Syllabus AMIIW

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AME - 16 Welding Metallurgy I

Structure and properties of pure metals; crystal lattice structure types and imperfections;
micro and macro structure; solid state transformation, elastic / plastic deformation,
recrystallisation , cold and hot deformation, work hardening and strain ageing.
Review of Steel Making Processes; deoxidation , dephosphorisation, desulphuriation and
other special treatments. !efects in steels.
"lassification and grouping of steel.
Principles of alloying, strengthening mechanisms # cold working, solid solution,
precipitation hardening, solid state transformation; intermetallic compounds; ageing; types
of phase diagrams # non, fully and partly solu$le components; Principles of construction of
phase diagrams and their use; the %e # " e&uili$rium diagram; effects of alloying elements
on the diagram, closed gamma loop, $roadened gamma area; segregation and coring ;
relationship $etween microstructure and mechanical properties. Phase transformation in
steel; pearlitic, 'ainitic, martensitic reaction and related properties; hardena$ility. (eat
treatment of steels; austenitising annealing, normaliing, spheroidising, stress relieving; )*
)*) and "*"*) diagrams ;isothermal, continuous cooling diagrams for welding, relationship
of microstructure and hardness, microstructure and toughness.
+ffects of alloying additions in steel # ,i,"r, Mn, Si, Mo, -. (igh strength low alloy
structural steels. Micro # alloyed (S./ steels; fine grained steels.
Structure of welds; thermal field, peak temperature, cooling rate and thermal cycle,
solidification of weld pool, fusion line, (/0, single and multipass welding. "ar$on
e&uivalent. Preheat and interpass temperature. 1elda$ility; definition. Relation $etween
2" and hardness and car$on e&uivalent and hardena$ility.
AME 19 Testing and Quality Assurance .
3 Mechanical )esting ; hardness testing; static tension testing; stress strain curve,
proportionality limit, proof stress, yield point phenomena; ductility and toughness; $end /
re$end test, torsion test.
3mpact toughness; "harpy test, impact toughness at low temperatures, ductile to $rittle
transition temperature.
33 "yclic stress; fatigue testing, S # , curves, endurance limit, fatigue fracture.
333 "reep testing; stress rupture. stress corrosion testing. Proof testing
3- 1eld !efects 4 "lassification, origin and identification.
- ,on destructive )esting and 3nspection; .eak )esting, .i&uid Penetrant inspection,
magnetic particle inspection, eddy current inspection; Radiographic inspection; 5*ray and
gamma ray, 6ltrasonic inspection, acoustic emission inspection.
Radiographic inspection of pipes and tu$es; use of image &uality indicators.
-3 "oncept of &uality assurance and &uality control; continuous improvement, &uality
manual, writing &uality control procedures, and &uality plans for welded fa$rication.
-33 3ntroduction to Statistical 7uality "ontrol; process control and process improvement,
Shewart control charts; construction and interpretation of 5 $ar and R charts; P # chart,"*
-333 /cceptance Sampling; Single, dou$le and se&uential sampling plans; 8 # " curves.
Producer9s risk and consumer9s risk.

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