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Hello, Larry!

Google's Page on negativity, laws,

and competitors
May 15, 2013 3!5 PM
"Google CEO Larry Page appeared at the end of Wednesday's Google I/O 2013 keynote
"ak#ng a long state"ent and then ans$er#ng a%d#en&e '%est#ons( )ere's o%r &o"plete
trans&r#pt! &o"p#led *y the n#"*le f#ngers of +ason ,nell and -"*er .o%"an( Che&k *a&k
later for deep/d#0e analys#s of $hat Page sa#d(#
$%m really e&cited to 'e (ere) *irst $ want to start wit( a story) $ was very, very l+c,y
growing +p, and $ was t(in,ing a'o+t t(is as we were preparing -or Google $./) My dad
was really interested in tec(nology) 0nd $ was 1+st remem'ering, (e act+ally drove me
and my -amily all t(e way across t(e co+ntry to go to a ro'otics con-erence, and t(en we
got t(ere, and (e t(o+g(t it was so important t(at (is yo+ng son go to t(e
con-erence2one o- t(e -ew times $%ve seen (im really arg+e wit( someone, to get
someone in w(o was +nderage2s+ccess-+lly, into t(e con-erence, and t(at was me)
3ec(nology s(o+ld do t(e (ard wor, so t(at people can get on wit( t(e t(ings t(at ma,e
t(em t(e (appiest in li-e)
0nd one o- t(e t(emes $ 1+st wanted to tal, to yo+ a'o+t is (ow important it is -or
developers (ere in t(e room and watc(ing to really -oc+s on tec(nology and get more
people involved in it) 0nd also t(in,ing a'o+t my dad) His degree, (e was l+c,y eno+g(
to get a degree in comm+nication sciences) 0nd yo+ mig(t as,, w(at t(e (ec, is
comm+nication sciences4 3(ats w(at t(ey called comp+ter science w(en comp+ters were
a passing -ad) 5o+nds ,ind o- -+nny now, rig(t4 $ 'et t(at t(ere was a time w(en t(at was
0nd $ t(in, everyone today is e&cited a'o+t tec(nology) 6o+ ,now, we don%t (ave to worry
a'o+t t(at so m+c( anymore) 0nd $ t(in, 0ndroid and t(ings li,e t(at are 'eing adopted
m+c( -aster t(an anyt(ing else in t(e past) $ loo, at t(e rate o- adoption o- t(ose t(ings,
on any 'asis, are m+c(, m+c( -aster) 0nd it%s incredi'le) $ p+ll o+t my smartp(one, it%s
ama7ing w(at we (ave in t(e smartp(ones) 8e (ave almost every sensor we%ve ever come
+p wit() 6o+ ,now, $ recently got a scale, and it meas+res air 9+ality, and it +ploads it to
t(e $nternet) $%m s+re t(ose t(ings will end +p in yo+r smartp(one, rig(t4 3(at%s
ama7ing) 0nd yo+r p(one can tal, to anyone in t(e world, almost anyw(ere in t(e world)
$ was tal,ing to my teams a'o+t t(is) 6o+ ta,e o+t yo+r p(one, and yo+ (old it o+t, it%s
almost as 'ig as t(e 3: or a screen yo+%re loo,ing at) $t (as t(e same resol+tion as well)
0nd so i- yo+%re nearsig(ted, a smartp(one and a 'ig display are ,ind o- t(e same t(ing
now) 8(ic( is ama7ing) 0'sol+tely ama7ing)
5o $ t(in, we also (ave a lot more devices t(at we +se interc(angea'ly) 8e +se ta'lets,
p(ones, laptops, and even t(e Google Glass) 0ll t(ose t(ings we%re +sing) 0nd t(at%s w(y
we p+t so m+c( -oc+s on o+r plat-orms on 0ndroid and ;(rome) $t%s really important in
(elping developers and Google '+ild great +ser e&periences across t(ese devices) 3o (ave
t(ese plat-orms) 0nd $%m tremendo+sly e&cited a'o+t all t(e innovation t(at yo+%re
'ringing to li-e)
3ec(nology s(o+ld do t(e (ard wor, so t(at people can get on wit( t(e t(ings t(at ma,e
t(em t(e (appiest in li-e) 3a,e searc(, -or e&ample) Per-ect searc( engine, as 0mit
mentioned, is t(e <5tar 3re,= comp+ter, rig(t4 ;an +nderstand e&actly w(at yo+ meant,
can give yo+ e&actly w(at yo+ wanted) 0nd o+r >nowledge Grap(, w(ic( yo+ saw, really
'rings t(is a lot closer)
$ t(in, Google ?ow, w(ic( @o(anna 1+st demonstrated, gives yo+ in-ormation wit(o+t
even (aving to as,) 0nd it +nderstands t(e conte&t o- w(at yo+ tal,ed a'o+t 'e-ore, so
yo+ can +se t(ings li,e prono+ns, it%s ama7ing) *lig(t times, yo+r 'oarding passes,
directions, ne&t appointment, all wit( no e--ort) 3(in, a'o+t a really smart assistant
doing all t(ose t(ings -or yo+ so yo+ don%t (ave to t(in, a'o+t it) 6o+ saw (ow easy some
