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Being A Translation With Notes
The Kitab Asrar al-Taharah
Al-Ghaali!s "Ih#a! $Ul%& al-'in"
0, AIBA- ROA' 1Ne2 Anar3ali4
+AHORE-0 1PA-*4
Copyright: All rights reserved.
ISBN NO* 565-789-:7;-5
Re<rinte= ,* :55:
P%>lishe= >#?
P%>lishers . Boo3sellers,
0-Ai>a3 Roa= 1Ne2 Anar3ali4 +ahore-0 1Pa34*
Printe= . Bo%n= at
Ne2 Worl= Printers, Ai>a3 Roa=, +ahore
A<art fro& an# fair =ealing for the <%r<ose of <riAate st%=#, researBh,
BritiBis& or reAie2, as <er&itte= %n=er the International (o<#right ABt, no <ortion
&a#>e re<ro=%Be= ># an# <roBess, or translate= in an# lang%age 2itho%t the
2ritten <er&ission of the P%>lisher*
Tho%gh one of the &ost i&<ortant 2or3s Bo&ing =o2n to %s fro&
Me=ieAal Isla&, no single <art of the Ihya"Ulum al-Din a<<eare= in
English, or an# E%ro<ean lang%age at that, %ntil '%nBan B* MaB=onal=
<%>lishe= in the ournal o! the "oyal Asiati# $o#iety %&'(&) pp. &'*-
+*+) ,(*-,-.) an= &'(+) pp. &-+./ an English Aersion of Boo3 )III of
the seBon= C%arter of the Ihya) i.e.) the Kitab Adab al-$ama0 1-al-2a3d
1On A%=ition an= Grief4* The seBon= Bo&<lete <art of the Ihya0 2as
E=2in E* (alAerle#!s translation of Boo3 I) of the first C%arter, i*e*, the
Kitab al-$alah 1Ma=ras, &'+*/. EDBe<t for a fe2 eDtraBts an=
seleBtions, no Bo&<lete translation of an# <art of the Ihya0 a<<eare= in
English %ntil &'4+ 2hen t2o >oo3s fro& it 2ere finall# <%>lishe=?
Boo3 I of the first C%arter, na&el#, the Kitab al-0Ilm 1The Boo3 of
-no2le=ge4, translate= ># the <resent 2riter an= <%>lishe= ># M*
Ashraf, +ahore, an= Boo3 III of the fo%rth C%arter, na&el#, the Kitab
al-Kha1! 1-al"a3a 1On Fear an= Ho<e4, translate= ># Willia&
MB-ane an= <%>lishe= ># Brill of +ei=en* The follo2ing #ear, &'45)
sa2 also the <%>liBation, in English, of t2o other >oo3s of the Ihya0:
Boo3 / of the seBon= C%arter, on the (on=%Bt of +ife as EDe&<lifie=
># the Pro<het %Adab al-6a7ishah 1a-A8hla9 al-:ubu1ah/) translate=
># +*@olon=e3 an= <%>lishe= also ># BrillE an= Boo3 II of the first
C%arter, i*e*, the Kitab ;a1a7id al-A9a0id 1The Fo%n=ations of the
ArtiBles of Faith4, translate= ># the <resent 2riter an= <%>lishe= also
># M* Ashraf*
The follo2ing <ages <resent in English gar> Boo3 III of the first
C%arter, na&el#, the Kitab Asrar al-Taharah 1On the M#steries of
P%rit#4* Tho%gh not one of the &ore <rofo%n= Bontri>%tions of al-
Ghaali, it still re&ains an integral <art of the Ihya0 an= sho%l= not,
therefore, >e negleBte=* The translation is >ase= on three <rinte= teDts
an= one in &an%sBri<t for&* The <rinte= teDts are ? first, that Printe= at
-afr al-@aghari in A*H* :8F9 fro& the ol=er (airo e=ition of A*H*
:9G5 EseBon=, that Bontaine= in the teDt of the Itha! al-$adah al--
6utta9in bi-$harh Ihya "Ulum al-Din of al-Sa##i= al-M%rta=a al-
@a>i=i 1=*:05:4 E thir=, that re<ro=%Be= in the &argin of the sa&e Itha!
al$adah< an= fo%rth, the teDt <reserAe= in a fo%r Aol%&e &an%sBri<t in
the Garrett - (olleBtion of Ara>iB Man%sBri<ts in the PrinBeton
UniAersit# +i>rar#* 1No*:7G:4* In the translation of H%raniB Aerses, I
haAe =e<en=e= &ainl# on I* M* Ro=2ell!s Aersion*
It is &# ho<e that ># &a3ing still another Boo3 of the Ihya0
aAaila>le in English, non-Ara>iB s<ea3ing sBholars 2ill =ra2 a >enefit,
eAen fro& &# &ista3es*
Na>ih A&in Faris
MarBh 95, :566
PrefaBe************************************************************** iA
Intro=%Btion ******************************************************:
On P%rifiBation fro& I&<%rities
That 2hiBh is Re&oAe= ***************************:9
The )ehiBle of Re&oAal**************************:7
The Manner of Re&oAal***************************9:
P%rifiBation fro& EDBre&ents
The EtiC%ette of Ans2ering the (all of Nat%re 98
The Manner of A>l%tion***************************95
The EDBellenBe of A>l%tion *********************8G
The Manner of the MaJor A>l%tion *********7;
The Manner of P%rifiBation 2ith San= ****79
On (leanliness an= (leansing 'isBharges*****7F
Bo=il# Gro2ths****************************************FG
=n the 6ysteries o ! >urity 1hi#h is the Third Boo8
in the ;uarter on the A#ts o! 2orship.
In the na&e of Go= the MerBif%l, the,
Praise >e to Go= Who has sho2n 3in=ness %nto His serAants an=
th%s en=%e= the& 2ith BleanlinessE 2ho for the <%rifiBation of their
in2ar= tho%ghts has &a=e His light an= graBe to flo2 into their heartsE
an= for the 2ashing of their >o=ies has giAen the& 2ater s&ooth an=
soft* An= &a# the <eaBe of Go= >e %<on the Pro<het M%ha&&a=, 2ho
has enBo&<asse= the entire 2orl= fro& one en= to another 2ith the
light of g%i=anBe, as 2ell as %<on his no>le an= righteo%s fa&il#-a
<eaBe the >lessing of 2hiBh 2ill >e a salAation %nto %s or the =a# of
res%rreBtion, an= a >%l2ar3 %nto %s against eAer# =anger or affliBtion*
The Pro<het sai=, "Religion 2as fo%n=e= on Bleanliness*"
again, "P%rifiBation is the 3e# to <ra#er*"
Go= sai=, " Therein are &en
2ho as<ire to <%rit#, an= Go= loAeth the <%rifie=*"
The Pro<het also
sai=, "P%rifiBation is one half of >elief*
Go= also sai=, "Go= =esireth
not to la# a >%r=en %<on #o%, >%t He =esireth to <%rif# #o%*"
these eDternals, those 2ho <ossess insight a2o3e to the faBt that the
&ost i&<ortant thing is the <%rifiBation of the heart, >eBa%se, it is Aer#
%nli3el# that the 2or=s of the Pro<eht, "P%rifiBation is one half of
>elief! &eant that &en sho%l= <olish an= Blean the >o=# 2ith a
genero%s %se of 2ater an= to negleBt the heart an= leaAe it st%ffe= 2ith
i&<%rities an= filth*
P%rit# has fo%r stages? The first stage is the <%rifiBation of the >o=#
fro& eDBre&ents, i&<%rities, an= >o=il# gro2ths, an= =isBharges
* The
seBon= stage is the <%rifiBation of the >o=il# senses fro& Bri&es an=
sins* The thir= stage is the <%rifiBation of the heart fro& >la&e2orth#
traits an= re<rehensi>le AiBes* The fo%rth stage is the <%rifiBation of the
in&ost self %sirr/ fro& eAer#thing eDBe<t Go=* This last stage is that of
the Pro<hets an= saints*
In eAer#one of these stages <%rit# is half the aBtiAities it entails* For
the s%<re&e ai& of the aBtiAities of the in&ost self is to haAe the
&aJest# an= greatness of Go= reAeale= %nto it* B%t the 3no2le=ge of
Go= 2ill neAer aBt%all# =esBen= into the in&ost self %nless eAer#thing
other than Go= is re&oAe= therefro&* For this reason Go= sai=, "Sa#? It
is Go=? then leaAe the& in their <asti&e of BaAilling*" S%rah )?5:* It is
eAi=ent therefore that Kthe 3no2le=ge of Go= an= allegianBe to another
>esi=es Hi&L Ban not inha>it the sa&e heart an= Go= has not Breate=
for &an t2o hearts 2ithin hi&*
As to the aBtiAities of the heart, their s%<re&e <%r<ose is to a=orn it
2ith the <raise2orth# traits an= the =oBtrines esta>lishe= ># the +a2*
No one 2ho has not Bleanse= his heart fro& their o<<osite, na&el# the
false =oBtrines an= the re<rehensi>le AiBes, has eAer >een =esBri>e= >#
these traits* HenBe the <%rifiBation of the heart Bo&<rises one half of its
aBtiAities* This first half is a <rereC%isite for the seBon=* It is in this
&anner that <%rifiBation is one half of >elief* Si&ilarl# the <%rifiBation
of the >o=il# senses fro& the for>i==en things is one half of the
aBtiAities the# entail an= is the <rereC%isite of the seBon= half* Their
<%rifiBation is the first half an= their a=orn&ent 2ith goo= 2or3s is the
seBon= half* These then are the =ifferent stages of >elief an= eAer#
stage has its o2n ran3* No one 2ill attain the higher stage %nless he
goes first thro%gh the lo2er one* He 2ill not reaBh the <%rifiBation of
the in&ost self fro& the >la&e2orth# C%alities an= 2ill not a=orn it
2ith those 2hiBh are <raise2orth# %nless he aBBo&<lishes first the
<%rifiBation of the heart fro& the >la&e2orth# traits an= a=orns it 2ith
the <raise2orth#* Si&ilarl# no one 2ill attain the <%rifiBation of the
heart fro& the >la&e2orth# traits or a=orn it 2ith the <raise2orth#
%nless he aBBo&<lishes first the <%rifiBation of the >o=il# senses fro&
the for>i==en things an= a=orns the& 2ith goo= 2or3s* The &ore
<reBio%s an= no>le the =esire= o>JeBt >eBo&es the &ore =iffiB%lt is the
2a# of its attain&ent, the longer is the roa= 2hiBh lea=s to it, an= the
greater are the o>staBles 2hiBh >loB3 its <ath* 'o not thin3, therefore,
that this Ban >e attaine= thro%gh &ere 2ishing or aBhieAe= thro%gh no
effort* For he 2hose insight fails to =isting%ish >et2een these =ifferent
stages 2ill not <erBeiAe of the& eDBe<t the lo2est 2hiBh is eC%iAalent
to the last an= o%ter&ost h%s3 of the =esire= fr%it* He 2ill therefore
BonBentrate %<on it an= 2ill go to the eDtre&e in the st%=# of its r%les,
2asting all his ti&e

in a>stersion 1istinJa4
2ashing Blothes, Bleaning
his >o=#, an= o%t=oing hi&self in the %se of r%nning 2ater, thin3ing, as
a res%lt of a Bonstant fear 2ith 2hiBh he is o>sesse= an= of a
hall%Bination 2hiBh =2ells in his &in=, that the =esire= an= no>le
<%rit# Bo&<rises onl# s%Bh o%t2ar= an= eDternal Bleanliness, an=
reAealing there># a Bo&<lete ignoranBe of the life of the earl# M%sli&s?
ho2 the# eD<en=e= all their energ# an= tho%ght on the <%rifiBation of
the heart an= 2ere Aer# lenient BonBerning the >o=#, to the eDtent that
!U&ar, =es<ite his high station, has onBe <erfor&e= his a>l%tion 2ith
2ater fro& a Jar 2hiBh >elonge= to a (hristian 2o&an*
KIn the sa&e
s<iritL it 2as B%sto&ar# for the earl# M%sli&s not to 2ash their han=s
fro& the re&ains of fat an= foo= >%t instea= 2i<e their fingers off
against the arBhes of their feet, regar=ing the %se of al3ali %ushnan/ an
innoAation* The# %se= to <ra#, 3neeling an= <rostrating the&selAes
=ireBtl# on the gro%n=, an= 2al3 the streets >arefoote=* Those 2ho
<laBe= nothing >et2een the&selAes an= the earth 2hen the# sle<t 2ere
of the greatest a&ong the&* The# Bonfine= the&selAes eDBl%siAel# to
the %se of stone for a>stersion*
A>%-H%ra#rah an= others >esi=es hi& of the ref%gees of the
&osC%e-Aesti>%le %ahlal-$u!!ah/ sai=, !We 2ere 2ont to eat the roaste=
&eat an=, 2i<ing o%r fingers against the <e>>les an= r%>>ing the& 2ith
earth, <roBee= to <ra#er re<eating the &agnifiBat %ta8bir/.
Sai= $U&ar,
!We ha= no 3no2le=ge of al3ali at the ti&e of the A<ostle of Go=, an=
o%r to2els 2ere the hollo2s of o%r feet? 2heneAer 2e ate an#thing 2e
2i<e= o%r han=s against o%r feet*"
It is sai= that the first innoAations to a<<ear after the =eath of the
A<ostle of Go= 2ere fo%r, na&el# the %se of sieAes Kfor flo%rL, the %se
of al3ali 1for 2ashingL, the %se of ta>les Kfor eatingL, an= eating to
Th%s the onl# BonBern of the earl# M%sli&s 2as the Bleanliness of
the heart* One of the& eAen sai=, "To <erfor& <ra#er 2ith the shoes on
is >etter than <erfor&ing it 2itho%t the& >eBa%se 2hen the A<ostle of
Go= too3 his shoes off =%ring <ra#er, as Ga>riel infor&e= hi& that
the# 2ere %nBlean, an= the <eo<le <resent too3 their shoes off as 2ell,
he tol= the&, !Wh# haAe #o% ta3en off #o%r shoesM"
(onBerning those 2ho ta3e their shoes off for <ra#er al-Na3ha!i

sai= =isa<<roAing the <raBtiBe, "I 2ish that so&eone in nee= 2o%l=
<ass ># an= ta3e these shoes a2a# KneAer to ret%rn the&L*"
S%Bh then 2as their lenienBe on these affairs* In faBt the# %se= to
2al3 >arefoote= in &%==# streets, sit on the &%=, an= 3neel an=
<rostrate the&selAes in <ra#er =ireBtl# on the floors of the &osC%es*
The# 2ere 2ont to eat >rea= &a=e of 2heat an= >arle#, >oth of 2hiBh
2ere tro==en ># the feet of ani&als an= <oll%te= 2ith their %rine* The#
&a=e no effort to aAoi= the s2eat of Ba&els an= horses =es<ite the faBt
that >oth ani&als 2ere Bonstantl# 2allo2ing in i&<%re things* Not a
single C%estion BonBerning the niBeties of i&<%rities has Bo&e =o2n to
%s fro& the&* S%Bh then 2as their lenienBe in these &atters* B%t the
sit%ation has no2 Bo&e to s%Bh a <ass 2here a Bertain gro%< of <eo<le
2ho Bonsi=er their &a3e%< %ru7unah/ eC%iAalent to Bleanliness an= sa#
that it is the fo%n=ation of religion* The# s<en= the greater <art of their
ti&e in >ea%tif#ing their >o=ies, J%st as the hair=resser =oes 2ith the
>ri=e, >%t negleBt their hearts an= leaAe the& =esolate, st%ffe= 2ith the
fo%l i&<%rities of <ri=e, BonBeit, ignoranBe, h#<oBris#, an= =eBeitE an=
neither =isa<<roAe of the& nor sho2 an# a&ae&ent at the&*
F%rther&ore, if an# one sho%l= Bonfine hi&self to the %se of stones for
a>stersion, or 2al3 >arefoote= on the gro%n=, or <ra# on the floor or on
the >are &ats of the &osC%e 2itho%t s<rea=ing a r%g oAer either, or
2al3 oAer the r%gs Kof the &osC%eL 2itho%t leather oAershoes, or
<erfor& his a>l%tion 2ith 2ater fro& a Jar >elonging to an ol= 2o&an
or an irreligio%s &an, the# 2o%l= Bla&o%r an= raise a AoBifero%s
o%tBr# oAer hi&, Ball hi& filth#, ostraBise hi& fro& their &i=st, an=
=is=ain fro& eating 2ith hi& or assoBiating 2ith hi&* On the other
han= the# regar= a%sterit# in attire, 2hiBh is a <art of >elief,
2hile &a3e-%< an= orna&entation the# Bonsi=er Bleanliness* See then
ho2 the eAil has >eBo&e goo=, an= the goo= eAilE ho2 the for& of
religion has =isa<<eare= J%st as its tr%th an= 3no2le=ge haAe
If #o% 2ill as3, !Will #o% then sa# that those <raBtiBes 2hiBh the
S%fis haAe starte= in BonneDion 2ith their o%t2ar= a<<earanBe an=
&atters of Bleanliness are for>i==en an= eAilM" I shall sa#, "Far >e it
fro& &e to generalie on this s%>JeBt an= not treat eAer# Base on its
o2n &erit*" NeAertheless this shall I sa#, "This eDBessiAe Bleaning an=
these <ainf%l %n=erta3ings, the <re<aration of s<eBial Aessels an=
<ara<hernalia, the %se of oAershoes, 2earing Aeils for <roteBtion against
the =%st an= other si&ilar =eAiBes, if the# 2ere eDa&ine= ># the&selAes
2itho%t referenBe to an#thing else, the# 2ill >e fo%n= <er&issi>le*
(ertain sit%ations an= &otiAes &a# >eBo&e attaBhe= to the& an= 2ill
ren=er the& at one ti&e goo= an= at another eAil* That in the&selAes
the# are <er&issi>le is C%ite eAi=ent sinBe he 2ho <raBtises the& =oes
so on his o2n aBBo%nt in his o2n >o=# an= Blothes* He, therefore, &a#
=o 2hateAer he 2ishes, so long as there is neither 2aste nor
eDtraAaganBe therein* The# >eBo&e eAil 2hen the# are &a=e a
f%n=a&ental <art of religion an= are BonseC%entl# a=AanBe= as the
inter<retation of the 2or=s of the Pro<het, "Religion 2as fo%n=e= on
Bleanliness*" As a res%lt those 2ho are not Aer# striBt in the o>serAanBe
of all these r%les of Bleanliness >%t, li3e the earl# M%sli&s, are lenient
therein, are s%>JeBte= to harsh striBt%res* Again the# >eBo&e eAil 2hen
the# are <erfor&e= for the <%r<ose of a=orning the >o=# an=
>ea%tif#ing it* This, in faBt, is h#<oBris#, 2hiBh is for>i==en* B# these
t2o Bonsi=erations 2ill the# >eBo&e eAil*
The# are goo= <raBtiBes 2hen their <%r<ose is %tilit# rather than
orna&entationE 2hen he 2ho fails to o>serAe the& is not Bens%re=E
2hen <ra#er is not =ela#e= on their aBBo%ntE an= 2hen the# =o not
<reAent the in=iAi=%al fro& =oing so&ething >etter or hin=er hi& fro&
<%rs%ing a s%<erior 3no2le=ge an= the li3e* When none of these things
is attaBhe= to the& the# are <er&issi>le an= &a# eAen >e Bonsi=ere=
&eritorio%s thro%gh the goo= &otiAe >ehin= the&* B%t these <raBtiBes
are <ossi>le onl# to the i=le, 2ho if the# =o not s<en= their ti&e in
the& 2ill 2aste it in slee< or %seless BonAersation* (onseC%entl# to
s<en= this Kother2ise 2aste=L ti&e of theirs in these <raBtiBes >eBo&es
the &ore 2orth#, >eBa%se an# ti&e s<ent in <%rifiBation rene2s the
re&e&>ranBe of Go= an= that of the aBts of 2orshi<* There is,
therefore, no har& in the& <roAi=e= the# =o not >eBo&e eAil or
:* As to the &en of learning an= aBtion, the# sho%l= not s<en= an# of
their ti&e in these <raBtiBes eDBe<t 2hat is neBessar#* For to go to
eDBess is eAil J%st as to 2aste one!s life, 2hiBh is the >est an= &ost
<reBio%s <earl, 2hen it sho%l= >e <reserAe= an= %tilie=, is eAil* None
nee= 2on=er at that sinBe the goo= 2or3s of the righteo%s are the eAil
2or3s of the faAo%rites of Go=* The i=le sho%l= not negleBt Bleanliness
hi&self an= =isa<<roAe of it in the S%fis Blai&ing that he is there>#
e&%lating the (o&<anions* For to e&%late the (o&<anions tr%l# is not
to =eAote oneself eDBe<t to that 2hiBh is &ore i&<ortant than eDternal
Bleanliness* Th%s it 2as sai= to 'a2%= al-Tai
"Wh# =o #o% not Bo&>
#o%r >ear=M" He re<lie=, "'o #o% thin3 I haAe nothing else to =oM" For
this reason I =o not thin3 that the learne= &an or the st%=ent, or the
la>o%rer sho%l= 2aste their ti&e 2ashing their Blothes in or=er to aAoi=
2earing the Blothes 2hiBh the la%n=r#-&an has 2ashe= >eBa%se the#
i&agine that the latter has not Bleane= the Blothes 2ell eno%gh* As a
&atter of faBt the earl# M%sli&s %se= to <erfor& their <ra#ers 2hile
2earing tanne= f%r-Boats, an= none of the& 2as 3no2n to =ifferentiate
>et2een la%n=ere= Blothes an= tanne= f%r-Boats as far as <%rit# an=
i&<%rit# 2ere BonBerne=* Rather the# aAoi=e= all i&<%rities 2hereAer
an= 2heneAer the# sa2 the& an= <ai= no attention to re&ote an= s%>tle
<ossi>ilities* The#, ho2eAer, sBr%tinie= Aer# Baref%ll# the s%>tleties of
h#<oBris# an= inJ%stiBe, so that S%f#an al-Tha2ri onBe tol= a
Bo&<anion 2ho raise= his e#es to see an ela>orate an= eDC%isite
=oor2a# ># 2hiBh the# ha= J%st <asse=, "'o not =o thatN For if <eo<le
2o%l= not loo3 at this =oor its o2ner 2o%l= not haAe >een so
eDtraAagant* )eril# those 2ho loo3 at his =oor hel< hi& to >e
eDtraAagant*" Th%s Kthe earl# M%sli&sL s<ent all the efforts of their
&in=s in <ointing o%t s%Bh s%>tleties rather than in s<eB%lating on the
re&ote <ossi>ilities of i&<%rit#*
Therefore it 2ill >e >etter for the learne= &an to fin= for hi&self an
or=inar# <erson to 2ash his Blothes Baref%ll# for hi&, >eBa%se, fro& the
<oint of Aie2 of lenienBe, this is >etter* The or=inar# <erson 2ill
>enefit ># his 2or3 sinBe he 2ill then giAe his so%l 2hiBh %rges to eAil
so&ething <er&issi>le to 3ee< it >%s# an= BonseC%entl# 3ee< it fro&
sinning* For the so%l, %nless it is 3e<t >%s# 2ith so&ething, 2ill lea= to
tro%>le* F%rther&ore, if the or=inar# &an 2ishes to gain the faAo%r of
the learne= &an thro%gh this 2or3, he 2ill fin= it to >e one of the >est
&eans to gain his en=* Again, the ti&e of the learne= &an is too
<reBio%s to >e one of the >est &eans to gain his en=* Again, the ti&e of
the or=inar# &an is s<ent in s%Bh 2or3, an= he 2ill >enefit in eAer#
+et this ill%stration, therefore, serAe &en as a re&in=er of other
si&ilar 2or3s an= aBtiAities, to =eter&ine their =ifferent Aal%es an= to
esta>lish their or=er of <referenBe* For Bare in <reserAing the ho%rs of
life an= eD<en=ing the& in <%rs%ing the >est is &ore i&<ortant than
>eing <artiB%lar an= fasti=io%s BonBerning the &in%te affairs of this
HaAing aBC%ainte= #o%rself 2ith this intro=%Btion an= fo%n= o%t
that <%rit# has fo%r stages, then 3no2 that in this >oo3 2e shall not
=isB%ss an#thing eDBe<t the fo%rth stage 2hiBh is the Bleanliness of the
>o=#, >eBa%se, in the first half of the >oo3 2e <%r<osel# =o not a==ress
o%rselAes eDBe<t to eDternal an= o%t2ar= things*
We, therefore, sa# that the <%rifiBation of the >o=# is =iAi=e= into
three <arts? <%rifiBation fro& i&<%rities, <%rifiBation fro& eDBre&ents,
an= <%rifiBation fro& >o=il# gro2ths an= =isBharges, 2hiBh is
aBBo&<lishe= ># s%Bh o<erations as &aniB%ring, shaAing, re&oAing
the hair off the <%>es 2ith a =e<ilator#, BirB%&Bision, an= the li3e*
=n >uri!i#ation !rom Impurities) the ?@amination
o! 1hi#h Involves a $tudy o! that 1hi#h is
"emoved) the Aehi#le o! "emoval) and
the 6anner o! "emoval.
