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Prepared by :
Faisal Jubair (BBA)
ID # 07510043
Ahmed Nahian Nahin (BBA)
ID # 0730127
Zadid Ashrahi (BBA)
ID # 0202!
"ubmi##ed #$%
Nazia Nabi
Schoo o! "u#i$e## % &ITS'
Cour#e Code: MKT%()*
Se+e#ter: Su++er,-.
/ate o! Sub+i##io$: 0.
Au1u#t, 2--.
Au1u#t, 0.
Nazia Nabi
Lecturer, Schoo o! "u#i$e##
&$i3er#ity o! I$!or+atio$ Tech$oo1y a$d Scie$ce# 4&ITS5'
Gu#ha$%2, /ha6a%0202
"ub&e'#% "ubmissi$n $( #he #erm )a)er*

/ear Mada+,
I$ the !oo7i$1 attached pa1e#, 7e ha3e pre#e$ted a report, 8+ar,e#in- A'#i.i#ies $(
D/09' Thi# i# #ub+itted i$ partia !u!i+e$t o! the re:uire+e$t# !or the 1raduatio$ o!
"'"'A' It 7a# both a pea#ure a$d chae$1e a# 7e !or u# to 7or6 u$der your #uper3i#io$
a$d 7e !or 7hich 7e 7i a7ay# be 1rate!u to you' The topic o! +y #tudy i# 3ery +uch
appropriate !or u# a# 7e had the opportu$ity to appy our theoretica 6$o7ed1e, 7hich
7e had ac:uired at a# 7e a# our pro!e##io$a 6$o7ed1e, 7hich 7e ha3e ac:uired
duri$1 the ti+e o! our #tudy'
La#ty, 7e 7oud i6e to e;pre## our #i$cere appreciatio$ a$d tha$6# !or your cooperatio$
!or the report' <e #ha be 1ad to a$#7er a$y :uerie# that you +ay ha3e i$ thi# re1ard'

Si$cerey =our#,
>ai#a ?ubair
I/ No @ -*A0--B(
Ah+ed Nahia$ Nahi$ 4""A5
I/ @ -*(-02*
Cadid A#hrahi 4""A5
I/ @ -)2-2.

<e 7oud i6e to tha$6# the a+i1hty Aah !or 1i3i$1 u# the patie$ce a$d the
abiity to 7or6 hard' >ir#t a$d !ore+o#t to our re#pectabe teacher, M#' Nazia Nabi
!or her 3auabe 1uida$ce, e$coura1e+e$t a$d #u11e#tio$# duri$1 the ti+e o! our
#tudy' <ithout it report ha# $ot bee$ po##ibe to be co+peted a$d #ub+itted
propery' <e 7oud a#o i6e to tha$6 the !oo7i$1 or1a$izatio$# a$d per#o$# !or
the u$co$ditio$a #upport they ha3e pro3ided 7hie thi# report 7a# bee$ prepared'

<e are deepy 1rate!u a$d ho$ored to our Pro!e##or Nazia Nabi, 7ithout 7ho+
thi# report 7oud $ot bear #ucce##!u$e##' Der i$3auabe 1uida$ce, ad3ice a$d
e;perie$ce ha3e tau1ht u# 3ery 1ood re#ut o! our e;perie$ce'
At La#t, 7e 7oud i6e to tha$6# to our e$tire !a+iy !or their e;tre+e care,
#upport a$d co%operatio$ duri$1 the a#t +o$th#'

