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NEWS from the Marcum Family

- May 2014 -

Dear Friends & Family,

Were so blessed to be in touch with you all once again, and thank you SO MUCH for all your prayers and
support for our family. We have quite a bit to share, especially now that we have completed our full-time
partnership development traveling, and have begun our full-time schedules as intercessory missionaries on
the Missions Base of IHOPKC. What a great joy to be giving ourselves fully day-by-day to both the
ministry of prayer & worship keeping the fire burning on the altar 24/7 and serving the ministries &
outreaches of the Mission Base. So heres the news for this month and again, thanks for reading!

Life Initiatives at IHOPKC

Most of you already know that Life Initiatives is the pro-life
ministry department of IHOPKC. We are part of a larger team
of ministries which make up the Justice Initiatives of our Mission
Base. These ministries target prayer and action toward ending
injustices such as abortion, human trafficking, oppression of the
poor, child neglect and abuse, and other injustices. The scriptural
basis for this is Luke 18:1-8, the story of a widow who gains justice for her cause through unceasing requests to
the judge who could grant this for her. Jesus says at the end of this parable (vs. 7) Will not God give justice to
his elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them? I tell you, he will give justice to them
speedily. One of the things that the Lord longs to grant is JUSTICE making wrong things right and this is
connected (according to Jesus teaching in this parable) to a people who cry to him day & night. So at a 24/7
ministry such as IHOPKC where we are doing just that crying (praying) to the Lord day and night we believe
much of our focus needs to be on God granting justice!

Since abortion on demand was legalized in the U.S. in 1973, an estimated 56 MILLION babies have been killed in
the womb in our nation. Thats 40 years of killings, which by some definitions is a generation. While praying
in the Global Prayer Room last week, I felt the Lord impress upon me that I am part of the abortion generation.
Its happened in my lifetime. One time a couple years ago, the Lord told me that one of the questions to be asked
to every person in our generation is Where were you when they were killing the babies? I looked up
information from the 2010 census in America, and there are appx. 166 MILLION people under age 40 in America
today. There should be another 56 MILLION! Do we realize weve killed 25% of a generation one out of
every 4 babies in America in the last 40 years?

Now that I (Jim) am serving full-time with Life Initiatives, I am coordinating the outreaches we do, such as our
Life Stands which are prayer vigils at local abortion clinics. We have plans to increase outreach into the KC
community in various ways, especially asking the Lord for ways to meet & minister to women (and their
husbands/boyfriends) who are vulnerable to abortion, to show them love & support. Im also helping to provide
administration to all our efforts as a ministry department, in order to increase our effectiveness & impact. The
Lord has given our team a vision for establishing a culture of life in Kansas City! We are praying & co-
laboring, that the Lord may give justice speedily to the babies whose lives are threatened, and to women facing
the traumatic aftermath of undergoing the pain of abortion. Stay tuned for more news coming soon!

It was great to have Jims sister & brother-in-law, Kambi & David
Swan, here for a visit from North Carolina! They have been great
supporters of us since we first began ministry at IHOPKC, and we were
so blessed to have them finally get to come for a visit. We enjoyed
showing them around the ministry campuses of IHOPKC, and just being
together as family it was very strengthening! Love you guys!
And, as we so often say WE LOVE VISITORS so come see us!!!

Ive been keeping very busy now that I am serving full-time with Safe Families of Kansas City as an intake
specialist. This past Sunday I accompanied our director, Adam Parker, to a church in Oak Grove, MO where we
are doing a Safe Families launch. We presented at both Sunday morning services, and held a meeting after the
second service for people to come and hear more, and to sign up for serving with Safe Families of Kansas City.
We had a number of families interested in being host families, and others interested in being resource partners.
We also made a good connection with two licensed social workers who are willing to help us with home studies
for our potential host families, which is a huge need! This church is also beginning a ministry of collecting and
distributing items & food to those in need, and wants to use this ministry as a resource for Safe Families as well.

One story I have to share with you is a good example of the need for Safe Families. Two weeks ago I went on my
second placement meeting. The mother and 4 children were moved here from another state by the Division of
Family Services because she & the children were being endangered by her former boyfriend. After being in the
Kansas City area for 2 months, she exhausted what little resources she had, and had been from shelter to shelter
and run out of options. Our local DFS contacted us and asked us to provide service, so we began to contact our
resource base. We were in the midst of having to split the children up between different families when one of our
host families stepped forward and said they would take all four kids in order to keep them together! The mother
was so relieved, and were continuing to help her and her family heal & be restored.

IHOPKC Children praying for the President

Pour out your Spirit, touch the heart of our President Thats what the
children were singing & praying last week at one of the Malachi 4:6 prayer
& worship sets. We enjoy going when we can with our granddaughters,
Aneko and Aubriella, and worshiping with the children. This particular set
was very powerful! The prayers for President Obama and his family were so
precious & heartfelt, and at the end of the rapid fire prayer time, as the
singers kept singing, Pour out your Spirit, touch the heart of our President,
a little girl began to twirl & dance, and kept it up for some time. The Spirit
was touching all of us in the room! (Perhaps He was touching the President too!)

WE LOVE YOU ALL! As we close, we want to say again how much each & every one of you means to us, and
the strength we feel from your partnership, gifts, and prayers. It means more than we can say. We have ended
our partnership campaign, and the Lord has faithfully provided such a great team who are contending together
with us & supporting us in the work of ministry our family is doing here at IHOPKC. We are currently 70% to
reaching the amount we need monthly, so we appreciate everyones prayers that the Lord would move to raise up
the final 30%, and grant us faith and perseverance! Thank you! Oh, and we want to give a shout out to the family
of God at Grays Point Christian Church in Miller, MO and Living Water Ministries in Decatur, AR. We
really appreciated you having us in to share, and hope to see you all again soon! Blessings to all, and keep in
touch! Were praying for you!

Jim & Melissa Marcum
P.O. Box 1099, Grandview, MO 64030
Phone/text: 816-287-3525 / 816-287-2228

International House of Prayer Kansas City, MO
Because He is worthy of it all,

Jim & Melissa Marcum & family

We want to thank Life Choices in Joplin for hosting the first info-meeting
about Safe Families for the Joplin community. The director of Safe
Families of Kansas City, Adam Parker, came and presented the vision of
Safe Families, and steps on how a community can work together toward
beginning a Safe Families ministry. There was a lot of interest, and we are
planning a second info-meeting soon! If you live in the Joplin area, please
pray about coming & seeing what Safe Families is about, and the impact
for healing it can have for a community. And if you get our newsletters
and live in another community, let me know if you want information & I
will get it to you right away!

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