o- t(ose e&periences -elt) 0nd we%re 1+st getting started)
Negativity and progress
3(e opport+nities we (ave are tremendo+s) 8e (aven%t seen t(is rate o- c(ange in
comp+ting -or a long time) Pro'a'ly not since t(e 'irt( o- t(e personal comp+ter) A+t
w(en $ t(in, a'o+t it, $ t(in, we%re all (ere 'eca+se we s(are a deep sense o- optimism
a'o+t t(e potential o- tec(nology to improve people%s lives, and t(e world, as part o-
0nd $%m ama7ed every day $ come to wor,, t(e list o- t(ings t(at needs to 'e done is
longer t(an t(e day 'e-ore) 0nd t(e opport+nity o- t(ose t(ings is 'igger t(an it was
'e-ore) 0nd 'eca+se o- t(at we, as Google, and as an ind+stry2all o- yo+2really only
(ave one percent o- w(at is possi'le) Pro'a'ly even less t(an t(at)
8e s(o+ld 'e '+ilding great t(ings t(at don%t e&ist) Big(t4 Aeing negative is not (ow we
ma,e progress)
0nd despite t(e -aster c(ange we (ave in t(e ind+stry, we%re still moving slow relative to
t(e opport+nities t(at we (ave) 0nd some o- t(at, $ t(in,, (as to do wit( t(e negativity)
6o+ ,now, every story $ read a'o+t Google, it%s ,ind o- +s vers+s some ot(er company, or
some st+pid t(ing) 0nd $ 1+st don%t -ind t(at very interesting) 8e s(o+ld 'e '+ilding great
t(ings t(at don%t e&ist) Big(t4 Aeing negative is not (ow we ma,e progress) 0nd most
important t(ings are not 7ero s+m) 3(ere%s a lot o- opport+nity o+t t(ere) 0nd we can +se
tec(nology to ma,e really new and really important t(ings to ma,e people%s lives 'etter)
$ t(in, 'ac, to a very long time ago) 0ll o- (+manity was 'asically -arming or (+nting all
t(e time) 0nd i- yo+ lived at t(at time, yo+ pro'a'ly (oped t(at yo+ co+ld -eed yo+r
-amily) 0nd +n-ort+nately t(at%s still tr+e -or a lot o- people in t(e world) A+t certainly -or
+s, we don%t worry a'o+t t(at) 0nd t(e reason -or t(at is tec(nology) 8e%ve improved (ow
we grow -ood and so on, and t(e tec(nology (as allowed people to -oc+s on ot(er t(ings i-
t(ey c(oose) Ay t(e way, $ t(in, 'eing a -armer is great i- t(at%s w(at yo+ want to do) A+t
it%s not great i- t(at%s w(at yo+ (ave to do) 0nd t(at%s w(at tec(nology lets +s do, is -ree
+p o+rselves to do more di--erent t(ings)
0nd $%m s+re t(at people in t(e -+t+re will t(in, we%re 1+st as cra7y as we t(in, everyone
in t(e past was in (aving to do t(ings li,e -arming or (+nting all t(e time) 5o to give an
e&ample o- t(is, 5ergei and $ tal, a'o+t cars) He%s wor,ing on a+tomated cars now) 0nd
imagine (ow sel-Cdriving cars will c(ange o+r lives, and t(e landscape) More green space,
-ewer par,ing lots, greater mo'ility, -ewer accidents, more -reedom, -ewer (o+rs wasted
'e(ind t(e w(eel o- a car) 0nd t(e average 0merican pro'a'ly spends almost 50 min+tes
comm+ting) $magine i- yo+ got most o- t(at time 'ac, to +se -or ot(er t(ings) 0nd
+n-ort+nately in ot(er co+ntries t(e comm+te times are still pretty large) ?ot as large as
t(e D)5) '+t still pretty signi-icant)
3oday we're still 1+st scratc(ing t(e s+r-ace o- w(at's possi'le)
?ow to get t(ere, we need more people li,e yo+, more ,ids -alling in love wit( science
and mat( at sc(ool, more st+dents grad+ating -rom sc(ool wit( science and engineering
degrees, and more people wor,ing on important tec(nological pro'lems) 0nd it%s w(y
Google got involved wit( t(e movie <3(e $nterns(ip)= $%m not s+re we entirely (ad a
c(oice, '+t t(ey were ma,ing a movie and we decided it wo+ld 'e good to get involved)
La+rie is +p -ront, s(e%s really responsi'le -or t(at) 0nd $ t(in, t(e reason w(y we got
involved in t(at is t(at comp+ter science (as a mar,eting pro'lem) 8e%re t(e nerdy
c+rm+dgeons) $ don%t ,now a'o+t yo+, '+t t(at%s w(at $ am) 8ell, in t(is movie t(e g+y
w(o plays t(e (ead o- searc( is 'y -ar t(e coolest c(aracter in t(e movie) 0nd we%re really
e&cited a'o+t t(at)
5o today we%re still 1+st scratc(ing t(e s+r-ace o- w(at%s possi'le) 3(at%s w(y $%m so
e&cited Google%s really wor,ing on t(e plat-orms, in s+pport o- all o- yo+r innovations) $