Executive Summary
The title of our term paper is Marketing Activities of DHL. We have
discussed the activities of a specific company which is quiet significant. In 1969
!ust months after the world had marveled at "eil #rmstrong$s first steps on the
moon the three partners too% another small step that would have a profound
impact on the way the world does &usiness. With this concept a new industry
was &orn' international air e(press the rapid delivery of documents and
shipments &y airplane. )*+ ,(press is the first international air e(presses
company to set up operations in -angladesh in 19.9. Today with over /01
employees and more than 21 operational vehicles )*+ ,(press -angladesh is
the largest #ir ,(press 3ompany operating in the country. With glo&al e(pertise
in solutions e(press air and ocean freight and overnight transport )*+
com&ines worldwide coverage with an in4depth understanding of local mar%ets.
5ne thing that sets us apart from other companies is our motivated and engaged
employees which personify the famous 6)*+ spirit6. )*+ mostly follows the
pattern which is more orthodo( &ut it creates a good support for the customer
who goes &eyond what they e(pect from them. The mainframe of what is called
the Integrated 7ervices 8ar%eting. #s )*+ is a glo&al organi9ation its
organi9ational environment varies from country to country they have developed
different mar%eting activities for different countries. The company is
indispensa&ly dependent on three ma!or &ases. These &ases confronts to &e the
most significant and influential foundation. The &ases are : the company
employees and the customers who play a very important role to ma%e )*+ what
it is today.
Table of Contents
Page No
Introduction44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 11
5rigin of the report 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 11
-ac%ground of the report 4444444444444444444444444444444444444 11
5&!ective of the report 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444 11
-enefit of the report 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 1/
+imitations of the report 444444444444444444444444444444444444444 1/
;ro&lem 7tatement 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 1<
7ources of )ata 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 1<
)ata =sed 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 1<
)*+ 3ompany ;rofile 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444 12
)*+ -angladesh 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 12
;roduct >ange 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 10
7ervices 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 10
3omplete ,(press ? +ogistics 444444444444444444444444444444 16
)*+ #ddresses in -angladesh 44444444444444444444444444444 1.
3omplete ,(press ? +ogistics 3ont. 44444444444444444444444 1@419
The world of )*+ 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 11
,conomic ;erformance 444444444444444444444444444444444444444 11
;artners 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 1/412
Time )efinite )elivery AT))B 7ervice 444444444444444444444 10416
+ogistics 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 16
)*+ Ces #wards 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 1.41@
8ar%eting #ctivities 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 1@
The Integrated 8ar%eting 3ommunication of )*+ 4444 194/1
3ommunication and 7ervice 8ar%eting Triangle 444444 /14/1
7W5T #nalysis 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 /14//
3onclusion 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 //4/<
-i&liography 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 /<
Transportation Pictures of DHL
The world is standing at the threshold of a new millennium. We e(pect it to &e full
of successes discoveries developments and happiness and this will &e possi&le
due to glo&ali9ation technological advancements AchangesB and the dramatic
economic changes.
Whenever we tal% a&out economy we mean financial performance of a country
company or a firm. 7o in this case the most used and the important term is
technology. The term technology is the most crucial part of the &usiness world as
it helps us to give logistic supports on time.
Origin of the report
The report titled as 8ar%eting #ctivities of )*+ is to &e su&mitted on 1@th
#ugust /11@ to the course instructor "a9ia "a&i A+ecturer 7chool of -usinessB
who authori9ed and assigned us to do this report.
Background of the report
The report titled as 8ar%eting #ctivities of )*+ is originated from the partial
requirement of the course 7ervices 8ar%eting. It is actually a !oint student :
faculty learning e(perience where the students learn the 8ar%eting #ctivities of
several &usiness service organi9ations or firms.
Objective of the report
This report see%s overall information a&out mar%eting activities. -y this report we
tried to represent the actual relevant use of mar%eting activities in &usiness.
-asically there are two o&!ectives &ehind doing this report and they are as
The first and the foremost o&!ective of the report is to fulfill the partial
requirement of the course 7ervices 8ar%eting.
The second o&!ective of the report is to understand the mar%eting
activities of a &usiness organi9ation.
Benefit of the report
The &est part of this report is that the students get the opportunity to visuali9e the
scenario of the mar%eting impact of the company through the analysis. It also
helps the student to understand the concept of applying several mar%eting
strategies in the practical field. This will help the student to enhance their
Liitations of the report
#lthough it was really an interesting e(perience to find out the implications of
