Mehow Digest

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Copyright 2007 Mehow, Inc.

The Mehow Digest
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Copyright 2007 Mehow, Inc.
Blogs ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Leaving Her ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Celebrity Pick-Up ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Put Her in the Trunk ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Handling Negative Interactions ................................................................................................................... 12
Girl Game ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
Un-Plugging from Matrix .............................................................................................................................. 16
New Year 2007 Issue: Keeping Her Vol 1, Compliance......................................................................... 18
PureKino Attraction ................................................................................................................................... 23
Stop and Smell the Easter Police ................................................................................................................. 28
Stop The Stories in Your Head ..................................................................................................................... 32
Newsletters .......................................................................................................................................................... 36
How to Tease Right! ....................................................................................................................................... 36
The Secret of State Independence ............................................................................................................... 37
How to Be Un-needy on the Phone.............................................................................................................. 37
The Partying Pope .......................................................................................................................................... 40
Forum Posts ........................................................................................................................................................ 41
Venues .............................................................................................................................................................. 41
Resources ........................................................................................................................................................ 42
Opening and Re-opening .............................................................................................................................. 46
Closing ............................................................................................................................................................. 52
Phone Game .................................................................................................................................................... 57
Disqualification .............................................................................................................................................. 62
Hired Guns ...................................................................................................................................................... 64
Relationship Management ............................................................................................................................ 65
Stacking vs. Natural Game ............................................................................................................................ 72
Seeing Her Again: Day 2s, 3s and Beyond ................................................................................................ 74
Energy Level .................................................................................................................................................... 79
Attraction......................................................................................................................................................... 82
Extracting ........................................................................................................................................................ 84
IOIs .................................................................................................................................................................. 85
Desensitization ............................................................................................................................................... 88
Comfort ............................................................................................................................................................ 90
AMOGing ......................................................................................................................................................... 92
High Value Communications........................................................................................................................ 94
I Give to the Women I Love; the Rest Get Dennys. .................................................................................. 96
Originality ....................................................................................................................................................... 98
Basics ............................................................................................................................................................. 103
Rejection ........................................................................................................................................................ 106
Burnout .......................................................................................................................................................... 108
Drunk Girls.................................................................................................................................................... 109
State/Frame .................................................................................................................................................. 110
Calibration ..................................................................................................................................................... 113
Balance ........................................................................................................................................................... 114
Entourage/Social Circle game .................................................................................................................... 118
Wings ............................................................................................................................................................. 121
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Copyright 2007 Mehow, Inc.
Increasing Chillness ..................................................................................................................................... 122
Sex Protecting Yourself ............................................................................................................................ 124

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Copyright 2007 Mehow, Inc.
Leaving Her
October 30th, 2006
Im in Miami right now I travel around quite a bit. Everywhere I go, men make the same social
errors. They make them in LA, they make them in NYC, they make them in Dayton, Ohio (a lot).
Im at the Shore Club a few nights ago in South Beach off season. We are here preparing for a film
shoot that starts in the winter. But South Beach always delivers, year round. There are always really
attractive women around. After a bit of work, they end up at our table. My girl and I really hit it off.
Gorgeous slender blonde thing. Our interaction is going really well so I leave and talk to some other
This is really important leaving. The good seducer will always let go will always leave her hanging
between hope and doubt as to whether or not things will escalate. If the bad seducer gets anywhere
with a girl he will try to hold on to her for the rest of the night. The air gets filled with that why are
you all up on me tension. So it is important to just let go in every interaction. But there is more to
leaving than that.
Women are far more emotionally wired then men are. Women dont operate on logic nearly as much
as we do. For a woman to have a quality enthralling romantic experience with a man there has to be
emotional ups and down in the interaction. A lot of women arent consciously aware of this but all of
them will get bored with logic and with purely positive interactions.
I like you, I like you, I like you is nowhere near as fun for a woman as I like you, I like you, I hate
you I like you. If a guy consistently verbally or otherwise only communicates positively with a
women the interaction (or marriage, even) will die. So the good seducer will always mix the positive
with the negative, the sweet with the sour, like a good cocktail. Walking away from an interaction is a
negative communication to her it says Im just not that into you. - Without actually saying it.
So if you are having a positive interaction with a woman, and you just leave to interact with other
women, when you come back the first girl will be even more into you. She now knows that you are
totally un-needy, she knows you have no problem walking away; she knows that you have other
choices, she is jealous and she unconsciously knows that you are giving her the optimal emotional
experience. Bottom line, if you do this, and dont make any social errors during your interaction
your girl will be really, really into you.
And so it was with my Shore Club blonde.
Im at the Shore Club in Miami; I have a woman I just met. We are really into each other. I walk away
to interact with other women I come back and my girl is talking to two guys who are, very eagerly,
chatting her up.
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This is all a normal part of social interaction. Women will frequently find other guys to talk to when a
guy they are into just walks away they wont leave the area, because they know who they really want
but having someone else to talk to when your man leaves you is nice.
I walk up to the group:
Whoa, whoa, thats my little sister you are talking to. I say jokingly. My girl smiles. The guys
immediately assume from my freakishly confident body language that what Im saying is to risky to
debate and they commit a social error, Um ya man your sister is um really nice I was just
telling her this story.
I know exactly whats going on. These guys are not alpha males, they are not friends of hers, they are
guys that are just trying to jack my girl and they are effectively asking me permission to continue their
story. Getting rid of them is going to be really easy.
The best way to blow girl-stealing beta males out of your reality is to communicate with your girl in
any emotionally interesting way. Men untrained in this stuff have no idea how to talk in an
emotionally relevant way to women so when I start talking in an emotionally relevant way to a
woman they dont know how to add anything to the conversation. They typically just stand there
until they walk away. Sometimes they get more interesting, giving the good seducer more to work
I start into some story about how interesting our future divorce will be, You can have Fluffy, but Im
keeping the mansion in Hong Kong. My girl is all smiles and the guys look at each other nervously.
They dont get it, they never do. They are cut out of the conversation and as my chat about the divorce
continues, time passes and they get that we are cut out of this conversation feeling in their stomach.
Out of desperation, they make a second social error and the really-far-better-then-me-looking one
says, Um, dude I dont mean to be rude but I was just telling HER a STORY. I reply, while
grabbing his shoulder, I can tell you are a really cool guy, and Im sure your story is absolutely
fascinating. And then I walk away back to my table as if nothing at all happened. I already know how
this story will end.
Before I even sit down, my girl taps me on the shoulder, I turn around and we hug each other in a very
un-sibling-like full-body-press way. The bad seducers clearly communicated to my girl that they
werent willing to walk away so she walked away from them. The guys are a bit behind us and I can
hear them say, Shit, dude, that guy isnt her brother.

mehow-Mehow Admin
Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 396
Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:17 pm Post subject:

