Shadow Kiss Dimitri S Point o F View

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{\rtf \ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0

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et0 Palatino Linotype;}{\f30\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\f31\fmodern\fchars
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nd;}{\f60 Haettenschweiler;}}
\plain\pard\sl-473 \li0 \ri7432 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Chapter 1:
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri497 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Cold wind hit me in the face as I walked around the campus{\f63 \u8223
\'3f} grounds. Leafless tree
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri330 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 branch
es swayed in the wind, clawing at the sides of the stone dorms like fingernails.

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri501 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 The su
n peeped at me from between lead-colored clouds. It was like any miserable
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6268 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 winte
r day in Montana.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri54 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 The sun{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s warmth was no match for the drifting snow in
the air. I pulled my duster closer
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri364 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 to my
frame, trying to keep the icy air from seeping into my skin. Unfortunately it on
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 worked
a little, and I shivered as a blast of snow melted as it made contact with my sk
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri427 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I was on watch. It was night time for the Moroi, which was one of the
easiest posts a
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri234 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 guardi
an could get. Hardly anyone left their dorms. Well, except for the novices. Ever
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri45 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 single one of them app
eared to have some form of insomnia. Luckily for me I hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t ran

\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4728 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 into
any sleep deprived students\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri575 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Shifts of school guardians always patrolled the grounds while everyone
else slept.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri174 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Strigo
i, the undead vampires who stalked living Moroi vampires like Lissa, didn{\f63 \
u8223\'3f}t come
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri655 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 out in
sunlight, but students breaking rules---sneaking out of their dorms---were a
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6191 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 probl
em night and day.
\sl-295\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri958 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I walked on the newly lain snow; the only sound was the howling wind a
nd the
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri64 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 crunchi
ng snow beneath my feet. I tilted my head back, letting my human genes take in
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri514 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the su
n{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s rays as I continued my patrol around the school{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}s grounds. My head shot
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2783 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 forwa
rd when I heard the faint footsteps of another person.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri251 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I was the only one who was assigned to patrol the novice{\f63 \u8223\'
3f}s side of the campus. Other
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri213 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 guardi
ans were guarding the Moroi dorms and the front gate as well as the back gate.
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3249 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 No on
e should be walking around my part of the area.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri277 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Tensing I realized it was a novice sneaking out, my first catch of the
day. Quickly and
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri237 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 silent
ly I rounded a corner, towards the sounds of the footsteps and stopped short. I{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}d
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3193 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 recog
nized that dark brown hair and stance anywhere.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7822 \expndtw-15 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 Rose.
\sl-298\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri108 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 My heart quickened as I took her in. I had finally accepted our love f
or each other. That
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri917 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 was af
ter almost having an affair with Tasha Ozera. I had promised Rose after
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri213 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 everyt
hing that happened in Spokane that I would never hurt her again. But that didn{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}t
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2124 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 mean
we could start a relationship that wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t strictly educational.
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3539 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 I sighed; wishing life weren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t so damn complicated.
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri639 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Rose continued to wal
k away from me, oblivious of my presence. A hint of a smile
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri629 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 spread
across my lips. Rose, always breaking the rules, when will you ever learn?
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5321 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "Are you sleepwalking?" I asked.
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri391 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She spun around, startled. I stood there watching her amused and curio
us as to why
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri234 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 she wa
s out here so late in the night. Plus it was kind of amusing to see her caught o
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 by surp
rise. Hastily she ran a hand through her long hair, which was matted and stickin
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5895 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 up ev
erywhere from sleep.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3763 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "I was testing dorm security," she said. "It sucks."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri90 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 A small smile played on my lips at the sound of that. I was about to re
ply when I noticed
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 ha smal
l shiver go through her. Her eyes weren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t on me anymore; they we
re now clearly
\sl-253\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1170 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 focus
ed on my jacket. Which was doing a lot better job at keeping me warm.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri413 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I took in her attire then. Her blue robe draped around her, down to he
r fuzzy slippers
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri904 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 that w
ere now drenched from her walk in the snow. I may not be able to have a
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1241 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 relat
ionship with her, but that didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t stop me from worrying about he
r safety.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri856 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "You must be freezing. Do you want my coat?" I asked ready to take it
off at her
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7431 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 comm
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri414 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She shook her head. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m fine. What are you doing out
here. Are you testing security
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7946 \expndtw-28 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 too?
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4662 \expndtw-6 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "I\i am\i0 security. This is my watch." I said.
\sl-272\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri529 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Well, good work." She said. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m glad I was able to h
elp test your awesome skills. I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6330 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 shou
ld be going now."
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri377 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She turned to walk ba
ck the way she came. Her eyes hurt and betrayed, and looking
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri317 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 into t
hem brought me back to the day in Spokane. When I and too many guardians to
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri73 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 count w
ent in search for her and four other students from St. Vladimirs. Mason, Mia and

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri367 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Eddie
had ran from the ski resort in search for Stirgoi. They were revengeful for what

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri808 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the va
mpires did to the two royal families in the past and planned to kill them all.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri769 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Rose had heard about it and took off, not bothering to tell me about i
t. And in the
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri378 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 proces
s she wound up taking Christian with her as well. I thought at first it was to g
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri101 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 her bo
yfriend Mason back saftly. But really it was about saving all of their lives; sh
e had
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri998 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 realiz
ed how stupid they were being and wanted to put some sense into them.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri415 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 On their trip back the five of them ran into humans who had helped the
Strigoi. Rose
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri451 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and th
e other novices had put up a good fight, but in the end they had lost and were
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri460 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 held c
aptive in a basement under a house. There the Strigoi had tortured Eddie and
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6771 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 tease
d the Moroi.
\sl-298\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri679 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Eventually after two days of their captivation Rose had the idea of us
ing offensive
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri160 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 magic.
This was strictly prohibited and looked down upon. But that didn{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}t stop Christian
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 from us
ing fire to free them. When Rose and Mason had thought the cost was clear they
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2237 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 left
the basement. Only to run into the two Strigoi that lived there.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri414 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Rose had got everyone out into the sunlight, leaving herself to die. S
he had put up a
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri75 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 very go
od fight, but not good enough for Mason who in the end got killed because of his

\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3497 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 love
for Rose. We had found them shortly after that.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri267 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Mason{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s actions was the exact reason why I didn{\f63 \
u8223\'3f}t want my love for Rose to get in the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri739 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 way. I
didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t want a risk like that to happen where we lost Lissa beca
use of some
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5559 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 roman
ce between Rose and I.
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri250 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Rose---" I caught he
r arm, and despite all the wind and chill and slush, a flash of heat
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri317 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 shot t
hrough me. I released her with a start, she looked up at me shocked. As though
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri749 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 she{\f
63 \u8223\'3f}d felt it too. "What are you really doing out here?" I used my str
ict voice then,
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5199 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 wanti
ng a clear answer out of her.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4662 \expndtw-6 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "I had a bad dream. I wanted some air."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri103 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 For a moment my mind flashed back to my earlier thought of Spokane. I
quickly pushed
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri250 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 it awa
y. "And so you just rushed out. Breaking the rules didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t even c
ross your mind---
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5222 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and n
either did putting on a coat."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3878 \expndtw-11 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "Yeah," she said. "That pretty much sums it up."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1843 \expndtw-6 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "Rose, Rose. You never change. Always jumping in without thinking."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri57 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 She furrowed her brow, a frown spread on her lips. "That{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}s not true," she protested. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7012 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 chan
ged a lot."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri555 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 Blood\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}Rose screami
ng\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}dead bodies\expndtw-14{\
field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}Spokane\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SY
MBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}flashed through my mind all at
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri702 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 once.
And it was then that I realized never before had I been so scared in my life.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri317 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Scared
for Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s safety, afraid that she will never be the same. And
the death of her
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5176 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 best
friend would scar her forever.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri469 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 And as I had predicted it has given her a darker outlook on life. As w
ell as everyone
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3441 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 here
at St. Vladimir{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s Academy, but Rose especially.
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri30 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 She noticed my frown as my face shifted unpleasantly at the thoughts of
what happened
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri137 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 three
weeks ago. "Well, don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t worry. My birthday{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s com
ing up. As soon as I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m eighteen,
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri483 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I{\f63
\u8223\'3f}ll be an adult, right? I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m sure I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll
wake up that morning and be all mature and stuff."
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri180 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I softened into a smi
le at her attempts of making a joke to cheer me up. "Yes, I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m su
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5780 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 What
is it, about a month?"
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4466 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "Thirty-one days." She announced primly.
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5940 \expndtw-16 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "Not that you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re counting."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4798 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 She shrugged, which made me laugh.
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri462 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "I suppose you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve made a birthday list too. Ten pages?
Single-spaced?" Ranked by
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri455 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 order
of priority?" I was still smiling. It was one of my relaxed and amused ones that

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6874 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 rarel
y came out.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri310 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She smiled and opened her mouth to reply but then quickly shut is as h
er face turned
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5782 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 from
happy to sad and hurt.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4585 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "No." She said in a small voice. "No list."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri27 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 I tilted my head to get a better look at her, making some of my shoulde
r-length hair blow
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri141 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 into m
y face. My hair was brown, like Roses{\f63 \u8223\'3f}, but not nearly as dark.
Hers looked black
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri242 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 at tim
es. I brushed the unruly strands aside, only to have them immediately blow back
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri229 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 into m
y face. "I can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t believe you don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t want anything
. It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s going to be a boring birthday
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5710 \expndtw-15 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "It doesn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t matter." She said.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri513 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "What do you---" I stopped, I understood then. From the look in her ey
es I could tell
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri625 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 exactl
y what she meant. She wanted freedom. Being eighteen meant we could be
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri98 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 togethe
r, it meant we could be seen as a couple in public and not be questioned. It was

\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri587 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 someth
ing she and I both wanted more than anything in the world. Yet we couldn{\f63 \u
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7895 \expndtw-15 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 have
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri294 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I understood. I alway
s did. It was part of why we connected like we did, in spite of the
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri693 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 seven-
year gap in our ages. We{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d fallen for each other last fall when
I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d been her
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri209 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 combat
instructor. As things heated up between us, we{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d found we had m
ore things to
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri844 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 worry
about than just age. We were both going to be protecting Lissa when she
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri103 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 gradua
ted, and we couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t let our feelings for each other distract us
when she was our
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7700 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 prior
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri317 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t think our feelings for each other were ever r
eally going to go away. We{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d both
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 had mom
ents of weakness, moments that led to stolen kisses or saying things we really
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri406 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 should
n{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have. After she had escaped the Strigoi, I had told her that
I loved her and
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri520 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 admitt
ed I could never be with anyone else because of that. But we still couldn{\f63 \
u8223\'3f}t be
\sl-253\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri331 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 togeth
er either and we had both slipped back into our old roles of keeping away from
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1521 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 each
other and pretending that our relationship was strictly professional.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri124 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Looking down at Rose I could see her shiver, pulling her robe closer t
o her. I wanted to
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri28 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 change
the subject, wanted to stop thinking about our love life and start taking action
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri359 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the no
w. "You can deny it all you want, but I know you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re freezing. Le
t{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s go inside. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5789 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 take
you through the back."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri428 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Astonishment flashed in her eyes. And I knew it was at my abrupt chang
e in subject
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri399 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 rather
than me sneaking her around the campus. "I think you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re the one
who{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s cold."
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri493 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She te
ased, as we walked around the side of the dorm where the novice guardians
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1708 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 lived
. "Shouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t you be all tough and stuff, since you{\f63 \u8223\'
3f}re from Siberia?"
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3737 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t think Siberia{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s exactly wha
t you imagine."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3128 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "I imagine it as an arctic wasteland." She said truthfully.
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4369 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "Then it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s definitely not what you imagine."
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri1515 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Do you miss it?" sh
e asked glancing back at me as I walked behind her.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1106 \expndtw-6 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "All the time." I said my heart aching for my hometown. "Sometimes I
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7543 \expndtw-26 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "Belikov!"
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri393 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 A voice was carried on the wind from behind us. "I knew this was going
to happen." I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri448 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 mutter
ed, too low for Rose to hear. I shoved her further around the corner she{\f63 \u
8223\'3f}d just
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5777 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 roun
ded. "Stay out of sight."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri509 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She ducked down behind a bank of holly trees that flanked the building
. They didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri169 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 have a
ny berries. I turned from her then, putting on my mask as I walked up to Alberta
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri412 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 who wa
s standing in the middle of the courtyard. She was dressed in all black: black
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4263 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 jeans
, black shirt and a black leather jacket.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri274 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re not on watch." I said trying to keep the surpr
ise out of my voice as I stopped a
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6760 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 few f
eet from her.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri485 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "No, but I need to talk to you. It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll just take a minu
te. We need to shuffle some of the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5309 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 watc
hes while you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re at the trial."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri519 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "I figured." I said trying to keep Victor{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s trial secr
et from a eavesdropping Rose. "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3495 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 going
to put a strain on everyone else---bad timing."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri342 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Yes, well, the queen runs on her own schedule." Alberta said frustrat
ed as she ran a
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri608 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 hand t
hrough her short hair. "Celeste will take your watches, and she and Emil will
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5620 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 divid
e up your training times."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri138 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I knew she was referring to the field experience starting tomorrow. Si
x weeks of hands-
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 on-prac
tice for the novices. They{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d have no classes and would get to pr
otect Moroi night
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri503 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and day while the gua
rdians tested them. "Training times" meant my participation in
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri8037 \expndtw-14 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 that
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri347 \expndtw-7 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "They say they don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t mind the extra work," she continu
ed, "but I was wondering if you
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1811 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 could
even things out and take some of their shifts before you leave?"
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri792 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Absolutely." I said words short and stiff. I was trying to keep Alber
ta from saying
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri382 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 anythi
ng that would tip Rose off. She didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t need to know about Victor
{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s trial. It would
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri371 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 worry
her even more. And knowing her, she would be angrier at the fact that she and
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1221 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Lissa
can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t go rather than him being proved innocent. This wouldn{\f6
3 \u8223\'3f}t happen.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 "Thanks I think that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll help." She sighed. Her face tho
ughtful. "I wish I knew how long this
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri310 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 trial
was going to be. I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t want to be away that long. You{\f63 \u8
223\'3f}d think it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d be a done deal
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri382 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 with D
ashkov, but now I hear the queen{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s getting cold feet about impri
soning a major
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7860 \expndtw-24 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 roya
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6921 \expndtw-20 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "Yeah. Thanks."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri384 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She walked away from me, and I stood in the snow watching her. I sighe
d and called
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri467 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 out to
her. I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t want her to think I was some mean teacher. "Rose?
" She glanced
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri255 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 back.
"I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m sorry," I said and then paused. My regret fading as I apolo
gized. "And you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4895 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 bette
r bring the keys back tomorrow."
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5302 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 She turned away and kept going.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7450 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Chapter 2:
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri70 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 I walked silently across the campus, nodding at the guardian taking ove
r my watch post.
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri508 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 The sn
ow threatened to seep into my shirt so I pulled the duster closer to my chest.
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3852 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Thank
ing God that I had remembered to bring it.
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri274 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 But according to Rose
: I was nothing without my western wardrobe. She had told me
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri131 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 that t
he other day and I laughed at that. To her I was like some old cowboy ready for
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri141 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 shooto
ut. I smiled as I made my way to the main office where Kirova and Alberta were
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6946 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 waiti
ng for me.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 I approached the tall European-type building. It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s mass
ive shape casting long, dark and
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri814 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 spooky
looking shadows along the unbroken snow. Seeing the ground like this,
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri81 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 untouch
ed and not full of life brought me back a month ago when Rose and I had gone
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5397 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 to th
e Badica house to see Art.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri183 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 A shiver went up and down my spine as I remembered that day clearly. S
eeing one of
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri135 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the gr
eatest guardians lying dead on the floor made me cringe. And the way Tamara{\f63
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri682 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 face l
ooked as she took in her mentor made me realize that this could happen to
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7581 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 anyo
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri143 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m sure Art put up a good fight, but not good enough.
And for her to witness someone
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri256 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 close
to her that made her who she was today, dead below her feet. Well, I promised
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri226 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 myself
that I would never let that happen to Rose. I would never leave her, never hurt

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7389 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 her a
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri372 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know how Tamara did it; I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m po
sitive if it were Rose looking down at me lying
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri568 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 lifele
ss on the floor she would have punched someone. Or rather done something
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3407 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 stupi
d, like avenge my death, and get killed doing it.
\sl-298\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri224 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 My heart squeezed painfully at the thought of Rose running after my ki
ller and getting
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7089 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 kille
d herself.
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri642 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Shaking my head I ent
ered the building. The warm blast blew away any of my last
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri87 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 thought
s and brought me back to reality. That would never happen, we were here, safe,
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5729 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and I
will always have Rose.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 Alberta was sitting in one of the lobby{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s chairs readin
g a book. She glanced up when the
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri109 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 door s
hut behind me. Smiling she stood up, placing the book on the coffee table next t
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4134 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the c
hair, she walked towards Kirova{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s office.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri234 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Taking in a deep breath I entered the room. Kirova was a birdlike woma
n, who liked to
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri221 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 have h
er reading glasses perched on the edge of her long pointy nose. Nodding out of
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 respect
I stood in the middle of the room next to Alberta, waiting for Kirova to gestur
e for
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7060 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 us to
sit down.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7419 \expndtw-19 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 She didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t.
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri247 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Instead she ushered me forward, I did as I was told, walking around he
r massive desk
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri132 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 to sta
re at the computer screen. There was a list of times, dates and names before me,

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3717 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 as I
read through it all I recognized what this was.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri762 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 It was the guardians new schedule; due to Victor{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s tri
al. Myself and several other
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3245 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 guard
ians that went on the rescue trip were going to it.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri134 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Victor still wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t officially jailed yet. The queen h
ad yet to assign a trial date, and didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1997 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 like
the fact that she was locking up a royal, and a huge one at that.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri271 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 But looking at the computer screen I could visually see what the next
six weeks would
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri27 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 be like
. And like Alberta had said, Celeste took my watches, she and Emil divided up my

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1780 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 train
ing times. Leaving me with less work to do and giving them more.
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri28 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "This will be the guar
dian{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s schedule from here until Victor{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s trial i
s finished." Kirova said
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri651 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 as she
scrolled down the screen. "Is there anything you want to change Belikov?"
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri332 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I looked at her astonished, never before had the Headmistress asked a
person lower
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri173 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 than h
er to make up the schedule. I was honored but curious as to why. In answer she
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri507 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 ticked
her fingers against the hardwood desk, clearly annoyed with me being quiet.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3760 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 I cleared my throat. "I see a few fillings I can do."
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 I took hold of the mouse and did several changes, adding and taking awa
y a few so that
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri333 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Celest
e and Emil wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have so much work. When I was done Kirova no
dded and
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3547 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 looke
d it over, her fingers still clicking on the wood.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri196 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Eventually she saved it and sent it to the printer. The hum of the mac
hine came to life,
\sl-254\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri377 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 easing
the strange silence in the room. I relaxed a little as Alberta and I went over
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4778 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 colle
ct the massive amount of papers.
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri172 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "I want those all passed out to the guardians." Kirova said pointing a
long skinny finger
\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri159 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 in our
direction. "And\i don't\i0 mess it up." She gave us a level look before turni
ng back to
\sl-258\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3341 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 her c
omputer, apparently this conversation was over.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri637 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t realized how cold Kirova{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s ro
om had been until I re-entered the lobby, the
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5116 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 heate
r nearly burned my skin as w
\sl-295\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri257 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Alberta told me that we would pass them out after the first day of the
field experience.
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1008 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Reluc
tantly I went back to my dorm, happy to get some sleep in my schedule.
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri137 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I was in the gym befo
re anyone else, as usual. The guardians lined the walls and stood
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri273 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 in the
middle of the gym. While the others set up the bleachers that the novices would

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri132 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 be sit
ting on in a few moments. I helped Alberta pass out the new schedules before the

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4770 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 first
of the novices started showing up.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri271 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Eventually more and more started to arrive, and soon the bleachers wer
e packed with
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri698 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 excite
d and anxious students. I spotted Rose among them, sitting next to Eddie. I
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri291 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 smiled
sadly at that, both of them will never be the same, they had both lost their be
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7840 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 frie
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri137 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 When the last of the students had arrived Alberta{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s vo
ice cut through the murmur of the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri331 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 novice
{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s conversation{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s. The instructors as well as my
self had gathered in front of the
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri739 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 bleach
ers and had formed a line. Alberta was trying to call them to attention. The
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5753 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 crowe
d eventually fell silent.
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri654 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "All right," she began. Alberta was in her fifties, wiry and tough. "Y
ou all know why
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri720 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 you{\f
63 \u8223\'3f}re here." It was amazing, they had become so silent that Alberta{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}s voice rang
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri65 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 through
the gym. "This is the most important day of your education before you take your

\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri140 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 final
trials. Today you will find out which Moroi you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve been placed w
ith. Last week, you
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri217 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 were g
iven a booklet with the full details of how the next six weeks will play out. I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 you{\f6
3 \u8223\'3f}ve all read it by now." I knew that was true, every single one of t
hem needed to read
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 it if t
hey wanted to graduate. "Just to recap, Guardian Alto will highlight the main ru
les of
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7109 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 this
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri101 \expndtw-7 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She handed the clipboard to Guardian Stan Alto. "Here we go," said Sta
n gruffly. "You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri105 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 be on
duty six days a week. This is actually a treat for you guys. In the real world y
ou{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri432 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 usuall
y working every day. You will accompany your Moroi everywhere---to class, to
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 their d
orms, to their feedings. Everything. It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s up to you to figure ou
t how you fit into their
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri278 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 lives. Some Moroi int
eract with their guardians just like friends; some Moroi prefer you
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri305 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 to be
more of an invisible ghost who doesn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t talk to them. Every situa
tion is differ, and
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1668 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 you t
wo will have to find a way to work it out to best ensure their safety.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri552 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Attacks may come at any time, anywhere, and we{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll be
dressed in all black when it
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri975 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 happen
s. You should always be on your guard. Remember, even though you{\f63 \u8223\'3f
\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri163 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 obviou
sly know it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s\i us\i0 doing the attacking and not a real Strig
oi, you should respond as
\sl-231\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri204 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 though
your lives are in terrible, immediate danger. Don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t be afraid o
f hurting us. Some
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri542 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 of you
, I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m sure, won{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have any qualms about getting
us back for past grievances."
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri331 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Studen
ts in the crowd giggled at this. "But some of you may feel like you have to hold