several mar%eting related activities in &usiness as well as a&out the real &usiness
&ut I had to face my share of limitations while preparing the report and those
limitations were'
DTime 3onstraints.
D+ac% of proper information.
!The required information were quite scattered and hence to compile it was quite
a difficult a tas%.
Prob"es #tateent
The title of our term paper is Marketing Activities of DHL. We have
discussed the activities of a specific company which is quiet significant. We have
chosen )*+. To complete this term paper we had to collect lot of information
a&out the company.
#ource of Data
We have collected some primary data from our te(t &oo% and other reference
&oo%. Which data are related to our pro&lem we have also used some lecture
sheet of our respecta&le course instructor.
We have collected most of the dataEs from the specific company. We have
collected its &ac%ground record its present situation the service and the
mar%eting activity of )*+.
Data $sed
In a short time it is not possi&le to analysis lot data. We have also collected some
data from the huge source of data. -ut we didnEt use all of the data which we
collected. 8ainly we focused on the service of the specific company.
DHL %opan& Profi"e
'here does the nae DHL coe fro(
These are the first letters of the last names of the three company founders
#drian )alsey +arry *ill&lom and >o&ert +ynn.
In 1969 !ust months after the world had marveled at "eil #rmstrong$s first steps
on the moon the three partners too% another small step that would have a
profound impact on the way the world does &usiness.
The founders &egan to personally ship papers &y airplane from 7an Francisco to
*onolulu &eginning customs clearance of the ship$s cargo &efore the actual
arrival of the ship and dramatically reducing waiting time in the har&or.
3ustomers stood to save a fortune.
With this concept a new industry was &orn' international air e(press the rapid
delivery of documents and shipments &y airplane.
The )*+ "etwor% continued to grow at an incredi&le pace. The company
e(panded westward from *awaii into the Far ,ast and ;acific >im then the
8iddle ,ast #frica and ,urope. -y 19@@ )*+ was already present in 1.1
countries and had 16111 employees.
DHL Bang"adesh
)*+ ,(press is the first international air e(presses company to set up operations
in -angladesh in 19.9. Its 3ountry 5ffice is located in )ha%a with other offices in
3omilla "arayangan! 3hittagong 7ylhet and Ghulna. )*+ also has service
centers in all ,(port ;rocessing Hones of -angladesh. )*+ ,(press -angladesh
is headed &y )esmond Iuiah. Today with over /01 employees and more than
21 operational vehicles )*+ ,(press -angladesh is the largest #ir ,(press
3ompany operating in the country.
)*+ -angladesh not only delivers documents and heavy weight parcels &ut also
provides value4added and innovative services to its customers. With its
e(perience in local and regional mar%ets you can e(pect the highest level of
quality service and more in total logistics solutions.
Product )ange
Fast and efficient services for dutia&le and non4dutia&le shipments include a wide
range of products'
Worldwide )ocument ,(press
Worldwide ;arcel ,(press
Import ,(press
*eavyweight ;arcel ,(press
Junior Jum&o Jum&o
,(press ;allet
Fashion First
Time )efinite )elivery
7tudent ,(press
)*+ is the world$s leading e(press and logistics company offering customers
innovative and customi9ed solutions from a single source. With glo&al e(pertise
in solutions e(press air and ocean freight and overnight transport )*+
com&ines worldwide coverage with an in4depth understanding of local mar%ets.
)*+Es harmoni9ed international networ% lin%s more than //1 countries and
territories worldwide. )*+ continues to &e at the forefront of technology and with
more than 101111 dedicated employees guarantees fast relia&le services
aimed at e(ceeding customers e(pectations.
DHL 'O)LD 'ID* PA%+A,*
For dutia&le shipments we e(press deliver door4to4door to !ust a&out any
destination in the world. 5ur services include pic%4up customs clearance and
delivery to consignee. Cou %now your shipping costs upfront so there are no
hidden charges.
For non4dutia&le shipments which are not su&!ect to customs clearance or
import duties we e(press deliver door4to4door to almost all the destination in the
world. 5ur services include pic%4up and delivery to consignee.
DHL IMPO)T *-P)*## #*).I%*
)*+ processes more then a quarter of a million shipments into any given country
at any one time. We give you the fle(i&ility to &e directly in control of your
deliveries costs when shipments.
With Import ,(press your goods will arrive faster ahead of your competitors.
#lso with an all4inclusive pre4agreed pricing you %now the cost of your freight in
your currency even &efore you import. #ll you settle is one invoice in one
currency. We will even e(tend credit facility for the imports of your shipments
world wide.
Imagine what )*+ is a&le to do for you 4 pic%up shipments from door then deliver
it customs4cleared directly to you in the shortest possi&le time.
Cou can rely on )*+$s e(pertise and e(tensive worldwide networ% to ensure that
your shipments arrive quic%ly safely and with minimum fuss.
%op"ete e/press and "ogistics
)*+ is the glo&al mar%et leader in international e(press overland transport and
air freight. It is also the world$s num&er 1 in ocean freight and contract logistics.
)*+ offers a full range of customi9ed solutions 4 from e(press document
shipping to supply chain management.
Addresses in Ban-ladesh 1here 2$u 'an lea.e a shi)men# ($r deli.er2* 3lease sele'#
an2 $( #hese $((i'es ($r de#ailed in($rma#i$n*

