more exotic than a mere
Players may now choose one of the
races below for their characters. It
should be noted that your Games-
master may not allow certain races
into his or her game; for instance,
those running a purely good game
may not want orcs running around
as characters. Make sure you check
with your Gamesmaster which races
are allowed.
Simply pick one of the races listed in
the following pages, then note down
any special rules or characteristic
modications you must make to your
Each of the dierent character races
are presented in the same way. A brief
description of the layout follows:
Characteristics: This section lists any
modications that must be made
to the characters Fighting, Magic,
Strength, Charisma, Stealth and
Knowledge scores.
Description: Includes background
information of the race, as well as the
character types they are most suited
Special Rules: Every character race
has at least one special rule, and these
are listed in this section.
with your Gamesmaster which races
are allowed.
Simply pick one of the races listed in
the following pages, then note down
any special rules or characteristic
modications you must make to your
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: +1
Magic: -1
Strength: +1
Charisma: -2
Stealth: +0
Knowledge: +0
Bred from the magical joining of man
and animal,
beastmen are
wild creatures
not often accept-
ed by society. Al-
though they can look
like almost any type
of animal, a beastman
walks upright like a
human and can speak
and think like one,
too. They do not of-
ten become adven-
turers, but those
that do are erce
and savage with
their enemies.
Player character
beastmen are suited
more to the ghting class-
es than the magical ones. They are
often quite brutal and make excel-
lent barbarians, berserkers, rangers
and warriors.
Special Rules: When you create your
beastman character choose an animal
type (such as wolf, cat or lizard). Not
only will your beastman look like
that animal, but can also speak with
them. In addition, beastmen may cast
the animal speech druid spell.
n look
y type
like a
ing class-
cal ones. They are
al and make excel-
berserkers, rangers
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: +1
Magic: +0
Strength: +1
Charisma: +0
Stealth: -2
Knowledge: -1
A centaur is a creature that is half
human and half horse. Their upper
torso, head and arms are human in
form, but from the waist down they
possess the body and legs of a horse.
Rarely do they become adventurers,
as their larger bodies are not suited
for journeying underground, where
they nd the narrow spaces very
Player character beastmen are suited
more to the ghting classes. They of-
ten become archers, barbarians, rang-
ers and warriors.
Special Rules: Centaurs can speak
with horses. In addition they are very
fast, and can move at twice the speed
of a normal character.
Knowledge: -1
A centaur is a creature that is half
human and half horse. Their upper
torso, head and arms are human in
form, but from the waist down they
possess the body and legs of a horse.
Rarely do they become adventurers,
as their larger bodies are not suited
for journeying underground, where
they nd the narrow spaces very
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: +1
Magic: -1
Strength: +2
Charisma: -2
Stealth: -1
Knowledge: -1
Ages ago, some powerful but
mad wizard had the idea to
create a hybrid dragon and hu-
man. The result, which prompt-
ly killed the mad wizard, was
the dragonman. Tall, strong,
and powerful, dragonmen are
a force to be reckoned with.
They are rare beings and pre-
fer to keep to themselves, but
some will occasionally devel-
op the same lust for treasure
that their draconic ancestors
possess and set out on a life of
Player character
dragonmen are al-
most always some
kind of ghter. Usu-
ally this means bar-
barian, berserker, or
Special Rules: Dragonmen have a
thick, scaly hide that provides them
with a +2 bonus to their Defence
me powerful but
had the idea to
d dragon and hu-
t, which prompt-
mad wizard, was
an. Tall, strong,
dragonmen are
reckoned with.
eings and pre-
hemselves, but
sionally devel-
ust for treasure
conic ancestors
t out on a life of
re al-
. Usu-
s bar-
rker, or
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: +0
Magic: -1
Strength: +1
Charisma: +0
Stealth: -1
Knowledge: +0
Alongside humans and
elves, dwarfs are common-
ly seen wandering the lands
as adventurers. Due to their
natural ability to see in the
dark, something that comes
from years of living deep
underground, they are
natural dungeoneers. They
also have a love for gold
and treasure; all in all, they
seem born to be adventur-
Player character dwarfs
vary in their character type.
Magic using dwarfs are un-
common though not un-
known, as are any character
types that rely on agility and
dexterity, such as thieves.
Special Rules: Dwarf characters can
see in the dark without need for a
lantern or torch. They may also add
+1 to their Fighting scores when bat-
tling against goblins.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: -1
Magic: +1
Strength: -2
Charisma: +0
Stealth: +1
Knowledge: +0
Tall, graceful and angelic, elves
are common adventurers. Nat-
ural magic users, they are often
employed for their arcane
abilities. Should the ad-
venture take
place in a
forest so
much the
beter, as
elves are almost
unparralled in
woodland areas.
