Campaign Program

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Art of Warfare

All Purpose Interactive Campaign System

By Nikolaj P. P.
v1.5, August 1, 2002 (upate !uly "0. 200#$
% &isclaimer
% Introuction
% 'lossary
% ()e 'ame Se*uence
% ()e (urn Se*uence
% ()e +ules
% ()e Program
% ,ain Screen
% Player ,enu Screen
% +eport Screen
% ,ap Screen
% Screen
% &etac)ment Screen
% S*ua Screen
% Strong)ol Screen
% /attle Screen
% +ules C)anges
% 0o1 to...
o Create a ne1 campaign 2 start a ne1 game
o Start playing a ne1 campaign
% 3A4
% ()at5s all
6ote t)at all War)ammer 708 an War)ammer 3antasy proucts are 9 'ames Wor:s)op ;t. All
names are registere traemar:s. All rig)ts are reserve 'ames Wor:s)op ;t.
6o c)allenge is implie or intene in any 1ay. ()is game an t)e rules use are unofficial an
meant as a supplement only.
Army.uiler is 1##<=200# 9 ;one Wolf &evelopments, an all rig)ts are reserve ;one Wolf

()is is t)e )elp file for t)e Art of Warfare - All Purpose Interactive Campaign System soft1are.
6ote t)at it is possi.le to play t)is game 1it)out War)ammer 7082War)ammer 3antasy
miniatures2rules etc. or 1it)out Army.uiler, .ut it is recommen t)at t)ese are use as a part of
t)is game. W0708 is prouce .y 'ames 1or:s)op ()ttp>$. A free
emo version of Army.uiler can .e o1nloae at )ttp>
()e game an t)e rules use are create for playing minature .attles (suc) as War)ammer 708,
?pic 708, War)ammer 3antasy, Warmaster, etc.$ as a campaign. I )ave got inspiration from ot)er
suggestions for campaigns at t)e internet an from ifferent strategy games, .ut .asically t)is is my
o1n ieas an my o1n 1or:.
Please post any comments or suggestions at eit)er t)e W0708 campaign iscussion forum>!Campaign/
or t)e W03 campaign iscussion forum>"#Campaign/
()e main iea of t)e campaign is t)at it can .e playe .y multiple players (t)is version supports a
ma@imum ten players$. ()e players give orers to t)eir armies simultaneously, an t)e orers are
carrie out simultaneously, so t)e stanar 5player 1 ta:es a turn, t)en player 2 a turn, t)en ...5
structure is avoie. ()us a large of players can play against eac) ot)er 1it)out )aving to
1ait for eac) player to move )is armies etc.
In t)e game t)is 1or:s .y eac) players giving )is movement orers, t)at are save in a file, 1)ic)
is t)en e=maile to a 5'ame ,aster5 (',$. 0e runs t)e program 1)ic) carries out t)e movement
orers (secretly$ an saves t)e results in files, t)at are returne to t)e players. ()ey are t)en a.le to
see t)e status of t)e game, an 1)ic) .attles t)ey )ave to fig)t. ()e players t)en )ave to meet an
fig)t t)e .attles as minature .attles, an mail t)e results to t)e )ost. Alternatively t)e computer can
generate t)e results, if it is inconvenient to play a 5real5 .attle, or if t)e game is playe as a pure
strategy game, 1it)out any miniature .attles. W)en all .attles )ave .een foug)t, t)e ', mails
result files to t)e players, an a ne1 turn .egins.
I am very intereste in any regaring t)e game, rules, *uestions etc. ()is is iscusse at
t)e forums mentione a.ove.
()is is a freee1are game, an intene to .e free for all to use. I mainly 1rote it for fun, an
.ecause I li:e t)e iea of a minature .attles campaign 1it) some strategic aspects, instea of t)e
normal narrative campaigns. It )as .een a lot of 1or: (muc) more t)an I e@pecte 1)en I .egan = it
)as ta:en more t)an t1o years to completeA t)e program itself amounts to nearly "0,000 lines of
)an1ritten coe...$, .ut I t)in: t)at it )as .een 1ort) it (after all, it 1as great fun to o...$.
-pates an ne1 versions of t)e program 1ill .e announce at t)e a.ove mentione campaign
iscussion e=groups.
()e program, as 1ell as upates etc. can .e o1nloae from$arfare%/
6ote> t)e screens)ots in t)e te@t .elo1 are from v1.1. ()is means t)at t)e current program screens
may vary slig)tly from t)e ones s)o1n. ()is s)oul not cause any pro.lems, t)oug).
I )ope you5ll enBoy itC