\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri252 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 back,
for fear of getting in trouble. Don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t. You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll ge
t in more trouble if you do hold back.
\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5745 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Don{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}t worry. We can take it."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 He flipped to the next page of his clipboard. "You will be on duty twen
ty-four hours a day
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri325 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 for yo
ur six-day cycles, but be aware that although Strigoi attacks are rare in daylig
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri745 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 they a
ren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t impossible indoors, and you will not necessarily be {\f63
\u8222\'3f}safe{\f63 \u8223\'3f} during these
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7809 \expndtw-24 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 time
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri66 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 His statement reminded me of the Badica house and the other recent Stri
goi attacks. As
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri218 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 well a
s Spokane. Rose screaming at me, the smell of blood, and the terrible heartache
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri468 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 at tha
t scene. My heart squeezed at the flash back, causing me to come back to the
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7678 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 pres
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri128 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 When Stan finished, he handed the clipboard to Alberta. "Okay." She sa
id. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m going to
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri551 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 call o
ut your names one by one and announce who you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re paired with. At
that time,
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri526 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 come d
own here to the floor, and Guardian Chase will give you a packet containing
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3067 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 infor
mation about your Moroi{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s schedule, past, etcetera."
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri403 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Everyone in the crowe
d straightened up as she flipped through the papers. Students
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri281 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 whispe
red. And I was reminded of my first time of field experience. They acted just as

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7684 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 we h
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri383 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Ryan Ayleworth." I could see Eddie and Rose flinch in surprise, and i
nstantly I knew
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri173 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 why. A
shford, that was Mason{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s last name, he was always the first to b
e called, but not
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3941 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 anymo
re. "You are assigned to Camille Conta."
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri101 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Ryan sat in the front row and grinned broadly as he walked over to tak
e his packet. The
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri436 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Contas
were an up-and-coming royal family. Camille was known as cute, and all the
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3186 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 boys
wanted in good with her. Ryan was the lucky one.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3085 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "Dean Barnes," she said next. "You have Jesse Zeklos."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri390 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Alberta kept reading names, and finally she reached the one I was drea
ding already.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri90 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 I had been doing a lot of thinking over the past few weeks, and had mad
e a last request
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri323 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 before
the ceremony. Changing Lissa{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s guardian from Rose to Eddie. I h
ad insisted it
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri68 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 would h
elp Rose with her training. And that had made Alberta consider. She knew I was
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2142 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 right
, and it would provide a great experience for the both of them.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2968 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "Edison Castile," Alberta announced. "Vasilisa Dragomir."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri651 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I glanced up at Eddie and Rose. They were both frozen, eyes wide, mout
hs open.
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri126 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Eventu
ally sense came to him because he stood up with that same horrified look on his
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3607 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 face
as he turned to look back at Rose, face white.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri26 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 My eyes traveled back up to Rose. Her face lined with confusion, and so
on enough rage
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri101 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 starte
d to take over as she processed what had just happened. I silently coached her t
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2044 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 not s
hoot up and run down to Alberta and demand what happened.
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri539 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Eventually she took a
deep breath, closing her eyes. It was at that moment that my
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri546 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 chest
lightened and I was proud of her for holding herself together. Although things
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3579 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 weren
{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t going to get better for her in a few minutes.
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri318 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Alberta continued reading off names. When she got to the H{\f63 \u8223
\'3f}s that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s when I started to
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3327 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 panic
again. "Rosemarie Hathaway, Christian Ozera."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri619 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Rose didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t move, she stared at Alberta, as if she for
got her name. A few students
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri139 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 around
her turned around and coached her on, eager to get to their name. But she was
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2908 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 dumbf
ounded. Her eyes as wide as I had ever seen them.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri197 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 A few moments later, Alberta also realized she wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
moving. She looked up from her
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2179 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 clipb
oard with annoyance scanning the crowd. "Rose Hathaway?"
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri664 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Someone elbowed her, pulling her out of her dream like trance. She sto
od up and
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri757 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 walked
down the bleachers, robotlike. She headed toward Guardian Chase, who
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri79 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 handed
her packet and a practice stake meant to "kill" the adult guardians with, and sh
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4350 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 stepp
ed out of the way for the next person.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri153 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She opened the packet as if in disbelief of what had happened. She con
tinued to stand
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri292 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 by the
door, waiting as more and more novices left to find their assignments. As more
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 names w
ere called, many of the novices lingered around the gym, talking to their friend
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri214 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and sh
owing off their packets. Rose hovered near one group, obviously waiting for her
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3858 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 chanc
e to come up and yell at one of the adults.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 When the last novice had been assigned his Moroi, Stan shouted above th
e din for us to
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri138 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 move o
n to the next stage of the assignment and tried to herd out the novices. I walke
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3350 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 over
to Alberta whispering so no one else could hear.
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri3125 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Rose is going to be
very upset about her assignment."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3464 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Alberta shook her head. "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s for the best I told you
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1918 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 I sighed. "Here she comes now. Try not to notice anything{\f63 \u8223
\'3f}s wrong."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri179 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She nodded. About to say something when Rose approached and stood star
ing at us.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1169 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 When
we glanced at her she held up her packet and pointed. "What{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s th
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri425 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Alberta did a great job at making her face look blank and confused. I{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}m pretty sure I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri300 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 looked
the same, although knowing Rose, I wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t be surprised if she
saw past my
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2764 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 mask.
"It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s your assignment, Miss Hathaway," Alberta said.
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri341 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "No," Rose said through gritted teeth. "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s not. This
is somebody else{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s assignment."
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri162 \expndtw-7 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "The assignments in your field experience aren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t optio
nal," she told Rose sternly. "Just
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri244 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 as you
r assignments in the real world won{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t be. You can{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}t pick who you protect based
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2285 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 on wh
im and mood, not here and certainly not after graduation."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri414 \expndtw-9 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "But after graduation, I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m going to be Lissa{\f63 \u82
23\'3f}s guardian!" Rose exclaimed. "Everyone
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3424 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 knows
that. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m supposed to have her for this thing."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri174 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "I know it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s an accepted idea that you{\f63 \u8223\'3f
}ll be together after graduation, but I do not recall
\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 any man
datory rulings that say you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re {\f63 \u8222\'3f}supposed{\f63 \u
8223\'3f} to have her or anyone\i here\i0 at school.
\sl-232\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5356 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 You
take who you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re assigned."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri172 \expndtw-7 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Christian?" Rose through her packet on the floor. "You{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}re out of your mind if you think
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6640 \expndtw-18 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I{\f
63 \u8223\'3f}m guarding him."
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri100 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I knew Rose was out o
f control. And staring into her eyes I could see a weird darkness,
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri261 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 not qu
ite anger, and not quite madness either. But something in between. And I knew
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri785 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 her we
ll enough that something small as this shouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have caused thi
s sudden
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2043 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 outbu
rst. But the darkness vanished as quickly as it had appeared.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 "Rose!" I snapped, joining the conversation at last. She flinched. "You
{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re out of line. You
\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4454 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 do\i
not\i0 speak to your instructors like that."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri137 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Sorry." She said with reluctance. "But this is stupid. Nearly as stup
id as not bring us to
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6256 \expndtw-14 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Vict
or Dashkov{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s trial."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri143 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I flinched at that. Alberta blinked. "How did you know---Never mind. W
e{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll deal with that
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2501 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 later
. For now, this is your assignment, and you need to do it."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri209 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Eddie suddenly appeared near rose. His voice filled with apprehension.
"Look\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}I don{\f63 \u8223\'3
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6042 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 mind\
expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}We can switch\expndtw-14{\f
ield{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}"
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri497 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Alberta turned her stony gaze from Rose to him. "No, you certainly can
not. Vasilisa
\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri66 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Dragomi
r is\i your\i0 assignment." She looked back at Rose. "And Christian Ozera is y
\sl-231\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6579 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 End
of discussion."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri137 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "This is stupid!" Rose repeated frustrated. "Why should I waste my tim
e with Christian?
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri383 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Lissa{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}s the on I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m going to be with when I graduate. S
eems like if you want me to be
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2571 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 able
to do a good job, you should have me practice with her."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri150 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "You will do a good job with her." I replied. "Because you know her. A
nd you have your
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri197 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 bond.
But somewhere, someday, you could end up with a different Moroi. You need to
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1071 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 learn
how to guard someone with whom you have absolutely no experience."
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 "I have experience with Christian." She grumbled back. "That{\f63 \u822
3\'3f}s the problem. I hate him."
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri215 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I was surprised to he
ar that. After all she was the one who kept four of our Academy{\f63 \u8223\'3f}
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri285 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 studen
ts safe. Even if one out of the four did die. She did her best to keep them safe
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri359 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "So much the better," said Alberta. "Not everyone you protect will be
your friend. Not
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1621 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 every
one you protect will be someone you like. You need to learn this."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri213 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "I need to learn how to fight Strigoi," she said. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}v
e learned that in class." She fixed us
\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4005 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 with
a sharp look. "\i And\i0 I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve done it in person."
\sl-272\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri695 \expndtw-7 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "There{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s more to this job than the technicalities, Mis
s Hathaway. There{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s a whole
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri159 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 person
al aspect---a bedside manner, if you will---that we don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t touch
on much in class.
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 We teac
h you how to deal with the Strigoi. You need to learn how to deal with the Moroi

\sl-254\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri382 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 yourse
lves. And\i you\i0 in particular need to deal with someone who has not been yo
\sl-232\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6347 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 best
friend for years."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri430 \expndtw-7 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "You also need to learn what it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s like to work with so
meone when you can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t instantly
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4751 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 sense
that they{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re in danger," I added.
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri277 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I had observed after Spokane that part of the reason why Mason had got
ten hurt was
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri468 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 that R
ose didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know what his exact thoughts were. What he was about
to do. And
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2444 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 becau
se of that dependant she has on Lissa lead to his death.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri315 \expndtw-7 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Right," agreed Alberta. "that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s a handicap. If you wa
nt to be a good guardian---if you
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2002 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 want
to be an excellent guardian---then you need to do as we say."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2731 \expndtw-2 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Rose opened her mouth to fight us, but I quickly cut her off.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2040 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "Working with another Moroi will also help keep Lissa alive." I said.

\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri318 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 That shut her down. I
t was the only thing that could have, and I knew she knew that.
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5118 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Wha
t do you mean?" She asked.
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri61 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 "Lissa{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s got a handicap too---you. If she never has a c
hance to learn what it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s like to be
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri606 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 guarde
d by someone without a psychic connection, she could be at greater risk if
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri289 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 attack
ed. Guarding someone is really a two-person relationship. This assignment for
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3423 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 your
field experience is as much for her as for you."
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3293 \expndtw-3 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 She stayed silent processing what I had just told her.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri186 \expndtw-8 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "And," added Alberta. "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s the only assignment you{\f
63 \u8223\'3f}re going to get. If you don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t take it,
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4481 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 then
you opt out of the field experience."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri313 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Rose knew there was no way out of this if she wanted to graduate. And
knowing her
\sl-254\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri212 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 she di
d badly. I could see it in her eyes. The determination and the fire that I loved
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2237 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 much
about her, and that made me fall for her for the first place.
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri440 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Reluctantly she picked up the packet. "Fine," she said icily. "I{\f63
\u8223\'3f}ll do this. But I want it
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4447 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 noted
that I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m doing this against my will."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1077 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "I think we already figured that out, Miss Hathaway," remarked Albert
a dryly.
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 "Whatever. I still think it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s a horrible idea, and you
eventually will too." Rose said as she
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3052 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 stalk
ed off across the gym before any of us could reply.
\sl-298\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri652 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I silently shook my head, Rose, always getting the last word in a conv
ersation by
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7144 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 storm
ing off.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7324 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Chapter 3:
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri178 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 After the rest of the
novices had left the guardians and I got together reading over the
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri368 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 new sc
hedule. Each of them nodding in agreement as they looked the assignments
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri120 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 over.
My "attack" would be the first one of the day. And Emil was my "Strigoi in crime
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri130 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Smilin
g down at the white paper before me I thought of which student will be the lucky

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7892 \expndtw-18 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 one.

\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri630 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 After looking over and answering questions Alberta dismissed us. The g
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri382 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 disper
sed as I walked into the cool night air. The snow crunched below my feet as I
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri169 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 made m
y way to my dorm. It was necessary for all guardians to wear black during the
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6743 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 field
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri576 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 This wardrobe helps disguise us and make us appear more invisible amon
gst the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri431 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 shadow
s. Most guardians wear black all the time, both on duty and off. It{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}s the only
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri603 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "weapo
n" we have that helps us become immune to the Strigoi{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s strong e
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri258 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 After getting dressed in my black leather duster, black pants and a ti
ght knitted black
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri60 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 shirt I
made my way through the school. Classes had just started so I had enough time
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3766 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 to me
et up with Emil before attacking someone.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 We walked in the shadows of the trees, weaving through them reminded me
of the day
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri177 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 myself
and several other guardians set out to save Lissa from Victor. Except this time

\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3441 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 we di
dn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have the sun beating down on our heads.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1151 \expndtw-2 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 One of the last bells rang then. Emil and I knew we had to attack soo
n, and
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri202 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Ryan interrupted the fight when he lunged at me with his stake. He alm
ost "killed" me
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1090 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 befor
e I grabbed his neck. Indicating that I cracked it and he was now dead.
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri299 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Eddies face twisted a
t this sight, his eyes turning a dark color. His mouth was set in a
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5015 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 grim
line as if I really were a Strigoi.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri586 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 If it weren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t for the attack in Spokane I would have t
hought Eddie{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s expression and
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri382 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 determ
ination to kill me was because he wanted a good grade. But seeing his eyes I
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri126 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 knew i
t was much more than that. Spokane had scarred him. He was revengeful for his
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4103 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 frien
d{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s death and what the Strigoi did to him.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri337 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t blame him, he was so young and had witnessed
too much. Just as Rose had.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri131 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I realized what I had just done, I "killed" Ryan the same way the Stri
goi in Spokane had
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri251 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 killed
Mason. I silently cursed myself for my actions; for what I had just done to Edd
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri336 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I pushed these thoughts away when both he and Shane attacked, they bar
ely rocked
\sl-254\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri768 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 me but
it was enough to make me stagger back. This was the open window they
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5942 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 neede
d. And they knew it.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 Before I could block them they placed the stake over my heart, indicati
ng that I was now
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4237 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "dead
". I smiled up at the now panting boys.
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri83 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 Emil offered a hand and helped me stand up as I rubbed the part of my h
ead that Eddie
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri176 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 had hi
t. We praised Shane for being fast on his feet and Eddie for realizing they had
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2706 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 treat
this as a group endeavor rather than one-on-one trials.
\sl-295\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri308 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Ryan was chastised for not paying attention to his Moroi and not actin
g upon impulse
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2194 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 when
he saw the danger Camille was in. So much for liking her\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fl
dinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri406 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Kyle mentioned Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s efforts in staying behind and ke
eping an eye out for both her
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri636 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and Ed
die{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s Moroi. This shocked me; I hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t even know
n she was here, and was
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri766 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 surpri
sed that her impulsiveness didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t take her over and make her joi
n the fight.
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri27 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 We nodded approval in
Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s direction. She smiled as Eddie approached her and their
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1734 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Moroi
. They high-fived and I shook my head as I turned away and left.
\plain\sl-85\fs9\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri31
6 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 As I continued to walk around the campus I couldn{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}t help but think of the way Eddie{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri650 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 eyes b
ore into mine. For a moment I truly thought I was a Strigoi. Because of the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri136 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 hatred
and longing that Eddie{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s eyes held. I shivered at that, never b
efore had I though
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4410 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 mysel
f as being a threat and the enemy\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Sy
mbol }}
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7396 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Chapter 4:
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri373 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 As I make my way across the campus I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t help but
chastise myself over what I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri176 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 had ju
st done. How stupid it was of me to "kill" Ryan that way\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fl
dinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} And as I walked within
\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri111 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the lo
ng casting shadows of the trees images of Eddie{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s face flashed t
hrough my brain.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri659 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 The way his face fell, once full of skill and determination, was repla
ced by hatred,
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri112 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 longin
g and most of all revenge. Never before had I seen something like that, even in
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri472 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 guardi
an twice my age. What I saw in Eddie today was brought by a simple act that
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6243 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 happe
ned in Spokane.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5933 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 And it was my entire fault.
\plain\sl-113\fs11\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri
148 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I was assigned another attack in a few more minu
tes, so I knew I needed to get my act
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3220 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 toget
her if I wanted to give these novice{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s a challenge.
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri213 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Straightening up I to
ok a deep breath of the midnight air. The moon was bright enough
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri130 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 to eli
minate the path in front of me with its silvery glow. It was the final period of
the day
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4223 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and w
ithin that period I was issued to attack.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri203 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I cleared my head of any thoughts from earlier as I made my way to the
classrooms on
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 eastsid
e campus. As I drew closer I looked around to make sure no other guardians had
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri419 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 chosen
this spot. Satisfied to see none I sulked in the shadows moving as if I were a
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5243 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 snake
gliding across a black lake.
\sl-295\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri94 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 When I reached the classroom I looked through the window. Novices were
lined against
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri224 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the wa
ll trying their best to look like professional guardians. Though I could tell by
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2086 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 statu
re that their feet were killing them after a long day of standing.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri420 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I smiled as I picked the farthest window, the one that was hard to see
from the angle
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri272 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 they w
ere in. Quietly I unlatched the lock and slipped the window upward, just enough
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6550 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 to sq
ueeze through.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6873 \expndtw-1 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 There I waited\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri262 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 The teacher was lecturing the students on a new math lesson. Most of t
he classmates
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri161 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 paid a
ttention, while the rest pretended to be somewhat interested, although I could t
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2147 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 from
the dazed look in their eyes they were fighting to stay awake.
\sl-298\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri82 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 Eventually the tiredness in a redheaded boy gave in; he passed out on h
is math book. It
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri96 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 didn{\f
63 \u8223\'3f}t take long for the teacher to notice, and when she did she turned
to him and yelled
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri229 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 so lou
d it even made me jump. The whole class turned their focus on the now aroused
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4379 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 kid.
Even the novices standing in the back.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5581 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 That{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s when I made my move.
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri64 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Sliding silently throu
gh the windows open frame I managed to get on my feet and take a
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3697 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 coupl
e of steps before the novices turned around.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri379 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I grabbed the first Moroi I could. Which happened to be a blonde heade
d girl with big
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri583 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 blue e
yes. She screamed, not faking her fear as she thrashed around in my grasp.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri361 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 The teacher{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s high pitch voice stopped, it fell silent
as all eyes turned in my direction.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1950 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Even
the novice{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s in the back seemed startled by my sudden attack.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri606 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 What I guessed to be her guardian came after me then. He was about six
feet and
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri431 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 packed
full of muscle. As all dhampir{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s were. He managed to land a blo
w on me as I
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3653 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 pushe
d the girl behind, keeping her from his gasp.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri666 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 This pissed him off even further, causing him to shout orders at the o
ther novice{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\sl-253\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 behind
him. A redheaded girl came running forward, while another disappeared from my
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7287 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 line
of sight.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri115 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 They had obviously thought of an attack plan. And it was a good one at
that. They gave
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri604 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 me the
disadvantage of using my blind spots. No one had eyes in the back of their
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6534 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 head,
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri764 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 The girl sided with the boy as we squared off, my hand still firmly gr
asped on the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri665 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Moroi{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}s wrist. The redheaded girl lashed out at me, almost landing a b
low before I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3954 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "kill
ed" her. She fell on the ground and laid still.
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri617 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 The Moroi{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s guardian stopped and lunged out at me as w
ell. I threw a punch in his
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri146 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 direct
ion, meaning to deflect his attack. But he was just as quick and caught hold of
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri197 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 hand i
n mid air. He had a strong grip on me, and as much as I fought back he wouldn{\f
63 \u8223\'3f}t
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3739 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 let g
o of that hand. My struggles made him smile.
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri166 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Furious I was about t
o let go of the girl to break free of the novice{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s grasp when a
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri485 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 landed
on my back, causing me to fall down. Following that was a sharp pain in the
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri319 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 head.
And before I knew it I felt the cool surface of the stake on my back, right wher
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7061 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 my he
art was.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri205 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I let go of the Moroi and kneeled on one knee. Smiling up at the boy w
ho had grabbed
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5118 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 hold
of my hand. "Great job Stow."
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4252 \expndtw-3 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 He laughed and offered a hand up. I took it.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri30 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 After a few minutes of congratulating the girl who had managed to knock
me down I left.
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri841 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I was
halfway across campus when I ran into Alberta. I would have nodded and
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2251 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 conti
nued on my way if it weren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t for the troubled look in her eye.
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1962 \expndtw-7 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Catching hold of her arm I willed her to look at me. "What{\f63 \u822
3\'3f}s wrong?"
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3195 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 She looked around, face falling even more. "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s Rose
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri697 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I perked up at that, ready to run to her rescue if it weren{\f63 \u822
3\'3f}t for Alberta{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s reassuring
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1470 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 squee
ze on my shoulder. "She{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s fine, it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s just\expndt
w-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}well\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst
SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}she was sent to the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2269 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Headm
istress{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s office for not defending her and Castile{\f63 \u8223\'
3f}s Moroi."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4409 \expndtw-2 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 My god Rose\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}what
have you done now?
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7396 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Chapter 4:
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri112 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 It turns out as we made our way to the office Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s a
ctions were turned to the schools
\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri373 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 guardi
an{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s disciplinary committee. This was\i very\i0 rare. A novice
had to do something
\sl-258\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri249 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 pretty
serious to piss them off to get that sort of response. Like willfully endangeri
ng a
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7805 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Moro
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri204 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Shaking my head as we
made our way to the guardian{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s office I tried to imagine what
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri840 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Rose d
id to put herself in this situation. And all of her actions didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f
}t seem to fit.
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5387 \expndtw-1 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Setting a Moroi on fire\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f S
ymbol }} nope.
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3644 \expndtw-1 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Staking a Moroi instead of her attacker\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst
SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} hell no.
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4210 \expndtw-1 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Handing her Moroi over to the Strigoi\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SY
MBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} no.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri203 \expndtw-1 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Flipping off Christian and walking away letting him face the attacker\
expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}mmm, no Rose
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7091 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 would
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri108 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Then what could it possibly be that Rose did this time? She{\f63 \u822
3\'3f}s done some stupid things
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri646 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 while
I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve been around but in the end they were for the good. Not for
the bad. So
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2315 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 heari
ng that Rose did this kind of thing upsets and puzzles me.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3553 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Well I guess we{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll have to find out when we arrive.
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 The buildings in view now, the way the trees surround it makes it hard
for one traveling
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri299 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 to mak
e out that there{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s a building ahead, unless you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}
re looking for a small medieval
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6945 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 one o
f course.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri357 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 We entered a small meeting room with a large table in the center of it
. I rarely come
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2297 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 here,
guarding Lissa and training Rose are my specialties now.
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri312 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 The committee felt it only fair to kick me off because I was Rose{\f63
\u8223\'3f}s mentor. I think it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri466 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 becaus
e they assume Rose will be the next novice to step inside this room. And in
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2687 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 many
ways they{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re right. This only makes me more furious.
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri158 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Quietly Alberta and I
sneak into the room; the guardians are already seated around the
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri391 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 oak ta
ble. Waiting for Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s arrival. I wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t surpri
sed to see that she was yet again
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri8032 \expndtw-14 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 late
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6245 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 And that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s a good sign.
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri103 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 After taking my place in the back, Alberta walks around the long table
taking her seat at
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2033 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the h
ead of the table. Watching the door, waiting for Rose to arrive.
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri89 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 Minutes pass by, making me think she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s managed to escap
e this punishment. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m about
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri343 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 to spe
ak up and tell the others that we should look for her when the door bangs open
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3496 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and i
n comes Stan, following him a pissed off Rose.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri796 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Her eye catches mine as she takes her seat at the far end of the table
. Her eyes
\sl-254\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri993 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 swimmi
ng with questions and hope that I will get her out of this one. Not likely.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri518 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 After a brief report on what happened from Stan the rest of the commit
tee turn their
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 attenti
on towards Rose. At first everyone is silent, not knowing what to say to this si
\sl-227\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2974 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 act.
I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t even know what to say to it. And I\i know\i0 Rose.
\sl-272\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri270 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Stan nods when he{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s finished and walks off to stand ne
xt to me. It takes my whole will
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri642 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 not to
turn around and demand to tell me the truth. Instead my eyes fall on Rose{\f63
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri319 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 catchi
ng her eye, I will her to understand that I will do everything against my power
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3339 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 get h
er out of this. I know Rose she will never do this.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri209 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 After about a minute Alberta speaks up asking Rose for her side of the
story. After she
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1139 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 finis
hes with the same story reported by Stan Alberta starts questioning her.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri321 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Things like: did you do it on purpose, who was with you, why did you d
o it, why would
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri185 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 you fr
eeze? I could tell al the questions were starting to get to Rose. The way her ey
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri197 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 darkened, her hands c
urled up into fists, her back hunched over like she was about to
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7731 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 atta
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri715 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 This made me stiffen as well, ready to jump on Rose if she tried anyth
ing stupid.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri377 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Fortun
ately she didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t move, just sat there like a statue ready to exp
lode with anger.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2826 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "For
the last time," she growled, "I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t do it on purpose."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri124 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She was facing a full on committee now, all eyes turned to her as her
voice got deeper
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri354 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 with a
nger. Alberta, Emile, and Celeste sat at the long table, looking imposing, while