Player character elves gravitate
towards the magical classes, such
as magician, illusionist and dru-
id. They also sometimes become
rangers and thieves.
Special Rules: Natural magic
users, elves begin play with 3
extra points of starting Mana.
e: +0
ul and angelic, elves
on adventurers. Nat-
users, they are often
for their arcane
Should the ad-
d in
aracter elves gravitate
he magical classes, such
n, illusionist and dru-
lso sometimes become
d thieves.
ules: Natural magic
es begin play with 3
ts of starting Mana.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: -1
Magic: +0
Strength: -1
Charisma: +1
Stealth: -1
Knowledge: +1
Looking much like a
shorter, less stocky dwarf,
gnomes are diminutive
people who love nothing
more than peace, quiet and
a good story. Rarely do
they become adventurers,
though some suer from a
disease they call wander-
lust. A gnome who catch-
es this ailment leaves his
cosy home and sets o on
a life of adventure.
Player character gnomes
who become adventurers
often take up the role of
sages or troubadours, roles
they ll quite naturally.
Druids and rangers are
also good gnomish types.
Special Rules: A gnome can speak
to animals and understand what
they are saying. They may also rec-
ognize any plants or herbs they come
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: -1
Magic: +0
Strength: -1
Charisma: -1
Stealth: +2
Knowledge: -1
Goblins are devious, evil
creatures who delight in
sneaking about and steal-
ing from others. They hate
dwarfs with a passion, and
usually try to murder them
whenever possible. How-
ever, sometimes a goblin
will renounce its evil ways
and become an adventurer,
often going up against its
own kind in search of gold
and other treasures.
Player character goblins
are very rare. They usually
become thieves or assas-
sins, roles they are natu-
rally suited for.
Special Rules: Goblins are
sneaky individuals and
gain a +2 bonus to any dice
rolls made when they are
sneaking or hiding.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: +1
Magic: +0
Strength: +0
Charisma: -2
Stealth: +1
Knowledge: -1
Bigger versions of their
cousins, the gob-
lins, hobgoblins stand
around two metres tall.
Like their smaller kin,
they are sneaky and
devious but, in addi-
tion, they are clever
strategists and well-
trained ghters. They
are mean and aggressive, and al-
most all of them are thoroughly
evil; it is very rare for a hobgoblin to
take up the adventuring life.
Player character hobgoblins who do
become adventurers usually become
archers or ghters, though a few also
become assassins or thieves.
Special Rules: Hobgoblins are
trained ghters. They may add +1
to any damage they deal in hand-to-
hand combat.
s of their
ns stand
etres tall.
ller kin,
ky and
s. They
aggressive, and al-
em are thoroughly
are for a hobgoblin to
enturing life.
r hobgoblins who do
urers usually become
ers, though a few also
ns or thieves.
s: Hobgoblins are
s. They may add +1
they deal in hand-to-
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Fighting: +2
Magic: +0
Strength: +1
Charisma: -2
Stealth: -1
Knowledge: -2
An orc, although similar in appear-
ance to a hobgoblin, is vastly dierent
in atitude. They are brutish thugs,
with no subtlety at all. An orc has one
thought and one thought only: ght!
They live to ght, either against com-
mon enemies or if no beter target
presents itself, they will simply bash
each others brains in.
Player character orcs are uncommon
though not completely unknown.
They usually become warriors, bar-
barians or berserkers.
Special Rules: Orcs are tough indi-
viduals and may add +1 to their De-
fence and +1 to their starting Health
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Be warned! This section denitely
takes the Quick out of Quick Easy
Role Play!
The following rules allow you to cre-
ate characters exactly as you want
them to be. It allows much more
exibility and customization in your
characteristic scores and special abil-
ities. However, as the above warning
should tell you, it takes much longer
create a character using this system.
When creating a character using this
system, use the following steps in or-
1. Determine Characteristic Scores
Firstly you must determine what
your Fighting, Magic, Strength, Cha-
risma, Stealth and Knowledge scores
are. There are three dierent ways to
do this, as described below. You may
choose one of the methods.
2. Choose Race
Next, choose one of the races from
the previous section of the rules. In
addition you may choose to be hu-
man, which oers no special racial
3. Choose Special Skills
You may choose a special skill for
your character to learn. More skills
can be chosen once your character
has earned some experience points.
4. Purchase Equipment
Determine how much money you
have, and then purchase gear for
your character. The nal section
of the book contains an expanded
equipment section.
5. Go Adventuring!
Your character is complete, so its
time to go adventuring!
