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All g.

k 2014 anser key

..... ASSAM Circle .....
1. In which discipline United States holds maximm nm!er o" #o!el
$ri%e awards&
Ans' (' Medicine)$hysiology
2. Septem!er 2* is o!ser+ed as
Ans' C ' ,orld -a!ies (ay
.. ,ho said these words&
,hen I wash a leper/s wonds0 I "eel I am nrsing the 1ord himsel".
2och a leaper0 toch him with lo+e
Ans' A' Mother 2eresa
4. 3nk e)mail is also called
Ans' (' Spam
4. ,hich one o" the "ollowing cps5trophies is associated with
Ans' (' Santhosh 2rophy
6. ,ith whose permission did the 7nglish set p their "irst "actory
at Srat&
Ans'8' 3ahangir
9. ,hich one o" the "ollowing is the longest #ational :ighway in
Ans' 8' #: 9
*. 8le color o" the sky is conse;ence o"
Ans' C' scattering
<. ,hich is the !est)known !ird sanctary in :aryana&
Ans' A' Sltanpr
10. $rime Minister Manmohan Singh has declared decade 2010)2020 as
Ans. A' (ecade o" inno+ation
11. ,hat is a "nction o" a key!oard in a compter&
Ans' 8' Inpt
12. ,hich Indian "ilm was nominated "or an =scar&
Ans' (' 1agaan
1.. #a+y(ay is o!ser+ed on
Ans' A' (ec 4
14. ,ho is the athor o" the !ook >#aked 2riangle>&
Ans' C ' 8alwant ?argi
14. ,hich one o" the "ollowing connects the di""erent parts o" a
compter which is sally made p o" wires&
Ans' C' 8ses
16. ,ith which game does Santhosh 2rophy associated&
Ans' C' #ational @oot!all
$age 1
All g.k 2014 anser key
19. 2he introdction o" token crrency !y Mohammed)!in)2ghla; did
not scceed !ecase
Ans' C' 7xtensi+e conter"eiting o" token crrency
1*. ,hich one o" the "ollowing is the "irst #ational $ark
esta!lished in India&
Ans' 8' Cor!ett
1<. =ne light year is approximately e;al to'
Ans' A' 10A11 km
20. @atehpr Sikri was once the capital o" the Mghal 7mpire. 2his
city was !ilt !y
Ans' A' Ak!ar
21. ,hich state gi+es #andi Award&
Ans' (' Andhra $radesh
22. ,ho is the athor o" the !ook >2he -ights o" Man>&
Ans' (' 2homas $aine
2.. ,hich o" the "ollowing term is sed in game o" Cricket&
Ans' C' 18,
24. ,hich one o" the "ollowing was the "irst 7nglish newspaper in
India in the 19*0&
Ans' 8' 2he 8engal ?a%ette
24. -ain water collected a"ter .0 to 40 mintes o" raining is not
sita!le "or drinking !ecase it
Ans'(' is acidic
.... (71:I circle .....
1B ,hich one o" the "ollowing minerals is contained in the
Mona%ite sand o" Cerala&
Ans. D8B 2horim
2B 2he largest sgarcane prodcing contry in the world is'
Ans. D8B 8ra%il
.B 2his re"ers the amont that the commercial !anks re;ire to
maintain in the "orm o" gold or go+ernment appro+ed secrities
!e"ore pro+iding credit to cstomers'
Ans. DAB Stattory 1i;idity -atio
4B .......... is #=2 a Central ?o+ernment 2ax.