can not wait to see w(at comes ne&t) $ got goose'+mps as $ was watc(ing some o- t(e
presentations (ere) 0nd $ really want to t(an, yo+ -or all o- yo+r contri'+tions) 5o wit(
t(at $%m going to do somet(ing ,ind o- +nconventional and try to ta,e some 9+estions,
act+ally, -rom all o- yo+)
3(ere%s over one million people watc(ing t(is live over 6o+3+'e) $t%s +n'elieva'le) 5o
let%s t(an, t(em -or participating)
1o*ert ,&o*le2 Where are $e go#ng $#th sensors #n de0#&es3
3(is is a 'ig area o- -oc+s, $ t(in, yo+ saw t(at in t(e presentations) $ t(in, really 'eing
a'le to get comp+ters o+t o- t(e way and really -oc+s on w(at people really need)
Mo'ile%s 'een a great learning e&perience -or +s and -or all o- yo+) 6o+ ,now, t(e smaller
screens, yo+ can%t (ave all t(is cl+tter) $ t(in, yo+ saw on t(e new Google Maps (ow we
got all sorts o- st+-- o+t o- t(e way) 6o+ ,now t(ere%s li,e 100 times less t(ings on t(e
screen t(an t(ere was 'e-ore)
0nd $ t(in, t(at%s gonna (appen wit( all o- yo+r devices, t(ey%re going to +nderstand t(e
conte&t) 6o+ ,now, 1+st 'e-ore $ came on stage $ (ad to t+rn o-- all o- my p(ones) 5o $%m
not interr+pting all o- yo+) 3(at%s cra7y) 3(at%s not a very (ard t(ing to -ig+re o+t) 5o all
t(at conte&t t(at%s in yo+r li-e, all t(ese di--erent sensors are going to (elp pic, t(at +p
and 1+st ma,e yo+r li-e 'etter, and $ t(in, we%re, again, only at t(e very, very early stages
o- t(at) $t%s very, very e&citing)
$%m sad t(at t(e 8e'%s pro'a'ly not advancing as -ast as it s(o+ld 'e)
4an#el .%&kner! 5o6#lla2 7%est#on a*o%t f%t%re of $e* de0elop"ent(
5orry, yo+%re as,ing a'o+t t(e -+t+re o- t(e 8e'4 8e%ve 'een very e&cited a'o+t t(e we',
o'vio+sly, 'eing 'irt(ed -rom it as a company) 0nd $ t(in, t(at we%ve really invested a lot
into t(e open standards 'e(ind all t(at) 0nd $%ve personally 'een 9+ite saddened at t(e
ind+stry%s 'e(avior aro+nd all t(ese t(ings) 6o+ 1+st ta,e somet(ing as simple as instant
messaging) 8e%ve ,ind o- (ad an o--er -orever t(at we%ll interoperate on instant
messaging) $ t(in, 1+st t(is wee, Microso-t too, advantage o- t(at 'y interoperating wit(
+s, '+t not doing t(e reverse) 8(ic( is really sad, rig(t4 0nd t(at%s not t(e way to ma,e
progress) 6o+ need to act+ally (ave interoperation, not 1+st people mil,ing o-- one
company -or t(eir own 'ene-it
5o $ t(in, Google%s always stood -or t(at) $%ve 'een sad t(at t(e ind+stry (asn%t 'een a'le
to advance t(ose t(ings) $ t(in, generally, 'eca+se o- a -oc+s on negativity and on
7eroCs+m games) 5o $ (ope we try to 'e on t(e rig(t side o- all o- t(ose t(ings, '+t we
also try to 'e practical and loo, at w(at ot(er people are doing, and not 1+st rely on o+r
principles to s(oot o+rselves in t(e -oot, and o+r +sers in t(e process)
5o $ don%t ,now (ow to deal wit( all t(ose t(ings) 0nd $%m sad t(at t(e 8e'%s pro'a'ly
not advancing as -ast as it s(o+ld 'e) 8e certainly str+ggle wit( people li,e Microso-t)
8e%ve (ad a great relations(ip wit( Mo7illa, $ t(in,, and val+e t(at deeply) $%d li,e to see
more open standards, more people getting 'e(ind t(ings, t(at 1+st wor,, and more
companies involved in t(ose ecosystems) $ t(in, t(at%s w(y t(is con-erence is so
important) A+t $ wo+ldn%t grade t(e ind+stry well in terms o- w(ere we%ve gotten to)
$n t(e very long term, $ don%t t(in, yo+ s(o+ld (ave to t(in, a'o+t, as a developer, am $
developing -or t(is plat-orm or anot(er, or somet(ing li,e t(at) $ t(in, yo+ s(o+ld 'e a'le
to wor, at a m+c( (ig(er level) 0nd so-tware yo+ write s(o+ld r+n everyw(ere, easily)
0nd people li,e Mo7illa s(o+ld 'e a'le to add meaning-+lly to t(at, and ma,e plat-orms
and ot(er t(ings) 5o t(at%s (ow $ t(in, a'o+t it)
$t%s a very, very comple& and important 9+estion, t(o+g()
Wo"an fro" Colo"*#a2 7%est#on a*o%t Google8s pol#&#es to$ard free spee&h(
3(is is part o- t(e area w(ere '+siness gets interesting) $ t(in, we at Google pretty clearly