Dou#e:0, Road:EA, Gu#ha$, /ha6a'
Te: E..0*-(, E..)(-A'
>a;: .. -2 ..2(2B.'

2-*GB "'" Road, Naraya$1a$F'
EB MotiFhe CGA /ha6a'

Pot: A2%A(, "SCIC I$du#tria Area
E$ayet Na1ar, >atuah, Naraya$1a$F'

Dou#e B00 4Grou$d >oor5
Road 2E, Ne7 /HDS
/ha6a 02-)

Co+ia EPC
Co+ia Hd Airport
Co+ia (A--
Mo+taz Paza, Dou#e: *, Road: B,
Mirpur Road, /ha6a'
Sha!i "haba$, C/A, Pot: ),
S6' MuFib Road
A1rabad CGA,
Te: -(0%A-2-A), *0A.(A%), *0)2*)
>a;: .. -(0 *2))0E

02EB Ea#t Mirpur, Ro6eya Sara$i, /ha6a'

.-A ?" Co+pe; 4Grou$d >oor5,
C/A A3e$ue, Ea#t Na#irabad, Chitta1o$1'

)* /IT Road, Ra+pura, /ha6a'
Chitta1o$1 EPC
Roo+:(, Hd Ser3ice Co+pe;
Chitta1o$1 E;pport Proce##i$1 Co$e, Dai#har,