6i:olaB P. P., August 1. 2002

A lot of specific terms are use in t)e follo1ing. ()is list is intene as a reference>
% BP - /uil Points. Points use to pay t)e cost to .uil, upgrae an repair etac)ments,
garrisons, 0e@es etc. )e@es an convoys can store /P. 1 /P D 1
(W07082W03$ point of cost for moels.
% Buildings = A of ifferent .uilings can .e .uilt in an )e@, incluing .arrac:s,
factories etc.
% Capital = ?ac) player )as one )e@, 1)ic) is )is capital. W)en t)e first player loses )is
capital t)e game ens an t)e player automatically loses. ()e 1inner is t)e player 1it) t)e
most EP.
% City F (also referre to as 0e@H$ A )e@ 1it) an settlement. 7 siIe categories>
Eillage, (o1n, City or ,etropolis. Can store /P. A )e@ cannot .e .ot) an )e@ an a
resource )e@ (i.e.. cannot contain .ot) city an resource$.
% Complexity = An inicator of )o1 long time it ta:es to .uilt a specific etac)ment. A lot of
troops2core regiments give lo1 comple@ity, 1)ile a lot of ot)er c)oices (?lite2Special, etc.$
increases it.
% Controlled ex = A )e@ is controlle .y a player 1)en )e )as claime it ( i.e. )e 5o1ns5 it$.
% Con!oy = A unit t)at moves /P. Can .e create in any )e@. 6o .uil cost. In fantasy
settings calle G/aggage (rainsH
% Detacment = A W0708 stanar etac)ment. In fantasy settings calle GArmiesH
% D"P = &etac)ment ?@perience Points. 'aine .y a etac)ment 1)en it fig)ts in a .attle.
-se to etermine t)e +an: of a etac)ment.
% #ortification F (also referre to as a GStrong)olH$ &efensive constructions in a )e@. " siIe
categories> Camp, 3ortification an 3ortress. A player can only .uil a fortress in t)e )e@
1)ere )is Capital is locate.
% Garrison = A small force assigne to a 3ortification.
% G$ = 'ame ,aster. ()e person 1)o 5runs5 t)e game (i.e. acts as a 5)ost5$.
% $% = ,ovement +ate. Inicates )o1 many movement points a unit )as. 6ormally .et1een
7 an <.
% pase = game p)ase. ?ac) game turn )as four p)ases> .uil, movement, .attle orer an
.attle=resolvement. ()e game=resolvement=p)ase is only use if .attles are foug)t as
W0708 .attles (ot)er1ise t)e computer generate t)e .attle results$.
% plr-file = player file. ()e file create 1)en a player gives orers (i.e. 5oes )is game p)ase5$.
()e ', receives a plr=file from eac) player, an )e can t)en procee to t)e ne@t game
p)ase (t)ere.y creating a turnata=file$. ()e name of a plr=file inclue t)e players no. in t)e
game an t)e no. of t)e plr=file, as follo1s> plJplayer no.K=LJfile no.KM.plr (ie. plr=file no. 11
from player no. 2 is calle> 5pl2=L11M.plr5$.
% &ank = A etac)ment can )ave one of five ran:s, epening on t)e &NP earne> 'reen,
Eeteran, 0arene Eeteran, ?lite an -ltra ?lite. ()e ran: etermines t)e ma@. siIe of t)e
% &are = Some special units, moels or items are consiere 5rare5. ?ac) player can )ave no
more t)an one of eac) 5rare5 unit, moel etc. in )is entire army (for instance a &ar: ?lar
player can )ave a ma@. of one S)ao1 3iel in )is army$ for eac) 5 etac)ments or cities of
siIe " or )ig)er (1)ic)ever is lo1er$. S)oul not .e confuse 1it) War)ammer 3antasy
5+are5 c)oices
% &esource 'ex = A )e@ containing valua.le resources, suc) as minerals etc. O siIe categories>
(iny, Small, ,eium, ;arge, 0uge an A.unant. Prouces a of /P eac) turn (100=
250, epening on siIe$. A )e@ cannot .e .ot) an )e@ an a resource )e@ (i.e.. cannot
contain .ot) city an resource$.
% turndata-file = file create .y t)e ', eac) game p)ase (so t)e name is actually a .it
misleaing$ an istri.ute to eac) player. ()e name of t)e file is 5turnata.g=m5.
% (r)an 'ex F ot)er name for GCityH (see a.ove$
% *trongold F ot)er name for G3ortificationH (see a.ove$
% %ery &are = Some special units, moels or items are consiere 5very rare5. ?ac) player can
)ave no more t)an one of eac) 5very rare5 unit, moel etc. in )is entire army. If a 5very rare5
unit etc. is lost, t)en a ne1 one cannot .e .uilt in t)e ne@t 2 turns (i.e. a ne1 one can first .e
.uilt after " turns$. S)oul not .e confuse 1it) 5rare5 (see a.ove$.
% %P - Campaign Eictory Points. ?ac) player gets EP for 1inning .attles. 6ote> EP are not
t)e same as t)e victory points use to etermine t)e 1inner of a minature .attle.
% +,C = Pone Qf Control. An army5s Ione of control is t)e )e@ it occupies, an all aBacent
)e@es, e@cept aBacent )e@es t)at are occupie .y an enemy army. &etac)ments an
garrisons )ave a PQC an .loc:s PQC in t)e )e@ t)ey occupy. Convoys, +esource 0e@es
an 0e@es alone oes not e@ert PQC.

-e Game *e.uence
()e 'ame Se*uence is as follo1s>
1. ()e ', runs Campaign.e@e an c)ec:s if )e can procee to ne@t game p)ase (i.e.. if )e )as
receive all t)e plr=files )e nees. 6ote> t)e plr=files must .e in t)e correct game irectory$.
0e t)en procees to t)e ne@t p)ase, t)ere.y creating a turnata=file. ()is file is istri.ute to
all players (an easy 1ay is to Iip it an sen it .y e=mail, or uploa it to an Internet site, so
t)e players can get it t)ere$.
2. ?ac) player receives a copy of t)e turnata=file (containing t)e results of t)e orers of all t)e
players given in t)e previous p)ase$ an move it to t)e relevant game irectory. 0e t)en
runs Campaign.e@e an gives )is orers, t)ere.y creating a plr=file. ()is file is t)en sent to
t)e ',.
-e -urn *e.uence
?ac) game turn consist of t)e follo1ing>