1. D E T E R M I N E
Figuring out exactly what your char-
acteristic scores are is the rst thing
you must do when creating an ad-
vanced character. There are three
ways to do this. You and the other
players may use any of the methods
described below, even if you dont all
use the same.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Using this method, you have 21 points
to split between all of your character-
istics. You can split these points how-
ever you wish; for instance, you might
decide to put 6 points into Fighting,
6 into Knowledge, 3 into Magic and
split the remaining 6 points between
Strength, Charisma and Stealth. It is
entirely up to you. The only restric-
tions using this method are that no
characteristic can be more than 6,
and each characteristic must have at
least 1 point.
This method oers the greatest ex-
ibility of all, and you can precisely
create the type of character you want
to play.
The standard scores method gives
you scores of 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1. You
may assign each of these scores to one
of your characteristics. For instance,
you may decide to put 6 into Stealth,
5 into Strength, 4 into Charisma, and
so on.
This method is quicker than the rst
one but still oers quite a lot of ex-
This method uses the roll of a dice
to determine what your characteris-
tic scores are. Starting with Fighting,
roll a dice. Write down the roll next
to your Fighting characteristic. This
will be your Fighting score. Now do
the same for Magic, Strength, Charis-
ma, Stealth and Knowledge. What-
ever the dice roll is, that is your score
for that characteristic.
This method is capable of generat-
ing quite powerful characters, but it
is also capable of producing weaker
ones too. As such, it is a risky meth-
od, but one that can be rewarding.
EXAMPLE: Bob has decided to cre-
ate a new character. He wants to play
as a swashbuckling type of guy, and
he chooses to use the Assign Scores
method of generating his characteris-
tic scores. He puts 5 points into both
Fighting and Charisma, which leaves
11 to put in to others. Next he decides
4 points in both Strength and Stealth
is appropriate. He has now spent 18
points, so has 3 remaining. He puts
2 into Knowledge and 1 into Magic.
His nal scores are: Fighting 5, Mag-
ic 1, Strength 4, Charisma 5, Stealth
still oers quite a lot of ex-
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
The next step is to choose whether to
play as a human character or as a non-
human race. If you choose human,
there is no special modications that
need to be made to your character at
this stage. If you choose non-human,
pick one of the races presented in the
previous chapter and apply all char-
acteristic modications and special
rules to your character.
It is worth noting at this point that if
your chosen race would reduce one
of your characteristic scores below 0,
then you may not choose that race.
Either pick another race, or go back
to step 1 and redo your characteristic
Bob now choose which race he wants
to play as. He likes the idea of a
dwarf, so he looks up the dwarf race
in the previous chapter. He applies
all of the modiers to his characteris-
tic scores, which means his scores are
now Fighting 5, Magic 0, Strength 5,
Charisma 5, Stealth 3 and Knowledge
2. He also notes down that he can see
in the dark and gets the bonus to his
Fighting score against goblins.
Once your characteristics and race
are chosen, it is time to move on to
the heart of the advanced character
creation system: special skills. These
special skills simulate the special
rules found in the normal character
section of the rules, such as the war-
riors ability to inict +1 damage in
hand-to-hand combat.
When creating a character you may
choose four special skills. As your
character completes adventures you
may learn new special skills, which
may also be chosen from the list be-
low. To learn a new special skill, you
must spend 1 experience point.
All characters begin with Weapon
Training with the dagger, club and
sta. This is a free skill and does not
count towards the four that you may
Advanced Knowledge
Your character has studied in an area
of expertise. When you choose this
skill, choose an area you would like
your character to have extra knowl-
edge in. This could be anything, such
as history, geography, languages,
etc. The area you choose has no lim-
its, but must rst be approved by
the Gamesmaster. If your character
ever needs to make a Knowledge roll
for something covered by your Ad-
vanced Knowledge, you may add +2
to the roll.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Your character has studied the mysti-
cal art of potion-making. When you
pick this skill, choose two of the po-
tions listed below. You may now cre-
ate those potions. To do this you must
make a Knowledge roll against the
listed Di culty of the potion. Each
time you atempt to create a potion
you must reduce their Mana score
by 1. You must also pay 10-60 silver
coins for each potion you atempt to
create (roll 1 dice and multiply the
result by 10). This covers the cost of
ingredients. Creating a potion takes
an hour of game time.
Potion of Cure All (Di culty
15): The drinker of this potion
regains all lost Health.
Potion of Curing (Di culty
13): The drinker of this potion
regains 2-12 Health (roll 2 dice).
Potion of Dragons Breath (Dif-
culty 16): The drinker of this
potion may breath re in the
same was a dragon (or re drag-
on if using the QUERP Bestiary).
