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15.3 Applications of Genetic Engineering

Lesson Objectives
Describe the benefits of genetic engineering as they relate to agriculture and industry.
Explain how recombinant DNA technology can improve human health.
Summarize the process of DNA fingerprinting and explain its uses.

BUILD Vocabulary
A. The chart below shows key terms from the lesson with their definitions. Complete the chart by
writing a strategy to help you remember the meaning of each term. One has been done for you.

Term Definition How Im Going to Remember the
Analysis of sections of DNA that have
little or no known function but vary
widely from one individual to another,
in order to identify individuals

Analysis of genes to determine which
are active and which are inactive in a

Forensics The scientific study of crime-scene

Gene therapy The process of changing a gene to
treat a medical disease or disorder
Therapy is another way of saying
medical treatment. Gene therapy is
a way to treat a medical disease by
changing a gene.

B. As you work through this lesson, you may find these terms in the activities. When you write
a key term or a definition, highlight the term or the definition.

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BUILD Understanding
Main Idea and Details Chart Taking notes is a way to organize the information you read.
One way to take notes is to keep track of main ideas and details.
As you read the lesson, fill in the chart below with details to support each main idea.

Main Ideas Details
Agriculture and industry

Health and medicine

Personal identification

Agriculture and Industry
GM Crops Genetically modified (GM) crops have been used as part of our food supply for
about two decades. By changing plants, farmers can make them stronger. Some GM plants are
less likely to be destroyed by insects or infections. The table below shows some possible genetic
modifications in plants. Some of these changes have already been made. Some have not been
Fill in the table.

Genetically Engineered
Plant Change
Why Would This Be a Good Change?
Kills any insect that eats it The plant would not be eaten by insects.
Not affected by weed killers

Does not get viral infections

Grows fruit that is slow to rot

Grows plastic

Has extra vitamin A

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Health and Medicine
Gene Therapy Gene therapy is the process by which genes that cause a disorder are replaced
by normal, working genes. Researchers have tried to carry out gene therapy by using viruses to
insert the normal DNA into the affected cells. The diagram below shows how a virus might be
used to deliver a gene to a bone marrow cell.

Arrange the following steps in the correct order.
Virus infects human cell.
Normal gene is inserted into viral DNA.
Virus delivers its DNA to a human cell.
Answer the question.
1. Why are viruses used in gene therapy?

Genetic Testing Decide whether each person would benefit from genetic testing. Circle the
correct answer.
2. Jorge and Ana want to have children. However, Anas brother has hemophilia. Can Ana
benefit from genetic testing?
yes no
3. Juless dad died from influenza. Jules wonders if he will die from the same thing. Can Jules
benefit from genetic testing?
yes no

Normal gene
Bone marrow cell
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Personal Identification
No two people are genetically exactly like one another, except for identical twins. DNA
fingerprinting is a method used to identify people based on their DNA. DNA fingerprinting has
helped solve crimes and convict criminals. It has also helped prove that people are innocent of a
Look at the DNA fingerprints below. Then answer the following questions.

1. The DNA fingerprint labeled Evidence was left by a criminal at a crime scene. Police have
four different suspects. They took samples of the DNA of each of the four suspects. Which
sample matches the evidence?
2. Could sample 1 and sample 2 come from identical twins? Explain your answer.
Decide if the following statements are true or false. If a statement is false, tell why.
3. Mitochondrial DNA is passed directly from father to child.
4. DNA evidence can be used to solve crimes, convict criminals, and free people who were
wrongfully convicted.
5. Y-chromosome analysis can be used to determine paternal ancestry in males only.


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