(ave a strong desire -or -reedom o- speec(, -or a -ree -low o- in-ormation, and one o- t(e
main t(ings we do is pro'a'ly translate t(at into practice in (+ndreds o- co+ntries aro+nd
t(e world, and ma,e s+re we%re tal,ing to government leaders, and ma,ing s+re we%re all
(elping advance t(at) 0nd o+r c(airman, Eric 5c(midt, (as 'een ,ind o- traveling t(e
world tal,ing a'o+t t(at, and $ really appla+d t(ose e--orts in t(in,ing a'o+t t(at)
5o we%re wor,ing very (ard on t(at, ma,ing s+re we%re protecting yo+r private
in-ormation, ma,ing s+re t(at we%re ens+ring comp+ter sec+rity, w(ic( is re9+ired, to
ma,e s+re we%re protecting yo+r -reedom o- speec( and yo+r private in-ormation as a part
o- t(at) 0nd ma,ing s+re we%re as transparent as we can a'o+t t(e re9+ests we get -rom
government and t(ings li,e t(at)
5o it%s a 'ig area o- -oc+s -or +s) 0nd (ope-+lly we can do a lot to (elp t(e world and move
it along t(ere)
1yan fro" Pro0o! 9tah( 7%est#on a*o%t Google :#*er(
$ mean, -rom an engineering point o- view it%s 1+st ,ind o- a noC'rainer) 8e got started
'+ilding data centers, and one o- t(e 'iggest pro'lems we (ad is networ,ing in t(e data
centers) 0nd so $ g+ess as a comp+ter scientist $ 1+st view it as ,ind o- sad we (ave all
t(ese comp+ters o+t t(ere, and t(ey%re connected t(ro+g( a tiny, tiny, tiny little pipe
t(at%s s+per slow) 0nd so in a sense, most o- t(e comp+ters we (ave in t(e world are in
people%s (o+ses, most o- t(em can%t 'e +sed -or anyt(ing +se-+l)
5o it%s o'vio+sly a ways to go -rom w(ere we are now, we don%t really (ave so-tware t(at%s
designed to +se t(ose t(ings yet, '+t we ,now i- we '+ild t(at capacity we%ll 'e a'le to
+se t(ose comp+ters -or all sorts o- interesting t(ings) 0nd even 'asic t(ings li,e t(e
'andwidt( o- yo+r vis+al system, it%s pretty (ig( compared to t(e 'andwidt( most people
(ave) 0nd $ t(in, it%s pretty clear we want to deliver 'its to yo+r eyes) @+st as a 'asic
t(ing) 5o $%m really e&cited a'o+t w(at we%ll 'e a'le to do and w(at yo+%ll all 'e a'le to do
as we get more people wit( s+per (ig(Cspeed connections) 0nd pro'a'ly giga'its are 1+st
t(e 'eginning -or t(at) 8(at we really need are lowClatency connections t(at operate at
comp+ter speed, w(atever t(at is, t(at yo+ (ave inside o- yo+r (o+se) 5o $%m e&cited
a'o+t t(at) 8e%re 1+st getting started)
;an#0 <al"or fro" =an&o%0er2 7%est#on a*o%t Google8s phys#&al endea0ors l#ke
Google :#*er and the self/dr#0#ng &ars and rene$a*le energy( What f%rther pro>e&ts
are yo% plann#ng there3
My compatriot 5ergei Arin, last year arranged t(e s,ydiving, '+t t(is year did not) He%s
-oc+sed, Google F is -oc+sed, on real atoms and not 'its) Part o- w(y is t(ey -eel t(ere%s a
lot o- opport+nity t(ere) 0nd 5ergei%s (aving a great time doing t(at) 3(at%s, $ t(in,, a
really -ascinating and ama7ing 1o')
?o matter (ow m+c( money we try to spend on a+tomated cars or Gmail in t(e early
stages, t(ey end +p 'eing small c(ec,s)
$ t(in, t(at possi'ilities -or some o- t(ose t(ings are incredi'ly great) $- yo+ loo, at
tec(nology applied to transportation, it (asn%t really started yet) 8e (aven%t really done
t(at) 0+tomated cars are 1+st one t(ing yo+ co+ld do) 6o+ co+ld do many ot(er t(ings) 5o
$ t(in, we%re very e&cited a'o+t t(at area)
8e also t(in, it%s a way t(at t(e company can scale) $ t(in, t(at to t(e e&tent t(at all o+r
prod+cts are interrelated, we act+ally need to do a -air amo+nt o- management o- t(ose
pro1ects to ma,e s+re yo+ get a seamless e&perience, 'ot( as a +ser and a developer, t(at
all ma,es sense) 8(en we do some o- t(ese ot(er ,inds o- t(ings, li,e a+tomated cars,
t(ey (ave a longer timeC-rame and less interaction, so $ act+ally enco+rage may'e more
companies to try to do t(ings t(at are a little o+tside t(eir com-ort 7one, 'eca+se $ t(in,
it gets t(em more scala'ility in w(at t(ey can get done)
8e%ve 'een s+rprised, also, even w(en we do t(ings t(at are ,ind o- cra7y, li,e t(ese
