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U.S. Department of Energy
Prepared for:
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy
Prepared by:
Office of Scientific and Technical Information
Managing Editor, Janice Pitsenbarger
Technical Editor, Doug Bales
March 1999

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GET Vol. 99, No.2
Geothermal Energy
Geothermal heat for integrated power supply systems.
New geothermal projects in Switzerland. Glatthard, T .
(ETH/SIA, Zurich (Switzerland. Heizung Klima; 25 (11):
52-54 (Nov 1998).
Modeling, design, and life performance prediction for
energy production from geothermal reservoirs. August
1997 progress report. Swenson, D. Aug 1997. Order Num-
ber OE99001425. Source: OSTI; NTIS; GPO Oep.
Letter Report: Progress in developing EQ3I6 for model-
ing boiling processes. Wolery, T. J., LLNL. 28 Aug 1995.
Order Number DE98058615. Source: OSTI; NTIS; GPO
Methodology for the study of unexploited aquifers with
thermal waters: Application to the aquifer of the Alhama
de Aragon hot springs. Sanz, E. (Ciudad Univ., Madrid
(Spain)); Yelamos, J.G. Ground Water; 36 (6): 913-923
(Nov-Dec 1998).
Report on New Sunshine Program-supported undertak-
ings for fiscal 1995. Development of hot water power
plant and deep-seated geothermal resources sam-
pling/exploiting technologies. Mar 1996. Order Number
OE99714254. Source: OSTI; NTIS; Available from Office of
Scientific and Technical Information, P.O.Box 1000, Oak
Ridge Tennessee 37831, USA.
Fiscal 1996 report on the results of the subsidy opera-
tion under the Sunshine Project on the development of
a geothermal water use power plant, etc. Development
of the deep geothermal resource collecting technology
(development of .the deep geothermal resource produc-
ing technology). Mar 1997. Order Number OE99714257.
Source: OSTI; NTIS; Available from Office of Scientific and
Technical Information, P.O.Box 1000, Oak Ridge Tennessee
37831, USA.
Report on New Sunshine Program-supported undertak-
ings for fiscal 1997. Development of hot water power
plant and deep-seated geothermal resources sam-
pling/exploiting technologies. Mar 1998. Order Number
OE99714259. Source: OSTI; NTIS; Available from Office of
Scientific and Technical Information, P.O.Box 1000, Oak
Ridge Tennessee 37831, USA.
Fiscal 1997 report on the survey of verification of
geothermal exploration technology, etc. 1. Development
of the reservoir variation exploration method (develop-
ment of the fracture hydraulic exploration method). Mar
1998. Order Number DE99718326. Source: OSTI; NTIS;
Available from Office of Scientific and Technical Information,
P.O.Box 1000, Oak Ridge Tennessee 37831, USA.
Fiscal 1997 report on the verification survey of geother-
mal exploration technology. 2. Development of the
reservoir variation survey method (development of the
gravity survey method). Mar 1998. Order Number
OE99718327. Source: OSTI; NTIS; Available from Office of
Scientific and Technical Information, P.O. Box 1000, Oak
Ridge Tennessee 37831, USA.
Fiscal 1997 report on the verification research on
geothermal prospecting technology. Theme 3. Develop-
ment of a reservoir variation prospecting method
(development of electric/electromagnetic prospecting
methods). Mar 1998. Order Number OE99718328. Source:
OSTI; NTIS; Available from Office of Scientific and Technical
Information, P.O.Box 1000, Oak Ridge Tennessee 37831,
Fiscal 1997 report on the verification research on
geothermal prospecting technology. Theme 4. Develop-
ment of a reservoir variation prospecting method
(development of a micro-earthquake monitoring system
(MEMS. Mar 1998. Order Number DE99718329. Source:
OSTI; NTIS; Available from Office of Scientific and Technical
Information, P.O.Box 1000, Oak Ridge Tennessee 37831,
(ETDElJP-99718331 )
Fiscal 1997 report of the verification research on
geothermal prospecting technology. Theme 5-2. Devel-
opment of a reservoir change prospecting method
(reservoir change prediction (modeling sup-
port technique. Mar 1998. Order Number DE99718331.