This lasts for 1 minute of game
Potion of Enhancement (Di -
culty 14): Choose a characteris-
tic, such as Fighting. The drinker
of this potion gains a +2 bonus to
that characteristic for the next 5
minutes of game time.
Potion of Healing (Di culty
11): The drinker of this potion
regains 1-6 Health (roll 1 dice).
Potion of Invisibility (Di cul-
ty 12): The drinker of this potion
turns invisible for 5 minutes of
game time.
Potion of Luck (Di culty 14):
The drinker gets a +2 bonus on
the dice roll for the next charac-
teristic roll he makes.
Potion of Poison (Di culty 16):
The drinker of this potion loses
2-12 Health (roll 2 dice).
Potion of Resistance (Di culty
13): The drinker of this potion
takes 1 less damage from any
source for the next 5 minutes of
game time.
Potion of Skill (Di culty 15):
The drinker gets a +1 bonus on
all characteristics for the next 5
minutes of game time.
Potion of Sleep (Di culty 13):
The drinker of this potion falls
into a deep sleep for an hour of
game time. Only atacking the
drinker will wake him.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Animal Handling
You have been trained how to handle
and train animals, even wild ones.
If confronted with a hostile animal,
you may make a special Charisma
roll at Di culty 13. If you succeed,
you pacify the animal so that it will
not atack you.
You have been trained with ranged
weapons to a high level. If you have
this skill you may add +1 to any dam-
age you inict with ranged weap-
Armour Training
This skill allows you to wear any
type of armour. Without this skill,
you may not wear armour at all.
Battle Rage
In the heat of combat you y into
a berserk frenzy. When ghting in
hand-to-hand combat, a character
with this skill adds +2 to any dam-
age he deals, but must also reduce
his Defence score by 2. A character
with this skill may never escape from
hand-to-hand combat.
You know just how to bribe certain
individuals to get what you want.
You may add +2 to any Charisma roll
you make when atempting to bribe
You know how to conceal yourself
from the watchful eyes of others. If
you have this skill you may add +2 to
your Stealth rolls when hiding.
You are adept at climbing even the
sheerest of surfaces. You may add +2
to all dice rolls when climbing.
Code of Honour
Characters with this skill gain a +1
bonus to all dice rolls. However, they
must abide by a strict code of honour
in order to keep this ability; should
they break the code of honour, they
instead suer a -1 penalty to all dice
rolls for a week of game time.
In order to maintain their honour,
a character may not ever willing do
one of the following acts:
Tell a lie
Flee from batle
Refuse to help those less fortu-
nate than themselves
Commit an evil act
Kill an opponent oering mercy
Insult a lady
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Critical Strike
You have an intimate knowledge of
anatomy and know just where to
strike an opponent to cause the most
damage. When rolling for damage, a
character with this skill may roll 2 dice
instead of 1 and may pick the high-
est roll to use for calculating damage.
For an example, if you rolled a 3 and
a 5, you may use the 5 for damage.
Damaging Blow
When you hit with your weapon,
you hit hard. In hand-to-hand com-
bat you may add +1 to any damage
you deal.
Dark Sight
Having spent a great deal of time un-
derground, you have developed the
ability to see with no light. You do
not suer any penalties for ghting
in the dark and can see as you nor-
mally would.
In combat, instead of hurting your
opponent you are able to knock his
weapon out of his hand. You must
choose to use this skill before atack-
ing. If your atack is successful, you
do no damage to your opponent, but
instead disarm him. That opponent
must now ght unarmed.
The art of disguise involves changing
your appearance to make yourself
look like someone or something
else. This skill gives you a +2 bonus
to any dice rolls required when you
are disguised.
You are agile and nimble and able
to avoid blows with ease. As long as
you are not wearing armour or using
a shield, you may add +2 to your De-
Knowledge of etiquete and proper
courtly manners is a huge advantage
when dealing with kings and rul-
ers. If you have this skill and need to
make a Charisma roll when dealing
with the nobility, you may add +2 to
the roll.
You know how to look for food in the
wild, and can identify edible plants.
A character with this skill may make
a Stealth check (Di culty 12) when
in areas of wilderness (such as for-
ests or mountains) to hunt for food.
If successful, they nd enough food
to feed 1-6 people (roll 1 dice). This
ability cannot be used in areas of des-
ert or wasteland.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
You know how to haggle with mer-
chants in order to score a bargain.
When you are buying something,
you may make a Charisma roll at
Di culty 13. If successful, You may
reduce the cost of the item buy 25%.
However, if you are unsuccessful, the
price of the item goes up by 10%.