a+tomated cars, it t+rns o+t2yo+ 1+st saw t(e mapping st+-- t(at we -inis(ed wit(2t(e
tec(nology -or doing mapping and a+tomated cars t+rns o+t to 'e t(e same) 0nd so we
(ave a '+nc( o- great engineers t(at 1+st moved over -rom t(ose e--orts, and t(ey did it
nat+rally, and scala'ly) 0nd t(ey%re e&cited a'o+t it) 5o $%m really, really e&cited a'o+t
t(at too)
Every time we%ve done somet(ing cra7y2Gmail w(en we la+nc(ed it, $ t(in, we (ad 100
people w(en we la+nc(ed Gmail) 0nd people said yo+%re n+ts, yo+%re a searc( company,
w(y are yo+ doing Gmail4 G;a+se we +nderstood some t(ings a'o+t data centers and
serving and storage t(at we applied to email) 0nd t(at was a great t(ing t(at we did t(at)
0nd so $ t(in, almost every time we try to do somet(ing cra7y we%ve made progress) ?ot
all t(e times, '+t almost every time) 5o we%ve 'ecome a 'it em'oldened 'y t(at)
0nd t(e good news is, too, no matter (ow m+c( money we try to spend on a+tomated
cars or Gmail in t(e early stages, t(ey end +p 'eing small c(ec,s) 5o t(ey don%t really
ca+se a '+siness iss+e, eit(er) 5o $%m really e&cited a'o+t t(at) 0nd $ tried to tal, a'o+t
t(at in my remar,s) 3(at%s w(y $ say we%re at one percent o- w(at%s possi'le)
Greg $#th 4,ky?2 What are the largest areas of opport%n#t#es for de0elop#ng on Glass
o%ts#de of $hat Google #s go#ng to do! and $hat $#ll the prod%&t#on r%n *e for
$ (ave to as, 5ergei t(at) $ don%t ,now w(at t(e prod+ction n+m'ers will 'e) 8e%re more
-oc+sed on, wit( Glass, Glass is a new category, it%s 9+ite di--erent t(an e&isting
comp+ting devices, so $ t(in, it%s great t(at we%ve started on it, '+t $ t(in, o+r mail goal
is to get (appy +sers +sing Glass) 0nd so we p+t a '+nc( o+t to developers, $ see a lot o-
people wit( t(em in t(e a+dience) 8e want to ma,e s+re we%re '+ilding e&periences t(at
really ma,e people (appy) 5o t(e team (as tried to '+ild t(e minimal set o- t(ings, 1+st
-or practical sa,e, a minimal set o- t(ings t(at will provide a great e&perience and ma,e
(appy +sers) 0nd t(en we can get going and wor, on it -or t(e ne&t 10 years) 0nd every
s+ccessive one is going to 'e 'etter, o'vio+sly)
5o $ t(in, part o- t(e answer is, we don%t ,now) $ t(in, t(e 'asic +se cases we (ave aro+nd
p(otograp(y are ama7ing) $ love ta,ing pict+res o- my ,ids wit( Glass, and movies, and
so on) 0nd $ -ind t(at -or me, t(at%s eno+g() $ (ave yo+ng ,ids) *or me, t(at%s eno+g(
reason to (ave Glass, 1+st t(ere) $ t(in, i- yo+ didn%t (ave yo+ng ,ids yo+ mig(t not -eel
e&actly t(at way) ;omm+nications are also pretty ama7ing, navigation is ama7ing)
;ertainly i- yo+%re wal,ing, i- yo+%re in Man(attan or somet(ing, (aving Glass -or
navigation is +n'elieva'le) $ -ind it%s really, really nice) 5ome o- t(e core e&periences we
(ave are, $ t(in,, pretty ama7ing) ;omm+nications, p(one calls, 5M5es, voice, yo+ saw
t(e t(ings we%re doing aro+nd voice2it%s ama7ing to always (ave a device t(ere to do
5o $ t(in, +ltimately a lot o- yo+r e&periences can move to Glass) 0nd we%re relying on all
o- yo+ to -ig+re all o- t(at o+t) 8e%re trying to get t(e 'ase t(ing to ma,e (appy +sers so
we can get on wit( t(ings)
@ao*a -llen2 What ad0#&e $o%ld yo% g#0e to the r#s#ng generat#on of te&hnolog#sts3
What $o%ld help te&hnology keep "o0#ng at the pa&e #t8s *een "o0#ng at! and ho$
$o%ld they do that respons#*ly3
$ t(in, -or me, act+ally, $ try to +se Google a lot, and $ researc( t(ings really deeply) 5o
yo+ ,now, 'e-ore we get somet(ing started, $ try to act+ally +nderstand it) 0nd not 1+st
really +nderstand it, '+t +nderstand t(e cra7y people in t(e area) 0nd Google%s great -or
t(at) 6o+ can -ind t(e cra7iest person in any given area) 0nd normally $ t(in, people
don%t do t(at)
5o yo+ want to t(in, a'o+t t(e 'ase t(ing, w(atever it is) /'vio+sly wor,ing on
smartp(ones a lot, t(ey%re relatively e&pensive now) 8it( ?e&+s !, we tried to improve
