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Lab Design Force and Motion


Make a prediction based on a hypothesis, and perform an experiment to test
this hypothesis. Understand the difference between a hypothesis and a
Represent a complex situation graphically by constructing a free-body diagram
to show the forces exerted on an object.
Collect data from an experiment and find a pattern that will allow you to
formulate a relationship.
n object always mo!es in the direction of the net force exerted on it by other
"#uipment$ %ynamics cart, dynamics track, spring scale, masking tape, pulleys,
objects to hang, a ramp, a book.
&rite the following$
'tate what idea you are going to test.
(rainstorm the task and make a list of possible experiments whose outcomes
can be predicted with the help of the idea. %ecide whether testing an idea
re#uires that you design experiments to pro!e the idea or to dispro!e the idea.
)ow can you con!ince in your decision*
(riefly describe your chosen design. +nclude a labeled sketch.
%raw a free body diagram of the object while the forces are being exerted on
a, #se te idea $nder test to "a%e a prediction about the outcome of the
b, -erform the experiment. Record the outcome.
c, %id the outcome support the prediction*
d, (ased on your prediction and the outcome of your experiment, can you say
that the idea is pro!ed, dispro!ed*
e, %escribe additional assumptions that you used to make a prediction about the
outcome of your testing experiment. )ow can the assumptions affect your
II& Obser'ation e!peri"ent: Interactions bet(een di))erent ob*ects
.he goal of this experiment is to find a relationship between the force that an object
exerts on an object ( and the force that the object ( exerts on the object when
they are interacting with each other.
!ailable "#uipment$ /orce probe sensors with hooks on ends, computers.
0ote on e#uipment$ 1ou will be using a new 2ernier sensor called a force probe for
this experiment. force probe is a sensor that sends a signal to a computer
indicating the force exerted on its tip. .he software interface, 3ogger -ro, helps you
plot force as a function of time for two different force probes.
'etting up the experiment$ .ake one of the probes, connect it to the computer and
gently pull or push on it. "xamine the graph on the screen and make sure it makes
sense to you. .he force probe is an object. 1ou exerted a force on this object, and
this force was recorded as a function of time. 0ow that you are familiar with force
probes, design and perform enough experiments to find a pattern in the readings of
the two probes when they record forces that two interacting objects exert on each
other. /or example$ place one probe stationary on the table and tap it with the
second probe. Remember that the probes are !ery delicate and if you use them to
tap on each other, you ha!e to do it lightly.
&rite in your report$
a, /or each experiment describe the set-up in words and sketch the graphs that
you see on the computer.
b, /ind a pattern in the pairs of graphs representing the force-!ersus-time
functions recorded by each probe during an interaction.
c, /ormulate a tentati!e rule relating the force that an object exerts on an
object ( to the force that the object ( exerts on the object .
III& Testing e!peri"ent: Interaction bet(een di))erent ob*ects
.he goal of this experiment is to test the rule relating the force that an object exerts
on an object ( to the force that the object ( exerts on the object . Remember that
the purpose of testing experiment is to reject, not to support the rule under test.
!ailable "#uipment$ /orce probe sensors with hooks on ends, a track, carts, objects
of different masses to put on carts, cushions, elastic bands, computers.
a, 'tate what rule you are going to test.
b, (rainstorm the task and make a list of possible experiments whose outcome
can be predicted with the help of the rule. Choose 4 experiments.
c, (riefly describe your chosen design. +nclude a labeled sketch.
d, #se te tentati'e r$+e to "a%e a prediction about the outcome of each
e, -erform each experiment. Record the outcome.
f, %id the outcome support the prediction*
g, (ased on the prediction and the outcome of the experiments, what is your
judgment about the rule*
h, .alk to your classmates in other lab groups and find out what results they
ha!e. re they consistent with yours*
i, Reflection #uestion$ why was experiment 4 called an obser!ational experiment
and experiment 5 a testing experiment* &hat was the difference*
j, .hink of additional assumptions that you used to make a prediction about the
outcome of testing experiments. )ow could the assumptions affect your
k, Use the rule that you de!ised and tested to decide who exerts a larger force$ a
mos#uito on a car6s windshield or a car6s windshield when a mos#uito
smashes into it7 a reflex hammer 8.aylor hammer, on your knee or your knee
on the hammer when a doctor taps your knee with it. Reconcile your answers
with your obser!ations of these phenomena.
Be)ore +ea'ing te +ab, per)or" te )o++o(ing e!peri"ent:
-lace an object on an electronic scale and notice the reading, then tilt the scale
about 9:
forward and notice the reading when the same object is on it. ;n your
way home think of an explanation for your obser!ation.
.o decide whether two experiments gi!e you the same result, you need to pay
careful attention to theoretical assumptions and experimental uncertainties.
nswering the #uestions below will help you be more successful.
9, 1ou were measuring how hea!y an object is using an electronic platform scale
with the smallest increment of :.9g and got the !alue of 4<: g. "stimate the
relati!e uncertainty of your measurement.
4, fter you recorded the reading of the scale, you noticed that the table on
which the scale was sitting was tilted a little bit. 1ou measure the angle of the
tilt and find it to be about 9:
. Can you assume that the table is not tilted* .o
answer this #uestion, compare the change in the reading of the scale due to
the tilt with the uncertainty in the scale measurement. %raw a free body
diagram and decide what the scale measures.
5, 1ou want to measure the angle of the tilt carefully. 1ou ha!e a protractor and
a ruler. %escribe two different methods that you can use to measure the angle
with the a!ailable e#uipment.
=, 'uppose you get an angle of 9:>. "stimate the uncertainty of each method.
&hich of them gi!es less uncertainty* )ow could you minimi?e the
experimental uncertainty*

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