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ACCA Paper F7
Financial Management
For exams in 2010

ExPedite Notes
ACCA F7 Financial Reporting

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Chapter 2
IAS 1: Presentation of Financial

The Big Picture

IAS 1 is a cornerstone accounting standard that includes:
Components of financial statements
Core concepts
True and fair override.

It is virtually certain to be tested in the ACCA paper F7 exam.

ExPedite Notes
ACCA F7 Financial Reporting

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these materials, and given that legislation may change at any time, The ExP Group will not be held liable for any
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Components of financial statements

A full set of IFRS financial statements comprises the following primary statements (ie
statements that must be shown with equal prominence as each other):
Statement of financial position (previously called balance sheet)
Statement of comprehensive income (comprising profit and loss statement and
statement of other comprehensive income)
Statement of changes in equity
Statement of cash flows
Comparative data for the previous year for each of the above.

In addition, secondary statements are required being notes that explain the accounting
policies and other significant explanations or useful drill down information.
Question 2 of the F7 exam is likely to require presentation of financial statements from a
trial balance with adjustments. A starting point in the exam is to be able to produce a
skeleton set of which financial statements are required from memory. Its therefore
necessary to memorise the formats on the following pages.

Core concepts

IAS 1 includes a number of core concepts, with some overlap with the Framework
Fair presentation fair, neutral description of transactions.
Going concern entity assumed to continue trading into the foreseeable future.
Accruals (matching) basis of accounting match costs with associated revenues and
items to the time period incurred.
Consistency of presentation present similar transactions the same way within the
current year and year by year.

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ACCA F7 Financial Reporting

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Materiality and aggregation no need to present information about immaterial
transactions, but aggregate transactions with similar characteristics instead.
Offsetting - offset as little as possible.
Frequency of reporting normally annually but can be shorter if necessary and
certain disclosures made.
Comparative information comparative information must be provided and presented
in such a way as to make comparison easy (eg use the same accounting policies in
both years. This is further developed in IAS 8).

True and fair override
Paragraph 23 of IAS 1 gives details of what to do in the extremely rare circumstance when
compliance with IFRS will fail to give a true and fair view. This requires full disclosure of the
particulars, reason and effect of the failure to follow all extant IFRS.

Formats of financial statements
The formats below give the minimum disclosures required on the face on the SOFP as
required by IAS 1 paragraph 54. In practice, its common to add other categories as well.
IAS 1 is not too specific in the order of each of these headings, but its normal to start with
the least liquid and finish with the most liquid.

ExP Group Statement of Financial Position at 31 March 20x4

ASSETS 20x4 20x3 (Note
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment X X
Intangible assets X X 1
Investments in associates X X
Biological assets X X 2

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ACCA F7 Financial Reporting

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these materials, and given that legislation may change at any time, The ExP Group will not be held liable for any
information presented in these materials as to its application to any specific cases.

Current assets
Inventories X X
Trade receivables X X
Cash and cash equivalents X X
Assets held for sale X X 3

Total assets X X

Share capital X X 4
Revaluation reserve X X 5
Retained earnings X X
Other reserves X X
Non-controlling interests X X
Total equity X X

Non-current liabilities 6
Financial liabilities X X
Deferred tax X X
Provisions X X
Total non-current liabilities X X

Current liabilities
Financial liabilities X X

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ACCA F7 Financial Reporting

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these materials, and given that legislation may change at any time, The ExP Group will not be held liable for any
information presented in these materials as to its application to any specific cases.

Current tax X X
Trade and other payables X X
Total current liabilities X X
Total liabilities X X
Total equity and liabilities X X

1. Many companies prefer to show goodwill separately to other intangibles on the face
of the SOFP.
2. This is included for completeness only. Biological assets (IAS 41) are not within the
F7 syllabus.
3. These relate specifically to assets held for sale under IFRS 5.
4. There are extensive disclosure requirements relating to share capital in IAS 1, but
these are rarely tested in paper F7.
5. Each component of the parent companys reserves must be shown separately. Its
conventional to start with the most regulated reserves and finish with retained
6. Current liabilities are ones that are expected to be settled within 12 months of the
reporting date. All other liabilities are non-current. Some (eg finance lease liabilities
and loans) are likely to be split between current and non-current components.

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ACCA F7 Financial Reporting

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these materials, and given that legislation may change at any time, The ExP Group will not be held liable for any
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ExP Group Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 31 March
The captions marked with * are the minimum disclosures required by paragraph 82 of IAS 1.
In practice, it is common to add other captions where they would be useful to readers of the
financial statements.
20x4 20x3 (Note

Revenue* X X
Cost of sales (X) (X)
Gross profit X X
Other income X X
Share of profit of associates* X X
Distribution costs (X) (X)
Administrative expenses
Other expenses (X) (X)
Finance costs* (X) (X)
Profit before tax X X
Tax expense* (X) (X)
Profit from discontinued operations, after tax* X X
Profit for the period* X X

Other comprehensive income, net of tax: 7
Property revaluation gains X X
Other gains reported directly in equity X X
Share of associates other comprehensive income X X
Other comprehensive income for the period, net of X X

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ACCA F7 Financial Reporting

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these materials, and given that legislation may change at any time, The ExP Group will not be held liable for any
information presented in these materials as to its application to any specific cases.

Total comprehensive income for the period X X
Profit for the period attributable to: X X
Non-controlling interests
Owners of the parent
Total comprehensive income for the period
attributable to:
Non-controlling interests X X
Owners of the parent X X

7. These items may be presented gross of tax, with a separate tax expense then within
comprehensive income.

ExP Group Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 March 20x4



At 1 April 20x2 X X X X
Effect of changes in accounting
- - - -
At 1 April 20x2, restated X X X X

Changes in year to 31 March 20x3:

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ACCA F7 Financial Reporting

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Total comprehensive income - X
Dividends - - - (X)
Issue of new shares for cash X - - X
Transfers between reserves - (X) X -
At 31 March 20x3 X X X X

Changes in year to 31 March 20x4:
Total comprehensive income - X
Dividends - - - (X)
Issue of new shares X - - X
Bonus issue of shares X (X)
Transfers between reserves - (X) X -
At 31 March 20x4 X X X X

To cross-refer to the SOFP in this chapter, the statement of changes in equity would also
need a column for other reserves and non-controlling interests. These are omitted only due
to space constraints.
Note 8: Gains on revaluation of property, plant and equipment would be shown within
retained earnings. All other elements of total comprehensive income are likely to be shown
as a movement on retained earnings.

Suggested approach to preparation questions (likely question 2 in the exam)
Read through the question in full.
If there is an adjustment that you dont understand after reading it three times,
ignore it.
Set up proformas for each financial statement that you are asked to produce. Use
one page for each one.
Cross-refer the adjustments to the relevant heading in the trial balance.

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ACCA F7 Financial Reporting

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information presented in these materials as to its application to any specific cases.

For each item in the trial balance that does not have a cross-reference next to it,
cross it off and lift the relevant figure directly into your proforma answers.
Work through the adjustments in order of which ones you find the most easy.
Record your adjustments in workings and refer workings to your proforma answer.
When you run out of time allocated to the question, move on! Do not expect to
finish the question in full.

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ACCA F7 Financial Reporting

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