Characters with this skill have stud-
ied the medical arts and know how
to treat wounds. With a successful
Knowledge roll (Di culty 10) you
may heal one person per day, restor-
ing 1-3 Health (roll 1 dice and halve
the result).
You are a master hunter, having
tracked and trapped animals in the
woods of the world. You gain +1 to
your Fighting score against animals.
You have a spring in your step that
allows you to jump further than oth-
ers. You may add +2 to any dice rolls
made when jumping.
Lock Picking
The ne art of picking locks comes
naturally to you. You may add +2 to
any Stealth rolls made when atempt-
ing to pick a lock.
Martial Arts
Having studied combat in the far east,
you are now a master of unarmed
ghting. A character with this skill
may add their Strength scores to any
damage they deal while unarmed. In
addition, you can use defensive tech-
niques instead of all out atack. To
do this, you must reduce your Fight-
ing score to 1, but may increase your
Defence by +4. You may only do this
when ghting unarmed.
You have exceptional hearing and
vision. Whenever you are searching
or listening for something, you may
add +2 to your Stealth rolls.
A character with this skill may pray
to his or her god for assistance when
making a characteristic roll. This
costs 1 Mana and the character then
makes a Charisma roll using the Dif-
culty of the action he is atempting
to inuence. If the roll is passed, the
character gains a +2 bonus on the
characteristic roll.
Although most characters can ride a
horse, this skill means your character
is highly trained in doing that activ-
ity. You may add +1 to any dice rolls
you make while on horseback.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Shield Training
By picking this skill you may mow
use shields. Without it, you may not
use them at all.
Sixth Sense
Your awareness and danger instincts
are second to none. You know when
danger is around you. If you have
this skill you may add +1 to your De-
fence score and +2 to your initiative
Your character knows how to move
without making a sound. If you have
this skill, you may add +2 to any
Stealth rolls you make when sneak-
This skill allows you to cast spells.
See the section on Sorcery, below, for
more details.
Not everyone can swim; this skill en-
sures that your character can do so.
You may add +2 to any dice rolls you
make for swimming.
Your character has an advanced
knowledge of batle tactics and is able
to advise others on the best course of
action and strategy. When a combat
begins, you may make a Knowledge
roll at Di culty 13. If successful, all
friendly participants in the batle gain
a +1 bonus to their Fighting scores.
You are very hardy and resilient, able
to withstand blows others would
crumble under. Whenever you lose
any Health, you may reduce the
amount you lose by 1, down to a
minimum of 1.
You know how to follow footprints
and trails. If you are in the wilder-
ness and are atempting to follow
tracks you may add +2 to any Stealth
rolls you must make.
You are richer than most other char-
acters, having come from an a u-
ent background. This skill may only
be selected when rst creating your
character. You start with double
the amount of money you normally
Weapon Mastery
Choose one of the weapons you have
Weapon Training in. When you use
this weapon, you may add +1 to your
Fighting score.
Weapon Training
When you choose this skill, choose
three dierent weapons. You may
use those weapons. Without this
skill, you may not use any weapons
that you have not chosen.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
49 49
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
The Sorcery skill allows your char-
acter to cast spells. Every time you
choose the Sorcery skill, you may
choose two spells from the list below.
Your character can now cast these
spells during the game.
To cast a spell you must pass a Mag-
ic roll against the listed Di culty of
the spell. Every time you atempt to
cast a spell they must spend 1 point
of Mana, whether the spell works or
Animal Speech (Di culty 10): This
spell allows the caster to communi-
cate with any normal animal. He can
understand its language and the ani-
mal can understand the caster.
Arcane Arrow (Di culty 12): This
spell summons an arrow of magical
energy that shoots at an opponent.
The caster must make a Fighting roll
against the targets Defence; if suc-
cessful, the spell does 1-6 damage
(roll 1 die).
Banish the Dead (Di culty 14): This
spell can be cast upon any undead
creature. It inicts 2-12 damage (roll
2 dice).
Batle Armour (Di culty 13): Cast-
ing this spell encases the caster in a
eld of glowing blue that oers great
protection. The spell lasts for 5 min-
utes of game time, during which time
the caster gains a +4 bonus to his or
her Defence score.
Beguile (Di culty 13): When this
spell is cast upon another human-
oid creature the target becomes the
casters best friend. The target will do
whatever the caster asks, as long as it
doesnt include harming itself in any
way. If the caster asks the target to do
something it otherwise wouldnt, the
target may make a Charisma check
(Di culty 13) to resist. The spell lasts
for one question.
Blessing of the Gods (Di culty 12):
This spell gives the caster or one of
his or her allies a +1 bonus to one of
the characteristics for 1 minute of
game time.