Kar7a$ "azar
BE Kazi Nazru I#a+ A3e$ue, /ha6a'

Da#a$ Ma$Fi 4Grou$d >oor5,
(22 Khatu$1a$F, Chitta1o$1'
&ttara To7er, Pot: 0, Sector: (,
?a#i+uddi$ A3e$ue, &ttara, /ha6a'
Cha+ber Me$#io$,
Kha$%E% Sabur Road,
A K/A CGA, Khu$a

Co$e Ser3ice "uidi$1
/ha6a E;port Proce##io$1 Co$e
Ga$a6bari, Sa3ar, /ha6a'
No7ab Co+pe;
E0 Ci$da "azar, Syhet'
The ne0 DHL brand architecture
With the acquisition of ,(cel plc in )ecem&er /110 )eutsche ;ost World "et
further strengthened its logistics power. #s a result )*+ is now operating with
two new logistics &rands' )*+ ,(cel 7upply 3hain and )*+ Klo&al Forwarding.
To cover all of your service needs )*+ operates under five specialist divisions'
DHL */press
)*+ ,(press is the perfect partner for all your worldwide e(press and parcel
needs. 5ur "etwor% covers over 2111 offices and more than 1/1111
destinations worldwide.
)*+ ,(press is the result of the consolidation of the former )*+ Worldwide
,(press &usiness and the )eutsche ;ost ,uro ,(press parcels &usiness and
offers 7ame )ay ,(press ;arcel and Freight services.
DHL 1reight
)*+ Freight offers international and national transport solutions for part and full
load in ,urope. We move goods &y road rail and a com&ination of the two.
)*+ Freight covers the former non4documents and non4parcels &usiness as well
as the former )an9as ,urocargo road transport &usiness.
DHL ,"oba" 1or0arding
)*+ Klo&al Forwarding is the mar%et leader in air and ocean freight and a
pro!ect logistics services provider operating worldwide. # range of value4added
services rounds off the product and service portfolio giving an e(cellent mar%et
position and providing our customers with a unique service dimension worldwide.
DHL */e" #upp"& %hain
>egardless of whether you operate in the healthcare technology L aerospace
automotive L industrial or retail Lconsumer Lfashion sectors we can handle all of
your comple( glo&al logistics tas%s' )*+ ,(el 7upply 3hain provides you with
customised IT4&ased solutions along the entire supply chain.
#s well as core procurement logistics warehousing and sales logistics
operations we offer top4flight value4added services such as finishing co4pac%ing
price la&elling &illing order processing 4 all the way to sales promotion and
financial services.
DHL ,"oba" Mai"
Klo&al 8ail offers comprehensive international mail services and provides
outstanding e(pertise in international direct mar%eting services and pu&lication
The 0or"d2s "argest e/press and "ogistics Net0ork
)*+ is the glo&al mar%et leader in international e(press overland transport and
air freight. It is also the world$s num&er 1 in ocean freight and contract logistics.
)*+ offers a full range of customised solutions 4 from e(press document
shipping to supply chain management.
-elow are the glo&al facts and figures that show you the scale of the world$s
largest e(press and logistics networ%.
,"oba" 1acts and 1igures
"um&er of ,mployees' around /@0111
"um&er of 5ffices' around 6011
"um&er of *u&s Warehouses ? Terminals' more than 201
"um&er of Kateways' /21
"um&er of #ircraftM' 2/1
"um&er of Nehicles' .6/11
"um&er of 3ountries ? Territories' more than //1
7hipments per Cear' more than 1.0 &illion
)estinations 3overed' 1/1111
M 5wn and foreign airlines
The 'or"d of DHL
Making a difference in counities across the 0or"d3
5ne thing that sets us apart from other companies is our motivated and engaged
employees which personify the famous 6)*+ spirit6. They em&ody our quest to
accept our social and environmental responsi&ilities as included in our corporate
values. They ma%e a difference in local communities worldwide &y tac%ling
challenges which they see as important.
5ur employees are the driving force &ehind our e(tensive community investment
programme. In the 5ur World section of our 3orporate we&site you can find
many e(amples of employee4led community investment initiatives.
DHL *astern *urope4 Midd"e *ast and Africa
)*+ ,gypt employees spent the day in 8arch /116 ta%ing care of disa&led
orphans during their first community investment initiative.
DHL Latin Aerica and the %aribbean
)*+ -ra9il recently mar%ed the fifth anniversary of its hunger4reduction
partnership. )uring the first 0 years of the partnership over 261111 %ilos of food
were distri&uted to hungry people in 7 I;aulo.
DHL Aericas
)*+ =7#$s *ouston 3ustomer 3all 3entre employees helped people affected &y
*urricane Gatrina in /110.
DHL *urope
)*+ employees in -elgium and Kermany together with other employees from
the )eutsche ;ost World "et Kroup donated 0@111 winter !ac%ets for children
affected &y the /110 earthqua%e in ;a%istan.
DHL Asia Pacific
)*+ India employees helped 7anta deliver smiles to underprivileged children in
)ecem&er /110.
*conoic Perforance
'e have a positive ipact on the econoies of ore than 556
countries and territories3
5ur range of mail e(press and logistics services facilitate trade and sustaina&le
economic development there&y helping to grow economies create !o&s reduce
poverty and raise living standards.
DHL facilitates trade which provides jobs and helps economies to grow.
*conoic perforance of DHL
5ur sustaina&ility4&ased approach has helped us to &ecome a strong and
financially successful company. We share this success with many others for
e(ample &y providing /@0111 people with !o&s helping our customers to &e
successful purchasing &illions of ,uro worth of goods and generating significant
ta( revenues.
Prooting sustainab"e econoic deve"opent
5ur mail e(press and logistics services promote sustaina&le economic
development &y'
0' *elping millions of customers to trade and to increase their sales
2' Wor%ing with &usinesses to lower their costs and help them to remain
competitive for e(ample &y'
+owering inventory levels using !ust4in4time logistics or the outsourcing of
logistics. 5utsourced logistics &enefit our customers &y offering more
competitive cost structures and improved value added
(' Facilitating trade and commerce which generates employment reduces
poverty raises standards of living and helps to &uild strong and sta&le
#s part of our community investment programs we support micro
entrepreneurs and micro &usiness
We wor% with partners to ma(imi9e the effectiveness of our 7ustaina&ility
program and to deliver help to more people.
,"oba" partners
$N #&ste
)*+ has entered into a long4term glo&al partnership with the =" 7ystem. The