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Any tips on how to find the right balance?
Most definitely if your takeaways arent working then two things could be going wrong
1. you are not being unreactive when you do the takeaway
2. the rest of your game is not tight enough to warrant her to chase
for 1 - you want to make sure that when you do the takeaway you simply appear distracted and
not punishing her in any way just like an HB10 with ADD. for 2 you have to work on the rest
of your game.
Let me know which one and we can drill down some more.
be social
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Copyright 2007 Mehow, Inc.
Celebrity Pick-Up
November 15th, 2006
Last weekend I was chilling at Les Deux a swanky LA spot. This was my first official celeb LA
party. The place was filled with the highest of high end women. If you werent somebody, they
wouldnt pay any attention to you.
Naturally, I loved it. I love being under the radar. With no presumptions about me, everybody treats
me like generic dude 8756. The interactions went something like this:
My publicist introduces me.
The celebrity female is polite
I make small talk.
The celebrity female politely starts a conversation with my publicist
I make more small talk.
The celebrity female politely pretends Im invisible and cant hear me.
I tease the celebrity female lightly.
She smiles
I leave because I know this is a downward spiral if I stay, ultimately (in another 30 seconds or so) I
will lose all my social value and be that guy who just stands there getting ignored.
I think quickly These women are so high value that they wont even acknowledge a male presence
unless hes at least as high value as they are. I have a girlfriend, so I do this mainly for the social
Im a professional player. I love to put a smile on the face of every woman I meet. If I cant convey my
value, that just means I have something else to learn. Here I am in the dreaded regular joe vs.
celebrity hotty situation.
The most direct value offering is similar celebrity and I dont have that (yet.) But I know what most
guys dont know there are other value switches that I can flip ones that bypass all her celebrity
filters and connect directly with her emotions. The switch that most directly applies in this situation is
jealousy. I apply jealousy.
I meet some nearby non-celebrity yet very attractive women with, Somebody ordered a
stripper? I talk to them for 3 minutes with un-needy banter about their recent teleportation into the
venue from space to stalk me. I ask how that feels. We do some fun alien experiments on each other.
I show them the alien handshake more touching ensues. I am gaming them. They are enjoying it.
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I notice that celebrity female starts looking my way.
I drop that group and move to another group nearby of even more attractive women. Were forming a
celebrity poker team you guys want to join? Of course they do. Big group hugmore bantermore
I get noticed again by my celebrity friend.
I introduce my new poker team to my original group with celebrity female in it, saying, These girls
are celebrity poker players.
Now I have her attention.
I start talking to her and 20 minutes later we exchange numbers. We call each other; the numbers
are real.
Now 20 minutes of alone time isnt solid enough for anything other than a friendly hello the next
time we see each other, so I erase the number and chalk this up to another fun night of
experimentation. I know this must sound strangemost guys cant imagine number closing a hot
female celebrity only to turn around and toss it in the trash. Most guys would probably frame it on
their wall. But my reality is far beyond where it was just two short years ago.
As long as you are socializing to give value to others, there is no such thing as the impossible pick-up.
Even in Hollywood.

StayAlive-Joined: 07 Nov 2006
Posts: 91
Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 2:45 pm Post subject:

Very Nice mehow
Well I dont even bother for number closes anymoreunless she is leaving or that something
happen and she cant stay to longnormally i go for location closes or event to kiss
closesometimes I just want to have fun and make some friends(have a gf by the way).
Good move over thereits all about Value in VIP parties and such..when I become learning this
stuff and actually notice this i was pretty amazedits a bit Ironic isnt it? I think you did well
throwing that number intro trash-can(dont get me wrong),but i think 20minutes would be
hard to do anythingwhy it was only 20minutes?she leaves? Well I hope one day get into that
VIP lifestyle, but one thing i noticed about that(the parties I was in)when you have a VIP friend
or a Well Known person you gain that same value..its amazing
I dont know if this works but.what if you just stick you finger out .|. i remembered mystery
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talking about that on a seminarI think he did that to a celebrity lolwont you lose all social
proof with that?
Keep on GoingIm anxious to see more field reports
Mehow Admin-Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 396
Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 11:12 pm Post subject:

You are talking about Mysterys middle finger opener in a vip venue you dont need to use
openers like that as things open all the time the vibe is very friendly as all the people there
are high power. The hard part is hooking the celebrity set once you have it open.
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Copyright 2007 Mehow, Inc.
Put Her in the Trunk
November 15th, 2006
Not too long ago I went to a daytime boat party in San Diego. Four hours of drunken floating around
with assorted DJs. Think big floating rave.
I walked around, I met everybody and after a bit I spotted an incredibly attractive woman standing
next to the railing with her friend.
I open up with my usual Hey.
She says um hey with an unsure look on her face. She expects the usual Whats your name? You
are so beautiful, nonsense.
I go into You guys are soo fun I think Im going to buy you guys a present like get you one of
those huge teddy bears and 60 roses an a card.
I get an eager look of anticipation and What will the card say? What will it say?
I want a divorce.
She nearly falls off the boat laughing. I pin her against the rail so she doesnt fall over.
whoa, whoa quit touching me in my special place, I continue.
She tells me she and her friend are from Indiana. I know this is bullshit and she is just testing me for
the usual chode responses. My player-girl radar goes off. She could be a keeper for at least a few
We hang out some more, and she is gaming me she suddenly walks away in mid-sentence to see if I
will chase, she wins over my friends, she tries to get me to buy her a drink (didnt happen), and she
tells me all sorts of interesting stories that subtly communicate that she knows everybody and dates
high value men. This is the type of stuff I teach guys to do, except for that high value man part.
Nothing is more fun then when a player meets another player somehow I dont think she writes
books about this stuff and gives seminars to other girls that cant get laid but there are plenty of these
types of natural gaming girls out there. Their beauty combined with some intelligence gives them the
opportunity to learn natural game and they are totally fun as a result. We connect.
At the end of the night me and my friends have to head out and get some work done. She wants a ride
with her friend to another bar.
Now most guys when a girl asks them for something will just immediately do it. The good seducer
will get her to do something first Kiss me on the cheek. She does, so me and her and our friends
start walking towards my friends car.
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We have 7 people and we have a 5 person SUV.
Now most guys will let her have the best seat in the car. I eye the trunk. I open the trunk and say
Ladies first. They pile in.
Hey, bro do you hear that its like there are some small talking Chihuahuas in your trunk is
this car still on warranty?
If you put your friends in the trunk - then you communicate to her that your friends are less
important than some random hot chick you just met. And her attraction for you will totally die.
We drop her off and we date later. She became my girlfriend. Shes not from Indiana.
She just read this blog and confessed that she stole my friends Santa Hat from the trunk of the car.
The Santa hat was given as a token of free admission to the bouncer at the next bar and then was
passed around the entire party like the Expedia Gnome.
So the lesson here is keep all valuables in the glove compartment because you cant fit any girls in
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Copyright 2007 Mehow, Inc.
Handling Negative Interactions
November 15th, 2006
I was hanging out at the Whos Next, Whats Next Fashion show a few days back. I was just chilling,
kicking back and talking to the pre-show hangout crowd.
All the sudden, RJ rolls in with the Young Hollywood camera crew here to document another night in
LA. RJ finds some hot girl and hands her the interview microphone. He points her and the camera at
Her: So what did you think of the fashion show?
Me: You know whats amazing my grandmother used to interview me for those dorky home movies
you sorta remind me of her.
Her: OMG, you suck!
Me: Ya but I really loved my grandmother.
Then I take the conversation towards Paris Hiltons Chihuahua carrier and whether or not her name
would be a good Chihuahua name. She loves it and forgets the questions she was supposed to ask me.
Game works anywhere in any situation.
RJ then hands me the microphone and says, Go!
I didnt get the memo about how I was going to be hosting. In social situations whenever you run into
a new one such as the first time some friend of your girl comes over and tries to cockblock you you
have to learn how to handle it. Sometimes the first time you do ok, but pretty much most of the time
the first time is a fun exercise in falling down. And fall down I did I sorta stood there and
contemplated what to do and I could not come up with anything. This is what we in the business call
a freeze-up.
As we grow and have more and more social interactions we learn naturally (or consciously) how to
handle them. The social skill set is a learned one. Naturals learn all this stuff just like I did via
consistently getting in interactions. The difference between a natural and someone who consciously
trains themselves in this stuff is that the conscious acquisition of social skills is much faster.
The problem with interactions is that they frequently end up negative the most basic advice I can
give to anybody trying to improve their social life is to learn to continue even when things go badly.
This happens to everybody. The best thing that happens when you consistently have negative
interactions, such as when you are new to this and practicing it, is that your mind cares less and less
about each negative interaction over time. A miracle occurs during this process you stop requiring
positive social interactions for internal validation. Then you truly dont care and are entirely free to be
yourself in any situation. This is a very Zen place to be. And from there you can really harness you
personality to show you how to have a good time in any situation. -m
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Copyright 2007 Mehow, Inc.
Girl Game
December 6th, 2006
Here is your typical night club scene.
Women hanging out with themselves.
Guys hanging out with themselves.
The women arent really contributing to the mens reality and vice versa.
I know that the women wont approach so I teach guys to do it.
Every once in a blue moon I witness a woman with game.
My current girlfriend is one such girl. Her reality is very different from most girls. She is not a total
knockout (although very, very close). She uses game to transform herself into the most sought after
woman in the venue.
Whenever she parties she socializes with all the men in the venue. She descends on a particular area
of a club intent on meeting everyone. She approaches (usually stunned) men and starts interacting
with them. Coming from a non-needy place, she glides from group to group in short intervals. Soon
guys are chasing her, buying her drinks and inviting her to their VIP table (or house). Some guys skip
everything and go straight for her number or ask her is she would like to have sex with them.
The guy behavior is a predictable display of low value social skills. But that is not what this blog is
By the end of the night she interacts with everyone in the bar. Guys, girls, and one night - Weeman
from Jack Ass.
Conversely, she has some girl-friends that are even more beautiful than she, They complain about
what an awesome couple we are and how guys are such loosers. I ask them how many men they talked
to. Their answer is a very predictable 2.
The numbers tell the story. What kind of choice can they have when their choice is between the only 2
guys who had the courage to walk up and talk to them?
The motto of my company devoted to teaching men how to interact with women is be social. I
encourage women to do the same. This advice is not just for dating, but for friends, family, business,
and life.
Somewhere in that mass of guys that wont approach you is your soul mate. He just doesnt know how
to approach and start the interaction. Help him out by talking to him.
If you are friendly enough you will have exciting adventures some special nights.
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One night my girlfriend got very social with the very drunk table next to us at Dennys. Friendly
banter was exchanged. At one point the table next to us got not so friendly in their comments. My girl
escalated to letting one of the not very thin girls at the enemy table know that she needed another
Her boyfriend came over, Um what did you say?
My girlfriend replied quickly with the always effective, The milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.
He starts a food fight and gets thrown out. We get free food and some laundry to do.
Being aggressively social has its definite upside for women more men to choose from and free food.