That 2hiBh is re&oAe= %al-muBal/ is i&<%rit#* S%>stanBes %a0 yan/
are of three 3in=s? inani&ate o>JeBts, ani&ate o>JeBts an= <arts of
ani&ate o>JeBts*
As to inani&ate o>JeBts, all, eDBe<t 2ine an= intoDiBation
>eAerages, are <%re* As to ani&ate o>JeBts, all, eDBe<t the =og an= the
<ig an= their <ro=%Bts, are <%re* When ani&ate o>JeBts =ie, the# are all
i&<%re eDBe<t fiAe, na&el# h%&an >eings, fish, loB%sts, a<<le 2or&s,
an=, of the sa&e Bategor# as a<<le 2or&s, is eAer# foo= 2hiBh
Bhanges, as 2ell as eAer# for& of life 2hiBh has no flo2ing >loo= li3e
flies >eetles, an= the li3e* Water is not ren=ere= i&<%re 2hen s%Bh
o>JeBts fall into it*
As to the <arts of inani&ate o>JeBts, the# are of t2o 3in=s* The first
Bo&<rises those things 2hiBh &a# >e B%t off an= its r%le is the sa&e as
that of =ea= >o=ies* KOne eDBe<tion isL the hair 2hiBh is not ren=ere=
i&<%re ># shearing an= =eath* Bones, ho2eAer, are ren=ere= i&<%re >#
=eath* The seBon= Bo&<rises all 2et things 2hiBh the >o=# eD%=es or
e&its* EAer#thing 2hiBh is not s%>JeBt to Bhange an= has no fiDe= seat
li3e tears an= s2eat are <%re* B%t saliAa an= the &%B%s of the nose, an=
2hateAer things 2hiBh haAe a fiDe= seat an= are s%>JeBt to Bhange, are
all i&<%re eDBe<t the see= of life li3e se&en an= eggs* P%s, >loo=,
feBes, an= %rine are i&<%re in all ani&als* Nothing is eDe&<te= of these
i&<%rities eDBe<t fiAe things* The first, the re&ains of or=%re after
a>stersion 2ith stones- 2hateAer =oes not eDten= >e#on= the orifiBe is
eDe&<te=* SeBon=, the &%= in the streets an= the =%st of K=rie= %<L
=%ng, =es<ite the faBt that their i&<%rit# is esta>lishe=, are eDe&<t onl#
to the eDtent to 2hiBh the# Bannot >e aAoi=e=, i*e*, 2hiBh is not the
res%lt of negligenBe or oAersight* Thir=, 2hat hangs to the >otto& of
the shoes of i&<%rities, of 2hiBh the streets are al2a#s f%ll* This is
eDe&<t, after it has >een 2i<e= off, >eBa%se of neBessit#* Fo%rth, the
>loo= of fleas-little or &%Bh-eDBe<t 2hen it goes >e#on= the or=inar#
li&its-2hether it >e on #o%r o2n shirt or in so&e one else!s shirt, 2hiBh
#o% &a# 2ear* Fifth, the >loo= of <i&<les an= the <%s the# =isBharge*
I>n-!U&ar onBe 2i<e= off a <i&<le on his faBe an= it >le= >%t he 2ent
ahea= an= <erfor&e= his <ra#er 2itho%t first 2ashing* Of the sa&e
Bategor# is 2hat BhroniB >oils =isBharge as 2ell as the >loo= 2hiBh
iss%es after <hle>oto&#, eDBe<t in s%Bh Bases 2here the iss%e of >loo=
is Ba%se= ># an a>Bess 2here it 2ill >e s%>JeBt to the sa&e r%le 2hiBh
goAerns the >loo= of &enstr%Btion an= not that of <i&<les of 2hiBh
&an is neAer al2a#s free* The toleration of these fiAe i&<%rities ># the
+a2 sho2s that the <rinBi<le of <%rit# is lenienBe an= all that 2as
innoAate= therein is the res%lt of o>sessions 2hiBh haAe no fo%n=ation*
The AehiBle of re&oAal %al-muBal bihi/ is either soli= or liC%i=* The
soli= is the stone of a>stersion 2hiBh has >een <%rifie= thro%gh >eing
Ks%n-L =rie=* It sho%l= >e a har=, <%re, an= =r# stone >%t not a reliB of
an# Aeneration*
As to liC%i=s, none of the& re&oAes i&<%rities eDBe<t 2ater an=
not an# 3in= of 2ater at that, >%t onl# the <%re 2ater 2hiBh has not
>eBo&e Bonta&inate= thro%gh its BontaBt 2ith other >o=ies* Again
2ater Beases to >e <%re 2hen, thro%gh BontaBt 2ith i&<%rities, it
Bhanges in taste or Bolo%r or o=o%r* If, on the other han= it =oes not
Bhange in an# of these, an= its C%antit# a<<roaBhes t2o h%n=re= an=
fift# &anehs, 2hiBh eC%als fiAe h%n=re= $IraCi rotls, it 2ill not >eBo&e
i&<%re, >eBa%se the Pro<het sai=, !When 2ater is s%ffiBient to fill t2o
<itBhers it Barries no i&<%rities*"
ABBor=ing to al-Shafi!i if it 2ere
less, it 2o%l= >eBo&e i&<%re* This relates to stagnant 2ater onl#*
R%nning 2ater, on the other han=, 2hen <oll%te= 2ith i&<%rities, the
ri<<les 2hiBh haAe >een Bonta&inate= 2ith these i&<%rities >eBo&e
i&<%re, eDBe<t those >eneath an= >elo2, >eBa%se the ri<<les of 2ater
are se<arate= one fro& the other* Si&ilarl#, the i&<%rities, if the#
sho%l= flo2 in the 2aterBo%rse, ren=er i&<%re the <art in 2hiBh the#
fall as 2ell as the <art to the right an= left of the <art 2herein the# fall,
if the a&o%nt of 2ater =oes not eDBee= t2o <itBhers* If the flo2 of the
2ater, 2ere faster than the flo2 of the i&<%rities, 2hat lies oAer the
i&<%rities is <%re an= 2hat lies >elo2 the& is i&<%re, no &atter ho2
far it &a# &oAe or ho2 &%Bh it &a# >e, %nless it gathers in a <on= or
BaAit# the sie of 2hiBh is larger than t2o <itBhers* If an a&o%nt of
i&<%re 2ater, eC%al to t2o <itBhers, sho%l= gather in one <laBe, that
2ater 2o%l= >eBo&e <%re if &iDe= K2ith a larger C%antit# of <%re
2aterL* This is the <osition of al Shafi$i* I ha= ho<e=, ho2eAer, that his
<osition 2o%l= >e li3e that of Mali3 2ho hel= that 2ater, no &atter
ho2 &eagre its a&o%nt &ight >eBo&e, 2o%l= not >e ren=ere= i&<%re
eDBe<t thro%gh Bhange K in taste, Bolo%r, or o=o%rL, >eBa%se the nee=
for it is great an= to la# =o2n the Bon=ition of t2o <itBhers 2o%l=
si&<l# <roAo3e s%s<iBion an= fear* It has therefore >eBo&e Aer#
=iffiB%lt to o>serAe this r%le an=, %<on &# life, it is =iffiB%ltE those 2ho
2o%l= tr# an= eDa&ine it 2o%l= fin= that o%t for the&selAes*
F%rther&ore, I haAe no =o%>t that if s%Bh a Bon=ition ha= >een
sti<%late=, then Ma33ah an= alMa=inah, >>eBa%se of the sBarBit# of
r%nning 2ater an= still 2ater in >ig C%antities in either to2n, 2o%l=
haAe >een the t2o &ost =iffiB%lt <laBes for aBhieAing <%rit#* Yet fro&
the ti&e of the A<ostle of Go= to the last =a#s of his (o&<anions not a
single Brisis <ertaining to <%rifiBation nor a single C%estion BonBerning
the &anner of safeg%ar=ing 2ater fro& i&<%rities ha= >een re<orte=*
The Aessles in 2hiBh their 2ater 2as <laBe= 2as han=le= ># >o#s an=
slaAe-girls 2ho 2ere not Baref%l against i&<%rities* F%rther&ore,
$U&ar <erfor&e= his a>l%tion 2ith 2ater fro& the Jar of a (hristian
2o&an* This aBt of $U&ar is J%st as Blear an= >in=ing as a gen%ine
tra=ition 2hiBh f%lfils all reC%ire&ents 1sarih4 in esta>lishing that 2ater
>eBo&es i&<%re onl# 2hen it Bhanges Kin taste, or Bolo%r, or o=o%rL*
Other2ise the i&<%rit# of the (hristian 2o&an an= that of her Aessels
are C%ite eAi=ent an= are Aer# rea=il# =isBerne=* Therefore this <osition
>eBo&es %ntena>le* The faBt that no C%estion BonBerning it arose =%ring
the =a#s of the A<ostle an= his (o&<anions is one <roof for its >eing
%ntena>leE the aBtion of $U&ar is anotherE 2hile a thir= <roof is fo%n=
in the faBt that the A<ostle of Go= 2as 2ont to inBline the 2ater Aessel
to the Bat an= to leaAe all Aessels %n<roteBte= against it eAen after he
ha= seen it eat a &o%se*
No2here in their lan= 2ere tan3s set a<art for
Bats to =rin3* Nor =i= the Bats go =o2n to the >otto& of the 2ell for
The fo%rth <roof is that al-Shafi!i has =efinitel# sai= that 2ater 2ith
2hiBh a Bertain i&<%rit# has >een 2ashe= 2as <%re, as long as it =i=
not %n=ergo an# Bhange Kin taste, or Bolo%r, or o=o%rL, an= 2as i&<%re
2heneAer it =i= %n=ergo an# s%Bh Bhange* An= 2hat =ifferenBe is there
>et2een 2ater Bonta&inate= 2ith i&<%rities thro%gh its o2n BontaBt
2ith the& or thro%gh the BontaBt of i&<%rities 2ith itM An= 2hat sense
is there in sa#ing that the forBe of the BontaBt of 2ater <reAents
i&<%rit# altho%gh BontaBt in itself =oes not hin=er the inter&iDt%re of
i&<%rit#M If the one is to >e eD<laine= on the gro%n=s of nee= an=
neBessit#, nee= an= neBessit# are also <resent in the other* There is no
=ifferenBe >et2een <o%ring 2ater into a Aessel 2herein there is an
i&<%re gar&ent an= thro2ing the i&<%re gar&ent in a Aessel 2herein
there is <%re 2ater->oth >eing or=inar# <raBtiBes in la%n=r# an=
A fifth <roof is fo%n= in the faBt that it 2as the <raBtiBe to <erfor&
a>stersion along the e=ges of s&all >o=ies of r%nning 2ater* There is no
=isagree&ent BonBerning the <osition of al-Shafi!i that if %rine sho%l=
fall into r%nning 2ater an= the 2ater =oes not %n=ergo an# Bhange Kin
taste, or Bolo%r or o=o%rL, it 2ill still re&ain <er&issi>le to %se the
2ater for a>l%tion no &atter ho2 s&all the C%antit#* An= 2hat
=ifferenBe is there >et2een r%nning an= still 2ater* U<on &# life,
2hiBh is the stronger arg%&ent? to >ase the =eBision on the laB3 of
Bhange in the 2ater or on the forBe of its flo2M F%rther&ore, 2hat are
the li&itations of this forBeM 'oes it eDten= to the 2ater 2hiBh flo2s
2ithin the <i<es of >aths or notM If it =oes not eDten= to the 2ater 2hiBh
flo2s 2ithin the <i<es of >aths, 2hat aBBo%nts for the =ifferenBeM An=
if it =oes eDten= to s%Bh 2ater that is the =ifferenBe >et2een 2hat falls
into it an= 2hat falls into its Bo%rse as it is <o%re= o%t fro& Aessels oAer
the >o=#, 2hen >oth are r%nning 2atersM F%rther&ore, if it is to >e
r%le= that 2ater 2hiBh flo2s oAer a soli= an= stationar# i&<%rit# is
i&<%re, altho%gh it =oes not %n=ergo an# Bhange, an= that it re&ains
i&<%re %ntil a C%antit# eC%al to t2o <itBhers BolleBts in a s&all <on=,
Kit sho%l= >e re&e&>ere=L that %rine is inter&iDe= 2ith r%nning 2ater
&ore rea=il# than an# soli= an= stationar# o>JeBt <ossi>l# Bo%l=* An=
2hat =ifferenBe is there >et2een the soli= an= liC%i= Ki&<%ritiesL 2hen
the 2ater is the sa&e an= a=&iDt%re is &ore thro%gh-going than &ere
The siDth <roof is fo%n= in the faBt that if a rotl of %rine 2as <o%re=
into a C%antit# of 2ater eC%al to t2o <itBhers an= then the 2ater 2as
=istri>%te= into =ifferent Aessels* Water =ra2n fro& an# of these
Aessels is <%reE #et it is 2ell 3no2n that %rine, tho%gh a s&all C%antit#
of it, Bonta&inates all* WhiBh is &ore BonAinBing to eD<lainE that the
2ater is <%re >eBa%se it %n=er2ent no Bhange, or >eBa%se of its large
C%antit#, eAen after that C%antit# has Bease= to >e large, an= =es<ite the
3no2le=ge that a <art of the i&<%rit# still eDists in the re&in=er of that
A seAenth <roof is seen in the faBt that in >#gone ==a#s asBetiBs
Bonstantl# <erfor&e= their a>l%tions in <%>liB >aths an= =i<<e= their
han=s an= Aessels in tan3s =es<ite the s&all C%antit# of 2ater these
tan3s Bontaine= an= =es<ite their 3no2le=ge that >oth <%re an= i&<%re
han=s haAe >een =i<<<e= into these tan3s*
These inBi=ents together 2ith %rgent nee= an= neBessit# strengthen
the >elief that onl# the laB3 of an# Bhange in the 2ater 2as ta3en into
Bonsi=eration 2heneAer its <%rit# 2as C%estione=, rel#ing there># on
the 2or=s of the A<ostle 2hen he sai=, "Water 2as Breate= <%re an=
nothing ren=ers it i&<%re eDBe<t that 2hiBh Bhanges its taste or Bolo%r
or o=o%r*!