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4493 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Rose
continued to sit in that single chair.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri375 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Miss Hathaway," said Alberta, fully in her strict-captain mode, which
was a different
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri193 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 turnar
ound from the woman I just saw looking frantically around. "You must know why
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4961 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 we ha
ve a hard time believing that."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri181 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Celeste nodded. "Guardian Alto saw you. You refused to protect tow Mor
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2622 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the o
ne whose protection you were specifically assigned to."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 "I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t refuse!" Rose exclaimed, her pitch in voice b
rought me back to the first day she
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri773 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 arrive
d at the Academy. Only she was facing Kirovia and the possibility of being
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5021 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 expel
led from school. "I\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}fumbled
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri449 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I looked at her shocked. Stopped in mid thought. Never before has Rose
fumbled. I
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri197 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 know f
rom personal experience in the gym with her. I know from the way she watches
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri76 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Lissa,
even under the safety of the wards. I seen the way she looked when we rescued
\sl-254\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri121 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 her fr
om the Strigoi house in Spokane. I\i know\i0 Rose well enough to testify that
she has
\sl-232\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5859 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 neve
r "fumbled" in her life.
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri174 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Everyone at the table
seemed to be sharing the same thoughts. We all saw her in that
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri485 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 house
of Strigoi. The way she risked her life to save her friends. The way she went
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4001 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 ravag
e and killed two Strigoi with a dull blade.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri160 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Stan seemed to be thinking the same thing because he stepped forward,
in my field of
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri197 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 vision
. "That wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t a fumble," he glanced at Alberta for permission t
o speak. "May I?"
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri353 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She no
dded, and he turned back to Rose. "If you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d blocked or attacked
me and then
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri169 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 messed
up, that would be a fumble. But you didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t b lock. You didn{\f6
3 \u8223\'3f}t attack. You didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2682 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 even
try. You just stood there like a statue and did nothing."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri310 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I could tell by the way Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s eyes glared at him she
was outraged. And I knew why.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri185 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 The si
mple thought that she would put a Moroi{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s life in danger pissed
her off. She was
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 capable
of killing Strigoi, she never would put her life before a Moroi{\f63 \u8223\'3f
}s. Spokane proved
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7947 \expndtw-14 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 that
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri358 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Why am I getting in trouble for messing up?" she asked tightly. "I me
an, I saw Ryan
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri546 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 mess u
p earlier. He didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t get in trouble. Isn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t that
the point of this whole exercise?
\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri406 \expndtw-5 \i \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Pra
ctice\i0 ? If we were perfect, you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d already have unleashed us u
pon the world!" Her
\sl-258\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri185 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 voice
was rising at every word. Making me want to run over and protect her from what
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6032 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 was a
bout to come next.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri233 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "weren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t you listening?" Said Stan, and by his tone I
could tell he was just as upset as
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri290 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Rose w
as. And was the only one showing his emotions, besides Rose of course. But
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri53 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 that do
esn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t count, she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s reckless and that means to un
leash every emotion she has on
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri149 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the wo
rld. "You didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t mess up, because {\f63 \u8222\'3f}messing up{\f
63 \u8223\'3f} implies that you have to actually
\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6939 \expndtw-14 \i \f10 \fs24 \cf44 d
o\i0 something."
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri242 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Okay, then. I froze.
" She looked at him defiantly, not letting go of his gaze. "Does that
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri677 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 count
as messing up? I cracked under the pressure and blanked out. It turns out I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri67 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 wasn{\f
63 \u8223\'3f}t prepared. The moment came, and I panicked. It happens to novices
all the time."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri111 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I cringed at her words. Knowing that they were the wrong ones to place
down. Because
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri437 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 even a
person who fought real Strigoi, and came back to tell the story, never freeze.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri414 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "To a novice who has already killed Strigoi?" Asked Emil. He was from
Romania, his
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1710 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 accen
t was a bit thicker than most at the Academy. "It seems unlikely."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri655 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Rose {\f63 \u8222\'3f}s eyes turned into dark slits, her way of showin
g how irritated she was. She
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri63 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 scanned
the room, landing on everyone{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s face but mine, giving them her
all. "Oh, I see."
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri73 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Oh dear
. "After one incident, I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m not expected to be an expert Strigoi
killer? I can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t panic
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri495 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 or be
afraid or anything? Makes sense. Thanks, guys. Fair. Real fair." She slumped
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4013 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 back
in her seat, arms crossed over her chest.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri190 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Alberta sighed and leaned forward. "We{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re arguing sema
ntics. Technicalities aren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri519 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 point
here. What{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s important is that this morning, you made it very cl
ear you did not
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 want to
guard Christian Ozera. In fact.I think you even said you wanted us to be sure w
\sl-227\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri465 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 knew t
hat you were doing it against your will\i and\i0 that we{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d soo
n see what a horrible
\sl-231\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri57 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 idea it
was." Realization flashed in her eyes, knowing that what she had said earlier w
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri79 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 true. A
lberta saw this as well. "And then, when your first test comes around, we find y
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4865 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 compl
etely and utterly unresponsive."
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4239 \expndtw-3 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 I sucked in a breath. That will do it for Rose.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri66 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 I knew I was right when she nearly flew out of her c hair. "That{\f63 \
u8223\'3f}s what this is about? You
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1625 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 think
I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t protect him because of some kind of weird revenge thin
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri4381 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 All three of them st
ared at her Expectantly.
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri525 \expndtw-8 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "You aren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t exactly known for calmly and gracefully ac
cepting things you don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t like,"
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6459 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Alber
ta replied wryly.
\sl-265\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri521 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 This time, Rose did stand up, pointing her finger at her accusingly. "
\i Not\i0 true. I have
\sl-231\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri184 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 follow
ed every rule Kirova laid down for me since coming back here. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}
ve gone to every
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri817 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 practi
ce and obeyed every curfew. There{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s no reason I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}
d do this as some kind of
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 revenge
! What good would it do? Sta-Guardian Alto wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t going to reall
y hurt Christian,
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 So it{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}s not like I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d get to see him punched or anything
. The only thing I would accomplish
\sl-253\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri150 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 is get
ting dragged into the middle of something like\i this\i0 and possibly face rem
oval from
\sl-232\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6455 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the f
ield experience."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1621 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 You\i are\i0 facing removal from the field experience," replied Cel
este flatly.
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri357 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 My heart sank at that, pulling Rose out was unacceptable. We needed mo
re novices,
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3050 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 girls
at that. They can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t just throw a talent like hers away.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri357 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Oh" Rose said as she sat down. Hearing her, wounded and defeated. Wel
l I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6923 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 take
it anymore.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri245 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "She has a point. If she were going to protest or take revenge, she{\f
63 \u8223\'3f}d do it in a different
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7945 \expndtw-28 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 way.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1297 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Celeste frowned at me. "Yes, but after the scene she made this mornin
g\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}"
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri48 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 I took a few steps forward and stood beside Rose. I had a flash of dj vu,
back to when
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri411 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Lissa
and Rose had returned to the Academy last autumn. Headmistress Kirova had
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2949 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 nearl
y expelled Rose, and I had stood up for her then too.
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri618 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "This is all circumst
antial," I said. "Regardless of how suspicious you think it looks,
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri782 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 there{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}s no proof. Removing her from the experience---and essentially r
uining her
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3410 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 gradu
ation---is a bit extreme without any certainties."
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri77 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 The committee looked thoughtful, and Rose was looking hopefully in Albe
rta{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s way. She
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri256 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 had th
e most power here. She would decide if Rose can stay or not. I hope she chose
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3203 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 for R
ose to stay, knowing I tried my best to defend her.
\sl-295\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri665 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She beckoned Celeste and Emile toward her, and the other two guardians
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri170 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 closer
. They had a whispered conference. Alberta gave a resigned nod, and the others
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7215 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 leane
d back.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri348 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I could feel the way my body shook as sweat dripped down my face.\i C
ome on, come
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri8139 \expndtw-23 \i \f10 \fs24 \cf44 o
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1012 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "Miss Hathaway, do you have anything you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d like to sa
y before we tell you our
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7120 \expndtw-15 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 conc
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri222 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Looking down at Rose I could tell that she was already condoling up a
million things to
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri336 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 spit b
ack in their faces. The sweat increased. Minutes passed before she responded.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4191 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "No, Guardian Petrov. Nothing more to add."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri931 \expndtw-11 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "All right," she said wearily. "Here{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s what we{\f63 \
u8223\'3f}ve decided. You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re lucky you have
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri162 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Guardi
an Belikov to advocate for you, or this decision might have been different. We{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}re
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 giving
you the benefit of the doubt. You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll go on with the field experi
ence and continue to
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3185 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 guard
Mr. Ozera. You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll just be on a probation of sorts."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri341 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I could hear the sigh of relief coming from both Rose and I. "That{\f6
3 \u8223\'3f}s okay. Thank you."
\plain\pard\sl-328 \li0 \ri659 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "And," she added.\i
Uh-oh\i0 . "Because the suspicion isn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t entirely removed, you{\f
63 \u8223\'3f}ll be
\sl-232\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2735 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 spend
ing your day oof this week doing community service."
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4138 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Rose jumped out of her chair again. "What?"
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri109 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I reflexively wrapped a hand around her wrist, controlling her to stay
put, as if she were
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri348 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 a dog.
"Sit down," I murmured in her ear as I tugged her toward the chair. "take what
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7137 \expndtw-14 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 you
can get."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri110 \expndtw-7 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "If that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s a problem, we can make it next week too." W
arned Celeste. "And the next five
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7403 \expndtw-15 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 afte
r that."
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1666 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Rose sat down obediently and shook her head. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m sor
ry. Thank you."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6177 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 The hearing dispersed.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri354 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Alberta ordered Rose to find Christian but I stepped in between. Askin
g her if I could
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri251 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 talk t
o Rose alone, novice business I think I said. She agreed, no doubt hoping I{\f63
\u8223\'3f}d set
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5258 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Rose
on the straight and narrow.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri444 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 The room emptied, I sighed of relief, finally able to breathe. I walke
d over to a small
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri656 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 table
that held a water dispenser, coffee, other beverages, but I was looking for a
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7185 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 speci
fic one.
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4475 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "You want some hot chocolate?" I asked.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1585 \expndtw-7 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 By the hesitation in her stance I could tell she didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f
}t expect that. "Sure."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 I dumped four packets of instant hot chocolate into tow Styrofoam cups
and then added
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7211 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 in ho
t water.
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri150 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Doubling it is the s
ecret," I told her when the cups were full. My mother taught me this
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6173 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 when
I was still a child.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri209 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I handed her hers, along with a wooden stirrer, and then walked toward
the side door.
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4623 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Presu
ming she was going to follow me.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6365 \expndtw-15 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "Where are we---oh."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri257 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 We were in a glass-enclosed porch filled with small patio tables. The
windows looked
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3423 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 out o
nto the courtyard, the glass encased with frost.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri709 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I swept my hand over a chair, brushing off the dust. Rose followed and
sat down
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri389 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 opposi
te of me. The room was cold, the air felt chilly and I could tell it was getting
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri126 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Rose b
y the way she kept her hands around the cup, protectively. Silence fell between
\sl-254\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri371 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 us. Th
e only noise came from Rose blowing on her hot chocolate. I drake mine right
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2787 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 away.
I find hot chocolate best when it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s hot, freshly made.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri78 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 As we sat, and the quiet grew, Rose studied me. As did I but I wasn{\f6
3 \u8223\'3f}t looking directly at
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 her. I
couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t help but take in those dark locks of hers, the way her
eyes as dark as the
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri471 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 hot ch
ocolate could be so evil yet loving towards me. Her lips that were so soft and
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri751 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 wonder
ful, yet at the same time can turn into something entirely different, mean,
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1889 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 scold
ing, set in a grim line. It was like kissing a flower pedal. A rose.
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri124 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 After a while I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t take it anymore. "What happen
ed out there?" I said as I met her
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4169 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 gaze
. "You didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t crack under the pressure."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri209 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She considered this. "Of course it was," she told me as she looked dow
n into her cup.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2869 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Unl
ess you believe I really did let Stan {\f63 \u8222\'3f}attack{\f63 \u8223\'3f} C
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri48 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 That was the last thin
g I wanted her to think. "No. I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t believe that. I never did.
I knew
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 you{\f6
3 \u8223\'3f}d be unhappy when you found out about the assignments, but I never
once doubted
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri149 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 that y
ou{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d do what you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d have to for this. I knew you
wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t let your personal feelings
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5773 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 get i
n the way of your duty."
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri179 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She looked up again and met my eyes. "I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t. I was
mad\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}Still am a little. But
once I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri59 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 said I{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}d do it, I meant it. And after spending some time with him\expnd
tw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}well, I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t ha
te him. I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri429 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 actual
ly think he{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s good for Lissa, and he cares about her, so I can{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}t get upset about
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri337 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 that.
He and I just clash sometimes, that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s all\expndtw-14{\field{\*\f
ldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}but we did really well together against
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri597 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the St
rigoi. I remembered that while I was with him today, and arguing against this
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1596 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 assig
nment just seemed stupid. So I decided to do the best job I could."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri527 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She was rambling. A sign she was trying to hide something. Rose never
talked this
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7834 \expndtw-15 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 much
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4076 \expndtw-13 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "What happened then?" I asked. "With Stan?"
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri305 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She adverted her eyes and played with her cup again. It took her a goo
d five minutes
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri109 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 before
she looked back up at me. "I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know what happened out there
. My intentions
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4821 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 were
good\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}I just\expndtw-14{\fie
ld{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}I just messed up."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri818 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I could tell she was lieing. It was just the way we were connected. Wh
y we were
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3440 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 attra
cted to each other. "Rose. You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re a terrible liar."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri301 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She glanced up at that. "No, I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m not. I{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}ve told a lot of good lies in my life. People have
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6947 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 beli
eved them."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri74 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 I smiled slightly. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m sure. But it doesn{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}t work with me. For one thing, you won{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t look me
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3128 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 in th
e eye. As for the other\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}I d
on{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know I can just tell."
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri293 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 By the way her eyes m
et mine I could tell she knew I was right. She noticed it too, the
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 way we
connected the way we did. "Look, I appreciate you being worried about me\expndtw
-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}but
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri756 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 really
, it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s okay. I just messed up. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m embarrassed a
bout it---and sorry I put your
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1140 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 aweso
me training to shame---but I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll rebound. Next time, Stan{\f63 \u
8223\'3f}s ass is mine."
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri424 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She was almost to the door. I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t let her go, not
now. Not after everything that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri418 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 happen
ed to her. And I needed to know why she was lying. To me, out of all people.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri209 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I placed a hand on her shoulder, making her freeze. I didn{\f63 \u8223
\'3f}t touch her anywhere else. I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri380 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 didn{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}t even try to pull her closer. "Rose. I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t kno
w why you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re lying, but I know you
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri49 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 wouldn{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}t do it without a good reason. And if there{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s so
mething wrong---something you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6016 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 afrai
d to tell the others---"
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri353 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She spun around rapidly, somehow managing to pivot in place in such a
way that my
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3173 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 hand
never moved yet ended up on her other shoulder.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri169 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m not afraid," she cried. "I do have my reasons, an
d believe me, what happened with
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri763 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Stan w
as nothing. Really. All of this is just something stupid that got blown out of
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri187 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 propor
tion. Don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t feel sorry for me or feel like you have to do anythi
ng. What happened
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri134 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 sucks,
but I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll just roll with it and take the black mark. I{\f63 \u82
23\'3f}ll take care of everything. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll take
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri449 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 care o
f me." Her whole body was tense under my hand. Something that was hard to
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7781 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 igno
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri443 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t say anything. I just looked down at her. I wa
s worried, concerned for her well
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri143 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 being.
But also because something{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s occurring in Rose. Something I fea
r is beyond my
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri642 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 contro
l. And that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s what scares me the most. Because if I lose her, I
lose life itself.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri351 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 My fingers tightened at the thought of that. "You don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}
t have to do this alone." I said at
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri292 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 last.
The thought of losing her made my heart ache and I knew it showed in my voice.
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri373 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She attempted a smile
, as if to cheer me up. "You say that\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\
f Symbol }}but tell me the truth. Do
\sl-227\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3405 \expndtw-5 \i \f10 \fs24 \cf44 yo
u\i0 go running to others when you have problems?"
\sl-272\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6129 \expndtw-14 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "That{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s not the same---"
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5266 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "Answer the question, comrade."
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6512 \expndtw-20 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "Don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t call me that."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4857 \expndtw-12 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "And don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t avoid the question either."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3938 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "No I try to deal with my problems on my own."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4545 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 She slipped away from my hand. "See?"
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri121 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 That simple gesture made my earlier thoughts of losing her soar. "But
you have a lot of
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri490 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 people
in your life you can trust, people who care about you. That changes things."
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1474 \expndtw-7 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 She looked up in surprise. "You don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have people who
care about you?"
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri432 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I frowned. Rethinking my words. "Well, I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve always had
good people in my life\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}and