Ans. DCB 7ntertainment 2ax
4B :ow many contries delegates will +isit India to ha+e "irst hand
experience o" 1ok Sa!ha 7lection 2014 nder the /7lection Eisitors
$rogramme 2014/ lanched !y election commission o" India'
Ans. DAB 20
6B 1argest Solar $ower plant o" India was recently lanched in the
$age 2
All g.k 2014 anser key
state o"'
Ans. D8B Madhya $radesh
9B 2014 -anFi 2rophy was won !y'
Ans. DCB Carnataka
*B International Mother 7arth (ay was o!ser+ed across the world on'
Ans. DCB 22nd April 2014
<B ,ho is the leader o" hose presently in -aFya Sa!ha'
Ans. D8B Manmohan Singh
10B In an economy0 the sectors are classi"ied into p!lic and
pri+ate on the !asis o"
Ans. DCB =wnership o" enterprises
11B ,ho amongst the "ollowing is not a 1awn 2ennis $layer
Ans. DCB 2iger ,oods
12B 2he three -/s which can help s to conser+e natral resorce
"or long term s are&
Ans. D(B -edce0 -ecycle0 -ese
1.B 2he ri+er water is pollted with acidic wastes i" ph o" water
Ans. DAB 8elow 9
14B :ow many ergs are there in 1 Fole'
Ans. D(B 10A9
14B $resident o" International =lympic Committee'
Ans. DCB 2homas 8ach
16B ,hich !one is the largest !one in hman !ody
Ans. DAB @ermr
19B ,ho is responsi!le to collect the ser+ice tax&
Ans. DCB Central 7xcise (epartment
1*B Sr"ace 2ension has the nits o"'
Ans. D(B #ewton5m
1<B ,hen the o""ice o" the Chie" 3stice o" India is +acant or when
the chie" Fstice is !y reason o" a!sence or otherwise na!le to
per"orm the dties o" his o""ice0 ,ho shall ha+e the athority to
appoint acting chie" Fstice as per Article 126 the constittion o"
Ans. D8B 2he $resident o" India
20B 2he State shall endea+or to pro+ide early childhood care and
edcation o" all children ntil they complete the age o" six years.
2his is a pro+ision nder'
.Ans. DCB Article 44A relating to directi+e principles o" state
policy enmerated in $art IE o" the constittion o" India
21B I" any ;estion arises as to whether a mem!er o" $arliament has
!ecome s!Fect to any dis;ali"ications mentioned in claseD1B o"
$age .
All g.k 2014 anser key
article 1020 the ;estion shall !e re"erred "or decision to the
....... and decision o" the .... shall !e "inal'
Ans.D(B $resident o" India
22B Amogh+arsha was a "amos'
Ans. DCB -astrakta Cing
2.B >(o or (ie> is associated with the "ollowing mo+ement'
Ans. D(B Git India
24B @ind the odd one ot on the !asis o" origin o" -esorces'
Ans. DCB -ocks and metals
24B Shortest day in the #orthern hemisphere'
Ans. DCB (ecem!er 21
........ :A-HA#A circle ..........
1. :ow many teams are participating in I$1 2014&
Ans.'8' *
2. ,ho is the depty speaker o" 1ok Sa!ha at present&
Ans.'C' Cariya Mnda
.. ,ho is presently the chairman o" the "inance commission&
Ans.' A ' (r EiFay 1 Chelkar
H+ -eddy is the chairman o" 14 @inance commission. 8t now
commission is on rnning .
4. 2he Eidhan Sa!ha o" :aryana is III and comprises IIII mem!ers o"
legsilati+e Assem!ly.
Ans' 'A' Unicameral0 <0
4. ,hat is the motto o" ICC
Ans'C' ?reat Sport and ?reat Spirit
6. =pen market operations mean'
Ans' 8' $rchase and sale o" secrities !y the Central 8ank
9. ,hich o" the "ollowing does not a""ect credit creation power o"
Commericial 8ank.
Ans'8' Stattory li;idity ratio
*. :ow many players are there in each side o" a 8asket!all game'
Ans.'A' 4
<. =20 C=2 and #2 !eing the li"e spporting gases are chie"ly
concentrated in'
Ans. 'C' 2roposphere
10. 2he Chipko Andolan is asscociated with'
Ans. 8' 2rees
11. Instrment "or measring hmidity .Ans'A' :ygrometer
$age 4
All g.k 2014 anser key
12. @emale reprodcti+e part o" "lowerAns' A ' $istil
1.. A stick immensed in water appears !ent de toAns' ' C
14. I" a ;estion arise whether a !ill is money !ill or notAns' 8 '
speaker o" hose o" people14. ,hich article o" constitte o"
IndiaAns' A ' 122
16. Constittion o" $arliament as per article 9< o" the
Ans' 8 ' $resident0 concil o" states and the hose o" the people
19. In the "reedom mo+ement o" India the year 1<.0 is associated
Ans' A' (andi March
1*. ,here is the tom! o" ShahFahan is sitated
Ans' 8 ' 2aFmahal
1<. 8alghat mines is "amos "or
Ans' A' 8axite deposits
20. 1ongest day in Sothern hemisphere
Ans' C' (ec 21
21.,hich o" the "ollowing extreme locations connected !y 7ast ,est
Ans' C ' Silchar and por!andar
22.J 3agannath $ahadia K is present ?o+ernor o"
Ans' 8' :aryana
2.. #ext ,inter =lympics will !e held at
Ans' ( ' $yeongchang0 soth korea
24. (adashae! $halke award "or the year 201. awarded to
Ans' C' ?l%ar
24.,ho is the Chie" 3stice o" India as on date
Ans' 8' -aFendra Mal 1odha
..............3:A-C:A#( circle ......
