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CONAX Embedded

With integrated CONAX decoding system.
For the reception of free and encoded
cable programs.

Oper at i ng Manual


Tabl e of Contents
2 Illustrations.....................................................................................................................6
3 Please read first...............................................................................................................7
Important notes on the operation........................................................................................7
Disposal notes...................................................................................................................7
Safety notes.......................................................................................................................7
Operational interruptions...................................................................................................8
4 Connections....................................................................................................................8
4.1 Connecting to the cable network..................................................................................8
4.2 Connecting to a TV set.................................................................................................8
4.3 Videocassette recorder (VCR)......................................................................................8
4.4 HiFi-amplifier..............................................................................................................9
4.4.1 Analogue..................................................................................................................9
4.4.2 Digital.......................................................................................................................9
4.5 Serial interface (RS 232)..............................................................................................9
4.6 Mains connection.........................................................................................................9
5 Initial installation............................................................................................................9
Operating language............................................................................................................9
Audio language..................................................................................................................9
Setting the country.............................................................................................................9
Select Screen format..........................................................................................................9
Station search function.....................................................................................................10
Software update...............................................................................................................10
Terminate the installation assistant ..................................................................................10
6 Settings.........................................................................................................................10
6.1 Operating language....................................................................................................10
6.2 Basic settings.............................................................................................................10
6.2.1 Country...................................................................................................................10
6.2.2 Time difference GMT (h)........................................................................................10
6.2.3 Standby clock.........................................................................................................11
6.2.4 Remote control code...............................................................................................11
6.2.5 Exit basic settings...................................................................................................11
6.3 Audio/Video settings.................................................................................................11
6.3.1 Picture size..............................................................................................................11
6.3.2 Language (Audio signal).........................................................................................11
6.3.3 Language (Subtitles)...............................................................................................11
6.3.4 TV SCART mode...................................................................................................11
6.3.5 VCR SCART mode.................................................................................................11
6.3.6 Dolby Digital (AC3) ...............................................................................................12
6.3.7 Exit Audio/Video settings.......................................................................................12
7 Operation......................................................................................................................12
7.1 Turning on and off .....................................................................................................12
7.2 Program selection......................................................................................................12
7.2.1 By means of the program up/down keys..................................................................12

7.2.2 By means of the numeric keyboard.........................................................................12
7.2.3 By means of the navigator (Program list) ................................................................12 Select list.............................................................................................................13
7.2.4 Calling locked programs.........................................................................................13
7.2.5 Infobox...................................................................................................................13
7.3 Reception of encoded programs.................................................................................13
7.3.1 Special functions.....................................................................................................13 Multifeed options.................................................................................................13 Starting time selection/Picture selection...............................................................14
7.3.2 Encryption System pin code....................................................................................14
7.4 Volume adjustment....................................................................................................14
7.5 Switching TV/Radio..................................................................................................14
7.6 Selecting a different language....................................................................................14
(TV operation) or station (Radio operation).....................................................................14
7.6.1 Dolby Digital (AC3 operation)................................................................................14
7.7 Return to last set program..........................................................................................15
7.8 Display clock and program information.....................................................................15
7.9 Further program information......................................................................................15
7.10 Freeze image............................................................................................................15
7.11 Sleep timer...............................................................................................................15
7.12 Channel information................................................................................................15
7.13 Video text................................................................................................................15
7.13.1 Using the video text decoder of your TV set..........................................................15
7.13.2 Using the internal video text decoder.....................................................................15 Mixed operation.................................................................................................16 Stop mode..........................................................................................................16 Exiting video text...............................................................................................16
7.14 Subtitles...................................................................................................................16
7.15 Electronic program guide EPG.................................................................................16
7.15.1 Importing the EPG data.........................................................................................16
7.15.2 Interrupting the import procedure..........................................................................16
7.15.3 Calling the electronic program guide.....................................................................17
7.15.4 Now (Table with current program contents) ..........................................................17
7.15.5 Later.....................................................................................................................17
7.15.6 More.....................................................................................................................17
7.15.7 EPG functions.......................................................................................................17 EPG-Info............................................................................................................17 EPG timer programming....................................................................................18
Deleting the EPG timer event...........................................................................................18 EPG program overview......................................................................................18
Displaying the EPG overview of other programs.............................................................18 EPG overview according to program types (Genre)............................................18
7.15.8 Terminating EPG..................................................................................................19
7.16 Timer recordings......................................................................................................19
1. Video recorder timer....................................................................................................19
2. Station change timer....................................................................................................19
7.16.1 Manually programming the timer..........................................................................19

Storing the data in the memory........................................................................................20
7.16.2 Timer overview.....................................................................................................20
7.16.3 Changing the timer programming..........................................................................20
7.16.4 Deleting the timer programming............................................................................20
7.16.5 Programming a new timer event............................................................................20
8 Changing the basic programming..................................................................................21
8.1 Configuring the favorites list......................................................................................21
8.1.2 Adding programs to the favorites list.......................................................................21
8.1.3 Deleting programs...................................................................................................22 Removing (deleting) from the favorites list..........................................................22 Deleting from the complete list............................................................................22
8.1.4 Sorting programs.....................................................................................................22
8.2 Programming the electronic program guide................................................................23
8.2.1 Selecting stations....................................................................................................23
8.2.2 Start category..........................................................................................................23
8.2.3 Update time............................................................................................................24
8.2.4 Update....................................................................................................................24
8.2.5 EPG channel ...........................................................................................................24
8.3 Protection of minors...................................................................................................24
8.3.1 Selecting stations....................................................................................................24
8.3.2 Changing the device pin..........................................................................................25
8.3.3 Mode......................................................................................................................25
8.4 Program search..........................................................................................................25
1. Automatic search.........................................................................................................25
2. Extended search...........................................................................................................25
3. Manual search..............................................................................................................25
8.4.1 Automatic search....................................................................................................25
8.4.2 Extended search/range search..................................................................................26
1. Frequency search.........................................................................................................26
2. Channel search.............................................................................................................26
8.4.3 Manual search.........................................................................................................26 PID search...........................................................................................................27
8.4.4 After the search run.................................................................................................27
8.5 Service settings..........................................................................................................27
8.5.1 Activate factory settings..........................................................................................27
8.5.2 Deleting all programs..............................................................................................28
8.5.3 Updating the software.............................................................................................28
8.5.4 Copying the settings................................................................................................28
8.6 System configuration.................................................................................................28
8.7 Encoding system........................................................................................................28
9 Technical data...............................................................................................................29
10 Troubleshooting aids...................................................................................................31


Your device carries the CE symbol and fulfils all of the necessary EU standards. Subject to alterations and printing errors. Issued
DigiDish and TechniSat are registered trademarks belonging toTechniSat Digital GmbH, Postbox 560, 54541 Daun,
Technical hotline 0180/5005-910*,*0,12 EUR/Min. in the telephone network of the Deutsche Telekom AG
Attention! Please only send your device to the following address, if this is necessary:
TechniSat Teledigital AG
Lderburger Str. 94
39418 Stafurt

2 Il l ustrati ons
Sec t i on 6.2.4.

Remote control

Sound On / Off
TV / Radio
Stop/Freeze image
Remote control options*
OK /
Programlist on/off
Men On / Off
Program+/- Volume +/-
Arrow key up/down
Program+/ -
Arrow key left/right
Volume +/ -
Numeric keyboard
Multifunction keys
Video text
Sound/Subtitle selection,
special functions

Arrow key left Arrow key righrrow key upArrow key down

Program selection On/Standby

*Remote control options:
It is possible to operate two receivers, one TV set as
well as video recorder with the same encoding with
this remote control by switching the remote control
>To change the remote control option press the
required (SAT1, SAT2 , VCR or TV) k ey and OK
si mul t aneousl y!!!
Please note:
To control t hi s receiver, the appropriately selected
remote control option and the remote
control code must comply according to Sec t i on

Card reader for Encryption System Smartcard:
>Insert the Encryption System Smartcard carefully as far as
possible into the card reader. Make sure that the gold chip is pointed
downwards and the cut corner of the Smartcard is pointed towards
the device.