Bone Spear (Di culty 13): The cast-
er creates a spear of gleaming white
bone that he throws at a target. The
victim takes 1-6 damage (roll 1 dice).
Concussive Blast (Di culty 11):
Choose a target. A blast of concus-
sive air pummels the target, causing
1-3 damage (roll 1 dice and divided
it by 2).
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Counterspell (Di culty 14): This
spell is unique, as the caster may
only cast it when an enemy spell cast-
ers casts a spell. This is done outside
of the normal turn sequence. If the
counterspell is successful, the enemy
spell is cancelled and has no eect.
Create Golem (Di culty 16): This
spell gives life to statue, creating a
golem that will faithfully serve the
caster. The statue must be between
1.5 and 2.5 metres in height and made
out of a single piece of clay, stone,
wood or iron.
Divine Guidance (Di culty 13): The
caster gains a +1 bonus to all dice rolls
for the next 1 minute of game time.
Divine Shield (Di culty 10): The tar-
get of this spell may add +1 to their
Defence for ve minutes of game
Drain Life (Di culty 12): A black
ray shoots out from the casters hand
and hits another creature between the
eyes. That creature loses 1-3 Health
(roll 1 die and divide by 2) and the
caster regains 1-3 Health.
Enhancement (Di culty 14): This
spell gives either the caster or an ally
a +2 bonus to one of their characteris-
tics for 1 minute of game time.
ESP (Di culty 14): This spell al-
lows the caster to read another per-
sons thoughts. The target can make
a Knowledge roll (Di culty 14) to re-
sist this eect. The spell only lasts for
an instant.
Fiery Blast (Di culty 13): Choose
a target. A bolt of ame shoots from
your palm and hits it in the chest,
causing 1-6 damage (roll 1 die).
Flaming Sword (Di culty 14): A
sword of re appears in the hands
of the caster. The spell lasts for one
combat. As long as the caster is wield-
ing the aming sword, he deals 2-12
damage (roll 2 dice).
Grand Illusion (Di culty 15): This
spell works in a similar way to the il-
lusion spell below. Where it diers
is that touching the illusion does not
cause the spell to end. Instead, only
a Magic roll at Di culty 15 by some-
one atempting to discern if what
they are seeing is an illusion or not
can break the spell. This spell lasts
for 5 minutes of game time.
Healing Hands (Di culty 11): The
target of this spell regains 1-6 Health
(roll 1 die).
Holy Blade (Di culty 13): This spell
causes the casters weapon to become
imbued with divine power. While
using this weapon, the caster adds +1
to his Fighting and damage for one
minute of game time.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Illusion (Di culty 13): The caster
can use this spell to create things that
make onlookers believe what they
are seeing is actually real. The illu-
sion can be absolutely anything at all:
a huge dragon, a pot of gold, a castle
in the clouds or simply a wall block-
ing some ones path. The illusion has
full sound eects and even gives o
an odour if need be. Of course, these
things are not actually there and can-
not cause any damage. The spell can
be broken by someone simply touch-
ing the illusion. The spell lasts for 5
minutes of game time.
Immolation (Di culty 14): Choose
a target. That target suddenly bursts
into ames, causing 2-7 damage (roll
1 dice + 1).
Invisible Shield (Di culty 10): If
successful, this spell creates a disc
of force that the caster may use as a
shield, adding +1 to his or her De-
fence. If the caster already carries a
shield, the Defence bonus of it in-
creases by an additional +1. The spell
lasts for 5 minutes of game time.
Invisibility (Di culty 12): This spell
will make the caster appear to van-
ish into thin air. Only the keenest eye
will spot the caster as the spell bends
light around him. The caster can talk
and act as normal wile under the ef-
fects of the spell. However, if he at-
tempts to cast another spell or atack
the spell will be broken. This spell
lasts for 5 minutes of game time. The
caster gains a +4 bonus to their De-
fence score while the spell lasts.
Languages (Di culty 11): This spell
allows the caster to understand and
speak any language (though not that
of animals; see the animal speech
spell). The caster can communicate in
any language for 5 minutes of game
Levitation (Di culty 12): This spell
allows the caster to move one crea-
ture or object up and down through
the air for up to 1 minute of game
Lightning Bolt (Di culty 16):
Choose a target. A bolt of lightning
shoots from your hand and hits the
target, causing 2-12 damage (roll 2
Mage Light (Di culty 10): This spell
can be cast on an inanimate object,
causing it to glow like a lantern for
up to 1 hour of game time.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Pacify (Di culty 13): The caster may
cast this spell on any animal that is
about to atack or is atacking the
group. That animal will no longer
atack. However, if the animal is at-
tacked the spell will be broken and
the animal may ght as normal.