mehow Says:
March 31st, 2007 at 8:24 am
Repost from old system
StayAlive-Joined: 07 Nov 2006
Posts: 91
Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 5:26 pm Post subject:

lol nice..
I wish I can explain that to my girlfriendtoday she found out that I still read books and learn
some things about the game..I told her I quit but I know the picture..pff
The thing is that we are almost married for crying out loudtheres times when we have to
make choicesIm totally fucked up.
I love this gameI dont want to become an AFC and I dont want to looser because i love
heroh well
About what you were talking up there i agree with you, hot woman dont have as many choices
as we thinkthey djust believe in that because they want us to believe in that tootheyre just
hotnot intelligent or something like that(some of them are..sorry ).They have this bitchshield
so high because they were treated like sexual toys all their lives and by their looksthats why a
PUA is so go way to emotional for them to deny it..its happening
Unreactive is the wordi love make bets with drunken guys..its incredible how you can throw
a Drunken Amog into a set with only males and 1 femaleits hilarious
The Revolution is inside us
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GoldSonic-Joined: 06 Mar 2007
Posts: 107
Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 7:04 am Post subject:

What is the difference between girls gaming guys and guys gaming girls?..
Dont hate the player, hate the game.
Mehow Admin-Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 396
Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:57 am Post subject:

There are a lot of differences in game between men and women that I can think off the top of
my head.
Women that are gaming still need you to lead. So their game is designed for naturals and
trained players who can take the hint and lead. If you dont lead then they will eject.
Women who are gaming will subtly or not so subtly suggest what needs to happen next for the
interaction to continue. We do this too. But because they have to have you lead - they do it in
more subtle ways.
Also women wont escalate kino - they will let you do that.
be social
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Copyright 2007 Mehow, Inc.
Un-Plugging from Matrix
December 13th, 2006
Those of us like me who had no clue how women work before learning the Game, we lived in the
Everyone I know who has the pick up skill set has had that one moment where they finally un-plug.
For me it happened about a year ago in Las Vegas, at a pick-up super-conference, a room full of 200
guys learning about socializing and about 10 of us teaching it.
We went out at night to coach guys in the field this is game speak for out in a bar or club.
At one point I was sitting on a couch and had a student sitting next to me on my right. There was a girl
sitting on my left with a guy holding her hand. The student wanted to see how to talk to a girl who is
obviously with a romantic interest.
I turn towards her and just start talking busting on her such that the boyfriend thinks Im not
interested in her:
You are soo like my little sister you were the me, me, me girl in grade-school, werent you Oh!
Oh! Party Girl!
The interaction goes well and the boyfriend just sort of sits there still holding her hand while I game
her. I escalate towards a kiss.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how good of a kisser are you?
She says 10! so I say, You are a TOTAL weirdo! and I lean in and kiss her.
We kiss for 10 seconds.
And she is still holding her boyfriends hand.
You already know why she does this if you read my other blogs. You know it is not her fault. Her
boyfriend is obviously not someone she wants to be with. She is operating on autopilot.
But inside my head I lost cabin pressure for a bit.
I felt like Neo when he got flushed out of the Matrix and into reality.
Over time I realized just how much my entire outlook had changed. These were pretty ego smashing
self realizations like:
-I was the cause of all of my past failed relationships.
-Some of my ex-gfs from my AFC (Average Frustrated Chump) days definitely cheated on me and I
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never knew.
-The thing that prevented my success with women for 20 years had zero to do with them and
everything to do with me.
-For 20 years I always held a false belief that women didnt like me because of my looks.
As a man, once you do this for long enough you realize that whatever reality you were living in before
was somewhat or completely disconnected from the truth. That false reality we call in the Game
the Matrix. (credit Tyler Durden). I was living a lie and it was all purely in my head.
The moral of this story is that if you are going to unplug you will have to let go of your ego. To achieve
true success with women, you have to realize that the Matrix is where you live now, and you must take
the Red Pill to escape. Then, and only then will you truly be free. Unplug.
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Copyright 2007 Mehow, Inc.
New Year 2007 Issue: Keeping Her Vol 1, Compliance
January 10th, 2007
New Year 2007 Issue: Keeping Her Vol 1, Compliance
This blog is a bit long but hey its the New Year and I wanted to give you guys a big present!
I was running around an unnamed Southern California theme park the other day. My girl talked her
way into letting me and her get into the park after they were not letting anybody in any more so we
only had an hour left. Since we only had an hour it had to be excessively stimulating. It was late and
the weather wasnt so good lately there werent many people (or staff) around. We started off at the
rollercoaster which I rode once screaming bloody murder the whole way (Im afraid of heights). Then
we sang Christmas songs on an un-manned ride announcement system that was very clearly labeled
in big letters as Staff Only. Our audience gave us the slow clap. We also pressed some mysterious
green buttons but they didnt do anything. And on our way out we pretended to work there and
walked through the back area to our car right past the security gate. Because we were staff we get
some free cotton candy too!
Plenty of stimulation. Right in the middle of all this I get a call from one of my private students,
Mehow, my girlfriend isnt kissing me in public anymore and has been snubbing me in bed, she says
its because she is sick or doesnt feel like it. I tell him I will get back to him and rejoin the fun. Paying
attention to your girlfriend when you are with her is key and is instrumental in keeping her emotional
state positive. And that is one of the keys to Keeping Her.
I just talked to my student and the conversation turned out soo beneficial to him that I decided to
share this with everybody.
You see 99% percent of men in relationships dont have any idea how to stay in the relationship. They
got the girl by being fun and exiting and asking for more compliance. There is far more to staying in a
relationship then compliance, but this principle is so important that I decide to write about it here.
Compliance, in the world of pickup, is a technical term for having another person do something for
you. This can be anything - a handshake, participating in a conversation, allowing to be hugged,
asking questions, telling you things about her, she buying you a drink, sex and far more in truly
committed relationships. The more they do for you the more they are attracted to you. In fact,
compliance essentially equals attraction. Picture a person who you are madly attracted to. Now
picture how far you would go for that person. More compliance creates more attraction which creates
even greater compliance. Conversely, less compliance creates less attraction which creates less
compliance. You get it. File this principle in your brain for a second.
Most men when they get non compliance (she wont kiss him etc.) will just start to get all logical on
the woman and say stuff like, Baby, we are *together* so you should kiss me. So their answer is to
get logical and give her logical reasons why she should give compliance. I dont have to tell you that
this doesnt work. You know this already. It has happened to you. You asked again and again and she
said NO again and again.
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Getting logical does not help your purpose for many reasons.
Women do not respond to logic. They respond to emotional stimulation. Logic forces her to think in a
way that is foreign to her, which makes her believe she is doing the wrong thing. It suppresses her
emotions. It would be similar to a man abandoning logic and trusting only his emotions to make a
decision. This would be a foreign mental state, bringing questions into the decision.
By becoming logical, you are communicating your neediness, which instantly lowers your attraction.
When you need her, you are expressing that you have lower value than her, which makes you less
attractive. Lower attraction creates lower compliance creating lower attraction, etc.
Handling non compliance in a logical way frequently creates a situation that we call negative
compliance momentum. This means one person in the relationship is used to saying NO to the other
person. She says NO you ask again she says NO you get mad at her she says NO some more.
Unchecked, that momentum builds and builds until attraction in these situations dies on both sides
and then the relationship dies. Remember that compliance equals attraction, so the less of one you
have the less you have of the other.
So to keep her you have to keep her complying with you!
Inevitably she wont always do what you want her to. She will say NO sometimes. My wild guess is
that not knowing how to handle this situation is the cause of 80% of all arguments in relationships.