Digital Analogue RS232 interface
3 Please read first
>Before using the device for the first time check the supply for completeness. The scope of supply
1 Digital receiver, 1 Mains connection cable,
1 Remote control, 1 Operating manual,
1 Guarantee card, 2 Batteries (1.5V Micro cell)
1 SCART cable.
>Insert the enclosed batteries with correct polarity into the battery compartment of the remote control.
Important notes on the operati on
The use of a so-called "On Screen Display" (Display inserts) simplifies the digital receiver operation
and reduces the number of remote control keys. All functions are displayed on the screen and can be
controlled with only few keys. Related functions are summarized as "MENU". The selected function is
highlighted in colour. The "function keys" are represented by red, yellow, green and blue colored bars in
the bottom line. These color bars represent different functions in the individual menus, which can be
initiated by pressing the accordingly coloured key ("Multi-function key") on the remote control. The
Function keys" are only
activated, if an abbreviated name is indicated in the corresponding field.
Key designations and terms, which appear in the OSD menu, are printed bold in this operating manual.
Hel p:
If available, a help text can be displayed or exited in the menus by pressing the bl ue function key.
Di sposal notes
The packing of your equipment is completely made up of recyclable materials. Please dispose of
these sorted accordingly by means of the Dual System. This product may not be disposed via
normal household waste at the end of its service life, but must be delivered to a collection point for the
recycling of electrical and electronic devices. This is indicated out by the symbol on the product, the
instruction manual or the packing. The materials are recyclable according to their designation.
You help to protect the environment, if you enable recycling, reuse of material or other types of
utilisation of end-of-life equipment. Please ask your municipal administration, where the next waste
disposal is located.
Ensure that the drained batteries of the remote control are not put into the household waste, but are
properly disposed (given to the specialised trade, hazardous waste).
Safety notes
For your own protection, please read the safety precautions carefully, before putting your new device
in operation. The manufacturer does not assume responsibility for damages caused by inappropriate
handling and by noncompliance with the safety precautions.
>In order to ensure sufficient ventilation, put the device on a flat, level underground and do not place
any items on the cover of the device. The louvers are located there to enable the interior heat to
>Never place burning items, e.g. burning candles, on the device.

>Never expose the device to dripping or splash-water and do not place any items filled with liquid, e.g.
vases, on it.
>Only operate the device in a moderate climate.
>Never open the device! There is the danger of an electric shock. A possibly necessary intervention
may only be accomplished by training personnel.
Di sconnect the devi ce f rom t he mai ns i n t he fol l owi ng cases and request hel p f rom an expert:
>The electric cable or the power supply plug is damaged
>The device was exposed to humidity or liquid has penetrated
>In the case of substantial malfunctions
>In the case of considerable exterior damages
Operati onal i nterrupti ons
The device should be disconnected from the mains during a thunderstorm or during longer operational
interruptions (e.g. vacation).

4 Connections
The following references a b c etc., refer to the drawing.
4.1 Connect ing to the cabl e network
a Connect the c abl e i nput of the receiver by means of a suitable coaxial cable to the cable
connection outlet.
4.2 Connect ing to a TV set
b Connect the receiver (SCART soc k et TV) and TV set (SCART socket) with a SCART cable.
Your television set, if appropriately equipped, will automatically switch to AV and therefore to receiver
operation when the digital receiver is turned on.
d Connect the receiver (Cabl e out put ) by means of a suitable TV connection cable to the aerial input
of the TV set. To be able to watch digital cable programs on your TV set, switch to the external Scart
input (AV). The analogue cable programs continue to be set on the channel memories of your TV set
4.3 Videocassette recorder (VCR)
c Connect the videocassette recorder to the SCART socket VCR. The videocassette recorder
provides a switching signal to the digital receiver during playback. This enables the videocassette
recorder signal to be supplied automatically to the TV set. If your videocassette recorder does not
supply a switching voltage, switch your digital receiver by means of the EXTERN key to the external
input AV. Return to normal operation by pressing this key again.
Co n n e c t i n g t h e DV B r e c e i v e r t o t h e
c a b l e c o n n e c t i o n :
a. Connecting the c abl e i nput of the DVB receiver to
the antenna socket of the cable network.
b. Scart connection of the DVB receiver to the TV set.
c. Scart connection of the video cassette device to the
VCR-Sc art soc k et of the DVB receiver.
d. Connecting the c abl e out put of the receiver to the
antenna input of TV set.
e. Connecting the audio output of the receiver to HiFi
f. Power supply connection


4.4 Hi Fi-ampl ifier
4.4.1 Analogue
e To achieve the best possible sound quality, you can connect the digital receiver to a HiFi-amplifier.
For this, connect the cinch socket Audi o R and Audi o L of the digital receiver by means of a
suitable cable to an input of your HiFi-amplifier (e.g. CD or AUX; Careful, do not use the phono-input!).
4.4.2 Digital
e If your amplifier is equipped with the appropriate electrical input, connect the socket AUDI O OUT
DI GI TAL el ec t r i c al (S/PDI F) to the electrical input of your amplifier.
The sampling rates 32, 44.1 and 48 kHz are available depending on the respective station. The Dolby
digital signal (AC3) is also available at this output, if broadcast.
4.5 Serial i nterface (RS 232)
The RS 232 interface enables updating the system software and preprogramming via the PC.

4.6 Mains connecti on
The digital receiver should only be connected to the mains, when the device has been connected to all
appropriate components. This prevents the digital receiver or other components being destroyed.
f After making all connections, connect the receiver with the enclosed power cable to a power socket
230 V/50-60 Hz.
5 Initial installation
After reading the safety notes and having connected the device as described in Chapter 4, turn the
device on as described in Chapter 7. The installation assistant appears during the initial start-up.
The installation assistant helps you to easily carry out the most important settings on the digital
receiver. The required remote control keys are marked, in order to accomplish the settings during the
respective installation step. You can exit the initial installation at any time by pressing the red
function key. You can return to the previous installation step by means of the green function key.
This enables you to correct incorrect inputs at any time. The initial installation demonstrated here is
only exemplary. The precise initial installation procedure depends on the settings you have
accomplished. Therefore please follow the instructions on the screen carefully.
Operat ing language
The Aut oI nst al l installation assistant starts automatically during the initial start-up of the device.
First, a selection window appears for the operat i ng l anguage.
>Highlight the required operating language with the ar ro w k eys up/do w n
>Acknowledge with OK .
Audio language
>Select the preferred audi o l anguage with the ar row k eys up /dow n . The required audio language
is set according to this selection after the search run, if this is broadcast by the appropriate program.
>Acknowledge with OK , to accept the selection.
Setti ng the country
>Select the time zone with the ar ro w k ey s up/do w n corresponding to your c ount r y . The time as
well as sorting of the favorites list is accomplished automatically according to your selection.
>Acknowledge with OK , to accept the selection and to continue to the station search function.
Select Screen format
>select whether your TV set has a 4:3 or 16:9 format.

Stati on search function
>With the ar row k ey s up /dow n highlight the field Al l st at i ons , if you would like to look for free
and encoded programs or Al l unenc oded st at i ons , if you only want to look for free programs.
>An automatic station search is started by pressing the OK key. The entire reception range of the
receiver is scanned automatically for digital programs during this search. The found programs are
stored automatically in the favorites list. This procedure can take some minutes. Please observe
further screen inserts.
Software update
The digital receiver checks whether new software is available for the device via cable after you have
carried out the station search function. I f new software is available, you can automatically carry out a
software update.
>Select the field Updat e with the ar row k ey s r i ght /l ef t and acknowledge with OK . The new
software is now downloaded to your device. This procedure can take some minutes.
Termi nate the i nstallat ion assist ant
>Acknowledge the final message of the installation assistant with OK , in order to return to normal
6 Settings
After you have now connected and started up your new digital receiver, it is possible, if necessary, to
optimize the digital receiver to your needs.
6.1 Operati ng l anguage
This menu item enables you to set the menu language according to your requirements. To change the
operating language proceed as follows:
>Call the Mai n menu with the Menu key.
>Now select the menu line Operat i ng l anguage , by highlighting this with the arro w k ey s
up/do w n.
>Acknowledge with OK . The Operat i ng l anguage submenu is displayed.
>Select the required language with the ar row k ey s up /dow n.
>Store the input by pressing the OK key.
>By pressing the Ret urn key, you return to the Mai n menu without changes.
>Pressing the TV/Radi o key returns you to normal operation.
6.2 Basi c settings
Order to use your DVB receiver optimally, you can also adjust it to your individual applications.
>Call the Mai n menu with the Menu key.
>Select the Set t i ngs line with the arro w k ey s up/do w n.
>Acknowledge by pressing the OK key. The Set t i ngs submenu is displayed.
>Select the Basi c set t i ngs line with the arro w k ey s up/do w n.
>Acknowledge with OK . The Basi c set t i ngs menu is displayed.
>You can move the marker through the menu with the ar row k ey s up /dow n and change the
individual items as indicated.
The following settings can be carried out:
6.2.1 Country
This function automatically changes summer to winter time and also automatically sets the time
difference in relation to GMT.
>Indicate in the line Count r y using the ar r ow k ey s l ef t /r i ght the country, in which the device is
6.2.2 Ti me difference GMT (h)
Your device is equipped with a clock. This is synchronized by means of the cable reception to
Greenwich Mean Time. I f the setting None has been set under Count r y (Section 6.2.2), you must

