Questions For Theory

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Metal Construction 1: III.

Subjects for theory examination
1. Lecture 1: Introduction
Advantaes of steel
Industrial o!erations on steel elements
Sustainability of steel as construction material
". Lecture ": Metallury of steel
Ste!s of steel metallury
Structure and function of a blast furnace. Chemistry.
Conversion of !i#iron into steel. Steelma$in and converters.
%asic sha!es of steel: ladle & continuous castin.
'ormin steel into finished !roducts. (ot rollin !rocess
Section ty!es and si)e ranes.
*. Lecture *: Enineerin !ro!erties of metals
Com!onents of steel and microstructure at different tem!eratures
Iron#carbon constitutional diaram. Elements controlled to !roduce steel.
Microstructure of slo+ly cooled steels. Effect of carbon content.
,ormali)in !rocess.
Micro#structural chanes accom!anyin rollin of steel.
Inclusions in steel. Im!urities. Added substances.
-a!idly cooled steels and effect of +eldin. .uenchin and tem!erin.
(ardenability and carbon e/uivalent.
0ro!erties of steel as a result of chemical com!osition. Mechanical +or$in and heat
1. Lecture 1: Corrosion !rotection and fire !rotection of steel
,ature of corrosion !rocess. Atmos!heric corrosion of steel.
Corrosion in !ractice and rust.
%asic elements for corrosion !henomenon.
Anodic and cathodic metals: a!!lication in corrosion !rotection.
Anti#corrosion desin.
0aint coatins.
0aint systems: basic layers.
Surface !re!aration of steel.
Metal coatins: alvani)in
S!ecific detailin and re/uirements for alvani)in.
Metal s!rayin
Concrete encasement
2eatherin steel
0ur!ose of !rovidin fire resistance. ,ecessity for fire !rotection
3bject of fire !rotection. %asic aims.
4eneral methods and materials for fire !rotection.
-e/uired !eriods of fire resistance and conditions.
Critical tem!erature and materials for steel !rotection
5. Lecture 5: Im!erfection of steel members
Effect of im!erfections. 6y!es of im!erfections.
-esidual stresses. ,ature. 7istribution.
,on#homoenous distribution of mechanical characteristics.
Stress distribution by coolin of a hot rolled I !rofile
Stress distribution by +elded sections and +elded joints.
Cold formed sections. Strain hardenin
6ransverse eometrical im!erfections
Lonitudinal eometrical im!erfections. Enineerin model
8. Lecture 8: Structural analysis to EC.*. Elastic lobal analysis
%asic conce!ts of structural analysis
'irst order elastic theory
Second order effect in structures. -esult of a second order effect 90# and 0# effects:
Second order elastic theory
Effects of deformed eometry to Ec.*#1#1. Conditions to use first order theory.
Stability of frames to EC.*. Sinle story and multi#storey frames.
Im!erfections in the lobal analysis.
Im!erfections for analy)in of bracin systems.
%racin forces at s!lices.
;. Lecture ;: 0lastic lobal analysis
Methods of analysis considerin material non#linearity.
0lastic resistance of sections.
0lastic hine and sha!e factor
-easons of !lastic analysis.
Conditions for usin !lastic lobal analysis to EC.*
Classification of cross#sections
<. Lecture <: -esistance of cross#section
7efinition of limit states. Cateories. =ltimate limit state.
Characteristic and desin values.
0artial safety factors.
-esistance of cross#section
6ension members
Com!ression members
Members under bendin
Members in shear.
Members under torsion
Members under combined effect of internal efforts: bendin and shear
Combined bendin and axial force
Combined bi#axial bendin and axial force.
>. Lecture >: %uc$lin resistance of members
=niform members in com!ression: buc$lin resistance
,on#uniform members in com!ression
%uc$lin curves to E, 1>>*#1#1
Ex!ected buc$lin modes for a uniform member in com!ression
1?. Lecture 1?: Connections. 2elded connections. 6echnoloy of +elds
,ecessity of connections and connection desin
Methods of ma$in a +elded joint: butt +eld and fillet +eld
Structure and !ro!erties of +eld metal. (A@.
6y!es of +elded joints: fillet +eld#symbols
%utt +eld. Ede !re!aration#symbols.
2eldin !rocedure. 2eldin !ositions.
6echnoloy of +elds: +eldin systems 9MMAA MA4A SA2:
Choice of +eldin !rocess.
'lame cuttin
Metalluric !henomena: crac$in
6hermal !henomena: deformations 9shrin$ae:
2eldin defects and controls.
7esin resistance of fillet +eld: lenth
Effective throat thic$ness of a fillet +eld
-esistance of fillet +elds: sim!lified method
7esin resistance of butt +elds
11. Lecture 11: %olted connections. 6echnoloy of bolts.
Elements of a bolt and bolt rades
Mechanical !ro!erties of Euro!ean bolts: bolt rade symbol
%olt eometry: resistant area of a metric bolt.
Com!lete symbol for a bolt in dra+ins
%olt tolerances. (ole clearance. Lenth of non#threaded !art.
(S'4 bolts: !rinci!le of function
Methods of tihtenin !reloaded bolts.
Installation of !reloaded bolts
Clam!in !ressure distribution
4eometry of bolted connections. %olt rou!s. %olt ro+s.
(ole s!acin in bolt ro+s: minimum and maximum values.
7esin resistance. 6y!es of bolted joints by solicitation.
Colla!se modes for a shear connection. Catheories of bolted connections.
0ryin effects for bolts in tension
Sli! resistant connections
Classes of friction surfaces.
Combined tension and shear in sli! resistant connection
7istribution of forces bet+een fasteners at the =LS
1". Lecture 1": Connections. Classification and modelin of joints
7efinitions. Sinle and double joint confiuration
Minor axis joint confiuration
Structural deformations under load action
7esin moment#rotation characteristic
-otational stiffness
-otation ca!acity
%asic com!onents of a joint
Classification of joints by stiffness.
Classification of joints by strenth
Modelin of beam#to#column joints
4lobal analysis of structures considerin joint behaviour
6y!es of lobal analysis
Semi#riid joints
1*. Lecture 1*: Connections. -esistance of joints. -otational stiffness. -otation ca!acity.
E/uivalent 6 stub in tension
-esistance of basic com!onents
Modelin a stiffened column flane as se!arate 6 stubs
=n#stiffened columns flaneA +elded connection
End !late com!onent
%eam flane and +eb com!onents
%eam +eb com!onent
Column flane com!onent
%eam#to#column joints +ith bolted end !late connection
%olted beam s!lice
-otational stiffness of joints
Stiffness coefficients
End !late connections +ith t+o or more bolt#ro+s in tension
Sim!lified method for extended end#!lates
-otation ca!acity of joints.

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