\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 there h
ave been people who cared about me. But that doesn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t necessarily
mean I could
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5113 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 trust
them or tell them everything."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri576 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She stared at me, studying my words and my expression. This time I let
them slip,
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 because
I wanted her to see that she shouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t be ashamed of locking up
her emotions.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5458 \expndtw-11 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "Do you trust me?" She asked.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4848 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 I hesitated, only for a moment. "Yes."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2519 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "Then trust me now, and don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t worry about me just thi
s once."
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri234 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She stepped away, out
of the reach of my arm, I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t stop her. Only watched her as
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2352 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 she s
lipped away from me. Just like I had feared she might do.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7324 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Chapter 6:
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri99 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 After I watched Rose go I continued to stand in the chilly room. I knew
it was out of my
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 place t
o show my feelings like that, but I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t help it. Especially
after I took notice in
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri192 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 her ey
es today. The way they looked so crazed, as if she had gone insane. Yet at the
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri149 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 same t
ime, they looked lost, as if she didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know where she was. A lo
ok that said she
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5586 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 has t
ruly lost grasp of reality.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri724 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 The same look I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve seen in someone else, although I ca
n{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t place my finger on it.
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri319 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Deciding it was time to fulfill the rest of my guardian duties I stepp
ed out of the room
\sl-254\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5693 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and w
as faced with Alberta.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri365 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She had been sitting at the table, but now was standing staring at me.
As if she had
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6329 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 read
all my thoughts.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2652 \expndtw-6 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "Guardian Petrov." I said as I acknowledged her with a nod.
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri197 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She nodded back, confusion in her eyes as she did so. "Belikov can I h
ave a moment
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7349 \expndtw-19 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 with
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri71 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 Like she had to ask, I was obliged to do what she said twenty-four seve
n. Although the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3618 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 quest
ion made me feel like an equal. "Of course."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri678 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She gestured to the seat across from her, which I took without hesitat
ion. After a
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri367 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 moment
she sat down as well, staring at me from across the long table. I placed my
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1107 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 hands
in my lap, thrumming them softly on my leg as I waited for her to talk.
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri568 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She cleared her throa
t after several moments of studying me. "I need to talk to you
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7204 \expndtw-16 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 abou
t Rose."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri281 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 A million things went through my mind at that moment. Does she know ab
out our love
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri554 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 for ea
ch other? Has she found out that I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve been lying and telling Ros
e confidential
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri217 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 guardi
an things? My head spun, imagining all the consequences my future might hold.
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3966 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 My ha
nds sweated as I waited for her to go on.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri378 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Looking distantly out the blackened window she continued. "She seems s
trange. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri189 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 known
Rose her whole life, and never once has she frozen like that. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}
ve seen her train
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri654 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 with y
ou, she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s relentless and powerful. The incident in Spokane prove
s just that."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri141 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 My eyes dropped from her face. Rose. The metallic smell of blood. Bodi
es everywhere.
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri96 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Screami
ng. Tears running down her cheeks as she hovered over Mason, threatening to
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7565 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 kill
us all.
\sl-295\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri138 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I pushed the haunting memories back, not wanting to show Alberta any w
eakness. She
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5211 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 took
my silence to her advantage.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri618 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "All I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m saying is that what happened with Rose out th
ere was no ordinary lock up.
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Especia
lly for a dhampir like her. A novice who has been protected and guarded all thei
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri64 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 life, s
ure, I can see them freezing at the first sight of danger. But Rose isn{\f63 \u8
223\'3f}t any ordinary
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri329 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 studen
t; she has potential, and has experience. Something that hasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
happened to a
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4539 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 young
novice like her in a very long time.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 "Even a guardian who has killed a Strigoi never freezes at the sign of
danger. Especially
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri210 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 with a
Moroi involved. I guess what I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m getting at is that Rose is hid
ing something, and
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3432 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 possi
bly lying. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m asking you to tell me what that is."
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri56 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Her eyes were like dag
gers, piercing into my soul. Demanding to know everything Rose
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri76 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 hadn{\f
63 \u8223\'3f}t told me in the glass encased room. I cleared my throat, ready to
tell her a lie that
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2190 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I kne
w could get me in huge trouble. But for Rose, it was worth it.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri399 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "She was ready, ready to fight Guardian Alto when she got distracted;
she told me a
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri473 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 studen
t walking in the distance reminded her of Mason. With red hair and the same
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri376 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 build
anyone at that great of a distance can look like him. She froze, thinking he was

\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri341 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 back f
rom the dead. When I asked her why she didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t jump back in the f
ight, she told
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4002 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 me it
was too late, Alto had seized both boys."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri184 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Alberta stared at me, taking this all in. Watching her sit there stari
ng at me in the silent
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 room di
dn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t help my nerves. I wanted out of here, away from all of this
. I wanted them to
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4720 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 leave
Rose alone about her hesitation.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri388 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 After what seemed like forever Alberta finally nodded. "That seems ver
y possible; I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1177 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 remem
ber that next time when Rose tries to use it as an excuse." Not likely.
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri76 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 I nodded and stood up smiling as I walked towards the door. "I{\f63 \u8
223\'3f}ll make sure that doesn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7071 \expndtw-15 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 happ
en then."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7396 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Chapter 7:
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri427 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 As I walked towards my dorm a few lingering Moroi and dhampir students
hurried to
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri143 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 their
rooms, knowing they were out past curfew. A few glanced my way and caught my
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri101 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 eye; t
his only made them walk faster, eyes locked on the ground, trying to avoid the i
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6675 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 on th
e stone path.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri521 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I had the authority to write them up, but I really didn{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}t feel like doing the paperwork.
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2292 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 There
was a lot of signing and explaining that I was too tried for.
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri479 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 As I neared the novic
e{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s dorms I caught sight of Lissa, Christian, Eddie, and behind
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri515 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 them R
ose. I could sneak up on them right now and attack, but I decided against it.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri66 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Rose ha
d gone through a lot today and I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have a slot scheduled at
this time. And if
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1396 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I did
choose to test the four of them I would have to sign more paperwork.
\plain\sl-112\fs11\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri
83 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 The next few days were slow. At this point of tim
e in the testing, we were ordered not to
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri344 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 attack
. It builds suspense and teaches novices and Moroi alike that years could pass
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri58 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 without
a guardian ever having to engage in any sort of conflict. They will learn patie
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri948 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and th
e importance of not slacking because there{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d been no danger in a
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3511 \expndtw-3 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 And knowing Rose this activity had to be killing her.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri537 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 The novices were also being held to the strictest conditions a guardia
n could be in:
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 always
standing and always being formal. More often than not, guardians who lived with
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri278 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Moroi
families behaved casually in their homes and did ordinary things like reading or

\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri218 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 watchi
ng TV---while still staying perfectly aware of any threats. But we couldn{\f63 \
u8223\'3f}t always
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1571 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 expec
t that, so the novices had to practice the hard way while in school.
\plain\sl-115\fs11\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri
39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Later that day Alberta caught sight of me and pul
led me off to the side. Her face hard as
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5881 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 stone
, as well as her eyes.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri587 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "I just talked to Vasilisa." Her voice was hushed but I could detect t
he betrayal and
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6969 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 harsh
ness in it.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri263 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 This shocked me. So much that I was speechless as I continued to stare
down at her.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri234 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Albert
a took my silence to her advantage. "She wanted to know if she and Rose could
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri450 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 go to Victor{\f63 \u8
223\'3f}s trial." Her eyes pierced into mine and I could feel my body recoil. I
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6137 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 made
a terrible mistake.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri28 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 At the same time I felt stupid for thinking that Rose was able to keep
a guardian secret. I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 had bee
n so blinded by my love for her that I hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t realized the conse
quences of telling
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5500 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 a nov
ice private guardian stuff.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3065 \expndtw-3 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 But then again, not everything can turn out for the worst.
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri155 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 A small flicker of hope sparked in my chest as I stared evenly at Albe
rta. "What did you
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7914 \expndtw-28 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 say?
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri161 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She shook her head, "I told her no, that it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s out of t
he question." She glared at me then,
\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2795 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 crush
ing all the hope I had built up. "\i What\i0 did you tell her?"
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri78 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 I cleared my throat not wanting to back away, and show weakness towards
her. "I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri195 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 tell h
er. I told Rose." Alberta started to chastise me about how wrong that was but I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri232 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 her of
f. "Rose was sick the other night and needed to go outside for some air. I caugh
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri335 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 her ju
st outside of the novice dorms and was about to send her back when you came
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri691 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 up. Sh
e ran and hid in the bushes and I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have time to get her ou
t before you
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri843 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 rounde
d the corner and came into earshot. She heard everything; it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s o
ne of the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri105 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 reason
s why I was giving you blunt answers so she wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t find out ab
out the trial. But
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3762 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 when
she did she told me she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d keep it a secret."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri510 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I knew I shouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t of had sold Rose out like that but
it wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t entirely her fault. And I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri163 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 knew t
he way I worded it sounded like it was Alberta{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s for revealing s
o much that night.
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri627 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She must have had caught on this too because she sighed and looked aro
und the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1433 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 deser
ted campus. "I can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t believe you trusted Rose to keep that a sec
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri131 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "What else was I supp
osed to do? She knew about it. And by the time you left I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5304 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 come
up with a lie even if I tried."
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri733 \expndtw-7 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Alberta smiled a small sad smile at me, "you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re right,
I just don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know what to do.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri85 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Vasilis
a was very convincing when she asked if she could go to the trial. It{\f63 \u822
3\'3f}s just\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}well, I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri195 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 don{\f
63 \u8223\'3f}t think the Queen would like it very much if she found out we brou
ght minors to the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7032 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 tria
l of a royal."
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri229 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 The spark of hope from earlier started to rise. "So what are you sayin
g?" My heart was
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri743 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 beatin
g fast now, wanting more than anything to make Rose happy. And going to
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3109 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Victo
rs trial would bring a smile to her face I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m sure of it.
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1360 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Alberta turned to go but not before her voice caught over the wind. "
I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll try."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri543 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 My heart almost burst out of my chest, even if it meant that Alberta w
ould fail it was
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5906 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 enoug
h for me. She{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll try\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f
Symbol }}
\plain\sl-114\fs11\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri
7450 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Chapter 8:
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri307 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I left Alberta then, wondering if she really would try to get Rose and
Lissa into Victor{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri358 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 trial.
It wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t just because of Rose; it was also because I knew how
much Victor had
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri179 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 hurt L
issa, and how much she wanted to see him locked up. If I had been in her place I

\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 would w
orry myself sick every night wondering if my torturer would walk free, if he wou
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6071 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 seek
me out for revenge.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri444 \fi67 \expndtw-4 \
f10 \fs24 \cf44 But then again if I were Lissa I wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t worry
because I knew I had Rose to protect
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2159 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 me. A
nd she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s the most selfless and bravest person I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}
ve ever met.
\plain\pard\sl-308 \li0 \ri138 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I made it to the fron
t door of the novice dorms when Stan stormed passed me. On any
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri481 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 other
day I would have nodded slightly and walked on, but something was wrong. I
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2326 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 could
tell by the slump in his shoulders and the limp in his step.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri54 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 "Lost another fight again?" I called after him, smirking a little and l
etting it vanish before
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6897 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 he co
uld see it.
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri178 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Stan{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s eyes were cold and piercing as he looked up at
me. I hated the way he met my
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri310 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 eyes.
It wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t the look of an equal, and it most definitely wasn{\f63
\u8223\'3f}t in the look of awe, it
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri599 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 was as
if he were sizing me up, ready to challenge me at any moment. If he and I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri347 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 weren{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}t guardians at this school, only novice{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s like R
ose, I would take that challenge
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri192 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and sh
ow him who{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s stronger. But since I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m above threa
ts and snide comments I lean
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1547 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 back
against the rocky building and stare down at him, slightly amused.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri719 \expndtw-7 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 His eyes narrow as he nears me. "Eddie{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s hard to fight
." I nodded; we both were
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1053 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 think
ing the same thing: Eddie had real experience with Strigoi, conscious or
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3349 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 uncon
scious that event will always stick with Castile.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri379 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "He{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s hard to catch." I said as I recalled the fight i
n the hallway only a few days ago.
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri228 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Eddie
was strong, and fast, and it was at that moment I realized he was going to be a
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6119 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 kille
r guardian one day.
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 Stan rubbed the side of his jaw where he had taken a few hits. "Yeah, w
ell it wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t him
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri225 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 that I
{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m mad about." He stood straight and looked me right in the eye;
my whole body
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5626 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 screa
med threat. "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s Rose."
\plain\pard\sl-328 \li0 \ri166 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 My heart nearly stopp
ed at the sound of her name. Rose?\i Again\i0 ? I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t beli
eve it, I
\sl-258\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri585 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 knew R
ose well enough to know that she would never back down from a fight, and
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4947 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 certa
inly not after a failed one either.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri319 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Stan took my silence to his advantage, "I attacked Lissa, and instantl
y both Rose and
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri30 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Eddie j
umped in. Castile got to me first so while we were circling Rose kept following
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri220 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 waitin
g for an opening to join him. She left both Moroi unattended. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}
m really starting to
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3221 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 think
Rose has some revenge plot against Christian\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBO
L 188 \\f Symbol }}"
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri378 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 As Stan continued to talk about the attack and how wrong it was I cont
inued to stand
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri626 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 there,
frozen. Rose couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t possibly be doing badly, she has had expe
rience, I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri103 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 fought
her countless number of times in the gym. She has potential and most of all ski
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri798 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 If any
thing she should be the top student and should be praised for her efforts in
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6185 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 keepi
ng her Moroi safe.
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri576 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 If I were in Stan{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s position I would have thought Rose
to be revengeful and against
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri89 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 being C
hristian{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s guardian. I would have had her reported to Kirova aga
in for her lack of
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5354 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 effor
ts in keeping Christian safe.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri800 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 But I know Rose. She wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have caused this big of
a mistake without a good
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri307 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 reason
. Whether it was the same as last time I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll never know. But one
thing{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s for sure,
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri148 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Rose i
s a fighter, and she would never back down, especially with Stan involved as her

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri92 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 attacke
r. She probably was trying too hard to regain her position in the field experien
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4614 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 since
last time she failed to do anything.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1626 \expndtw-3 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 No, Rose would never leave a Moroi unprotected. Spokane is full proof
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri278 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}She was suspici
ous for not taking action the minute it was handed to her. And now
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4889 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 she{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}s just outright witless weak for---"
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri28 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Stan didn{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}t even get to finish before I grabbed hold of his collar and rammed him agai
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri749 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the si
de of the novice building. His eyes widened as I kept him there with his feet
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri176 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 dangli
ng in the air. I glared at him, his face level with mine, as I spoke softly, "do
n{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t you
\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri115 \expndtw-3 \i \f10 \fs24 \cf44 eve
r\i0 call Rose stupid." I hissed, the sound was foreign to me, never before had
I known
\sl-258\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5513 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 to be
capable of such brutality.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri592 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Stan cleared his throat not taking his eyes off of me, which said he w
anted this, he
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri49 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 wanted
a fight; knowing I had a soft spot for Rose. And all he had to do was spark it a
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri436 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I woul
d take action. But I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t care; Rose wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t so
meone you should make fun of.
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri410 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 He laughed blowing hot foul air in my face. "Belikov, never thought I{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}d get to see this
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7265 \expndtw-14 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 side
of you."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri363 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I smiled down at him. He may think he has won, but I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m
stronger, and faster. And the
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri367 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 most r
espected guardian at this school, no one would ever believe him if he chose to
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri534 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 tell.
I wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t afraid of him; he was just another Jesse Zeklos waiting
for a chance to
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5534 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 strik
e at a person{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s weak spot.
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri367 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I knew I was going to get in trouble for this, but I didn{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}t care. Rose would understand.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri115 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I shoved him against the stone wall, making him wince and groan in pai
n. "If I ever hear
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri82 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 you cal
l Rose anything she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s not I will personally drive a stake throug
h your heart. And I
\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7264 \expndtw-12 \i \f10 \fs24 \cf44 w
ill\i0 enjoy it."
\sl-299\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri63 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 I released him then, causing him to slump to the floor. He groaned as h
e managed to sit
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri835 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 up, th
e novices were really taking it hard against him, and now I really damaged
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri853 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 whatev
er strength he had left. Good, he needs to be knocked down a few pegs,
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri66 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 especia
lly if Rose ever gets the chance to fight him again. I know she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}
ll enjoy kicking his
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6413 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 ass a
s much as I did.
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri300 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I resisted the urge t
o kick him until he bled; instead I turned on my heel and made my
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri320 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 way ba
ck to the door. My hand rested on the knob as I turned around and met Stan{\f63
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri215 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 eyes,
which were now full of hatred and revenge. My voice was barely a shout, "report
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3213 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 this
to anyone and I won{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t think twice about my threat."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri257 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I opened the novice door that instantly bathed me in a warm yellow glo
w letting it shut
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2998 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 softl
y behind me, putting a barrier between Stan and me.
\sl-295\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7414 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Chapter 9:
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri179 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 My feet crunched in the freshly lain snow as I made my way out of the
dorms. After my
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri196 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 confro
ntation with Stan last night I had been too wild up to go to sleep. Adrenaline h
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri252 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 course
d through my veins till five in the morning; luckily I had Sunday off and wouldn
{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri201 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 attend
church till eight. I was happy until I found out Rose had community service, an
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri365 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 all th
at happiness burst into something else. Something mixed with passion, longing,
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6574 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 love
and giddiness.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri207 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I shook the feelings away as I made my way to the chapel. I wasn{\f63
\u8223\'3f}t neglecting my love
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri69 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 for Ros
e like I had at the ski lodge, but I wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t enforcing it either.
I needed to stay calm
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and col
lected, I needed to get her to pass the final test, and I needed her to graduate
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri61 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 we coul
d watch over Lissa. But most importantly I needed her to focus on knowing what
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri46 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 to do i
n intense situations, Spokane was proof enough to me that I won{\f63 \u8223\'3f}
t be there all the
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri129 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 time t
o watch and protect her. And even though she had done a good job at getting her
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri648 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and he
r friends out, not all of them made it. And that single mistake, will affect her

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4653 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 forev
er, as a guardian and as a person.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri113 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Shivering at the thought of a screaming Rose crouched over Mason made
me aware of
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri911 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 my sur
roundings. I was nearing the chapel, snow falling lightly, blurring its dark
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri419 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 furnishing. It was se
ven thirty, so no one was around yet except for the one person I
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4992 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 neede
d to talk to before the service.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri114 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I open the huge wooden doors that prevent the cold and snow from draft
ing in and step
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri804 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 inside
. My feet echo against the walls as I make my way towards the stage. The
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri215 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 wooden
doors close with a bang making my footsteps sound like padded drops from a
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5674 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 sink
compared to a waterfall.
\sl-295\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri168 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 The priest looks up from his work then. He had been huddled over one o
f the old dusty
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri120 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 bibles
that he stored in the back. His pen tapping the side of the podium as he rests
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri194 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 head i
n his hand trying to put together the service. My heart beats faster at the sigh
t of
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 him, kn
owing that I may be interrupting whatever work he was doing and preventing him
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri146 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 from f
inishing it. I wonder if God would strike me down for that. But didn{\f63 \u8223
\'3f}t have the time
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3994 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 to co
nsider it before the old man smiled at me.
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri320 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Dimitri, what can I do for you?" His smile was genuine and wrinkled a
t the corners of
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2965 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 his e
yes, making him look much older than he really was.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri341 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I nodded and smiled back. "My student Rosemarie Hathaway has community
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri161 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 today
and I was wondering if she could help you with anything." He nodded his balding
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3191 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 head,
eyes lost in thought. "I also will be assisting her."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri240 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 The priest{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s graying eyebrows went up at that, crinkli
ng his forehead, which made him
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri100 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 look t
wenty years older. "Is that so?" He cleared his throat. "Well, Dimitri, I think
I can fit
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri84 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 in a ti
me for the both of you. See me after the service today and I will find something
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7005 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 you
two to do."
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri155 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I nodded and thanked
him. As I turned around and started to walk away his deep voice
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri352 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 rang t
hrough the wooden chapel. "I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t think that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
a good idea. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve been watching
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6072 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the w
ay you look at her."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri445 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I freeze in mid-footstep. And spin as fast as I would if I were to fac
e a Strigoi. I try to
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3583 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 keep
my voice even. "I-I\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}What do
you mean Sir?"
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri160 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 He smiled, there wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t anything hidden behind that sm
ile, being a servant of God. His
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri328 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 eyes l
it up at my attempts to act surprise. "During the services, I see the way you tw
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri252 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 steal
glances at each other Dimitri. There{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s nothing to hide. At first
it looked as though
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri246 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 you we
re checking on her protectively, as if she were in danger all the time. But then
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3085 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 looke
d again and saw something different in your eyes."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri72 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 I lowered my head, I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t lie to the priest, it wou
ld be a sin to, and would be wrong. I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri390 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 nod as
if I understand, but really I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m just shocked he had figured it
out. Him out of all
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2700 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 peopl
e. He took my silence as an invitation and kept talking.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri359 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "I think I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve figured it out now." His voice was light
and thoughtful; my heart ached for
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri51 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 him to
stop talking. "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s wonder. Wonder if you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re eve
r going to be with that person. And
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 longing
. Longing to be with her forever. I see the way you watch Rose when she leaves,
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri213 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 like s
he{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s walking out the door forever, never coming back. But there{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}s something else
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7437 \expndtw-17 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 ther
e too."
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri281 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I look up at him then, his finger tapping his chin as he stares off in
to the unknown. My
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri254 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 heart
beats faster, never before had someone (besides Tasha) figured out my biggest
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2710 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 secre
t, figured out my feelings for Rose wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t professional.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri327 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 His eyes flickered back to me as he smiles again. "Protection. You{\f6
3 \u8223\'3f}re assigned to the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri434 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Dragom
ir princess correct?" I nod, and when I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t respond he continu
es, his voice
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 lower this time. And a
s I crane my neck to see what he{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s looking at I realize with sud
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri63 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 shock t
hat there are people entering the building. "And I trust you know how important
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri755 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 is to
protect her. And Rose is Vasilissa{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s best friend, yet I can see
you protecting
\sl-253\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri914 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Hathaw
ay without a second thought. Leaving Vasilissa out in the open. You\i do
\sl-232\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri512 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 unders
tand why this is dangerous? Not just for your carrier, but for both of the girl{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7801 \expndtw-24 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 live
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri323 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 His brown eyes were wide now as he imagined what might happen if I let
my feelings
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri71 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 get the
best of me. We both seemed to share the same thought. I was Lissa{\f63 \u8223\'
3f}s guardian,
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri199 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and if
I let Rose get in the way of protecting her I will endanger the last Dragomir{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}s life.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri322 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 But I
never thought about Lissa being the dangerous one. Rose, well she{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}s Rose and
\sl-253\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri264 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 danger
was her characteristic it seemed like these days. But Lissa, she was innocent,
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri245 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and ju
st a girl, a vulnerable girl, who needed protection. And if I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m
not there to provide
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5676 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 that
her life will be in danger.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri420 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 My heart quickened even more, pounding in my ears. And by the way he c
ocked his
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri455 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 head t
o the side I knew he heard it. With his powerful Moroi ears, he probably could
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2828 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 hear
the blood rushing through my veins fast and irregular.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri131 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 He looked up, his smile fading as his eyes swept across the room. "My
service is about
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3780 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 to st
art. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll consult with you and Hathaway after."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri393 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 And without another word or glance his eyes focused back on the book h
e had been
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5218 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 fixat
ed over before I had come in.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri94 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 I took my regular seat in the back, trying hard not to glance Rose{\f63
\u8223\'3f}s way as she entered.
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri337 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 What t
he priest had said to me was overwhelming. Never before had someone come
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri463 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 remote
ly close to my deep feelings for her. It was true I wanted to protect her. And I

