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The Romano ButiQ Association was founded on 18th of April 2011 with the purpose of promoting non-

discrimination by developing cultural and educational activities. The association was created out of the sheer
need of realistically presenting the Roma community and create the frame for people to experimentally
discover the value the Roma bring to the society, past the negative stereotype or the victim paradigm.
The primary focus of Romano ButiQ Association is to study, grow, develop and promote, both nationally
and internationally, the cultural and artistic heritage of the vulnerable communities, both multicultural and
ethnic or interethnic. Particularly, the association targets the Roma community in Romania, but also supports
other people who find themselves under the risk of discrimination or social exclusion.
The founding members of the association have relevant experience in conducting national campaigns fighting
against discrimination of the Roma minority and improving their overall image, such as S.P.E.R. (the largest
campaign developed by the Romanian Government dedicated to fighting negative prejudices against the
Roma minority).
Romano ButiQ Association organised a series of cultural and artistic events, as well as civic initiatives, to
sensitize the public opinion toward the non-discrimination on ethnical criteria. Cultural and civic initiatives
worth mentioning are music concerts, promoting Roma traditional handicraftsmen and their products, theatre
activities with children in remote or peripheral area. All of these and more also interweave with lobby and
advocacy activities.
In implementing the associations initiatives, its members follow a set of transversal principles, which define a
green line of their actions: directly connecting members of society, especially the Roma and the non-Roma;
promoting critical thinking and a responsible speech; solidarity between various groups and citizens; support
in self-organization and self-representation; gender equality.

Institutions that have supported our initiatives include but not restrain to: The National Centre of Roma
Culture, The Foundation for the Development of Social Society, The Direction of Inter-Ethnical Relations, Roma
Initiative Office OSI, The Committee of Fight against Hunger and for Development France.

For further information do not hesitate to contact Nicoleta Biu (Executive Director) 0728.434.194

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