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White Paper

OpenCore Plus Hardware Evaluation

with the APEX DSP Development Kit
September 2001, ver. 1.0 1
The Altera

APEX DSP development kit includes trial versions of Altera DSP MegaCore

functions that you can

test-drive using the OpenCore

Plus hardware evaluation feature. When you install the MegaCore functions provided
on the APEX DSP Development Kit CD-ROM, the time-limited libraryrequired to perform hardware
evaluationinstalls automatically. The following functions are available with the kit:
FIR Compiler
NCO Compiler
Reed-Solomon Compiler (Encoder and Decoder)
Symbol Interleaver/Deinterleaver
This white paper describes the length of time each MegaCore function operates before it expires and the operation of
the MegaCore function output signals after the function expires. For up-to-date information on expiration behavior,
refer to the Time Limit Warning message boxes displayed by the time-limited MegaCore function wizards.
1 Refer to AN 176: OpenCore Plus Hardware Evaluation for more information about the OpenCore Plus
feature and how to use it in your design flow.
The FFT MegaCore function expires after 270,000,000,000 clock cycles of the clock input sysclk, which allows
approximately 30 minutes of operation at 150 MHz. Table 1 shows the operation of the functions output signals upon
FIR Compiler
The FIR compiler MegaCore function expires after 270,000,000,000 clock cycles of the clock input clock, which
allows approximately 30 minutes of operation at 150 MHz. Table 2 shows the operation of the functions output
signals upon expiration.
Table 1. FFT Output Signals
Signal Operation
realdataout Driven low
imagdataout Driven low
readaddress Driven low
writeaddress Driven low
twidaddress Driven low
timed_out Driven from low to high
Table 2. FIR Compiler Output Signals
Signal Operation
fir_result Driven low
timed_out Driven from low to high
Altera Corporation OpenCore Plus Hardware Evaluation with the APEX DSP Development Kit White Paper
NCO Compiler
The NCO compiler MegaCore function expires after 270,000,000,000 clock cycles of the clock input clk, which
allows approximately 30 minutes of operation at 150 MHz. Table 3 shows the operation of the functions output
signals upon expiration.
Reed-Solomon Compiler (Encoder)
The Reed-Solomon Encoder MegaCore function expires after 270,000,000,000 cycles of the clock input sysclk,
which allows approximately 30 minutes of operation at 150 MHz. Table 4 shows the operation of the functions
output signal upon expiration.
Reed-Solomon Compiler (Decoder)
The Reed-Solomon Decoder MegaCore function expires after 270,000,000,000 cycles of the clock input sysclk,
which allows approximately 30 minutes of operation at 150 MHz. Table 5 shows the operation of the functions
output signals upon expiration.
Symbol Interleaver/Deinterleaver
The symbol interleaver/deinterleaver MegaCore function expires after 270,000,000,000 cycles of the clock input clk,
which allows approximately 30 minutes of operation at 150 MHz. Table 6 shows the operation of the functions
output signals upon expiration.
Table 3. NCO Compiler Output Signals
Signal Operation
fsin_o Driven low
fcos_o Driven low
timed_out Driven from low to high
Table 4. Reed-Solomon Encoder Output Signals
Signal Operation
rsout Driven low
timed_out Driven from low to high
Table 5. Reed-Solomon Decoder Output Signals
Signal Operation
rsout Driven low
timed_out Driven from low to high
Table 6. Symbol Interleaver/Deinterleaver Output Signals
Signal Operation
All address and data signals Driven to values present at time of expiration
timed_out Driven from low to high
Copyright 2001 Altera Corporation. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations,
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Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pending applications, maskwork rights, and copyrights. Altera
warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Alteras standard warranty, but reserves the
right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the
application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera Corporation.
Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before
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101 Innovation Drive

San Jose, CA 95134
(408) 544-7000
Altera Corporation OpenCore Plus Hardware Evaluation with the APEX DSP Development Kit White Paper

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