\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri330 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 knew if the time came
I would try to protect Lissa, but the moment Rose screamed in
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri809 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 pain I
would shift my attention to her and kill whatever caused her bloodcurdling
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7635 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 scre
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri311 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 And it was then I knew what to do. Not only did I need Rose to get bet
ter in training, I
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri343 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 needed
her to learn to protect herself. To kill a Strigoi within seconds, because if s
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri284 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 doesn{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}t she endangers both Lissa and me. Lissa{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s life
will be forgotten, and I will take
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4935 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 actio
n and protect Rose with my life.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 The thought of Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s screams in Spokane comes back to
me. Never again will I let her
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri211 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 scream
like that, feel like that. Her screams echo in my head and I wonder if the prie
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6724 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 can h
ear that too.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7275 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Chapter 10:
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri586 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 After the service and everyone had cleared out Rose lingered near the
stage. She
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri137 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 looked
uncomfortable and stuck out. The way she looked around the room told me she
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri436 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 didn{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}t want to be here and hoped no one saw her and took it as a sudde
n interest in
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1929 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 relig
ion. I shook my head at the thought. It could be something else.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri365 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 My heart nearly leapt out of my chest when she glanced my way. Shock m
asked her
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri402 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 featur
es, and I was brought back to the first night I had saw her. She wore the same
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri474 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 expres
sion only fear was hidden somewhere beneath it. Only this time the fear was
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2358 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 repla
ced by something I had come to consider and know. Love.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri474 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "What are you doing here?" She asked. Her voice echoed off the old woo
den walls.
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1457 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "Thought you might need some help. I hear the priest wants to do a lo
t of
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri215 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 housec
leaning." I had heard this by eavesdropping on Alberta and Kirova from earlier.
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri309 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Yeah, but you{\f63 \
u8223\'3f}re not the one being punished here. And this is your day off too. We--
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri270 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 well,
everyone else---spent the whole week battling it out, but you guys were the ones

\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri122 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 pickin
g the fights the whole time." Her eyes narrowed, taking in the features of my fa
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri271 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I knew
she was examining the bruises I had received this week. I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}
t have as many
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 as the
other guardians, partly because I was faster and stronger than most and didn{\f6
3 \u8223\'3f}t go
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6388 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 easy
on the students.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri113 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Stan had the most out of all of us. And my confrontation with him last
night had to leave
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri401 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 a lot
more damage than any novice could do. The thought of him calling Rose stupid
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri77 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 made my
pulse quicken in anger. The last time he had talked badly about Rose was the
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri377 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 first
day she had arrived back to the school. He had screamed and yelled at her over
\sl-254\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4168 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 somet
hing as small as not knowing a lesson.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri342 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Back then I thought of his yelling as a lesson to her. And had agreed
with it. But now,
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri98 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 now I s
ee it as cruelty and his enjoyment of picking on a student. Knowing they can{\f6
3 \u8223\'3f}t do
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri196 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 anythi
ng to him. Except for now, on the field experience, they could hit him and not g
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1541 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 looke
d down for it. I silently encouraged Rose to beat the hell out of him.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri578 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I looked at her, keeping my face as stone like as possible. The priest
was lingering
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri103 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 behind
her and if he saw just the slightest attraction I had for Rose I don{\f63 \u822
3\'3f}t know what I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5225 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 do.
"What else would I do today?"
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri100 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "I could think of a hundred other things," she noted dryly. It was as
if she didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t want me
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri608 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 there.
My heart ached at her response. "There{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s probably a John Wayne
movie on
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5081 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 some
where that you haven{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t seen."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri233 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I tried to keep a straight face at her attempts of showing me up. I sh
ook my head. "No,
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2325 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 there
isn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve seen them all. Look---the priest is
waiting for us."
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri28 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She turned around to s
ee Father Andrew standing at the front, watching us. To Rose his
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri233 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 look m
ight seem creepy, but to me, it was like a stab in the back. He was watching us,

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri442 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 seeing
if his earlier theory was correct. My heart raced as I stared at him. His mouth

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4997 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 twitc
hed upward, I knew he heard it.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri605 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 He{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d taken off the rich robes he{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d wor
n during the service and now stood in simple
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5479 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 slack
s and a button down shirt.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri192 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 As Rose and I approached to get our assignments, I couldn{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}t help but wonder if it were
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri559 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 a sin
to love someone that didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t belong to me. Surely somewhere in th
e bible God
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1037 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 looke
d down upon falling in love with a girl underage. I just hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
found it yet.
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri328 \expndtw-7 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Thank you both for volunteering to help me." Father Andrew smiled at
us. "We aren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri365 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 doing
anything particularly complex today. It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s a bit boring really. W
e{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll have to do the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri521 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 regula
r cleaning, of course, and then I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d like to sort the boxes of ol
d supplies I have
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6399 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 sitti
ng up in the attic."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri757 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 As I stared at the priest I noticed he was keeping a straight face, an
d mainly was
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri100 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 lookin
g at Rose. As if he was trying to figure out her feelings for me too. But then a
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2922 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 he co
uld be trying to hide the fact that he knows about us.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3053 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "We{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re happy to do whatever you need." I said solemnl
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7300 \expndtw-7 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 We set to it.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri329 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Rose was put on mop duty, and I took over dusting and polishing the wo
oden pews. I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri174 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 kept t
o myself, thinking of things that didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t wonder too closely to R
ose. I thought of my
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri306 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 old li
fe, my old home. The smell of breakfast every time I woke up in that small home.

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri54 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 The fee
ling of my mom and grandmother as they hugged me before I went off to school.
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 My sisters, how much I
loved them, and what I would do to protect them. Beating up my
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5699 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 dad w
asn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t just for my mom.
\plain\sl-112\fs11\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri
400 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I took my time cleaning the pews, not wanting to
mess up. But I was also stalling for
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri61 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 time, I
didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t want to leave Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s side. I never did.
Every time I was with her she found
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri589 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 a way
to make my heart race faster, to make my breathing shallow to where I was
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1541 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 suffo
cating for oxygen. The things she does to me I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll never understa
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri420 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 When the priest stepped out of the sanctuary to go to his office, I co
ntinued working
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri303 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 quietl
y. Trying hard not to let my emotions spill over. We weren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t out
in public, but we
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri824 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 weren{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}t alone either. And my conversation with the priest before the s
ervice still
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4090 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 wrapp
ed around my brain. Refusing to leave.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri156 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 When we finished the cleaning, Father Andrew had us haul box after box
of stuff down
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2447 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 from
the attic and into the storeroom at the back of the chapel.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri188 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 With all the stuff downstairs, the three of us settled on the floor an
d began sorting it all
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri479 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 out. F
ather Andrew gave us instructions on what to save and what to throw out. My
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri205 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 aching
limbs stretched awkwardly on the wooden floor. And I winced every time I tried
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri463 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 to shi
ft. The priest made small talk as we worked, asking about Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
classes and
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7198 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 other
\sl-298\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri586 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 And as we worked, I stole a glance at Rose when the priest turned arou
nd to grab
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri443 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 someth
ing. She was thoughtful as she stared down at the pile surrounding her. The
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri390 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 wrinkl
es in her forehead increased as her thought deepened. I looked at her curious
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6478 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 what
she was up to.
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri613 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Hey," she said to Fa
ther Andrew. "Do you believe in ghosts? I mean, is there any
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2339 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 menti
on of them in---" She gestured around us. "---in this stuff?"
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri674 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 The question surprised him, but he didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t appear to ta
ke offense at her calling his
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri582 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 vocati
on and life{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s work "this stuff". Or at the fact that she was ign
orant about it all,
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri529 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 despit
e of attending the services. A bemused expression crossed his face, and he
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6558 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 pause
d in his work.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri890 \expndtw-7 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I stopped too, curious. "Well\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188
\\f Symbol }}it depends on how you define {\f63 \u8222\'3f}ghost{\f63 \u8223\'3f
} I suppose."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri212 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Rose tapped a theology book with her finger. "The whole point of this
is that when you
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri270 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 die, y
ou go to heaven or hell. That makes ghosts just stories, right? They{\f63 \u8223
\'3f}re not in the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6665 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Bibl
e or anything."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri547 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Again," he said, "it depends on your definition. Our faith has always
held that after
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1031 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 death
, the spirit separates from the body and may indeed linger in this world."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri57 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 "What?" A dusty bowl she had been holding dropped out of her hand. Fort
unately it was
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri306 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 wood a
nd didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t break. She quickly retrieved it. Her face paled, full
of fear and shock.
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri282 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 My hea
rt raced even more, this time it was for her safety. Guardian instincts kicked i
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri439 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and it
took all my will not to shake her and demand who hurt her. I wasn't surprised
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri417 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 when m
y first guess was Jessy. "For how long? Forever?" Her eyes were wide now.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 "No, no, of course not. That lies in the face of the resurrection and s
alvation, which form
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri222 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the co
rnerstone of our beliefs. But it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s believed the soul can stay on
the earth for three
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri222 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 to for
ty days after death. It eventually receives a {\f63 \u8222\'3f}temporary{\f63 \u
8223\'3f} judgment that sends it on
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri221 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 from t
his world to heaven or hell---although no one will truly experience either until
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri174 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 actual
Judgment Day, when the soul and body are reunited to live out eternity as one."

\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri197 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Her face went slack,
but not enough to satisfy my burning instincts. "Yeah, but is it true
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1910 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 or no
t? Are spirits really walking the earth for forty days after death?"
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri191 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Ah, Rose. Those who have to ask if faith is true are opening up a dis
cussion they may
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6814 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 not
be ready for."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3250 \expndtw-3 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Rose sighed and turned back to the box in front of her.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri732 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "But," he said kindly, "if it helps you, some of these ideas parallel
folk beliefs from
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri658 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Easter
n Europe about ghosts that existed before the spread of Christianity. Those
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 traditi
ons have long upheld the idea of spirits staying around for a short time after d
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2582 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 --par
ticularly if the person in question died young or violently."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri529 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She froze. The book that was in her hand went slack and fell back into
the box. Her
\sl-254\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri552 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 face,
I thought was white before, but now it was if it were translucent. I was sure if
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri415 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 were t
o walk up to her I could see all the veins and muscles sitting behind that prett
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7293 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 skin
of hers.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri574 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Why?" She asked in a small voice. "Why would they stay? Is it\expndtw
-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}is it for revenge?"
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri134 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 My arms ached to hold her and cradle her against my chest. To whisper
that everything
\sl-254\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri284 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 was go
ing to be alright, whatever\i it\i0 was. But even with the priest here, who kn
ew a lot
\sl-232\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4160 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 about
us, I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t dare go anywhere near her.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri59 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m sure there are some who believe that, just as some
believe it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s because the soul has
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3500 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 troub
le finding peace after something so unsettling."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3431 \expndtw-7 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "What do you believe?" she asked her voice hopeful.
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri30 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 He smiled. "I believe
the soul separates from the body, just as our fathers teach us, but I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri593 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 doubt
the soul{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s time on earth is anything the living can perceive. It
{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s not like in the
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri426 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 movies
, with ghosts haunting buildings or coming to visit those they knew. I envision
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri52 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 these s
pirits as more of an energy existing around us, something beyond our perception
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri653 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 as the
y wait to move on and find peace. Ultimately, what matters is what happens
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri209 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 beyond
this earth when we attain the eternal life our savior bought for us with his gr
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5177 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 sacr
ifice. That{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s what{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s important."
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri426 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Rose stayed quiet and thoughtful, some of the blood returned to her ch
eeks. But not
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri201 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 enough
to calm me down. She seemed to be battling something inside her. I knew this
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1685 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 becau
se of the way she had hunched over herself, face lost in thought.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri424 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Father Andrew sensed the change in Rose; he tried to coax her out. "I
just got some
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri179 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 new bo
oks in from a friend in another parish. Interesting stories about St. Vladimir."
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2838 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 title
d his head. "Are you still interested in him? And Anna?"
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri415 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 When she didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t respond, the priest and I looked at ea
ch other, wondering what was
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri125 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 into h
er. Rose never really cared for religious things, until now. And her sudden inte
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6723 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 made
me curious.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri221 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Yeah," she said finally, not making eye contact. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m
interested\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}but I don{\f63
\u8223\'3f}t think I can
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri294 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 get to
it anytime soon. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m kind of busy with all this\expndtw-14{\fie
ld{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}you know, field experience stuff."
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri84 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 She fell silent again. He took the hint and let her work on without fur
ther interruption. So
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri64 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I follo
wed his lead, not saying anything. When we finally finished sorting, Father Andr
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 told us
we had one more task before our work was done. He pointed to some boxes that
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5561 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 we{\f
63 \u8223\'3f}d organized and repacked.
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri184 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "I need you to carry
these over to the elementary campus," he said. "Leave them off at
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri534 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the Mo
roi dorm there. Ms. Davis has been teaching Sunday school for some of the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3761 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 kinde
rgarteners and might be able to use those."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri120 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 It would take at least two trips between Rose and me, and the elementa
ry campus was
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6439 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 a fai
r distance away.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6532 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Rose and I got to it.
\plain\sl-88\fs9\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri94
2 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Why are you interested in ghosts?" I asked her on
our first trip. This had been
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri999 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 bother
ing me the moment she had mentioned it. I had never took Rose as the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 superna
tural type. Even though Vampires were considered supernatural, we didn{\f63 \u82
23\'3f}t think
\sl-253\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7135 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 of it
that way.
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4805 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "Just making conversation." She said.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri341 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "I can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t see your face right now, but I have a feeling
you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re lying again." I said around
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6832 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the d
usty boxes.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri639 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Jeez, everyone thinks the worst of me lately. Stan accused me of glor
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri365 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Just the thought of her comparing me to Stan made my body tense. But I
couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t let
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri485 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 that r
each my voice, because if I did Rose would question me and I could get in big
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7683 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 trou
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri469 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "I heard about that," I said as we rounded a corner. The buildings of
the elementary
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri487 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 campus
loomed up in front of us. "That might have been a little unfair of him." I was
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7100 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 exagg
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri449 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "A little, huh?" Her
voice turned dark, almost making me jump. "Well, thanks, but I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m

\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri870 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 starti
ng to lose faith in this field experience. Sometimes in the whole Academy."
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6304 \expndtw-20 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "You don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t mean that."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri216 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know. The school just seems so caught up in r
ules and policies that don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri653 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 anythi
ng to do with real life. I saw what was out there, comrade. I went right to the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1818 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 monst
er{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s lair. In some ways\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188
\\f Symbol }} I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know if this really prepares us."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri161 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s screams returned to me making me wince. The icy
wind picked up then, and as
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri113 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 it hit
me in cold waves I swear I could smell blood in there somewhere. I shivered at
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4433 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 thoug
ht of Spokane. "Sometimes I agree."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1063 \expndtw-3 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 She nearly stumbled as we stepped inside one of the two Moroi dorms o
n the
\sl-254\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri455 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 elemen
tary campus. The lobby looked a lot like the ones on the secondary campus.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6471 \expndtw-15 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Rea
lly?" she asked.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri560 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Really," I said, a small smile spread on my lips. "I mean, I don{\f63
\u8223\'3f}t agree that novices
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri199 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 should
be put out in the word when they{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re ten or anything, but someti
mes I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve thought
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri349 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the fi
eld experience should actually be in the field. I probably learned more in my fi
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri210 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 year a
s a guardian then I did in all my years of training. Well\expndtw-14{\field{\*\f
ldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} maybe not all. But it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s a
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5575 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 diffe
rent situation, absolutely."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri370 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m sure there are some who believe that, just as som
e believe it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s because the soul
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3077 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 has t
rouble finding peace after something so unsettling."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3413 \expndtw-7 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "What do you believe?" she asked her voice hopeful.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri30 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 He smiled. "I believe the soul separates from the body, just as our fat
hers teach us, but I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri588 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 doubt
the soul{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s time on earth is anything the living can perceive. It
{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s not like in the
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri445 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 movies, with ghosts h
aunting buildings or coming to visit those they knew. I envision
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri70 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 these s
pirits as more of an energy existing around us, something beyond our perception
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri667 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 as the
y wait to move on and find peace. Ultimately, what matters is what happens
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri228 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 beyond
this earth when we attain the eternal life our savior bought for us with his gr
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5195 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 sacr
ifice. That{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s what{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s important."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri444 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Rose stayed quiet and thoughtful, some of the blood returned to her ch
eeks. But not
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri225 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 enough
to calm me down. She seemed to be battling something inside her. I knew this
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1703 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 becau
se of the way she had hunched over herself, face lost in thought.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri442 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Father Andrew sensed the change in Rose; he tried to coax her out. "I
just got some
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri203 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 new bo
oks in from a friend in another parish. Interesting stories about St. Vladimir."
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2856 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 title
d his head. "Are you still interested in him? And Anna?"
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri433 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 When she didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t respond, the priest and I looked at ea
ch other, wondering what was
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri140 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 into h
er. Rose never really cared for religious things, until now. And her sudden inte
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6742 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 made
me curious.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri239 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Yeah," she said finally, not making eye contact. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m
interested\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}but I don{\f63
\u8223\'3f}t think I can
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri312 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 get to
it anytime soon. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m kind of busy with all this\expndtw-14{\fie
ld{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}you know, field experience stuff."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri107 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She fell silent again. He took the hint and let her work on without fu
rther interruption. So
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri82 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I follo
wed his lead, not saying anything. When we finally finished sorting, Father Andr
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 told us
we had one more task before our work was done. He pointed to some boxes that
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5579 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 we{\f
63 \u8223\'3f}d organized and repacked.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri239 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "I need you to carry these over to the elementary campus," he said. "L
eave them off at
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri588 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the Mo
roi dorm there. Ms. Davis has been teaching Sunday school for some of the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3815 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 kinde
rgarteners and might be able to use those."
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri125 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 It would take at leas
t two trips between Rose and me, and the elementary campus was
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6439 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 a fai
r distance away.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6532 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Rose and I got to it.
\plain\sl-85\fs9\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri94
2 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Why are you interested in ghosts?" I asked her on
our first trip. This had been
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri993 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 bother
ing me the moment she had mentioned it. I had never took Rose as the
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 superna
tural type. Even though Vampires were considered supernatural, we didn{\f63 \u82
23\'3f}t think
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7135 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 of it
that way.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4805 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "Just making conversation." She said.
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri341 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "I can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t see your face right now, but I have a feeling
you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re lying again." I said around
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6832 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the d
usty boxes.
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri639 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Jeez, everyone thinks the worst of me lately. Stan accused me of glor
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri365 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Just the thought of her comparing me to Stan made my body tense. But I
couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t let
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri477 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 that r
each my voice, because if I did Rose would question me and I could get in big
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7683 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 trou
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri473 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "I heard about that," I said as we rounded a corner. The buildings of
the elementary
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri487 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 campus
loomed up in front of us. "That might have been a little unfair of him." I was
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7100 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 exagg
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri409 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "A little, huh?" Her voice turned dark, almost making me jump. "Well,
thanks, but I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri834 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 starti
ng to lose faith in this field experience. Sometimes in the whole Academy."
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri6232 \expndtw-20 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "You don{\f63 \u822
3\'3f}t mean that."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri151 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know. The school just seems so caught up in r
ules and policies that don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri579 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 anythi
ng to do with real life. I saw what was out there, comrade. I went right to the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1746 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 monst
er{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s lair. In some ways\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188
\\f Symbol }} I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know if this really prepares us."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri89 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s screams returned to me making me wince. The icy
wind picked up then, and as
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 it hit
me in cold waves I swear I could smell blood in there somewhere. I shivered at t
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4361 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 thoug
ht of Spokane. "Sometimes I agree."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri991 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She nearly stumbled as we stepped inside one of the two Moroi dorms on
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri389 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 elemen
tary campus. The lobby looked a lot like the ones on the secondary campus.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6398 \expndtw-15 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Rea
lly?" she asked.
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri488 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Really," I said, a small smile spread on my lips. "I mean, I don{\f63
\u8223\'3f}t agree that novices
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri127 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 should
be put out in the word when they{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re ten or anything, but someti
mes I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve thought
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri273 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the fi
eld experience should actually be in the field. I probably learned more in my fi
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri138 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 year a
s a guardian then I did in all my years of training. Well\expndtw-14{\field{\*\f
ldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} maybe not all. But it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s a
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5503 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 diffe
rent situation, absolutely."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri174 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I studied her, brushing hair out of my eyes in the process. "Why does
there have to be
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6232 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 some
ulterior motive?"
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri270 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She took a moment to consider this. Every time her anger started to lo
osen my tense
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2801 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 body
would relax a little. "Because everyone has motives."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri77 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 "Yes. But not always the motives you think." I pushed open the door. "I
{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll see you later."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7239 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Chapter 11:
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri147 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 After leaving Rose to
bring the last box to Mrs. Davis, I made my way to the guardian{\f63 \u8223\'3f
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri532 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 main b
uilding to report Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s community service. Even though Kirova a
nd Alberta
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri196 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 never
asked me to, I felt like it was the right thing to do. Considering I was assigne
d to
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri818 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 keep R
ose in line and report her disciplinary projects I figured this event was no
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7564 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 diffe
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri379 \fi67 \expndtw-5 \
f10 \fs24 \cf44 And as my feet sloshed in the snow I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t he
lp but feel hurt about Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s earlier
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri356 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 commen
ts. Did she really not believe that I could get her into the trial? Did she real
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri509 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 think
I had that much power to do so? Her comments suggested that I did, and she
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1984 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 looke
d at me as if I were a god who was capable of doing anything.
\sl-292\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri755 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I shook my head at the thought; no I may not be able to do\i everythi
ng\i0 . But I was
\sl-259\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri530 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 capabl
e of doing a lot of things, and getting Rose and Lissa to that trial was just an

