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and the OSI Model
Identify organizations that set
standards for networking
Describe the purpose of the OSI Model
and each of its layers
Explain specific functions belonging to
each OSI Model layer
Objectives (continued)
Understand how two network nodes
communicate through the OSI model
Discuss the structure and purpose of
data packets and frames
Describe the two types of addressing
covered by the OSI Model
Networking Standards
Standards: documented agreements
containing technical specifications or other precise criteria stipulating how pa
products or services should be designed or
Define minimum acceptable performance
Many different organizations have evolved to oversee computer industry's standards
American National Standards Institute
Composed of more than a thousand
representatives from industry and government
Represents United States in setting international standards
ANSI standards documents available:
ANSI's Web site (
At university or public libraries
Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA): Trade
organization composed of representatives from electronics manufacturing firms ac
ross US
Sets standards for its members
Helps write ANSI standards
Lobbies for legislation favorable to growth of computer and electronics industri
Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA): Focuses on standards for informat
ion technology (IT), wireless, satellite, fiber optics, and telephone equipment
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
International society composed of engineering professionals
Goals are to promote development and education in electrical engineering and comp
uter science
IEEE technical papers and standards are highly respected in the networking profes
Can purchase IEEE documents online from IEEE's Web site (
International Organization for Standardization
Collection of organization standards representing 146 countries
Goal is to establish international technological standards to facilitate global e
xchange of information and barrier-free trade
Fewer than 300 of ISO's more than 14,250 standards apply to computer-related produc
ts and functions
International Telecommunication Union
Regulates international telecommunications:
Radio and TV frequencies
Satellite and telephony specifications
Networking infrastructure
Tariffs applied to global communications
Typically, documents pertain more to global telecommunications issues than to ind
ustry technical specifications
Internet Society
Professional membership society that helps to establish technical standards for t
he Internet
Oversees groups with specific missions:
Internet Architecture Board (IAB): Technical advisory group of researchers and p
Interested in overseeing Internet's design and management
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF): Sets
standards for how systems communicate over the
How protocols operate and interact
Internet Protocol (IP) addresses: Addresses used to identify computers on the Int
ernet and other TCP/IP-based networks
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA): Used to keep records of available and
reserved IP addresses and determines how addresses were doled out
In 1997, coordinated efforts with three Regional Internet Registries (RIRs)
Not-for-profit agency that manages distribution of IP addresses to private and p
ublic entities
IANA and ICANN (continued)
In late 1990s U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) overhauled IP addressing and doma
in name
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN): Ultimately responsib
le for IP
addressing and domain name management
IANA still performs system administration
Individuals and businesses lease addresses from Internet Service Provider (ISP)
Business providing access to Internet and other services
The OSI Model
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model:
divides network communications into seven
Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport,
Session, Presentation, and Application
Protocols perform services unique to layer
Protocols interact with protocols in layers directly above and below
Protocol: set of instructions to perform a
function or group of functions
Written by a programmer
The OSI Model (continued)
Theoretical representation of what happens between two nodes communicating on a
Does not prescribe type of hardware or software that should support each layer
Does not describe how software programs interact with other software programs or
how software
programs interact with humans
Each layer communicates with same layer from one computer to another
Model is imperfect
The OSI Model (continued)
Figure 2-1: Flow of data through the OSI Model
Application Layer
Services facilitate communication between software and lower-layer network servic
Helps software applications negotiate formatting, procedural, security, synchron
ization, and other requirements with network
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): formats and sends requests from client's browse
r to server
Also formats and sends Web server's response back to client's browser
Application program interface (API): set of routines that make up part of a softw
are application
Presentation Layer
Protocols accept Application layer data and format it
So that one type of application and host can
understand data from another type of
application and host
e.g., translation and conversion between
graphics file types
Manages data encryption and decryption
Session Layer
Protocols coordinate and maintain
communications between two network nodes
Establish and maintain communications link
for duration of session
Keep communication secure
Synchronize dialogue between two nodes
Determine if communications have been cut
Determine where to restart transmission
Terminate communications
Session Layer (continued)
Sets terms of communication
Decides which node will communicate first
Decides how long a node can communicate
Monitors identification of session
Ensures that only authorized nodes have
Transport Layer
Protocols accept data from Session layer and manage end-to-end delivery of data
Ensure data transferred reliably, in correct
sequence, and without errors
Protocols also handle flow control
Gauging appropriate rate of transmission based on how fast recipient can accept
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): Takes care of reliably transmitting HTTP req
uests from client to server and vice versa