t(at a 'it, '+t i- yo+ loo, at t(e raw cost o- a smartp(one, $ g+ess it%s mostly glass and
silicon) 3iny 'it o- silicon, a little 'it o- -i'erglass) $ don%t ,now, t(e raw materials cost o-
t(at is pro'a'ly li,e a dollar or somet(ing li,e t(at) $ t(in, glass is 50 cents a po+nd or
somet(ing li,e t(at) Metals are 20 cents a po+nd) P(ones don%t weig( very m+c(, rig(t4
0nd silicon is very, very c(eap)
5o $ t(in, w(en $ see people in ind+stries li,e w(o are ma,ing t(ings, $ as, t(is 9+estion
How -ar are yo+ o-- t(e raw materials cost4 0nd t(ey never ,now t(e answer to t(at
9+estion) 5o $ t(in,, ,ind o- as an engineer, as a tec(nologist, trying to go to -irst
principles and say, w(at is t(e real iss+e4 8(at is t(e real iss+e aro+nd o+r power grids4
/r w(at%s t(e real iss+e aro+nd man+-act+ring or w(atever it is) $ t(in, people +s+ally
don%t answer t(ose 9+estions, and as a res+lt, most o- t(e wor, t(at%s done is very
incremental) 0nd 'eca+se o- t(at, we don%t ma,e t(e progress we need to)
8it( t(at said, $ mean it%s very (ard, i- yo+%re going to ma,e a smart p(one -or a dollar)
/ne dollar, t(at%s o'vio+sly almost impossi'le to do) A+t $ t(in,, yo+ ,now, i- yo+ too, a
50 year time -rame or somet(ing li,e t(at, i- yo+ too, a longer view, yo+%d pro'a'ly start
to ma,e t(e investments yo+ needed to) 0nd along t(e way, yo+%d pro'a'ly -ig+re o+t
(ow to ma,e money) 5o $ 1+st ,ind o- enco+rage nonCincremental t(in,ing and a real,
deep +nderstanding o- w(atever yo+%re doing) 3(at%s w(at $ try to do)
[7%est#on a*o%t the f%t%re of -ndro#d( W#th Ora&le #n &ontrol of +a0a fro" A for$ard!
ho$ does Google ad0an&e -ndro#d $hen one of the &ore te&hn#&al %nderp#nn#ngs #s
not #n #ts &ontrol(
6ea(, $ mean, $ t(in, we%ve (ad a di--ic+lt relations(ip wit( /racle) $ncl+ding (aving to
appear in co+rt as a res+lt o- it) 5o $ t(in,, again $ t(in, we%d li,e to (ave a cooperative
relations(ip wit( t(em, t(at (asn%t seemed possi'le) 0nd $ t(in,, again, money is
pro'a'ly more important to t(em t(an (aving any ,ind o- colla'oration or t(ings li,e
t(at) 5o $ t(in, t(at%s 'een very di--ic+lt) $ t(in, we%ll get t(ro+g( t(at) 0nd $ t(in,
o'vio+sly 0ndroid%s very, very important to t(e @ava ecosystem) 0nd so we%ll get t(ro+g(
t(at 1+st -ine) @+st not in an ideal way)
Prashan! de0eloper fro" Ind#a2 5ost of "y op#n#on! I &an tra&e *a&k to a Google
sear&h( -s sear&h *e&o"es "ore and "ore personal#6ed! and pred#&t#0e! I $orry that
#t #nfor"s "y $orld 0#e$ and r%les o%t the poss#*#l#ty of so"e other serend#p#to%s
d#s&o0ery( -ny &o""ent on that3
People (ave a lot o- concern a'o+t t(at2$%m totally not worried a'o+t t(at at all) $t
so+nds ,ind o- -+nny to say '+t t(at%s totally +nder yo+r control) 0nd o+r control is cool)
5o $ t(in,, $ t(in, it%s very important to (ave a ,ind o- a wide world view, to (ave
ed+cation, all t(ose ,ind o- t(ings)
$- yo+%re going to ma,e a smart p(one -or a dollar, t(at%s almost impossi'le to)) do) A+t i-
yo+ too, a 50 year time -rame)))
A+t t(e rig(t sol+tion to t(at is not randomness) 6o+ can%t really arg+e doing a 'ad 1o' o-
ret+rning w(atever yo+ wanted is t(e rig(t way to ed+cate yo+) $t%s 1+st not) $t wo+ld 'e
'etter to ret+rn e&actly w(at yo+ wanted, w(en yo+ want it and +se t(at saved time to
(ave yo+ read t(e news or read te&t'oo,s or 'oo,s or ot(er t(ings t(at mig(t 'e more
general) 5o $ t(in, we can p+t t(at into t(e algorit(ms)
$n my very longCterm world view2yo+ ,now, 50 years -rom now or somet(ing2(ope-+lly,
o+r so-tware +nderstands deeply w(at yo+%re ,nowledgea'le a'o+t, w(at yo+%re not, and
(ow to organi7e t(e world so t(at t(e world can solve important pro'lems) 6o+ ,now,
people are starving in t(e world not %ca+se we don%t (ave eno+g( -ood) $t%s %ca+se we%re
not organi7ed to solve t(at pro'lem) 0nd o+r comp+ters aren%t (elping +s do t(at)
5o $ t(in,, i- yo+ t(in, a'o+t it t(at way, i- yo+ t(in, a'o+t, we need to ma,e comp+ter
so-tware on t(e internets t(at (elps people solve important pro'lems in t(e world) 3(at