only correct the time according to your local time with the arro w k ey s r i ght /l ef t . This difference is
for Germany +1 hour, in the summer time +2 hours.
6.2.3 Standby clock
This line enables you to select, whether the time is displayed during standby operation.
>Using the ar r ow k ey s r i ght /l e f t turn the standby clock mode on or o f f .
6.2.4 Remote control code
Up to four different devices, using the same remote control code, can be operated with the remote
control of your receiver. Unintentional operating errors can occur, if two receivers are used in the
same room. To avoid these operating errors, set different remote control options for each receiver.
>For this purpose, actuate the SAT1 or SAT2 key in this line and simultaneously the OK key.
6.2.5 Exit basic settings
The accomplished settings are stored automatically when exiting the basic settings submenu.
>Pressing the Ret urn key, returns you to the set t i ngs menu or
>Pressing the Menu key, returns you to normal operation.
6.3 Audi o/Vi deo sett ings
In order to optimize your digital receiver to your TV set, it is possible to accomplish further
settings in the Audi o/Vi deo Set t i ngs menu.
>Call the Mai n menu with the Menu key.
>Select the Set t i ngs line with the arro w k ey s up/do w n.
>Acknowledge by pressing the OK key. The Set t i ngs submenu is displayed.
>Now select the line Audi o/Vi deo-Set t i ngs with the ar row k ey s up /dow n .
>Acknowledge with OK . The menu Audi o/Vi deo Set t i ngs is displayed.
>You can move the marker through the menu with the ar row k ey s up /dow n and change the
individual items as indicated.
The following settings can be carried out:
6.3.1 Picture size
>Using the ar row k ey s l ef t /r i ght set the picture size appropriate for your TV set 4:3 or 16:9.
This function automatically adapts the picture size to your TV set.
6.3.2 Language (Audio signal)
>Set your preferred language in this line with the ar row k eys l e f t /r i ght . This language is
automatically set after a search run, if the language is broadcasted.
6.3.3 Language (Subt itles)
You can display subtitles with your DVB receiver. These are automatically displayed, if the subtitle
function is turned on and the specified language is broadcasted.
>Set the required subtitle language in this line with the ar r ow k ey s l e f t /r i ght or deac t i vat e the
The subtitles can be turned on manually, if this function is not activated. Available subtitles are
indicated by the Subt i t l e sel ec t i on indication. Please also note section 7.14 of the operating
6.3.4 TV SCART mode
>Set FBAS, RGB or S-Vi deo in this line with the ar ro w k eys l e f t /r i ght corresponding to your TV
Set FBAS for standard TV sets.
6.3.5 VCR SCART mode
>Set FBAS or S-Video in this line with the ar r o w k ey s l ef t /r i ght corresponding to your video unit.
Set FBAS for standard units.

6.3.6 Dol by Di gital (AC3)
Various films are broadcast in Dolby Digital format. This is indicated by the Dolby sign in the info
window after setting a program. You can hear these films in 5.1 channel Dolby Digital sound, if you
have a Dolby Digital 5.1 channel amplifier. For this, is only necessary to connect the digital output
Audio Out Digital (see section 4.4.2) of your DVB receiver to the digital input of your Dolby Digital 5.1
channel amplifier. These broadcasts are automatically played in Dolby Digital format, if the Dolby
Digital (AC3) function is turned (on).
The Dolby Digital Sound can be turned on manually, if the function is not turned on (on). Please also
note section 7.6.1 of the operating manual.
>Turn the Dolby Digital (AC3) on or of f with the ar row k eys r i ght /l e f t .
6.3.7 Exit Audio/Vi deo setti ngs
The accomplished settings are stored automatically when exiting the Audio/Video settings submenu.
>Pressing the Ret urn key, returns you to the set t i ngs menu
>Pressing the Menu key, returns you to normal operation.
7 Operation
7.1 Turning on and off
>Turn the digital receiver on by pressing the On/St andby key on the device or on the remote
>You turn the device off by pressing this key again on the device or on the remote control.
>The device is now in standby, the time is thereby displayed on the device (if activated in section
The device must be set again, if this is not displayed. For this purpose turn the device on and receive
e.g. ZDF for approximately 30 seconds in order to read in the time automatically.
7.2 Program selecti on
7.2.1 By means of the program up/down keys
>Select the programs with the Program k ey s up/do w n on the receiver or on the remote control, in
each case by one channel memory step.
7.2.2 By means of the numeric keyboard
>Enter the required program number by means of the numer i c k eyboard.
For example:
1 for program position 1
1, then 4 for program position 14
2, then 3 , then 4 for program position 234
When entering multi-digital program numbers, you have approximately three seconds time after
pressing a key to complete the input. I f you only want to input a 1-digit or two-digit number, you can
accelerate the changeover procedure by pressing the last digit for a longer period.
7.2.3 By means of the navigator (Program l ist)
>Press the OK key. The program list navigator now appears. Only TV programs are displayed
during TV operation and only radio programs during radio operation. The currently set program is
>You can now select the required program with the arrow k ey s up /dow n .
>The selected program is set by pressing the OK key.
>Using the ar row k ey s up /dow n you can move the marker through the list by one line at a time.
>The ar row k ey s l ef t /r i ght enable scrolling through the list page-wise upwards or downwards.
13 Select li st
In order to facilitate finding programs, your device has different program lists available. You can
select your Favori t es l i st (see section 8.1), or have the programs displayed in the automatically
sorted Compl et e l i st or according to provi der s .
>Press the OK key.
The active program list is displayed.
>The red function key Cat egor y opens a window with the program list types
(Favor i t es l i st , Suppl i er l i st s and Compl et e l i st ). The active program list
type is marked.
>Select e.g. the program list type Compl et e l i st with the ar row k ey s up /dow n .
>Acknowledge with OK .
The alphabetically sorted complete list is displayed, containing all programs.
>You can now select the required program with the arrow k ey s up /dow n .
>Acknowledge with OK .
7.2.4 Cal li ng l ocked programs
The message Devi c e pi n is displayed on the screen, if a program protected by a child lock is called.
>Enter your device pin code by means of the numeri c k eyboard. The required program will be set.
The pin code is always queried when turning on a locked program, if you have made the setting on in
section 8.3.3. The pin code must however only be enter once during an operational phase to increase
your operating convenience. But pl ease not e sec t i on 7.3.2 w hen usi ng an enc r ypt i on
s y st em Smar t c ard.
7.2.5 Inf obox
The program position and name of the set program is briefly
displayed after each program change. Further program features are additionally displayed, such as
e.g. for video text, for 16/9 broadcasts, for encoded programs. The broadcast, the EPG genre and the
FSK age indication (Voluntary self control of the film industry) is displayed.
7.3 Reception of encoded programs
Your device is equipped with an integrated encryption system, decoding system, enabling you to
receive encoded programs. For this purpose you must first insert an encryption system Smartcard
into the integrated Smartcard reader:
>Insert the Enc r ypt i on Sy st em Smartcard into the card slot of the integrated card reader (gold-
colored chip downwards).
>Your digital receiver automatically checks the card reader, if an encoded program is set and displays
the program unencoded, if a valid Smartcard is contained for this program.
7.3.1 Speci al functi ons
Some program positions offer you special functions. On multifeed channels you can e.g. watch
different matches (e.g. games of the German Football League), change audio channel s (e.g.
Stadium/commentary) or camera perspectives (Formula 1). Some program providers also enable you
to select the required start time for your film. Multifeed opt ions
Some programs offer a multifeed option. This function enables you, e.g. during a sport broadcast, to
freely select different camera perspectives (Formula 1) or to change to different sports venues
(German Football League). A note indicates that the program has the multifeed option.
>In order to select one of the possible options, actuate the Opt i on key. The available options are
then displayed in a selection window.
>Select the required option with the ar row k ey s up /dow n .
>Acknowledge with OK .
Your digital receiver now sets the selected option.
14 Starti ng ti me select ion/Picture select ion
You have possibility of selecting individual films at different times on some channels. These films can
therefore be viewed whenever you like at different starting times. A note indicates that a channel
provides a starting time/picture selection.
>In order to select one of the possible starting times, press the Opt i on key. A selection window
appears with the offered starting times.
>Select the required starting time with the ar ro w k ey s up/do w n and acknowledge with OK . I f the
broadcast is activated for the set starting time you can view this at the required time.
7.3.2 Encrypt ion System pi n code
Your digital receiver is equipped with a child lock to block individual programs (see section 8.3).
Programs unsuitable for children and encoded with an encryption system can furthermore be blocked
beforehand by means of a child protection identification. In order to release the respective broadcast,
you must enter the Enc r ypt i on Sy st em pi n c ode . This pin code is stored on the Smartcard. This is
delivered together with the card. Do not mistake the Enc r ypt i on Sy st em pi n c ode with the
devi c e pi n c ode of the digital receiver (Section 8.3). A message is displayed, if you turn a program
on, which is currently broadcasting a previously locked program.
>In order to release the program, enter by means of the numer i c k eyboard the 4-digit Enc r ypt i on
Sy st em pi n c ode.
>The broadcast is released as soon as the correct pin code has been entered. You can repeat your pin
code input, if it was entered incorrectly or exit the menu by pressing the Ret urn key.
7.4 Vol ume adjust ment
The volume of your digital receiver can be adjusted. This facilitates handling of the receiver, since you
have all important functions on the remote control and only rarely must use the remote control of your
TV set. The volume retains the last adjustment when you turn your digital receiver on again.
>Regulate the volume of your digital receiver with the Vol ume + louder key and with the Vol ume -
quieter key.
>Pressing the Sound o f f /on key turns the sound off, renewed pressing of this key turns the sound
on again.
7.5 Switchi ng TV/Radio
>Your digital receiver switches to the last heard radio program by pressing the TV/ Radi o key.
>The last viewed television program is reset by pressing the TV/Radi o key again.
7.6 Select ing a different language
(TV operat ion) or stat ion (Radi o operati on)
If a TV program is broadcast in several l anguages or with several audi o channel s or if several
radi o program are available on a radio program position, this is indicated by an insert. To select a
different language or a different audio channel proceed as follows:
>Press the Opt i on key.
A list of the currently broadcast languages or radio program is displayed on the screen.
>Select the required language or required radio program with the ar row k ey s up /dow n and
acknowledge with OK . You can now listen to the broadcast in the set language. Your digital receiver
can also receive mono broadcasts.
>Using the ar r ow k ey s r i ght \l e f t you can listen to mono channel 1 ( ), mono channel 2 ( ) and
stereo ( ).
7.6.1 Dol by Di gital (AC3 operati on)
A broadcast transmitted in Dolby Digital Sound is indicated in the infobox by the Dolby sign when
turning the program on. The program is automatically in this format, if the Dolby Digital (AC3) function
has been activated according to section 6.3.6. I f the Dol by Di gi t al (AC3 ) function has not been
activated, set your device manually to AC3 operation as follows:
>Press the Opt i on key. If broadcast, a list of the currently transmitted languages and Dol by
Di gi t al (AC 3 ) is displayed on the screen.