1. Build pase = Qrers for ne1 constructions are given .y t)e players. ()is inclue
.uil2upgrae )e@es or strong)ols, an construction of ne1 etac)ments, garrisons
an convoys. 6ote t)at t)e orers are not carrie out until t)e ', creates a turnata file.
2. $o!ement pase = ,ovement orers are given to units (i.e. etac)ments an convoys$ .y
t)e players. 6ote t)at t)e orers are not carrie out until t)e ', creates a turnata file.
". ', receives plr=files an creates a ne1 turnata file, 1)ic) is istri.ute to eac) player.
7. Battle order pase = /attle orers are given to t)e etac)ments .y t)e players. 6ote t)at t)e
orers are not carrie out until t)e ', creates a turnata file. ()is p)ase is sometimes
omitte if )ere is no possi.ility for any .attles to occur (normally if no etac)ments are
aBacent to any enemy units$ to spee up t)e game (i.e.. t)e players on5t )ave to give any
.attle orers 1)ic) )ave no effect any1ay$.
5. ', receives plr=files an creates a ne1 turnata file, 1)ic) is istri.ute to eac) player.
O. Battle resol!ement pase = Qnly if one or more .attles occur as a result of t)e .attle orers.
()e involve players fig)t t)e .attles as W0708 .attles an enter t)e results in t)e game.
Alternatively, t)e computer can generate t)e .attle results. If t)is is t)e case, t)en t)is p)ase
is omitte.
R. ', receives plr=files an creates a ne1 turnata file, 1)ic) is istri.ute to eac) player.
<. A ne1 turn .egins.
-e &ules
()e rules of t)e campaign game is e@plaine in t)e
Campaign +ules.rtf file
6ote t)at all ice rolls 1ill .e one .y t)e computer. ()e only e@ception is ice rolls in a W0708
.attle foug)t .et1een players.
()e program itself, as 1ell as t)e game mec)anics, 1ill .e e@plaine .elo1.

-e Program
In t)e follo1ing t)e main screens encountere uring t)e game 1ill .e iscusse.
,ost af t)e e@planations 1ill .e s)ort (t)ere it is *uite a .it to 1rite for me, after all...$, an t)e .est
1ay to learn t)e game mec)anics is to o it t)roug) t)e game any1ay. /ut as some of t)e aspects of
t)e game are a .it complicate, I )ave inclue t)e follo1ing e@planations 1it) screen s)ots.
?specially t)e &'amples inclue .elo1 s)oul .e rea, as t)ey often e@plain some very important

$ain *creen
()is is t)e startup screen.
Clic: )ere to vie1 screens)ot> picSmainTscreen.Bpg
Current Campaign Directory.(not 5Current 'ame &irectory5 as state a.ove$ It is possi.le to play
in multiple campaigns simultaneously (for instance one campaign 1)ere all .attles are foug)t as
minature .attles .y t)e players, 1)ic) result in a some1)at slo1 campaign, .est suite for a small
map, an anot)er campaign, 1)ere t)e computer ta:es care of all .attles, t)us allo1ing a larger map
an a faster progress$. ?ac) campaign must )ave a corresponing su. irectory. /y selecting a
irectory from t)e list, t)e corresponing campaign is c)osen.
Delete Dir. &elete t)e current Campaign &irectory from t)e list. 6ote t)at t)is only elete it from
t)e list in t)e program. Uou can al1ays a it again later. If you 1is) t)e irectory 1it) its files
5really5 elete, t)en you )ave to o it 1it) Wino1s commans etc.
/dd Dir. As a ne1 irectory to t)e list of availa.le Campaign &irectories.
Continue Campaign. Continue playing t)e campaign selecte .y 5Current Campaign &irectory5.
Create Ne0 Campaign. ()is .utton creates a ne1 campaign. 6ote> t)is is only use 1)en t)e ',
1ants to create an entirely ne1 campaign, it is not use 1)en a player starts playing a ne1
campaign (see e@ample .elo1$.
Game$aster. -se .y ', 1)en its time to procee to t)e ne@t p)ase.
1xit. Closes t)e program.
(o start as a player in a ne1 campaign. ;et5s assume t)e W0708campaign program is locate in t)e
3irst, clic: on t)e GA &irH .utton. ()en enter t)e name of t)e ne1 su.irectory (t)e campaign ir
= in t)is e@ample calle 5ne1campaign5$ corresponing to t)e ne1 campaign. ()e name of t)e
campaign ir is provie .y t)e ', (it must .e t)e same foler name as )e )as use 1)en )e
create t)e campaign$. 6ote t)at only t)e foler name is entere = not t)e full pat) (in t)is e@ample
only Gne1campaignH is entere$.
()e foler C>SgamesS708campaignSne1campaignS is no1 create, an 5ne1campaign5 is ae to
t)e irectory list ne@t to 5Current Campaign &irectory5.
(6ote> All turnata=files for t)is campaign receive from t)e ', must .e copie to t)is irectory.
Similarly, all plr=files t)e ', nee for t)is campaign is foun in t)is irectory.$
5ne1campaign5 can no1 .e selecte .y 5Current 'ame &irectory5, an .y )itting 5Continue
Campaign5, t)e game is on.

