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Septuanginta-LXT Sinodal 2006-BOR Leningrad - WTT New King James


(Facere 1,26)
i a zis Dumnezeu: "S
facem om dup chipul i
dup asemnarea
Noastr, ca s
stpneasc petii
mrii, psrile cerului,
animalele domestice,
toate vietile ce se
trsc pe pmnt i tot

Then God said, "Let Us
make man in Our
image, according to Our
likeness; let them have
dominion over the fish
of the sea, over the
birds of the air, and over
the cattle, over all the
earth and over every
creeping thing that
creeps on the earth."

(Facere 5,3)
Adam a trit dou sute
treizeci de ani i atunci i
s-a nscut un fiu dup
asemnarea sa i, dup
chipul su i i-a pus
numele Set.

And Adam lived one
hundred and thirty
years, and begot a son
in his own likeness,
after his image, and
named him Seth.

(Facere 9,6)

"Whoever sheds man's
blood, By man his blood
shall be shed; For in the
image of God He made

(Amos 5,26)

You also carried Sikkuth
your king And Chiun,
your idols, The star of
your gods, Which you
made for yourselves.

Psa 38:7
38,9Dei ca o umbr
trece omul, dar n zadar
se tulbur.
10. Strnge comori i nu
tie cui le aun pe ele.
Psalm 39:7

Surely every man walks
about like a shadow;
Surely they busy
themselves in vain; He
heaps up riches, And
does not know who will
gather them.

S alungai de la voi pe
toi locuitorii rii i s
stricai toate chipurile
cele cioplite ale lor, toi
idolii lor cei turnai din
argint i toate nlimile
lor s le pustiii.

then you shall drive out
all the inhabitants of the
land from before you,
destroy all their
engraved stones,
destroy all their molded
images, and demolish
all their high places;

(II Regi
i s-a dus tot poporul
rii n capitea lui Baal
de a stricat jertfelnicele
lui i chipurile lui le-au
sfrmat cu totul, iar pe
Matan, preotul lui Baal,
l-a ucis naintea
jertfelnicului, i preotul
Iehoada a aezat straj
n templul Domnului.

) ]
( [

And all the people of the
land went to the temple
of Baal, and tore it
down. They thoroughly
broke in pieces its altars
and images, and killed
Mattan the priest of Baal
before the altars. And
the priest appointed
officers over the house
of the LORD.

(II Cronici 23,17)
Apoi s-a dus tot poporul
la capitea lui Baal i au
drmat-o i au
sfrmat jertfelnicele
lui i chipurile lui i a
omort pe Matan,
preotul lui Baal,
dinaintea jertfelnicelor.

And all the people went
to the temple of Baal,
and tore it down. They
broke in pieces its altars
and images, and killed
Mattan the priest of Baal
before the altars.

Prin gteli frumoase ei
le-au prefcut pe
acestea n mndrie i
tot din acestea au fcut
ei chipurile cele
ruinoase ale idolilor
lor. De aceea le voi face

(Eze 7:20 WTT)
As for the beauty of his
ornaments, He set it in
majesty; But they made
from it The images of
their abominations--
Their detestable things;
Therefore I have made
it Like refuse to them.
(Eze 7:20 NKJ)

Septuanginta-LXT Sinodal 2006 Leningrad - WTT King James Version-NKJ

(Gen 5:1 LXT)
Iat acum cartea
neamului lui Adam.
Cnd a fcut Dumnezeu
pe Adam, l-a fcut dup
chipul lui Dumnezeu.

(Gen 5:1 WTT)
This is the book of the
genealogy of Adam. In
the day that God
created man, He made
him in the likeness of
(Gen 5:1 NKJ)

5:3 LXT)
Adam a trit dou sute
treizeci de ani i atunci i
s-a nscut un fiu dup
asemnarea sa i, dup
chipul su i i-a pus
numele Set.

(Gen 5:3 WTT)
And Adam lived one
hundred and thirty
years, and begot a son
in his own likeness,
after his image, and
named him Seth.
(Gen 5:3 NKJ)

(Eze 1:10 LXT)
Feele lor? - Toate patru
aveau cte o fat de om
nainte, toate patru
aveau cte o fa de leu
la dreapta, toate patru
aveau cte o fa de
bou la stnga i toate
patru mai aveau i cte
o fa de vultur n

(Eze 1:10 WTT)
As for the likeness of
their faces, each had
the face of a man; each
of the four had the face
of a lion on the right
side, each of the four
had the face of an ox on
the left side, and each
of the four had the face
of an eagle.
(Eze 1:10 NKJ)

(Eze 1:13 LXT)
nfiarea acestor fiare
se asemna cu
nfiarea crbunilor
aprini, cu nfiarea
unor fclii aprinse;
printre fiare curgea foc,
iar din foc neau raze
i fulgere.