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5753 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 obsta
cle I had to overcome.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri174 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 As the guardian building peeped out of the darkness of the trees I qui
ckened my pace.
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri337 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 My fee
t were silent against the snow, mainly from my years of practicing fox walking,
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri343 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and al
so from being light in my stance. Twenty years of practicing this one technique
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6677 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 will
do that to you.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri172 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 The soft golden glow coming from the windows casted long eerie blue sh
adows on the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 snow. S
hapes were walking past the window{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s frame. I could tell from th
e short hair and
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri125 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the te
nse body that one of them was Alberta{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s. The wind picked up maki
ng me quicken
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6448 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 my pa
ce even more.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri243 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I was soon bathed in the warm glow. Shutting the door behind me I coul
d actually feel
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2043 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 my fa
ce defrosting. How long have I been walking? I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll never know.
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri208 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Alberta{\f63 \u8223\'
3f}s head shot up from the corner she was standing at the instant the door locke
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri89 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 in plac
e. She nodded and gave me a small smile. "Belikov. You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re here t
o report Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5440 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 commu
nity service I presume?"
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri553 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I nodded back and took a seat at the empty table. Emil was standing of
f to the side
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri101 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 going
over something with another guardian. "Yes, she, Father Andrew and I worked all
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri496 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 day on
cleaning out the chapel{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s attic and sorting through the boxes t
hat he kept up
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri207 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 there.
Then after we, Rose and I, brought them down to the lower schools and handed
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6029 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 them
over to Mrs. Davis."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri220 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Alberta{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s watchful eyes were on me the whole time. Mak
ing me nervous. She let a few
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3150 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 momen
ts pass before she nodded. "How is she doing?"
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri231 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Her question shocked me. I knew Alberta cared about Rose{\f63 \u8223\'
3f}s field experience but that
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri700 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 didn{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}t stop my racing heart from slowing down. After my confrontation
with Father
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri428 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Andrew
this morning I figured everyone would{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve guessed my love for Ro
se by now.
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri446 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I kept my face as stone like as possible, not wanting to give anything
away from last
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 night.
Especially my fight with Stan. "She{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s doing better; Guardian Alt
o got her again last
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri642 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 night.
But this time it was different, he attacked and both she and Eddie jumped in
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4633 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 leavi
ng both their charges unprotected."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri305 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I felt like a snitch but I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t lie to Alberta. Sh
e was the one person that had control
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 over al
l guardians at this school and if she found out I was lying I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d
lose my job. And that
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri922 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 meant
losing my job of protecting Lissa and keeping a watchful eye over Rose.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri652 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Alberta had started to pace the room again. Her head hung low as she p
laced her
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1047 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 clasp
ed hands behind her back. Her face was thoughtful as she took in all my
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri532 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 inform
ation. And I noticed for the first time she looked as young as she was. Not all
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri277 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 tensed up and ready f
or a fight, her face was smooth, free of stress wrinkles and with
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri82 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 her mou
th slightly opened she looked her age. Alberta wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t as old as
most guardians
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri335 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 now a
days, but she was pretty old. And all the stress of being a Guardian had taken
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6745 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 her b
eauty away.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 This thought brought me back to my first days of training Rose. It had
been cold and we
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri225 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 had be
en practicing outside for quite some time. When we came back inside I noticed
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri62 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 her han
ds were cracked and blistered, and in some parts they had actually opened and
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7917 \expndtw-15 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 bled
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri49 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 While I was treating them she told me that this was the first sign of h
er slowly losing her
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri635 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 beauty
. Just like Alberta and her mother had lost theirs. The life of dedication and
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3237 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 prote
cting the Moroi really affected us in a lot of ways.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri312 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Back then I had told her that it wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t happen to he
r that this life would never affect
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri82 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 her bea
uty in anyway. And even now I thought the same thing. Rose was different from
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri568 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Albert
a and her mother. Both Alberta and Janine have fully dedicated their lives to
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri539 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 protec
ting and serving their Moroi charges. The only difference is that Rose will be
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri71 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 safely
locked away in Court with Lissa. Which will provide less brutality to her gorgeo
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri185 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 face.
She didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t need to worry about losing her golden skin to a hard
life. I was sure of
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri8219 \expndtw-23 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 it.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri215 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Alberta stopped pacing and resorted to sitting next to me. She leaned
forward, resting
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri250 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 her el
bows on her knees as she stared into my eyes. I could see the beautiful woman
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri286 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 she on
ce was before this life took that all away. She was still beautiful, not in the
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2075 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Rose
was, but in her own way. She had a tough beauty about her.
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri132 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "I heard about her fi
ght with Alto last night, and I know you care about her as much as I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri134 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 do. An
d want to help her but I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know what we can do. We{\f63 \u82
23\'3f}ve both seen what she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 capable
of; we{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve both seen the damage in Spokane." She paused her face
darkening. I
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri165 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 knew w
hat she was thinking of. The blood that covered the floor as Rose screamed for
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri269 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 us to
leave her alone. Hovering over Mason as if she could bring him back to life. The

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri299 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 tears
and blood mixed in on her cheeks, the hurt and anger in her eyes as she stared
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4906 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 up at
us not making our features out.
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri489 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Alberta shook her head. "I know Rose is much more skilled than this. S
he shouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri607 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 even n
eed to take the field experience. I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t even think what we put
the novice{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri384 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 throug
h every year really helps them in real life." She looked away. I was shocked at
\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 how clo
se she came to mirroring my thoughts from talking to Rose earlier. "But I have t
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri70 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 put fai
th in this program. It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s the only way we can teach them the ways
of the real world.
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri154 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I had
expected Rose to be the top student and take down every threat we threw at her.
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri346 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 But ma
ybe I was wrong. Maybe Spokane had done some permanent damage to her.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri188 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Maybe\
expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}" her eyes looked sadder an
d sadder the more she talked. I placed a hand on
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri131 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 her sh
oulder, trying to comfort her. There were real tears in her eyes. "Maybe she can
{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri563 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 be hel
ped. Maybe she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s incapable of killing Strigoi without flashing b
ack to her first
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7753 \expndtw-20 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 kill
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri142 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Her voice trailed off as she looked away from me. I took in what she w
as saying. It was
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri360 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 true,
maybe there{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s no way to help Rose. Maybe she really was gone in
the sense of
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri924 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 being
able to kill. But thinking back to today, the fierceness in her eyes and the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri571 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 determ
ination to pass this exam was a sign of how wrong Alberta{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s thou
ghts were.
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri208 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 No, Rose was capable
of killing. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve seen the way she watches Lissa as if she were i
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri463 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 terrib
le danger. As if in any moment Lissa will be attacked, even in a highly guarded
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3617 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 schoo
l. No, Rose hasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t left us, and she never will.
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri137 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I squeezed Alberta{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s shoulder out of comfort. "I{\f63
\u8223\'3f}ve fought her in the gym after Spokane.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri161 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I{\f63
\u8223\'3f}ve seen the way she watches Lissa as if they were already out in the
real world. Rose
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1054 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 hasn{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}t left us after Spokane. If anything she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s grown
stronger and more alert."
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri377 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Alberta looked back at me, her eyes wide and hopeful; this only made h
er look much
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1781 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 young
er. "You really think so?" There was a hopeful tone to her voice.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri72 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 I nodded. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m positive. I know Rose; she{\f63 \u8223\'
3f}ll never leave this life of protecting and serving
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri224 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the Mo
roi." I thought back to the day in the gym after Spokane when she demanded to
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3222 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 learn
more about killing Strigoi. "No, she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll be just fine."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri186 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Alberta smiled at me. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m sorry\expndtw-14{\field{\*\
fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}about all that, it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s just guardi
an numbers are lowering
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3388 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 daily
and we can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t afford to lose a student like Rose."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri451 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I nodded in agreement. When she didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t say anymore I s
tood up to leave. I took two
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 steps b
efore she reached out and grabbed my wrist. Forcing me to turn around and look
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri280 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 down i
nto her eyes. "Promise me you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll find out what{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
wrong with Rose, Belikov." Her
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri472 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 eyes w
ere no longer watery, if anything they looked determined. "We can{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}t lose her.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6783 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Ment
ally I mean."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6389 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 I nodded. "I promise."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri220 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Alberta sighed and leaned back releasing her hold on me. She ran a han
d through her
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri811 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 short
brown hair. "One more thing. Do you think we need to get Hathaway into a
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7420 \expndtw-17 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 ther
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri247 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I took a moment to th
ink about that. Therapy would help her, but I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t think that{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}s an
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri289 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 issue
as of right now. And if we did decide to place her into a help program it will o
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri771 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 push b
ack her field experience more. I shook my head. "No, she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll be f
ine. If the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri128 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 proble
m worsens within this week I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll set up an appointment with one o
f our therapists."
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri287 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Alberta seemed to like this idea. She nodded and clasped her hands in
her lap. "Very
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6545 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 well
then, I need---"
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri173 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Her next words were cut off by a loud bang of the front door. I spun a
round as fast as I
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri329 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 would
if there were a Strigoi standing behind me. My instincts made me reach for my
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri242 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 stake.
But my fingers stopped to rest on the cold metal surface as I noticed who I was

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6927 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 about
to attack.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5476 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "Ivashkov! You are out of line!"
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 Green eyes stared back at me, messy brown hair drenched from the newly
falling snow.
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri366 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Adrian
smirked at me as he walked toward us. Kirova was behind him, looking upset
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6138 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and p
issed off as usual.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri714 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "I told him he couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t come in here without an appoin
tment. That Moroi were not
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1747 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 permi
tted to enter without further acceptance, but he just won{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t list
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri801 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Adrian plopped himself down on one of the few couches we had in the gu
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri92 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 buildin
g. He stretched out his long legs looking bored. "I told you Kirova I go by my o
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri101 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 rules.
Besides I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m not a student. I have rights!" His words had a slig
ht slur to them. And
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri200 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 it too
k me a moment to realize he was drunk. Shaking my head I looked over at a now
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6008 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 fumin
g, red faced Kirova.
\plain\pard\sl-328 \li0 \ri275 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "\i Headmistress\i0 .
And because you aren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t a student doesn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t mean y
ou get to barge into
\sl-232\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri60 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 whateve
r building you want. You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re not even part of our staff, you have
no right what so
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 ever."
Her words were clipped and had venom dripping off of them. I couldn{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}t remember
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1463 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 a tim
e when Kirova wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t this mad. Excluding the past visits from Ro
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri110 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Adrian waved that off as if it didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t even matter. And
to an Ivashkov it might as well not.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri73 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Yeah,
I get it. I came here for a good reason, and since you wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
approve I went to
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6309 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the n
ext best source."
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri144 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Adrian{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s eyes searched both Alberta{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
and mine. Emil and the other guardian were still
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 standin
g in the corner, but were no longer focused on the paper Emil still clutched in
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri534 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 hand.
Their eyes were wide and surprised. I had no doubt Alberta and I looked the
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7798 \expndtw-15 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 same
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri228 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Kirova huffed at that as she positioned herself next to Adrian. "Reque
sting Rosemarie
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri227 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Hathaw
ay and Vasilisa Dragomir to Victor Dashkov{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s trail isn{\f63 \u82
23\'3f}t a good reason to come
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3755 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 bargi
ng into every staff building on this campus."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri215 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 He smiled up at Kirova as she stared him down. How he managed not to c
ower under
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri206 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 her pi
ercing glare was beyond me. "Oh come on, let them come. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m sure
my Aunt will
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri86 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 be thri
lled to have the last Dragomir in her courtroom. Considering they{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}ve been absent
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2291 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 for o
ver two years. They need more power in their government."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri432 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 We all stared at him in shock. Never before had a royal talked about t
he Dragomir{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri84 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 death l
ike that. Everyone looked at it in sorrow and pity for Lissa. But then again Adr
\sl-227\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2302 \expndtw-5 \i \f10 \fs24 \cf44 wa
s\i0 drunk and probably didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know half of what he was saying.

\sl-299\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri275 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Kirova looked like she was about to hit him. Instead she clinched her
fists to her side,
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri166 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 making
her knuckles turn white. "The Dragomir{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s death was a tragedy, a
nd you should
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri410 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 respect their absence
and not acknowledge it in that way." I could tell she was trying
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5703 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 hard
to keep her self control.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri464 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Adrian yawned looking more bored than he did a moment ago. He seemed t
o forget
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri413 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Kirova
as he turned his attention to both Alberta and I. "Please consider letting Rose

\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri160 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and Li
ssa go to the trial." At first I wanted to shake my head but the longer I looked
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1937 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 those
deep green eyes the more I began to lose my sense of reality.
\sl-295\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri245 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 There was nothing in the world but those emerald eyes. They burned int
o my soul as I
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 continu
ed to stare at him. His face was a magnificent blur; the only thing I could seem
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6268 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 focus
on was his eyes.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri306 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I shook my head; that was weird, never before had I felt like that. I
looked away as he
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri298 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 contin
ued to talk. "My Aunt will praise you for letting them come along." His voice wa
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2692 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 like
honey but there was something else hidden in there too.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri247 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I focused my attention back on him. But this time I didn{\f63 \u8223\'
3f}t look anywhere near his eyes.
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri100 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 They w
ere now focused on Alberta. I stole a glance in her direction and was shocked at

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7363 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 what
I saw.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri905 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Her face was slack, like it had been earlier, making her look ten year
s younger.
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri389 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Everyt
hing about her seemed normal except for her eyes. They had that glazed over
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4971 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 look
I knew all too well. Compulsion.
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri359 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Adrian was using it on Alberta, and Kirova didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t noti
ce it. I wanted to say something,
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5009 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 but o
ne simple thought stopped me.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri488 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 This could be it; this could be our chance of getting Rose into the tr
ial. I knew it was
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri511 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 wrong
to encourage compulsion, I could get in a lot of trouble for it, but if it inclu
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri592 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Rose and making her h
appy I was all for it. I sat back in my chair and stared at the
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5024 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 patte
rn on the floor until it was over.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri459 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Alberta coughed and sighed. I looked up at her, her eyes were still gl
azed over but I
\sl-227\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri177 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 could
see her quickly coming to her senses. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll consider it." She sa
id not sounding\i too
\sl-258\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7408 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 convi
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri113 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I looked over at Adrian to see what his reaction might be. And what I
saw surprised me.
\sl-228\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri699 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 He gla
red at both of us. "You\i will\i0 do it, and forget that I used compulsion on
\sl-299\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri423 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I woke up; it was like I was in a dream, a dream where I was being con
trolled. Only I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri340 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 was in
the guardian{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s building staring at Adrian and Kirova. Kirova{\f
63 \u8223\'3f}s features were as
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1544 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 pisse
d off as usual, she didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t seem affected by the weird dream feel
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri252 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I shook off the rest of the effects as I stared at my hands. Alberta{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}s voice rang through
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri173 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the si
lence. "Considering your proposition Mr. Ivashkov, I will allow both Hathaway an
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri28 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Dragomi
r to attend Victor{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s trial." Her voice seemed like something was
controlling it, but
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6666 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I di
dn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know what.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri196 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Kirova moved towards the door. "Great, not only will we have to worry
about you being
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri307 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 troubl
e Adrian, but now we{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll have to worry about Rosemarie as well."
She huffed and
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5295 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 walke
d out into the cold night air.
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1030 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Adrian stood up and brushed off his pants. "Well my work is finished.
See you
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7411 \expndtw-19 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 tomo
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri232 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 And with that he left the building as loud as he had entered. I shook
off whatever I had
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri268 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 just g
one through and stood up. I had to pack for tomorrow. And now I had to pack for
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7876 \expndtw-15 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Rose
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri600 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Excitement burst thro
ugh my body at the thought of having her come with us. How
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5815 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Adria
n did it I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll never know.
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7252 \expndtw-2 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Chapter 12:
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri689 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 As I walked back to my dorm in the cool night air I couldn{\f63 \u8223
\'3f}t help but feel a pang of
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri186 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 jealou
sy towards Adrian. How he had managed to get Rose and Lissa into Victor{\f63 \u8
223\'3f}s trial
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri88 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 when I
couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve never felt like such a failure an
d disappointed towards myself in my
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7479 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 whole
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri95 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 Maybe if I had just tried harder\i I\i0 could have gotten Rose and Li
ssa to Court,\i not\i0 Adrian.
\sl-232\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri189 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 And as
my feet crunched in the newly lain snow I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t help but won
der how he had
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1037 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 done
it. How could someone, who doesn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have a lot of respect and inf
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 overpow
er someone who has earned the respect from his peers and has more influence
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5131 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 in bo
th Moroi and dhampir worlds?
\sl-295\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri901 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 As I pondered on this subject the novice and guardian dorm came into v
iew. Its
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri150 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 mediev
al shape was a black smudge on the horizon surrounded by dark looming trees.
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1121 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 The b
uildings point seemed to pierce the sky with its crown as I came closer.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 It was near curfew, and I was surprised to see no one wondering around
campus before
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri327 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 they h
ad to be inside. Although it was cold out and that had to be the main reason for

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6315 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 drawi
ng them indoors.
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri211 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Soon enough I was inside the dorm. My cheeks burned from the cold air
as the room{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri146 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 heat b
lasted me in the face. My fingers and toes were starting to feel numb and prickl
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri210 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 The la
dy at the desk didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t seem to notice me as I silently slipped pa
st her towards the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1507 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 back
of the lobby where the guardians kept most of their "traveling gear".
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri74 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I opened the small nar
row door at the end of the room with my endless amount of keys,
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri161 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and wa
s greeted with blackness. I took in a deep breath and was rewarded with an old
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri151 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 musty
smell that came from the small room. It was under the stairwell and was ignored
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri576 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 most o
f the time since guardians seemed to have a lack in usage for it. The fumes
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri233 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 coming
from the moist walls made my nose scrunch up in disgust; the smell reminded
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri114 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 me of
being with Rose earlier in the Chapel with all the old musty books. I smiled at
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1248 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 thoug
ht of being with her at this moment and her commenting on the smell.
\sl-298\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri303 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 My dhampir eyes quickly adjusted to the dark as I quietly shut the doo
r and made my
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri485 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 way do
wn the set of stairs that I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve been down more than the other gua
rdians here.
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri333 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I ducked through the second door way, my feet echoing against the wall
s as I did so,
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri207 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and hi
t the light switch on the left. My eyes protested to the harsh lighting as I ste
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri329 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 furthe
r into the small confined room. On the far right corner was another door which I

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri84 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 knew he
ld the clothes for attending the Court. And opposite of that wall were shelves o
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 weapons
, which were kept secret from the novices so they won{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t come won
dering down
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3701 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 here
wanting to "test" the dangerous instruments.
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri495 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I quietly shut the second door behind me and made my way towards the c
loset. My
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri112 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 hand r
ested on the cool brass knob as I struggled to turn its rusty springs, due from
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri186 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 dank a
nd wet air in the small confined room. Its springs groaned protests as I careful
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri364 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 twiste
d the rusting knob. And as I pulled the door out its hinges groaned even louder
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri268 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 than t
he springs did, making me wince, although I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know why. I ha
d no reason to
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7182 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 be se
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 I was greeted with clear hanging bags of black and white suits. The bag
s were meant to
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri443 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 protec
t the clothes so they wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t get moldy. But if they were left
unattended for a
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri229 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 certain amount of tim
e they would eventually need to be thrown out and Alberta would
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6108 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 have
to order new ones.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri215 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 The Queen requests all guardians to be in black and white attire, whic
h included black
\sl-227\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 pants a
nd white shirts. We didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have any say in it, because after all
it\i was\i0 the Queen{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\sl-258\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7934 \expndtw-16 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 wish
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri222 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I thumbed through the wet plastic bags, as I searched for Rose{\f63 \u
8223\'3f}s size. I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t need an
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri255 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 outfit
for myself because I already had one. Guardians were required to have a pair of

\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri74 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 black a
nd white attire just in case something comes up and they can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t g
o shopping for a
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri8074 \expndtw-18 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 set.