1B 2he Fornalist who re"sed to accept $adma 8hshan was
DAB Shekharan #air
D8B Chshwant Singh
DCB Chrchill
D(B 7rnest :emingway
Ans. D8B Chshwant Singh
#ote' :e was awarded the $adma 8hshan in 1<94 "or ser+ice to his
contry. In 1<*40 he retrned the award in protest against the
siege o" the ?olden 2emple !y the Indian Army.
2B =cto!er 24 is o!ser+ed as
DAB ,orld Eegetarian (ay
$age 4
All g.k 2014 anser key
D8B United #ations (ay "or Soth Soth Cooperation
DCB ,orld Immni%ation (ay
D(B United #ations (ay0 recogni%ed !y the U#
Ans. D(B United #ations (ay0 recogni%ed !y the U#
.B ,hat is :arry $otter/s owl/s name&
DAB :edwig
D8B :oney dkes
DCB Money dke
D(B 7agle
Ans. DAB :edwig
4B ,hat is the re!ooting o" the compter system&
DAB -estarting o" the so"tware which is already installed in the
system !t remained idle
D8B -estarting o" so"tware recently installed in the compter
DCB -estarting o" a program which is cooperati+e to the main
operating system
DCB -estarting o" rnning compter intentionally or nintentionally
Ans. DCB -estarting o" rnning compter intentionally or
4B ,hat is the name o" the person that controls a "oot!all match&
DAB A re"ree
D8B An mpire
DCB A spectator
D(B A goalkeeper
Ans. DAB A re"ree
6B ,hich o" the "ollowing sltans had greatest nm!er o" sla+es in
his cort&
DAB 8al!an
D8B AladdinChilFi
DCB Mohammed)!in)2ghla;
D(B @ero%2ghla;
Ans. D(B @ero%2ghla;
9B ,hen yo tra+el in certain parts o" India0 yo will notice red
soil. ,hat is the main reason "or this color&
DAB A!ndance o" magnesim
D8B Accmlated hms
DCB $resence o" "erric oxides
D(B A!ndance o" phosphates
Ans. DCB $resence o" "erric oxides
*B ?laciers always melt at the ....... "irst.