Transport Layer (continued)
Connection-oriented protocols: ensure that data arrives exactly as it was sent
Establish connection before transmitting data
TCP is connection-oriented
Client's TCP protocol first sends synchronization (SYN) packet request to server
Server responds with synchronization-
acknowledgment (SYN-ACK) packet
Client responds with own acknowledgment (ACK)
Transport Layer (continued)
Acknowledgments also used to ensure that data was properly delivered
For every data unit sent, connection-oriented protocol expects acknowledgment fr
om recipient
If no acknowledgment, data retransmitted
Connection-oriented protocols use a checksum
Unique character string allowing receiving node to determine if arriving data un
it exactly matches data unit sent by source
Transport Layer (continued)
Connectionless protocols do not establish
connection before transmitting
No effort to ensure data delivered error-free
Transport layer protocols break large data units received from Session layer into
smaller segments (segmentation)
Maximum transmission unit (MTU): largest data unit a given network will carry
Transport Layer (continued)
Reassembly: process of reconstructing segmented data units
Sequencing: method of identifying segments that belong to same group of subdivide
d data
Indicates where unit of data begins
Indicates order in which groups of data were issued
Transport layer protocols of two nodes must
synchronize timing and agree on starting point for the transmission
Transport Layer (continued)
Figure 2-2: Segmentation and Reassembly
Transport Layer (continued)
Figure 2-3: A TCP segment
Network Layer
Primary functions of protocols:
Translate network addresses into physical
Decide how to route data from sender to receiver
Each node has two types of addresses:
Network address: follows hierarchical addressing scheme
Can be assigned through OS software
Network layer addresses, logical addresses, or virtual addresses
Physical address
Network Layer (continued)
Network layer protocols accept Transport layer segments and add logical addressin
g information in network header
Network layer handles routing
Determining best network path
IP: Network layer protocol that underlies most Internet traffic
Fragmentation: Network layer protocol subdivides segments it receives from Transp
ort layer into smaller packets
Network Layer (continued)
Figure 2-4: An IP packet
Data Link Layer
Protocols divide received data into distinct frames
Can then be transmitted by Physical layer
Frame: structured package for moving data
Raw data
Sender's and receiver's network addresses
Error checking and control information
Data Link Layer (continued)
Error checking accomplished by 4-byte Frame Check Sequence (FCS) field
Ensures data at destination exactly matches data issued from source
When source node transmits data, performs Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) to get F
Destination node's Data Link layer services
unscramble FCS via same CRC algorithm
Data Link layer divided into two sub-layers:
Logical Link Control
Media Access Control
Data Link Layer (continued)
Figure 2-5: The Data Link layer and its sublayers
Data Link Layer (continued)
Logical Link Control (LLC) sublayer:
Provides interface to Network layer protocols
Manages flow control
Issues requests for transmission for data that has suffered errors
Media Access Control (MAC) sublayer:
Manages access to physical layer
Appends destination computer's physical address onto data frame (MAC address, Data
Link layer
address, or hardware address)
Data Link Layer (continued)
Figure 2-6: A NIC's MAC address
Data Link Layer (continued)
MAC addresses contain two
Block ID: six-character sequence unique to vendor
Device ID: six-character sequence based on NIC's model and manufacture date
Physical Layer
Protocols accept frames from Data Link layer and generate voltage to transmit sig
When receiving data, protocols detect voltage and accept signals
Protocols also set data transmission rate and monitor data error rates
Cannot perform error correction
NICs operate at both Physical layer and Data Link layer
Network administrators mostly concerned with bottom four layers of OSI Model
Applying the OSI Model
Table 2-1: Functions of the OSI layers
Communication Between Two
Figure 2-7: Data transformation through the OSI Model
Frame Specifications
The two major categories of frame types:
Four types of Ethernet frames
Most popular form characterized by unique way in which devices share a common tr
channel (described in IEEE 802.3 standard)
Token Ring: relies on direct links between nodes and a ring topology
Nodes pass around tokens (control frames that indicate to network when a node is
about to
transmit data)
IEEE Networking Specifications
Apply to connectivity, networking media,
error checking algorithms, encryption,
emerging technologies, and more
Specifications fall under IEEE's Project 802
Effort to standardize physical and logical
elements of a network
IEEE Networking Specifications
Table 2-2: IEEE 802 standards
IEEE Networking Specifications
Table 2-2 (continued): IEEE 802 standards
Standards are documented agreements containing precise criteria that are used as
guidelines to ensure that materials, products, processes, and services suit thei
r purpose
ISO's OSI Model divides networking architecture into seven layers
Each OSI layer has its own set of functions and interacts with the layers directl
y above and below it
Application layer protocols enable software to negotiate their formatting, proced
ural, security, and synchronization with the network
Summary (continued)
Presentation layer protocols serve as translators between the application and the
Session layer protocols coordinate and maintain links between two devices for the
duration of their communication
Transport layer protocols oversee end-to-end data delivery
Network layer protocols manage logical addressing and determine routes based on a
ddressing, patterns of usage, and availability
Summary (continued)
Data Link layer protocols organize data they receive from the Network layer into
frames that contain error checking routines and can then be transmitted by the P
hysical layer
Physical layer protocols generate and detect voltage to transmit and receive sign
als carrying data over a network medium
Data frames are small blocks of data with control, addressing, and handling infor
mation attached to them
The End

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