Source: OSTI; NTIS; Available from Office of Scientific and
Technical Information, P.O.Box 1000, Oak Ridge Tennessee
37831, USA.
COsub 2 flux measurements across portions of the
Dixie Valley geothermal system, Nevada. Bergfeld, D.
(Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States). Earth and
Environmental Sciences Div.); Goff, F.; Janik, C.J.; John-
son, S.D. [1998]. Order Number DE99001251. Source:
Investigation of the crack and cleft hydraulics in the
crystalline strata of the Soultz well and modelling of a
HDR ground source heat exchanger. Report No. 21.98.
Final report. Rummel, F. (MeSy GEO-Mess-Systeme
GmbH, Bochum (Germany; Kappelmeyer, 0.15 Jun 1998.
Source: Available from TIB Hannover: RR 9498(21).
Progress of the geothermal research cooperation in the
lEA geothermal implementing agreement - the task of
hot dry rock (HDR). Kuriyagawa, M. (Agency of Industrial
Science and Technology, Tokyo (Japan. Chinetsu Gijutsu;
23 (1,2): 3-8 (29 May 1998).
Progress of the geothermal research cooperation In the
lEA geothermal implementing agreement - the task of
deep geothermal resources. Kinbara, K. (Agency of Indus-
trial Science and Technology, Tokyo (Japan). Chinetsu
Gijutsu; 23 (1,2): 9-15 (29 May 1998).
Report of the geothermal resources council (GRC) 1997
annual meeting. Yanagisawa, N. (New Energy and Indus-
trial Technology Development Organization, Tokyo (Japan.
Chinetsu Gijutsu; 23 (1,2): 16-22 (29 May 1998).
Report of the 19th New Zealand geothermal workshop.
Kamenosono, H. (New Energy and Industrial Technology
Development Organization, Tokyo (Japan. Chinetsu Gi-
jutsu; 23 (1,2): 23-27 (29 May 1998).
Report of the society of exploration geophysicists
(SEG) annual international meeting. Ushijima, K. (Kyushu
Univ., Fukuoka (Japan. Chinetsu Gijutsu; 23 (1,2): 28-35
(29 May 1998).
Geothermal development In HachlJyo Island. Majima, T.
(Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. (Japan. Chinetsu Gijutsu;
23 (1,2): 36-49 (29 May 1998).
Progress of the geothermal energy research and devel-
opment in U.S.A. (7). Araki, T. (Geothermal Energy
Research and Development Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan.
Chinetsu Gijutsu; 23 (1,2): 50-61 (29 May 1998).
GET Vol. 99, No.2
Development of technology for reservoir mass and heat
flow characterization. Horikoshi, T. (New Energy and In-
dustrial Technology Development Organization, Tokyo
(Japan. Chinetsu Gijutsu; 23 (1,2): 70-76 (29 May 1998).
Legal conditions for the authorization of geothermal
units. Kopf, M. (Ministerium fuer Wirtschaft, Mittelstand und
Technologie des Landes Brandenburg, Potsdam (Ger-
many. Erzmetall; 51 (7-8): 548-560 (1998).
Fiscal 1997 report on the verification survey of geother-
mal exploration technology. 5-1. Development of the
reservoir variation survey method (technology of pre-
diction of reservoir variation). Mar 1998. Order Number
DE99718330. Source: OSTI; NTIS; Available from Office of
Scientific and Technical Information, P.O.Box 1000, Oak
Ridge Tennessee 37831, USA.
(INIS-HR-98-004, pp. 181-190)
"Shallow" Geothermal Energy In Croatia. Jelic, K.
(Rudarsko-geolosko-naftni fakultet, Zagreb (Croatia;
Kevnc, I. 1997. Order Number DE99609080. Source: OSTI;
NTIS (US Sales Only); INIS.
Geothermal energy - a clean, sustainable resource.