And once enough arguing and noncompliance occurs the relationship can easily end.
So what do you do?
Dont get logical on her or ask again or, even worse, start an argument over her inevitable non
compliance. Doing these things makes no logical sense as if you got this far with her in the
relationship she probably isnt complying because she is not into you. She isnt complying because
of some unrelated emotional factor and/or how she feels about you at that moment.
Women in relationships, regardless of what the stage of the relationship is, only comply if their
emotions towards you are positive. The logic of the situation has nothing to do with it! Many of my
students who (now) know how to pick up a girl will just go back to being their logical selves in the
relationship once they think they got her.
I have news for you, you never 100% have her. Not even if you are married (Read the Why Husbands
and Boyfriends Dont Matter blog)! There is no such thing as a permanent relationship if you think
you have one then you are living in an illusion carefully crafted by society. But you can have some very
solid, very permanent relationship as long as you dont rely on logic for their permanence. Handling
non compliance in the relationship is a key part of that.
So what do you do when she doesnt comply?
Get distracted and start doing something else for a second then give her a different compliance test,
one that you know she will pass so you can reward her for it.
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Here is a really trivial example. Im at the theme park with my girlfriend in a gift shop. I go for a kiss.
She wont do it too many people around. If I just accept the no and dont do anything about it Im
creating non-compliance momentum.
What is weird about non-compliance is that it will kill her own attraction for me even over trivial stuff
if it happens a lot. The paradox is that she knows she wants to be with me now, but if she turns me
down enough, even if it is because of factors unrelated to the relationship, she will end up thinking
that she doesnt want to be with me. Crazy, huh?
So instead of just letting the NO happen I spot some very funny looking hats with furry walrus
stuffed animals on top of them and immediately get distracted by them. I say Wow! Cool hats! and
walk over and grab one. She comes over to me. I hand her a yellow and pink one and tell her to try it
on. She does and I hug her and tell her I love her.
That was close a little bit of non compliance averted. There are a million ways to handle this
situation as long as you get distracted in a way that it doesnt look like you are affected by her NO (you
stay positive!). In the game, the way we call non-reactive positive reframing. When you do this
you are reinforcing in her mind that you wont let her run you. If you let her tell you what to do you
are loosing your alpha male status that got her attracted to you in the first place. So dont let her loose
her attraction for you over something stupid like a little PDA kiss just because right at that moment
she wasnt feeling it!
Everything about compliance is always about her emotional state towards you and frequently that can
be affected by a million factors. She is in a bad mood, the weather isnt perfect, you didnt buy her that
Gucci purse she wanted are all reasons why she could be saying NO to you.
So dont let that stuff affect you being happy together just non-reactively positively get distracted
like suddenly remember something or see something shiny or have the sudden urge to get out of bed
and make some tea. Then come back and give her another compliance test and reward her for that!
No woman wants to feel unloved over something stupid so create another situation where she gets
loved, but she is complying with you again.
This way she gets all the affection she craves from you without unwittingly ruining your attraction.
This sounds complicated to think about at first, but once you practice it becomes second nature. Alpha
males wont let themselves get betad if they can do anything about it. But dont be neurotic about it
either. Some NOs will slip through un-handled. No worries though just dont let them stack up and
definitely dont argue with her, ask again, or get logical. If you forget everything else in this whole blog
just remember to non-reactively positively reframe.
Now that you know how to handle these situations you can test the waters and figure out what her
limits are. Everybody has limits no matter how in love they are. This is why your girlfriend will only
show off her breasts to you in public at Mardi Gras, unless she is really risqu. This way, you know not
to ask her to flash you at the 7-11.
But what if that thing she doesnt do for you is her just plain being an idiot or loosing you?
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Usually you figure this out when she says NO to you about something important to you. 99% of men
totally mess things up at this exact moment and get logical with a relationship talk or start an
argument about it or ask again. This leads to a lot of non-compliance from the woman thereby
creating negative compliance momentum. Women wont give you compliance period when they arent
feeling like it. It doesnt matter if you just met or you are the ruler of a small country or you have been
married for 50 years.
The right answer is to just get non-reactively positively distracted. Then some later time, when she is
feeling good, that is when you talk to her about it!!! Then you tell her how important X thing is to you
and she is likely to comply next time or at least promise to work on it. She loves you after all, right?
The reason she didnt do it in the first place is probably just as simple as she didnt know that it was
important to you and/or she just didnt feel like it! or she is still mad about that Gucci bag you didnt
buy her. Dont let her current emotional state mess up your entire relationship. These sorts of things
can easily cascade into screaming fights! Fighting not only creates a lot of negative compliance
momentum but also a ton of bad feelings in her mind that are now associated with you.
By handling things this way you avoid creating negative compliance momentum right when the
situation happens and then you can have your relationship talk when she is most likely to comply
with it because her emotional state is positive.
Once I figured this out, I have never, not once had a single fight in any relationship with any woman.
And in all my pre-game relationships there was a lot of fighting. Particularly towards the end of the
Doing this takes a ton of patience women are frequently infuriating. But if you get impatient and try
to resolve the big issue when her emotional state is negative it will only get worse ALL of the time.
Just understand the she probably wants to do what you want, it is just the wrong time. So find the
right time to talk about it and it will probably be ok! If she really gets to you with her non compliance
just get distracted and leave. Come back to her later. A lot of the time just you getting distracted will
get her to fix it immediately.
But to do this you need to be able to keep her emotional state consistently positive in the relationship!
For example, tease her, take her on a super exiting and totally different date, make sure the sex is hot,
go on a super cool trip, go to a theme park together, or a petting zoo etc. You have to always be able to
re-spark attraction in any relationship. I found that you actually have to really try hard to get her to
not comply with any sane request after you just showed her the time of her life.
Getting this wrong is, by the way, why most men eventually loose their girlfriends or wives. They
randomly get her by doing things unconsciously right during the pickup so they have no idea what
to do in the relationship to keep things hot and there is just about zero chance of them getting lucky
again in a long term relationship like a marriage.
That was a lot of stuff!! Here is the short list of the things you have to do to keep your woman happy in
any relationship or marriage that I talked about in this blog. All of these avoid her non-compliance
and creating negative compliance momentum which will eventually kill any romance.
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1. If she doesnt comply in some way dont ask again, dont get logical with her, dont argue.
2. Instead get non-reactively positively distracted and, if you feel like it, give her a different positive
compliance test and reward her for that. If she really gets to you and you feel getting yourself angry
just leave.
3. Learn what things she is not cool with and dont ask for them unless
4. The issue is really important to you then come back to talking about it when she is feeling good
about you and life in general.
5. Always be able to re-spark the attraction in your relationship.
You learn all this stuff naturally once you accept the fact that women are highly emotional creatures
and the only way to really get it is to get out there, meet some women, get in relationships and
Happy 2007!
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PureKino Attraction
April 3rd, 2007
I really love our tech team. They rock. They made this shiny new blog and the online content delivery
system for all of our products! From one computer geek to another, mad respect!

They are all married though so only half my stuff applies to them. But this first ever new blog entry
goes out to them anyway!!!

I know that most readers have very little time to read a blog and I wanted to make this first blog
special so

Im going to teach you what I would teach someone if I only had 15 minutes to improve their game.
The stuff I would teach a student if I could only teach them one thing.