will ca+se, as a side e--ect, more people to 'e ed+cated a'o+t t(e t(ings t(ey s(o+ld get
ed+cated a'o+t) 0nd t(at%s not t(e same as a demand) G$%m as,ing -or a partic+lar t(ing,
$%m searc(ing -or% 3(ose are di--erent modes) @+st ,ind o- ma,e s+re we%re serving 'ot(
modes and t(at comp+ters can (elp yo+ do t(at) 5o $%m $ cannot 'e more optimistic
a'o+t t(at) $ t(in, comp+ters and so-tware and t(ings t(at yo+ all write, and we all write,
are going to (elp +s solve t(ose pro'lems -or people rat(er t(an 1+st doing it at random)
"@e0#n B#elsen fro" Be$ +ersey2 I $as #ntr#g%ed a*o%t yo%r &o""ent a*o%t the pos#t#0#ty and
the negat#0#ty and I8" 0ery #nterested #n help#ng other people *e pos#t#0e a*o%t
te&hnologyCas yo% areCand I8" #nterested #n $hat yo%r ad0#&e $o%ld *e to help %s sort of
red%&e the negat#0#ty and fo&%s on pos#t#0e! and fo&%s on &hang#ng the $orld(#
$ t(in, people nat+rally are concerned a'o+t c(ange) 0nd certainly not all c(ange is
good) $ do t(in, t(e pace o- c(ange in t(e world is increasing) Part o- w(at $ wo+ld t(in,
a'o+t is, $ t(in, t(at we (aven%t adapted mec(anisms to deal wit( some o- o+r old
instit+tions li,e t(e law and so on aren%t ,eeping +p wit( t(e rate o- c(ange t(at we%ve
ca+sed t(ro+g( tec(nology) 6o+ ,now, i- yo+ loo, di--erent ,inds o- laws we ma,e, and
t(ings li,e t(at, t(ey%re very old) $ mean, t(e laws w(en we went p+'lic were 50 years old)
Law can%t 'e rig(t i- it%s 50 years old) Li,e, it%s 'e-ore t(e $nternet) 3(at%s pretty ma1or
c(ange in (ow yo+ mig(t go p+'lic) 5o, $ t(in, we need to2may'e some o- yo+, may'e
t(e million people watc(ing yo+ all love tec(nology2may'e more o- +s need to go into
ot(er areas and (elp t(ose areas improve and +nderstand tec(nology) $ t(in, t(at t(at%s
not (appened at t(e rate at it needs to (appen)
Law can%t 'e rig(t i- it%s 50 years old) Li,e, it%s 'e-ore t(e $nternet)
3(e ot(er t(ing in my mind is we also (aven%t may'e '+ilt mec(anisms to allow
e&perimentation) 3(ere%s many, many e&citing and important t(ings yo+ co+ld do t(at
yo+ 1+st can%t do %ca+se t(ey%re illegal or t(ey%re not allowed 'y reg+lation) 0nd t(at
ma,es sense, we don%t want o+r world to c(ange too -ast) A+t may'e we s(o+ld set aside
some small part o- t(e world, yo+ ,now, li,e going to A+rning Man, -or e&ample) 8(ic(
$%m s+re many o- yo+ (ave 'een to) 6ea(, a -ew A+rners o+t t(ere) 3(at%s an environment
w(ere people try o+t di--erent t(ings, '+t not every'ody (as to go) 0nd $ t(in, t(at%s a
great t(ing, too) $ t(in, as tec(nologists we s(o+ld (ave some sa-e places w(ere we can
try o+t some new t(ings and -ig+re o+t 8(at is t(e e--ect on society4 8(at%s t(e e--ect
on people4 8it(o+t (aving to deploy it into t(e normal world) 0nd people w(o li,e t(ose
,inds o- t(ings can go t(ere and e&perience t(at) 0nd we don%t (ave mec(anisms -or t(at)
5o t(ose are t(e ,ind o- t(ings $ wo+ld t(in, a'o+t)
$ also t(in, we need to 'e (onest t(at we don%t always ,now t(e impact o- c(anges) 8e
s(o+ld 'e (+m'le a'o+t t(at) $%m not s+re getting +p on stage and saying, <Everyt(ing is
ama7ing,= and so on, is t(e rig(t t(ing) May'e we s(o+ld 'e more (+m'le and see w(at
t(e e--ect is, and t(e do+'t, as we go) 5o t(ose are ,ind o- my t(o+g(ts)
.en ,&ha&hter! 5&7%arr#e2 )o$ &an yo% #"pro0e health &are3
3(at%s a great seg+e -rom t(e previo+s 9+estion) $ t(in, it%s 'een di--ic+lt) 8e (ad Google
Healt(, '+t we didn%t ma,e t(at m+c( progress on it) $ t(in, primarily we -o+nd t(at all
t(e iss+es were reg+latory) $t%s very (ard to get tec(nological leverage t(ere) $ was tal,ing
a'o+t (ow we%re one percent w(ere we can 'e) 3(at%s 'y doing real, ama7ing
tec(nological t(ings) 0nd, yo+ ,now, we -o+nd in t(e ,inds o- t(ings we were wor,ing on
in (ealt( care, we weren%t a'le to move 'eyond t(at d+e to all t(e constraints t(at we
were +nder) 0nd so $ t(in, we%ll see ama7ing t(ings in (ealt( care, '+t $ t(in, t(ey%ll 'e