There is a >asiB tr%th in this, na&el# that it is the <ro<ert#
of eAer# liC%i= to transfor& 2hateAer &a# fall into it into its o2n,
<roAi=e= that liC%i= >e the =o&inant ele&ent of the t2o* Th%s J%st as
the =og 2hen it falls into a &ine of salt, is itself transfor&e= into salt,
an= thro%gh its transfor&ation into salt an= its loss of Baninit#,
>eBo&es <%re, so is the Base 2ith Ainegar an= &il3, 2heneAer the# are
<laBe= in 2ater 2hiBh is =o&inant, the# lose their <ro<erties an=
aBC%ire those of the 2ater, %nless the Ainegar an= the &il3 >e the
=o&inant ele&ents, in 2hiBh Base the# 2ill <reAail* Their <reAalenBe is
3no2n thro%gh the <resenBe of their taste, or Bolo%r or o=o%r* This then
is the Briterion K2here># things are =eter&ine= an= J%=ge=L* To it the
+a2 has <ointe= in the Base of the 2ater 2hiBh is Ba<a>le of re&oAing
i&<%rities* It is, therefore, 2orth# of >eing relie= %<on* (onseC%entl#,
thro%gh it the g%ilt is lifte= Koff those 2ho %se 2ater 2hiBh the
fasti=io%s =ee& i&<%reL, an= the &eaning Kof the tra=ition that 2ater
2as Breate= <%reL is eD<laine= thro%gh it sinBe 2ater <reAails oAer
i&<%rities an= ren=ers the o>JeBts <%re, J%st as it 2as sho2n in the Base
of the t2o <itBhers, as 2ell as in the Base of the %se= 2ater, an= the
r%nning 2ater, an= in the Base of inBlining the Aessel for the Bat*
'o not, ho2eAer, thin3 that that is an eDe&<tion, for it 2ere so it
2o%l= haAe >een li3e the re&ains of or=%re after a>stersion an= the
>loo= of fleas? it 2o%l= >e =ee&e= <%re %ntil Kthro%gh eDBessL it &a3es
the 2ater i&<%re* EAen 2hen the C%antit# is s&all, 2ater is not
ren=ere= i&<%re ># artiBles stee<e= or 2ashe= therein or ># a Bat
liB3ing therefro&*
As to the sa#ing of the A<ostle that 2ater Barries no i&<%rities, it is
in itself a&>ig%o%s, for 2heneAer 2ater %n=ergoes Bhange it Barries
i&<%rities* If it >e sai= that the A<ostle &eant 2ith his 2or=s that
2ater Barries no i&<%rities so long as it %n=ergoes no Bhange, it 2ill
then >e <ossi>le to sa# that in &ost Bases 2ater =oes not %n=ergo an#
Bhange thro%gh its BontaBt 2ith or=inar# i&<%rities* F%rther&ore, the
2or=s of the tra=ition i&<l# the aBBe<tanBe that 2hen the C%antit# of
2ater is short of t2o <itBhers, the 2ater Barries i&<%rities 2hen
>ro%ght into BontaBt 2ith the&* NeAertheless, it is C%ite <ossi>le to
ignore the i&<lie= &eaning of the tra=ition for lesser reasons than
those 2e haAe alrea=# &entione= in those seAen <roofs* The a<<arent
&eaning of the 2or=s of the A<ostle that 2ater Barries no i&<%rities is
to negate the aBt of Barr#ing in other 2or=s it transfor& i&<%rities to
its o2n <ro<ert#, J%st as 2e sa# that a &ine of salt 2ill not hol= a =og
or an#ting else >%t 2ill =eBo&<ose an= transfor& the& into salt* Men
<erfor& their a>stersion in s&all 2aters an= strea&lets an= =i< i&<%re
Aessels therein, an= then 2on=er 2hether or not the 2ater has
%n=ergone an# <erBe<ti>le Bhange* It has therefore >eBo&e eAi=ent that
2heneAer the C%antit# of 2aters eDBee=s t2o <itBhers, or=inar#
i&<%rities =o not Ba%se it to %n=ergo an# Bhange*
If #o% sho%l= sa# that the Pro<het ha= sai= that 2ater Barries no
i&<%rities, no &atter ho2 &%Bh these i&<%rities inBrease, then the
arg%&ent 2o%l= >e t%rne= against #o%, >eBa%se 2heneAer the
i&<%rities inBrease in C%antit#, 2ater 2o%l= Barr# the& in effeBt as
2ell as in faBt* For this reason, I 2o%l= sa# that it is i&<eratiAe for
>oth sBhools
to >e s<eBifiB an= li&it their inter<retation to the
or=inar# i&<%rities*
In short, in the Base of or=inar# i&<%rities, I a& inBline= to >e
tolerant an= lenient, follo2ing therein the eDa&<le of the earl#
M%sli&s an= ho<ing there># to =o a2a# 2ith fears an= s%s<iBions* In
that s<irit haAe I giAen &# legal o<inions BonBerning =is<%te=
<ro>le&s of <%rit#*
If an i&<%rit# is an i&<%rit# in effeBt %hu8miyah/) i.e.) it has no
<al<a>le >o=#, it is s%ffiBient to r%n 2ater oAer all its <arts* B%t if it is
an i&<%rit# in faBt, i*e*, <h#siBal %7ayniyah/ it is neBessar# to re&oAe
the <h#siBal* The <ersistenBe of the taste in=iBates the <ersistenBe of the
<h#siBal* The sa&e is tr%e of the <ersistenBe of Bolo%r eDBe<t in s%Bh
Bases 2here the i&<%rit# leaAes an in=elia>le stain, in 2hiBh eAent it is
eDe&<te=, <roAi=e= it has >een thoro%ghl# r%>>e= an= 2ashe=* B%t the
<ersistenBe of o=o%r in=iBates the <ersistenBe of the <h#siBal an= in not
eDe&<te= eDBe<t in s%Bh Bases 2here the o>JeBt has a strong o=o%r
2hiBh is =iffiB%lt to re&oAeE in 2hiBh eAent soa3ing it in 2ater an=
2ringing it seAeral s%BBessiAe ti&es 2ill =o instea= of r%>>ing an=
2ashing as in the Base of the <ersistenBe of Bolo%r* It 2ill =o a2a# 2ith
fear an= s%s<iBion to 3no2 that things haAe >een Breate= <%re* O>JeBts
on 2hiBh i&<%rities are not <ositiAel# seen &a# >e %se= in <ra#er, an=
one sho%l= not resort to =e=%Btion to <roAe the <resenBe of i&<%rities*
>uri!i#ation !rom ?@#rements
The <%rifiBation fro& eDBre&ents %ahdath/ Bo&<rises a>l%tions
12%=%4, &aJor a>l%tion %ghusl/) an= <%rifiBation 2ith san=
%tayarnmum/) an= are <reBe=e= ># a>stersion %istin3a/. We shall no2
state the &anner of their <erfor&anBe in the <resBri>e= or=er together
2ith their etiC%ette an= r%les, >eginning 2ith the reason for a>l%tion
an= the etiC%ette of ans2ering the Ball of nat%re*
KThe <ersonL sho%l= go into the 2il=erness far fro& the e#es of
He sho%l= shelter hi&self >ehin= so&ething 2heneAer
<ossi>le an= sho%l= not %nBonAer his na3e=ness 1$a2rah4 >efore he
reaBhes the <laBe of sC%atting* He sho%l= not faBe the s%n or the &oon
2ith his na3e=ness, nor sho%l= he faBe the Ci>lah or t%rn his >aB3 %nto
it* 2hen his na3e=ness is %nBoAere= eDBe<t 2hen he is 2ithin a ho%se,
an= eAen then it is >etter to aAoi= Kthat <ositionL*
It is <er&issi>le for
hi&, 2hen in the 2il=erness, to shelter hi&self >ehin= his Ba&el or %se
for that <%r<ose his s3irt* He sho%l= aAoi= sC%atting =o2n Kfor the
<%r<ose of ans2ering the Ball of nat%reL in an# <laBe 2here it is
B%sto&ar# for &en to &eet for BonAersation* He sho%l= not %rinate in
still 2ater,
or %n=er a fr%ite tree, or in an# enBlos%re*
When %rinating
he sho%l= 3ee< a2a# fro& har= s%rfaBe an= 2in=# <laBes in or=er to
aAoi= s<atter an= s<lash* When he sC%ats =o2n to ans2er the Ball of
nat%re, he sho%l= s%<<ort hi&self on the left leg* When entering a
ho%se to %rinate he sho%l= a=AanBe 2ith the left leg first an= 2hen he
leaAes he sho%l= a=AanBe 2ith the right* F%rther&ore, he sho%l= not
%rinate 2hile stan=ing* $A!ishah sai=, "He 2ho tells that the Pro<het
2as 2ont to %rinate stan=ing, >elieAe hi& not*
also sai=, !The A<ostle of Go= onBe sa2 &e %rinate 2hile stan=ing
an= he tol= &e, $; $U&arN 'o not %rinate stan=ing,! HenBeforth, I,
neAer %rinate= stan=ing*"
Yet in Bertain instanBes, it is allo2e= sinBe
H%=ha#afah relate= that the A<ostle onBe %rinate= stan=ing an= that
H%=a#fah then >ro%ght hi& 2ater for a>l%tion 2hiBh he <erfor&e= an=
2i<e= his shoes off*
Again no one sho%l= %rinate in the >ath t%>* In this BonneDion the
Pro<het sai= that &ost of &en!s fears an= s%s<iBions 2hether or not
things are <%re res%lt fro& %rinating in >ath t%>s*
sai=, "Ho2eAer, if the 2ater in the >ath t%> >e r%nning 2ater, then
there is no har& in %rinating therein*"
When a <erson <roBee=s to ans2er the Ball of nat%re, he sho%l= not
ta3e 2ith hi& an#thing 2hiBh Bontains the na&e of Go= or of His
He sho%l= not enter the 2ater-Bloset >arehea=e=, an= on
entering he sho%l= sa#, "I see3 ref%ge in Go= against the aBB%rse=
Satan, the filth#, the i&<%re, the a>o&ina>le, the <erniBio%s"*
leaAing the 2ater-Bloset he sho%l= sa#, "<raise >e to Go= Who hath
re&oAe= fro& &e that 2hiBh is har&f%l an= hath left &e that 2hiBh is
He sho%l= sa# this after he ha= left the 2ater-Bloset* He
sho%l= <re<are the stones Kfor a>stersionL >efore sC%atting, an= sho%l=
not <erfor& the aBt of a>stersion oAer the <laBe 2here he ha= =efeBate=*
He sho%l= ta3e the %t&ost <ains in Bleaning his <enis fro& %rine >#
sha3ing it to an= fro& three ti&es an= ># stro3ing its lo2er eDtre&it#
2ith his han=*
NeAertheless, he sho%l= not 2orr# too &%Bh oAerthe
state of his Bleanliness lest he >eBo&e AiBti& to an o>session 2hiBh
2ill 2ear hi& o%t* If he sho%l= feel so&ething 2et there, let hi&
s%<<ose that it is nothing >%t so&e of the 2ater K2ith 2hiBh he
<erfor&e= the aBt of a>stersionL* If this =oes not alla# his s%s<iBion let
hi& s<rin3le so&e 2ater on the <laBe so that he Ban then ass%re hi&self
that the 2etness is Ba%se= ># 2ater not ># %rine* (onseC%entl#, he 2ill
not allo2 Satan to <reAail oAer hi& thro%gh fear an= s%s<iBion* The
Pro<eht hi&self, 2e are tol= in a tra=ition, has =one the sa&e thing,
na&el#, s<rin3le= 2ater oAer Khis orifiBeL*
The <erson 2ho 2as 2ont
to eDert the least effort in affeBting the Bleanliness of his orifiBe 2as the
&ost learne= a&ong the&, for fear an= o>sessions in=iBate laB3 of
learning an= ignoranBe*
In a tra=ition Sal&an Kal-FarisiL sai=, !The A<ostle of Go= ta%ght %s
eAer#thing, eAen ho2 to ans2er the Ball of nat%re? Ho2 Bo&&an=e= %s
not to <erfor& the aBt of a>stersion 2ith either >one or K=rie=L =%ng,
an= for>a=e %s to faBe the Ci>lah 2hen =efeBating or %rinating*"
A Bertain Be=o%in haAing fo%ght 2ith one of the (o&<anions tol=
hi&, "Yo% =o not eAen 3no2 ho2 to =efeBate*" The (o&<anion
ans2ere= an= sai=, " Yea, ># #o%r father!s >ear=s, I =o, an= I a& a <ast
&aster at it* I go o%t far into the 2il=erness, <re<are the stones Kfor
a>stersionL, faBe the 2or&2oo=, t%rn &# >aB3 to the 2in=, sC%at li3e
the =eer, an= stoo< raising &# <osterior as the ostriBh raises its tail,"
1The 2or&2oo= is an aro&atiB =esert <lant, sC%atting is Bro%Bh-resting
on his toes, an= stoo<ing is raising the <osterior <art4*
It is so&eti&es allo2e= for the &an to %rinate Blose to his
Bo&<anion <roAi=e= he >e BonBeale= an= sheltere=* The A<ostle of
Go= has =one that =es<ite his eDtre&e sh#ness, in or=er to sho2 &en
that it 2as <er&issi>le*
The 6anner o! Absetersion
The <erson 2ill then <erfor& the a>stersion for his <osterior orifiBe
2ith three stones* If the orifiBe is Bleanse= there2ith, the three stones
2ill s%ffiBe, other2ise, a fo%rth stone &%st >e %se=, an= if this <roAes
s%ffiBient, a fifth &%st >e %se=, >eBa%se Kaltho%ghL onl# Bleanliness is
neBessar#, the %se of an o== n%&>er Kof stonesL is =esira>le* The
Pro<het sai=, !When tho% e&<lo#est stones for th# a>stersion, %se an
o== n%&>er*"
In <erfor&ing the a>stersion, the <erson sho%l= hol= the
stone 2ith his left han=, <laBe it at the fore-<art of his orifiBe J%st >efore
the seat of i&<%rit#, an= r%n it oAer 2ith horiontal an= BirB%lar &otion
to the rear <art* He sho%l= then ta3e the seBon= stone, <laBe it at the
rear <art an= r%n it oAer to the fore<art* Ta3ing then the thir= stone he
sho%l= r%n it aro%n= the orifiBe* If he sho%l= not >e a>le to r%n the stone
aro%n= the orifiBe, he &ight <erfor& the aBt in <arts*
He then sho%l= ta3e a large stone 2ith his right an= his <enis 2ith
the left an= 2ith it1the left4 &oAe the <enis there># 2i<ing it against
the stone in three =ifferent <laBes, or against three stones, or against
three =ifferent <alBes on a 2all, %ntil he sees 2etness on the <laBe
2here he ha= 2i<e= his <enis* If that is aBBo&<lishe= after he 2i<e= it
t2iBe, he sho%l= =o it a thir= ti&e* This is o>ligator# if he 2ishes to
li&it hi&self to the %se of stones* If that is aBBo&<lishe= after he ha=
2i<e= his <enis fo%r ti&es against the stone, it 2o%l= >e =esira>le to
2i<e it a fifth ti&e for the sa3e of &aintaining an o== n%&>er*
He sho%l= then &oAe to another <laBe an= <erfor& the aBt of
a>stersion 2ith 2ater, <o%ring it oAer the seat of eDBre&ent an=
r%>>ing it 2ith the left %ntil nothing 2hiBh the <al& of the han= Bo%l=
feel is left* He sho%l= not go to eDBess ># tr#ing to re&oAe the <arts
2hiBh are still 2ithin the orifiBe >eBa%se s%Bh a thing 2o%l= giAe rise to
o>session* He sho%l= realise that 2hateAer 2ater Bannot reaBh lies
2ithin, an= these <arts 2hiBh lie 2ithin are not s%>JeBt to the r%le that
goAerns i&<%rities %nless the# Bo&e o%t* An= eAer#thing 2hiBh is
eDternal an= 2hiBh is s%>JeBt to the r%le that goAerns i&<%rities f%lfils
the =efinition of <%rit# 2hen the 2ater reaBhes an= re&oAes it* There is,
therefore, no sense in >eing AiBti& to an o>session in this re<seBt*
At the en= of a>stersion the <erson sho%l= sa#, "; &# Go=N P%rif#
&# heart fro& h#<oBris#, an= &a3e &# >o=# Bhaste*" He then sho%l=
2i<e his han= against a 2all or earth for re&oAing an# o=o%r 2hiBh
&ight haAe <ersiste= thereon* The %se of >oth stones an= 2ater together
is =esira>le, as it 2as relate= that 2hen Go= reAeale= %nto the A<ostle
the Aerse, "Therein are &en 2ho as<ire to <%rit#, an= Go= loAeth the
the A<ostle sai= to the <eo<le of H%>a,
"What is the <%rit#
for 2hiBh Go= has here2ith <raise= #o%M" The# sai=, "We 2ere 2ont
to %se >oth stones an= 2ater Kfor <erfor&ing the aBt of a>stersionL*"
The 6anner o! Ablution
When Kthe <ersonL is thro%gh 2ith a>stersion, he sho%l= <roBee= to
<erfor& his a>l%tion, for neAer has the A<ostle of Go= >een seen
e&erging after he ha= ans2ere= the Ball of nat%re 2itho%t i&&e=iatel#
<erfor&ing the a>l%tion* The <erson sho%l= Bo&&enBe 2ith the %se of
the tooth<iB3* Th%s the A<ostle sai=, "Yo%r &o%ths are the <ath2a#s
of the H%r!an* Ren=er the&, therefore Blean 2ith tooth<iB3s*"
<%r<ose, 2hen %sing the tooth<iB3, sho%l= >e the <%rifiBation of his
&o%th for the rea=ing of the H%r!an, an= the inAoBation of Go= in
<ra#er* The Pro<het sai=, "One <ra#er after the %se of the tooth<iB3 is
>etter than seAent# an= fiAe <ra#ers 2itho%t the %se of the tooth<iB3*"
An= again,"Ha= it not >een for &# fear to oAer>%r=en &# <eo<le, I
2o%l= haAe Bo&&an=e= the& to %se the tooth<iB3 >efore eAer#
" An= again "Wh# =o #o% Bo&e >efore &e 2ith #ello2 teethM
Use tooth<iB3s*"
He also 2as 2ont to %se the tooth<iB3 seAeral ti&es
eAer# night* It 2as also relate= that i>n-A>>as onBe sai=, "The A<ostle
has so re<eate=l# Bo&&an=e= %s to %se the tooth<iB3 that 2e eD<eBte=
hi& soon to reBeiAe a reAelation on its %se*"
The A<ostle also sai=,
"Use #e the tooth<iB3? it is a <%rifier for the &o%th an= 2ell-<leasing
%nto Go=*"
$Ali sai=, "The tooth<iB3 =eAelo<s an= strengthens the
&e&or# an= >anishes sl%ggishness*" F%rther&ore, it 2as B%sto&ar#
for the (o&<anions of the Pro<het to go a>o%t 2ith their tooth<iB3s
Barrie= >ehin= the ears*
The manner o! its use. For a tooth<iB3 &en sho%l= %se the ara8
1salAa=ora <erisBe4 2oo= or other ro%gh >ranBhes 2hiBh re&oAe the
#ello2 =e<osits aro%n= the teeth* The tooth<iB3 sho%l= >e %se= >oth
horiontall# an= AertiBall#, an= if one sho%l= li&it hi&self to one of the
t2o &otions, let hi& %se it horiontall#*
It is =esira>le to %se the tooth<iB3 <rior to eAer# <ra#er an= <rior to
eAer# a>l%tion 2hether it is follo2e= 2ith <ra#er or not* EC%all#
=esira>le is its %se 2hen the taste of the &o%th has >eBo&e >a= as a
res%lt of slee<, or long a>stinenBe fro& foo=, or eating a thing of
%n<leasant s&ell*
After Bo&<leting the Bleansing of his &o%th 2ith the tooth<iB3 the
<erson sho%l= then <roBee= 2ith his a>l%tion faBing therein the Ci>lah,
an= sa#ing, "In the na&e of Go= the MerBif%l, the (o&<assionate*" The
Pro<het sai=, "There is no a>l%tion to hi& 2ho =oes not Ball %<on the
na&e of Go=,"
i*e*, no Bo&<lete a>l%tion* The <erson sho%l= then
sa#, "K; Go=NL I see3 ref%ge in thee fro& the <o2er of the =eAil* I see3
ref%ge in thee ; Go= lest the# sho%l= Bo&e an= s%rro%n= &e*" He then
sho%l= 2ash his han=s three ti&es >efore <%tting the& into the Aessel
an= sho%l= sa#, "; Go=, I as3 thee for l%B3 an= >lessing, an= see3
ref%ge in thee against ill-l%B3 an= =estr%Btion*" His <%r<ose sho%l= >e
the re&oAal of eDBre&ents or &a3ing <ra#er la2f%l* He sho%l= >ear
that <%r<ose in &in= %ntil he ha= 2ashe= his faBe* If, ho2eAer, he
ha<<ens to forget the <%r<ose of his a>l%tion J%st >efore he 2ashes his
faBe, he 2ill not >e <enalie= for it* He then sho%l= ta3e %< a han=f%l of
2ater 2ith his right, an= rinse his &o%th 2ith it thriBe an= gargle,
allo2ing the 2ater to reaBh his throat, eDBe<t 2hen he is fasting, at
2hiBh ti&e he sho%l= ta3e it eas# Klest he s2allo2 an# of itL*
HaAing =one that he sho%l= sa#, "; Go=, Hel< &e to reBite Th#
>oo3 an= to glorif# Th# na&e*" There%<on he sho%l= ta3e %< another
han=f%l an= inhale it thriBe, forBing it 2ith his >reath %< his nose an=
fl%shing there># its Bartilages, an= then forBe the 2ater o%t ># eDhaling*
As he sniffs the 2ater he sho%l= sa#, "; Go=N Grant &e Kto enJo#L the
<erf%&es of Para=ise an= >e graBio%s %nto &e*" As he eDhales in or=er
to forBe the 2ater o%t of his nose he sho%l= sa#, "; Go=N I see3 ref%ge
in Thee against the stenBh of Hell an= eAil of the 2orl=*" This is sai=
>eBa%se inhaling Bonstit%tes =ra2ing in an= eDhaling is re&oAal an=
He then sho%l= ta3e another han=f%l of 2ater for his faBe an=
sho%l= 2ash it fro& the >eginning of the flat <art of the forehea= to the
eDtre&it# of the fore-<art of the Bhin length2ise, an= fro& ear to ear
laterall#* The t2o te&<les 2hiBh are on either si=e of the forehea= are
not inBl%=e= in the faBe >%t for& a <art of the hea=* The 2ater is
allo2e= to reaBh the e=ge of the >angs 2hiBh 2o&en are 2ont to affeBt?