>Select the Dol by Di gi t al line with the ar row k ey s up /dow n .
>Acknowledge with OK . You can now listen to the broadcast in Dolby-Digital sound. I f you would like
your device to always be in the Dolby Digital mode, set your device as described in section 6.3.6 to
the automatic AC3 function.
7.7 Return t o last set program
>The last set program is reset by pressing the Ret urn key on the remote control.
>The previously seen program is set by renewed pressing of the key.
7.8 Displ ay clock and program i nformat ion
This function enables you to view program information concerning the turned on program.
>Press the I n f o key, to display information on the set program. An insert now appears in the lower
half of the picture with the current time, the name of the set program and the current broadcast with
beginning and stop times, if the required data has been transmitted by the station.
7.9 Further program inf ormat ion
If broadcast, you can obtain further information on the turned on program by means of the program
info function.
>Pressing the I n f o key twice opens a larger info window. Further information on the current program
is displayed.
>Longer information texts can be viewed line-wise by means of the ar row k ey s up /dow n
>The following program is displayed, if transmitted, by pressing the I n f o key again.
>The insert disappears by pressing the I n f o key again.
7.10 Freeze i mage
>The current TV picture is displayed as a freeze image by pressing the St op /Freeze i mage key.
>Pressing this key again returns you to normal operation.
7.11 Sleep t i mer
>Set the turnoff time of the receiver from 15 minutes to 2 hours by pressing the Sl eep t i mer key
The receiver goes to standby automatically after the set time has expired.
7.12 Channel i nformat ion
>The data of the set channel are displayed by pressing the green function key (Channel-Info).
>The colored function keys enable you to additionally display Audi o /Vi deo information,
Pr ogram information and also information on the used enc odi ng s y st em (CA).
>Exit Info with the Menu key.
7.13 Video text
7.13.1 Usi ng the video text decoder of your TV set
The video text is fed to your TV set, if transmitted. Use the remote control of your TV set to operate
the video text. Set your digital receiver to FBAS operat i on (Section 6.3.4), if disturbances should
occur on your TV set, such as overlay of video text and picture content.
7.13.2 Usi ng the i nternal video text decoder
You can alternatively also use the integrated TOP video text decoder, to have information displayed.
The TOP video text subdivides all text pages into thematic groups and blocks, thereby giving a better
overview of the video text.
>Turn the program on, where you want to see the video text information.
>Pressing the vi deo t ex t key turns the video text on.
>Enter the required video text page by means of the numer i c k eyboard. Your input is displayed in
the upper left corner of the screen. Page 100 always displays the contents of the respective video
text provider. Your device searches for the required page after entering the appropriate video text

page. Since not all video text pages can be simultaneously transmitted, it can take a few seconds until
your device has found the page and displays it on your TV screen.
>Use the r ed or green key to scroll forward or back through the pages.
>The yel l o w function key calls the video text group indicated in the yellow field.
>The bl ue function key calls the video text block indicated in the blue field. Mi xed operat ion
>Pressing the vi deo t ex t key again activates the mixed operation mode (simultaneous display of the
video text information and TV picture). Stop mode
>Pressing the St op /Freeze i mage key displays in the inscription Stop in the upper left corner of
the video text window. This prevents automatic scrolling of the video text.
>Pressing the St op /Freeze i mage key again deactivates the stop mode. Exiti ng vi deo text
>Return to normal operation by pressing the Ret urn key.
7.14 Subt itles
Transmitted subtitles are indicated by the insert Subt i t l e sel ec t i on. These are automatically
displayed, if you have activated the Subt i t l e function (according to section
6.3) but only if these are broadcast in the selected language. Subtitles, which are only broadcast in
other languages or by video text, can be set manually as follows.
>Press the Opt i on key (possibly several times), until under the Subt i t l e insert a selection box
appears with the broadcast subtitle languages and /or the video text pages used for transmitting
>Select the required language/video text page with the ar row k ey s up /dow n .
>Acknowledge with OK .
The subtitles are now displayed. These functions are only available, if subtitles are actually being
transmitted and this setting is available after a switch over procedure.
7.15 Electronic program guide EPG
Your digital receiver is equipped with an electronic program guide. This enables you to display the
program information of individual or several stations on the screen. You can quickly achieve an
overview of the currently running program or of the programs broadcast during the day or following
The EPG functi on enabl es you t o:
- Display program content information on the screen
- Select programs, which automatically start at the beginning of their broadcast
- Program timers
- Search for and set programs by program type (Genre).
7.15.1 Import ing the EPG data
Your device updates the program information at the update times set according to section 8.2 (EPG
channel). The device must be in the standby mode for this purpose. The import procedure is displayed
on the screen by indicating the already imported EPG data (e.g. 038P for 38%). This function is not
carried out, if your device is being used at this time. You can also start the import procedure manually
immediately after turning the device off (the display indicates oooo ) by pressing the EPG key. The
already imported EPG data (e.g.038 P) are displayed. The import duration depends on the number of
imported programs. The maximum
number possible to display is seven days in advance. This period is reduced with increasing number of
program in the electronic program guide, due to the data quantity. You can decide, which programs are
to be included in the "electronic program guide". These can be entered, as described in section 8.2.1.
7.15.2 Interrupti ng the i mport procedure
The import procedure can be interrupted by turning the digital receiver on (Key On /St andby). The last
updated EPG data are then available.