DAB 2op Sr"ace
D8B Sides
DCB 8ottom
DCB Middle Sr"ace
Ans. DCB 8ottom
<B In which state is the "amos 2awang monastery located&
DAB Arnachal $radesh
D8B 3amm and Cashmir
$age 6
All g.k 2014 anser key
DCB :imachal $radesh
D(B Sikkim
Ans. DAB Arnachal $radesh
10B ,ho among the "ollowing has !een awarded the =""icer o" the
1egion :onor0 the highest ci+ilian distinction o" the ?o+ernment
o" @rance&
DAB # - #arayana Mrthy
D8B -atan 2ata
DCB C M 8irla
D(B Mkesh Am!ani
Ans. DAB # - #arayana Mrthy
11B ,hen is /:indi (iwas/ cele!rated&
DAB =cto!er 12th
D8B =cto!er 1<th
DCB Septem!er 14th
D(B Septem!er 9th
Ans. DCB Septem!er 14th
12B ,ho directed the world "amos "ilm /2he ?andhi/&
DAB #ani $alkhi+ala
D8B 8en Cingsley
DCB Mrinal Sen
D(B -ichard Atten!orogh
Ans. D(B -ichard Atten!orogh
1.B ,ho is the in+entor o" ,orld ,ide ,e! D,,,B&
DAB Einod (ham
D8B Sir 3ohn (alton
DCB 2im 8erners 1ee
D(B 8ill ?ates
Ans. DCB 2im 8erners 1ee
14B ,hich o" the "ollowing games is not inclded in the =lympic
DAB Cycling
D8B Archery
DCB Cricket
D(B Skiing
Ans. DCB Cricket
14B 2he head o" the military department nder the recogni%ed
central machinery o" adminstration dring Ak!ar/s reign was
DAB (iwan
D8B Mir 8akshi
DCB Mir Saman
D(B 8akshi
Ans. D8B Mir 8akshi
16B ,hich langages are spoken in #agaland&
DAB Conyak0 #aga
D8B 7nglish
DCB Chasi and ?aro
D(B #one o" these
Ans. D8B 7nglish
$age 9
All g.k 2014 anser key
19B 2he "ilament o" !l! is o"
DAB Mercry
D8B Copper
DCB 2ngsten
D(B #one o" these
Ans. DCB 2ngsten
1*B India/s "irst nclear test was condcted in
DAB Champaran
D8B $okhran
DCB 3awahar Sagar
D(B Chickmaglar
Ans. D8B $okhran
1<B ,hich date is known as /(ia!etes (ay/&
DAB 14th @e!rary
D8B 14th May
DCB 14th Septem!er
D(B 14th #o+em!er
Ans. D(B 14th #o+em!er
20B Ctrl0 Shi"t and Alt are called ....... Ceys
DAB Modi"ier
D8B @nction
DCB Alphanmeric
D(B AdFstment
Ans. DAB Modi"ier
21B /2he $rince/ was written !y
DAB # Machia+eli
D8B 8oris $aterak
DCB (e+endranath 2agore
D(B 3awaharalal #ehr
Ans. DAB # Machia+eli
22B ,ho among the "ollwing was a "onder o" SwaraF $arty&
DAB Ealla!hai $atel
D8B -aFendra $rasad
DCB C- (as
D(B #arendra (e!
Ans. DCB C- (as
2.B ,hich gas is responsi!le "or glo!al warming&
DAB =2
D8B =2 and C=2
DCB C=2 and C:4
D(B C:4
Ans. DCB C=2 and C:4
24B 2he rings o" which planet prodce their own rain that "alls
onto the planet which has a maFor impact on its atmosphere&
DAB Eens
D8B Mercry
DCB Satrn
D(B Mars
$age *
All g.k 2014 anser key
Ans. DCB Satrn
24B ,here is the #ational Academy o" Agricltral -esearch
Management located&
DAB (ehradn
D8B :ydera!ad
DCB #ew (elhi
D(B Itanagar
Ans. D8B :ydera!ad
.....MA:A-AS2:-A circle ......
G)1 @ero% ?andhi Award0 is gi+en "or otstanding
per"ormance in the "ield o")
A#S ) 3ornalism
G)2 1st 2esday o" May is o!ser+ed as)
A#S ),orld Asthma (ay
G). 2he director o" the "ilm L1ittle 8ddhaM)
A#S ) 8ernardo 8ertolcci
G)4 A compter cannot L!ootM i" it does not ha+e the N
A#S ) =perating System
G)4 ,here did Mahendra Singh (honi make his =(I de!t&
A#S ) Chittagong
G)6 2he Iron $illar0 near Gt!Minar drawas attention o"
scientists de to its)
A#S ) -estlessness
G)9 ,hich type o" soil retains maximm amont o" water&
A#S Clay
G)* ,hen air is satrated0 it cannot hold)
A#S ) more water +apor
G)< ,hich one o" the "ollowing contries has the largest