Player $enu *creen
Uou come to t)is screen 1)en 5Continue Campaign5 is selecte.
Clic: )ere to vie1 screens)ot> picSplayerTmenu.Bpg
(o start giving orers, first enter your pass1or (if you )ave any$, an t)en select your name in t)e
player list.
5Clear5 clears t)e pass1or te@t.
After eac) players name is s)o1n )o1 many EP t)e player )as score so far.
5(Plr=file e@ists$5 inicate, t)at t)e player alreay )as given orers for t)e current p)ase. It is possi.le
to give ne1 orers (i.e. create a ne1 plr=file$. ()is cancels all previous orers (i.e. you start all over
on t)e p)ase$. 0o1ever, in t)e t)e .attle p)ase (see .elo1$, you )ave t)e option to loa t)e ol plr=
file, an continue 1it) t)e .attle results alreay given. 6ote, )o1ever, t)at 1)en t)e ', )as
receive your plr=file, you cannot c)ange your orers anymore.

&eport *creen
Information from t)e processing of t)e previous p)ase.
Clic: )ere to vie1 screens)ot> picSreport.Bpg
S)o1s t)e result of t)e orers given, as t)ey are carrie out, as 1ell as ot)er information from t)e
result process of t)e ',.
It is 1ell 1ort) it to *uic:ly rea t)roug) t)e messages .efore you start a ne1 p)ase.
If you get a message saying t)at your plr-file is not needed .y t)e ',, t)en it means t)at )e can go
to t)e ne@t p)ase an create a ne1 turnata file 1it)out )aving to get a plr file from you first. ()is
often )appens if for instance " players play a campaign, an only t1o of t)em )ave aBacent units in
t)e .attle orer p)ase. ()en t)e "r players plr file (containing )is .attle orers$ is not neee, as )e
)as no c)ance to get in .attle any1ay.

$ap *creen
()e main screen uring play (note t)at t)e map grap)ics )ave since .een improve >=$. It consists of
t)ree 1ino1s> ()e ,ap Wino1 to t)e left, t)e ,essage 1ino1 at t)e top to t)e rig)t, an t)e
5,ap:ey5 Wino1 .elo1 t)e ,essage Wino1.
Clic: )ere to vie1 screens)ot> picSmapTsmall.Bpg
-e $ap 2indo0: ()e left 1ino1 s)o1s t)e map. It consists of )e@es, eac) 1it) a ifferent type
of terrain.
+ig)t clic:ing 1it) t)e mouse centers t)e map on t)e )e@ clic:e on.
;eft clic:ing moves t)e cursor to t)e )e@ clic:e on. If t)e position of t)e cursor is t)e )e@ alreay ,
t)en .y clic:ing it is possi.le to select units, cities etc. in t)e )e@ (i.e. clic: t)roug) all units etc. in
t)e )e@, selecting t)em in turn$. If a unit is .eing given a movement=orer (see later$, an you clic:
in an aBacent )e@, t)en t)e unit moves to t)at )e@.
-nits> ()eir pics )ave soli (.lac:$ sym.ols 1)en t)ey are 5unuse5 (i.e. no orers yet$, an
5transparent5 (grey$ 1)en t)ey )ave .een given orers.
&etac)ments> ()e pics varies 1it) t)e ifferent types. A small, re line at t)e .ottom of t)e pic
inicates t)e current strengt). )e@es> 5transparent5 pics in t)e .uil p)ase, if somet)ing )as .een .uilt )ere. Soli ot)er1ise.
+esource )e@es> 5transparent5 pics in t)e movement p)ase, if a transport route )as .een assigne.
Soli ot)er1ise.
Strong)ols> 5transparent5 pics in t)e .uil p)ase, if not all efence slots )ave .een use. Soli
Strong)ols 1it) garrisons are mar:e .y a small flag.

$essage 2indo0: ,essages is s)o1n )ere (incluing messages create uring orer=giving, for
instance error=messages$.

-e 3$ap4ey3 2indo0:
Clic: )ere to vie1 screens)ot> picSmapT:eys.Bpg
N5 N25 N15 *25 *1 and *: Can .e use to move t)e cursor aroun instea of t)e mouse.
$o!ement6Battle ,rder> (epening on p)ase$. 'ive t)e current unit orers.
6ote on ,ovement Qrers> A +esource )e@ can .e assigne a transport route (ma@. 10 )e@es$. All
convoys create in t)e resource )e@ 1ill t)en automatically .e given t)e movement orer 5pat)5,
follo1ing t)e transport route (so you on5t )ave to manually give all your resource )e@ convoys a
movement orer eac) turn$.
-arget: Is use 1)enever an action (suc) as an orer$ re*uires a target, incluing a 5target )e@5. 3or
instance, 1)en a etac)ment 1is) to attac: an enemy, or 1)en t)e capital is place at t)e start of
t)e game (alt)oug) 5eployment5 or somet)ing li:e t)at mig)t )ave .een a .etter 1or in t)e last
Next in ex> 5cycle5 t)roug) all units, cities etc. in )e@ (same as left clic: 1it) t)e mouse on t)e )e@,
see a.ove$.
%ie0: Specific Information2Qrers on selecte )e@2strong)ol etc. Also use to 5enter5 a
strong)ol or )e@ (i.e. select 1)at to .uil )ere etc.$.
,ptions> Player options
Info: Info a.out special rules for your armlets, your units, game settings etc.
Next pase: 6ormally t)e game move on to a ne1 p)ase only 1)en t)e ', creates a ne1 turnata=
file. 0o1ever, after a player )as complete )is .uiling p)ase, )e )as to continue rig)t a1ay 1it)
t)e movement orer p)ase, .y using t)is .utton. (So .ot) t)e .uiling orers an t)e movement
orers are 1ritten in t)e same plr=file$.
,r)it: Some army lists (mostly Space ,arines$ )ave etac)ments a.le to ma:e rop po attac:s
from A players units 1)ic) )ave move to can .e accesse )ere.
#inis: 3inis) t)e p)ase for t)e player an creates a plr=file to .e sent to t)e ',.

