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User interaction plays a vital role in recommender systems. Previous
studies on algorithmic recommender systems have mainly focused on
modeling techniques and feature development. Traditionally, implicit user
feedback or explicit user ratings on the recommended items form the basis
for designing and training of recommendation algorithms. But user
interactions in real-orld !eb applications "e.g., a portal ebsite ith
different recommendation modules in the interface# are unlikely to be as
ideal as those assumed by previously proposed models. To address this
problem, e build an online learning frameork for personali$ed
recommendation. !e argue that appropriate user action interpretation is
critical for a recommender system. The main contribution in this paper is an
approach of interpreting users% actions for the online learning to achieve
better item relevance estimation. &ur experiments on the large-scale data
from a commercial !eb recommender system demonstrate significant
improvement in terms of a precision metric over the baseline model that
does not incorporate user action interpretation. The efficacy of this ne
algorithm is also proved by the online test results on real user traffic.
Existing System:
'ecommendation techniques, there are still a fe critical challenges
that are unique to content optimi$ation at portal ebsites and have not
been ell studied in the literature. User action information plays a vital role
in modeling users( interests and content items( attractiveness in the
recommender system, accurate understanding of user actions become one
of essential factors to reach high recommendation performance.
). There is a big traffic of users( visiting in every minute, portal
ebsites can attract a large number of user(s actions in terms of
brosing and clicks on presented content modules. *uch user action
information can obviously provide strong signals of users( recent
interests on the content item. +oever, it is quite a challenge to
incorporate them into the recommendation model in real time or near
real time.
,. The purpose of personali$ation is to provide users ith personali$ed
experience of highly attractive content, the problem of ho to
appropriately define user segments to achieve personali$ation
becomes crucial for effective content optimi$ation.
-. .ost of existing studies focus on building the offline recommendation
model/ those previous approaches may not be good enough content
recommendation, and users( interests.
P!"!sed System:
User segmentation for personali$ation is due to the fact that the
proposed 0lustering algorithms actually group users by interests and
preferences that are implicitly demonstrated by their behaviors. &nce the
interest patterns are determined by clustering algorithms, a user ill be
assigned to a segment by her profile features. 1ortunately, user profile
features also highly correlate ith behaviors and interests. Thus, the user
segment assignment is usually reliable except hen the user is ne to the
site so that her profile features are poor.
). 2ess traffic to the portal ebsites and it ill attract a large number
of user(s actions in terms of brosing and clicks on presented
content modules.
,. The Preferable section is different for each user so e have done
the personali$ation for each user.
-. 3ach nes has the pie chart, so that e can identify the popularity
of the content in that portal.
4mplementation is the stage of the pro5ect hen the theoretical
design is turned out into a orking system. Thus it can be considered to be
the most critical stage in achieving a successful ne system and in giving
the user, confidence that the ne system ill ork and be effective.
The implementation stage involves careful planning, investigation of
the existing system and it(s constraints on implementation, designing of
methods to achieve changeover and evaluation of changeover methods.
P!$#em Statement:%
'esearchers 6s e target recommendation applications at content
modules on eb portals, our goal is to optimi$e content recommendation
such that a certain user engagement metric, such as overall 0T', is
maximi$ed. 1or a pool of candidate items, human editors can be employed
to manually rank the candidate items according to content attractiveness
and users( interests and then recommend top ranked items to users.
+oever, it requires expensive human effort and cannot guarantee that the
most attractive and relevant items are recommended to users due to the
interest gap beteen editors and !eb users. Therefore, e attempt to
design a recommender system that achieves content recommendation by
automatically estimating candidate items( attractiveness and relevance to
users( interests.
!e build a online personali$ed content optimi$ation system using
the parallel-serving-buckets frameork. 4n this frameork, e introduce
action interpretation for both more effective user segmentation and better
understanding on the in formativeness of different user actions. 4n
particular, e leverage users( click actions to group homogeneous users
into the same segment/ then, e explore the effects of a couple types of
user engagement factors as ell as the position bias on the online learning
procedure. 2arge-scale evaluations on both offline data set and online
traffic of a commercial portal ebsite demonstrate that e can significantly
improve the performance of content optimi$ation by integrating all of these
user action interpretation factors into the learning process. 4n the future, e
are interested in exploring more information about personali$ation, such as
users( geographic location and click behaviors from !eb search, and
studying ho to taking advantage of them to benefit content optimi$ation.
and importance during the ranking process. &ur proposed approach .'*P
has not only a nice convergence property, but also a satisfying optimi$ation

1ig7 &nline learning flochart. 6 random learning bucket is used for
exploration purpose. 6t the end of each time interval, the model for each
candidate item is updated based on the users( clicks and vies in random
learning bucket during this time interval. 4n the next time interval, the
updated model is applied to the corresponding candidate item in the
serving bucket. 4n this ay, all the candidate items are displayed by ranking
scores "computed by their corresponding updated models# in the serving
Pe%item m!de#
To build effective online recommendation model, the
straightforard but reliable method is to apply a dedicated model for each
candidate content item to estimate its attractiveness8relevance score. Using
these dedicated per-item models, e can rank all items by their respective
recommendation scores in the descending order and present the top
ranked ones to users. To adapt per-item model in our online learning
frameork, it is essential to employ an effective method for updating per-
item models. 4n this paper, e employ an estimated most popular "3.P#
model. 6ssume during the time interval 9t,t:); an item as displayed to
users n9t,t:); times, hich resulted in c9t,t:);
0licks, and assume this item(s 0T' estimation is pt predicted by its
previous model at time t/ then, for the model of this item at time t < ), the
0T' estimation of this item is updated as

r tpt:c9t, t:);
pt:) = ------------------------------
r t : n9t, t:);
here r t is the sample si$e of the prior belief, hich is updated as.,
r t = w r t-): n9t-), t;
this in hich w is a time-decay factor to discount the samples hich
happened long time ago.

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