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2013 Predictive Consulting Group, Inc.

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The Tweet Heard
Round the Worl d

by Curtis N. Bingham

2013 Predictive Consulting Group, Inc.
All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.
The Tweet Heard Round the Worl d

Curtis N. Bingham
Founder and Executive Director
Chief Customer Officer Council
cottls 8loqbom ls tbe tecoqolzeJ ootbotlty oo cblef costomet offlcets ooJ tbe fltst to ptomote tbls tole os o cotolyst
fot competltlve oJvootoqe. ne ls tbe cteotot of tbe ccO kooJmop, o qtoooJbteokloq wotk cootololoq 100- ctltlcol
sttoteqles esseotlol fot costomet ceottlclty. As oo lotetootloool speoket, ootbot, ooJ coosoltoot, cottls ls posslooote
oboot cteotloq costomet sttoteqy to sostoloobly qtow teveooe, ptoflt, ooJ loyolty.

8eflecL back wlLh me Lo Aprll 19, 1773.
WlLh Lhe mlghL of Lhe 8rlLlsh Lmplre behlnd Lhem, Lhe 8rlLlsh lnfanLry belleved lL was uLLerly lnvlnclble.
lmaglne lLs surprlse when lL became surrounded by Lhe MlnuLe Men and laLer, many more men from Lhe
Amerlcan mlllLla. ln Lhe Lenslon LhaL followed, one nervous 8rlLlsh lnfanLryman flred upon Lhe colonlsLs,
whlch sLarLed an exchange of flre from boLh sldes. WlLh Lhls one shoL LhaL laLer became known as Lhe
shoL heard 'round Lhe world, Lhe revoluLlonary war had begun.
SllghLly more recenLly, ln SepLember of 2013, Chlcago-based buslness owner and 1wlLLer user Pasan
Syed made hlsLory afLer 8rlLlsh Alrways losL hls parenLs luggage on a fllghL from Chlcago Lo arls. Syed
dld someLhlng nobody has ever done before: he boughL a serles of promoLed LweeLs on 1wlLLer Lo
express hls frusLraLlon and dlspleasure.
uoot fly 8tltlsbAltwoys. 1belt costomet setvlce ls botteoJoos
cbeckoot 8tltlsb_Altwoys stote-of-tbe-ott boqqoqe booJlloq system
8tltlsb_Altwoys ls tbe wotst oltlloe evet. lost my loqqoqe ooJ coot eveo ttock lt Jowo
Absolotely potbetlc
A full 7 hours laLer, [8rlLlsh_Alrways responded:
5otty fot tbe Jeloy lo tespooJloq, oot twlttet feeJ ls opeo 09.00-17.00 CM1. lleose uM jJltect
messoqe] yoot boqqoqe tef ooJ we'll look loto tbls.
8y any accounL, Syed ls no soclal medla powerhouse. As of lebruary 2014, he sLlll had only 1,129
followers and 436 LweeLs. 1he sponsored LweeL, however, for whlch he spenL $1,000.00, ylelded 76,000
lmpresslons and 14,000 engagemenLs (replles, reLweeLs, eLc.), all of whlch slded wlLh hlm agalnsL Lhe
brand or broadcasL Lhelr own, slmllar sLorles. Syed's LweeL also qulckly enLered Lhe news cycle, where