- *ortcut 4eys: a of s)ortcuts are availa.le>
,ovement Qrers>
VpW or VmW> pat) (stanar move$
VrW>reserve movement
VaW>claim area
VcW>mov an claim
V7W,V8W,V9W,V:W,V;W,V<W> irection move (1 )e@$
/attle Qrers>
VaW>attac: )e@
V/W>planne attac: )e@
VrW>rai )e@
V&W>planne rai )e@
VnW>select ne@t in )e@
(r)an *creen
()is is t)e screen concerning )e@es. It is accesse .y t)e 5vie15 .utton, 1)en an )e@ is
Clic: )ere to vie1 screens)ot>
(pgrade> -pgraes t)e )e@ to t)e ne@t siIe category (i.e. (o1n to City etc.$.
()e BP values s)o1n>
Storage> X /P currently in t)e 0e@ (a.ove> 5R2$
'eneration> X /P generate .y t)e )e@ itself (a.ove> 100$
?@pecte arrivals> X /P e@pecte to arrive from resource )e@es ne@t turn (a.ove 0$. If t1o /P
values s)o1n (in t)e capital only, as a.ove$> ()e secon value> X /P e@pecte to arrive as
reinforcements from space ne@t turn Y X /P e@pecte to arrive as income from controlle )e@es
(a.ove 257$.
,aintenance> X /P spen for t)e )e@5s .uilings maintenance (a.ove 110$. If t1o /P values
s)o1n (in t)e capital only, as a.ove$> ()e secon value> X /P spent on up:eep on t)e etac)ments.
Build &oad> Qrer a roa to .e .uil .et1een t1o aBacent )e@es (use t)e target .utton on t)e
mapscreen to select t)e )e@es$.
Build -unnels6$ines> Qrer tunnels2mines to .e .uil .et1een t1o aBacent )e@es (use t)e target
.utton on t)e mapscreen to select t)e )e@es$.
Create Con!oy> Creates a convoy containing t)e X/P s)o1n (t)ese are ta:en from t)e /P in t)e )e@$
Build Ne0 Detacment> /uils a ne1 etac)ment.
&einforce Detacment: +einforce (i.e. replace :ille2estroye moels$ or moify (upgrae or
c)ange$ a etac)ment locate in t)e )e@, or a garrison (can .e reinforce from any )e@$.
Deployment Priority: Priority for eployment of ne1 etac)ments. A )e@ can only contain one
etac)ment. If ne1 etac)ments are .uilt in t)e )e@, t)ey are place in t)e )e@ itself or, if it is
occupie, in an aBacent )e@, accoring to t)e priority.
*pecial: Some races )ave special rules, for instance &ar: ?lar can move t)eir capital using t)is
/!aila)le: S)o1s all moels t)at can .e prouce in t)e )e@.
(na!aila)le: S)o1s all moels t)at cannot .e prouce in t)e )e@.
Buildings: ;ist of t)e .uilings availa.le to .e .uilt in t)e )e@.
Build: /uil t)e selecte .uiling.

Detacment *creen
()e screen concerning etac)ments. Accesse via 5/uil 6e1 &etac)ment5 an 5+einforce
&etac)ment5 from t)e Screen, via 5Eie15 1)en a etac)ment is selecte on t)e ,ap Screen,
or via 5'arrison5 on t)e Strong)ol Screen.
Clic: )ere to vie1 screens)ot> picSetac)ment.Bpg
Detacment No.> ()e ()e arro1 .uttons are use to cycle t)roug) t)e ifferent
()e te@t ne@t to t)e &etac)ment 6o. (a.ove> 5Inf=1500p=St5$ is t)e name of t)e Army /uiler file
(see 5;oa &ata5 .elo1$ 1it) t)e ata of t)e current etac)ment.
Detacment type> ?ac) army list )ave a of ifferent etac)ment types (e@plaine later$.
W)en a ne1 etac)ment is .uilt, t)e type can .e etermine )ere.
All t)e ifferent data concerning t)e etac)ment are e@plaine later in t)e rules.
()e various s.uads an t)eir 5slot=type5 (04, (roop etc.$ are s)o1n, follo1e .y X moels in t)e
s*ua t)at are reay 2 1oune or amage 2 lost or estroye.
/y clic:ing on a s*ua name, t)e s*ua are s)o1n on t)e S*ua Screen.
=oad Data> (o .uilt a ne1 etac)ment, t)e etac)ment )as to .e create using t)e program
Army.uiler, an t)en save as a 5(e@t Summary file5. Save t)e file as a regular +oster file or )tml=
file too, as t)is 1ill .e neee 1)en t)e etac)ment is going to fig)t a minature .attle . ()e te@t
summary file is t)en loae using t)is .utton.
If you on5t )ave Army.uiler or oesn5t 1ant to use it, a of stanar etac)ment te@t
summary files is inclue 1it) t)e game, locate in t)e 5+osters2Pre,ae5 foler.
Build> W)en a te@t summary file is loae, an t)e rig)t etac)ment type is selecte, t)e
etac)ment can .e .uilt using t)is .utton, if all conitions are o: (i.e. t)e .uilings neee, enoug)
/P, etc.$.
#ull *trengt> All estroye2lost moels are replace, if t)ey can .e prouce in t)e )e@, an
t)ere is enoug) /P to pay for it.
#orce Pool Ceck: reports of t)e status of t)e re*uire moels in t)e 3orce Pool
Dis)and> & t)e etac)ment.
=ist specials> list all t)e special moels in t)e etac)ment (Scouts etc.$
*tatus 6 Print (not s)o1n a.ove$> S)o1s t)e status of all units in t)e etac)ment. ()is status can .e
printed (useful 1)en 708 miniature .attles are to .e foug)t$.
&'ample: A W0708 Imperial 'uar player 1ants to prouce a ne1 armoure etac)ment>
0e constructs t)e etac)ment 1it) Army.uiler (t)is can .e one 1)ile t)e campaign computer
game is still running an t)e etac)ment screen open$, 1it)in t)e restrictions given in t)e campaign
rules for armoure etac)ments (e@cactly 1)ic) units2moels t)at is allo1e, can .e seen via t)e
5Info5=.utton in t)e 5,ap8ey5=1ino1$. 6ote t)at t)is creates a roster t)at is not valiate .y
Army.uiler. 0e saves t)e roster as )tml, 5Armoure1.)tml5, an as te@t summary, 5Armoure1.t@t5 .
0e t)en use t)e 5;oa &ata5 .utton, an loas 5Armoure1.t@t5. ()e &etac)ment type is set to
5Armoure5 ( to set t)e type every time a ne1 etac)ment is constructe, it is easy to
forget$, an t)e construction is .egun 1it) t)e 5/uil5 .utton.

