Martinez Manual

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when you recelve any 8rushless Clmbal ConLroller LhaL ls runnlng Lhe Cpen source pro[ecL, you
mlghL run lnLo some of Lhe followlng problems when connecLlng Lo Lhe compuLer. when connecLlng
wlndows wlll lnsLall all Lhe drlvers for you buL lf lL seL's Lhe com porL above 9 when you go Lo connecL
Lo Lhe Cul conflguraLlon sofLware lL wlll noL connecL.

lf you rlghL cllck and go Lo properLles you wlll see Lhls nexL lmage

as you can see ln Lhls lmage wlndows has asslgned CCM 13, so Lhls wlll noL allow you Lo connecL Lo
Lhe Cul So you need Lo change Lhls Lo beLween CCM 1 Lo 9
Lhen you wlll be able Lo connecL.

1o change Lhe CCM porL go Lo your compuLer lcon on your deskLop and rlghL cllck and go Lo
properLles Lhen cllck on devlce manager Lhls wlll open

cllck on Lhe uS8 Serlal orL (CCM13) and Lhls wlll open

cllck on Lhe orL SeLLlngs and you wlll see Lhls lmage

Lhls wlll open Lhls lmage nexL

cllck on Lhe com porL seLLlngs Lab and Lhls wlll open

change Lhls Lo a com porL LhaL ls noL ln use (lf you flnd LhaL Lhey are all ln use) Lhen selecL one LhaL ls
beLween (1 Lo 9) and cllck Ck.


now LhaL you have goL connecLed we need Lo load Lhe code LhaL can be found here
when you have down loaded Lhe sofLware and unzlpped lL you wlll also need Ardulno Lhls can be
found here hLLp://
Ck now LhaL you have Lhe sofLware LhaL ls needed we wlll load Lhe code, Lo do Lhls you need Lo sLarL
up Ardulno. Co Lo Lhe folder LhaL you have unzlpped Ardulno and look for Lhe Ardunlo.exe flle as ln
Lhe plcLure

cllck Lhe lcon Lo sLarL Lhe programme

now we need Lo load Lhe code for Lhe brushless glmbal, cllck on flle Lhen open and Lhen navlgaLe Lo
Lhe folder were you have your glmbal sofLware saved as seen here

cllck on Lhe 046.lno ([usL for Lhls example) Lo open Lhe code

now LhaL you have Lhe code open Lhere ls aL Lhe Llme of wrlLhlng Lhls manual only 1 Lhlng LhaL you
mlghL have Lo change and Lhls ls under Lhe ueflnlLlons.h Lab

when loaded you wlll see aL Lhe Lop Lhere ls Lhe followlng code
// Mu Address SeLLlngs
#deflne Mu6030_Auu8LSS_Au0_LCW 0x68 // defaulL for lnvenSense evaluaLlon board
#deflne Mu6030_Auu8LSS_Au0_PlCP 0x69 // uroLek Mu breakouL board
#deflne Mu6030_uLlAuL1_Auu8LSS Mu6030_Auu8LSS_Au0_PlCP
lf you flnd LhaL when you have loaded Lh code LhaL your sensor ls noL worklng and you are nC1
geLLlng any readlngs from Lhls Lhen you musL reload Lhls code and change Lhe
#deflne Mu6030_uLlAuL1_Auu8LSS Mu6030_Auu8LSS_Au0_PlCP
#deflne Mu6030_uLlAuL1_Auu8LSS Mu6030_Auu8LSS_Au0_LCW
re upload Lhe code and you should flnd LhaL Lhls wlll flx Lhe sensor error.
1o load Lhe code Lo your board you need Lo selecL Lhe followlng correcLly or you wlll [usL geL an
cllck on Lhe 1ools Lab ln Lhe Lop menu and selecL Lhe correcL board LhaL you have ("#$% $% &'%" ()

nexL you musL selecL Lhe correcL com porL Lhls have normally only one llsLed, cllck on Lhls Lo selecL
Lhe com porL, now we can upload Lhe code

cllck on Lhe upload buLLon

1he nexL screen shows Lhe code belng complled and Lhen uploaded Lo your conLroller board

now lLs Llme Lo connecL Lo your 8rushless Clmbal and sLarL Lunlng your seLLlngs
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1hls ls Lhe sofLware LhaL you wlll use Lo ad[usL Lhe seLLlng on your 8rushless Clmbal ConLroller

nCW lf you have noL changed Lhe CCM porL as above Lhen you wlll geL Lhls error

When you have made Lhe changes Lo Lhe Com orL Lhen you should see Lhe followlng lmages when
you cllck ConnecL

?LS your connecLed Lo your 8rushless Clmbal ConLroller. now Lo check your Sensor readlng please
cllck on Lhe SLarL buLLon and you wlll see Lhe followlng screens

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when you have uploaded Lhe sofLware and connecL Lo your board, Lhe sofLware wlll load Lhe defaulL
seLLlngs. ?ou wlll need Lo change Lhese Lo sulL your glmbal and moLors

1. llrsL Lhlng Lo do ls Lo seL Lhe ACC-WelghL Lo Zero (/',0*1 23)
2. nexL sLarL Lo make lL ln 0,0003 sLeps hlgh unLll Lhe Clmbal does no more drlfL
(whaL ls drlfL)
when you seL Lhe ACC-WelghL Lo Zero , Lhe glmbal begln Lo move slowly Lo one slde
LhaL ls drlfL lL wlll noL slL level.

3. nexL , ad[usL (lncrease) Lhe 1erm ln 1.0 SLeps (/',0*1 2) sLop when Lhe movemenL ls
perfecL lf you go Loo far Lhe moLor wlll sLarL Lo vlbraLe

4. mlnlmlze Lhe MAx WM SLeps (/',0*1 4) as much as posslble Lhls wlll also help Lo sLop Lhe
vlbraLlon ln Lhe moLor, when you have goL nC vlbraLlon you are ready

3. lf you sLlll have some problems sLarL Lo ad[usL Lhe u 1erm ln 0,003 sLeps hlgher unLll Lhe
moLor sLops vlbraLlng.
6. (/',0*1 23) ls Lhe ACC welghL Lhls ls Lo ellmlnaLe Lhe urlfL from Lhe Cyro.
7. (/',0*1 22) ls Lo swlLch beLween ACC and uM Mode
ACC Mode ls Lhe beLLer one , uM ls only Lo LesL lL.

8. (/',0*1 25) AbsoluLe or roporLlonal mode ls for 8C Channel,
roporLlonal ls when you are uslng a second 8C 1ransmlLLer Lo conLrol your Clmbal
AbsoluLe for normal oL conLrol on your 8C 1ransmlLLer.

9. (/',0*1 26) ls Lhe 8C Caln , how fasL lL reacL when you are change you 8C channel you
have lL connecLed Lo.
lease noLe: (/',0*1 7) ls Lhe moLor, lf you flnd LhaL Lhe wrong moLor ls connecLed you can [usL
change Lhe 0 Lo Lhe 1 and Lhls wlll save unplugglng your moLors.
(/',0*1 8) ls for reverslng your moLor lf lL ls roLaLlng ln Lhe wrong dlrecLlon.
(/',0*1 9) ls Lhe amounL of poles your moLor has.
(/',0*1 : ; <) ls Lhe amounL or roLaLlon your moLor wlll make on LhaL axls.

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Manual: 8y Craham Mlller

8rushless Clmbal: 8y Ludwlg laerber
Cul: 8y MelsLer
SofLware: 8y
ChrlsLlan Wlnkler , Ludwlg laerber and Alexander 8ehfeld

All rlghLs reserved

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