2013 Predictive Consulting Group, Inc.
All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.
hls sLory appeared on 88C news, 1lme, lox news, Lhe Cuardlan, n8C news, Mashable, PufflngLon osL,
and oLhers.
WlLh Pasan Syed's LweeL heard 'round Lhe world" on SepLember 2, 2013, Lhe revoluLlonary war for
cusLomer conLrol of your brand had begun. 1haL same day, Andy WlLL ([deslgnlngWell) LweeLed:
wbot lf potleots wete mote fotwotJ ooJ pobllc wltb tbelt ftosttotloo wltb bospltols llke nosoo
5yeJ wos wltb 8tltlsb_Altwoys?
!usL llke Lhe 8rlLlsh regulars, blg companles have long LhoughL Lhey were uLLerly lnvlnclble-Lhey
conLrolled Lhe messages, Lhe medla, and Lhe conversaLlons wlLh Lhelr cusLomers, when Lhey boLhered Lo
have Lhem. 8uL Lo Andy WlLL's polnL, whaL lf one (or more) of yoot key cusLomers - by slze, revenue,
lnfluence, or oLher crlLerlon - broadcasL Lhelr frusLraLlon wlLh your company Lo Lhe publlc and Lo your
oLher cusLomers? WhaL would Lhe lmpacL on your brand look llke? Would lL be lnconsequenLlal? Cr
could lL cosL mllllons of dollars ln adverLlslng Lo recLlfy?
LeL's be honesL. 1he age of cool producLs and feel-good servlce has come and gone. Soclal medla, wlLh
all lL empowers, ls here Lo sLay and sLlll growlng. lL ls noL enough Lo llsLen Lo and paclfy cusLomers. now,
more Lhan ever, repuLaLlons and relaLlonshlps wlLh cusLomers can be Larnlshed, lf noL desLroyed, wlLh a
few slmple keysLrokes. CusLomers are Laklng charge. 1hey clearly wanL a volce.
We've enLered Lhe age of engagemenL. 1oday we have Lo engage Lhe Pasan Syed's of Lhe world:
collaboraLe wlLh Lhem Lo help flx our problems and enllsL Lhem as our sales force Lo dramaLlcally grow
our buslnesses. ln Lhe days ahead, Lhe mosL successful companles wlll grow only as Lhey engage
cusLomers ln cusLomer acqulslLlon, reLenLlon, operaLlons, lnnovaLlon, and even sLraLegy.

Copyright Notice: All content contained in this article is copyright protected material. Reproduction, in whole or in
part, in any form or medium, without the express written permission of the Chief Customer Officer Council is strictly

2013 Predictive Consulting Group, Inc.
All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.
1he flrsL Lo promoLe Lhe role of chlef cusLomer offlcer (CCC) as caLalysL for
compeLlLlve advanLage, CurLls ls recognlzed as Lhe world's foremosL auLhorlLy on
CCCs. Pe ls founder and LxecuLlve ulrecLor of Lhe Chlef CusLomer Cfflcer
Councll` and creaLor of Lhe CCC 8oadmap and Lhe CusLomer CenLrlclLy MaLurlLy
Model: groundbreaklng, proprleLary works LhaL asslsL companles achleve
cusLomer cenLrlc culLure and revenue growLh. CurLls ls a champlon of cusLomer
engagemenL as a crlLlcal growLh englne and flrsL Lo ldenLlfy engagemenL as Lhe
nexL evoluLlonary sLep beyond loyalLy. An lnLernaLlonal speaker, auLhor, and
consulLanL, CurLls ls passlonaLe abouL creaLlng powerful cusLomer sLraLegles and
LrusLed for hls buslness acumen, acLlonable lnslghLs, and commlLmenL Lo
measurable buslness resulLs.
1he CCC Councll ls a powerful and lnLlmaLe gaLherlng of Lhe world's
leadlng cusLomer execuLlves from wldely dlverse lndusLrles. 1he
Councll helps execuLlves achleve ob[ecLlves fasLer and more easlly by
leveraglng besL pracLlces. lL helps valldaLe and reflne sLraLegles and
lnlLlaLlves Lo avold experlmenLlng aL cusLomer expense. Membershlp
ls by lnvlLaLlon only, and purposefully cross-polllnaLed wlLh Lhe mosL
forward-Lhlnklng companles, large and small, so as Lo help cusLomer
execuLlves dellver solld, cusLomer-cenLrlc buslness resulLs. lor more
lnformaLlon, emall lnfo[ or call 978-226-8673.

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provldes a framework for undersLandlng where engagemenL emerges ln Lhe
buslness-cusLomer relaLlonshlp Lo provlde lLs greaLesL value.
ln addlLlon, you'll also learn how real world companles such as MeLLlfe, Cracle,
and 8loL Cames are engaglng Lhelr cusLomers and en[oylng boLLom llne
lmprovemenLs Lo revenue and shareholder value as a resulL.
uowolooJ yoot ftee copy toJoy ot
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CCC Councll neLwork

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