It is that <art 2hiBh lies at the si=e of the faBe 2hen the en= of a threa=
is <laBe= %<on the to< of the ear, an= the other en= is <laBe= %<on the
Borner of the forehea=* The 2ater, ho2eAer, is allo2e= to reaBh the fo%r
<arts of faBe 2here, the hair gro2s, na&el#, the e#e>ro2s, the
&%staBhe, the si=e 2his3ers, an= the e#elashes 2hiBh are, for the &ost
<art s<arse* The si=e 2his3ers are that <art of the >ear= 2hiBh gro2s
<arellel to an= alongsi=e the ears* Water sho%l= also >e allo2e= to
reaBh the >ase of s<arse >%t not thiB3 >ear=s, i.e. the frontal <art of the
faBe* The r%le 2hiBh goAerns the hair >et2een the lo2er li< an= the
Bhin is the sa&e as that 2hiBh goAerns the >ear=, 2hether thiB3 or
s<arse* He sho%l= K2ash his faBe in this <resBri>e= &annerL thriBe an=
then <o%r 2ater oAer the long <art of his >ear=, an= 2or3 his fingers in
an= Blean the e#e holes an= Kthe inner Borners of the e#esL 2here the
=irt 2hiBh the# =isBharge BolleBts an= Kthe o%ter BornersL 2here the
3ohl gathers, for it 2as relate= that the Pro<het hi&self =i= that*
the <erson 2ashes his e#es his 2ish sho%l= >e that sin 2o%l= =e<art
therfro&* Si&ilarl# at the 2ashing of eAer# &e&>er of his >o=#, he
sho%l= 2ish for the =e<art%re of sin therefro&* As he 2ashes his faBe,
he sho%l= sa#, "; Go=N (leanse Tho% &# faBe 2ith Th# light 2hen
Tho% Bleanseth the faBes of Th# saintsE an= >laB3en not &# faBe 2ith
Th# =ar3ness 2hen Tho% ren=ereth the faBes of Th# ene&ies >laB3*"
When 2ashing his faBe, he sho%l= also let 2ater flo2 in the interstiBes
of his >ear=, for, it is =esira>le*
He sho%l= then 2ash his ar&s %< to the el>o2s three ti&es, KWhen
2ashing his han=sL he sho%l= &oAe the ring aro%n= his finger* He then
sho%l= =ra2 his 2etten right han= oAer the fore-<art of his hea=,
Kraising his hea= gear 2ith the leftL, an= sho%l= a<<l# 2ater to the
%<<er <art of the %<<er ar&* For Kthe >elieAersL 2ill a<<ear on the =a#
of res%rreBtion 2ith 2hiteness on their forehea=s, 2rists, an= an3les,
fro& the effeBt of a>l%tion*
Si&ilarl#, a tra=iton =eBlares that the
Pro<eht sai=, " WhoeAer is a>le to Blean the fore-<art of his hea= let
hi& =o so*"
It has also >een relate= that the 2hiteness
a<<ears on
those <arts of the >o=# 2hiBh are 2ashe= at the ti&e of a>l%tion
The <erson sho%l= >egin 2ith the 2ashing of his right han= an=
sa#, "; Go=N KOn the =a# of J%=g&entL han= &e the >oo3 of &# aBtions
in &# right han= an= J%=ge &e 2ith lenienBe*" When he 2ashes his left
he sho%l= sa#, "I >eseeBh Thee ; Go=, han= &e not the >oo3 of &#
aBtion in &# left or fro& >ehin= &# >aB3*" He then sho%l= <roBee= to
2i<e his hea= thoro%ghl# ># soa3ing his han=s in the 2ater, >ringing
the ti<s of their fingers, >oth the right an= the left, together, <laBing
the& on the fore<art of the hea=, r%nning the& oAer to the o<<osite
si=e, an= finall# >ringing the& >aB3 again to the fore<art* All this
Bonstit%tes one 2i<ing* He sho%l= go thro%gh it thriBe an= sa#, "(oAer
&e 2ith Th# &erB#, ; Go=, an= sho2er %<on &e of Th# >lessings*
GiAe &e to sit in the sha=o2 of Th# throne on that =a# 2hen there 2ill
>e no sha=e eDBe<t Thine o2n*"
He then sho%l= 2i<e his ears, >oth o%tsi=e an= insi=e, 2ith fresh
2ater* To =o this, he sho%l= <%t the ti<s of his forefingers into his ears
an= t2ist the& ro%n=, <assing his th%&>s at the sa&e ti&e oAer their
>ae3* He then sho%l= <laBe the <al&s of his han=s oAer the o%ter <art of
his ears, re<eating the aBt thriBe an= sa#ing, "Ma3e &e ; Go= one of
those 2ho hear an= <attern their 2or3 in aBBor=anBe to the >est of 2hat
the# hear* ; Go=, let &e hear the Brier of Para=ise 2ith the righteo%s*"
He sho%l= then 2i<e his neB3 2ith fresh 2ater, >eBa%se the A<ostle
sai=, !Wi<ing the neB3 safeg%ar=s against >eing shaB3le= on the =a# of
As he 2i<es his neB3 he sho%l= sa#, "; Go=, release &#
neB3 fro& Kthe #o3e ofL fire an= saAe Tho% &e fro& the Bhains an=
shaB3les*" He sho%l= then 2ash his right foot thriBe an=, 2ith his left
han=, <ass his fingers >et2een his toes fro& the >otto& %<, >eginning
2ith the little toe of the right foot an= en=ing 2ith the little toe of the
left* KAs he 2ashes his right footL he sho%l= sa#, "; Go=, stea=# &#
foot on the narro2 >ri=ge on that =a# 2hen feet sli< =o2n into the fires
of Hell*" An= as he 2ashes his left foot he sho%l= sa#, "I see3 th# ai= ;
Go= lest &# foot sho%l= sli< off the >ri=ge on that =a# 2hen the feet of
the h#<oBrites sli<*" KIn 2ashing his feetL he sho%l= let the 2ater reaBh
half 2a# %< his legs* When he is thro%gh, he sho%l= t%rn his hea= %< to
heaAen an= sa#, "I testif# that there is no go= >%t Allah, that He hath no
assoBiate, an= that M%ha&&a= is His serAant an= a<ostle* Glor# >e to
Thee ; Go=, an= the <raise >e Thine, for there is no go= >%t Thee* I
haAe =one eAil an= sinne= against &# o2n so%l* I >eg Th# forgiAeness
; Go=, an= I hear3en >aB3 %nto Thee* ForgiAe, therefore, &# sin an= >e
graBio%s %nto &eE Tho% art the ForgiAing, the MerBif%l* GiAe &e to >e
<enitent ; Go=, an= &a3e &e <%re* Grant &e to >e one of Th#
righteo%s serAants an= &a3e &e <atient an= gratef%l* Hel< &e al2a#s to
re&e&>er Th# na&e, an= to <raise Thee =a# an= night*" It is sai= that
2hoeAer re<eats this KBolleBtL after <erfor&ing his a>l%tions 2ill haAe
the seal of a<<roAal affiDe= to his <erfor&anBe an= 2ill haAe a <laBe
<re<are= for hi& >eneath the throne, 2herefro& he 2ill Bontin%e to
<raise Go= an= glorif# His Hol# Na&e* His re2ar= 2ill >e <reserAe=
for hi& %ntil the =a# of res%rreBtion*
SeAeral things are %n=esira>le =%ring a>l%tion* Of these is to 2ash
KeaBh &e&>erL &ore than thriBe* WhoeAer goes >e#on= the three
transgresses* Another %n=esira>le thing is to >e eDtraAagant in the %se
of 2ater* The Pro<het <erfor&e= his a>l%tion, 2ashing eaBh &e&>er
thriBe, an= sai=, "WhoeAer goes >e#on= three transgresses an= =oes
An= again, "There 2ill rise a&ong this <eo<le so&e 2ho 2ill >e
eDtraAagant in their s%<<liBations an= <%rit#"
It is also sai=, "A s%re
sign of 2ea3ness in &an!s learning is his fon=ness for 2ater =%ring the
aBt of <%rifiBation*" I>rahi& i>n-A=ha& sai=, "O>sessions gro2 o%t of
Kfasti=io%sness inL <%rifiBation*"
A&ong the %n=esira>le things also are s<ea3ing =%ring a>l%tion
an= s<lashing the faBe 2ith 2ater* Others also o>JeBte= to the %se of
to2els after a>l%tion sa#ing that the 2ater %se= in the aBt is 2eighe=
Kon the =a# of res%rreBtionL* This 2as sai= ># >oth sa!i= i>n-al-
M%sa##a> an= al-@%hri*
B%t M%!a=h relate= that the A<ostle hi&self
2i<e= his faBe Kafter a>l%tionL 2ith the en= of his gar&ent*
also relate= that he ha= a to2el K2hiBh he %se= after a>l%tionL
* The
a%thentiBit# of this tra=ition has, ho2eAer, >een C%estione=*
It is also %n=esira>le to <erfor& the aBt of a>l%tion fro& 2ater
Bontaine= in >rass AesslesE or to %se for that <%r<ose 2ater 2hiBh has
>een heate= in the s%n* This latter thing is %n=esira>le for &e=iBal
reasons* The o>JeBtion to the %se of 2ater Bontaine= in >rass Aessles
2as relate= on the a%thorit# of i>n-!U&ar an= a>%-H%ra#rah*
A Bertain
<erson sai=, "I >ro%ght o%t for Sh%!>ah
2ater in >rass Aessel >%t he
ref%se= to <erfor& his a>l%tion therefro&*" In this o>JeBtion to >rass
Aessels he follo2e= the eDa&<le of i>n-!U&ar an= a>%-H%ra#rah*
When the <erson Bo&<letes his a>l%tion an= <roBee=s to <ra# he &%st,
no =o%>t, >e a2are of his eDternal <%rit#, the <%rit# 2hiBh &en >ehol=
an= see* He sho%l=, ho2eAer, >e asha&e= of Bo&&%ning 2ith Go=
2itho%t first <%rif#ing his heart, 2hiBh Go= >ehol=s an= sees* He
sho%l= 3no2 2ith Bertaint# that the <%rit# of the heart is aBBo&<lishe=
thro%gh re<entanBe, <%tting asi=e >la&e2orth# traits, an= la#ing hol=
on those 2hiBh are <raise2orth#* He 2ho li&its hi&self to eDternal
<%rit# an= Bleanliness is li3e the <erson 2ho, =esiring to inAite a 3ing to
his ho%se, e&>ar3s on the tas3 of <lastering an= 2hite2ashing its o%ter
gate, >%t negleBts the interior, leaAing it st%ffe= 2ith all &anner of =irt
an= filth* S%Bh a &an is >est fitte= for Bonte&<t an= <er=ition* B%t Go=
3no2eth >est*
The ?@#ellen#e o! Ablution
The A<ostle of Go= sai=, "WhoeAer <erfor&s his a>l%tion 2ell an=
<rostrates hi&self t2iBe in <ra#er 2itho%t allo2ing an#thing 2orl=l# to
=istraBt his &in=, 2ill >e a>solAe= of all his sins, an= 2ill >eBo&e as
innoBent as he 2as 2hen he 2as >orn,>
Or aBBor=ing to another
Aersion "2itho%t <er&itting his &in= to 2an=er, 2ill >e forgiAen all his
The A<ostle also sai=? "+et &e tell #o% 2here2ith GGo= atones sin
an= raises the ran3s Kof the faithf%lL? Perfor&ing the a>l%tion tho%gh in
=istress, freC%enting the &osC%es, an= loo3ing for2ar= for the ti&e of
the neDt <ra#er* )eril# this is the threefol= >on=*"
The A<ostle
<erfor&e= the a>l%tion thro2ing 2ater onBe on eAer# &e&>er an= sai=,
"Pra#er is %naBBe<ta>le >efore Go= eDBe<t after s%Bh a>l%tion*"
<erfor&e= the a>l%tion thro2ing 2ater t2iBe an= sai=, "WhoeAer
<erfor&s the a>l%tion thro2ing 2ater t2iBe on eAer# &e&>er 2ill t2iBe
reBeiAe his re2ar= fro& Go=*"
Finall#, he <erfor&e= the a>l%tion
thro2ing 2ater thriBe an= sai=, "This is &# &anner of a>l%tion an= that
of the <ro<ehts >efore &e an= that of A>raha&, the Frien= of the
MerBif%l Go=*"
The A<ostle also sai=, "He 2ho 2ill re&e&>er Go= 2hen he
<erfor&s his a>l%tion 2ill haAe his 2hole >o=# <%rifie= ># Go=* B%t he
2ho 2ill not re&e&>er Go= at his a>l%tion 2ill not haAe his >o=#
<%rifie= eDBe<t in those <laBes 2here the 2ater 2as a<<lie=*"
again, "He 2ho <erfor&s the a>l%tion 2hile <%re, 2ill >e Bre=ite= 2ith
ten goo= =ee=s ># Go=*"
He also sai=, "An a>l%tion %<on a>l%tion is
li3e a light %<on light*"
All this is to %rge an= in=%Be &en to re<eat an= rene2 their a>l%tion*
The A<ostle also sai=, "When a M%sli&, =%ring the aBt of a>l%tion,
rinses his &o%th, the sins leaAe itE 2hen he >lo2s his nose, the# are
gone therefro&E 2hen he 2ashes his han=s, the sins, eAen those >eneath
his finger-nails, are re&oAe=E 2hen he 2ashes his hea=, he ri=s it of its
sins, eAen those in an= >ehin= his ears, 2hen he 2ashes his feet, he
Bleanses the& fro& sins, eAen those >eneath his toe-nails* Then, an=
onl# then, 2ill his going to the &osC%e an= his <ra#er therein >e
It has also >een relate= that he 2ho is <%re has the sa&e
re2ar= as he 2ho is fasting*
The A<ostle also sai=, "WhoeAer
<erfor&s his a>l%tion 2ell, an= then lifts his hea= %nto heaAen an=
sa#s, !I testif# that there is no go= >%t Allah alone, He hath no assoBiate,
an= I testif# that M%ha&&a= is His serAant, the A<ostle, the eight gates
of Para=ise 2ill >e fl%ng o<en >efore hi& an= he 2ill enter therein
thro%gh 2hiBheAer gate he &a# =esire*"
Sai= $U&ar "Goo= a>l%tion
=riAes a2a# Satan fro& #o%*" M%Jahi= also sai=, "He 2ho is a>le to go
to >e= <%rifie=, re&e&>ering Go= an= <enitent, let hi& =o so, for so%ls
are >ro%ght >aB3 to life in the sa&e Bon=ition in 2hiBh the# 2ere 2hen
ta3en a2a#*"
The 6anner o! the 6a3or Ablution.
The <erson sho%l= <laBe the Aessel 2hiBh Bontains the 2ater to his
right, an= re<eating the basmalah) he sho%l= 2ash his han=s, thriBe,
then <erfor& the aBt of a>stersion, as has >een alrea=# =esBri>e=,
re&oAing off his >o=# 2hateAer i&<%rities it has* He then sho%l=
<erfor& the a>l%tion of <ra#er in the &anner alrea=# =esBri>e= 2ith the
eDBe<tion of the 2ashing of the feet 2hiBh he sho%l= for the ti&e >eing
=efer >eBa%se to 2ash the feet an= then ste< on the earth K2hiBh is not
BleanL 2o%l= >e 2aste of 2ater* He then sho%l= <o%r 2ater oAer his
hea=, thriBe oAer the right si=e an= thriBe oAer the left* He then sho%l=
r%> his >o=# on either si=e, the front an= the >aB3E let the 2ater flo2
into the interstiBes of his >ear= &a3ing it reaBh the >ase of the hair
2hether thiB3 or s<arse* A 2o&an, ho2eAer, nee= not %n=o her >rai=s
%nless she is Bertain that 2itho%t %n=oing the& the 2ater 2ill not
<enetrate into the interstiBes of her hair* The <erson sho%l= not forget
those <arts of the >o=# 2hiBh are >ent or BonBeale=, >%t sho%l= g%ar=
against to%Bhing his <enis* Sho%= he to%Bh his <enis, he sho%l= <erfor&
the aBt of a>l%tion all oAer again* If, ho2eAer, he has alrea=# <erfor&e=
his a>l%tion >efore the &aJor a>l%tion %ghusl/ he nee= not go thro%gh it
These then are the r%les of a>l%tion %1udu/ an= the &aJor a>l%tion
%ghusl/. We haAe =isB%sse= those ele&ents in the& 2hiBh are
in=is<ensa>le for the traAeller on the <ath of the hereafter to 3no2 an=
to =o* If on s<eBial oBBasions an= %n=er %n%s%al BirB%&stanBes he &a#
nee= other <oints >esi=es these, he sho%l= refer hi&self BonBerning
the& to the >oo3s of J%ris<r%=enBe*
Of all 2e haAe =isB%sse= BonBerning the &aJor a>l%tion t2o things
are o>ligator#? goo= intention an= the 2ashing of the 2hole >o=#* In
the Base of a>l%tion KsiD thingsL are o>ligator#? goo= intention, 2ashing
the faBe, 2ashing the ar&s %< to the el>o2s, 2i<ing the hea=, 2ashing
the feet inBl%=ing the heels, an= finall# the o>serAation of Kthe a>oAe
&entione=L or=er Kin the <erfor&anBe of the aBt of a>l%tionL* KWashing
the =ifferent &e&>ers of the >o=# inL %ninterr%<te= s%BBession
%mu1alah/) i.e.) to Bo&&enBe 2ashing the seBon= &e&>er >efore the
first has =rie=, an= the thir= >efore the seBon= has an= so onL, is not
o>ligator#* The &aJor a>l%tion %ghusl/ is o>ligator# after fo%r things?