A lot of people ask me, What is PureKino Attraction? So far Ive been dodging the question while all
the patent paperwork got filed. But all that stuff is done now so here it is. There is A LOT to this
approach but dont worry, because I will give you everything you need to know to start DOING this

Let me start by telling you how PureKino came about. Back when I was a newbie at this - I was very
high energy. So high energy that I was essentially, a mid 30s, balding, pale, dancing monkey, when I
would enter into a set. I would get a lot of spikey attraction and sometimes get the girl by using this
to isolate and then do the real work in comfort.

Back in those days I was rolling a lot with my good friend and wing, Lovedrop from Venusian Arts.

Lovedrop always had some sort of secret plan that he wouldnt tell me about until right when he
sprung it on me in terms of getting me to the next level.

So one night when my dancing monkey was particularly acting up he followed me around the club
telling me to be chill constantly.

When I did that half my sets didnt hook at all and walked away wondering how a dork like me even
got into such a swanky establishment and the other half of the sets would hook super hard.

So being chill made things solid IF IT HOOKED but otherwise I lost the set.

Back to the drawing board. Clearly hooking only half the time wasnt acceptable.

I started to think about what are the most powerful attraction mechanisms available to us in a purely
theoretical sense?

Here is what I came up with

-Super tight I live on planet Mehow and its a wild and fun place to be sub-communications.
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-Touching, lots of touching (kino) and compliance.

I learned this from being in field a ton - I noticed that when I did those things sets seemed more solid.

So then I started to think about how I could just run the entirety of attraction just by doing those two
things and PureKino was born.

I call it that because with PureKino you can literally run an entire attraction phase entirely by
touching and verbal plowing about whatever.

If you can get a large amount of touching and compliance in attraction you can effectively maximize
the amount of chill you can bring into your game. This, along with excellent subcommunications,
will allow you to win over sets with a great consistency. The result is super tight attraction.

You are going to have to make one pretty big leap of faith to get going with this stuff:

Forget DHV stories in attraction. In fact, for the sake of the exercise Im about to give you forget
purely verbal routines. Period.

Yup, you can get TONS of SOLID attraction from women without FLIPPING a single traditional DHV
switch (protector of loved ones, leader of men, pre-selection). Btw, I love DHV stories in comfort but
I only use them in attraction when I cant get logistics on kino.

Yup its that easy all you have to do is touch all of the women in a set while running your mouth and
let your I live on MY planet and its a WILD and FUN place to be sub-communications do the rest.
Did I just say Touch all the women in the set? Yes, yes I did. That probably sounds scary to many of
you. But Im about to show you a way to do it that is easy and fun.

The best thing about PureKino is that the material teaches you how to BECOME WILD AND FUN.
Then all the sudden you find yourself with super-ninja FUN skills that you can easily improvise at any
moment. With that kind of energy; you can bring all of your other pickup skills to new levels as well.
Hello exponential game growth.

The simple way to use this:

1. Open Direct to Group with a False Time Constraint.
2. Super playfully neg a target (secret to never getting this wrong contained below).
3. Do one or two PureKino Attraction routines.
4. Isolate and go into comfort.

Most of you are familiar with opinion openers and negging and then stacking to DHV stories because
most of you know Mysterys method. So Im giving you the easiest way to take what you know and use
PureKino Attraction.

This is really simple. So simple you probably figured it out already from the above 4 bullet points.
You substitute a direct to group opener for the opinion opener, you substitute your regular neg for
something very playful, you substitute PureKino attraction for DHV stories and BLAMO you have
girls all into you without them knowing a single fact about you.
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Here is an example with each phase numbered. This example is best on an all girl 2 set.

Me: You guys seem fun, I had to come over here and say hi for a sec! (1) w light brief touching of
the set right on the opener. Do this with direct body language. Just walk up, touch while you start
talking. I changed my approach rule from 3 seconds to 1 second to facilitate this.
Set: Hi!
Me: Oh Oh! THIS Girl you must have been the CUTEST hall monitor in middle school! (2)
Set: Ya .. she was!

Easy enough so far, right? Before we continue I have to tell you a secret to number 2. Change your
neg from a straight neg like Dont make me come down there to something that unmistakably sub-
communicates playfulness and changes your OWN STATE to a playful one. You do this by negging
with an IOI (Indicator of Interest) followed by an IOD (Indicator of Disinterest) so its like a push
/pull (you can also do IOD/IOI). This way its just about impossible to miss-calibrate and make a girl
furious at you. Just use an IOI before the usual negs you use like You are totally fun but dont
make me come down there and discipline you! or OK .. those nails are totally amazing how did a
space alien like you figure out how to put them on?

Now we continue with this particular PureKino routine which I call Group 3-7

Me: How long have you guys known each other?
Set: A while!
Me: Did you know that you guys could be psychic together?
Set: What?
Me: For shits and giggles were are going to find out if you guys are psychic together.
Set: Ok!
Me: Give me your hands!
Set gives me their hands.
Me: For this to work you guys have to hold hands as well.
Set and I are now all holding hands. This is the point btw. Im doing all this stuff to get a lot of totally
un-creepy touching going in the first 30 seconds of the set. ALL I DO IS RUN MY MOUTH TO GET
Me: Now we have formed a psychic circle.
I move their hands around slowly while holding them to give it a fun mystical sense and sub-
communicate that Im messing with them and having fun. (Key Point! Having Fun)
Me: Ok I want both of you to think of a number between 1 TWO .. 4 the first number that pops
into your mind but dont say anything. (I let go of their hands as Im doing this and I snap my
fingers right when I would have said the number 3 .. then I grab their hands again). See Im touching,
letting go, touching, letting go. Is this sinking in?
Me: (hold their hands extra firmly) Ok you guys clearly got the number in your minds, right?
Set: Yes. (more compliance)
Me: Ok now girl on my left what number were you thinking?
Girl on left: 3.
Set: OMG! We are psychic together!
Lots of hugging ensues and I let go of their hands and go to next PK routine or something different

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Frequently you have enough attraction right there to have your wing come in and isolate with your
target if its a 2 set. Sometimes you need another PureKino routine.

For this particular routine if one of the girls says some other number, you can handle it just like
Mystery taught me for regular 3-7 with See that is empirical proof that ESP is bullshit.

The verbals dont really matter you dont need to have a psychic test all you need is the kino and
compliance and good sub-communications.

The best thing about this is that there are literally thousands of possible routines to use. This entire
approach has been massively field tested by myself and my students and resulted in many wonderful

Enjoy and post all of the amazing new PureKino routines YOU GUYS INVENT in my forum at in the Kino section.


PS. There is far more to my system then this (I dont use negs for example at all) but this is the best
way to get you guys started NOW.
PSS. Go out tonight and practice this. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR GAME AND YOU. You are ready to
get amazing results with women NOW.
PSSS. If your Inner Game isnt feeling up to snuff to do direct approaches like this Read Eckhart
Tolles The Power of Now and buy Hypnoticas new Ultimate Inner Game product. You can get it
PSSSS. This approach doesnt work for day game.

goose__ Says:
April 5th, 2007 at 1:40 pm
Thanks mehow, so its like you can use any routine as a pretext to do some kino, then
fractionate(?) it in order not to be smoothering clingy guy.
This is so different to the kino stories I tried writing.
BTW I was reading your push pull and laughing, and everyone here in the library was turning
round to look at me.
I think the fact your touching them, as part of the routine, probably makes them vibe better,
(rather than try to be clever), is this your experience - kino = less difficult sassiness?
(I know this is a bad attitude by me but yeah.)
mehow Says:
April 16th, 2007 at 10:56 pm
Thanks mehow, so its like you can use any routine as a pretext to do some kino, then
fractionate(?) it in order not to be smoothering clingy guy - CORRECT
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It is not really fractionation in the hypnotic sense of the word though. But it is important to
hold and let go as part of doing this so you dont come off as a clingy weirdo.
When you are doing PureKino you dominate the frame so strongly that they rarley even
remember to be sassy.
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Stop and Smell the Easter Police
April 16th, 2007

Most guys that get into this dont practice anywhere near enough.

A few practice way too much.

