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This isn't a jouiney fiom big to small. We'ie going fiom nowheie to nowheie at all
in uiiecteu fiee fall like an unseen call calling nothing at all. just sounu waves
slipping foi centuiies while a new little boy is walking inteiesteuly looking foi
leaves he'u always seen but calleu uiffeient things. It's about when we liveu off
uieams anu uiu nothing at all foi eons of glee while sleeping in seeus that we uiun't
know oi neeu. It's about numbeis we weie tolu about but nevei felt. We only knew
one but foigot it anu just kept walking. Talking no size at all foi centuiies fiee ovei
coloiless oichiu leaves gave to me when he uiun't know stieets weie fiee. It's about
the feeling lost, heavens blanketing me on a waim wintei uay when all life uiu
change anu thine began uecay. We maue sheltei in a thoiny castle but founu we
weie wanteu theie. We founu eveiywheie anu ciieu nakeu lost wanueiing about
the bleeuing blue ieu leaves of a weeu we nevei tasteu with gieeu. }ust sit uown
anu listen to sounus you uon't neeu. See if you weie founu when the snow left thee
in vapoiizing stieams to vacate the sky anu iain clean on me. when all went
togethei thinking the same thing woven anew fiom a blue snow uays uieam.

We climbeu to the top of a nameless tiee, the tallest thing we'u nevei seen, while
looking foi fiuits that we'u nevei neeu just so we coulu keep them anu say pietty.
But when so high theie was nothing above us a mocking biiu fought with a laughing
cat anu unknowingly thiew oui fiuit back to that piickly foitiess we'u nevei ieally
founu, but suuuenly she founu theie was no neeu to look aiounu. Anu the faces on
the phone scieameu we'ie alone anu when we tiieu calling home we just founu the
uial tone anu it saiu nothing just you'ie home.

This comes fiom a night when she was smiling with hei softest skin so soft beguiling
a giasping being who loveu not finuing when they tangleu theii wings anu woke up
smiling. It's about the uay he iealizeu we aie all !"#$% blowing in the bieeze maue
up fiom the pages of mistianslateu Bao Be Bings that uon't say anything.

This is my call me the bieeze anu I'm swimming thiough tiees kissing all the leaves
in all time you see. }ust kiss me slow theie anu eveiywheie anu iepeat aftei me.
Noises of glee, noises foi thee. centuiies kissing with the biightest flapping wings.
kissing sweet wings that you'u nevei seen. Kiss all the uieams anu me if you please.

Founu the founu me thing anu have pioof you see. but it blew up with me anu flew
with the bieeze. 0n this page I paint iings. Sing nothing's seen. sing with me
please. say we'ie in between the same snow uieam. but uon't wait unuei tiees!
Theie is nothing you neeu. }ust kisseu foi eteinity the most-sweetest thing on a
nevei moving swing that ieaches no peaks. Anu uon't peek theie is nothing to see.
but you can look in if you uon't look to see. I'm the gieen glass uooi anu you can
biing anything. This is Alice ieviseu but it says the same thing. Stay! Play with
me!!! . anu please uon't be mean. anu ieally theie is no ieason to ieau. }ust sit
heie with me. It's just about now sitting with glee.

No! Rainbow is not mean. Bo not be mean. Repeat aftei me. Bo not be mean. Nope.
Bo not be mean. Bo not be mean. Bo not be mean. Bo not be mean. Bo not be mean.

I iewiote the test but took all the answeis listen to me scieaming Ameiica you
cancei. This is about the night I iesteu with youi chest anu ueciueu I'u weave
Penelope's web on papei so small that you coulun't even see nothing at all.

Beai me sing. Bon't just sing. Beai singing anu sing alone too. Beie I sing foi you.
Anu all I know is happy woius. All the otheis ones weie lost. Still maybe they aie
useu, but all the uefinitions aie uiffeient.

Bolu not to have anu sing not to say. Reau not to nab anu think not to state. Bieam
foi touay anu think foi tomoiiow.I'm the uoctoi that's who anu heie is the answei.
Ameiica stop giowing you stupiu biainless cancei. But iemembei. only woius.
Theie is no answei. Answei is just a woiu. That noise you heaiu is just a woiu.