(Eze 1:13 WTT)
As for the likeness of
the living creatures,
their appearance was
like burning coals of fire,
like the appearance of
torches going back and
forth among the living
creatures. The fire was
bright, and out of the fire
went lightning.
(Eze 1:13 NKJ)

Pe bolta de deasupra
capetelor fiarelor era
ceva care semna cu un
tron i la nfiare era
ca piatra de safir; iar sus
pe acest tron era ca un
chip de om.

And above the
firmament over their
heads was the likeness
of a throne, in
appearance like a
sapphire stone; on the
likeness of the throne
was a likeness with the
(Eze 7:20 LXT)
pe acestea necurate
pentru ei.
(Eze 1:26 LXT)

(Eze 1:26 WTT)
appearance of a man
high above it.
(Eze 1:26 NKJ)

(Eze 1:28 LXT)
Cum este curcubeul ce
se afl pe cer la vreme
de ploaie, aa era
nfiarea acelei lumini
strlucitoare care-l
nconjura. Astfel era
chipul slavei Domnului.
i cnd am vzut eu
aceasta, am czut cu
faa la pmnt.

(Eze 1:28 WTT)
Like the appearance of
a rainbow in a cloud on
a rainy day, so was the
appearance of the
brightness all around it.
This was the
appearance of the
likeness of the glory of
the LORD. So when I
saw it, I fell on my face,
and I heard a voice of
One speaking.
(Eze 1:28 NKJ)

(Eze 10:1 LXT)
Privind eu atunci, am
vzut pe bolta, care era
deasupra capetelor
heruvimilor, ceva
asemntor la nfiare
cu un tron de rege, ca
piatra de safir.

(Eze 10:1 WTT)
And I looked, and there
in the firmament that
was above the head of
the cherubim, there
appeared something
like a sapphire stone,
having the appearance
of the likeness of a
(Eze 10:1 NKJ)

(Eze 10:22 LXT)
Chipul feelor i
nfiarea lor era ca
acelea pe care le
vzusem la rul Chebar,
ba i ei nii erau
aceiai. Fiecare mergea
n partea nspre care
era cu faa.

(Eze 10:22 WTT)
And the likeness of their
faces was the same as
the faces which I had
seen by the River
Chebar, their
appearance and their
persons. They each
went straight forward.
(Eze 10:22 NKJ)

(Eze 23:15 LXT)
ncini peste mijloc cu
centuri i pe cap cu
turbane largi, avnd
nfiarea de mari
viteji, dup felul
Babilonenilor, a cror
patrie este ara

(Eze 23:15 WTT)

Girded with belts around
their waists, Flowing
turbans on their heads,
All of them looking like
captains, In the manner
of the Babylonians of
Chaldea, The land of
their nativity.
(Eze 23:15 NKJ)

(Psa 57:5 LXT)

(Psa 58:5 WTT)
Their poison is like the
poison of a serpent;
They are like the deaf
cobra that stops its ear,
(Psa 58:4 NKJ)

Dup cum se observ versiunea ebreiasc se deosebete de cea greceasc. Observm n
textul masoretic c prepoziiile nu sunt percepute ca desemnnd ceva diferit. "n" nseamn
"ca", de aceea poate fi tradus i "dup" (cum a ales Sinodala), "conform". Niciuna dintre ele nu
este alipit indisolubil de vreunul dintre termeni.

n Septuaginta termenii sunt conectai prin . Cele dou prepoziii sunt nlocuite cu una
singur: "dup chipul i asemnarea" ( ). Septuaginta
nu d semne c le distinge, totui ea va deschide posibilitatea ca acei doi termeni, identificai n
textul ebraic, s poat fi nelei i ca diferii.

Lect. dr. Alexandru Mihil, Dup chipul i asemnarea ,
asemanarea, Joi, 16 septembrie 2010
Lect. dr. Alexandru Mihil, Dup chipul i asemnarea ,
asemanarea, Joi, 16 septembrie 2010

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