This blog is for the guys who spend too much time sarging. Over Easter I joined my girlfriends family
for an outing. For fun, we will give my girl a community name we will call her The Poodle. It was
looking to be a routine sorta boring blah blah blah family Easter Day outing. I was looking forward to
it though, since the last time I did anything family oriented, with either mine or someone elses, was at
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Christmas. The Poodle has a BIG family 7 brothers and sisters, and no, they are not Mormon. All
of us got reservations for Easter dinner at some swanky coastal California hotel in wine country. We
arrived and the greeter informed us that they were in between menus, that if we waited 45 minutes,
they would be serving the full dinner menu. The kids had their beach wear, so why not go enjoy the
hotels nice heated pool overlooking the ocean while we wait for our dinner reservations. So, the kids
all jumped in while The Poodle and I ordered drinks and relaxed in the lounge chairs. The day seemed
to be going better than I thought, basking in the sun, expensive drinks, and some serious pool
lounging all while overlooking the ocean.

However, the tool hotel management AMOG had different plans. This guy was a typical mall security
renta cop or club bouncer type, except he was dressed in a decent looking suit from someplace like the
Mens Warehouse. This was probably his first job where he had authority over anyone, and was going
to jump all over it when ever he had a chance. He started the conversation with Are THOSE KIDS
YOURS?, which quickly descended into the pool is for hotel guests only mudslinging. This escalated
to him giving us a minute to leave the pool and then You guys need to leave immediately. He even
refused to let my girls mom get in the pool area to help get the kids out of the pool.

I am sure this was the highlight of his week. When your EGO depends on kicking people out of the
pool area things can get pretty silly. We ordered some drinks 5 minutes before Pool-gate happened
and nobody really felt like staying there, I actually dont think Mr. Ego would have allowed that so
we left and politely refused to pay the bill, and as my girl was leaving, she commented I am sorry,
that you hate your job so much. Then smiled, and said I hope you have an AWESOME Easter! We
will! The Poodle is a smartass.

I thought that was it but apparently the tool hotel manager AMOG hadnt met his asshole quota for
the month and began to PURSUE us with the $32 dollar check as we made our way through the lobby.
Following us out to the car, You will pay your bill, come back here. Note to all the hotel managers
reading this if you kick somebody out have the decency to pick up the tab. We had two cars the
family went to theirs while my girl and I went for my white range rover with Florida plates.

The Poodles family broke free (hooray for self parking) but we ran into a little obstacle - our car was
in valet.

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girlfriend replied Are you serious? We did not even drink our drinks, before you rudely kicked us out,
why would we pay for them? We were going to spend a lot of money in your establishment. The valet
looked scared, Poodle gave the valet driver a big tip and said Get the car in a very stern voice, they
decided to give us our car back as the Poodle looked like she might go rabid on him if he tried to take
the keys. I was the getaway driver, so I jumped in the front seat and drove a few blocks away. I
thought it would be safe to pull over to talk to the family about what the plan was, since we obviously
werent having Easter Dinner there.

It seemed as if we had ourselves a clean getaway. I had time to take one breath before I see that the
police have already found us and TWO squad cars filled with 4 cops descend on the deadly pack of 4
kids and 4 adults. Lights flashing, sirens blaring.

They knew they had their man when they saw the Florida plates in NorCal.

Apparently the hotel manager reported a Theft on EASTER.

The cops took our license plates, ran our IDs, found out we werent convicts and laughed their asses
off, they thought it was the most ridiculous story they had ever heard.

They told us that the hotel AMOG was insisting on pressing charges for Theft, and they had no choice
but to arrest us. I replied You got to be kidding me! shook my head and laughed. The police,
agreeing that all this was equally ridiculous, after about 20 minutes, called the tool and talked some
sense into him. But if we didnt pay the $32 they politely informed us that technically they would have
to arrest us. They told us, that the tool wanted us to be escorted back to the hotel, so, we could pay the
tab to him. The police said, You know what, I dont want to ruin your Easter anymore by having to
see his face again, why dont you give me the money owed and I will go pay your tab for you. So, we
gave them the money owed, and went on our day. Hooray for the Easter Police!

Easter was saved!

How does this relate to PU?

If you have been working the skill set hard then you probably are meeting some cool women.

If you want to - have relationships, even monogamous ones.

I know, I know many of you are thinking But Im out of time! Im getting older! I spent all this time
not getting any so now I have to make up for lost time.

No, no you dont actually have to make up for anything.

The amazing thing about mastering the skill set is that you can get results REGARDLESS OF YOUR

Im almost 35 now and got into this at 32. Yet when I date I date women mostly in their 20s. My
age doesnt even figure into their equation.

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The best examples of this though are Certainty and Sexual Chocolate both are over 40 and
consistently get relationships with gorgeous women in their 20s.

So, what is the RUSH?

Enjoy! Live in the moment with the women you meet and feel free to totally explore those
relationships your clock is no longer ticking although hers is. If you dont explore relationships
you are MISSING OUT. Hang out with her, her friends, her family, and enjoy everything. You are
guaranteed to have some super unique experiences like my fascist hotel manager out to destroy
everyones Easter Sunday.

Having a relationship is actually really good for your game figuring out relationships takes a lot of
in field as well. And when you finally meet the one (if that is what you are looking for) then you
should have a bunch of relationship experience under your belt to make sure you keep things
working. Who knows, maybe the woman you are going out with right now is she the one? Have you
ever thought about what qualities she has to have to be that person for you?

The best thing I noticed it did for me was I stopped being that borderline social robot that tended to
think of women as yet another easy mark. Having relationships returned my human side back to me.

Men with the skill set can get the relationship realties we want our entire lives. There is a guy in LA
called Bad Bob who is 70 and still banging young hotties.

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Stop The Stories in Your Head
May 3rd, 2007

Ive been working a ton lately writing the Mehow Game Bars and Clubs eBook and working on
two other major video releases. Plus I helped my good friends Hypnotica and Vin Dicarlo get their
stuff out as well.
With all this work I havent been going out as much.
Weird things happen though when I work for months at a time and then I go out cold turkey. First
off, my state problems dont exist anymore. When I first took off for a month and then went out
sarging I would always be tweaky. But Tolles Power of Now and Hypnoticas Ultimate Inner
Game fixed all that. Now when I go out I either dont have any approach anxiety or if I do it doesnt
seem to affect anything. But I noticed a second side effect to being more in touch with the now. It
made my observational powers seem to go up. I can notice things better when Im in the now. This
gets really compounded when you are out of the field for a while.
In the last month I have done nothing but work then suddenly I went out this last weekend. I really
paid attention to being totally present and what previously I was used to infield all stood out in stark
contrast. For example, usually I dont pay much attention to other guys social errors I was soo used
to seeing them night after night after night that all of the errors would just get erased by my mind
before they even registered.
But this last weekend I felt like every time I saw a social error it was obvious to me. I felt like I was
getting hit by a bus. I attribute this to a) being in the NOW and b) having all my noise filters reset by
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my absence from the field. I think this is a useful exercise for everybody in the game to do once in a
while. Un-plug from sarging for two weeks then venture out with a clear head and see what the field
can teach you.
Whenever Im really paying attention I always notice something new. This time it was all the stories I
heard. Somehow when I went out I accidentally ran into a ton of guys from the local lair and they all
started talking to me. We run some sets together and I gave a little advice while we chilled, etc.
Its really interesting you can tell a lot about somebody from their response to a little advice. You
usually get one of two types of responses:
A. If you give someone advice and you get a story back about how they were doing x because of y
you know that person is probably still stuck in their head and letting their EGO run them.

B. If you give advice and the listener accepts it, maybe analyzes your suggestion, dissects what they
did wrong or decides for themselves whether your advice applies to them then you are probably
talking to somebody COOL.
Basically, if you are looking for any type of alignment with an individual stay away from the first kind
(A) and seek out the second (B). Most people out there are the first kind. Most community guys that
are new are also the first kind.
The problem with the first, EGO driven, kind of person is that whenever you interact with them you
will always watch them resist their own personal growth because anytime they hear a new idea their
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EGO parses it all to shit. Maybe the idea sinks in maybe it doesnt. The reason is that most humans
today are run by their EGO a set of ideas in their mind about who they are and how the world
The EGO has an uncanny instinct for self preservation. To keep itself alive it has to preserve its own
internal belief system therefore when you toss a new idea at an EGO it comes back with a story
about how xyz bullshit caused xyz other bullshit which caused xyz behavior. It does this because it
needs to defend itself against the new idea this is a clue that you are dealing with an EGO driven
Not only are these type of folks resistant to personal change but they also always give you an earful
when all you are trying to do is give them value. So instead of focusing on enriching their own life or
your life they suck you down into their ego pit.