"orest area in the world&
A#S ) -ssian @ederation
G)10 ,hat are the rings o" Satrn made "rom&
A#S ) 1arge pieces o" ice and rock
G)11 2he oldest mtal "nd in India is)
A#S ) Unit 2rst o" India
G)12 2he ,orld (ay to Com!at (eserti"ication is o!ser+ed e+ery
year on)
A#S ) 19th 3ne
G)1. ,hich part o" a compter displays the work done&
A#S )Monitor
$age <
All g.k 2014 anser key
G)14 ,ho has written the !ook LStill conting the (eadM&
A#S ) @rances :arrison
G)14 ,hich o" the "ollowing is the main case o" the
ecological im!alance in India&
A#S ) (e"orestation
G)16 ?angotri +illage which is the sorce o" ri+er ?anga is
sitated on the !ank o" )
A#S ) 8hagirathi
G)19 ,ho amongst the "ollowing is the athor o" the !ook
L7conomic #ightmare o" IndiaM&
A#S ) Charan Singh
G)1* LInternational 1iteracy (ayM cele!rated on Septem!er *th0
was proclaimed !y)
A#S ) U#7SC=
G)1< 2he original name o" Maha!harata is N
A#S ) 3ai Samhita
G)20 ,hich o" the "ollowing is a ,e! !rowser&
A#S ) All o" these
G)21 Champion 2rophy is associated with)
A#S ) Cricket
G)22 (ring Arang%e!Ms reign0 whose dty is to see that
people li+ed their li+es in accordance with the LshariatM&
A#S ) Mhtasi!s
G)2. (ensity o" poplation is de"ined as the nm!er o" persons
per s;are)
A#S ) Cilometer
G)24 @se wire shold ha+e)
A#S ) :igh resistance and low melting point
G)24 In which o" the "ollowing city0 the "irst woman post
o""ice in the contry has !een esta!lished in March 201.&
A#S ) #ew (elhi
......... =(IS:A circle ......
1B ,hich o" the "ollowing award is associated with Agricltre&
DAB 8orlog Award
D8B Shati Swaroop 8hatnagar
DCB ArFn Award
D(B Eyas Samman
Ans. DAB 8orlog Award
2B @e!rary 14 is o!ser+ed as)
DAB ,orld Eegetarian (ay
D8B United #ations (ay "or Soth Soth Cooperation
$age 10
All g.k 2014 anser key
DCB Ealentines (ay
D(B United #ations (ay0 recogni%ed !y the U#
Ans. DCB Ealentines (ay
.B 2he !ook /(isco+er o" India/ is written !y'
DAB Mahatma ?andhi
D8B S!hash Chandra 8ose
DCB 3awaharlal #ehr
D(B Sastri
Ans. DCB 3awaharlal #ehr
4B A person who ses his5her experience to gain access to other
people/s compter to get in"ormation illegally or do damage is
called as
DAB Spammer
D8B $rogrammer
DCB :acker
D(B Instant Messenger
Ans. DCB :acker
4B :ow many players are there in a water polo team&
D8B 4
D(B 9
Ans. D(B 9
6B At the time when #adir Shah attacked (elhi0 the Mghal 7mperor
DAB Ahmad Shah
D8B 8ahadr Shah
DCB Mhammad Shah
D(B Shah Alam II
Ans. DCB Mhammad Shah
9B Arrange the "ollowing states in the increasing order o"
1. Andhra $radesh 2. ,est 8engal .. 8ihar 4. U$
DAB 1020.04
D8B 102040.
DCB 2010.04
D(B 201040.
Ans. DAB 1020.04
*B 2o which one o" the "ollowing process is the term CMHC related&
DAB -ailway Signaling
D8B #a+igation
DCB =""set $rinting
D(B 7lectronic Eoting
Ans. DCB =""set $rinting
<B In which year was the Indian Space -esearch =rgani%ation DIS-=B
DAB 1<69
D8B 1<6<
DCB 1<90
$age 11
All g.k 2014 anser key
D(B 1<94
Ans. D8B 1<6<
10B ,hich o" the "ollowing awards was con"erred on Mrs. Ciran 8edi&
DAB Saraswati
D8B ?olden ?lo!e
DCB Magsaysay
D(B -ani 1akshmi
Ans. DCB Magsaysay
11B 2he United #ations declared 2006 as the International Hear o"
D8B,orld $oplation
D(B7lderly $ersons
Ans. DAB-ice
12B ,ho has written the !ook >,ar and $eace>&
DABChshwant Singh !