A Create Ne0 &oster .utton )ave since .een ae. It allo1s for creating rosters 1)ic) can .e
save in te@t summary format, t)us rosters can .e create 1it)out t)e re*uirement of Army /uiler
(t)oug) it is still recommene to use t)at soft1are$

*.uad *creen
Info an options for t)e iniviual s*ua.
Clic: )ere to vie1 screens)ot> picSs*ua.Bpg
()e of moels reay, 1oune2amage a lost are s)o1n for eac) moel type.
()ese num.ers can .e c)ange manually .y t)e player as a result of reinforcements or .attle loses.
()e 3ull Strengt) .utton is a *uic: 1ay to get all lost moels replace.

*trongold *creen
Information a.out an construction orers for Strong)ols.
Clic: )ere to vie1 screens)ot> picSstrong)ol.Bpg
(pgrade> upgraes to t)e ne@t siIe category (i.e. Camp to 3ortification etc.$
Build: Qrer to .uil t)e selecte efence type (i.e. Weapon (o1er etc.$
Destroy: &estroys one piece of t)e selecte efence type.
Garrison> Eie1s t)e garrison on t)e &etac)ment screen.
()e num.ers o1n to t)e left s)o1s t)e use2availa.le slots for t)e various efence types.
(o t)e rig)t is s)o1n t)e specific efences of t)e strong)ol.

Battle *creen
()is screen is use if a .attle is foug)t as W0708. If a .attle occurs in t)e 5/attle P)ase5 t)en t)e
)e@ 1)ere it is locate can .e seen on t)e map, inicate .y yello1. If t)is )e@ is left clic:e on,
t)en t)e .attle screen is entere.
Clic: )ere to vie1 screens)ot> picS.attle.Bpg
()e type of .attle (5attac:5 or 5rai5$ an t)e terrain is note.
()e attac:ers an efeners forces are liste in t)e follo1ing 1ay>
6ame (- V-nit no.W$ V/attle QrerW LVPrimary2SeconaryWM Jfile> VfilenameWK
In t)e piture a.ove>
6ame> 52n Infantry Company5
-nit no.> O
/attle Qrer> 5+ai )e@5
Primary attac:er
3ilename> 5file15 (i.e. t)e roster file is calle 5file1.rst5 an t)e te@t summary file 5file1.t@t5$
In aition to participating etac)ments, any strong)ols an its efences in t)e )e@ are liste as
#igt )attle as -a)letop Clic: on t)is .utton if you )ave foug)t a minature .attle (all information
necessary to fig)t t)e .attle can .e foun eit)er at t)e .attle screen or .y selecting t)e participating
etac)ments on t)e map screen an 5vie15 t)em (to see 1)ic) moels are 1oune or lost in
previous .attles etc.$ = specific rules concerning t)e .attle are foun in ()e +ules, a.ove$.
Uou )ave to clic: on all availa.le 5apply5=.uttons (attac:er> 7, efener> 2 availa.le$ .efore you are
allo1e to clic: on t)e 5one5=.utton (to ma:e sure t)at you )ave t)e correct 1inner, )ave applie
.attle casualties etc.$
/pply 2inner: Select t)e 1inner (attac:er or efener$. 6ote, t)at .ot) t)e participating players
)ave to select t)e same 1inner in t)eir respective plr=files. Qt)er1ise t)e ', 1ill .e notifie, 1)en
)e ma:es t)e turnata=file, an )e can let t)e computer 1ill etermine t)e result instea (t)is is one
to prevent c)eating from t)e losing player$
/pply Canges: Apply t)e moels ea an t)e moels amage21oune as a result of t)e .attle
to your etac)ments. 6ote> you s)oul ma:e your 5casualty=roll5 (etermine 1)ic) lost moels are
ea, 1oune etc.$ .efore applying t)e results )ere.
/pply Points: ()e attac:er only> ()e 1inners total of points use in t)e .attle (i.e. t)e total
5siIe5 of )is force$ minus t)e losers total of points must .e entere )ere.
/pply BP loss: ()e attac:er only> ()e total of points t)e loser lost in t)e .attle must .e
entere )ere. ()is is t)e point=cost of all t)e losing players moels, t)at 1ere lost in t)e .attle (i.e.
t)is is calculate .efore t)e 5casualty=roll5$.