partnership has two main focus areas' medical logistics and disaster
management. In terms of medical logistics we are wor%ing together with ="I3,F
in the fight to reduce child mortality. We are also supporting the =" )evelopment
;rogram A=");B and the =" 5ffice for the 3oordination of *umanitarian #ffairs
A53*#B in the area of disaster management.
U.N. Secretary-General ofi !nnan and "oni#a $%lf-"athies& '(ec%tive )ice
*resident& +orporate *%blic *olicy and S%stainability& De%tsche *ost $orld Net.
5ur partnership with the =" 7ystem is founded on our commitment to the ="
Klo&al 3ompact. The )eutsche ;ost World "et Kroup &ecame a signatory to the
=" Klo&al 3ompact in July /116 &uilding on )*+$s signing of the =" Klo&al
3ompact in #ugust /111.
In an address to the World ,conomic Forum on <1 January 1999 =nited "ations
7ecretary4Keneral Gofi #nnan challenged &usiness leaders to !oin an
international initiative 4 the Klo&al 3ompact 4 that would &ring companies
together with =" agencies la&or and civil society to support universal
environmental and social principles. We are happy to ta%e up this challenge and
demonstrate our commitment to supporting these universal principles together
with the =" 7ystem.
We have a glo&al partnership with ="I3,F 4 the children$s aid agency of the
=nited "ations. The goal of the partnership is to provide ="I3,F with long4term
assistance in its fight to reduce child mortality. We will support ="I3,F in a
variety of ways including' providing our core competence in logistics as an in4%ind
donation implementing a glo&al donation program and ena&ling employee
volunteers to support health and education initiatives in the field.
$NDP and O%HA
)*+$s most visi&le contri&ution to disaster management is the )*+ )isaster
>esponse Teams A)>TB which we offer in cooperation with the 53*#. The
)>Ts support the =" and the international community$s disaster response efforts
in the aftermath of ma!or sudden4onset natural disasters.
The )>Ts are made up of trained )*+ volunteers. Their mission is to manage air
cargo operations at the airport closest to the disaster4affected region 4 there&y
reducing &ottlenec%s and %eeping the airport open for additional relief flights.
,he main tas# of the DHL Disaster -esponse ,eams is to manage air cargo
operations at the airport and ens%re that incoming relief s%pplies reach people
5ur aim is to set up a glo&al networ% of )>Ts which provide coverage to
areas of the developing world prone to ma!or sudden4onset natural disasters'
The )>T #sia ;acific &ased in 7ingapore was inaugurated on /1 #pril
/116 and is ready for deployment.
The )>T #mericas &ased in south Florida was inaugurated on <1 8ay
/116 and is ready for deployment.
3overage for other regions is planned following discussions with our
In addition to the )>Ts we plan on wor%ing with &oth the ="); and 53*# on a
range of further initiatives in the fields of disaster preparedness and disaster
8any of our community investment initiatives also support the ="$s 8illennium
)evelopment Koals.
'or"d *conoic 1oru
We are a strategic partner of the World ,conomic Forum AW,FB. We participate
in the W,F$s +ogistics ? Transportation 3orporate 3iti9enship Initiative.
We partner with #I,7,3 the world$s largest student organi9ation. We provide
challenging internships for students around the world. We are &oth an #lumni
"etwor% ;artner and a Klo&al ,(change ;artner.
Loca" Partners
In addition to our glo&al partnerships our country management teams and
employees partner with many local organi9ations worldwide. 5ne of our preferred
partners at the local level are the >ed 3ross and >ed 3rescent societies.
The $5ur world$ section on our 3orporate 7ustaina&ility we&site contains
e(amples of many other local community investment initiatives.
Tie Definite De"iver& 7TDD8 service
DHL e/pands geographica" reach of Tie Definite De"iver& 7TDD8
)ha%a < #pril /116 : )*+ the worldEs leading e(press and logistics company
today e(panded the geographical reach of its Time )efinite )elivery AT))B
service to include -angladesh. This will help customers in -angladesh to send
their urgent time4sensitive documents and parcels to 106 cities in <2 countries in
#sia ;acific ,urope and the 8iddle ,ast utili9ing )*+Es guaranteed delivery
T)) comprises 7tart )ay ,(press and 8idday ,(press which offer customers
the latest possi&le collection times for pre4nine am and pre4noon deliveries on the
ne(t day or the day after depending on the destinations. # highly4popular
service T)) was enhanced 1@ months ago in #sia ;acific &oth in terms of
geographical coverage and service offerings to &etter meet the needs of
customers. Its geographical coverage was e(panded &y two4fold while the
product offering which previously catered only to documents was e(tended to
include low value declara&le pac%ages in response to overwhelming demand for
such service. The over 114fold increase in revenue registered and shipments
handled as of end4/110 three years after the product was launched in /11/ is
evidence of the success and popularity of T)).
With the introduction of T)) in -angladesh we not only add another popular
service to our portfolio &ut further address the time4sensitive needs of our
customers said )esmond Iuiah 3ountry 8anager )*+ ,(press -angladesh.
This reflects our continuous emphasis to enhance our service offerings and
networ% infrastructure to &etter serve the needs of our customers in -angladesh.
5verview of )*+ 7tart )ay ,(press and )*+ 8idday ,(press from -angladesh'
The availa&ility of the T)) service from -angladesh to different countries is listed
&elow. ;lease contact the )*+ 3ustomer 7ervices *otline O@@1/49@@1.1< to
find out more a&out T)).
)egions 9 Asia Pacific #tart Da& */press
7ingapore *ong Gong Thailand Taiwan ;hilippines
)egions9 Asia Pacific4 Midd"e *ast : *urope Midda& */press
7ingapore *ong Gong Thailand Gorea Japan 8alaysia 3hina #ustralia
India Taiwan ;hilippines =#, #ustria -elgium 39ech >epu&lic )enmar%
Finland France Kermany *ungary Iceland Ireland Italy +u(em&ourg
"etherlands "orway ;oland ;ortugal 7lova%ia 7lovenia 7pain 7weden
7wit9erland =G
)*+ is the glo&al leader in logistics 4 with more highly e(perienced professionals
at more locations in more countries than any other provider. 5ur goal is to &uild
strong long4term partnerships with customers &y providing world class services
across all our operations.