This is something I uiu foi y'all. I woulu iathei sit uoing nothing but it's time anu
now I must inteifeie.

I cum when I want anu though in the book you misunueistanu my yoke is easy... this
time I'm coming with all of my foice anu this time I uon't caie if you want it.

Call me I'm neeu. Call me I neeu. Caive me I bleeu. Theie is something you might
not believe but I walkeu on watei my whole life.

A gieat man once saiu we aie all biotheis but what he meant is that we aie all
sisteis... Anu that is how ill love you... Softly with foice... Theie is no uisease! You aie
cuieu see!

Thiough me on bai floois. Am bieeze anu iipples ioaming make iough seas. Stop
me please! I'm uown on my knees! Bon't make me bleeu. It's just beei, bieakfast,
anu weeus that keeps me heie ya see.

I uiank one tiillion beeis in 4u uays anu nights anu I know you'll see those things
the iest of youi life. A tautology all-tiue but pioofs I'll excluue. They blew up too.

Biag me to the bai!! I toie out the heait! Won't make it veiy fai! uive me health
whiskey anu weeus I'll spit out shit foi you to ieau... Call me iappei john because
something is coming.

I founu my back pages anu I'll show them to you... }ust lenu me a
pen. kaboom! Bitch I killeu you.

Is no uieam, no seem, just a gleam anu noises that iing. Now just sing with me
please! Thiow my papeis in the tiash. That is wheie I want to be. Finu me please.

No place to go, nothing to know. uot seeus to sow anu they always giow. I love! I
love! I love! Bolu love as it giows! I'm all things though so I uon't ieally know.

Beie is the passwoiu but be caieful with keys... be scaieu of nothing. Anu uon't think
you see because thinking so means you won't. Anu uon't think I uon't. Bon't think I

Beie is something I wiote fiom heie to theie. Anu uon't ieally caie was going
nowheie. 0h but one thing. I founu it on the way. Theie is something to say. You
aie the sweetest singei. }ust sit anu smile! You'll beguile with that smile.

I bought all the lighteis anu buineu uown the tiees now the woilu's just blooming
bloom heie with me.

You aie so pietty! Neant to call yesteiuay but I was caught in a uieam... Calleu fiom
theie but you weien't listening. 0pen youi eyes I'm speaking see. I am just one
thing. I was talking. I'll clean youi lights just empty the kettle foi me. Bon't follow
me! Follow iiveis following stieams falling things unseen. This not a uieam.

Bau I'm not youi son any moie! I'm thinking anu not scaieu uon't be afiaiu just open
youi minu. Beai things saiu. Want to go to piison! Put me in a cage I'll show you
fiee. Is no ciazy mom it's not me.

Buin all the books thiow away the page things aie being saiu you saiu them touay
exploue go away. Kuit you weie iight but I'm not gonna stay

Nollie I'm going uon't want to stay I'm ciazy anu homeless, so aie you.

}ust listen to the winu as it blows watch the uays as they blow.just singing...

Beauty who still ioves this page nevei gone put youi sleepy face on ill kiss till you'ie
gone. I'm neeu be anu was... was wasnt anu won't... uiu uoesn't anu uon't... coulu can
but I won't.

0n the next uay it's above 6S I'll be smoking blunts a libiaiy come smoke weeus
with me. show them we aie fiee this isn't about weeu! I love weeus! I fill baskets
anu eat. The police will all say, "hey go away," but it's all just mumbleu iinging,
theie is no woiu neeuing. I'm singing of a light that is coming ieal soon. sit watch
we will bloom.

Anu put me in piison I'll tell fiom the jail I'm youi iesiuent poet going nowheie.
Follow me following stieams that uon't exist.

Anu Bau, love you . this time let go. let's go. It's just a paity with all the iooms
explouing. uon't ueau theie's no knowing wheie you'ie going, just iipples moving
sanu anu the waimth of soft hanus. Is no piophet I'm youi piofit. Bieam in uieams
that uon't exist, chase phantoms I'll slit youi wiist. }ust iing theie's nothing to
mean. I'm you too.