Dont be that guy.
If you hear yourself telling a story and the only reason you can imagine you are telling it is to defend
your own belief system then STOP.
If someone tells me a story, Im usually amazed these days, in a hit by the bus fashion, about how
totally pointless it is. There is no analytical benefit gained from it it is just a story told by their EGO
for their EGOs self preservation.
Look whatever your reality IS you dont need to EXPLAIN IT for its own sake to me or anybody
else. The cool people will just accept it. The un-cool people will whip out their EGO to battle yours.
Whatever you tell me Ive already accepted before you ever say it. I dont need to be SOLD on your
reality. You shouldnt have to sell yourself on it either. A key to doing this is acceptance.
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In an interaction between two cool (in touch, in the now) people assumes that everybody accepts their
own and each others reality as is. When you do that, the EGO gets left out of the conversation, and
everything you say just adds value to the other persons reality. You should shoot for this sort of
situation in every interaction in your whole entire life. If you just accept everything then you wont
fight anything with your ego.
To get there - first you have to accept your reality, whatever it may be. Dont try to bolster it up by
telling some sort of story to yourself or others. Then accept other peoples reality before they even tell
you what it is.
All this amounts to a sort of surrender. And when you get there you will feel a deep sense of inner
Enjoy. -m
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How to Tease Right!

A lot of times I run into students who misunderstand the point of teasing women.

They will say stuff to women like You have a cute overbite.

And then they get a freak-out reaction from the woman like, OMG! You are soo RUUUDE, get out of here, you DICK!

Teasing is supposed to be playful. When I got into the game early on I used to do it not playful and got some similar reactions. But I
discovered one cardinal rule ...

"The player only says things that add to his own reality."

All the time.

That rabbit hole goes very deep but for now lets talk about how this applies to teasing.

Saying stuff like "You have a cute overbite" isn't really fun for you is it?

Unless you are a mean person. So if you say stuff like this, women may pick up that you are a mean person.

Try something like ...

"You are the cutest ... space alien I've met all night."

When you do this the content makes it such that you HAVE TO BE PLAYFULL because its hard to come off un-playful when you start
talking about space aliens. The reason playful works is that it creates a happy playpen that communicates you are having fun. When you
do this women immediately fall into that frame subconsciously and accept the teasing.

Once you get playful down you can go back to doing more harsh teasing like You have a cute overbite. But, you will probably discover
that having both playful material and a playful delivery works better and is more fun. I always enjoy...

You ... must have been the hall monitor in middle school.

The bigger message here is that, with playful teasing, you are sub-communicating that you are doing this because it adds to your own
reality. Being in your own reality, with no excuses as to what comes out of your mouth next is a very powerful attractor. It goes deeper
than that, but we will leave that for another newsletter.


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The Secret of State Independence

Recently I have been working so much instead of sarging a ton that I got out of state when I went into the field. I noticed that if I spend
two weeks out of the field then when I get back in I feel like everything is alien until I get a few sets in and everything reboots.

But a weird thing happened recently - I noticed that I would go in field and feel like total garbage and still do well.

I started to think about why this was and the 'secret' became apparent to me. Here it is.

To get to state independence you have to have 3 things.

1. Personality
2. Self Esteem
3. Independence Realization

Let's start with Personality. When we first get into the game we have a personality but we have no idea how to express it to women. We
have even less of an idea on how to be that a totally giving, loving, fun, passionate, happy social guy that draws women into his own
reality. We attain this through practice. We first start off with routines because we don't know what to say and through that we learn the
underlying structures, sub-communication, and the myriad of other things in game until we start to get a good sense of what types of
content and communication really work in relating to women. Once we understand these levels of communication then we often start to
experiment with our own material and gain our own attractive personality. What is essential is that we BECOME that awesome,
interesting, fascinating guy that women are drawn too. You recognize the moment when without any conscious thought you find
yourself in the present and fully representational of who you are and want to be. Everything you do, everything that you are becomes as
effective as your "routines" (this btw is how I come up with new "material" it is all improvised in the field). It took me an intense year in
the game to get there.

Self Esteem. Self Esteem is not EGO. Ego (and I'm using Eckhart Tolle's definition of ego from his amazing book "The Power of Now") is
just a mental construct that who you are is what you do, what you own, or any number of other things that come from outside our
selves. Self Esteem is a deep seeded belief in yourself that comes from the inside.. The belief that no matter what outside factors or even
your own emotions try to affect you - they don't alter who you are. If you have been practicing game then you have developed a
personality that is attractive to women and the ability to communicate it. Self esteem is having an un-touchable belief in that inner
"younes" - an untouchable belief that no matter what, you are still that giving, loving, fun, passionate, happy, social guy. You are still
YOU even on a night when you don't exhibit any of those behaviors - you still are personable even when you don't act like it. Was Miles
Davis still Miles Davis when he wasn't playing his instrument?

Independence Realization. This came to me in field when I realized that despite how I felt on a given night; my self esteem was so strong
that I could still be me even though I felt weird or out of state. My display of my character, of my personality, was so intriguing that I
still attracted the opposite sex.' This was awesome to finally realize I was starting to master my emotions. The masters (btw I never
think of myself as a master, always as a student) of any art are still artists regardless of their internal state. Do you think Miles Davis
could still play if he had a headache? Maybe in an off state he isn't going to give a 200% performance but he will still be excellent. If I
ask most guys 'If you feel bad are you still you?' they will say YES. What most guys haven't realized is that this totally applies in field.

So all you need to do to gain state independence in field is still BE YOU regardless of how you feel. Ignore whatever garbage you have in
your head or emotions and just be your personable high self esteem self. To get there you will have to spend a lot of time developing
your personality - there is no magic pill that lets you get there overnight but when your personality and self-esteem are ready you will
become state independent.

This works because game is when you do and say all the right things at the right time. You are giving a performance. A performance of
who you are. If you are always yourself, regardless of state, you will get very similar results regardless of state.

How to Be Un-needy on the Phone

Mehow - Be Social I've been getting questions lately about my phone game. Before it became what it is today I went through hundreds
of phone calls. Practice makes perfect. There was a period of about two months when I was learning this stuff when I number closed
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every woman in sight just so I could get them on the phone.

I figured out a lot of great different phone game techniques during that time. But there was one 'secret' that was sooo simple it blew my

I noticed that whenever I would get a girl on the phone and not ask for any sort of meetup (D2) or anything else for that matter -- I came
off totally un-needy and I got increasing levels of interest and compliance on the further phone calls.

This works like this:

-Meet woman, get number.
-Call the next day talk to her.
-Call the next day talk to her.
-Call the next day talk to her.
-Call the next day talk to her.
-Call the next day talk to her and ask her to come to a party or a date.

This resulted in nearly no flakes at all.

When you are constantly communicating un-neediness through not asking for anything and not being needy in any other way -- she will
pick up the phone every time, even every day. By the end of the week she is saying to herself "Why won't he ask me out? What is wrong
with me? I want to go out with him."
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So it's clear that you want to convey the opposite of most guys, YOU DO NOT NEED HER. You are un-needy, have several other girls,
and are calling her to see if she's cool enough to hang with YOU. This is one of many techniques in phone game, but as with anything,
don't take my word for it! Get out there and field test it and then let me know how it went on our forums.

Be Social,


Joined: 15
Oct 2006
Posts: 508
Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 2:22 am Post subject:
How long are these phone conversations everyday and what's the vibe like? This seems like it might come off needy
JUST by calling every day. I've always struggled on the phone, it's definitely a weak point.

The vibe is fun -- interleave attraction with comfort. I do them from 5 minutes to 20 minutes. Unpredictable duration.
Sometimes I just call -- start an amazing topic and then sey, "ooops, another call - I have to get that, I'll talk to you later" and
call back the next day. You can call everyday as long as you are not asking for anything and making it brief sometime etc.
The more unneedy you are the more contact you can get away with.