We are the first choice for companies loo%ing to outsource freight forwarding
warehousing distri&ution transport and supply chain management. #fter !oining
forces with ,(cel in /110 we are now also the sector$s leading innovator 4
providing the e(traordinary range of cutting4edge solutions you will &e a&le to
e(plore on these pages.
5ur logistics customers include over .0P of the world$s largest quoted non4
financial enterprises. These organi9ations trust us with their &rands and
reputations not simply &ecause we$re the worldwide mar%et leader &ut &ecause
we strive to deliver glo&ally consistent services of the highest quality wherever
they wor% with us.
For us e(cellence is a&out achieving &eyond e(pectations for all our customers
whatever their si9e and wherever they need us.
DHL ;*# A0ards
DHL ;oung *ntrepreneurs for #ustainabi"it& 7;*#8 A0ards
/11. mar%s the half4way point in the &id to reali9e the =" 8illennium
)evelopment Koals A8)KsB which range from halving e(treme poverty to halting
the spread of *INL#I)7 and providing universal primary education &y /110. This
is therefore a good time to re4energi9e efforts towards reali9ing the =" 8)Ks
and to cele&rate the many successes that have already &een achieved.
)*+ supports the wor% of the =nited "ations and the reali9ation of the 8)Ks.
We are a signatory to the =" Klo&al 3ompact and have glo&al humanitarian
partnerships with ="I3,F ="); and =" 53*#.
In /11. the )*+ C,7 #wards were launched in five countries' -angladesh
;a%istan The ;hilippines 7ingapore and Thailand. In each of these countries
social entrepreneurs came forward to participate in the #wards. These
individuals clearly demonstrated through their wor% the power that a single
person has to create and drive positive social change.
We are proud to present to you the first cadre of social entrepreneurs for the )*+
C,7 #wards. -y sharing their stories we hope to pass on their &est practices.
We &elieve that they can serve as an inspiration to other li%e4minded individuals.
,he aim of the DHL ;*# A0ards is to recogni/e yo%ng social entreprene%rs
wor#ing to reali/e the UN "illenni%m Development Goals.
The #wards aim to identify and recogni9e the contri&utions of young people who
are implementing innovative methods and practices to &ring a&out positive social
change in their communities. We call these young individuals $social
$7ocial$ &ecause their fundamental purpose is to &ring a&out positive social
impacts and $entrepreneurs$ as they em&ody the $can4do$ spirit and implement
&usiness models and principles to reach their goals. 7ocial entrepreneurs do
more to reali9e social change than either philanthropic donations or a country$s
social services alone could achieve. They play a critical role in lifting their
communities out of marginali9ation inequality and help to provide them with the
economic tools to move forward.
In each of the five participating countries a national winner was selected &y a
respected panel of "ational Jury. From these five outstanding national winners a
regional winner was chosen &y an International 3ouncil comprised of
international leaders in social enterprise development and &usiness. Cou can
find out more a&out the regional winner in the attached )*+ C,7 #wards press
The )*+ C,7 #wards have &een developed with the support of ;artners in
3hange 4 an advisory partner to )*+ for the inaugural year /11.. ;artners in
3hange are an India4&ased not4for4profit organi9ation wor%ing in the field of
3orporate 7ocial >esponsi&ility A37>B.
)*+ mostly follows the pattern which is more orthodo( &ut it creates a good
support for the customer who goes &eyond what they e(pect from them. The
&asis of creating a fractional identity in the service world )*+ holds together its
main accumulative measures to have good control over the customers who does
spread positive word of mouth. This helps them to have a good emphasis on
service delivery.
The mainframe of what is called the Integrated 7ervices 8ar%eting
3ommunications of )*+ is some what the most traditional structure which is
moving more over towards the door steps of good and advanced mar%eting
sequences which is giving ample opportunity for the organi9ation to spread its
services all over the world.
The Integrated Marketing %ounication of DHL
For decades industry giants Federal ,(press and =nited ;arcel 7ervice together
owned .1 percent of the =.7. mar%et for e(press and pac%age delivery services.
)*+ the <24years4old ac%nowledged leader in the glo&al mar%et serving //1
countries was little %nown to =.7. customersQ it had only 6 percent mar%et share.
When )*+ acquired #ir&orne in /11< the company %new it needed an all4out
effort to complete head4on with the domestic &ehemoths. The company &udgeted
R 1./ &illion for new initiatives to &oost its presence in the =.7. mar%et starting
with the addition of seven regional sorting centers to increase ground delivery
capacity &y 61 percent . To support its am&itious goal of &ecoming num&er one
in the =.7. parcel delivery mar%et the company created an innovative new red
logo and spent R101 million on an integrated si( month mar%eting communication
campaign including &roadcasting print interactive and outdoor advertising as
well as sponsorships pu&lic relations and a new we&site that focused on &rand
awareness and &rand value. )*+ #mericas e(ecutive vice president of
mar%eting channels we are showcasing the )*+ &randEs value message to
current and potential customers across all points of contact.
The )*+ mar%eting campaign developed &y advertising agency 5gilvy and
8ather "ew Cor% opened with a June /112 television ad showing drivers for
Fed,( and =;7 watching in wonder as a freight train rolls &y carrying &rand new
yellow truc%s with the red )*+ logo. "ot only did the company completely
renovate its own we&site &ut it also placed full motion interactive
advertising on the other we&sites. The companyEs we&site allows customers to
download all its television interactive print and outdoor advertising as well as a
computer screensaver with )*+ truc%s continuously streaming across red &lac%
ground and interspersed with the campaigns catchy headlines. # pu&lic relation
leader s complemented campaign &y 5gilvy ;> worldwide that was aimed at
core constituentEs and opinion leaders complemented the paid advertising .#nd
the companyEs tangi&les &ecame and &right yellow &ac%ground on every )*+
