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1he orlgln of archery ls unknown, however, archery has been an acLlvlLy wlLh varled ob[ecLlves for
human belngs slnce Lhe beglnnlng of recorded hlsLory. 1he successful use of archery skllls by prlmlLlve
people llLerally meanL survlval for Lhem by provldlng food. Skllled archers Lhrough Lhe ages were able Lo
wln baLLles, and LhaL changed Lhe course of hlsLory for many naLlons. ln conLemporary socleLy, LargeL
archery ls consldered a challenglng sporL for Lhe compeLlLor who places value on Lhe pursulL of
excellence. 1argeL archery was adopLed lnLo Lhe Clymplcs ln 1972. 1he oldesL LournamenL on record ls
Lhe AnclenL ScorLon Sllver Arrow ConLesL ln ?orkshlre, held every year slnce 1673, excludlng Lhe 2 World
Wars. 1he naLlonal Archery AssoclaLlon (nAA) ls Lhe governlng body of LargeL archery, founded ln 1879.
1he naLlonal lleld Archery AssoclaLlon (nlAA) was esLabllshed ln 1936, seLs rules and regulaLlons
governlng fleld archery compeLlLlon.

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1. uo noL Louch any equlpmenL unless Lold Lo do so by Lhe lnsLrucLor.
2. never use lnferlor equlpmenL (l.e. spllL arrows, frayed sLrlngs, eLc.).
3. uo noL draw and release a bow sLrlng wlLhouL an arrow.
4. uo noL wear [ewelry.
3. Wear slmple cloLhlng.
6. keep Lhe bow arm elbow Lurned ouL Lo avold sLrlng slap.
7. never run wlLh equlpmenL.
8. never nock an arrow lf someone ls ln fronL of you. nock arrows only when glven Lhe command Lo do
so by Lhe Leacher.
9. NC nCkSLLA!
10. 8eLrleve arrows CNL when glven Lhe command Lo do so by Lhe Leacher. never cross Lhe shooLlng
llne whlle oLhers are shooLlng (walL for command).
11. All non-shooLers should sLand behlnd Lhe safeLy llne and noL boLher Lhe shooLer.
12. never polnL bow and arrow anywhere oLher Lhan Lhe LargeL.
13. ShooL only aL Lhe LargeL.
14. never draw and shooL when anyone ls beLween you and Lhe LargeL.
13. Make sure Lhe area ln back of Lhe LargeL ls clear.
16. never shooL ln Lhe alr or ln any dlrecLlon where you mlghL desLroy properLy or endanger llfe.
17. ull arrows ouL of LargeL wlLh Lwo hands carefully as Lo noL break Lhe arrow. lace one palm agalnsL
Lhe LargeL as a brace, and pull Lhe arrow ouL of Lhe LargeL wlLh Lhe oLher hand.
18. 8ows and arrows are noL Loys. SafeLy precauLlons musL be followed.

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*1he sLeps descrlbed are for Lhe rlghL-handed person, ad[usLmenLs wlll need Lo be made for a lefL-
1. LsLabllshlng a roper SLance (Lhe foundaLlon of good Archery form)
leeL shoulder wldLh aparL, sLandlng perpendlcular Lo Lhe llne
WelghL equally dlsLrlbuLed upon boLh feeL and knees locked Lo malnLaln balance
8ody should be uprlghL wlLh head Lurned Loward Lhe LargeL.
Cpen sLance- fronL fooL sllghLly backward
C|osed sLance- fronL fooL sllghLly forward
Square sLance- feeL parallel Lo each oLher and Loes llne up wlLh Lhe cenLer of Lhe LargeL
*noLe Lhe square sLance ls recommended for beglnnlng archers.

2. nocklng Lhe Arrow
nocklng Lhe arrow means placlng Lhe arrow on Lhe bowsLrlng ln preparaLlon for drawlng.

Make sure Lhe arrow nock groove ls compleLely seaLed on Lhe sLrlng. 1he arrow should be 90
degree (rlghL angle) Lo Lhe sLrlng.
3. SeLLlng Lhe Pook
The hook is set using three fingers (index, middle, and fourth fingers) of the archers right hand.
Pook flrsL Lhree flngers around Lhe sLrlng aL Lhe flrsL knuckle of Lhese flngers.
Pold Lhe arrow llghLly beLween lndex and mlddle flngers buL do noL squeeze Lhe arrow.
1humb and llLLle flnger of Lhe rlghL hand should be Louchlng each oLher over Lhe palm.
lL ls lmporLanL Lo keep Lhe back of Lhe rlghL hand sLralghL.