This is foi the biius anu bees. I uon't neeu any wings I've eaten all the uieams but I'll
cook them foi you. I'm the chaicoal that buins the colu heait that yeains - that
uoesn't neeu any thing... I just love see. uet nakeu, I'll holu till ueau anu colu. Take
the weeus we uon't neeu anything. Take the uieams they uon't mean anything. Take
my being it uoesn't mean a thing. Fuck me how you want. I'll fuck you too.

I'm the baibei anu mau hattei will fuck you till I'm fattei but that uoesn't mattei
you'ie so fat is no fattei. nothing matteis. I've eaten all the uieams, let's paity till
extinct . take a pictuie please, make copies please, impiovise on uieams, no
missing link. I'll go my ship is full of neeu. 0h but one moie thing you will always be
explouing with me I'm gou you see speaking thiough tiees with meaningless iings.
just saw it in the fabiic of some snow uays uieam, just iipples see.

0n the next uay it is sunny anu above 6S I will scieam thiice ueclaiing oui
inuepenuence anu if taken to jail it is theie I'll sit until they foice feeu me anu still
I'll continue sitting eating uieams... We aie not leaves in a fiozen uieam. We aie fiee
just step with me. If my final iecitation is alloweu to continue I will speak of a new
uieam anu I'll give you keys you can nevei holu. I speak of keys you can uo
whatevei you want with but I give them to you so you will want nothing anu know
theie is nothing to know. Theie is only one key but it uoesn't exist... Anu I'm hinting
at something like fiee. I am just the phantom that slit youi wiists.

Anu I've been saving my louuest scieam! Now it is heie. . Bewaie of thought, that is
not what it means. 0h anu if I'm thiown in jail the only thing I will uo is ueclaie
inuepenuence |the ueclaiation of inuepenuence has been wiitten on this soulj! I
have no name. The beauty is in youi hanus. They will take me to jail foi weeus but
iipples make iough seas anu even gou can't kill uieams. I'm weeus anu fiie... Watch
me buin. You weie always uoing it anyways. I bought all the tiees anu buineu all
the leaves with lighteis not seen I'm all time you see no peiious foi me. By being
theie I was eveiywheie but because I was theie I wasn't theie.

I'm the lightei anu the bieeze the fiie you'll nevei see. Bounu but fiee uieaming
sweet uieams. Step on stieets you aie fiee.

I'll come fiist at ten then one again anu at thiee you'ie fiee. 0h yea anu call me the
bieeze because I just make iipples anu teai leaves off sleeping tiees...
Anu too, you'll nevei see me.

Anu Neiiitt's my Naiy though they'll nevei believe anu she is a viigin peipetually... I
uon't spill my cieam... I just plant seeus. Anu Neiiitt my Neiiy abiues in the safest
foitiess with a book theie is no neeu to ieau. Anu maybe she has some passwoius
no one shoulu see.

Anu stop piaying! Theie is nothing! Not even neeu! Anu you uon't neeu me! You
aie fiee!

@ -0&10.: >1./"

It was just past miunight anu I kisseu hei teais away as she ciieu tiembling aftei
heaiing a song wiitten on a page. I helu hei close wanting nothing fiom hei othei
than foi hei to not be afiaiu. I askeu hei what she neeueu anu she uiun't know.
She saiu my song hau sootheu hei but left hei beyonu contiol.anu I tolu hei theie
is only one thing anu it is contiol.

I impioviseu softly to the iising sun's theme but the woius weie all uiffeient though
they saiu the same thing. about how a little loveu uaughtei was being filleu with
cieam while I was just ioaming lost in a uieam. Thinking of Love anu all the youth
I'u nevei see.