&uilding vehicle courier uniform pac%aging unit and drop &o( in "orth
)*+ used sponsorship as %ey element of the campaign highlighted &y its role
as the 5fficial ,(press )elivery and +ogistics ;rovider of /112 =.7. 5lympics
Targeting small and medium si9ed &usiness which have larger revenue per
shipment and are more profita&le )*+ created one of the most coordinated
services mar%eting communication companies in history. The advertising
company achieved integration through color theme tagline and design.
%ounication and #ervice Marketing Triang"e
)e"evanc& 0ith DHL
#s )*+ is a glo&al organi9ation its organi9ational environment varies from
country to country. In these circumstances )*+ has developed different
mar%eting activities for different countries. These activities are also fle(i&le.
)*+Es corporate level strategy is fi(ed &ut divisional and functional level strategy
changes &ecause they are set up &y the country managers &y analy9ing the
environment. )*+Es technology is mainly &ased on networ% collection and
distri&ution. Its human resource is highly s%illed and qualified. They are also
empowered so that they can ma%e quic% decisions.
The mar%eting activities of )*+ are phenomenal. The overall mar%eting activities
are a com&ination of promotional and functional strategies. 7o li%e all other
organi9ations )*+ does have an infrastructure for communication and mar%eting
related programs. It goes through varies negotia&le steps. Which are the reasons
for creating the services mar%eting triangle. #s li%e any other organi9ation )*+
has made use of there communication e(pertise to fulfill a standard mar%eting
The company is indispensa&ly dependent on three ma!or &ases. These &ases
confronts to &e the most significant and influential foundation. The &ases are :
the company employees and the customers who play a very important role to
ma%e )*+ what it is today. There are &oth way communications in the
organi9ation which are vertical and hori9ontal. This occurs amongst the
employees of )*+. There is also e(ternal mar%eting communication which
occurs &etween the company and the customers through advertising and pu&lic
relation. 5n the other hand the interactive mar%eting remains the &ase for
customer service center and service encounter which occurs &etween the
employees and the customers.
In terms of 7W5T #nalysis )*+ has some organi9ational strengths wea%ness
and environmental opportunities and threats.
)*+Es e(tensive glo&al presence ena&les it to provide unmatched worldwide
services from its offices in every country . Throughout )*+Es history it has
led the way with investments in information technology that ena&les it to
ship trac% and trace documents and pac%ages quic%ly and efficiently. This
technological investment is no dou&t their strength. )*+",T is their glo&al
high4speed T3;SI; communications networ% ena&ling customers to trac% the
status of shipments and delivery schedules and pricing information from
anywhere in the world. It ensures that information travels ahead of the goods.
)*+Es use of ,)I A,lectronic )ata InterchangeB enhances speed and efficiency in
shipping &illing and data management. Its computeri9ed processing service is
the industries easiest most fle(i&le system. In selected countries it offers a
trac%ing system which can &e accessed through automated phone prompts.
It uses electronic trac%ing system to ensure the safety and security of
shipments worldwide. )*+ worldwide pac%age e(press is the fastest most
relia&le way to send non document goods door to door virtually anywhere in
the world which also includes customs clearance.
)ue to the continuing rise of fuel prices )*+ #irways has found it necessary
to raise the current fuel surcharge to four percent. The dramatic increases
in fuel prices have continue to have a significant negative impact on their
&usinesses. Nolumetric weight sometimes called dim or dimensional weight
is used when the space a pac%age ta%es on an aircraft may cost more
than the pac%agesE actual weight. For this reason )*+ has to increase
shipping cost and sometimes loses its customers. This may &e regarded as
an environmental threat.
The main way of remaining the &est is in this competitive world is &y formulating
the mar%eting strategies in a very organi9ed and efficient manner. It is the
foremost reason of why a company li%e )*+ will sustain in this comple( and
crafty environment of &usiness. The mar%eting activities do put a lot of emphasis
on how the company survives in a sufficient &reath ta%ing situation. It settles a
&ond &etween the consumers and the service provider that is )*+ which ma%es
it the &iggest and the most successful logistic organi9ation at present e(isting in
the world. It is an a&solute advantage for those who are a part of this company.
The format in which the infrastructure of )*+ is &uilt has a nice way of presenting
what message it gives to the consumers. 7o !ust li%e the tagline theme and color
three of which are individually significant can &e often irresisti&le due to several
e(ternal factors. )*+ holds the &est category of remaining a trusted name in the
service world. It is essential to delivering services that customers perceive as
high quality. -ecause company communications a&out services promise what
people do and &ecause peopleEs &ehavior cannot &e standardi9ed li%e physical
goods produced &y machines the potential for a mismatch &etween what is
communicated and perceptions of actual service delivery a&out when promise
do not match the service provided can &e high. ThatEs why it was claimed &y one
of the officials of )*+ #s our red and &right yellow truc%s &egin rolling through
the streets advertising increases and customers see our e(panded product
offering the reali9ation will set in that )*+ is an even more powerful force in the
mar%etplace. 7o &y all respective terms which has even a minor effect on
companyEs real service delivering process )*+ sets standards that are
recogni9ed highly proclaim a&le at all stages of the mar%eting world. 7o &y
coordinating communication within and outside the organi9ation )*+ can well
move forward with minimi9ing the claims of falsification which will create a more
successful phases for the organi9ation in the mere future.
/. 7ervices 8ar%eting :&y4
Nalarie #. Heithaml
8ary Jo -itner

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