Wright, P.M. (University of Utah (United States). Dept. of
Civil and Environmental Engineering). Renewable Energy
Wortd; 1 (3): 20-25 (Nov 1998).
(ETDElJP-99718351 )
Fiscal 1997 development of the geothermal water use
power plant, etc. Development of the binary cycle power
plant (10MW class plant). Mar 1998. Order Number
DE99718351. Source: OSTI; NTIS; Available from Office of
Scientific and Technical Information, P.O.Box 1000, Oak
Ridge Tennessee 37831, USA.
Fiscal 1997 report on the results of the New Sunshine
Project subsidiary operation. Development of a geother-
mal water use power plant, etc. I technical development
of the hot dry rock power generation system (develop-
ment of electric technology). Mar 1998. Order Number
DE99718358. Source: OSTI; NTIS; Available from Office of
Scientific and Technical Information, P.O.Box 1000, Oak
Ridge Tennessee 37831, USA.
Use of pre-small hydroelectric power plants for basic
assembly of small hydroelectric power plants. Santos,
Robson Siqueira F. dos (Minas Gerais Univ., Belo
Horizonte, MG (BraZil). Escola de Engenharia. Dept. de En-
genharia Hidraulica e Recursos Hidricos); Martinez, Cartos
B. 1995. Source: Available from the library of the Brazilian
Nuclear Energy Commission, Rio de Janeiro.
GET Vol. 99, No.2
(CONF-9607225-, pp. 539)
Determination of the seismicity associated to Xingo
(SE-AL), Brazil water reservoir. Valentim, Edson A. (Sao
Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil). Inst. Astronomico e Geofisico);
Berrocal, Jesus. 1996. Source: Available from the Library of
the Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission, Rio de Janeiro.
Hachijojima geothermal power plant. Denryoku Mansuri;
541: 6-7 (1 JuI1998).
Geothermal development in Mokai area. For the sixth
geothermal power site in New Zealand. Tosha, T. (Geo-
logical Survey of Japan, Tsukuba (Japan. Chinetsu
(Journal of the Japan Geothermal Energy 35 (2): 23-26 (15
Jun 1998).
Development of hot dry rock power generation technol-
ogy. Iwakiri, S. (New Energy and Industrial Technology
Development Organization, Tokyo (Japan)). Chinetsu Gi-
jutsu; 23 (1,2): 62-69 (29 May 1998).
Geothermics In Alsace: deep energy. Gaullier, V. Sci-
ences et Avenir; (609): 46-47 (Nov 1997).
Thermodynamic performance of selected HCFs for
geothermal applications. I nvernizzi , C. (Brescia Univ.
(Italy). Dept. of Mechanical Engineering); Bombarda, P. En-
ergy (Oxford); 22 (9): 887-895 (Sep 1997).
Thailand: a pioneer power plant In Asia. Jeanson, E.
Systemes Solaires; (120): 46-47 (Jul-Aug 1997).
Study of possible optimisation criteria for geothermal
power plants. Cesideri, U. (Universita di Perugia (Italy). Isti-
tuto di Energetica); Bidini, G. Energy Conversion and
Management; 38 (15-17): 1681-1691 (1997).
(BNL-66071 )
Literature survey on cements for remediation of
deformed caSing In .geothermal wells. Allan, M.L.; Philip-
pacopoulos, A.J. [1998]. Order Number DE99001524.
Source: OSTI; NTIS; GPO Cepe
(BNL-661 03)
Thermally conductive cementitious grouts for geother-
mal heat pumps. Progress report FY 1998. Allan, M.L.;
Philippacopoulos, A.J. Nov 1998. Order Number
DE99001528. Source: OSTI; NTIS; GPO Cepe
(DGMK-9801, pp. 411-418)
Effects of oxygen on the re-injection characteristics of
thermal water with high salinity and a high iron content.
Martin, M. (TU BA Freiberg (Germany). Inst. fuer Bohrtechn-
nik und Fluidbergbau); Koeckritz, V.; Seibt, A. 1998. Order
Number DE99721 008. Source: OSTI; NTIS (US Sales Only).