after the e&ission se&en, after the t2o <laBes of BirB%&Bision &eet
after &enstr%ation, an= after Bhil=>irth* Other than these is
si&<l# or=aine= ># B%sto& after the %sage of the Pro<het %sunnah/)
s%Bh as the &aJor a>l%tion of the t2o feasts, al-Fitr an= al-A=ha, the
&aJor a>l%tion of the Fri=a# an= the =ifferent feasts, the &aJor a>l%tion
of the ihram)
that of the stan=ing on !Arafah an= M%=alifah, an= at
entering Ma33ah* Also <erfor&e= after the %sage of the Pro<het are the
three &aJor a>l%tions =%ring the last three =a#s of the <ilgri&age
1a##a& al-tashiC4,
the &aJor a>l%tion of the fare2ell
BirB%&a&>%lation %ta1a! al-1ada/) aBBor=ing to so&e, the &aJor
a>l%tion of the %n>elieAer 2hen he e&>raBes Isla& an= is %n=er no
o>ligation to <erfor& it ># reason of seD%al interBo%rse an= the
=isBharge of se&en, the insane 2hen he regains his sanit#, an= the
<erson 2ho has 2ashe= a =ea= >o=#* All these are =esira>le*
The 6anner o! >uri!i#ation 1ith $and
If, after tr#ing earnestl# to fin= 2ater, a <erson is %na>le to seB%re
an#, or is <reAente= ># the <resenBe of so&e >east or o>staBle fro&
reaBhing the 2ater s%<<l#, or 2heneAer the 2ater is nee=e= for the
C%enBhing of his thirst or that of his Bo&<anion, or 2heneAer it >elongs
to so&eone else 2ho =eBlines to sell an# of it eDBe<t for too high a
<riBe, or 2hen the <erson hi&self ha<<ens to >e s%ffering fro& a
2o%n= or an ail&ent, an= BonseC%entl# fears that the %se of 2ater &a#
res%lt in the infeBtion of the &e&>er or in his aB%te siB3ness, he sho%l=
2ait %ntil the ti&e for the f%lfil&ent of the or=inanBe arriAes an= then
<roBee= to an eleAate= lan= the soil of 2hiBh is <%re, fine, an= soft so
that it is easil# >lo2n into =%st* There, 2ith his fingers hel= Blosel#
together, he sho%l= <at his <al&s oAer the san=, an= lifting the& to his
faBe, he sho%l= 2i<e eAer# <art of it onBe* As he =oes that he sho%l=
<%r<ose in his &in= the &a3ing of <ra#er <er&issi>le* In 2i<ing his
faBe, he is not reC%ire= to forBe the =%st >eneath the hair 2hether it >e
s<arse or thiB3* He sho%l=, ho2eAer, &a3e an effort to 2i<e his 2hole
faBe 2ith the =%st* This Ban >e aBBo&<lishe= 2ith one single stro3e,
sinBe the 2i=th of the faBe =oes not eDBee= that of the t2o <al&s* In
=eBi=ing 2hether or not he has BoAere= his 2hole faBe, his o2n o<inion
is s%ffiBient* He then sho%l= re&oAe his ring an= <at his <al&s oAer the
san= a seBon= ti&e, =%ring 2hiBh he sho%l= hol= his fingers 2i=e a<art*
HaAing =one this, he sho%l= <laBe the >aB3 of the fingers of his right
han= oAer the front <art of the fingers of his left in s%Bh a 2a# that the
ti<s of the fingers of the one han= 2ill not <roJeBt >e#on= the e=ge of
the forefinger of the other* His han=s in this <osition, he sho%l= then
r%n his left han= oAer the >aB3 of his right forear& %< to the el>o2* He
then sho%l= t%rn oAer his han= so that the hollo2 of his left <al& rests
oAer the inner si=e of his right forear& ># the el>o2 an= then sho%l=
r%n it =o2n to2ar=s the 2rist an= finish ># stro3ing the o%ter si=e of
his right th%&> 2ith the inner of his left* He then sho%l= =o the sa&e
thing for his left ar&* After that he sho%l= 2i<e his t2o <al&s against
eaBh other an= <ass the fingers of the one han= >et2een those of the
other* The <%r<ose of this reg%lation is to BoAer >oth ar&s Bo&<letel#
%< to the el>o2s thro%gh a single <atting of the <al&s oAer the san=* If
this <roAes i&<ossi>le the <erson Ban <at his <al&s oAer the san= one
or &ore ti&es* HaAing f%lfille= this an= <erfor&e= the or=aine= <ra#er
he &a# <roBee= to <erfor& an# s%<ererogator# <ra#er he 2ishes* If he
2ishes to Bo&>ine the enaBt&ent of t2o rites he sho%l= <erfor& the aBt
of <%rifiBation 2ith san= %tayammum/ oAer again <rior to the enaBt&ent
of the seBon= rite* Th%s eAer# or=aine= rite sho%l= >e <reBe=e= ># a
single aBt of tayammum.
=n Cleanliness and Cleansing !rom the ?@ternal
Bodily Cro1ths and Dis#harges 1hi#h are
o! T1o Kinds: Dis#harges %a1sa8h/
and Cro1ths %a3Ba/
The first 3in=, na&el#, the =isBharges an= the 2et eDBretions of the
>o=#* These n%&>er eight?
:* That 2hiBh a=heres to the hair of the hea= s%Bh as =irt an= liBe*
(leansing the hea= fro& these thro%gh 2ashing, Bo&>ing an=

the %se
of oint&ent for the or=erl# arrange&ent of the hair is =esira>le* The
A<ostle 2as 2ont to anoint an= Bo&> his hair onBe a 2ee3*
F%rther&ore, he %se= to Bo&&an= Khis follo2ersL to =o the sa&e,
sa#ing, "Anoint #o%r hair onBe a 2ee3*"
He also sai=, "He 2ho has
>%t one hair Kon his hea=L, let hi& hono%r itE"
i*e* 3ee< it Blean fro&
filth* A Bertain &an 2ith =isheAelle= hair an= r%ffle= >ear= Ba&e one
=a# >efore the A<ostle* On seeing hi&, the A<ostle sai=, "Has this
&an no oint&ent 2here2ith to hol= his hairM"
Then t%rning to those
<resent he a==e=, "One of #o% enters the <laBe as tho%gh he 2ere a
9* The =isBharge 2hiBh BolleBts in the hole of the ear Ki*e* the ear-
2aDL* Wi<ing 2ill re&oAe 2hat is eAi=ent of it, 2hile that 2hiBh
BolleBts at the >otto& of the Banal sho%l= >e Baref%ll# Bleanse= after
e&erging fro& the >athE for too &%Bh of that =isBharge &a# >e
har&f%l to the hearing of the in=iAi=%al*
8* What BolleBts 2ithin the nose of the 2et thiB3 &%B%s an= stiB3s
to its Kinner 2allsL* It is re&oAe= ># inhaling an= eDhaling*
7* The #ello2 =e<osits 2hiBh BolleBt >et2een the teeth an= the ti<
of the tong%e* These are re&oAe= ># the %se of the tooth<iB3 an= the
rinsing of the &o%th, >oth of 2hiBh 2e haAe alrea=# =isB%sse=*
F* The filth 2hiBh a=here to the >ear= an= the liBe 2hiBh s2ar&s it
2heneAer it is not ten=e=* These Ban >e gotten ri= of ># 2ashing an=
Bo&>ing* Th%s 2e haAe it in the 2ell-3no2n tra=ition that the A<ostle
neAer <arte= 2ith his Bo&>, >r%sh, an= &irror 2hether he 2as at ho&e
or on traAel*
This in faBt 2as the esta>lishe= B%sto& Ka&ongL the
Ara>ians* ABBor=ing to a strange tra=ition, the Pro<het 2as 2ont to
Bo&> his >ear= t2iBe a =a#*
His >ear= 2as thiB3
an= the sa&e 2as
tr%e of that of a>%-Ba3r*
* !Uth&an, on the other han=, ha= a long >%t
thin >ear=E
2hile $Ali ha= a >roa= an= 2i=e >ear= 2hiBh s<rea= o%t
aBross his Bhest fro& sho%l=er to sho%l=er*
In #et a stranger tra=ition*
$A!ishah sai=, "SeAeral <eo<le gathere= o%tsi=e the gate of the
A<ostle!s ho%se an= he 2ent o%t to &eet the&* I%st >efore he 2ent
o%t, I sa2 hi& gae, into the 2ater-Aessel an= fiD his hair an= >ear=*
There%<on, I sai= to hi&? $'o #o% =o s%Bh a thing ; tho% the A<ostle
of Go=M! To 2hiBh he re<lie=? $Yes, for Aeril# Go= loAeth that His
serAant sho%l= a=orn hi&self 2heneAer he goes o%t to &eet his
The ignorant &ight thin3 that the A<ostle, li3e other &en,
atten=e= his hair an= >ear= >eBa%se of his, =esire to a<<ear han=so&e
>efore <eo<le* S%Bh an error on the <art of the ignorant is li3e
Bo&<aring angels to >laB3s&iths* On the Bontrar#, the A<ostle 2as
Bo&&an=e= ># Go= to f%lfil a Bo&&ission an= a&ong the =%ties
therein he 2as eD<eBte= to eDalt hi&self >efore &an an= ins<ire
res<eBt in their hearts so that the# &ight not >elittle an= =es<ise hi&,
an= to e&>ellish his loo3s in their sight so that the# &ight not slight
hi& not BonseC%entl# t%rn a2a# fro& hi&, an= there># giAe the
h#<roBrites reason to reJoiBe* (are for <ersonal a<<earanBe is
o>ligator# %<on eAer# learne= &an 2ho %n=erta3es to Ball &en to the
2orshi< of Go=* He sho%l= atten= to his o%t2ar= a<<earanBe so that
he 2o%l= leaAe nothing that 2ill alienate &en an= t%rn the& a2a#
fro& hi&* In this an= in other si&ilar things the intention of the
in=iAi=%al is the test* For s%Bh aBtions are C%alifie= an= Bolo%re= >#
the <%r<ose for 2hiBh the# haAe >een =one* A=orn&ent for this
<%r<ose is, therefore, =esira>leE 2hile leaAing the >ear=s =isheAelle=
an= negleBting one!s <ersonal a<<earanBe in or=er to attraBt attention
as an asBetiB is eDtre&el# =angero%s* Rather to relinC%ish Ks%Bh
affeBtationsL an= %n=erta3e those things 2hiBh are &ore i&<ortant is
=esira>le* In short, these are in2ar= states >et2een the serAant an= his
Go=* The BritiBal Ko>serAerL 2ill not fall to see that an= no a&o%nt of
a&>ig%it# an= Bonf%sion Bo%l= <reAail oAer hi& or &islea= hi&* Yet
ho2 &an# an ignorant <erson affeBts these things in or=er to attraBt
the attention of &en, there># =eBeiAing hi&self an= other <eo<le as
2ell, an= Blai&s that his <%r<ose in that is goo= an= 2holeso&e* Th%s
#o% often see seAeral learne= &en 2ear eD<ensiAe an= l%D%riant
gar&ents an= Blai& that their sole <%r<ose is to Bonfo%n= heretiBs an=
ref%te =issenters, an= that their ai& is to =ra2 nigh %nto Go=* B%t the
Kfalsit# of their Blai& 2ill >e reAeale= on that =a# 2hen the hearts are
eDa&ine=, 2hen the to&>s are lai= o<en an= their Bontents are
sBattere=, 2hen the seBret tho%ghts are &a=e 3no2n* On that =a# 2ill
the <%re gol= >e seleBte= an= the glittering K>rassL thro2n a2a#* We
see3 th# ref%ge ; +or= against the sha&e K=%e the h#<oBrites on the
=a# of J%=g&entL*
6* The filth 2hiBh a=heres to the 3n%B3les, i*e* the forger Joints*
These the Ara>ians =i= not 2ash freC%entl# >eBa%se the# negleBte=
the 2ashing of their han=s after &eals* (onseC%entl#, filth BolleBte=
in these 2rin3les* The A<ostle of Go= Bo&&an=e= the&, therefore to
2ash their 3n%B3les*
0* (leaning the finger-ti<s 2hiBh the A<ostle of Go= Bo&&an=e=
the Ara>ians to =o*
This inBl%=es not onl# the re&oAal of the filth that
a=heres to the finger-ti<s >%t also that 2hiBh gathers >eneath the nails,
es<eBiall# sinBe the nails 2ere not al2a#s tri&&e=, 2ith the res%lt that
=irt BolleBte= in great C%antities >eneath the&* (onseC%entl#, the
A<ostle or=ere= that the &aniB%ring of nails <l%B3ing the hair off the
ar&-<its, an= shaAing the <%>es sho%l= >e =one Kat leastL onBe eAer#
fort# =a#s,
>%t he Bo&&an=e= that the <art >eneath the nails >e
Bleane= reg%larl# Kan= freC%entl#L*
In one of the inBi=ents in the life of
the Pro<het 2e are tol= that he onBe tho%ght the reAelation he 2as
eD<eBting 2as %n=%l# lateE so 2hen finall# Ga>riel Ba&e =o2n 2ith the
reAelation, the latter sai=, "Ho2 Bo%l= 2e reAeal to #o% Kan#thingL
2hen #e 2ash not #o%r 3n%B3les an= Blean not #o%r finger-ti<s 2hen
#o%r teeth are #ello2 an= #e Blean the& not* (o&&an=, therefore, #o%r
<eo<le to =o that,"
The 2or=s of Go=E "An= sa# not to the&, $FieN!

&eans not to re<roaBh the& for 2hateAer =irt the# &a# haAe >eneath
their nails, or, as has also >een sai=, not to >e anno#e= 2ith the& as
#o% are anno#e= ># the =irt 2hiBh BolleBts >eneath #o%r nails*
G* The =irt 2hiBh BolleBts to the >o=# thro%gh <ers<iration an= =%st,
all of 2hiBh are >est re&oAe= ># ta3ing a >ath* In this BonneDion K2e
&a# <oint o%t thatL there is no har& in freC%enting the <%>liB >aths, as
the (o&<anions the&selAes 2ent into the >aths of 'a&asB%s* One of
the& eAen sai=, "What a goo= <laBe is the >athho%seN Therein the >o=#
is Bleanse= an= its heat re&in=s %s of Hell*" This sa#ing has >een
asBri>e= to >oth a>%-al-'ar=a! an= a>% A##%>-al-Ansari*
sai=, "What a >a= <laBe is the >athho%seN Therein na3e=ness is reAeale=
an= sha&e goes to the 2in=s*" The first has a==resse= hi&self to the
>enefits of the >ath 2hile the seBon= <ointe= o%t its eAils* At an# rate
there are Bertain o>ligations an= r%les 2hiBh the Aisitor of the >ath
sho%l= o>serAe* T2o of these o>ligations <ertain to his o2n na3e=ness
an= t2o relate to the na3e=ness of others*
The t2o o>ligations 2hiBh <ertain to his o2n na3e=ness are first,
that he sho%l= shiel= it fro& the sight of others an= seBon=, g%ar=
against the to%Bh of others* No one sho%l= %n=erta3e to Blean it >%t
hi&self* F%rther&ore, he sho%l= not allo2 the >ath atten=ant 2ho r%>s
the >aB3s of >athers an= &assages their >o=# to to%Bh either his thigh
or the <art of the >o=# 2hiBh lies >et2een the naAel an= the <%>es*
So&e <er&it the to%Bhing of an# <art of the >o=# 2ith the eDBe<tion of
the genitals >%t the >est r%le is not to <er&it the to%Bhing of the <arts
alrea=# &entione=, sinBe the r%le 2hiBh <rohi>its loo3ing at the <riAate
<arts has >een eDten=e= to inBl%=e the <rohi>ition of to%Bhing the& as
2ell* The sa&e r%le BoAers the other <art of na3e=ness, na&el#, the
The t2o o>ligations 2hiBh relate to the na3e=ness of others are first,
to aAoi= loo3ing at it 2heneAer it is eD<ose= an= the seBon= to 2arn
against %nBoAering it >eBa%se to 2arn against eAil is o>ligator#* The
<erson is eD<eBte= to 2arn against %nBoAering the na3e=ness >%t he is
not hel= res<onsi>le for the aBBe<tanBe of his 2arning* He Bannot
esBa<e the o>ligation of 2arning eDBe<t 2hen s%Bh 2arning eD<oses
hi& to <h#siBal =anger or <ersonal inJ%r#, or lea= hi& to so&ething
2hiBh in itself is %nla2f%l* Then he is not eD<eBte= to Bon=e&n one
%nla2f%l aBt 2hen s%Bh Bon=e&nation 2ill Bo&<el the offen=er to
Bo&&it another %nla2f%l aBt* To refrain fro& 2arning an= eDB%se
hi&self on the gro%n= that his 2arning 2ill >e of no %se, is C%ite
%n<ar=ona>le >eBa%se no one 2ill fail to ta3e BognianBe of
=isa<<roAal an= >e infl%enBe= ># it an= no one 2ill fail to ta3e hee=
2hen he is =eri=e= for his sins* It 2ill res%lt in &a3ing the &atter see&
>a= in his sight an= 2ill in=%Be hi& to sh%n it* For this reason it is not
<er&issi>le to negleBt 2arning* (onseC%entl#, it has >eBo&e =isBerete
an= 2ise not to freC%ent the <%>liB >aths no2a=a#s, >eBa%se the# are
al2a#s f%ll of eD<ose= na3e=ness <artiB%larl# the <art of the >o=#
eDten=ing fro& the naAel to the %<<er <art of the <%>es, 2hiBh <art is
not Bonsi=ere= na3e=ness ># <eo<le an# &ore, altho%gh the +a2 has
inBl%=e= it therein, an= has &a=e it a sort of >o%n=ar# to na3e=ness* It
is therefore =esira>le to eAaB%ate the >ath-ho%se of <eo<le Kin ret%rn for
a Bertain feeL* In this BonneDion Bishr i>n-al-Harith sai=, "I shall not >e
har= on the &an 2ho <a#s his last =irha& in or=er to haAe the >ath-
ho%se eAaB%ate= of <eo<le 2hen he ta3es his >ath*" I>n-!U&ar 2as
onBe seen in the >ath-ho%se 2ith his faBe t%rne= to2ar= the 2all haAing
also >lin=fol=e= his e#es 2ith a >an=age* So&e haAe sai= that there 2as
no har& in freC%enting the >ath-ho%ses <roAi=e= the in=iAi=%al has t2o
Aeils, one for BoAering his na3e=ness an= the other for his hea= oAer
2hiBh he sho%l= thro2 it in or=er to <roteBt his e#es*
As to the r%les, the# are ten* The# are as follo2s?