Part Water (Di culty 12): This spell
allows the caster to create a path
through a body of water that allows
free passage without having to swim.
The caster can only maintain this
spell for two minutes of game time.
Phantasm (Di culty 11): With this
spell the caster can create an image in
the mind of one target creature near-
by. Like the illusion spell, the image
can be of anything the caster wishes;
however, it will only be able to be
seen by the target. The image created
is simply an image; no sound is heard
from the phantasm. The spell can be
broken by the target simply touching
the illusion. The spell lasts for 5 min-
utes of game time.
Protective Aura (Di culty 11): A
eld of energy surrounds the caster,
granting him or her a +2 bonus to
their Defence for 5 minutes of game.
Raise the Dead (Di culty special):
This spell can only be cast on a dead
creature. That creature is turned into
one of the undead, of a type of the
necromancers choosing. The Di -
culty of the spell depends on what
type of creature is being created:
Skeleton (Di culty 12), Wraith (Dif-
culty 15) or Zombie (Di culty 12).
Resurrection (Di culty 18): By cast-
ing this spell, the necromancer is able
to restore to life a recently deceased
creature. The creature (or person, for
that mater) must have been dead less
than 24 hours for this spell to work.
The creature is restored to life, with 1
Health point.
Reveal Illusion (Di culty 10): By
casting this spell, the caster will in-
stantly sense anything near him that
is an illusion. That illusion will then
have no aect on him.
Summon Angel (Di culty 20): Suc-
cessfully casting this spell summons
an angel to do the casters bidding
for the next hour of game time. If the
summoning happens for a reason
the angel feels is unworthy, the an-
gel will turn on the caster. (See the
QUERP Bestiary for more details on
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Summon Demon (Di culty 22):
Successfully casting this spell sum-
mons a demon to do the casters bid-
ding for the next hour of game time.
If the summoning happens for a rea-
son the demon feels is unworthy, the
demon will turn on the caster. (See
the QUERP Bestiary for more details
on demons).
Summon Elemental (Di culty 18):
This spell will summon an elemental
of the casters choosing. The elemen-
tal will do the casters bidding for the
next hour of game time.
Teleport (Di culty 17): The caster
and up to four other creatures can
move from their present location to
anywhere within 100 kilometres.
Transformation (Di culty 13): The
casting of this spell allows the caster
to appear as someone or something
else. Anyone viewing the illusionist
while the spell is in eect will instead
see the image the caster has created. If
the caster has transformed into a spe-
cic person in order to imitate them,
then anyone who sees the caster and
is familiar with that person may make
a Knowledge roll (Di culty 13). If
they succeed they realize that what
they are seeing is an illusion and the
spell is broken. Transformation lasts
for 5 minutes of game time.
Tremor (Di culty 12): This spell
causes an earth tremor to shake the
ground. All creatures in the area im-
mediately fall over, except for the
caster. Player characters may make a
Stealth roll (Di culty 10) to remain
standing. Creatures that fall over
must make a move action to stand up
or suer a -1 penalty to their Fighting
and Defence scores.
Vigour (Di culty 14): The caster im-
bues himself or one of his allies with
great energy. The target immediately
regains 1-6 Health (roll 1 dice), and
may add +1 to his Fighting and in-
crease the damage he inicts by +1
for one minute of game time.
Vile Curse (Di culty 13): The caster
may choose one enemy. That creature
suers a -1 penalty to all dice rolls for
the next 1 minute of game time.
Wings of the Arcane (Di culty 15):
A pair of magical wings made of ar-
cane energy sprouts from the back of
the caster or one other target. For the
next minute of game time, the target
may y through the air.
Wizards Key (Di culty 10): This
spell allows the caster to open an oth-
erwise locked object, such as a box or
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Di culty 10
Animal Speech
Divine Shield
Invisible Shield
Mage Light
Reveal Illusion
Wizards Key
Di culty 11
Concussive Blast
Healing Hands
Protective Aura
Di culty 12
Arcane Arrow
Blessing of the Gods
Drain Life
Part Water
Raise the Dead (skeleton or zom-
Di culty 13
Batle Armour
Bone Spear
Divine Guidance
Fiery Blast
Holy Blade
Vile Curse
Di culty 14
Banish the Dead
Flaming Sword
Di culty 15
Grand Illusion
Raise the Dead (wraith)
Wings of the Arcane
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Di culty 16
Create Golem
Lightning Bolt
Di culty 17
Di culty 18
Summon Elemental
Di culty 20
Summon Angel
Di culty 22
Summon Demon
The nal stage of creating your char-
acter is to purchase equipment for
him or her. This involves buying
weapons, armour, potions and any-
thing else you deem necessary. Each
character begins with 100s.