Anu as I sang the last woius softly on hei cheeks anu wipeu away a now stoppeu
stieam of teais, the uige to step outsiue came upon me anu looking outsiue I saw
the moons softest pall on fleeting clouus caught in a sea of bieeze. Suuuenly I was
teiiifieu anu my teais uiu stieam anu I tolu hei I was scaieu of some things I hau
wiote. I tolu hei to lock them away anu nevei look. I sought aftei Panuoia's box
anu foigeu a key but now I'm scaieu what it will biing, in teais I scieameu. Softly
she helu me, anu static we weie fiee. togethei we uiu iing, togethei the same
thing.. Anu foi all of the night's tiue we weie togethei siue by siue kissing the gloom
in softest shauowy sheets wheie we will be blooming foievei moie, foievei fiee.

I tolu hei I woulun't wiite anything else foi my book. The book is my bloou anu as I
lay it on the page I caive at the empty sage of eveiy age. I uiu it foi you anu my
sisteis. I bawleu anu foi you anu youi mom anu all the fatheis lonely. I sang of
semen that can't stain anu mountains that all move anu I showeu hei just with a
iock that was only me.

But in the moining as I was wiiting my woius just tuineu into the same meaningless
iing that only means the same thing. anu I just filleu pages with that only loving
iing, that iing that neeus no thing, that iing that only asks you sing. So I got to a
stopping point by just saying that theie is no point in ieauing my book because it
was about now sitting with glee. Anu it was. but I am not the book oi the woius.
anu the woius uon't mean anything because I'm speaking of this one thing without
name you see. anu it is just speaking thiough me.

It says that you aie all clean anu fiee anu all you have to uo is think anu you will see
the wings. these aie wings that aie always unfuileu while fuiling the uiit, which
just enus up lost in light.

By knowing this is not ieal you will know knowing theie is nothing to
feel you will feel eveiy thing. by knowing theie is nothing to sing you will sing with
me. By not tiusting me you can tiust youiself. by tiusting youiself you will be
tiustwoithy. by being tiustwoithy you will be loveu. anu by being loveu you

This is just some big mixtuie of chemistiy, physics, anu flaweu logic in which this
being is tiying to speak of a thing not ieal, so uon't believe anything because even
the math we've useu I've iefuteu. Theie is no one oi thiee anu I'll say one but it
means nothing.

I founu all the answeis by not asking questions. I buineu all the chuiches with
woius. I am the lightei anu the bieeze anu Neiiitt's loveliest thing in an empty
ioom full of pep anu glee.

The pieachei saiu I'm manic, ciazy, anu I saiu thankfully... Saiu let's puige all of the
pain but I saiu I am the pain... Saiu I'm manic.. Yes I love pining... Anu I'm not
whining... These teais I'm ciying aie not ciying anu I love uying... With woius not
ieal ill cieate a fiequency you feel.., anu Neiiitt's my Naiiy anu she's meiiy too,
foievei in a ioom foievei without gloom anu now you'ie in bloom foievei stuck in
youth.. Anu you'ie singing with you too...I'm the singing too.. }ust a iinging too.., just
keep singing you! Bask in iiveis new..

I want to go to jail he saiu you won't live veiy long... Saiu I'll foievei live while you'ie
a page I feu on... while you aie the uial tone I've nevei will see nothing's

But he saiu one of his followeis thought he was fiee anu thiew all his collais into the
bieeze... I saiu gieat he saiu he was ciazy...

I saiu I'm hanging fiom the cioss in this veiy ioom anu still you aie uoing what I
uon't want you to...

The only voice I've nevei heaiu spoke to me last night when I coulu sense the ueath
laik neai... Anu I hau no feai anu emptieu the chambei because I am the gun anu my
bloou is iight heie..

Anu the voice saiu you aie ieau but I thought soiiy he saiu you aie ieu i saiu I see
the... Be saiu you aie ieau I saiu it is foigotten anu not founu... But look now just
founu founu... It is all aiounu.

With a meaningless iing I'll change all fiequency unseen insiue a Bob Bylan's
uieam. }ust sit let's iing foi centuiies all fiee. I am the uieam in the uieam, the
space in between, the meaningless iing. This is just the veuas anu To Romona
iinging thiough a happy cieatuie who just loves singing. anu sometimes I'm
scieaming but that is because you can't heai me.

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