Modeling, design, and life performance prediction for
energy production from geothermal reservoirs. Quar-
terly progress report, October-December, 1997.
Swenson, D. [1997]. Order Number DE99001426. Source:
(ETDElJ P-99714253)
Fiscal 1995 report on the results of the subsidy opera-
tion under the Sunshine Project on the development of a
geothermal water use power plant, etc. Development of
the binary cycle power plant (development of the mea-
surement while drilling system for geothermal wells).
Mar 1996. Order Number DE99714253. Source: OSTI;
NTIS; Available from Office of Scientific and Technicallnfor-
mation, P.O.Box 1000, Oak Ridge Tennessee 37831, USA.
Fiscal 1995 report on the results of the subsidy opera-
tion. under the Sunshine Project on the development of
a geothermal water use power plant, etc. Development
of the deep geothermal resource collecting technology
(development of the deep geothermal resource drilling
technology). Mar 1996. Order Number DE99714255.
Source: OSTI; NTIS; Available from Office of Scientific and
Technical Information, P .0.Box 1000, Oak Ridge Tennessee
37831, USA.
Fiscal 1996 report on the results of the subsidy opera-
tion under the Sunshine Project on the development of
a geothermal water use power plant, etc. Development
of the deep geothermal resource collecting technology
(development of the deep geothermal resource drilling
technology). Mar 1997. Order Number CE99714256.
Source: OSTI; NTIS; Available from Office of Scientific and
Technical Information, P.O.Box 1000, Oak Ridge Tennessee
37831, USA.
Fiscal 1996 report on the results of the subsidy opera-
tion under the Sunshine Project on the development of a
geothermal water use power plant, etc. Development of
the binary cycle power plant (development of the mea-
surement while drilling system for geothermal wells).
Mar 1997. Order Number DE99714258. Source: OSTI;
NTIS; Available from Office of Scientific and Technical Infor-
mation, P.O.Box 1000, Oak Ridge Tennessee 37831, USA.
Fiscal 1997 report on the results of the New Sunshine
Project subsidiary operation. Development of the
geothermal water use power plant, etc. (development of
the binary cycle power plant I development of the
geothermal well MWD system). Mar 1998. Order Number
DE99718350. Source: OSTI; NTIS; Available Irom Office 01
Scientific and Technical Inlormation, P.O.Box 1000, Oak
Ridge Tennessee 37831, USA.
Polyphenylenesulphide-sealed Ni-AI coatings for pro-
tecting steel from corrosion and oxidation In
geothermal environments. Sugama, T. (Brookhaven
National Laboratory, Upton, NY (United States). Dept. of Ap
plied Science) . Journal of Materials Science; 33 (15):
37913803 (1 Aug 1998).
Geothermal reservoir engineering. 6. Reservoir simula-
tion (2) performance prediction. Ishido, T. (Geological
Survey of Japan, Tsukuba (Japan)). Chinetsu (Journal of the
Japan Geothermal Energy 35 (2): 27-46 (15 Jun 1998).
Fractal analysis on a source distribution of acoustic
emissions in a hot dry rock mass reservoir. Ishida, T.
(Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi (Japan)); Mizuta, Y.;
Chen, Q.; Kaieda, H. Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshu; (596): 49
63 (21 Jun 1998).
(DOElID/ 1304D-T 46)
Geothermal direct-heat utilization assistance. Quarterly
progress report, October 1-December 31, .1998. [1998J.
Order Number DE99001371. Source: OSTI; NTIS; GPO
(ORNUCP- 99428)
Determining effective soil formation thermal properties
from field data using a parameter estimation technique.
Shonder, J.A. (Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (United
States)); Beck, J.V. [1998J. Order Number DE99000227.
Source: OSTI; NTIS; GPO Dep.
101 .
Recent direct-use technical assistance activity. Raf-
ferty, K. (Oregon Inst. of Tech., Klamath Falls, OR (United
States). Geo-Heat Center). Geo-Heat Center Quarterly Bul-
letin; 19 (4): 1-3 (Dec 1998).