\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri257 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 My mind flashed back to the time when Victor had taken the girls to th
e mall in search
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri119 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 for th
eir dresses for the dance. I had followed them at a safe yet close enough distan
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri382 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and ha
d watched as Rose and Lissa went through clothing stores looking at not only
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4944 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 dress
es but pants and shirts as well.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri633 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I had taken notice in what Rose looked at and had heard her sizes as w
ell. I knew
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri567 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 knowin
g this information might come in handy one day, especially if she really was
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2542 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 being
considered to guard Lissa at the Court after graduation.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri127 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 My fingers rested on one of the white shirts on the girl{\f63 \u8223\'
3f}s side of the closet. I picked it off
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri409 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the ra
ck and hung it loosely over my arm. Then I continued to leaf through the damp
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4129 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 bags
until I found the right size pants as well.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri314 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Taking in another deep breath of the musty room I shut the closet door
and made my
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4353 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 way o
ut of the room as quietly as possible.
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri496 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Once I was on my leve
led floor I walked away from my dorm room and towards the
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri158 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 washin
g room. I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t think Rose would appreciate musty and dank smel
ls as her new
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7551 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 perf
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri99 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 After I put them in the washer I leaned back against one of the many ch
airs in the room
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri305 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and st
retched out my long legs. My eyes felt heavy from the long day of work and my
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri185 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 limbs
tired. But before I could even think of resting, my mind landed on a subject I w
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6965 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 not t
oo fond of.
\sl-295\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri232 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Father Andrew had been right about Rose and me. And that had scared me
, he out of
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri343 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 all pe
ople had figured out my worst and deepest secret. I knew I could trust a man of
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri79 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the Lor
d to keep that secret but what if something came up and he was forced to reveal
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri8177 \expndtw-22 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 it?
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri513 \expndtw-1 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 And then another thing popped in my head\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst
SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} what if Victor\i does\i0 tell the royal court
\sl-258\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri209 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 about
the truth between Rose and me? My reputation would shatter, and I would most
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 likely
be out casted and possibly thrown in jail. Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s interest might
be overlooked as a
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri208 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 school
girl{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s crush. And may be forgotten, but knowing her she might j
ust stand up for
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3437 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 our l
ove and get herself thrown in jail along with me.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri161 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 But not in the same cell because that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s still "against
the rules". And that simple thought
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri686 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 scared
me more than anything ever could. My future might be over after this trial.
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 The thought haunted me even after I claimed Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s clot
hes and went to bed that night.
\plain\sl-112\fs11\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri
294 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 The next day I hurried and got dressed, packing
my Court attire as well as a few dark
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri111 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 clothi
ng. My hair was still damp from my quick shower as I made my way to the plane{\f
63 \u8223\'3f}s
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri130 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 departure station. I
wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t be surprised if the long loose strands turned into icic
les by
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5075 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the t
ime I got there in this weather.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri542 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 As usual I got there before everyone else. Well except for the pilot G
eorge and his
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri744 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 attend
ants. They each smiled and nodded at me as I walked over to them with a
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri238 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 suitca
se in one hand and my duster in the other. I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t bother putti
ng it on because I
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5437 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 was i
n a rush to get here early.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri165 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Belikov, early as usual." George said. I smiled at him and handed my
back over to his
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5590 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 atten
dant{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s outstretched arm.
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri467 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She took it from me and walked towards the back of the plane and loade
d it in. As I
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri374 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 turned
around to face the campus I noticed several other guardians walking towards
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri163 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 me. Th
ey were the ones from Victor{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s attack, so I wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f
}t surprised when I noticed they
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7078 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 too h
ad bags.
\sl-295\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri721 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 As they neared they handed them over to the other two attendants and b
\plain\sl-115\fs11\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri
39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I stood out in the cold, wanting to talk to Rose
before we got on. Soon enough, after the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri168 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 jet{\f
63 \u8223\'3f}s engine turned on and everyone was boarded, Rose showed up with E
ddie, and in
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6035 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 tow:
Christian and Lissa.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri156 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 A few guardians still lingered towards the plane{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s ste
ps. I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t feel like being so close
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri921 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 so I s
tood off to the side. Waiting for Rose to notice me, like I knew she would.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri154 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 When she did spot me she literally ran up to me, sorrow filled those d
ark eyes, making
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri321 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 my hea
rt ache to hold her. The events from yesterday rushed back to me making my
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2633 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 heart
hurt even more when I realized why she was so upset.
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri4458 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m
sorry." She gulped out. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m so sorry."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1111 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 I maintained my guardian mask as I turned to fully face her. "Sorry f
or what?"
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri96 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 "For all the horrible things I said yesterday. You did it---you really
did it. You got them to
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7491 \expndtw-17 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 let
us go."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri139 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 The pride that flashed in her eyes and on her face made my heart nearl
y break. I wish I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri232 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 could
be able to say that I had gotten them here. But in reality I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}t, Adrian did and I
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3748 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 despi
sed him every moment I was reminded of it.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri408 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I could feel my hands clutching at the memory of Adrian waltzing into
the Guardian{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri640 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 buildi
ng and getting a yes out of Alberta one time while I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve been try
ing for weeks.
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri354 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 But through all this pain I managed to keep my face as hard as stone,
I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t want to
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri27 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 hurt he
r any more than my words would. "It wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t me, Rose. I had nothi
ng to do with it."
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri847 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Her face fell at that and the sight of this made my heart sing in sadn
ess. Alberta
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri99 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 signale
d for us to board and leave. I took that as my cue and was happy I didn{\f63 \u8
223\'3f}t have to
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2870 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 witne
ss Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s crumbling face as I walked towards the jet.
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri129 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Sighing I picked up my pace, shivering, but not from the cold this tim
e, but from the fact
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri677 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 that I
had disappointed Rose. And as I took my seat next to Alberta on the plane I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri252 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 couldn
{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t help but feel a pang of sadness. I never wanted to witness th
at expression on
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4742 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Rose
ever again. She deserved better.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri343 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 As the plane took off I vowed to myself that I would never disappoint
her again. I also
\sl-254\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 silentl
y promised myself as the plane was in the air that I would never\i ever\i0 be
the cause
\sl-259\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3747 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 for t
hat expression to come up on her face again.
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri7311 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Chapter 13:
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri630 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I glanced out the window as the plane flew through the air. Although I
couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t see
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 anythin
g I was reminded of the first time I met Rose. She too looked out the window and

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3316 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 ignor
ed what the person next to her was trying to say.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri258 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t ignoring Alberta parse but I was trying my be
st to keep things blunt and to the
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri79 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 point.
I had a lot of things on my mind and I just wanted time to think. Alberta must h
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri766 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 guesse
d this halfway through our conversation because she stopped talking and
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3123 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 resor
ted to leaning her head back and closing her eyes.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri113 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I sighed out of relief and returned back to the blackened window. My h
eart still ached at
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri195 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the di
sappointment I had caused Rose. It was like her face was sketched on the inside
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri485 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 of my
eyelids. So whenever I blinked I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d see that memory and I would c
ringe a little.
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri821 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I never thought I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d feel this much pain before. And I
never realized I cared about
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri176 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 someon
e{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s respect and honor for me as much as I did now; especially wh
en it involved
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri652 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Rose.
To see her face fall like that was like her saying she didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t lo
ve me. Which I
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3918 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 hoped
too, would never come out of her mouth.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri354 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I sighed again and placed my hand under my chin, my eyes awake and ale
rt, despite
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri217 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 my sho
rtened sleep last night. When I was about to lean back I heard her voice from a
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5466 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 row b
ehind me and to the right.
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri257 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Adrian." She said; her voice seemed to be full of pain and not mental
either. My heart
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri775 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 leapt
at the thought because if it was I knew I wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t stop blaming
myself for it.
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri248 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Adrian kept talking, although I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know what about
. I was more focused on the way
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6483 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Rose
said his name.
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri352 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Adrian." She repeate
d, only this time with more force and much more pain. My heart
\sl-254\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri57 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 gave an
other leap at the sound. And it had something to do with the fact that she\i wa
s\i0 in
\sl-259\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7108 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 pain
this time.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri594 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I leaned forward a little, trying to catch what Adrian was saying. It
could have been
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri401 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 offens
ive for all I knew. My fingers thrummed softly on my legs as I tried to look lik
e I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6292 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 wasn
{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t eavesdropping.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri316 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "And then a slit up the side to show off what great legs you have. It
could go nearly to
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4792 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the h
ip and have this cute little bow---"
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri245 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 My fingers clinched so tight my knuckles turned white. And that was sa
ying something
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 conside
ring my naturally tanned skin. I tried to keep my posture composed; I didn{\f63
\u8223\'3f}t need
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri894 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Albert
a thinking something was off by the way I was reacting to Adrian{\f63 \u8223\'3f
}s words.
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri315 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Consid
ering everyone knew Moroi guys hit on dhampir girls all the time, and normally
\sl-227\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri154 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 we nev
er thought about it much at school. But this wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t any other dh
ampir. It was\i my
\sl-258\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6076 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 dhamp
ir girl being hit on.
\sl-265\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri122 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "\i Adrian!"\i0 Adrian stopped in mid-sentence as Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}s voice rose to a scream. It was loud
\sl-231\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 enough
for the pilot to hear I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m sure. We all jumped, and I tried to hi
de a smile playing at
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri617 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 my lip
s from the look on Adrian{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s face. "Will you shut the hell up for
five seconds?"
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri204 \expndtw-1 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Alberta shot up, the air stirring violently at her rapid movement. I f
ollowed her; and my
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri630 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 feet n
early gave underneath me from standing up too fast. "Rose," she exclaimed.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6627 \expndtw-22 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Wha
t{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s going on?"
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri508 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I turned so I could see Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s face. And when I did a
new emotion drowned out the
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5225 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 other
s pressing against my chest.
\plain\pard\sl-328 \li0 \ri345 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She gritted her teeth
and rubbed her forehead. "I have the\i worst\i0 fucking headache in
\sl-232\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri349 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the wo
rld, and he won{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t shut up." The way she cursed told me she didn{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}t even realize
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri355 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 she ha
d just sworn in front of an instructor. Her face held a hint of surprise a momen
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7960 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 late
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 She winced in pain and the emotion faded. It was like something was phy
sically pushing
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri432 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 her. G
uardian instincts kicked in as I hastily looked around the plane for eyes ringed

\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1899 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 with
red. But I saw none so I resorted back to Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s pain filled fac
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri233 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "God, why won{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t it go away?" Her voice was barely over
a whisper but I heard it, and it
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri360 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 made m
y heart race even faster. I was starting to think I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d get a hear
t attack soon if it
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7395 \expndtw-18 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 didn
{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t stop.
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri390 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Alberta looked at her confused and opened her mouth to respond, but Ch
ristian beat
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2287 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 her t
o it. "She hasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t eaten today. She was really hungry earlier."
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri276 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Alberta{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s face was filled with concern, as she moved c
loser to Rose. I hovered behind
\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri140 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 her, n
ot wanting to interfere with the head Guardian{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s conversation, w
ell\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} unless I\i had
\sl-258\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri8200 \expndtw-23 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 to.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri356 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Rose met my eyes for a second before glancing around at the air like s
omething was
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri586 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 there.
I looked around the plane again but didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t notice anything wron
g with it. And
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri185 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 when I
looked back down at Rose she blinked rapidly, and a wash of relief fell over he
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri771 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 face a
s she looked back up at Alberta. Her eyes just grazing mine for a moment.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri289 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Alberta turned to one of the flight attendants. "Can you get her somet
hing to eat? And
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6927 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 find
a painkiller"
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri318 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I would have stayed q
uiet if it wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t that look on Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s face. It w
as like she was lost
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri523 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and sc
ared at the same time, my heart sang for the millionth time today as I tried to
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2198 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 keep
myself as composed as possible. "Where{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s it at? The pain?"
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri89 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 Her eyes met mine, and my heart sped up even more. "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}
s a headache\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}I{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}m sure it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll go
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri233 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 away\e
xpndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}" I gave her a stern look, k
nowing she would take that as a hint that that wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri875 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 good e
nough. With as much snarkiness as she could muster she pointed to her
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri293 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 forehe
ad. "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s like something pushing on my skull. And there{\f63 \u8
223\'3f}s pain kind of behind my
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri124 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 eyes.
I keep feeling like\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}well, i
t{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s like I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve got something in my eye. I think I
{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m seeing a
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3736 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 shado
w or something. Then I blink and it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s gone."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri895 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I opened my mouth to tell her what it was but Alberta beat me to it. "
Ah, that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s a
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 migrain
e symptom---having vision problems. It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s called an aura. People
sometimes get it
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5644 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 befor
e the headache sets in."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 "An aura?" Rose asked startled. She glanced up at Adrian who was kneeli
ng on his seat
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri567 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 so he
could look over the headrest at her. And by the way he was holding himself I
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2069 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 could
tell he was drunk. I shook my head in disappointment at that.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri117 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Not that kind," he said, a small smile turning up his lips. The way h
e was looking at her
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri292 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 didn{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}t seem right to me, and for some reason my fingers clinched, for
the second time
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri98 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 on this
plain trip, making a tight fist. "Same name. Like Court and court. Migraine aur
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri384 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 are im
ages and light you see when a migraine{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s coming on. They have no
thing to do
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri209 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 with th
e auras around people I see. But I tell you\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL
188 \\f Symbol }}the aura I can see\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f
Symbol }}the one around
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri703 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 you \e
xpndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}wow." His expression changed
from being interested in her to curiosity. My
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri59 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 fingers
started to ache as I forced them back open. The blood circulating back into the
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5295 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 hurt
a little but I ignored the pain.
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri5332 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I glanced back at R
ose. "Black?"
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri125 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "And then some. It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s obvious even after all the drinks
I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve had. Never seen anything like
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri8201 \expndtw-30 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 it."

\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri333 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She stared at him like she didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t comprehend what he w
as saying, but soon forgot all
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri593 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 about
it when the flight attendant returned with a banana, a granola bar, and some
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri377 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 ibupro
fen. Which she inhaled the moment it was handed to her. She then propped a
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3965 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 pillo
w up against the window; closing her eyes.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri300 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I returned to my seat after making Alberta switch with me. If somethin
g happened like
\sl-254\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4276 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 that
again\i I\i0 wanted to be the first one there.
\sl-300\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri219 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I found myself continually glancing back at Rose as if she was going t
o have a sudden
\sl-227\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri706 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 outbur
st again. But when it didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t come after an hour, I pulled out my
old battered
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3100 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 weste
rn book and settled into my seat for the long flight.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7311 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Chapter 14:
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri437 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 We stepped off the plane and were immediately hit with wet, blustery w
eather. Sleet
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri270 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 cracke
d into us, far worse than the flaky white snow falling back in Montana. We were
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri77 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 on the
East Coast now, or well, close to it. The queen{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s court was in P
ennsylvania, near
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the Poc
ono Mountains, I had been there several times, and even had worked there for a
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3930 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 few y
ears before being moved to St. Vladimir{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s.
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 The runway we{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d landed on was part of the Court{\f63 \u
8223\'3f}s property, so we were already behind
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri584 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 wards.
It was just like the Academy{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s small landing strip. In fact, in
many ways, the
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri676 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Royal
Court was laid out exactly like the school. It was what they told humans the
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri230 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 compou
nd was, actually. The Court was a collection of buildings, beautiful and ornate,

\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri27 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 spreading across well-
tended grounds adorned with trees and flowers. At least, the land
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1983 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 would
be adorned with them when spring came, like I remembered.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri504 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 We were met by a group of five guardians, all dressed in black pants a
nd matching
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri211 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 coats,
with white shirts underneath. They weren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t uniforms exactly, bu
t custom usually
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri569 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 dictat
ed that for formal occasions, guardians wear some sort of nice ensemble. By
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri88 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 compari
son, in our regular outfits: jeans and T-shirts, our group looked like somebody{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7035 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 poor
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri161 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 The guardians immediately looked in Alberta{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s and my d
irection. Nodding before going
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri205 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 throug
h the regular formalities, which after everyone became relaxed and friendly. We
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri996 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 were a
ll eager to get in out of the cold, our escorts led us toward the buildings
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri209 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I quickly shook the thought away as I sat down on one of the overly pl
ush chairs in my
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri209 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 room.
With nothing else to do but, well\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Sy
mbol }} nothing, I decided to pull out the battered old
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1739 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 weste
rn I had been reading on the plane and I continued reading that.
\plain\sl-112\fs11\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri
151 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I had just begun the last chapter when I heard a
knock at the door. I set my book down
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri173 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and lo
oked around the room. Instincts telling me to check and make sure no Strigoi, or

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3242 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 human
s, are hiding out in my room, waiting for the kill.
\sl-298\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri520 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I shook my head at that, I was in the Court, I had to stop thinking li
ke I would at the
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri640 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Academ
y. As I neared the door I could smell a fait familiar smell that got my heart
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3042 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 racin
g. I smoothed out my shirt before opening the door.
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri326 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I took one look at he
r and my heart almost busted out of my chest. I was immediately
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri72 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 reminde
d of the night when Victor had put that lust charm on us. I took a step back, an
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri827 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 preten
ded to look surprised as I opened the door wider. Ready for her to attack.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri695 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "I have to talk to you," she said. And I stepped away allowing her to
fully come in.
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7645 \expndtw-21 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "V.D.---"
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri433 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I interrupted her, knowing those initials. I had gotten a letter from
those same initials
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri399 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 years
ago when he had asked me to be his daughter{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s future guardian. A
nd this had
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri181 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 been b
efore I even knew about Rose and Lissa. I had turned him down that time, even
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri744 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 though
he was a royal, and at the time, a really nice Moroi. I had other plans and
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1524 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 inten
tions at the time, and had told him I had my own Moroi to look after.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri347 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 The note that she had handed me claimed that he was going to tell on u
s at his Trial.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1319 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 And I
didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t want to believe any word of it. My heart quickened once
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1691 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "Yeah, I know," I said. I handed the note back to her. "Victor Dashko
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 "What are we going to do? I mean, we talked about this, but now he real
ly is saying he{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6489 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 going
to sell us out."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri240 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I glanced out the open window, not knowing what to think. I knew she w
as right, and if
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 that ha
ppened my career as a future guardian for Lissa would be over. And I don{\f63 \u
8223\'3f}t know
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4462 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 what
I would do if that actually happened.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri431 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 My thoughts raced as I tried to come up with a strategic plan of getti
ng us out of this
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri313 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 mess.
My mind assessed every angle of what was soon to come. I have done a lot of
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri166 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 stupid
things in my years at the Academy, but nothing as stupid as what I was about to

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri8121 \expndtw-23 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 do.
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I took a deep breath a
nd without looking at her, I pulled out my cell phone. She gave me
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4552 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 a que
stioning look. "Give me a moment."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri478 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She walked away from me as I walked towards the window. I was preparin
g to walk
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri64 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 right i
nto a death trap, right into the spiders lair and I wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t a hun
dred percent sure that
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3257 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I was
ready for it. But for Rose, I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d do almost anything.
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri927 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 After talking to the head guardian of the prison here I hung up and fa
ced Rose.
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4073 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "What{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s going on?" She asked after I finished.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3736 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll let you know soon. For now, we have to wait."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5452 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "Great. My favorite thing to do."
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri353 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I dragged an armchair up and sat opposite of her. I didn{\f63 \u8223\'
3f}t want our emotions for each
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri481 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 other
to get the best of us. And the smell of her so close to me made my whole skin
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2211 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 crawl
. And my fingers had begun to itch to touch that hair of hers.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri857 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She picked up the western novel I had been reading. "Why do you read t
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri69 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 "Some people read books for fun." I said. I chose my words carefully. A
fraid that if I said
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri341 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the wr
ong thing, the air between us would spark and things would get\expndtw-14{\field
{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} complicated.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri270 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Hey, watch the dig. And I do read books. I read them to solve mysteri
es that threaten
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri48 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 my best
friend{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s life and sanity. I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t think reading
this cowboy stuff is really saving the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6988 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 worl
d like I do."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri63 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 I took the book from her and flipped it over, the scenes in it flashing
through my head as
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri52 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I re-re
ad the description. "Like any book, it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s an escape. And there{\f
63 \u8223\'3f}s something\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}
t know. Something appealing about the Old West. No rules. Everyone just lives by

\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri314 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 their
own code. You don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have to be tied down by other{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}s ideas of right and wrong in
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6297 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 order
to bring justice."
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri288 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Wait," Rose interrupted me with a soft laugh. "I thought I was the on
e who wanted to
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7184 \expndtw-14 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 brea
k rules."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3095 \expndtw-7 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t say I wanted to. Just that I can see the ap
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri194 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "You can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t fool me, comrade. You want to put on a cowb
oy hat and keep lawless bank
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6897 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 robb
ers in line."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri122 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I tried to ignore my racing heart. I was beginning to wonder if the de
ath of me would be
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri911 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 caused
by a heart attack. "No time. I have enough trouble keeping you in line."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri69 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 She grinned, and I was reminded when we cleaned the church, before the
fight. The air
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri265 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 betwee
n us felt easy, comfortable. It was a lot like the old days when we{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}d first begun
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri897 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 traini
ng together, way back before everything had gotten so complicated in our
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7222 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 relat
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri385 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Seeing her like that made a pang of sadness rise in my chest. I had re
ally wanted to
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri202 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 make h
er happy, and I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t even get her here. And what{\f63 \u8223
\'3f}s worse is that Adrian did
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri71 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and I d
idn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t. The real reason why she was happy was because of him, not
me. I sighed.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7357 \expndtw-17 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "I{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}m sorry."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4871 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "For what? Reading cheesy novels?"
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri57 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 "For not being able to get you here. I feel like I let you down." My fa
ce fell a little, I knew
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri277 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 it sho
wed the emotion I felt, and for the first time I let Rose get a glimpse at it be
fore I
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5038 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 put m
y best impression of a statue.
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri279 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She was speechless fo
r a moment as she stared at me with wide dark eyes. Her face
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5013 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 fell
as she continued to stare at me.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri311 \expndtw-8 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "You didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t," she said. "I acted like a total brat. Yo
u{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve never let me down before. You
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5709 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 didn
{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t let me down with this."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri484 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 My emotions burst and I felt grateful she had said that. Because I did
n{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know how I
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri252 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 would
live with myself if I knew I had caused her that much pain. The guilt would have

\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6961 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 eaten
me alive.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri445 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I was about to tell her how much this meant to me. How much she meant
to me, but
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6108 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 inste
ad, my phone rang.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri113 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I spoke in Russian to the guardian on the other end so Rose wouldn{\f6
3 \u8223\'3f}t get any ideas too
\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3407 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 quick
ly. After I finished I stood up. "All right, let{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s go."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7522 \expndtw-28 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "Where?"
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6051 \expndtw-13 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "To see Victor Dashkov."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7293 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Chapter 15:
\plain\sl-88\fs9\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri26
5 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Why are we doing this?" Rose whispered as we walk
ed down the hall toward Victor{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri334 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 cell.
The place was designed with marble floors and stark white walls. There were no
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 windows
and it felt more like a hospital than an actual prison. "You think we can talk
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7520 \expndtw-16 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 out
of it?"
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri663 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 That had been my plan
originally but, unfortunately given Victor{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s stubbornness, it
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri413 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 wasn{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}t likely. I shook my head. "If victor wanted to take revenge on u
s, he{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d just do it
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri365 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 withou
t any warning. He doesn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t do things without a reason. The fact t
hat he told you
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1265 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 first
means he wants something, and now we{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re going to find out what
it is."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri64 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 We reached Victors cell. He was the only prisoner currently being held.
And like the rest
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri318 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 of the
facility, his room reminded me more of a hospital. Everything was clean, bright
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri510 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and st
erile---and very bare. It was a place without any sort of stimulus or distractio
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri74 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 whatsoe
ver. The cell had silver bars that looked very hard to break, which was the most