The following is a master list of all
equipment available to purchase.
It includes both items listed in the
QUERP Rulebook as well as new
ones. Items marked with an * are new
and are detailed further below.
Items are now also listed with an
Availability and Encumbrance. Com-
mon items are always available for
purchase. Uncommon items are only
available for purchase it a player
rst rolls a 4 or more on a dice. Rare
items are only available if the player
rst rolls a 6 or more on a dice. The
Gamesmaster is free to add a bonus to
these dice rolls under certain circum-
stances; for instance, in a big city, the
Gamesmaster may allow the players
a +2 bonus on these dice rolls.
Encumbrance indicates how bulky
and weighty an item is. The number
listed under Encumbrance shows
how many items it counts as when a
character is carrying it.
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Item Cost Availability Encumbrance
Light armour 20s Common 1
Medium armour 40s Uncommon 2
Heavy armour 60s Rare 2
Shield 10s Common 1
Shield 10s Common 1
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Item Cost Availability Encumbrance
Batle axe 15s Uncommon 1
Broad sword 25s Uncommon 1
Bow 30s Common 1
Club 5s Common 1
Crossbow 50s Uncommon 1
Dagger 2s Common 1
*Flail 20s Rare 1
*Gauntlet 1s Uncommon 1
Halberd 20s Uncommon 1
Javelin 2s Common 1
Lance 15s Uncommon 2
Mace 15s Common 1
Morningstar 15s Uncommon 1
*Net 2s Common 1
*Rapier 15s Uncommon 1
Short sword 10s Common 1
Sickle 5s Common 1
Sling 4s Common 1
Spear 10s Common 1
Sword 15s Common 1
Sta 2s Common 1
Two-handed sword 35s Uncommon 1
War hammer 15s Uncommon 1
*Whip 2s Common 1
Arrow or bolt 2c Common 1
Sling stone free Common 1
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Item Cost Availability Encumbrance
*Ale 5c Common 1
Backpack 3s Common 1
Bedroll 5c Common 1
Blanket 2c Common 1
Boots 1s Common 1
Candle 1c Common
Cart 60s Common -
Cloak 1s Common 1
*Clothing (poor quality) 5c Common -
*Clothing (average) 2s Common -
*Clothing (ne quality) 10s Uncommon -
*Cooking Pot 2s Common 1
*Deck of cards 3s Common
*Dice 2s Common
Flask 2c Common 1
Flint and steel 5c Common 1
Grappling hook 3s Uncommon 1
Holy symbol 25s Uncommon 1
Holy water 25s Uncommon 1
Horse (riding) 75s Common -
Horse (war) 200s Rare -
Lantern 9s Common 1
*Meal (tavern) 1s Common -
Mirror 10s Uncommon 1
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Item Cost Availability Encumbrance
Mule 20s Common -
*Musical instrument 10s Uncommon 1
Oil 1s Common 1
*Parchment 5c Common
*Pouch 5c Common 1
Quiver 2s Common 1
Rations (per day) 15c Common 1
Rope 1s Common 1
Saddlebags 6s Common 1
*Tent 12s Uncommon 2
Thieves tools 30s Uncommon 1
Torch 8c Common 1
*Wagon 100s Common -
Waterskin 1s Common 1
*Wine 1s Uncommon 1
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)
Item Cost Availability Encumbrance
*Cure All 100s Rare 1
*Curing 50s Uncommon 1
*Dragons Breath 125s Rare 1
*Enhancement 75s Rare 1
*Healing 25s Uncommon 1
*Invisibility 35s Rare 1
*Luck 75s Uncommon 1
*Poison 125s Uncommon 1
*Resistance 50s Rare 1
*Skill 100s Rare 1
*Sleep 50s Uncommon 1
Flail: A ail is a set of two or more
chains, often with spiked balls on the
end, atached to a handle. It is used
two-handed and does +1 damage.
Gauntlet: This is a metal or chain
glove warn to enhance the damage
a punch can do. When ghting un-
armed but wearing a gauntlet, a char-
acter may add +1 to damage (in other
words, they deal -2 damage instead
of -3).
Net: Nets are thrown weapons, but
they do not deal damage. Instead, if
they hit they entangle the victim, re-
ducing its Defence score by 3.
Rapier: A rapier is a thin short sword.
It deals -1 damage, but adds +1 to the
users initiative rolls.
Wagon: Wagons are a bigger form of
a cart. It can carry up to 30 items.
Whip: A whip is a very long weapon.
Although it is used in hand-to-hand
combat, it can be used on enemies
up to 5 metres away. A whip deals -2
Luca Ccb (order #5910746)

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