'o0 to...
Create a ne0 campaign 6 start a ne0 game
Qne person )as to .e t)e ',, t)e one 5responsi.le5 for t)e game. 0e is t)e one 1)o creates t)e ne1
turnata files an receives t)e plr=files from t)e players. ()e ', can participate in t)e campaign as
a player 1it)out any pro.lems.
(o create a ne1 campaign, t)e ', oes t)e follo1ing>
1. +un Campaign.e@e=file.
2. Clic: on t)e 5Start ne1 campaign5 .utton
". ()e program no1 as:s you for t)e name of t)e foler in 1)ic) t)e ne1 campaign files 1ill
.e save ()encefort) calle t)e campaign=ir$. ?nter an appropriate name (e.g. 'ame02, or
1)atever you li:e$
7. ()en it as:s for game system = select t)e one you 1ant to play.
5. Select t)e map file you 1ant to use for t)e campaign. At t)e moment t)ere are a of
maps availa.le to c)oose from. 6e1 ones can .e create .y t)e map eitor, 1)ic) allo1s
you to create your o1n maps (if you 1ant to ta:e a loo: at t)e ifferent maps first t)ey can
.e opene an vie1e in t)e map eitor program (you can also ma:e your o1n map
.efore)an if you prefer$.
()e name of a map file inicates t)e ma@. of players allo1e an t)e relative siIe
(or t)e siIe in )e@es, )oriIontal=vertical$. If you 1ant to play t)e .attles as minature .attles
you s)oul use t)e smaller maps (initially, any1ay$ = if t)e map is to large t)ere is often a lot
of etac)ments, resulting in to many minature .attles to allo1 any real progress in t)e game.
If you c)oose t)e larger maps, it is .est to let t)e computer generate t)e .attle results.
O. Select t)e ata for t)e first player> name, pass1or ( to let t)e player :no1 it if
you enter a pass1orC Qften it is not necessary to enter a pass1or )ere, as t)e players can
o it t)emselves uring t)e game $, army list, start /P, e@tra )e@es, e@tra strong)ols
an resource )e@es. In aition to t)is all players start 1it) a Capital an a 3ortress in t)eir
Capital. 6ormally all players s)oul )ave t)e same starting conitions ( of /P,
)e@es etc.$.
R. W)en all ata is selecte, press t)e 5Create Player5=.utton. 6ote t)at a player is not 5create5
until t)is .utton is presse, so it is not enoug) to enter t)e ata an press 5&one5.
<. +epeat for all t)e participating players.
#. W)en t)e last player is 5Create5 press t)e 5&one5=.utton.
10. Set t)e game settings for t)e game (if applica.le = t)ese can .e c)ange later. ()e most
importants are$>
o (a)letop )attles *isa)le*> if t)is option is selecte, t)en t)e computer generates all
.attle results (t)us t)e game .ecomes a stanar computer strategy game, 1it)out
t)e use of any moels an miniature .attles$.
o Special +etachments *isa)le*> if t)is option is selecte, t)en it is not possi.le for t)e
players to .uil any special etac)ments. ()us only 5stanar5=etac)ments an
garrisons can .e .uilt.
o &'ternal Income> if t)is option is selecte, t)en t)e computer reas )o1 many /P t)e
players get as reinforcements from Ga.roaH2HspaceH from t)e file te@t file
5Space/P.t@t5 in t)e campaign ir, instea of using t)e stanar values. ()us it is
possi.le to com.ine a W0708 campaign game 1it) a /attle 3leet 'ot)ic campaign,
etc. ()e /3' campaign can .e )anle in any 1ay t)e players an ', 1is), an .y
setting t)is option, t)e ', can manually c)ange t)e te@t file to reflect t)e situation
of t)e /3' campaign, an t)us let t)e /3' campaign )ave influence on t)e W0708
campaign. (o c)ange t)e /P income of a player, Bust open t)e te@t file an c)ange
t)e value irectly .elo1 t)e players name. 6ote> ()e line must consist only of t)e /P
value, an no ot)er c)aracters, so .e careful not to enter any ot)er c)aracters, space
o &ncrypt files> if t)is option is selecte, t)en all turnata an plr files 1ill .e
encrypte (1ritten in coe$. Qt)er1ise t)ey 1ill .e 1ritten as plain te@t. ?ncrypte
files are a .it larger t)an non=encrypte files, .ut t)ey prevent t)e players (or anyone
else$ from altering t)e ata in t)e files (an t)us prevent c)eating$.
o ,- pass$or*> t)e pass1or re*uire to access t)e ', options of t)e campaign
(suc) as proceeing to ne@t p)ase, c)ange game settings etc.$
11. Press t)e 5&one5 .utton.
12. W)en t)e ne1 campaign is create, t)en a file calle 5gmata.at5 is create in t)e campaign
ir. ()is file is necessary to access t)e ', options, an t)us necessary to procee to ne@t
p)ase etc. So if you 1ant to o t)is on anot)er computer .e sure to copy t)is file. As t)e
players on5t )ave t)is file, it is impossi.le for t)em to access t)e ', options (even if t)ey
:no1 t)e ', pass1or$.
1". A ne1 turnata file is no1 generate in t)e campaign ir, reay to .e sent to t)e players.
17. ?ac) player receive a copy of 5turnata.g=m5 from t)e campaign ir. If sent .y e=mail t)e
turnata file must .e compresse (for instance using Iip$, as it 1ill .e corrupte ot)er1ise.
W)en t)e players create t)eir campaign ir it must )ave t)e same name as t)e campaign ir
use .y t)e ',.
If all players play on t)e same computer t)ere is no nee to sen any file. ()e 5turnata.g=m5
is alreay locate at t)e rig)t place.
*tart playing a ne0 campaign
(o start playing a ne1 campaign, a player o t)e follo1ing (note t)at t)ere is a slig)t ifference in
1)at you )ave to o epening on 1)et)er you play on your o1n computer (ie. not on t)e ',5s
)ost computer$ or on t)e )ost computer (for e@ample if you are playing t)e game on a single
1. If you are playing on your o$n computer>
Create a ne1 campaign=ir .y clic:ing on t)e GA 3olerH .utton. ()is creates an empty
foler2irectory ()encefort) calle t)e campaign=ir$ in t)e irectory 1)ere t)e game is
locate ()encefort) calle t)e game=ir$. ()e name of t)e campaign=ir must .e same as t)e
name of t)e campaign=ir create .y t)e ', on )is computer (see a.ove$. ()ere must .e a
campaign ir for eac) campaign game. If an ol campaign ir is use (a ir use as a
campaign ir in a previous campaign game$, t)en all files in t)at ir must .e elete.
If you are playing on the host computer>
&on not create a ne1 irectory. ()e campaign=ir is alreay create .y t)e ',.
2. -npac:2unIip t)e turnata file receive from t)e ', if necessary, an copy it to t)e
campaign ir.
()is step is not necessary if you are playing on t)e )ost computer, as t)e file is alreay reay
to .e use.
". Set t)e 5Current 'ame &irectory5 to t)e campaign ir name, if t)is is not so alreay.
7. Press t)e 5Continue Campaign5 .utton
5. If you )ave a pass1or, enter it in t)e 1)ite .o@ .elo1 t)e player list.
O. Select your player name
R. Uou are no1 reay to give your orers>
o Uou must select 1)ere you 1ill eploy your capital, )e@es, resource )e@es an
strong)ols. ()e placement )as certain restrictions (see ()e +ules = Start =
Placement $. -se t)e 5(arget5 .utton to select t)e )e@es.
o W)en t)e initial eployment is finis)e, you s)oul .uil some ne1 etac)ments
(See &etac)ment Screen = e@ample a.ove$, an per)aps roa(s$ etc.
o W)en you )ave finis)e giving .uil=orers press t)e 56e@t P)ase5=.utton. Uou are
no1 reay to give your units movement orers. /ut since t)is is t)e first turn you on5t )ave any units yet (unless you )ave create some convoys$, so Bust
press t)e 53inis)5=.utton.
<. A plr=file is generate. It is locate in t)e campaign ir. It must .e sent to t)e ', .efore t)e
game can procee. If sent .y e=mail t)e file must .e compresse (for instance using Iip$, as
it 1ill .e corrupte ot)er1ise.
If you are playing on t)e )ost computer t)is step is not necessary, as t)e file is alreay
locate at t)e rig)t place.
W)en a ne1 turnata file is receive from t)e ',, repeat t)e proceure a.ove, .ut e@clue step 1
an 7.