D8BMikhail Solokho+
DCBCont 1eo 2olstoy
D(BSal 8ellow
Ans. DCBCont 1eo 2olstoy
1.B ,hat is the "nction o" the I5= nits o" a compter system&
DAB2o initiali%e the process o" reco+ery o" data o" the crashed
D8B2o exchange the in"ormation o" windows with C$U
DCB2o reset or restart the compter when it is !ooted
D(B2o exchange the in"ormation o" compter with the otside world
Ans. D(B2o exchange the in"ormation o" compter with the otside
14B India won its "irst =lympic hockey gold in ................ &
Ans. DAB1<2*
14B ,ho among the "ollowing was the athor o" 2arikh)i)Alai0 which
contains Sltan Aladdin ChiliFi &
DABOiaddin 8arani
D8BShams SiraF A"i"
DCBAmir Chsra
Ans. DCBAmir Chsra
16B ,hich o" the "ollowing states has the maximm total "orest
co+er in India&
DABArnachal $radesh
DCBMadhya $radesh
Ans. DCBMadhya $radesh
$age 12
All g.k 2014 anser key
19B 2he normal temperatre o" hman !ody&
DAB.9 degree Celsis
D8B.9 degree @erenhite
DCB104 degree @erhenhite
D(B.6.4 degree Celsis
Ans. DAB.9 degree Celsis
1*B 2he 1akshadweep Islands are sitated in which ocean
DABIndian =cean
D8BAr!ian Sea
DCB8ay o" 8angle
DCB#one o" these
Ans. D8BAr!ian Sea
1<B ,hich day is International :man -ight (ay&
DAB10th (ecem!er
D8B24th =cto!er
DCB24th #o+em!er
D(B#one o" these
Ans. DAB10th (ecem!er
20B =tpt de+ices make it possi!le to
DAB+iew and print a data
D8BScan a data
DCBInpt a data
D(BSending a data
Ans. DAB+iew and print a data
21B ,ho is th athor o" the !ook >#ew (eminsions o" India/s @oreign
$olicy> &
DABA8 EaFpayee
D8B3aswant Singh
DCB$C Alexander
D(BHashwant Sinha
Ans. DABA8 EaFpayee
22B 2he =lympic ?ames in 2016 will !e held in
2.B ,ho amongst the "ollowing 7nglishmen0 "irst translated
>8hag+ad)?ita> into 7nglish
DAB,illiam Fones
D8BCharles ,ilkins
DCBAlexander Cnningham
D(B3ohn Marshall
Ans. D8BCharles ,ilkins
24B 7""ect o" polltion is most marked on
DABnatral !alance o" natre
D8Bnatral "lora o" place
DCBnatral geochemical cycles
$age 1.
All g.k 2014 anser key
D(BAll o" these
Ans. D8Bnatral "lora o" place
24B 2he "irst satellite lanched !y India was called
D8B8haskara I
DCB8haskara II
Ans. DABArya!hatta
...2AMI1#A(U circle ...
1. ,hich o" the "ollowing state does not ha+e legislati+e concil&
Ans '( ' Madhya $radesh
2. 2he latest addition in "ndamental dties nder Article)41A o"
the constittion Ans' C' $rotecting and sa"egarding natral
.. 21. As per the constittion o" India0 the state legislatre
shall consist o"
Ans' (' 7ither A or 8
4. I" "or a period o" II a mem!er o" either hose o" the
parliament is withot the permission o" the hose a!sent "rom all
meetings thereo" the hose may declare his5her seat +acant
Ans' C'60 days
4. ,hich amidst the "ollowing was not a "ort o" the Maratha rler
Ans' ('#one o" these
6. Among the @ollowing ,ho introdced the +ernaclar press Act&
Ans' A' 1od 1ytton
9. ,ho was the "onder o" EiFainagar 7mpire&
Ans' C' :arihar and 8kka
*. 2en degree Channel is sitated !etween&
Ans' C'1ittle Andaman and #ico!ar Islands
$age 14
All g.k 2014 anser key
<. 2he e;ator does not pass throgh which o" the "ollowing
Ans' 8' Maxico
10. 7arth is made p o" more than 100di""erent elements. Arrange
the "ollowing "or important elements in order o" their importance
D:igh to 1owB. ,hich constitte in the com!ination o" earth &
Ans' (' =xygen0 Silicion0Alminim0Iron
11. Match the "ollowing
Ans' A
$oise ) Eiscosity
@arad N 7lectrical Capacitance
Cel+in N 2emperatre
Calorie N Gantity o" :eat