KThe firstL is goo= intention* The in=iAi=%al sho%l= not enter the
>ath-ho%se for the sa3e of so&e i&&e=iate 2orl=l# gain or for the
<%r<ose of to#ing 2ith so&e earthl# <assion* Rather, he sho%l= see3
there2ith health# Bleanliness in <re<aration for <ra#er* KIn the seBon=
<laBeL he sho%l= <a# the >ath-o2ner his fee in- a=AanBe >efore
entering the >ath >eBa%se the serAiBe 2hiBh Kthe BlientL 2ants is
%n3no2n to the o2ner an= si&ilarl# is the fee 2hiBh the latter eD<eBts*
(onseC%entl#, the <a#&ent of the fee in a=AanBe >efore going into the
>ath re&oAes the a&>ig%it# fro& at least the one an= sets the &in= of
the other at ease*
KIn the thir= <laBeL, the in=iAi=%al sho%l= a=AanBe his left foot first
as he enters the >ath an= sho%l= then sa#, "In the na&e of Go= the
MerBif%l, the (o&<assionate* I see3 ref%ge in Go= against Satan, the
aBB%rse= the filth#, the i&<%re, the Borr%<t, the Borr%<ting*" LFo%rthl#L,
he sho%l= a2ait the ti&e 2hen the >ath is AaBant an= then go in, or see
to it, ># <a#ing, that it is AaBate=* For altho%gh there &a# not >e in the
>ath an# eDBe<t religio%s &en 2ho are Baref%l not to eD<ose their
na3e=ness, the Aer# faBt of seeing their %n<roteBte= >o=ies s&aB3s of
laB3 of sha&e an= is s%ggestiAe of na3e=ness* F%rther&ore, it is
%naAoi=a>le in &oAing a>o%t not to eD<ose the na3e=ness es<eBiall# as
the fla<s of the Aeil t%rn an= fol=* Then the in=iAi=%al Bannot hel< >%t
see the na3e=ness of others* It 2as for this reason that i>n-!U&ar
>lin=fol=e= his e#es K2heneAer he entere= a >ath ho%seL*
KIn the fifth <laBeL, the in=iAi=%al sho%l= 2ash his han=s as he
enters the >ath* KSiDthl#L, he sho%l= not r%sh into the tan3 roo& %ntil he
ha= first >een thro%gh the first roo& K2here &en sit to <ers<ireL*
KSeAenthl#L, he sho%l= not %se too &%Bh 2ater >%t sho%l= li&it hi&self
to no &ore than he nee=s as the oBBasion =e&an=s* To go >e#on= that
2ill offen= the >ath-o2ner es<eBiall# 2hen the 2aste= 2ater is hot
2hiBh Bosts &one# an= reC%ires la>o%r*
KEighthL, the heat of the >ath-ho%se sho%l= re&in= the in=iAi=%al of
the heat of Hell an=, haAing s<ent one ho%r in the heat of the >athho%se,
he sho%l= tr# to get an i=ea of Kthe en=less sta# of sinners inL Hell? It is
the <laBe &ost li3e Hell, >oth in the fire >eneath the 2ater an= the
=ar3ness a>oAe* We see3 ref%ge in Go= against all s%Bh things*
As a &atter of faBt, the 2ise 2ill not fail to re&e&>er the hereafter
eAer# &o&ent of his life, >eBa%se it is his final =estination an= eternal
a>o=e* In eAer#thing he sees, 2hether it >e 2ater, or fire, or an# other
thing, he fin=s 2arning an= a=&onition* For eAer# &an notiBes the
things &ost fa&iliar to hi&self* Th%s if a =r#-goo=s &an, a Bar<enter, a
&ason, an= a 2eaAer entere= a f%rnishe= ho%se, #o% 2o%l= fin=, on
eDa&ination,, that the =r#-goo=s &an loo3s at the =ra<eries an=
sBr%tinises their Aal%eE the 2eaAer =ireBts his attention to the Blothes
an= eDa&ines their teDt%resE the Bar<enter gaes at the Beiling an=
<on=ers oAer its Bonstr%BtionE an= the &ason t%rns to the 2alls an=
=eli>erates oAer the &anner of their >%il=ing an= the eDaBtness of their
lines* Si&ilarl#, the traAeller on the roa= of the hereafter =oes not see
an#thing 2itho%t fin=ing in it a lesson as 2ell as a re&in=er of the
hereafter* In faBt, his e#es fall on nothing 2itho%t reBeiAing fro& Go=
a 2arning* If he sees so&ething >laB3 he re&e&>ers the =ar3ness of
the graAeE if he sees a sna3e he is re&in=e= of the ser<ents of HellE if
he sees an# %gl# faBe the i&age of M%n3ar an= Na3ir as 2ell as that of
the tor&enting angels %al-Babaniya/
a<<ear >efore hi&E if he hears
a terrifiB noise his &in= t%rns to the >lo2ing of the horn on the +ast
'a#E if he sees so&ething >ea%tif%l he reBalls the >liss of Para=ise an=
if he hears so&eone sa# $#es! or $no! in the &ar3et-<laBe or in a ho%se
he reAerts in his tho%ghts to his o2n fate on the =a# of J%=g&ent,
2hether he 2ill >e aBBe<te= or reJeBte=* Ho2 >eBo&ing it is, then, that
s%Bh things sho%l= <reAail oAer the heart of the 2ise* Nothing
=iss%a=es hi& therefro& eDBe<t the &ost i&<ortant &atters of life* B%t
if he sho%l= Bo&<are the length of his sta# in this life 2ith that of his
a>o=e in the hereafter, he 2o%l= =es<ise the for&er if he 2ere &in=f%l
an= 2ise*
KThe ninthL of these r%les is that the in=iAi=%al sho%l= not sal%te
Kthe >#stan=ersL on entering the >ath-ho%se, an= in Base he 2as sal%te=
he sho%l= not ret%rn the sal%tation* If he sho%l= feel inBline= to re<l# to
the sal%tation he &a# =o so ># sa#ing "Ma# Go= forgiAe #o% #o%r
&a# sha3e han=s 2ith Kan aBC%aintanBe >#stan=erL an=, for
the sa3e of Bo&&enBing a BonAersation, sa#, "Ma# Go= forgiAe #o%
#o%r sins"E >%t this BonAersation sho%l= not >e <rolonge=* F%rther&ore,
he sho%l= not re<eat the H%r!an in the >ath-ho%se eDBe<t in his &in=,
#et there is no har& in re<eating alo%= the for&%la* "I see3 ref%ge in
Go= against Satan, the aBB%rse=*" Again the <raBtiBe of going into the
>athho%se >>et2een the ho%r of s%nset an= nightfall 1alisha!an4 is
%n=esira>le, >eBa%se at that ti&e the =e&ons roa& Kthe earthL*
The >ather &a# haAe so&eone else to r%> his >aB3 an= &assage his
>o=# for hi&, as it has >een relate= that Y%s%f i>n -As>at has, >efore he
=ie=, reC%este= that a Bertain stranger >e allo2e= to 2ash his Bor<se
after his =eath an= sai=, !The &an has r%>>e= &# >aB3 an= &assage=
&# >o=# for &e 2hen I 2as onBe >athing, I 2ish therefore to re2ar=
hi& 2ith so&ething 2hiBh 2ill <lease hi&, an= I a& s%re it 2ill <lease
hi& &%Bh to 2ash &# Bor<se*" The <er&issi>ilit# of haAing another
r%> one!s >aB3 an= &assage his >o=# is atteste= ># 2hat one of the
(o&<anions relate= BonBerning the A<ostle of Go=? Sai= the
(o&<anion, "In one of his traAels the A<ostle of Go= sto<<e= at an inn*
StretBhing hi&self o%t 2ith his >ell# to the earth, a negro slaAe >egan to
&assage his >aB3 for hi&* Therefore, I sai=, "What is going on ;
A<ostle of Go=M" To 2hiBh he re<lie=, "The she-Ba&el thre2 &e off its
Finall#, 2hen the in=iAi=%al is thro%gh 2ith his >athing he sho%l=
than3 Go= %<on this >lessing, for it has >een sai= that hot 2ater in
2inter ti&e is a &%Bh so%ght of l%D%r#* (onBerning >aths an= >athing
i>n-!U&ar sai=, "Baths are an innoAate= l%D%r#*" This =esBri>es >aths
in their relation to the +a2, >%t fro& the Aie2-<oint of &e=iBine the#
haAe >een =esBri>e= as a <roteBtion against le<ros#, es<eBiall# after the
%se of a =e<ilator#* It has also >een sai= that =e<ilating the <%>es onBe
a &onth Bools the >o=#, <%rifies the Bo&<leDion, an= inBreases Airilit#*
Again it has >een sai=, "To %rinate 2hile stan=ing in the >ath in
2inter ti&e is >etter for the &an than a =ose of &e=iBine*" An= again
!To slee< after the >ath in the s%&&er ti&e is as goo= as an# =ose of
&e=iBine* "Washing the feet 2ith Bol= 2ater after the >ath is a
<roteBtion against go%t* F%rther&ore, the <o%ring of Bol= 2ater oAer the
hea=, as 2ell as =rin3ing it, after the >ath is %n=esira>le* These r%les
KgoAern the Bon=%BtL of &en Kin >ath ho%sesL*
As to 2o&en the A<ostle sai=, "It is not la2f%l %nto a &an to ta3e
his 2ife into a >ath-ho%se 2hen others are >athing therein*"

ABBor=ing to a tra=ition Ao%Bhe= for ># &ore than t2o (o&<anions
1&ashh%r4, "It is %nla2f%l for the &an to enter the >ath-ho%se 2itho%t
a Aeil, an= it is %nla2f%l for the 2o&an to enter therein eDBe<t after
Bhil=>irth or 2hen siB3*"
$A!ishah herself entere= the >ath-ho%se
2hen she 2as siB3* Th%s 2heneAer the 2o&an has to go into the >ath -
ho%se let her =o so Aeile=* It is %n=esira>le for the &an to giAe her the
fee lest it >e a hel< for her to =o that 2hiBh is %n=esira>le*
The se#ond 8ind is bodily gro1ths and
!alls into eight groups
The first is the hair of the hea= in the shaAing of 2hiBh there is no
har& to hi& 2ho =esires to >e Blean* On the other han= there is no
har& in leaAing it gro2 <roAi=e= it is reg%larl# anointe= an= Bo&>e=,
an= <roAi=e= it is not left to gro2 in t%fts as the s&art set are 2ont to
=o, or in long loB3s li3e the &anner of the =esBen=ants of the no>le
>loo= 1ahl al-sharaf4
to 2ho& the <raBtiBe has >eBo&e a =istinBtiAe
sign* Unless the <erson >e a =esBen=ant of no>le >loo= his 2earing of
long loB3s 2o%l= >e false an= fa3e*
The seBon= is the hair of the &o%staBhe* The A<ostle sai=, "(%t
#o%r &o%staBhes off*" ABBor=ing to another Aersion, "Shear #o%r
&o%staBhes*" An= aBBor=ing to another, "Tri& #o%r &o%staBhes an=
s<are #o%r >ear=*"
In other 2or=s let #o%r &o%staBhes eDten= aro%n=
the %<<er li< K>%t not hang =o2n oAer itL, i*e* let the& enBirBle it* Of the
sa&e root is the <hrase "BirBling ro%n=" in the Aerse, "An= tho% shalt
see the angels BirBling ro%n= a>o%t the throne*"
In still another Aersion
the 2or= %se= is !<l%B3"
2hiBh in=iBates B%tting eDtre&el# short 2hile
"tri&" in=iBates a lesser eDtent* Sai= Go=, "Sho%l= He as3 the& of #o%
an= <ress #o%, #o% 2o%l= sho2 #o%rselAes niggar=s*"
In other 2or=s
"sho%l= He %rge #o%*"
ShaAing the &o%staBhe, ho2eAer, 2as neAer &entione= in the
tra=ition, 2hile tri&&ing so Blosel# as to rese&>le shaAing has >een
relate= a>o%t the (o&<anions* Th%s one of the follo2ers 1al-ta>i!%n4,
on seeing a <erson 2ho ha= tri&&e= his &o%staBhe Aer# Blosel#, sai=,
!Yo% re&in= &e of the (o&<anions of the A<ostel of Go=*" Al-
M%ghirah i>n-Sh%!>ah
onBe sai=, "One =a# the A<ostle of Go= sa2
&e 2ith a long &o%staBhe* There %<on he sai=, Bo&e hither an= haAe
#o%r &o%staBhe B%t off along a tooth<iB*"
There is, ho2eAer, no har&
in leaAing its eDtre&ities 1i*e* its en=s4 to hang =o2n* !U&ar an= others
>esi=es hi& =i= that, >eBa%se the en=s of the &o%staBhe =o not BoAer
the &o%th an= no foo= stiB3s to the& 2hile eating* The 2or=s of the
A<ostle, "S<are the >ear=s," &ean let the& gro2* ABBor=ing to one
tra=ition the A<ostle sai=, "The Ie2s s<are their &o%staBhe an= tri&
their >ear=sE >%t #e =o the o<<osite*"
So&e learne= &en =isa<<roAe=
of shaAing an= regar=e= it an innoAation*
The thir= is the hair gro2th on the ar&<it the <l%B3ing of 2hiBh is
=esira>le at least onBe eAer# fort# =a#s* S%Bh an o<eration is C%ite eas#
an= si&<le at the <erson has >een aBB%sto&e= to it right fro& the
>eginning* B%t the <erson 2ho has >een aBB%sto&e= to re&oAe it >#
shaAing &a# Bontin%e to =o, so es<eBiall# sinBe its <l%B3ing is
tor&enting an= <ainf%l 2hile the sole <%r<ose of its re&oAal is
Bleanliness an= the <reAention of =irt fro& BolleBting in the interstiBes
of the hair* This <%r<ose is eC%all# attaine= thro%gh shaAing*
The fo%rth is the hair on the <%>es, the re&oAal of 2hiBh is
=esira>le either ># shaAing or ># the %se of a =e<ilator#* Its re&oAal
sho%l= not >e =ela#e= an# longer than fort# =a#s*
Fifth are the nails, the &aniB%ring of 2hiBh is =esira>le es<eBiall#
>eBa%se of their horri>le a<<earanBe an= >eBa%se of the =irt 2hiBh
BolleBts %n=erneath the& 2hen the# are long* The A<ostle of Go= sai=,
"; A>%-H%ra#rah, &aniB%re #o%r nails for Satan sitteth on the& 2hen
the# are long*"
The <resenBe of a little =irt %n=erneath the nails 2ill
not effeBt the Aali=it# of a>l%tion, >eBa%se s%Bh little =irt 2ill not
<reAent the 2ater fro& <enetrating K%n=erneath the nailsL* F%rther&ore
>eBa%se of neBessit#, >oth the Be=o%ins an= the Bit# <eo<le are %s%all#
lenient in this &atter, <artiB%larl# in BonneDion 2ith the toe-nails, the
3n%B3les, an= the >aB3 of the feet an= the han=s* The A<ostle of Go=
2as 2ont to Bo&&an= Khis follo2ersL to &aniB%re their nails an= ta3e
the& to tas3 for the =irt %n=erneath their nails* B%t he =i= not Bo&&an=
the& to re<eat their <ra#er* If he ha= =one so his Bo&&an=&ent 2o%l=
haAe ha= the a==e= >enefit of a=&onish&ent an= 2arning against
(onBerning the &anner of &aniB%ring the nails, I haAe not seen an#
gen%ine tra=ition* B%t I haAe hear= that the A<ostle of Go=, 2hen
&aniB%ring his nails, >egan 2ith the in=eD finger of the right han= an=
finishe= 2ith the th%&>*
KStarting 2ith the in=eD finger of the right
han=, he 2or3e= to the little finger of the sa&e han=L* MoAing then to
the left han= he 2or3e= fro& the little finger to the th%&>* K+ast of all
he &aniB%re= the th%&> of the right han=L* Pon=ering oAer this, one of
its as<eBts, 2hiBh see&s to <roAe its AeraBit#, oBB%rre= to &e* No2
s%Bh things =o not >eBo&e a<<arent eDBe<t thro%gh the light of
<ro<heB#* B%t learne= &en of insight ai& at =e=%Bing thro%gh
reasoning the signifiBanBe of these things 2hen re<orte= to the&* What
oBB%rre= to &e, altho%gh Go= 3no2s >est, is that &aniB%ring the nails
of the fingers an= toes is, to >egin 2ith neBessar#* B%t 2hereas the
han= is s%<erior to the foot, a <erson sho%l= >egin 2ith the fingers* Of
the t2o han=s, the right is the s%<erior an= BonseC%entl# sho%l= Bo&e
first* Of the fiAe fingers of the right han= the in=eD finger, 2hiBh <oints
o%t Kat <eo<leL 2hen one is re<eating the t2o 2or=s of the $hahadah)
is the s%<erior* Therefore, it sho%l= &ar3 the >eginning* SinBe the
or=er faAo%re= ># the +a2 in &atters of a>l%tion an= the li3e is to
>egin 2ith the right an= <roBee= in the sa&e =ireBtion, the finger to the
right of the in=eD sho%l= Bo&e neDt* If the han= is <laBe= 2ith its >aB3
to the gro%n= then the th%&> 2o%l= >e the finger to the right of the
in=eD* If it is <laBe= 2ith its <al& to the gro%n= then the &i==le finger
2o%l= >e to the right of the in=eD* B%t if #o% let the han= =angle
nat%rall#, its <al& 2o%l= >e inBline= to2ar=s the gro%n= >eBa%se the
right han= s2ings fro& the right to the left, an= as the s2inging &otion
is Bo&<lete= the >aB3 of the han= goes %<* HenBe the nat%ral <osition
is the &ore <refera>le* F%rther&ore, if one <al& is <laBe= against the
other the fingers for&, as it 2ere, a BirBle, an= BonseC%entl# the <erson
sho%l= Bo&&enBe 2ith the in=eD finger of the right han= an= fro&
there 2or3 to the right %ntil he ret%rns to the sa&e in=eD finger* This
2ill res%lt in 2or3ing fro& the in=eD finger of the right to the little
finger of the sa&e han=, an= then fro& the little finger of the left han=
to the th%&> of the sa&e han=* There re&ains the th%&> of the right
han=, 2ith 2hiBh the o<eration sho%l= >e BonBl%=e=*
As to the toes, sinBe no tra=ition goAerning the <roBe=%re of
&aniB%ring the& has Bo&e =o2n to %s, I hol= it to >e >etter to >eing
2ith little toe of the right foot an=, 2or3ing to the right, en= 2ith the
little toe of the left foot, 2hiBh is eDaBtl# li3e <roBe=%re follo2e= in
Bleaning >et2een the toes*
For the Bonsi=erations 2hiBh 2e haAe
&entione= in BonneDion 2ith the han=s =o not hol= here sinBe there is
no "fore-finger," Kthat <oints o%t at <eo<le 2hen one re<eats the t2o
2or=s of the shahadahL in the foot* In faBt, all the toes are in the sa&e
Bategor# an= for& a single line Blose to the gro%n=* Therefore, one
>egins 2ith the right* NeAertheless an# s%Bh ass%&<tion of their
for&ing, as it 2ere, a BirBle 2hen the sole of the one foot is <laBe=
against that of the other, %nli3e the sa&e thing in the Base of the
fingers, is %nnat%ral* These &in%te =etails of <roBe=%re >eBo&e
instantl# a<<arent thro%gh the light of <ro<heB#, >%t in o%r Base the#
are eDtre&el# =iffiB%lt*
If 2e 2ere as3e= BonBerning the or=er of <roBe=%re K2hiBh sho%l=
>e follo2e= in &aniB%ring the nailsL 2e &ight >e a>le to giAe a
satisfaBtor# re<l#E >%t if 2e Bite the <raBtiBe of the A<ostle of Go= an=
the <roBe=%re 2hiBh he follo2e= therein, 2e &ight >e a>le there># to
asBertain its r%le* His re&in=er Kto %s thro%gh his <raBtiBeL of the
signifiBanBe Kof his <roBe=%re thereinL Balls for the =e=%Btion of that
signifiBanBe* No one sho%l= thin3 that the aBtions of the A<ostle, an=
all their =etails, haAe not >een goAerne= ># a =efinite stan=ar=, an= a
fiDe= r%le an= or=er* In faBt in all the Aol%ntar# aBtions 2hiBh 2e haAe
alrea=# &entione= &an follo2s one of t2o or &ore <roBe=%res, the
seleBtion of 2hiBh is &otiAate= not ># sheer agree&ent >%t ># a
=efinite reason 2hiBh =e&an=s that <roBe=%re >e follo2e= an=
<referre=* For the ha<haar= 2a# of =oing things J%st as the# Bo&e is
BharaBteristiB of ani&alsE 2hile goAerning aBtions an= &oAe&ents >#
the stan=ar= of their KrelatiAeL signifiBanBe is <eB%liar of the saints of
Go=* The &ore reg%late= an= goAerne= are the aBtions an= &oAe&ents
of &an, an= the less the# are ha<haar= an= negleBte= an= the farther
re&oAe= the# are fro& KBa<riBeL, the nearest 2o%l= his ran3 >e to that
of the <ro<hets an= saints an= the Bloser 2o%l= his <osition >e to Go=*
This is >eBa%se he 2ho is Blose to the Pro<het is Blose to Go=*
F%rther&ore, he 2ho is Blose to Go= is, in the nat%re of the Base, one
of His faAo%rites, an= he 2ho stan=s Blose to the faAo%rite is in t%rn a
faAo%rite* We, therefore, see3 ref%ge in Go= against haAing the
=ireBtion of o%r aBtions an= &oAe&ents in the han=s of Satan, r%le=
an= goAerne= ># hi& thro%gh Ko%rL <assions an= 2hi&s*
The &anner in 2hiBh the A<ostle a<<lie=-3ohl to his e#es has >een
aBBe<te= as the nor& an= stan=ar= for s%Bh <roBe=%res* He 2as 2ont
to a<<l# it thriBe to the right an= t2iBe to the left e#e >eginning 2ith
the right for its s%<eriorit#* The =is<arit# >et2een the n%&>er of
a<<liBations to eaBh e#e is for the sa3e of haAing the s%& total o== in
>eBa%se o== n%&>ers are s%<erior to eAen n%&>ers* Go=
hi&self is %niC%e an= <refers o== Kn%&>ersL* (onseC%entl#, the aBtions
of &an sho%l= al2a#s Borres<on= to one of the attri>%tes of Go=* For
this reason the %se of an o== n%&>er of stones in a>stersion has >een
Aie2e= 2ith faAo%r* The n%&>er of the a<<liBations of 3ohl to the e#es
has not >een li&ite= to three, altho%gh there is an o== n%&>er, >eBa%se
the share of the left e#e 2o%l= then >e one a<<liBation onl#, 2hiBh
thing in ins%ffiBiant an= 2ill not or=inaril# eDten= oAer all the roofs of
the e#elashes* The right e#e has >een assigne= three a<<liBations
>eBa%se <referenBe is neBessar# to <ro=%Be an %neAen n%&>er, an=
sinBe the right e#e is s%<erior it enJo#s that <referenBe*
If #o% sho%l= sa#, "Wh# 2as the left e#e li&ite= to t2o
a<<liBationsM" &# ans2er 2o%l= >e that the li&itation 2as =iBtate= >#
neBessit#, sinBe if eaBh e#e 2ere giAen an o== n%&>er of a<<liBations
the s%& total of the a<<liBations 2o%l= >e eAen, >eBa%se the s%& of t2o
o== n%&>ers is an eAen n%&>er* B%t the <referenBe if for an o==
n%&>er in the total a<<liBations of >oth e#es rather than of eaBh e#e*
There is, ho2eAer, another <ossi>ilit# in the a<<liBations of 3ohl,
na&el# to follo2 the <raBtiBe in a>l%tion an= a<<l# the 3ohl thriBe to
eaBh e#e*
This <roBe=%re is the &ore <refera>le* If I 2ere to
inAestigate all the =etails 2hiBh the Pro<het o>serAe= in his aBtions an=
&oAe&ents, it 2ill ta3e &e a long long ti&e to eDha%st the s%>JeBt*
Therefore, >ase #o%r f%t%re in #o%r <ast eD<erienBeE an= 3no2 that no
learne= &an 2ill eAer >eBo&e the heir of the Pro<het %nless he
aBC%aints hi&self 2ith all the stat%tes of the +a2, so that nothing 2ill
se<arate the& Ki*e* learne= &an, an= Pro<hetL fro& eaBh other eDBe<t
one ran3 that of <ro<heB# 2hiBh is the =isting%ishing =egree >et2een
the inheritor an= the inherite=* For the inherite= is he 2ho has earne=
an= BolleBte= the &one# 2hile the inheritor is he 2ho has neither
earne= nor BolleBte= is >%t reBeiAe= it ># trans&ission* These an= other
signifiBations, =es<ite their relatiAe easiness 2hen Bo&<are= 2ith the
<rofo%n= &#steries an= seBrets, are not in=e<en=entl# Bo&<rehen=e=
eDBe<t ># the Pro<hets an= are not eliBite= thro%gh trans&ission, after
their Ki&<ortanBeL has >een <ointe= o%t ># the <ro<hets, eDBe<t ># their
heirs, the learne= &en*
The siDth an= seAenth are the naAel Bor= an= the fores3in
res<eBtiAel#* The naAel Bor= is B%t off at the ti&e of >irth 2hile
<%rifiBation thro%gh BirB%&Bision is <erfor&e= ># the Ie2s on the
seAenth =a# after >irthE BonseC%entl#, Bontra=iBting the& ># =ela#ing
the o<eration %ntil the Bhil= B%ts his front teeth is &ore =esira>le an=
less =angero%s* The A<ostle sai= "(irB%&Bision is a la2 %nto &an an=
a &eritorio%s =ee= on the <art of 2o&en*!