7.15.3 Cal li ng the electronic program gui de
>Turn the digital receiver and the TV set on.
>Press the EPG key on the remote control of the digital receiver. The electronic program guide is now
displayed on the screen. The programs that you have specified or were preset in the factory are
displayed for your current programs (see also section 8.2). You can now inform yourself on the
contents of various programs with the EPG function. The EPG function is also available to set or mark
down the required programs or to include them in the timer programming.
7.15.4 Now (Tabl e wit h current program contents)
First, the EPG table No w is displayed with the currently broadcast programs. The yellow bar on the
right next to the program names displays the past broadcast time of the current programs. The
currently set program is marked.
>You can move the marking through the lines by the ar r ow k ey s up /dow n.
>To scroll the marking through the pages, press the ar row k ey s r i ght /l e f t . The EPG functions
(Section 7.15.7) are now available.
>To go to the EPG table Lat er press the yel l o w function key, (See section 7.15.5)
>Pressing the TV/Radi o key, returns you to normal operation.
7.15.5 Later
>Using the yel l o w function key, you can call the table "Lat er" (following programs). The EPG
functions (Section 7.15.7) are now available.
>To go to the EPG table More press the yel l o w function key (Section 7.15.6)
>Pressing the green function key or the Ret urn key returns you to the previous EPG table Now
>Pressing the TV/Radi o key, returns you to normal operation.
7.15.6 More
>The EPG table More is displayed by renewed pressing of the yel l o w function key with activated
EPG table Lat er .
An additional time window is displayed in the header of this table. The time of the displayed EPG table
is indicated in this time window.
>Pressing the yel l o w function key initiates scrolling by the time indicated in the yel l ow colored
>Continuous scrolling is activated by continuously pressing the yel l ow function key. A clock is
displayed to facilitate a better overview.
>It is possible to scroll back through the tables by pressing the green function key. The individual
days of the week are displayed on the lower edge of the screen. The appropriate fields are marked, if
the information is available for these following days.
>In order to achieve an overview over a required day, press the number key on the numeri c
k eyboard corresponding to the day of the week.
>Pressing the Ret urn key returns you to the Lat er table.
7.15.7 EPG functi ons
In order to carry out the following EPG functions, call the EPG as described in Section 7.15.3. EPG-Info
The EPG-I n f o enables you to display brief information on the marked program or on the marked
broadcast. Available EPG-Info is identified by next to the appropriate program.
>Select the required program with the ar ro w k ey s or f u nc t i on k ey s .
>Press the EPG, to display the information. It is possible to move or scroll through longer information
texts with the ar ro w k ey s .
>Pressing the Ret urn key returns you to the previous table.
18 EPG ti mer programming
You can easily program timer events by means of the electronic program guide EPG.
>Select the required program with the ar ro w k ey s or f u nc t i on k ey s .
>Press the r ed function key Ti mer , to open a selection window.
>Select the with the ar row k ey s up /dow n the required Ti mer t ype (See section 7.16).
>Acknowledge with OK .
For control purposes, the Ti mer admi ni st r at i on menu is displayed with the data of the selected
program. I f necessary, you can carry out changes here (see 7.16).
>Pressing the Ret urn key returns you to the previous table. The appropriate line is marked. Your
device is now turned on according to time type at the beginning of the selected program. I f the device
was turned on by the video recorder timer, this is indicated by r Ec in the display. Most of the remote
control functions are deactivated, to prevent accidental aborting of the recording. The active timer is
indicated by the flashing of the two dots in the time display or LED in the standby mode.
Deleti ng the EPG ti mer event
>If you want to cancel an EPG programd timer event, proceed as follows to mark the appropriate
>Press the r ed function key Ti mer , to open the selection window.
>Select the Del et e t i mer line with the arro w k ey s up/dow n.
>Acknowledge with OK .
>In order to interrupt an active timer, turn the digital receiver off with the On /St andby key.
>You can then turn the receiver on by pressing the key again and use it without restrictions. EPG program overview
The EPG program overview enables you to display a table with the daily program of an individual
Proceed as follows:
>Press the EPG key.
The EPG table No w is displayed.
>Press the bl ue function key EPG Menu to open a selection window.
>Select the Pr ogram line with the arro w k ey s up/do w n.
>Acknowledge with OK . The daily overview of the set program is now displayed.
>Using the ar row k ey s , you can now set the marker to the required program or time. The individual
days of the week are displayed on the lower edge of the screen. The appropriate fields are marked, if
the information is available for these following days.
>To display the program contents of the required day, press the numeric key corresponding to the
week day on the numer i c k eyboard.
Displaying t he EPG overview of ot her programs
>Press the green function key Pr ograms . A list of the EPG programs is displayed.
>You can now select the required program with the arrow k ey s .
>The EPG overview of the marked program is displayed by pressing the OK key. EPG overview according t o program types (Genre)
If you are interested in specific program types, you can display the program information according to
specific genres, e.g. film, news, etc.
>Press the EPG key.
The EPG table No w is displayed.
>Press the bl ue function key EPG Menu , to open a selection window.
>Select the Genres line with the arro w k ey s up/do w n.
>Acknowledge with OK .
>With the green function key Genres you can open a window with the available program types.
>Select the required program types with the ar row k ey s up/dow n and acknowledge with OK .
The daily overview now exclusively displays programs of the selected program type.
>Using the ar row k ey s up /dow n, you can now set the marker to the required program.

>You can scroll through the pages with the ar row k ey s ri ght /l ef t . The individual days of the week
are displayed on the lower edge of the screen. The appropriate fields are marked, if the information is
available for the following days.
>To display the program contents of a required day, press the numeric key corresponding to the week
day on the numer i c k eyboard.
7.15.8 Terminat ing EPG
>Return to normal operation by pressing the Menu or TV/Radi o key.
7.16 Ti mer recordings
Your receiver is equipped with a video recorder timer and station change timer. These timers only
differ with regard to programming by indication of the appropriate timer type. You can program the
timer either manually as described in this chapter or as explained in Section by means of the
EPG function.
1. Video recorder ti mer
Your digital receiver is activated or deactivated by the video recorder timer, in order to record a
program on a recording device in your absence, e.g. on a video recorder. Please note, that your video
recorder must be programd to record a program.
If the device was turned on by the video recorder timer, this is indicated by r Ec in the display. Most
of the remote control functions are deactivated, to prevent accidental aborting of the recording. The
active timer is indicated by the flashing of the two dots in the time display or LED in the standby
2. Stat ion change t i mer
In normal operation, your device sets the foreseen program when the required time has been reached.
The device can be used as usual and is not turned off when the program has finished, in contrast to
the settings of the video recorder timer.
7.16.1 Manual ly programming t he t i mer
>Call the Mai n menu with the Menu key.
>Select the Ti mer admi ni st r at i on line with the ar row k eys up /dow n.
>Acknowledge by pressing the OK key. The Ti mer admi ni st r at i on submenu is displayed.
>Select the timer type with the arrow keys up/down, which you would like to use for programming.
>Pressing the OK key returns you to the input window for programming a new timer event.
Proceed as follows to program:
>Select the Sourc e column with the ar row k ey s .
>Press OK .
>Select the required source in the now displayed selection window with the ar row k ey s up /dow n
e.g. (TV or Radi o).
>Acknowledge with OK . The TV or radio program list is now displayed according to the previous
>You can now select the required program with the arrow k ey s up /dow n .
>Using the ar row k ey s up /dow n you can move the marker through the list by one line at a time.
>The ar row k ey s l ef t /r i ght enable scrolling through the list page-wise upwards or downwards.
>This is stored in the timer by pressing the OK key.
>Select the Dat e column with the ar row k ey s .
>Enter the date (4-digit) by means of the Numeri c k ey board, at which the timer event is to take

>Select the St ar t column with the ar ro w k ey s .
>Enter the starting time for the timer in this line by means of the Numer i c k eyboard.
>Repeat the steps as described in "Start", in order to enter the stop time (except station change
>Select the Repeat column by means of the ar ro w k ey s .
>Press the OK key.
A selection with different repetition options is displayed.
1x Timer on once
T Daily repetition
1 W Repetition once a week
1-5 Repetition only on workdays
6-7 Repetition only on the weekend
>Select the required function with the ar ro w k ey s up/dow n.
>The setting is taken over by pressing the OK key.
Storing t he data i n t he memory
>After you have finished programming, press the yel l ow function key Ac c ept , in order to store the
data in the memory. I f you selected a program locked according to Section 8.3 as Sourc e, you must
first enter the pin code before storing the data in the memory.
>Return to normal operation by pressing the TV/Radi o key.
7.16.2 Ti mer overview
The timer overview provides you with an overview of all already programd timer events.
>In order to go to the Ti mer over vi e w menu, call the T i mer admi ni st r at i on menu, as described
>Select the Ti mer over vi e w line with the arro w k ey s up/do w n.
>Acknowledge with OK .
Overl appi ng t i mer events are hi ghl i ghted i n red.
7.16.3 Changing the t i mer programmi ng
>In order to change an existing timer setting, select the timer event that you would like to change with
the ar row k ey s up /dow n.
>Pressing the yel l o w function key Change brings you to the settings of the highlighted timer.
Modify this according to Section 7.16.
>After you have finished programming, press the yel l ow function key Ac c ept , to store the data in
the memory.
7.16.4 Delet ing t he t i mer programmi ng
>In order to delete an existing timer setting, select it with the ar row k ey s up /dow n.
>Press the green function key Del et e . The message is displayed You really want to delete this
timer ?
>Select YES with the ar row k ey s l e f t /r i ght .
>To delete the timer entry acknowledge with OK .
7.16.5 Programmi ng a new t i mer event
>In order to program a new timer event, select the free line in the Ti mer over vi e w menu with the
arro w k ey s up/do w n.