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7047 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 impor
tant part.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri424 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Victor sat in a chair, idly examining his nails. It had been three mon
ths since our last
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri480 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 meetin
g, and seeing him again made my hands ache for a weapon. And for the first
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri124 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 time I
wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t surprised at that feeling, in fact I welcomed it because
it was the one thing
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7037 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I wan
ted most.
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri103 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 One of the hardest things of all was seeing him look so healthy and yo
ung. He{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d bought
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri62 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 that he
alth by torturing Lissa. If his disease had run its normal course, he might be d
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7699 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 by n
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri256 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 He had receding black hair, with only the slightest touch of silver. H
e was in his forties
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and had
a regal, almost handsome cut to his face. He glanced up at our approach. Eyes
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri930 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the sa
me pale jade as Lissa{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s. The Dragomir and Dashkov families had a
lot of
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4792 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 inter
twined history. A smile lit his face.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri186 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Oh my. This is a treat. Lovely Rosemarie, practically an adult now."
His eyes flicked in
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri674 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 my dir
ection. "Of course, some have been treating you that way for quite a while."
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri403 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I could feel her tens
e at my side as she pressed her face to the bars. "Stop screwing
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3919 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 with
us, you son of a bitch. What do you want?"
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri604 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I put a gentle hand on her shoulder and pulled her back. I didn{\f63 \
u8223\'3f}t need guardians to
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2317 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 come
down and "eavesdrop" on our conversation. "Easy, Rose."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri52 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 She took a deep breath and then slowly stepped backward. Victor straigh
tened up in his
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6663 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 chair
and laughed.
\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri342 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "After all this time, your cub still hasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t learned ay
control. But then, maybe you never
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri577 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 wanted
her to." His eyes were piercing as he stared at me like I was a huge threat.
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri293 \expndtw-7 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "We aren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t here to banter," I said as calmly as I coul
d. "You wanted to lure Rose over,
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5372 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and n
ow we need to know why."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 "Does there have to be some sinister reason? I just wanted to know how
she was doing,
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri940 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and so
mething tells me we aren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t going to have a chance for any friend
ly chats
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri608 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 tomorr
ow." The smirk that stayed on his face made me want to strangle him. And I
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri174 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 deeply
wished I had the chance like I did when my rescue team and I had saved Lissa.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri246 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "We{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re not going to have a friendly chat now," Rose gr
owled. I knew her to be ruthless
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1361 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and c
ruel. But never before had I heard her voice take that deep of a tone.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri235 \expndtw-8 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Victor wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t moved by her threat. "You think I{\f63 \
u8223\'3f}m joking, but I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m not. I really do want to
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri366 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 know h
ow you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re doing. You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve always been a fascinatin
g subject to me, Rosemarie.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri51 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 The onl
y Shadow-kissed person we know of. I told you before, that isn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
the kind of thing
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri54 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 you wal
k away from unscathed. There{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s no way you can quietly sink into
the regimented
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2188 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 routi
ne of academic life. People like you aren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t meant to blend in."
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4386 \expndtw-6 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m not some kind of science experiment."
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri137 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Victor continued, act
ing as if Rose hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t said a word. "What{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s it be
en like? What have
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7072 \expndtw-15 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 you
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri166 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t like the way he was observing her as if she w
ere a lab rat. My pulse quickened
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri160 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 as my
fingers began to throb for a weapon. "There{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s no time for this.
If you don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t get to
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4277 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the
point," I warned, "we{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re going to leave."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri333 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 My voice remained calm, throughout all the exploding emotions running
through me.
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri355 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Rose l
eaned forward and gave Victor a cold smile. "There{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s no way they
{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll let you off
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri107 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 tomorr
ow. I hope you enjoy prison. I bet it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll be great once you get s
ick again---and you
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6908 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 will
, you know."
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri635 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Victor regarded her levelly, still with that amused look. "All things
die, Rose. Well,
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri331 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 except
for you, I suppose. Or maybe you are dead. I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know. Those
who visit the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1614 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 world
of the dead can probably never fully shake their connection to it."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri382 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 That made Rose pause. I glanced down at her, wondering what she would
come up
\sl-227\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri70 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 with be
cause I honestly didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know what to say to that. What\i could\
i0 I say? I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know
\sl-231\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri87 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 anythin
g about death, other than causing it. But that wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t even close
to what she has
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7131 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 exper
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 Victor must had sensed this too because he gave her a speculative look.
"Yes? There{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5586 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 some
thing you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d like to say?"
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri116 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She swallowed hard and looked at him as seriously as she could. "What
is the world of
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5404 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the d
ead? Is it heaven or hell?"
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6652 \expndtw-16 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "Neither," he said.
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri97 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 "What lives there?" She exclaimed. "Ghosts? Will I go back? Do things c
ome out of it?"
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri199 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I looked at her curio
usly. The way she was talking made it sound like she knew what it
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1481 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 was l
ike to be on the other side. Except the incident where she had died.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri491 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Victor was taking great pleasure in Rose having to come to him for inf
ormation. His
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6795 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 smirk
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1073 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "Well, clearly some things come out of it, because here you stand bef
ore us."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri508 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I saw that familiar flicker in his eyes that made my hatred for him he
at up inside my
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5212 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 chest
. "He{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s baiting you, let it go."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri423 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Victor gave me a brief glare. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m\i helping\i0 her.
" He turned back to Rose. "Honestly? I
\sl-231\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri305 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 don{\f
63 \u8223\'3f}t know that much about it. You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re the one who has
been there, rose. Not me. Not
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri472 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 yet. S
omeday, you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll probably be the one educating me. I{\f63 \u8223\'
3f}m sure the more you deal
\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4527 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 death
out, the closer you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll become to it."
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri243 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I could see his face turn into something else. As if he was thriving f
or Rose to ask him
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 another
question. And it was really starting to get under my skin. "Enough, we{\f63 \u8
223\'3f}re going."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri602 \expndtw-9 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Wait, wait," said Victor, voice congenial. "You haven{\f63 \u8223\'3f
}t told me about Vasilisa yet."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri65 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 I had one had on Rose now, but his words made every muscle under my han
d tense as
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri128 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 she wh
ipped around and moved forward again. "Stay away from her. She doesn{\f63 \u8223
\'3f}t have
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri324 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 anythi
ng to do with this." Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s voice had taken on that same dark to
ne and it made
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6304 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 me wa
nt to step back.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri258 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Victor on the other hand gave her a dry look. "Seeing as I{\f63 \u8223
\'3f}m locked away here, I have
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri921 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 no cho
ice but to stay away from her, my dear. And you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re wrong---Vasil
isa has
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5239 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 every
thing to do with everything."
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri287 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "That{\f63 \u8223\'3f
}s it," Rose said, suddenly getting something. "That{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s why you s
ent the note. You
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri349 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 wanted
me here because you wanted to know about her, and you knew there was no
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1319 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 way s
he{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d come talk to you herself. You had nothing to blackmail her
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5890 \expndtw-13 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "\i Blackmail's\i0 an ugly word."
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri105 \expndtw-8 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "There{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s no way you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re going to see he
r---at least outside of the courtroom. She{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s never
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri501 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 going
to heal you. I told you. You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re going to get sick again, and you
{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re going to die.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1758 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 You{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}re going to be the one sending me postcards from the other side."

\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri288 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "You think that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s what this is about? You think my nee
ds are that petty?" The mockery
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri215 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 was go
ne, replaced by a feverish and almost fanatical look in his green eyes. The tigh
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri617 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 set of
his mouth stretched the skin of his face a little, and I noticed that he had lo
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri647 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 weight
since our last encounter. "You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve forgotten everything, why I d
id what I did.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri119 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 You{\f
63 \u8223\'3f}ve been so caught up in your own shortsightedness that you missed
the big picture
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6838 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I wa
s looking at."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri212 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Rose thought about that for a moment. And after a few minutes it click
ed. "You wanted
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1449 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 to st
age a revolution---still what to. That{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s crazy. It{\f63 \u8223\'
3f}s not going to happen."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1140 \expndtw-2 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 I stared back and forth between the two, barely believing what I was
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s already happening. Do you think I don{\f63 \u8223
\'3f}t know what{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s going on out in the world? I still
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri138 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 have c
ontacts. People can be bought off---how do you think I was able to send you that

\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri378 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 messag
e? I know about the unrest---I know about Natasha Ozera{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s moveme
nt to get
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri271 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Moroi
to fight with guardians. You stand by her and vilify me, Rosemarie, but I pushed

\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri576 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 for th
e very same thing last fall. Yet, somehow, you don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t seem to reg
ard her in the
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7358 \expndtw-19 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 same
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri323 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Just hearing him talk
about Tasha that way made something in my chest boil. "Tasha
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2729 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Ozera
is working on her cause a bit differently that you did."
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri71 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 "And that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s why she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s getting nowhere."
He resorted. "Tatiana and her council are being
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri599 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 held b
ack by centuries of archaic traditions. So long as that sort of power rules us,
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri606 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 nothin
g will change. We will never learn to fight. Non-royal Moroi will never have a
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2555 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 voice
. Dhampirs like you will continually be sent out to battle."
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri385 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s what we dedicate our lives to," I said. The tens
ion inside of me was beginning to
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7906 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 buil
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri267 \expndtw-8 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "And it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s what you lose your lives for. You{\f63 \u822
3\'3f}re all but enslaved and don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t even realize it.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4689 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 And f
or what? Why do you protect us?"
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 I opened my mouth but Rose beat me to it. "Because\expndtw-14{\field{\*
\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} we need you," she faltered. "For
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6517 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 our
race to survive."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri180 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "You don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t need to throw yourselves into battle for th
at. Making children isn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t really that
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7617 \expndtw-16 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 diff
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri957 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 She ignored his quip. "And because the Moroi\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldi
nst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} the Moroi and their magic are
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4572 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 impor
tant. They can do amazing things."
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri121 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Victor threw his hands up in exasperation. And I flinched, automatical
ly thinking he was
\sl-228\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri27 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 going t
o hurt Rose. "We\i used\i0 to do amazing things. Humans used to revere us as g
\sl-258\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri131 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 but ov
er time, we grew lazy. The advent of technology made our magic more and more
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4559 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 obsol
ete. Now, all we do is parlor tricks."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri218 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "If you have so many ideas," I interrupted, my hatred for him sparking
every part of my
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2233 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 body,
"then do something useful in prison and write a manifesto."
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri2597 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "And what{\f63 \u822
3\'3f}s this have to do with Lissa anyway?" Rose asked.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4385 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 "Because Vasilisa is a vehicle for change."
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1336 \expndtw-7 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Rose stared incredulously. "You think she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s going to
lead your revolution?"
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri326 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Well, I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d prefer that I lead it---someday. But, regar
dless, I think that she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s going to be
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri193 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 part o
f it. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve heard about her too. She{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s a rising s
tar---still young, certainly, but people
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri274 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 are ta
king notice. All royals aren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t created equal, you know. The Drag
omir symbol is a
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri69 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 dragon,
the king of the beasts. Likewise, the Dragomir blood has always been powerful-
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri545 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 --that
{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s why the Strigoi have targeted them so consistently. A Dragomi
r returning to
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri72 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 power i
s no small thing---particularly one such as her. My impression from the reports
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri276 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 that s
he must have mastered her magic. If that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s so---with her gifts--
-there{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s{\f63 \u8223\'3f} no telling
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri103 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 what s
he could do. People are drawn to her with almost no effort on her part. And when

\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri50 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 she act
ually tries to influence them\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol
}} well, they{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll do anything she wants." His eyes were
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 wide as
he spoke, wonder and happiness on his face as he imagined Lissa living out his
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7660 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 drea
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri402 \expndtw-6 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Unbelievable," rose said. "First you wanted to hide her away to keep
you alive. Now
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri724 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 you ac
tually want her out in the world to use her compulsion for your own psycho
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7791 \expndtw-24 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 plan
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri251 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "I told you, she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s a force for change. And like you be
ing shadow-kissed, she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s the only
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri346 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 one of
her kind that we know about. That makes her dangerous---and very valuable."
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri652 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Well, that was something. Victor wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t all-knowing af
ter all. He didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know about
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6676 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Adri
an{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s spirit use.
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1460 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "Lissa will never do it," Rose said. "She{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s not goin
g to abuse her powers."
\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri64 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "And victors not going
to say anything about us," I said as I tugged at Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s arm. "H
e{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri612 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 achiev
ed his goal. He brought you here because he wanted to know about Lissa."
\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4288 \expndtw-11 \f10
\fs24 \cf44 "He didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t find out much," Rose responded.
\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri173 \expndtw-9 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d be surprised," said Victor. "He grinned at me.
"And what makes you so certain I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2610 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 won{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}t enlighten the world about your romantic indiscretions?"
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri74 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 Normally I would have just shrugged it off, but his statement really ha
d gotten under my
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri222 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 skin a
nd had struck a nerve. To me, what he was saying was similar to what Stan had
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri89 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 said to
me the night I had thrown him against a wall. Anyone who even tried to threaten

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6003 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Rose
was a threat to me.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri199 \fi67 \expndtw-4 \
f10 \fs24 \cf44 I hated for her to see me this way, but honestly? I didn{\f63 \u
8223\'3f}t care; all I wanted was for him
\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri716 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 to und
erstand that I will not back down from this, even if it means I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}
d lose my job.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri311 \expndtw-7 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Because it won{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t save you from prison. And if you rui
n Rose, you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll destroy whatever
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri175 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 weak c
hance you had of Lissa helping you with your warped fantasy." Victor flinched a
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri510 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 little
. Some part of me liked the fact that I had hurt him. I stepped forward, pressin
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri229 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 close
to the bars as Rose had earlier. My voice lowered and I could mentally taste the

\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 venom d
ripping off my tongue. "And it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll all be pointless anyway, becau
se you won{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t stay
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri559 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 alive
long enough in prison to stage your grand plans. You aren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t the
only one with
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7119 \expndtw-14 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 conn
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri206 \expndtw-8 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "It wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t exactly be protecting me. It{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}d be after the fact---cold-blooded. You don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t do
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2248 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 that
kind of thing. Revenge is more my thing. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll have to kill him."

\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri366 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Just the thought of her trying to protect me was too unbearable to thi
nk about. There
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri87 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 can onl
y be one martyr in our relationship and I was ready to take that title. Her life
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri206 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 important to me and I
want to be the one to make sure she lives it to the fullest. Even if
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6070 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 that
means dying for her.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri155 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 But that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s what guardians are. Martyrs, we die for the
ones we are sworn to protect and
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri309 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 even l
earn to love. We agree to protect our Moroi in any way we can, even if it means
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6144 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 endin
g our life for theirs.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri395 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Art did the same for his Moroi family, and I knew he loved them as if
they were blood
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri209 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 from t
he stories he{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d tell me and how each child was like his own. He
loved them more
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6286 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 than
he could express.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri538 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 That was the danger of our job. We become so attached, we start to lov
e our Moroi
\sl-227\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 assignm
ents like family. And it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s what got Art killed in the end. It{\f
63 \u8223\'3f}s what can get\i me\i0 killed
\sl-258\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2264 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 in th
e end from protecting both Lissa and Rose at the same time.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri347 \expndtw-7 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t talk like that." I told her sternly. I didn{\f6
3 \u8223\'3f}t need her taking revenge. If anything did
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri445 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 happen
to me, I knew she won{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t stop searching till the man who killed
me was dead.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2130 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "And
anyway, it doesn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t matter. Victor{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s not going to
say anything."
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri323 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I shivered at the sight of Rose going to great lengths to take revenge
for whatever did
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri46 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 happen
to me. She was a great novice, and I knew she was going to be a killer guardian
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri905 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 later
on in life. And just the idea of her taking her skills too far and end up dying
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3815 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 becau
se she loved me made my blood turn cold.
\sl-298\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri347 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I shook my head, this needed to stop. We needed to find another way to
guard Lissa,
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3815 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 one s
o we wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t both end up dead in the end.
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri251 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 After that I left her
to go back to my own room. Partly because I needed to rest before
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri524 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Victor
{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s hearing. But mostly because I had a lot of thinking to do if
Rose and I were
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4934 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 going
to be Lissa{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s future guardians.
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7275 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Chapter 17:
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri693 \expndtw-7 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Later that night I took out Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s clothes from the ro
om{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s closet. Victor{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s trial was
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri198 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 tomorr
ow and I wanted to get these to her as soon as possible. Before walking out the
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri366 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 door I
quickly scribbled down her name on a card. When I grabbed the door handle I
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5874 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 thoug
ht of something else.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri47 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 Setting the clothes down I leaned against the wall, holding the small c
ard in my hand as
\sl-254\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri255 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I care
fully wrote\i Wear your hair up.\i0 A lot of female guardians cut their hair t
o show off
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 their\i
molnija\i0 marks. I remembered she had considered cutting it once and I immed
\sl-259\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri264 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 told h
er no. I loved her hair and suggested wearing it up if she wanted to show off he
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7755 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 mark
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri836 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Just thinking about her cutting her hair was unbearable. It wouldn{\f6
3 \u8223\'3f}t feel as silky,
\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri227 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 wouldn
{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t be the same when I ran my hands through it. After all it\i i
s\i0 the feature that got
\sl-258\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5224 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 me to
notice her in the first place.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri728 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 I was nervous for her tomorrow, for both of us. If she decided to let
her impulsive
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri58 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 attitud
e get in the way I might very well be in the wall between her and Victor. There
\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri101 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 be mor
e guardians than necessary tomorrow, trained and tense. Rose wouldn{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}t make it
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri461 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 two st
eps to Victor before someone brought her down. And I was prepared to throw
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri304 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 myself
between her and Victor to stop her from ripping his head off. Even if I had tha
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7195 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 urge
as well.
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri549 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Lissa was our priorit
y, we protect her and only her. If something happened to Rose
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2729 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 where
she got thrown in jail Lissa would be left unprotected.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri113 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 My heart raced at the thought of Victor exposing us both. Then no one
would be able to
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5442 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 prote
ct Lissa the way we could.
\plain\sl-112\fs11\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri
144 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 After calling service I got a Moroi girl to take
the clothes that I had assembled for Rose:
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri797 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 A whit
e top, black pants, and a black matching jacket. I attached the note before
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri52 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 handing
it over to the terrified looking girl. Rumors spread like wild fire among our w
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri158 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 so it
was no surprise that she was looking at me in both awe and fear. Too bad most of

\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6197 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the s
tories weren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t true.
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5608 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 I sighed when I shut the door.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri415 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 When no one else said anything, I finished up my statement, and then C
hristian was
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 called
up. As I took my place in the back I glared at Victor{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s aging he
ad. It was one thing
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2718 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 to si
t there and smile, but another to laugh and interrupt me.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri427 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 My blood was boiling through Christian{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s speech. His p
art was short. He{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d been with
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri414 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Lissa
when she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d been taken and had been knocked out. His contribution
was being
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri258 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 able t
o ID some of Victor{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s guardians as the kidnappers. Once Christia
n had sat down
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6507 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Rose
was called up.
\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri195 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 My heart quickened. She shouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have to do this, thi
s wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t right. I know she has an
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri645 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 opinio
n but she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s up there, unguarded, in front of Victor and his wick
ed words and
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7218 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 stari
ng eyes.
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri216 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She walked up, lookin
g calm and determined. That, at least, calmed my racing heart a
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri600 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 little
. As she said her name and gave her oath to be honest I could see her cringe.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri570 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Althou
gh it wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t physical, more mental. I saw it. I knew her well en
ough to notice
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2089 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 when
she was troubling over something that she knew was wrong.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri157 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Her version was pretty straightforward. She had details to offer from
before the night of
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri841 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the ki
dnapping, like about where Victor had laid his traps to test Lissa{\f63 \u8223\'
3f}s powers.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1693 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Other
wise her story lined up with mine and everyone else{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s pretty wel
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri48 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 When Rose mentioned the charm she glanced at Victor, who was staring in
tently at her.
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri203 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Making
her stiffen, her fingers clutched and unclenched at her sides. A movement that
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri298 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 told m
e she was seconds away from pouncing on him. I was too far away to stop her,
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri939 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and at
an angle where she can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t see me as well. The best I could do wa
s pray.
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5171 \expndtw-3 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 For both of us to make it out alive.
\sl-295\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri483 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Victor had complete power over Rose and me to ruin everything for us i
n front of all
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3381 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 these
people{\f63 \u8212\'3f} no matter what I had threatened him.
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri602 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 Other than the clutching of her hands I was proud of her for staying s
o calm. I was
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 satisfi
ed that she had grown so much. Some of it had to do with my trainings, but mostl
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri695 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 it was
Spokane and Lissa{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s life that shaped Rose for who she is today:
a woman.
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri370 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 When she finished her whole body sagged with relief that Victor hadn{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}t said anything
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2663 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 durin
g her testimony. Lissa passed her, taking Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s place.
\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri72 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 As the victim, she offered the first perspective thus far, and everyone
there grew caught
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri311 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 up in
her story. It was compelling; no one had ever heard anything like it. And withou
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri59 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 even trying Lissa was
using her spirit-induced charisma, the same place that came from
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7287 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 compu
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri184 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 People were enraptured and sympathetic. When Lissa described the tortu
re Victor had
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri185 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 put he
r through to force her to heal him, faces went pale with shock. Even the Queen{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5921 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 stern
mask faltered a little.
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri110 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 The most amazing thing was how calm Lissa was about it. Even when she
spoke about
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri139 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 what t
he air user had done to her; she had a mask of stone. But I knew she was just as

\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri413 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 hurt a
s she had been that night, the pressure of stares and breathing down her neck
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5142 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 cause
d her to be unnaturally calm.
\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri509 \expndtw-2 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 After Lissa sat back down, Victor was called to take her place. From t
he look on his
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri147 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 face,
you would have never guessed he was on trial. He wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t angry or
outraged like I
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri448 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 have s
een a thousand times with other contestants in this room. He didn{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}t plead. He
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri581 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 looked
like we were all hanging out somewhere, like he had nothing in the world to
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7253 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 worry
\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1027 \expndtw-3 \f10 \
fs24 \cf44 Even when answering, he spoke as though he made perfect sense. When t
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri233 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 prosec
uting lawyer asked why he{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d done what he had, he looked at her a
s though she
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7340 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 were
\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri186 \expndtw-5 \f10 \f
s24 \cf44 "Why, I had no choice," he said pleasantly. "I was dying. No one was g
oing to condone
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri150 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 me ope
nly experimenting with the princess{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s powers. What would you hav
e done in my
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7730 \expndtw-24 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 plac
\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
24 \cf44 The lawyer ignored that. She was having a hard time keeping the disgust
off of her face.
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri835 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "And y
ou found coaxing your own daughter into turning Strigoi also necessary?"
\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri273 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Everyone in the court
room shifted uncomfortably. One of the most awful things about
\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Strigoi
was that they were made, not born. A Strigoi could force a human, a dhampir, or

\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri123 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 a Moro
i into becoming Strigoi if the Strigoi drank the victim{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s blood
and then fed Strigoi
\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri534 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 blood
back to the victim. It didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t matter if the victim wanted it or
not, and once she
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri432 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 became
Strigoi, she lost all sense of her old, moral self. She embraced becoming a
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri341 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 monste
r and killing others to survive. Strigoi converted others if they found someone
\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri476 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 they t
hought would strengthen their ranks. Sometimes they did it just out of cruelty.
\sl-245\fs25\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-498 \li0 \ri91 \expndtw5 \f10 \fs3
7 \cf44 I'll try to continue writing, give me your review
\sl-173\fs17\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-498 \li0 \ri4643 \expndtw8 \f10 \f
s37 \cf44 about it please\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}\
expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldin
st SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}.

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