NeAertheless, eDBess
sho%l= >e aAoi=e= in fe&ale BirB%&Bision* The A<ostle onBe sai= to
%&& $Ati#ah!
2ho %se= to <raBtise the BirB%&Bision of 2o&en, ";
%&&-$Ati#ahN Be &o=erate 2hen #o% <erfor& the o<eration of
BirB%&Bision on 2o&en an= B%t off onl# a s&all <ortion of the <re<%Be
of the Blitoris, for that is >etter fitte= to <reserAe fe&init# an= &ore
2elBo&e to &asB%linit#*"
In other 2or=s it =oes not i&<air the
2o&an!s <assion nor ro> the &an of his <leas%re at the ti&e of
interBo%rse* Behol= the& the refine= =iBtion an= e%<he&is& of the
A<ostle!s s<eeBh an= ho2 the light of <ro<heB# has shone fro& the
affairs of the hereafter 2hiBh are the no>lest BonBerns of <ro<heB# an=
ill%&inate= the affairs of this 2orl= =o that &atters of great
i&<ortanBe, the ignoranBe of 2hiBh &a# res%lt in graAe, BonseC%enBes,
haAe >een reAeale= to the A<ostle =es<ite the faBt that he 2as
%nlettere= %ummi/. Praise, therefore, >e to Go= 2ho has sent His
A<ostle to >e a &erB# %nto &en an= thro%gh hi& to &a3e aAaila>le for
the& the >lessings of this 2orl= an= of the 2orl= to Bo&e*
The eighth is the long >ear= the =isB%ssion of 2hiBh 2e =eferre= in
or=er to a<<en= to it Bertain r%les 2hiBh goAern it an= seAeral
innoAations <raBtise= in BonneDion 2ith it, sinBe this is the &ost
s%ita>le <laBe for the treat&ent* Peo<le haAe =iffere= as to the length of
the >ear=* So&e hel= that there is no har& in the <erson ta3ing his
>ear= 2ith his han= an= B%tting off 2hat <roJeBts >elo2 his gri<* This
2as =one ># i>n-!U&ar an= seAeral of the follo2ers 1al-ta>i!%n4 an= &et
the a<<roAal of alSh%!>i aan= i>n-Sirin >%t 2as fro2ne= at ># al-Hasan
Kal-BasriL an= Hafa=ah
2ho sai= that letting it alone is a >etter
<raBtiBe, 2hiBh Bonfor&s to the 2or=s of the Pro<het, "S<are #o%r
The right <raBtiBe is not =iffiB%lt to =eter&ine, <roAi=e= it
=oes not lea= to tri&&ing the >ear= an= ro%n=ing it off the si=esE for its
eDBessiAe length ren=ers the a<<earanBe %nsee&l# an= releases the
tong%es of >aB3>iters 2ith ri=iB%le* (onseC%entl#, it is >etter to aAoi=
s%Bh <raBtiBe* Al-Na3ha!i sai=, "I 2on=er 2h# a sane &an 2hose >ear=
is long =oes not tri& it, there># aAoi=ing its >eing too long an= its
>eing too short, for &o=eration is =esira>le an= goo= in eAer#thing*"
For this reason it has >een sai=, "The >igger the >ear= the s&aller the
There are, in BonneDion 2ith the >ear=, ten =isa<<roAe= <raBtiBes*
Of these so&e are &ore re<rehensi>le than the others* These are =#eing
the >ear= >laB3, >leaBhing it 2ith s%l<h%r, <l%B3ing it, <l%B3ing the
gra# hairs in it, Kela>oratel#L tri&&ing it a%g&enting its sie, negleBting
it, =isheAelle= an= %nti=# for the sa3e of affeBting asBetiBis&, >oasting
of its >laB3 Bolo%r as in=iBatiAe of #o%th an= of its gra# Bolo%r as the
sign of KAenera>leL age, an= =#eing it re= or #ello2, there># e&%lating
the righteo%s >%t laB3ing Ktheir goo=L intention*
The first K=isa<<roAe= <raBtiBeL in BonneDion 2ith the >ear= is
=#eing it >laB3* The <raBtiBe is for>i==en as the A<ostle sai=
BonBerning it, "The >est of #o%r #o%th are those 2ho e&%late the ol=
a&ong #o%, an= the 2orst of #o%r ol= &en are those 2ho e&%late the
#o%thf%l a&ong #o%*"
E&%lating the ol= refers to the e&%lation of
their <oise an= =ignit# not their gra# hair* Not onl# 2as the =#eing of
the hair >laB3 for>i==en
>%t it 2as also =esBri>e= as the sign of the
<eo<le of Hell, an= aBBor=ing to another Aersion it 2as i=entifie= 2ith
the sign of the %n>elieAers*

A Bertain &an 2ho 2as liAing at the ti&e of $U&ar an= 2as 2ont to
=#e his >ear= >laB3 got &arrie=* Soon after2ar=s the =#e fa=e= an= his
gra# hair 2as no longer BonBeale=* There%<on the relatiAes of his 2ife
>ro%ght hi& >efore the (ali<h 2ho ann%lle= his &arriage an= ha= hi&
flogge=, an= sai= to hi&, "Yo% =eBeiAe= the& ># BonBealing fro& the&
#o%r gra# hair*"
It is sai= that the first to =#e his >ear= >laB3 2as Pharaoh, &a#
the B%rse of Go= >e %<on hi&* It is also relate= on the a%thorit# of i>n-
A>>as that the Pro<het sai=, "At the en= of ti&e there 2ill >e &en 2ho
2ill =#e their >ear=s >laB3 li3e the Bro< of the <igeonE the sa&e 2ill not
enJo# the fragranBe of Para=iise*"
The seBon= K<raBtiBeL is =#eing the >ear= #ello2 or re=* The
<raBtiBe is <er&issi>le in or=er to BonBeal the age of 2arriors fro& the
%n>elieAers in ti&es of rai=s an= Iiha=* If it is not for this <%r<ose >%t
rather for the sa3e of e&%lating &en of religion, then it is >la&e2orth#*
The A<ostle of Go= sai=, "Yello2 is the Bolo%r 2ith 2hiBh the M%sli&s
=#e their >ear=s, an= re= is that 2ith 2hiBh the >elieAers =#e theirs*"

Henna 2as %se= for re= =#e 2hile saffron an= <hill#rea for the #ello2*
So&e of the learne= &en =#e= their >ear=s >laB3 >efore setting
o%t on rai=s* There is no har& in this <raBtiBe <roAi=e= the intention is
gen%ine an= is not sha=o2e= ># <assion or l%st*
The thir= K<raBtiBeL is >leaBhing the >ear= 2ith s%l<h%r to giAe the
a<<earanBe of an a=AanBe= age for the <%r<ose of gaining =eferenBe
an= Aeneration haAing their testi&on# aBBe<te= at Bo%rt an= their
narration of tra=itions on the a%thorit# of the &asters aBBre=ite=E the#
=o it o%t of their =esire to lor= it oAer #o%th an= in or=er to a<<ear Aer#
learne=, thin3ing that age 2o%l= &a3e the& s%<erior* B%t ho2 far fro&
the tr%th this isE for age =oes not inBrease the ignoranBe eDBe<t 2ith
ignoranBe* -no2le=ge is the fr%it of reason 2hiBh is a natiAe talent
re&oAe= fro& the infl%enBe of age an= not affeBte= ># gra# hair* B%t he
2ho is >orn foolish inBreases in foll# 2ith the #ears* F%rther&ore, the
&asters %al-shuyu8h/ 2ere 2ont to giAe <reBe=enBe to the learne=
#o%ths* Th%s !U&ar %se= to giAe i>n-!A>>as, =es<ite his #o%th,
<reBe=enBe oAer the lea=ing (o&<anions, an= %se= to see3 his Bo%nsel
rather than theirs* I>n-!A>>as hi&self sai=, "Go= giAeth not His
serAants 3no2le=ge eDBe<t in their #o%th an= in #o%th lieth all that is
goo=*" In s%<<ort of his assertion he Bite= the 2or=s of Go= 2hen He
sai=, !The# sai=, "We hear= a #o%th &a3e &ention of the&? The# Ball
hi& A>raha&*"
He also Bite= the 2or=s of Go=, "The# 2ere #o%ths
2ho ha= >elieAe= in their +or=, an= in g%i=anBe ha= We inBrease=
an= also, "An= We >esto2e= on hi& 2is=o& 2hile #et a
Anas 2as 2ont to sa#, "The A<ostle of Go= =ie= haAing in his hea=
an= >ear= no &ore than t2ent# gra# hairs*" On >eing tol=, "B%t a>%-
Ha&ahN The A<ostle 2as 2ell a=AanBe= in age 2hen he =ie=," Anas

re<lie=, "Yes* B%t Go= =i= not =isgraBe hi& 2ith gra# hairM" "Is it a
=isgraBe to haAe gra# hairM" the# as3e=* Anas re<lie=, "'o #o% not all
=isli3e gra# hairM"
It is also sai= that Yah#a i>n-A3tha&
2as a<<ointe= J%=ge 2hen
he 2as t2ent#-one #ears ol=* While sitting in his Bo%rt one =a# a
Bertain &an, 2ishing to =eri=e hi& for his #o%ng #ears, as3e= hi&, "Of
2hat age is the J%=ge, &a# Go= esta>lish hi&M"* I>n-A3tha& retorte=,
"Of the sa&e age as !Atta> - i>n-Aai=i
2hen the A<ostle of Go=
entr%ste= hi& 2ith the goAernorshi< of Ma33ah an= its J%=geshi<," an=
2ith this retort silenBe= hi&* It 2as also re<orte= on the a%thorit# of
Mali3 that he sai=, "I rea= in

one of the >oo3s the follo2ing state&ent,
"+et not a &an!s >ear= =eBeiAe #o% for the >%ll has one alsoN"!*
A>%-!A&r i>n-al-!A:a
sai=, "WheneAer #o% see that a &an is tall
in stat%re >%t his hea= is s&all an= >ear= long an= 2i=e >e s%re that he
is a fool altho%gh he &a# >e U&a##ah i>n-!A>=-Sha&s*"
A##%> al-
sai=, "I haAe seen ol= &en of eight# #ears follo2 a #o%th
in or=er to learn fro& hi&*" Ali-I>n al-H%sa#n
sai=, "He 2ho has
<reBe=e= #o% in 3no2le=ge is #o%r I&a& in this res<eBt tho%gh he
&a# >e #o%nger than #o% in #ears*"
A>%-!A&r i>n-al-!Ala 2as onBe as3e=, is it >eBo&ing to the ol=
&an to learn fro& #o%thM" He ans2ere= sa#ing, "IgnoranBe a>ases,
&an an= 3no2le=ge enno>les hi&*" Yah#a i>n-M%!in, on seeing
Ah&a= i>n-Han>al 2al3ing >ehin= a &%le ri==en ># al-Shafi!i tol= hi&
"; a>%-!A>=%llah, I see that #o% haAe =isBontin%e= the Bo&<an# of
=es<ite his a=AanBe= age, for the Bo&<an# of this #o%th in
or=er to learn fro& hi&*" Ah&a= re<lie=, "If #o% onl# 3ne2 K2hat is
goo=L #o% 2o%l= haAe 2al3e= >ehin= his &%le fro& the other si=e* If,
>eBa%se of his =eath, I sho%l= &iss reBeiAing the 3no2le=ge of S%f#an
fro& hi& <ersonall#, I Bo%l= get it at an#ti&e thro%gh other
trans&itters* B%t if I sho%l= &iss the Bo&<an# of this #o%th I 2o%l=
neAer reBeiAe an# of his learning either =ireBtl# fro& hi& or in=ireBtl#
thro%gh Ktrans&ittersL*"
The fo%rth <raBtiBe is <l%B3ing the gra# hairs of the >ear= >eBa%se
of one!s loathing for gra# hair* The A<ostle of Go= has =efinitel#
for>a=e the <l%B3ing of gra# hair an= sai= that it 2as the light of the
It is of the sa&e nat%re as =#eing the hair >laB3 an= the
reasons of its >eing =isa<<roAe= haAe alrea=# >een &entione=* Gra#
hair is the light of Go= an= he 2ho =isli3es it =isli3es the light*
The fifth <raBtiBe is <l%B3ing the >ear= in 2hole or in <art for f%n or
<la#* This is =isa<<roAe=-it ren=ers the a<<earanBe %nsee&l#*
Si&ilarl#, <l%B3ing the hair off either si=e of his lo2er li<s is an
innoAation* A Bertain &an 2ho 2as 2ont to <l%B3 the hair off the si=e
of the lo2er li< too3 the 2itness stan= >efore $U&ar i>n-$A>=-al-$Ai
>%t Kthe Bali<hL reJeBte= his testi&on#* +i3e2ise, $U&ar i>n al--hatta>
an= i>n-a>i-+a#la,
the J%=ge of al-Ma=inah rref%se= to aBBe<t the
testi&on# of an# <erson 2hose <raBtiBe it 2as to <l%B3 his >ear=*
Pl%B3ing the >ear= =%ring its earl# gro2th in or=er to a<<ear
>ear=less is a&ong the &aJor eAils* For the >ear= is the orna&ent of
&an* F%rther&ore, there are a&ong the angels of Go= so&e 2ho s2ear
sa#ing, "B# Hi& 2ho hath a=orne= &an3in= 2ith >ear=s*" It is one of
the signs of <erfeBt Breation an= =isting%ishes &en fro& 2o&en*
ABBor=ing to Kso&eL sing%lar inter<retation %Charib al-ta01il/ it is the
>ear= 2hiBh is &eant ># the 2or=s of Go= 2hiBh He sai=, "He a==eth
to His Breat%res 2hat He 2ill"
The follo2ers of al-Ahnaf i>n-Ha#s
re&onstrate= sa#ing, "We 2ish 2e Bo%l= <%rBhase for al-Ahnaf a >ear=
tho%gh it &a# Bost %s t2ent# tho%san=*"
Sh%ra#h al-Ha=i
sai=, "I 2ish I ha= a >ear= tho%gh it 2ere for ten
tho%san=*" For ho2 Bo%l= the >ear= >e =isli3e= 2hen it giAes the &an
hono%r, i=entifies hi& in the sight of others 2ith learning, in=%Bes
the& to loo3 %< to hi& 2ith res<eBt, giAes hi& the eDalte= seat in the
asse&>lies Kof the learne=L, foB%ses the e#es of all %<on hi&, entitles
hi& to <reBe=enBe oAer his assoBiates, an= shiel=s hi& fro& =ishono%r,
sinBe he 2ho B%rses is restraine= fro& it if the &an has a >ear=M It is
sai= that all the inha>itants of Para=ise are >ear=less eDBe<t Aaron, the
>rother of Moses, 2ho has a >ear= 2hiBh reaBhes =o2n to his naAel* It
has >een giAen hi& as a s<eBial faAo%r an= =istinBtion*
The siDth <raBtiBe is tri&&ing the >ear= in s%BBessiAe Bonto%rs for
the sa3e of attraBting 2o&en* Sai= -a>!, "There 2ill >e at the en= of
ti&e &en 2ho 2ill tri& their >ear=s in the sha<e of the =oAe-tail, an=
2ill haAe the toes of their shoes %<t%rne= li3e a sB#the* S%Bh <eo<le
haAe no &anners*"
The seAenth <raBtiBe is a%g&enting the sie of the >ear= >#
allo2ing the hair 2hiBh BoAers the te&<les, 2hiBh >elongs to the hea=,
to gro2 an= Join that of the sai= 2his3ers there># going >e#on= the
li&its of the or=inar# >ear= an= reaBhing half2a# =o2n the Bhee3s*
This is Bontrar# to the ha>it >eBo&ing the righteo%s*
The eighth <raBtiBe is Bo&>ing the >ear= for the sa3e Kof attraBting
the attentionL of &en* Bishr
sai= BonBerning >ear=s, "There are t2o
sins in BonneDion 2ith >ear=s? Bo&>ing the& for the sa3e of KattraBting
the attention of L &en an= negleBting the& =isheAelle= to a<<ear >efore
the& asBetiB*
The ninth an= tenth <raBtiBes are res<eBtiAel# to a=&ire the >ear=!s
>laB3ness an= its gra#ness* S%Bh self a=&iration is >la&e-2orth# 2ith
regar= to all the &e&>ers of the >o=# as 2ell as traits an= aBtions, as