>Pressing the yel l o w function key Ne w opens the input window to program a new timer event.
Modify this according to Section 7.16.
>Select by means of the ar row k ey s up /dow n the additionally displayed Type field.
>Acknowledge with OK .
A window opens to display the available timer types.
>Select the required timer types with the arro w k ey s up/do w n.
>To store the timer type acknowledge with OK .
>After you have finished programming, press the yel l ow function key Ac c ept ,
to store the data in the memory.
Ensure that the device has also stored the time. This is visible on the display in the standby mode. If
this is not the case, leave your device switched to ZDF for approx. 30 seconds, so that the time can
be read in.
The time should now be displayed in the standby mode (is activated in Section 6.2.4).
8 Changing the basic programming
8.1 Conf iguring the favorites l ist
This section describes, how you can modify the favorites program list according to your requirements.
This function is likewise required, in order to sort a newly found program into the list after a search run.
For this you should know the following: Your device has two program lists available, the Favori tes l i st
and the Compl ete l i st . The favorites program list contains all programs, which you have included as
described in the following. The complete list contains all programs. This section also describes how you
can delete programs, which are blocked by a child lock or how to store them in the EPG. The favorites
program list is displayed when a program list is called by pressing the OK key.

8.1.1 Cal l i ng the program l i st admi ni st rat ion
In order to amend the favorites list, proceed as follows:
>Call the Mai n menu with the Menu key.
>Select the line TV l i st admi ni st rat i on, to amend the TV list or Radi o l i st admi ni st r at i on, to
amend the radio list with the arro w k ey s up/do w n.
>Acknowledge with OK .
The program list administration is now displayed to amend the respective favorites list (TV or radio
The favorites list is displayed in the right half of the picture. This is now active,
because the currently set program is highlighted. The alphabetically sorted complete list is visible on
the left side of the screen. The complete list contains all available programs.
>The selection option jumps to the complete list after pressing the red function key. This is now
>A selection window is displayed after pressing the r ed function key again. You now have the
possibility to display the sorted complete list according to various selection criteria (e.g. all stations, all
free, all new, all found, all English, etc.) or ac c ordi ng t o provi der .
>Select the required program list with the ar row k ey s up/do w n (e.g. complete list).
>Acknowledge with OK . A further selection window is now displayed.
>Select the selection criteria, according to which the complete list is to be sorted with the ar row
k eys up /dow n. Select e.g. Al l st at i ons , to display all available programs in the complete list or Al l
new , in order to only display the stations newly found during the last search run or Al l Engl i sh, in
order to only display English-language stations.
>Acknowledge with OK .
A program list, according to selection, is now displayed with e.g. all, all new or all English-language
programs. Programs, which are already available in the favorites list, are marked with a checkmark.
>Pressing the r ed function key Compl et e l i st or t he green function key TV l i st switches
between the favorites list and the complete list. The respective active list is highlighted.
8.1.2 Adding programs to the favorites li st
In order to add programs from the complete list to the favorites list call the program
list administration as described in Section 8.1.1. and change to the complete list.
>Press the bl ue function key Opt i ons .

The available options are then displayed in a selection window.
>Select the line Add with the arro w k ey s up/do w n.
>Acknowledge with OK .
>Select the program that you would like to add to the list with the ar ro w k ey s up/do w n.
>The highlighted program is added to the favorites list by pressing the yel l ow function key Add .
Sel ect ing bl ocks
In order to select several programs at the same time proceed as follows:
>Pressing the OK key returns you to the selection mode. The selected program is marked on the left
side with a cross.
>Using the ar row k ey s up /dow n enables you to also select the following/previous programs.
>After selecting the required programs in this manner, press the yel l ow function key Add , in order to
store the selected programs in the favorites list.
8.1.3 Delet ing programs Removing (delet ing) from the favorites l ist
In order to delete programs from the favorites list, call the program list administration as described in
Section 8.1.1. Your are now in the favorites list.
>Press the bl ue function key Func t i ons . A selection window is displayed with the available
>Select the Remove line with the ar row k ey s up /dow n.
>Acknowledge with OK .
>Select the program that you would like to delete from the list with the ar row k ey s up /dow n.
>Press the yel l o w function key Remove . The message Remove program(s) from the list? is
>Select Yes or No. with the ar ro w k ey s l e f t /r i ght
>Acknowledge the input with OK .
>In order to remove several programs at the same time, proceed as described in 8.1.2 (Selecting
>After you have selected the required programs in this manner, press the yel l ow function key
The message Really delete the program(s)? is displayed.
>Select Yes or No with the ar row k ey s l ef t /r i ght .
>Acknowledge the input with OK . These deleted programs are however retained in the complete list
and can be included in the favorites list again at any time. Deleti ng from the complete l ist
To delete programs from the complete list, proceed as described in Section After calling the
program list administration, press the r ed function key Pr ograms to jump to the complete list, then
select the Del et e option.
8.1.4 Sorti ng programs
To sort the programs contained in the favorites list according to your requirements, call the program
list administration as described in Section 8.1.1.
>Press the bl ue function key Opt i ons . The window is displayed with the available options.
>Select the line Sor t with the ar row k ey s up /dow n and acknowledge with OK .
>Now select the program that you want to locate at a different position in the list with the ar row
k eys up /dow n.
>Now press the yel l ow function key Sor t . A double-headed arrow is now displayed next to the
selected program.
>You can now move the program to the required program list position with the arro w k ey s up/do w n
and / or the numeri c k eyboard .
>The program is stored at the new position by pressing the yel l o w function key Sor t .
>In order to sort several programs at the same time, select as described in 8.1.2 (Selecting blocks).

>Now press the yel l ow function key Sor t . A double-headed arrow is now displayed next to the
selected program block.
>You can now move the selected program block to the required program list position with the arro w
k eys up /dow n and / or the numeri c k eyboard .
>The program block is stored at the new position by pressing the yel l o w function key Sor t .
>After configuring the program list according to your requirements in this manner, return to normal
operation by pressing the Menu key.
8.2 Programmi ng the electronic program gui de
Your device is able to receive additional EPG data from a data channel via cable. This enables an EPG
preview of up to one week.
>Call the Mai n menu with the Menu key.
>Select the line Set t i ngs with the arro w k ey s up/do w n.
>Acknowledge by pressing the OK key.
The Set t i ngs submenu is displayed.
>Select the line Program gui de with the arro w k ey s up/do w n.
>Acknowledge by pressing the OK key.
The Pr ogram gui de menu is displayed.
>You can move the marker through the menu and amend individual positions as indicated with the
arro w k ey s up/do w n. Pay attention to the screen inserts when selecting a menu option, if
8.2.1 Select ing stat ions
In order to gain a better overview, you can program the electronic program guide EPG in such a way,
that it only contains your favorite programs.
Please note:
The more programs the electronic program guide contains, the longer it takes to import the EPG data!
The maximum preview period of seven days can also not be attained with an increasing number of
programs in the electronic program guide.
>Press the OK key.
The favorites list of the selected range (Radio or TV) is displayed. The currently set program is
>Pressing the green function key switches between the TV and radio list.
>A selection window is displayed after pressing the r ed function key. You now have the option of
selecting the required program list type.
>Select the require program list type (e.g. favorites list) with the ar ro w k ey s up/do w n.
>Acknowledge with OK . The selected program list is displayed.
>Select the program that you would like to add to the electronic program guide with the ar row k ey s
up/do w n.
>The highlighted program is added to the electronic program guide by pressing the yel l o w function
key EPG.
>In order to simultaneously add several programs to the electronic program guide select them as
described in 8.1.2 (Selecting blocks).
>After selecting the required programs in this manner, press the yel l ow function key EPG, in order
to store the selected programs in the electronic program guide.
>Return to normal operation by pressing the Menu key. You can now start the import procedure
>Turn the device off with the On /St andby key (Standby).
>0000 is displayed, now press the EPG key. The device carries out the import procedure. This is
indicated by the message SFLd followed by the indication of the already imported EPG data on the
>The import procedure can be interrupted by turning the digital receiver on (Key On /St andby).
8.2.2 Start category
The electronic program guide has various representation modes (Categories).