12. 2hree o" the "ollowing "or are alike in a certain way and so
"orm a grop. ,hich is the one that does not !elong to the grop &
Ans'8' Argentina
1.. 8rass contains
Ans' A' 90 P copper and .0 P Oinc
14. 2he atomic nm!er o" car!on is 12 it means that car!on atom
Ans' A' 6 protons and 6 electrons
14. @ree%ing "orm o" water is same on these scales
Ans' Centigrade and -eamer
16. 8=( is measre o"
Ans' (' 8iochemical oxygen demand
19. 2he water!orne !acterial disease cholera cased !y
Ans' +i!rio cholerae D+i!rio commaB
1*. which o" the "ollowing act go+erns the "oreign exchange rles
in india
$age 14
All g.k 2014 anser key
Ans' A' @7MA
1<. 8I@- Stands "or
Ans' 8'8oard "or Indstrial and @inancial -econstrction
20. ,hat is the motto o" the =lympic games 2020
Ans' (' (isco+er 2omorrow
21. ,ho among the "ollowing is not a $adma Ei!hshan awardee 201.&
Ans' (' -ahl (ra+id
22. @ind the =dd one ot &
Ans' A' @I@A world CU$
2.. @irst women who was to !e indcted in ICC mpires panel !elongs
to which contry &
Ans' ('#ew Oealand
24. 8IMS27C smmit was held recently at
Ans' C' Myanmar
24. ,hich o" the @ollowing does not in+ol+e chemical reaction&
Ans' (' Melting o" candle wax on heating
........ U22A-AC:A#( CI-C17 ...
1. 2he !ook K Arond the world in eighty daysJ was written !y)
3les +erne
2. A mar!le dome is "irst witnessed in which Mghal
!ilding.):maynMs tom!
.. 2he ?olden chariot is lxry torist train that connects the
important torist spot in the indian
States o" N Carnataka and goa
4. ,ho are the two actors Fointly awarded with the !est actor award
in 60th #ational "ilm Awards&)
Ir"an khan and +ikramgokhle
4. 2he Andhra $radesh state go+ernment cele!rated "rom sep 14th as
$age 16
All g.k 2014 anser key
N @armer and women week
6. 2he Sanskrit poet called as the indian Shakespeare) Calidas
9. 2he main Fo! o" a C$U is too) $rocess date and in"ormation and
carry ot program instrction
*. 3aspal-ana is a distingished athlete in which o" which o" the
"ollowing games.&) shooting
<. 2he Moti masFid in Agra was !ild dring the reign o" )SAhaFahan
10. 2he larges ecosystem o" the earth is N 8iosphere
11. I" a crrent is passed in a spring 0it) remains nchanged
12. 2he largest !iogas plant o" the world was inagrated in
march201. in) @inland
1.. ,ho is the athor o" !ookJ Con;est o" sel"J) M.?andhi
14. Sharada act "ixed the minimm age o" marriage o" girls and !oys
respecti+ely as )14 and 1*
14. $ress "reedom day is cele!rated on) may 2
16. ,ho is the "irst mslim president o" indian national congress&
19. 2he highest ci+ilian award o" india K8harat -atnaJ has !een
awarded to only two "oreigners so
"ar0one o" them is #elson Mandela. 2he other is N A!dl ?ha""ar
1*. 2he nited nations declared 200. as the international year o"
N8oth International year o"
"reshwater and 7ropean disa!ility year
1<. ,ho was the "irst winner o" dada sahe!phalke Award& (e+ika rani
20. 2he compterMs processer Consists which o" the "ollowing pairs)
Cp and Main memory
21. ,hich !atsman started his international cricketing career at
the age o" 16&)sachin
22. 2he earliest example in india o" a mos;e !ilt the wholly in
accordance with mslim ideas was
N 3amaatkhana masFid
2.. 2he all+ial soils o" the ?angetic +alley are descri!ed as
24. Sond tra+el "astest in N ,ater
24. 2he karakoram highway connects N China and $akistan
$age 19
All g.k 2014 anser key
$age 1*

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