2ill later >e =isB%sse=*
This is 2hat 2e haAe inten=e= to =isB%ss of the Aario%s 3in= of
a=orn&ent an= Bleanliness* Three tra=itions =ealing 2ith the r%les
2hiBh goAern the >o=# haAe giAen %s t2elAe ite&s of 2hiBh fiAe
<ertain to the hea=, na&el# <arting the hair, rinsing the &o%th, inhaling
an= eDhaling 2ater Kfor Bleaning the noseL, tri&&ing the &o%staBhe,
an= %sing the tooth<iB3E three <ertain to the han=s, na&el# &aniB%ring
the nails, 2ashing the 3n%B3les, an= Bleaning the finger-ti<sE an= fo%r
<ertain to the >o=#, na&el# <l%B3ing the hair of the ar&-<its, shaAing
the <%>es, BirB%&Bision, an= a>stersion 2ith 2ater-all of 2hiBh haAe
>een &entione= in tra=ition*
No2 2hereas the <%r<ose of this >oo3 is to =isB%ss o%t2ar= an=
<h#siBal Bleanliness rather than the in2ar= 2e shall Bonfine o%rselAes
to the for&er* +et it, ho2eAer, >e 3no2n that the in2ar= filth an= =irt
fro& 2hiBh it is neBessar# to Blean oneself are inn%&>era>le an= 2e
shall ta3e the& %< in =etail in the H%arter on The 'estr%BtiAe Matters
of +ife an= shall also =isB%ss the &anner of their re&oAal an= the
&etho= of <%rif#ing the heart therefro&*
Here en=s the Boo3 on the M#steries of P%rit#, to >e follo2e= >#
that on the M#steries of Pra#er*
B%3hari, al-, $ahih) B%lC :956*
'ari&i, al-, $unan) 'a&asB%s :875*
'a2%=, a>%, $unan) (airo :9G;*
'haha>i, al-, Tadh8irat at-Du!!aB) H#=era>a= :888*
Han>al, Ah&a= i>n-, 6usnad) (airo :895-:888*
MaJah, i>n-, $unan) (airo :875*
M%sli&, $ahih) 'elhi :8:5*
Nasa!i, al-, al-6u3taba) 'elhi :8:F*
Na2a2i, al-, Tahdhib al Asma)0 e= F* W%stenfel=, Gottingen :G79-:G70*
H%ta#>ah, i>n-, Kitab al-6a7ari!) e=* F* W%stenfel=, Gottingen :GF;*
Ta#alisi, al-, 6usnad) H#=era>a= :89:*
Tir&i=hi al-, $unan) (airo :59;*
Sa$=, i>n-, Kitab al-Tabagat al-Kubra) e=*, F* SaBha% an= others, +e#=en :5;F-:59:*
Sha!rani, al-, al-Taba9at al-Kubra) (airo :87F*
YaC%t 6u03am al-Buldan e=* F* W%stenfel=, +ei<ig :G66-:G0;*
!A>>as, A>=%llah i>n-A>raha&, Ahnaf, al-, !A!ishah, A3tha&, i>n-, see Yah#a i>n
A3tha&, !Ala!, a>%-!A&r i>n-al-, !Ali i>n-a>i-Tali>, !Ali i>n-al-H%ssa#n, see H%sa#n, !Ali
i>n-al-, Anas i>n-Mali3, Ansari, a>%-A##%> al-, Ara>ians, Arafah, As>at, Y%s%f i>n-, see
!Atta> i>n Asi=, !Ati#ah, %&&-, Atta> i>n-Aai=i, A##%>, al-, see Ansari, a>% A##%> al-,
Basri, Hassan al-, Bishr i>n-al-Harith, 'a&asB%s, Ga>riel, Han>al, Ah&a= i>n-,
H%=>a#afah, H%ra#rah, a>%-, H%sa#n, !Ali i>n-al-,I>rahi& i>n A=ha&, -a!> al-Ah>ar,
-hatta>, !U&ar i>n-al-, +a#la, i>n-al-, Ma=inah, al-, Ma33ah, Mali3 i>n-Anas, Mali3ites,
Moses, M%>ara3, i>n-al-, M%!in, Yah#a i>n-, M%Jahi=, M%n3ar, M%=alifah, Na3ha!i,
I>rahi& i>n-Yai= al, Na3ir, Ha!a=ah, Ha#s, al-Ahnaf i>n-, H%>a!, Sa!i= i>n-al-
M%ssa##a>, Sa3hti#an A##%> al-, Sal&an al-Farisi, Shafi!i, al-, Sh%!>ah, Sh%!>ah, al-
M%ghirah i>n-, Sh%!>i, al-, Sh%ra#ah al-Ha=i, Si==iC, A>%-Ba3r al-, Sirin, i>n-, S%fis,
S%f#an i>n-, U#a#nah, Ta!i, 'a2%= i>n-N%sa#r al-, Tha2ri, S%f#an al-, !U&ar !A>=%llah
i>n-, !U&ar i>n A>=-al-! Ai, U&a##ah i>n-!A>=-Sha&s, !Uth&an i>n-!Affan, Yah#a
i>n-A3tha&, @%hri, al-,
ahdath) ahl al-$hara!) ahl al-$u!!ah) a3Ba0) ara8) 0a1rah) a1sa8h) a0yan) 0ayniyah) ayyam
al-tashri) !adalat) gharib al-ta01il) ghusl) hu8miyah) ihram) ilti9a0) al-Khitanayn)
0isha0an) al-) istin3a0) mashhur) mu1alah) muBal) al- muBal bihi) aE-) ru0unah) sarih)
shahdah) al-) shuyu8h) al-) sirr) sunnah) tabi0un) al-) ta8bir) ta1a! al-1ada0) tayammum)
ummi) 0umrah) ushnan) 1udu) Babaniyah) al-)
:* Uni=entifie=*
9* Ah&a= i>n-Han>al, Taharah? :G:E al-'ari&i, TaharaE 9:E al -Tir&i=hi, Taharah?8*
8* S%rah :/?:;5*
7* M%sli&, Taharah? :E al-'ari&i, Taharah?9*
F* S%rah A?5*
6* Ar* !adalat) sing* !adlah) a ter& %se= for all >o=il# gro2ths an= =isBharges 2hiBh are
%s%all# re&oAe= ># s%Bh o<erations as &aniB%ring, shaAing the hea= an= >ear=, an=
0* See al-'ari&i, SalahE :;-:8E i>n-MaJah* Taharah?:F-:6*
G* (f al-B%3hari, W%=%?77*
5* (f i>n-MaJah, At!i&ah? 95*
:;* I>, :F*
::* For a tra=ition of the sa&e i&<ort, of, a>% 'a2%=, Taharah?:80*
:9* I>rahi& i>n-Yai=, A II 56-A*'* 0:7-F* See i>n H%ta#>ah <*98FE Tah=hi> al-As&a,
<<* :8F-86*
:8 * (f I>n-MaJah, @%h=?7*
:7* 'a2%= i>n-N%sa#r al-Ta!i A*H* :6F A*'* 0G:-G9* See i>n-Sa!=, )ol* )I, <*9FFE i>n
H%ta#>ah, <*9F0*
:F* (f al-Tir&i=hi, TaharahE F;E a>% 'a2%=, Taharah?88*
:6* Al-Tir&i=hi, Taharah, 65E i>n-MaJah, TaharahE89*
:0* Bf i>n-MaJah, Taharah?06*
:G* The Mali3ite an= the Sahfi!ite*
:5* C!. i>n-MaJah, TaharahE99*
9;* I>n-MaJah, Taharah? :0,:GE al-Tir&i=hi, Taharah?F:*
9:* I>n-MaJah, Taharah? 9F, al-Tir&i=hi, Taharah?6*
99* A>%-'a2%=, Taharah?:6*
98* Al-Tir&i=hi, TaharahEG*
97* Ibid) Taharah?G*
9F* TaAalisi 7;6? a>%-'a2%= Taharah? :9, Bf, al-Tir&i=hi, Taharah? 5E i>n-MaJah,
96* A>%-'a2%=, Taharah? :FE i>n-MaJah, Taharah?:9*
90. C! a>%-'a2%= Taharah? :7E i>n-MaJah, Taharah*::*
9G* (f I>n-MaJah, Taharah? 5E al-Tir&i=hi, Taharah? 7E alB%3hari, W%=%?5*
95* Bf* al-Tir&i=hi, Taharah? FE i>n-MaJah, Taharah?:;*
8;* C!. I>n-MaJah, Taharah?:5*
8:* Ibid)<*..
89* I>n MaJah, Taharah?:6*
88* (f* al-B%3hari, W%=%! ? 67*
87* Al-B%3hari, W%=%!?9F, 96, I>n MaJah, Taharah 98, 77*
8F* S%rah iD?:;5*
86* A Aillage, t2o &iles so%th of al-Ma=inah, 2here M%ha&&a= s<ent for =a#s on his
hi3rah to al-Ma=inah* He <ra#e= in its &osC%e, allege= to haAe >een >%ilt ># his
(o&<anions 2ho <reBe=e= hi& to his ne2 Ba<ital* See YaC%t, B%l=an, )ol*:)
80* I>n-MaJah, Tahara?0*
8G* (f* Ah&a= i>n-Han>al, Tahara? :65*
85* Ah&a= i>n-Han>al, Tahrarh? :60, :0;*
7;* Ibid.) TaharahE :6F*
7:. Ibid.) TaharahE:F5,:6;*
79. Ibid.) Taharah? :F6, :F0, :FG*
-5. #!. a>%-'a2%=, Taharah? 9FE Ah&a= i>n-Han>al, Taharah?:60*
--. #! i>n-MaJah, Taharah, 7:*
7F* Uni=entifie=*
76* Al-B%3hari, W%=%?8*
70* Ibid.
7G* Ar* Dilyah) 2hiBh &eans literall# orna&ent*
75* M%sli&s, Taharah?7;*
F;* Uni=entifie=*
F:* A>% 'a2%=, Taharah?F9*
F9* Ibid) 7F
F8* Pro>a>l# a>%-Sala&ah i>n-!A>=-al-Rah&an* A*H* 57 A*'* 0:8, Ta=h3irat-al-H%ffa,
)ol*:, <*F5*
F7* Al-Tir&i=hi, Taharah?9;*
FF* Ibid) Taharah?7;*
F6* Al-Tir&i=hi hi&self, in narrating the tra=ition, Basts =o%>t on its a%thentiBit#*
F0* C!. I>n-MaJah, Taharah?6:, 2here the sa&e thing is <er&issi>le*
FG* A>%-Bista& Sh%!>ah i>n-al-HaJJaJ al-!Ata3i, A*H* :6;-A*'* 006-0E see i>n-Sa!=, )ol*
0, Pt 9 <*8GE Tadh8irat-al-Du!!aB. )ol* I* <<* :G:-GF
F5* (f* Ah&a= i>n-Han>al, Taharah? :G8, :GG*
6;* C!. al-'ari&i Taharah?78*
6:* #!* Ah&a= i>n-Han>al, Taharah-:58*
69* C!. Al-B%3hari, W%=%! ?99*
68* #!* ibid) W%=%!E 98*
67* C! ibid) W%=%!? 97? Ah&a= i>n-Han>al, Taharah?5;9*
6F* Uni=entifie=*
66* I>n-MaJah, Taharah?08*
60* C!. S%rah DDiA? 8F* The tra=ition itself see&s to >e s<%rio%s*
6G* Ah&a= i>n-Han>al, Taharah? :G0*
65* Uni=entifie=* (f* Ah&a= i>n-Han>al, Taharah?:5F*
0;* Ah&a= i>n-Han>al, Taharah?9;8*
0:. Ar iltiga7 al-8hitanayn) a e%<he&is&, &eton#&iBall# =enoting the =isa<<earing of the
<art of the <enis that is a>oAe, or >e#on=, the <laBe of BirB%&Bision in the A%lAa of
the 2o&an*
09* The ihram is the saBre= state in 2hiBh the M%sli& <erfor&s the &aJor <ilgri&age
%Da33/ an= the &inor <ilgri&age %0umrah/.
08* These BoinBi=e 2ith the eleAenth, t2elfth an= thirteenth =a#s o! Dhu-al-Di33ah.
07* C!) al-Tir&i=hi, +i>as? 99E A>% 'a2%=, TaraJJ%l?l*
0F* (f* a>%-'a2%=, TaraJJ%l?8*
06* Al-Nasa!i @inah?FG*
00* 'oes not a<<ear in the tra=ition*
0G* ($ i>n*Sa!=, )ol* II, Pt*9* <<*:0;*0:*
05* Uni=entifie=*
G;* See i>n-Sa!=, )ol* I, <t*9, <*:9;*
G:* C! ibid) Aol.III Pt* :, <*:88*
G9. Ibid) Aol.III) Pt*9, <*7;*
G8* Ibid) )ol*III Pt* :, <*:6*
G7* Uni=entfie=*
GF* (f* i>n-MaJah, Taharah?GE al-Tir&i=hi, A=a>?:7*
G6* (f* al-Tir&i=hi, A=a>?:7*
G0. Ibid) A=a>?:F*
GG* Uni=entifie=
G5* Uni=entifie=
5;* S%rah DAii?97*
5:* The stan=ar=->earer for the Por<het* He har>o%re= M%ha&&a= in al-Ma=inah at the
ti&e of al-HaJrah* +ater he aBBo&<anie= Yai= I, then a Bro2n-<rinBe, on his
eD<e=ition against (onstantino<le 1A*H*75OA'* 6654 2here he =ie= of =#senter#
an= 2as >%rie= o%tsi=e the 2alls of the B#antine Ba<ital* His to&> >eBa&e a shrine
eAen to the (hristian Gree3s 2ho &a=e <ilgri&age to it in ti&e of =ro%ght to <ra#
for rain* '%ring the siege of (onstantino<le ># the T%r3s in :7F8, the to&> 2as
&iraB%lo%sl# =isBoAere= ># ra#s of light 2hiBh shone fro& it* Th%s =i= the
Mi=nesea= gentle&an >eBo&e a saint for three nations* See i>n-Sa!=, )ol*::I, Pt*9,
<<*75-F;E Phili< -* Hitti, Distory o! the Arabs 1+on=on, :5684* <<*9;:-9;9*
59* (ertain angels 2hose =%t# is to thr%st the <eo<le of Hell into the fires thereof* C!
$urah IDAi?6*
58* The in=iAi=%al &a# re<l# to a sal%tation in the >ath 2ith the 2or=s 0a!ah Allah >%t
neAer 2ith the %s%al for&la of 1a-7alay-81m alsalam 1a rahmatAllah.
57* (f* al-Tir&i=hi, A=a>?78*
5F* I>n-MaJah A=a>?8G*
56* Na&el#, the =esBen=ants of !Ali, &ore <artiB%larl# thro%gh al-Hasan*
50* C!. M%sli&, Taharah?60-0;E al-B%3hari, +i>asE66E al-Tir&i=hi, A=a>?:G*
5G* S%rah DDDDi?0F*
55* Al-Nasa!i, Taharah?:7*
:;;* $urah DlAii?85*
:;:* A (o&<anion 2ho 2as a<<ointe= goAernor of Al-Basrah ># !U&ar 2ho later
a<<ointe= hi& goAernor of al--%fah* !Utha&n re&oAe= hi& fro& the goAernorshi<
of al--%fah is 2hiBh M%!a2i#ah reinstate= hi&* He =ie= A*H* F;OA*'* 60;* See on
Sa!= )ol*I) <*9, <<*97-96, )ol* )I, <*:9E i>n-H%ta#>ah, <<* F;,F:*
:;9* Al-Ta#alisi?65G*
:;8* C! al-B%3hari, +i>as? 67E M%sli&, Taharah? 60-0;*
:;7* Uni=entifie=*
:;F* No s%Bh tra=ition is fo%n=*
:;6* See a>oAe, <<*78*77*
:;0* C!. i>n MaJah, Taharah?98*
:;G* Al-Tir&i=hi, +i>as?98*
:;5* Uni=entifie=*
::;* One of the 2o&en (o&<anions of the Pro<het* See i>n Sa$= )ol*G, <<* 888-87
::: A>%-'a2%=, A=a>?:60*
::9* I>n-'ia&ah al-Sa=hasi, A*H* ::0OA*'* 08F* See i>n-Sa!=, )o+)II, Pt*9, <<*:-8E
i>n-H%ta#>ah, <<* 987-8F*
::8* See a>oAe, <* 08*
::7* Uni=entifie= an= <ro>a>l# s<%rio%s*
::F* A>%-'a2%=, TaraJJ%l? :GE al-Nasa!i @inahE:F*
::6* Neither tra=ition is i=entifie=*
::0* A>%-'a2%=* TaraJJ%lE 9;E al-Nasa!i @inah?:F*
::G* Uni=entifie=*
::5* S%rah DDi?6:*
:9;* $urah @viii:&+.
:9:* $urah DiD?:8*
:99* C!. i>n-Sa!= )ol*I, Pt*9, <<* :8F-85*
:99* A>% M%ha&&a= %l-Ta&i&i al-Mor2ai, A*H* 975OA*'* GF0* He 2as the J%=ge of
al-Basrah an= later the Bhief J%=ge of Bagh=a= %n=er al-Ma!&%n, See i>n--halli3an,
)o:*III, <<*:0F:G0E al-Bagh=a=i, )ol*/, N, <<* :5:-9;7*
:97* GoAernor of Ma33ah %n=er the Pro<het* He =ie= A*H*, :8 AO'* 687* See i>n-Sa!=*
)ol* ), <*88;E i>n-H%ta#>ah, <*:77E Tahdhib al-Asma) <*77F*
:9F* One of the seAen C%r!an rea=ers, =ie= A*H* :F7 A*H* 00:* see at Fihrist) <*9GE i>n-
-halli3an, )ol ::, :;F-G*
:96* Fa&o%s anBestor of the U&a##a=s an= &ost no>le sBion of the H%ra#sh* See i>n-
'%ra#= al-A= Kitab al-Ishti9a9) e= F* W%stenfel= 1(ottengen, :GF74, <*:;8*
:90* A*H* :8: A*'* 07G-75, See i>n-H%ta#>ah, <<*987-85E al-Sa&!ani, f 95:, >E Tahdhib
al-Asma0) pp. :0;-0:
:9G* Gran=son of !Ali i>n-a>i-Tali>, 3no2n as @a#n-al-A>i=in, A*H* 57OA*'* 0:8* See
i>n-H%ta#>ah, <<*:;;-::E i>n Sa!=, )ol* ), <<* :F6-6FE i>n -halli3an, )o:*I,
:95* Pro>a>l# i>n-!U#a#nah! rather than al-Tha2ri sinBe the later =ie= three #ears >efore
i>n-Ha&>al 2as >orn*
:8;* C! al-Tir&i=hi, Fa=a!il al-Iiha=? 5E al-Nasa!i, Iiha=? 9F*
:8:* A*H* :7GOA*'* 06F* He 2as J%=ge of al-Ma=inah %n=er the U&a##a=s an= later
>eBa&e J%=ge of al--%fah %n=er the !A>>asi=s* See i>n-Sa!=, )ol,)I, <*975, i>n-
:89* S%rah DDDA?:*
:88* AI-Ahnaf 2as >o2-legge= an= one-e#e= as 2ell as >ear=less i>n-Bf* i>n-H%ta#>ah,
<<*9:6-:0E i>n--halli3an, )o+I, <<, 7::-:F*
:87* So Balle= >eBa%se he 2as the inB%&>ent J%=ge of al--%fah, to 2hiBh offiBe he 2as
a<<ointe= ># !U&ar* He =ie= AH* 0G or 05OA*'* 65G* See i>n-H%ta#>ah, <*99:E
Tahdhib al-Asma0) <<*8:8-:7*
:8F* Perha<s Bishr i>n-al-Harith al-Hafi, A*H* 990 A* '* G7:* See i>n-H%ta#>ah, <*96:E
al-Sha$rani )ol, I, <<*69-68*
:86* (f* M%sli&E Taharah? 75-F:E i>n-MaJah Taharah?G, al-Tir&i=hi, A=a>? :7,:F*

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