This representation offers you are quick overview of all programs contained in the electronic program
This representation displays the table with the daily programs of an individual station.
If you are interested in specific program type, you can display the program information according to
specific genres, e.g. film, news, etc.
Last used
The last used representation mode is always set when calling the EPG.
>Set the representation mode on this line with the ar row k eys r i ght /l e f t , which should be displayed
when calling the electronic program guide.
>If you select Genres , you can also use the arro w k ey s to select the preferred genre (e.g. film,
news, shows, etc.).
8.2.3 Update ti me
>Set time at which the automatic download of the EPG data should be accomplished in the line
Updat e t i me by means of the numeri c k eyboard.
8.2.4 Update
>In order to receive the data channel, select the line Updat e.
>Set by pressing OK on. I f you do not want to receive the additional data or cannot receive the data
due to your location, turn the data reception option off.
>Set Updat e to o f f , in order to turn data reception off.
8.2.5 EPG channel
>Press OK , to call the EPG c hannel submenu.
>To manually update the EPG data, press the red function key St ar t no w . You can carry out
corrections in this menu, if the data channel parameters for importing the EPG list have changed. Your
specialized dealer can inform you on the current data channel. You should normally not have to amend
this menu.
8.3 Protect ion of minors
Your device is equipped with a child lock. This enables you to protect important functions (e.g. calling
the main menu) against unauthorized use. Furthermore, programs and recordings, which you have
blocked, can only be viewed after entering a four-digit pin code (Device pin ). To amend the
Pr ot ec t i on o f mi nor s menu proceed as follows:
>Call the Mai n menu with the Menu key.
>Select the line Set t i ngs with the arro w k ey s up/do w n.
>Acknowledge by pressing the OK key. The Set t i ngs submenu is displayed.
>Select the line Prot ec t i on of mi nor s with the arro w k eys up /dow n.
>Acknowledge by pressing the OK key. The Pr ot ec t i on of mi nor s menu is displayed.
>You can move the marker through the menu and amend individual positions as indicated with the
arro w k ey s up/do w n. Pay attention to the screen inserts when selecting a menu option, if
8.3.1 Select ing stat ions
>Press the OK key. The favorites list of the selected range (Radio or TV) is displayed. The currently
set program is selected.
>Pressing the green function key switches between the TV and radio list.
>A selection window is displayed after pressing the r ed function key. You now have the option of
selecting the required program list type.
>Select the require program list type (e.g. favorites list) with the ar ro w k ey s up/ dow n .
>Acknowledge with OK . The selected program list is displayed.
>You can now select the program you want to block with the arro w k ey s .
>Pressing the yel l o w function key blocks the program. The child protection the symbol is displayed
next to the selected program.

>In order to block several programs simultaneously, select them as described in 8.1.2 (Selecti ng
bl ocks) and block them by pressing the yel l o w function key.
>After configuring the program list according to your requirements in this manner, return to normal
operation by pressing the Menu key.
>In order to unblock individual programs, proceed as described above. Select the appropriate program
and remove the child protection symbol by pressing the y el l ow function key.
8.3.2 Changi ng the devi ce pi n
The device pin code is set in the factory to 0000.
>Press the OK key. The menu for amending the device pin code is displayed.
>Now enter the current device pin code by means of the numer i c k eyboard. (Fac t or y set t i ngs
>Enter the required new device pin code by means of the numeri c k eyboard.
>Repeat the input.
>After you have changed the device in code the above described manner, you automatically return to
the "Protection of minors" menu.
At t ent i on!
Do not forget the device pin code. I f this is the case however, please ask your specialized dealer for
8.3.3 Mode
>Turn the child lock on or of f in this line with the arro w k eys r i ght /l e f t .
8.4 Program search
Please note: Which digital programs you can receive with your receiver depends on in which cable
network the receiver is operated. Your cable network provider can inform you appropriately.
You must carry out a program search run, in order for your receiver to be able to receive the digital
programs available in your cable network. You have the following options:
1. Automat ic search
Select this search run, in order to search for programs throughout the entire reception frequency range
of the receiver.
2. Extended search
Select this search run, in order to search for programs in a specific frequency or channel range or to
carry out a network search run.
3. Manual search
Select this search run, in order to search through a specific frequency range for programs. After each
search run, a message is displayed on the screen with the indication, how many programs your
receiver found, how many were newly added and how many are encoded. New programs are stored in
the compl ete l i st and can then the stored according to Section 8.1 in the favori tes l i st .
>First call the Mai n menu to initiate a program search run.
>Select the line Searc h f or st at i ons with the arro w k eys up /dow n and acknowledge with OK .
The Searc h f or st at i ons submenu is displayed.
>Select the required search run method, which you want to accomplish with the ar row k ey s
up/do w n and acknowledge with OK .
8.4.1 Automat ic search
The entire reception range of the receiver is scanned automatically for digital programs during this
search run. You can decide, whether you want to search for all (free and encoded) stations or only for
free stations.
>Decide by pressing the OK key, whether you want to search for freely receivable programs (Free
st at i ons) or also for encoded programs (Al l st at i ons).
>Acknowledge by pressing the r ed function key St ar t s earc h. The search run can take over 15
Pay attention to the screen inserts.

8.4.2 Extended search/range search
The extended search/range search offers you two options for carrying out a program search run.
1. Frequency search
A frequency range defined by the user is searched for programs during the frequency search.
2. Channel search
A channel range defined by the user is searched for programs during the channel search. The channel
search is faster than the frequency search.
>Press the OK key, to open a selection table with the available search run options.
>Select the search run method you would like to accomplish with the arro w k ey s up/do w n.
>Acknowledge with OK .
St art channel /St art frequency
>Select the St ar t c hannel or St art f requenc y field (only for frequency or channel search) with
the ar row k ey s up /dow n. Please note, that the start channel or the start frequency must be lower
than the stop channel or stop frequency.
>Select the start channel with the arro w k ey s r i ght /l ef t or enter the start frequency by means of
the numeri c k eyboard (only during frequency or channel search).
Stop channel /Stop frequency
>Select the St op c hannel or St op f r equenc y field with the arro w k ey s up/ dow n and proceed
as described above in order to enter the stop channel or the stop frequency (only doing frequency or
channel search).
Symbol r at es
Below the line Symbol r at es you can see a list of the symbol rates, which are to be considered
during a search run. In order to consider additional symbol rates during a search run, amend the list as
>In order to add a new symbol rate, select by means of the arro w k ey s up/do w n the line Symbol
rat es Ne w and acknowledge with OK (only during frequency or channel search).
>Now enter by means of the numer i c k eyboard a new symbol rate (only during frequency or
channel search).
The newly entered symbol rate is added to the end of the list.
>In order to delete the symbol rate at the end of the list, select by means of the ar ro w k ey s
up/do w n the line Del et e and then press the OK key (only during frequency or channel search).
You can decide in the line Searc h mode , if you only want to search for freely receivable programs
or also for encoded programs.
Sear ch mode
>Select the Searc h mode line with the ar ro w k ey s up/do w n and decide by pressing the OK key,
whether you only want to look for freely receivable programs (Onl y f r ee) are also for encoded
programs (Al l ).
>Press the r ed function key St ar t searc h to start the search run. The search run is started. The
search run can take over 15 minutes. Pay attention to further messages on the screen.
>You can abort the search run by pressing the r ed function key.
8.4.3 Manual search
You can selectively search through a frequency for programs (see Section 9 Technical terms). It is
necessary to enter the following data for this purpose:
Channel frequency
Enter the frequency, on which the required program is transmitted in this line.
>Select the line Channel f r equenc y with the ar row k ey s up /dow n for this purpose.
>Enter the required frequency by means of the numer i c k eyboard .
Symbol r at e
Enter the symbol rate, with which the program is transmitted, in this line.
>Select the line Symbol rat e with the arro w k ey s up/dow n.
>Enter the required symbol rate in this line by means of the Numeri c k eyboard.
Modul at ion
Enter the used modulation procedure in this line.