#re.uently /sked >uestions ?#/>@
Is tis an official G2 productA
6oC (... as you can tell .y loo:ing at t)e layout...$. ()is is an unofficial prouct, meant as a
suplement to W7082W03 etc. only.

2ic /rmy Builder :B4 Data files are supported5 and 0ere do I find temA
We 1ill try to support any ne1 W0708 &ata files (lin:s to ne1 ata files can .e foun at$. All upates 1ill .e announce on t)e e=group W0708Campaign
Army.uiler v.".1 an te@t summary files are supporte. Some support are one for Army.uiler
v.2 = please as: at t)e e=groups mentione .elo1.

2at are te system re.uirementsA
Wino1s #5, or )ig)er
20 ,/ +A, is re*uire. ()is is e@cluing t)e +A, neee for Wino1s to run properly.
()e program 1ill run on almost any processor, alt)oug) an <07<O or )ig)er is recommene for
larger maps.
Is tere an e-group 0ere I can discuss6get info a)out tis gameA
Ues, t)e e=groups W0708campaign an W03TCampaign. Uou can fin t)em at
2ere can I find some ad!ice on te strategy of tis gameA
Well, clic: )ere> loo: at t)e ot)er file(s$ in t)e 0elp foler
2at a)out any ne0 G2 releases ?ne0 codex3 etc.@A
I5ll try to upate t)e program to inclue ne1 proucts. -pates 1ill .e availa.le at t)e o1nloa
All upates 1ill .e announce at t)e relevant e=groups (W0708campaign 2 W03TCampaign$.
/rmy Builder -ext *ummary #ile load error
>: I get an error 1)en I try to loa a te@t summary file to .uil a etac)ment.
/:()e most common reason for t)is is t)at you )ave to specify a ma@imum roster siIe (if you create
a roster of 5unlimite siIe5 you 1ill get an error$.
It can also .e .ecause you use a ne1 Army /uiler ata file, t)at is not supporte .y t)e program.
Uou mig)t 1ant to c)ec: for a patc) or an upate of t)e program, t)at ta:es care of t)is. If t)is
oesn5t )elp, please report t)e .ug at t)e e=groups mentione a.ove.
2at a)out... 6 0y a!en3t you...6I3!e got tis pro)lem...A
All comments, ieas, *uestions an general iscussion are very 1elcome. Please post at t)e e=
groups mentione a.ove

-at3s all
Well, t)at5s all. I )ope you 1ill enBoy playing t)e game Bust as muc) as I )ave enBoye creating itC
6i:olaB P. P.

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