Direct use of geothermal energy around the world. Fri-
dleifsson, LB. (Orkustofnun, Reykjavik (Iceland)). Geo-Heat
Center Quarterly Bulletin; 19 (4): 4-9 (Dec 1998).
Akranes and Borgarfjordur district heating system. Rag-
narsson, A. (Orkustofnun, Reykjavik (Iceland)); Hrolfsson, I.
Geo-Heat Center Quarterly Bulletin; 19 (4): 10-13 (Dec
Mushroom growing project at the Los Humeros, Mexico
geothermal field. Rangel , M.E.R. (Comision Federal de
Electricidad (Mexico)). Geo-Heat Center Quarterly Bulletin;
19 (4): 14-16 (Dec 1998).
GET Vol. 99, No.2
Geothermal eel farm in Slovakia. Lund, J.W. (Oregon Inst.
of Tech., Klamath Falls, OR (United States). Geo-Heat Cen-
ter) ; Thomka, J.; Sarlinova, K. Geo-Heat Center Quarterly
Bulletin; 19 (4): 17-18 (Dec 1998).
Thermal performance and energy saving effect of water-
loop heat pump systems with geothermal. Li Xinguo
(Ti anjin Univ., Ti anjin Geothermal Research and Training
Center, Tianjin (China)). Energy Conversion and Manage-
ment; 39 (3-4): 295-301 (1998).
Origin of platy cal cite crystals in hot-spring deposits in
the Kenya Rift Valley. Jones, B. (Univ. of Alberta, Edmon-
ton, Alberta (Canada). Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric
Sciences); Renaul t, R.w. Jour",,1 of Sedimentary Research,
Section A: 68 (5): 913-927 (Sep 1998).
Solubility and transport of platinum-group elements in
supercritical fluids: Summary and estimates of thermo-
dynami c properties for ruthenium, rhodium, palladium,
and platinum solids, aqueous ions, and complexes to
1000 C and 5 kbar. Sassani, D.C. (Washington Univ., St.
Louis, MO (United States). Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sci-
ence); Shock, E.l. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; 62
(15): 2643-2671 (Aug 1998).
Advanced biochemical processes for geothermal brines
FY 1998 annual operating plan. Oct 1997. Order Number
DE99000578. Source: OSTI; NTIS; GPO Dep.
Geothermal training centers in the world. Dickson, M.H.
(CNR-Intemational Inst. for Geothermal Research, Pisa
(lIaly). International School of Geothermi cs); Fanell i, M. Geo
Heat Center Quarterly Bulletin; 19 (4): 19-22 (Dec 1998).
Experimental study of polysulfane stability in gaseous
hydrogen sulfide. Migdisov, A.A. (McGill Univ., Montreal ,
Quebec (Canada) . Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences);
Suleimenov, O.M.; Alekhin, Yu.V. Geochimica et Cos-
mochimica Acta; 62 (15): 2627-2635 (Aug 1998).
Hydrothermal gas equilibria: The Hsub 20-Hsub 2-
COsub 2-CO-CHsub 4 system. Chiodini, G. (Osservatorio
Vesuviano, Napoli (lIaly)); Marini, l. Geochimica et Cos-
mochimica Acta; 62 (15): 2673-2687 (Aug 1998).
Study and utilization of water-dominated and low-
temperature geothermal fields in Italy. Yasukawa, K.
(Geological Survey of Japan, Tsukuba (Japan)). Chinetsu
(Journal of the Japan Geothermal Energy 35 (2): 1-17 (15
Jun 1998).
GET Vol. 99, No.2
Selected papers from the twenty-third annual workshop
on geothermal reservoir engineering, Stanford Univer-
sity. Kikuchi, T. (Geological Survey of Japan, Tsukuba
(Japan)). Chinetsu (Journal of the Japan Geothermal En-
ergy 35 (2): 18-22 (15 Jun 1998).
Annual report on geothermal energy development in
Japan, 1997. Chinetsu (Journal of the Japan Geothermal
Energy 35 (2): 47-50 (15 Jun 1998).

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