t(ings t(at (ave tec(nological leverage, li,e H?0 se9+encing) 8e%re all going to (ave
t(at) $t%ll cost a dollar or w(atever, yo+%re all going to (ave yo+r se9+ence, and somet(ing
ama7ing will (appen)
$ 1+st disclosed yesterday my voice iss+es) $ got so many great emails -rom people) 0nd
t(o+g(t-+l advice) 0nd $ reali7ed, yo+ ,now, $ ,ind o- (ad t(e notion t(at st+-- s(o+ld 'e
really private, '+t at least in my case $ -elt $ s(o+ld (ave done it sooner) 0nd $%m not s+re
i- t(at answer%s not tr+e -or most people) 5o $ as,ed, w(y are people so -oc+sed on
,eeping yo+r medical (istory private4 3(e answer is pro'a'ly ins+rance) 6o+%re very
worried t(at yo+%re going to 'e denied ins+rance) 3(at ma,es no sense! 5o we s(o+ld
c(ange t(e r+les aro+nd ins+rance, so t(ey (ave to ins+re people) 3(e w(ole point o-
ins+rance is t(at it ins+res everyone)
5o again, may'e we (ave a sa-e place w(ere people can go and live in a world li,e t(at,
w(ere t(ey ma,e t(ose ,ind o- c(anges) 8e can see i- t(ey wor,, and t(en t(e world can
learn -rom t(at and move on, '+t not every'ody (as to participate in it) Aeca+se $%m
worried we%re not ma,ing some o- t(e -+ndamental c(anges we need to ma,e -ast
+ohn ,arr#%garte $#th :or" and 1efor"2 Wo"en and the de0elop"ent &o""%n#ty(
What &an $e do to en&o%rage $o"en to *e here3
8e%ve 'een s+per -oc+sed on t(at -orever) $ t(in, 5ergei and $, w(en we%re interviewing
people, we spend a lot o- time interviewing women -or t(at reason) 3rying to ma,e s+re
t(e company didn%t end +p all male, w(ic( $ t(in, is a really, really 'ad t(ing) 5o $ t(in,
+ltimately, t(e only answer is we (ave to start early and ma,e s+re we%re getting more
yo+ng women and girls really e&cited a'o+t tec(nology) 0nd $ t(in, i- we do t(at, t(ere%s
no 9+estion we%ll more t(an do+'le t(e rate o- progress t(at we (ave in t(e tec(nology
5o we all need to do t(at) 8e%re trying to (elp wit( t(at t(at in any way we can)
+effrey ,#&a! 9n#0ers#ty of 5#&h#gan2 -re yo% go#ng to do anyth#ng $#th 4B-
se'%en&#ng! and also #"age analys#s $#th th#ngs l#ke s%rg#&al sl#des3
$ don%t (ave anyt(ing to anno+nce at t(is time, '+t we always loo, at t(ese areas) A+t $
t(in, we (ave -elt it%s a di--ic+lt area -or +s to wor, in) $ t(in, it%s certainly wort( doing,
+osh Const#ne! <e&hCr%n&h2 4#s&%ss Google8s plan for *r#ng#ng the de0elop#ng $orld
onl#ne3 -nd $hat are the #"pa&ts of de"o&rat#6ed a&&ess to the Internet3
/ne o- t(e t(ings $ always tal, a'o+t w(en $ tal, to t(e company is t(at smartp(ones are
going to 'asically 'e ama7ing in t(ese places) 0nd so, yo+ don%t 9+ite (ave smartp(ones,
-or e&ample, going into $ndia or 0-rica, 'eca+se t(ey%re 1+st too e&pensive) 3(e average
cost o- a p(one in $ndia is very, very c(eap) I50 or I100 or less) $ t(in, more li,e I50) 8e
need to ma,e s+re t(e prices o- w(at we all are +sing 9+ic,ly ma,e it down to t(ose
levels, and $ t(in, t(ey will) 3(at%ll 'e t(e smartp(one yo+ (ave today, two or t(ree years
-rom now will 'e in 0-rica and $ndia, and t(at%ll 'e ama7ing) Aeca+se $ try to mostly +se
1avascript.. 1)
(ttp..www)green'ot)com. 3)
smartp(ones now, 1+st to ma,e s+re $%m living t(at -+t+re) $ -ind $ can get almost
everyt(ing $ need done) Dn-ort+nately, $ don%t get to program t(at m+c(, '+t $ can do
most t(ings $ need to do to r+n t(e company on my p(one)
5o $ t(in, t(at%s pretty ama7ing, to t(in, t(at t(at can go to t(ree 'illion, -o+r 'illion,
-ive 'illion, si& 'illion, seven 'illion pl+s, in not very long period o- time) 0nd $ t(in,
people are pro'a'ly +nderestimating (ow -ast t(at%s going to (appen) $ t(in, it%s clearly
going to (appen very, very 9+ic,ly) 0nd $%m really, really e&cited a'o+t t(at) 8e%re trying
to (elp t(at (appen 9+ic,er) A+t $%m very e&cited a'o+t t(at)
3(an, yo+ all so m+c( -or spending so m+c( time)
:or &o"prehens#0e &o0erage of the -ndro#d e&osyste"! 0#s#t Green*ot(&o"

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