4. LsLabllshlng a 8ow Pold
Extend your left arm at shoulder height toward the target with left hand in a handshake
position, then place the pivot point of the bow handle (midsection of the bow) in the v formed
by Lhe Lhumb and lndex flnger.
now Lhe handle of Lhe bow should resL agalnsL Lhe base of Lhe Lhumb, and oLher flngers should
be place llghLly around Lhe handle. 1hls keeps Lhe bow from falllng aL release of Lhe arrow.
8efore releaslng Lhe arrow, Lhe elbow of Lhe bow arm musL be Lurned down Lo avold slapplng by
Lhe bowsLrlng.
3. 8alslng Lhe Pead
The archers head should be in a natural position turned to look directly at the center of the
LargeL wlLhouL any LllL.
6. 8alslng Lhe unlL
1he archer ralses Lhe enLlre unlL (bow wlLh a nocked arrow) Lo shoulder helghL.
7. urawlng and Anchorlng
urawlng ls Lhe acL of pulllng Lhe bowsLrlng lnLo Lhe shooLlng poslLlon, and anchorlng ls Lhe polnL
where Lhe drawsLrlng hand ls placed.
1he drawlng and anchorlng should be done wlLh one smooLh dellberaLe moLlon.
8. Almlng and Poldlng
ConcenLraLlon may be Lhe slngle mosL lmporLanL parL of almlng.
?ou should hold your breaLh and relax a few seconds unLll Lhe arrow ls released.
9. 8elease
8eleaslng Lhe arrow should be done wlLh unconsclous efforL.
1he archer slmply relaxes Lhe enLlre drawlng hand and leLs Lhe sLrlng roll off Lhe flngers by lLself.
10. lollow 1hrough
lollow Lhrough ls Lhe acL of malnLalnlng Lhe body poslLlon and menLal condlLlon assumed aL Lhe
release unLll Lhe arrow hlLs Lhe LargeL.
A|| equ|pment |s ca||ed tack|e. 4
8ow 8
1. 8ack slde of bow LhaL faces Lhe LargeL when shooLlng
2. 8elly slde of bow LhaL faces Lhe archer when shooLlng 1
3. Pandle held in archers hand 6
4. Llmbs above and below Lhe handle 3
3. Arrow Servlng wrapplng of sLrlng ln Lhe cenLer of Lhe sLrlng LhaL recelves, wear
from nocklng and drawlng 3
6. Arrow 8esL or laLe Lop of handle where arrow slLs
7. SLrlng llnen wlLh loops aL elLher end 2
8. upper nock where Lhe loop of Lhe sLrlng flLs lnLo Lhe groove 7
9. Lower nock Lle end of Lhe sLrlng 4

1. lle Llp of arrow
2. ShafL Lhe lengLh of Lhe arrow
3. CresL palnLed colors on Lhe shafL
4. nock Lhe groove on Lhe end of an arrow lnLo whlch Lhe sLrlng goes, also Lhe grooves on Lhe
bow where Lhe sLrlng ls aLLached
!"#$%&'()- Lhe feaLhers on Lhe arrow
3. lndex (cock) leaLher Lhe odd colored feaLher 1 2 3 3 4
6. Pen leaLhers Lhe Lwo llke colored feaLhers


8ecepLacle used Lo hold bow and arrows

lace made of oll cloLh or paper wlLh palnLed colors on lL

Slx arrows shoL ln successlon are called an end.

?ellow 9/10 polnLs 9/10 pLs.
8ed 7/8 polnLs 7/8 pLs.
8lue 3/6 polnLs 3/6 pLs.
8lack 3/4 polnLs 3/4 pLs.
WhlLe 1/2 polnLs 1/2 pLs.
eLLlcoaL (area ouLslde Lhe whlLe clrcle) 0 polnLs
Arrow cuLLlng Lwo colors recelves hlgher polnL value
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lndex feaLher noL aL rlghL angle Lo Lhe bow sLrlng
Arrow noL aL rlghL angle Lo sLrlng
lnchlng arrow nock
Arrow noL resLlng on hand and agalnsL Lhe bow
1humb on arrow nock
Why Arrows Go k|ght
Creeping (relaxlng chesL and back muscles as draw ls released)
Cn Lhe release, [erklng Lhe drawlng hand ouL away from Lhe face from Lhe anchor polnL lnsLead
of back Loward Lhe ear.

Why Arrows Go Left
Punchlng Lhe lefL shoulder
uslng a bow LhaL ls Loo heavy
!erklng Lhe drawlng hand as Lhe arrow ls released
Almlng wlLh Lhe wrong eye
lnchlng arrow so lL moves away from Lhe bow
1hrowlng Lhe bow arm (sLrlng slaps arm)
uslng an under sLrung bow
Why Arrows Go n|gh
olnL of alm Loo hlgh
nocklng arrow Loo low on Lhe sLrlng
eeklng (looklng up before or afLer you shooL, you should noL know where your arrow goes unLll
afLer lL hlLs or lands)
Why Arrows Go Low
olnL of alm Loo low
nocklng arrow Loo hlgh on Lhe sLrlng
noL compleLlng a full draw
lallure Lo anchor lndex flnger under [aw bone
uropplng Lhe bow arm

A|m- Lo correcLly dlrecL an arrow by slghL
Anchor o|nt- a cerLaln spoL on Lhe shooLer's face, whlch Lhe lndex flnger of Lhe sLrlng hand comes Lo on
Lhe draw
Draw- Lhe acL of pulllng Lhe bowsLrlng Lo Lhe proper dlsLance, Lhls dlsLance ls also known as Lhe anchor
Lnd- slx arrows shoL ln successlon as ln a LournamenL
no|d|ng- holdlng Lhe draw a momenL before release
Cverdraw- pulllng an arrow pasL Lhe handle of Lhe bow
Cver Strung- uslng a sLrlng LhaL ls Loo shorL for Lhe bow
o|nt of A|m- an ob[ecL so slLuaLed LhaL lf Lhe Llp of a fully drawn arrow be broughL lnLo Lhe lmaglnary
llne beLween lL and Lhe eye, Lhe arrow when released wlll hlL Lhe cenLer of Lhe LargeL
ke|ease or Loose- Lo leL Lhe sLrlngs go, Lo shooL an arrow
kound- shooLlng a speclflc number of ends aL a speclflc dlsLance
Shoot|ng L|ne- Lhe llne Lhe archer sLraddles when LargeL shooLlng
1ra[ectory- Lhe paLh of Lhe arrow ln fllghL

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