>Select the line Modul at i on with the arro w k ey s up/dow n.
>Acknowledge (if necessary several times) the OK key, to enter the used modulation procedure.
>Acknowledge by pressing the r ed function key St ar t s earc h. The search run is started. Pay
attention to further messages on the screen.
>You can abort the search run by pressing the r ed function key. PID search
The PI D searc h is available, in order to look for a specific program.
>Call the Menu w i l l searc h menu as described above.
>Press the green function key PI D searc h .
>Then select the lines PCR-PI D, Audi o-PI D and Vi deo-PI D with the ar ro w k ey s up/do w n and
enter the appropriate numbers by means of the numeri c k eyboard.
>Start the search run by pressing the r ed function key St ar t searc h .
8.4.4 After the search run
The search run through the channels can be observed on the screen during the search run. After
concluding the search run, the number of found TV and radio programs, found new programs as well as
encoded programs is displayed. A message is additionally displayed, asking whether you would like to
store the found programs in the TV or radio list. I f you would like to store programs automatically, you
can decide whether these should be stored in the favorites list as sort ed or unsor t ed .
The found programs are sorted in the favorites list according to a preprogramd list. The programs are
thereby ordered according to the audio language set in Section 6.3.2 or according to the country set in
Section 6.2.2.
The newly found programs are just added to the end of the favorites list without sorting.
The newly found programs are not added to the favorites list, but only to the complete list.
To store the programs proceed as follows:
>Select with the arro w k ey s r i ght /l ef t , whether you would like to store the programs as sor t ed or
unsort ed .
>Acknowledge with OK . Please observe further screen inserts.
Irrespective, of whether you automatically stored the found programs in the favorites list, you can
also store and sort them manually in the favorites list as described in Section 8.1.
>Pressing the Menu key returns you to normal operation.
8.5 Servi ce settings
You can always revert to the factory settings at any time. You can also completely delete the
program list, if this is obsolete due to changes of the program providers, in order to then accomplish a
new search run. Please ensure, that you initiate a search run after deleting and then copy the required
programs contained in the complete list to the favorite list.
>Call the Mai n menu with the Menu key.
>Now select the menu line Set t i ngs , by highlighting this with the ar ro w k ey s up/do w n.
>Acknowledge with OK . The Set t i ngs submenu is displayed.
>Now select the line Ser vi c e set t i ngs with the arro w k eys up /dow n .
>Acknowledge with OK . The Ser vi c e set t i ngs submenu is displayed.
8.5.1 Activate factory setti ngs
The programming as set in the factory is reset after calling this function, your own settings are deleted
and the installation assistant Aut o I nst al l is started.
>Select the Ac t i vat e f ac t or y set t i ngs line with the ar row k ey s up /dow n.
>Press the OK key.
The message Really activate factory settings? is displayed.
>Select Yes or Abor t with the ar row k ey s l ef t /r i ght .
>Acknowledge the input with OK .

8.5.2 Delet ing all programs
This function completely deletes the program memory.
>Select the line Del et e al l programs with the arro w k eys up /dow n.
>Press the OK key. The message is displayed Do you really want to delete all programs?
>Select Yes or Abor t with the ar row k ey s l ef t /r i ght .
>Acknowledge the input with OK
8.5.3 Updat ing t he software
You also have the possibility to update the system software of your digital receivers via cable
>Select the Updat e so f t w are line with the arro w k ey s up /dow n.
>The Updat e sof t w are submenu is opened after pressing the OK key.
>Select the Updat e t i me line with the arro w k ey s up/dow n.
>Set time at which the software update should be accomplished in the line Updat e t i me by means
of the numeri c k eyboard .
>Then highlight by means of the ar row k ey s up /dow n the line Updat e .
>Set the software update with the OK key to on .
>To manually start the update of the system software, press the red function key Te st .
>Pressing the Menu key returns you to normal operation.
If the data channel parameters for downloading the software update have changed, you can correct
these in this menu as described in Section 8.4.3 (Manual program search). Your specialized dealer can
inform you on the current data channel data. You should normally not have to amend this menu.
Not e:
The di gi t al rec ei ver must be i n t he st andby mode t o aut omat i c al l y do w nl oad t he ne w
so f t w are. The do w nl oad proc edure i s i ndi c at ed by CAbL or CAb0 t o CAb9 . Thi s
proc edure may not be i nt er rupt ed e.g. by t urni ng t he devi c e on or of f .
Irrespective, of whether you have turned the automatic software update function on or off, the device
automatically checks when it is turned on, whether a new system software is available for your digital
receiver. Available new system software is indicated by a message on the screen.
To update the software, follow the instructions on the screen.
8.5.4 Copying t he setti ngs
You have the possibility to copy all settings, such as the program list etc. of your digital receiver
(Transmitter) to another digital receiver (Receiver) of the same type and same system software
>For this purpose connect both devices with the zero modem cable.
>Turn the (receiving) receiver on.
>Press any key of the (receiving) receiver to copy the settings. The settings of the transmitting
receiver are now transferred to the receiving receiver. Please observe the screen inserts.
8.6 System conf igurat ion
You can view of the specific device data (such as e.g. the current software version) in this menu
>Call the Mai n menu with the Menu key.
>Select the Set t i ngs entry with the ar row k ey s up /dow n and acknowledge with OK .
>Now select in this line in the Set t i ngs submenu with the ar row k ey s up /dow n.
>Acknowledge with OK .
>Pressing the Menu key returns you to normal operation.
8.7 Encodi ng system
This menu option leads you to the submenus of the inserted Encryption System Smartcard. By
acknowledging with OK , you can call information on the used Smartcard.


9 Technical data
Cabl e t uner :
Input frequency range 51.... 858 MHz
Input level range 47 dBV... 70 dBV
Tuner input IEC connector (female)
Input impedance 75 Ohm
Tuner output IEC connector (male)
Output impedance 75 Ohm
Demodulation 16/32/64/128/256 QAM
Symbol rate 3... 7 Mbaud/s
FEC Reed-Solomon
Card reader:
Standard sized Smartcard reader for
integrated CA-system
Demul t i pl ex i ng: according to ISO 13818-1
Vi deo dec odi ng:
Video compression MPEG-2 and MPEG-1 compatible
Up to MP@ML
(main profile @ main level)
Video standard PAL / 25 Hz
Acti ve screen area 720 pixel x 576 lines
Picture size 4 : 3 / 16 : 9
Picture material 16:9 Automatic adaptation for 16:9 TV sets (via SCART)
Letterbox filtering for 4:3 TV sets
Audi o dec odi ng:
Audio compression MPEG-1 & MPEG-2 Layer I and II
Audio mode Dual (main/sub), Stereo
Sampling rate 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz
Audi o paramet er s:
Out put anal ogue:
Output level L/R 0,5 V r.m.s. (nominal)
Output impedance 600 Ohm
THD > 60 dB ( 1 kHz )
S/N > 60 dB
Crosstalk < -65 dB
I nput anal ogue:
Output level l/r 0,5 V r.m.s. (nominal)
Input impedance > 40 kOhm
Out put di gi t al :
SP/DIF output electrical, Cinch socket
Dolby Digital AC3
Vi deo paramet er s:
Out put :
Output level FBAS 1 Vs-s +/- 0.3 dB at 75 Ohm
Output level Y 1 Vs-s +/- 0.3 dB at 75 Ohm
Output level C 1 Vs-s +/- 0.3 dB at 75 Ohm
Output level RED 0,7 Vs-s +/- 0.1 dB at 75 Ohm
Output level GREEN 0,7 Vs-s +/- 0.1 dB at 75 Ohm
Output level BLUE 0,7 Vs-s +/- 0.1 dB at 75 Ohm
S/N evaluated > 60 dB
Vi deo t ex t
Teletext filtering according to ETS 300 472 Standard
Sampling teletext data (FBAS) according to ITU-R BT.653-2 lines: 6-22 and 320-335
Soft-video text 1000 page memory
Output: FBAS, RGB or S-Video
Input: FBAS; RGB or S-Video
Output: FBAS or S-Video
Di spl ay:
LED 4-digit 7-segment display

Seri al i nt er f ac e RS 232
Type RS 232, bidirectional
Bit rate 115,2 kBit/s max.
Connector Mini DIN connector, 3-pole
Function Update f. system software and preprogramming
Pr ogram memor y:
Program number favorites list TV:
999 TV program
Program number favorites list radio:
999 radio programs
Complete list TV/Radio: In all 4000 programs possible in the complete list
EPG dat a:
EPG preview: maximum seven days in advance
Ti mer:
Events: maximum 30 events, one year in advance
Remot e c ont rol s y st em: RC-5
Subsystem address 8 (SAT 1), 10 (SAT 2)
Modulation frequency 36 kHz
Infrared wavelength 950 nm
Po w er suppl y
Sw i t c hi ng pow er suppl y:
Po w er c onsumpt i on
3,8 W in standby mode (clock off)
4,4 W in standby mode (clock on)
10 W during operation
Nomi nal vol t age : 230 V / 50 Hz AC
I nput vol t age: 180 250 V / 50 Hz AC
General :
Dimensions (WxDxH): 205 mm x 130 mm x 40... 43 mm
Weight: approximately 375 g


10 Troubleshooting aids

Troubleshooting aids

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