2009 Oct BOD Minutes

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Approved Minutes
September 15, 2009
Open Forum 7:00
-Resident inquired about decision to restrict parking. Although the board did not decide
to proceed at this time with restrictions on other streets in the community there is an issue
with three homes on Ainsworth Street in section 7. The problem occurs when residents
park on the opposite side of the street from a driveway. A suggestion to only paint the
curbs that directly affect homes may be an option. That would allow some parking on
that side of the street but give relief to the homes that cannot exit their driveways because
a car is parked accross from them. Owners agreed to provide pictures and senarios of the
situation for the next board meeting discussion.
-Resident asked about level of maintenance in sec. 6/8 as the current conditions of the
common area behind the homes on Presswell are poor. Board member explained
minimum maintenance has been done due to the status of developer bond release. The
current condition should improve in the next 3-5 year time frame with regular turf
treatments being scheduled with the rest of the community.

Present: Shelia Manear, Caye Glaze, Jimmy Mulhern, Steve Farmerie, Travis Turner,
Jennifer Pike -Board Members. John Shields, Angie Nielsen, Mellisa Huibregtse- Legum
and Norman Mgmt.

General Meeting Call to Order: 8:02 Meeting was called to order by Vice President,
Jimmy Mulhern.

Guest Present: Resident Betty Elzein was present to explain request for in-home
business, child care.

Minutes: Caye Glaze move to approve the minutes with correction of removing Sheilia
Manear as she was absent. Travis Turner, second the motion, Five approve, one abstain.

John Shields review of the August financials. Clarrified questions from last meeting on
general ledger electricity accruals and G/L account errors on Elevator/Permits, and noted
by the board members.
John made note of new line item added in the income section for Developer contribution,
to track expenses for the proffer cost to supply sensor and bulbs as specified.
C/D options of renewal were discussed. Caye move to renew 9/30/09 CD of 96K to
invest in the highest yield CD available for 3 year timeframe. Jen Pike 2nd, all in favor.
Boards questions on uncollectable charges line item and admin/misc. John to provide
read out of charges to admin/misc account G/L.
A need for a seperate budget meeting has been determined for October 7, at 7pm. Angie
will email notice of meeting to BOD and post on the website. John will input contract
information and ask BOD to review and provide input on extra spenditures anticipated
for obligations to wish list.
Request from Kettler- transfer of parcel: Shelia move to accept the offer of $3,000 for
the exchange of the parcel C as described in the letter from Kettler, Jen second, all in

Request from owner to install enclosure on Reidhall property. Board reviewed

options for homeowner and agreed this is not a ressponsibility for the association to
consider allocating funds to. The owner could apply for an exterior modification of
landscaping to the covenants for approval. Owner can seek the advice of professional
landscaper for ideas of plants for this purpose.

Reports/ Operations:
Angie noted resignation from Covenants Chair, Eric Sharp. Mallori to stand in for one
month as chair. Ask covenants committee to select chair by Nov. meeting to present to
Angie asked for board input on usage of the business center. Several reservations have
been made for the board room for Girl Scout meetings. The rules set forth by the board
in Nov. 05 stated the usage was not for children. After discussion and possible issues the
board asks that management uphold the rules as is stated to reaffirm the boardroom
would be for adults use only.

10:05 Meeting Adjourned:

Minutes of the meeting submitted by Angie Nielsen

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