'be social'
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15 Oct
Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 2:28 am Post subject:
well as u have told me in reply to one of my FRs:
Call the next day after the number close and then every 4th day
......u have the newsletter call often next day etc...but then ...calling everyday would come of as needy
too ...wouldnt it?? What do u usually speak on the it like some routine thing that u speak on the phone?
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meaning every new girl u meet u speak the same story etc.... i guess doing a CUBE or something like that on the
phone would totally fascinate a girl.....
any thoughts on what to say on the phone and how long to linger on each call?

In terms of phone frequency -- what is key is if she picks up or calls you back. If she picks up or calls you back then you can
call the next day. If not then you need to leave one or more days of space between messages.

In terms of what to say -- phone game is like a mini pickup: open up with some attraction, do a little qualification, go into
comfort <-- on the first call -- on the subsequent calls mix it up as appropriate. The same material that works verbally in
person works on the phone. So the cube will be fine on the phone.

'be social'

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The Partying Pope
I was educating a guest of the Project Miami house the other day. He was asking about what kinds of internal frames should a player use
for attraction. I started to describe the state I like to be in when I'm in attraction:

"I don't give a shit."
"I am the alpha giver."
"I am the selector, I am letting her be with me."
"I have a ridiculously wild and crazy time."
I am higher value then the girl.

And to this he replied:

"So its like you are the PARTYING POPE."

I'm always looking for that elusive one liner that captures it all. Because it is a useful tool for getting oneself in the zone when you are in
the field. This particular one was really clever so I wanted to share it with you.

So get out there and be 'the Partying Pope!'

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Forum Posts
Bars VS. Clubs Forum Index -> Ask Me-How
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Joined: 06 Jan 2007
Posts: 24
Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 12:55 am Post subject: Bars VS. Clubs
Hey Mehow, what is your take on the differences between Bars and Clubs, relating to Pickup?

I have found night clubs to be way more challenging than Bars. Yet, i have not heard/read much on the diff
between the TWO. Everyone seems to think that you run the same game with both Venues.

What changes in your Game do you apply, when you work Night Clubs?

I have been studying Brad P.'s Club Game style, and he doesnt get consistent results in loud dance clubs
using Cold approaches, he relies on Social Circle building with Club promoters.

It seems that night clubs are too loud and too distracting to successfully pull girls on a consistent basis
using MM or any type of method that require lots of talking, Its pretty much hit or miss.

I think the "Short Set" Method or "Social Circle building" are the only way to go for consistent Lays.

What are your thoughts?
Does your style get consistent results in loud Night Clubs?
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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 508
Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 10:59 am Post subject:
The answer to this question is easy ... I don't go to loud nightclubs. If I go to a nightclub I always go to ones
with an outdoor area or lounge chill out area where the sets can hear me. The only way I know to totally
own a club that is loud everywhere is with super crazy dance game. I saw a student do this at the last NYC
boot camp - but you have to be an amazing dancer.

'be social'
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What do u think about Speed Seduction?? Forum Index -> Ask Me-How
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Joined: 16 Nov 2006
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Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 11:43 am Post subject: What do u think about Speed Seduction??
Mehow (and other brothers too..)
What do you think about Speed seduction? I know that you know a bit about NLP and even Hypnotica a
master of that is present here amongst us.. Though what do u think of Speed seduction and have you met
Ross Jeffries and Vince "Mr. Hollywood" Kelvin and if yes .. What do u think about their game?
Mehow, do you use SS in your game?.. and I know you use NLP in some ways though do kindly elaborate on
this topic.........What do you think about Speed Seduction? Does it work? Does it suck? Is this the hardest
yet best thing to learn for comfort game????
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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 508
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 1:46 am Post subject:
I started learning SS a while back and am now working on incorporating NLP into my game. The best NLP
based seduction I know right now is Hypnotica's Deep Phone Seduction - the secret to that is that the exact
same techniques are also amazing in person. I can recommend the Hypnotica DPS product, RJ's SS stuff,
and the October Man Sequence by in10se. I'm figuring all this stuff out and at some point in the future you
can expect far more information from me on this topic. You can get the DPS product right in the products
section above on my site. We already had a student write a LR where he laid a girl in about an hour of
interaction with DPS. 4 to 10 hours is BS!

'be social'

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Resources and Progression:
Creating a lifestyle Forum Index -> Main
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Joined: 11 Mar 2007
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Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 5:19 pm Post subject: Creating a lifestyle
He guys
I just wondered how you guys went about craft a lifestyle that you have now. how do you go from where you
are ( assuming you worked 16 hours days got promoted get to leave work at 5pm now but dont have a life)
to being on point

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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 508
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 5:53 pm Post subject:
It was basically read, practice ... read, practice ... read, practice. I posted my reading list in the forum
already (just search on reading list). Every week I would read an e-book or an archive or a self improvement
book. And I would go out 3 nights a week and always practice what I was just working on. Somethings I
would practice longer (kiss closing, number closing for example). It took about a year to lock in a really
good skillset that way.

'be social'


15 Oct
Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 2:01 am Post subject:

Good to have you on the board.

DyD and MM are both great skillsets. There is a ton more though. Here is my recommended reading list:

-'Real World Seduction' by Swingkat
-Juggler's 'How to be a Pickup Artist'
-DYD Cocky Comedy CD or DVD set
-'The Sexual Key' by JD Fuentes
-TD's upcoming book and the Foundations DVD series
-Venusian Arts Handbook by Lovedrop and Mystery
-Ross Jeffries Basic Home Study Course

We have a bunch of stuff coming our shortly as well that will help -- I'm super pleased to be the producer of Hypnotica's first
publically available products.
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Generally the way I learned is I would take each resource and study it a bit then go and practice then read some more and
practice, read, practice, read, practice etc. It took about a year to get through all the above stuff and get it down.


Mehow, what did it take to get where you are? Forum Index -> Main
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Joined: 06 Jan 2007
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Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 10:52 am Post subject: Mehow, what did it take to get where you are?
Hey Mehow, if you would be kind enough to give advice to a young aspiring PUA, what kind of
effort/perseverance did it take for you to get to where you are? Is there anything you are still
working on in your game?

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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 508
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:05 am Post subject:

Go out 3 nights a week.
Work on new sticking points every night. Just pick 2 or 3 and focus on them.
Practice major parts of the skillset like vibing, makeouts etc. exclusively for weeks at a time.
Always be reading new material and practicing. My reading list I've posted a bunch of times on here
already. So read, practice, read, practice etc. Just being in field or just reading isn't optimal at all.
Learn a bunch of different systems (RSD, MM, DYD, Mehow, Juggler, Swingcat, NLP (Hypnotica,
RJ, JD Fuentes), Vin D Carlo etc.)

Hope that helps.


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Water off a ducks back. Forum Index -> Ask Me-How
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Joined: 20 Jan 2007
Posts: 51
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 5:25 pm Post subject: Water off a ducks back.
Firstly thanks for the generous reply on the canned vs natural thread, it made a lot of sense.

I like to think I'm tough skinned under most situations, I don't get hurt if a girl tells me to fuck off, or if
some fool insults me. The problem is, I do get hurt sometimes when someone does a really personal attack,
like pointing out something negative about my personality. It especially effects me when I'm stuck in a
situation, and someone is critisising, even if I don't care what their saying the persistance annoys me.

When I was a kid I got bullied, and I'm not victimising myself here because I'd actually bully people below
me. When I was bullied I felt trapped, like there was no escape, and really there wasn't.

I get effected badly when I'm framed as something I'm not. Like when people say "you think you're this, you
think you're that" and the dreaded "you think xyz". Lastly when a group of people laugh at me it hurts.

What can I do to toughen up mentally? I feel that if I don't adress this it will never get solved.

Cheers again,

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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 508
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:32 am Post subject:
two resources i can totally recommend -

Echhart Tolle's amazing book - "The Power of Now."
Hypnotica's "Ultimate Inner Game" - its in the products section of


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Opening and Re-opening

15 Oct
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 3:06 pm Post subject:
My other social openers are all around the same theme ...

"You guys are/seem fun/feisty/friendly, I had to come over here/stop by and say hi!"
"You guys are friendly, I had to stop by and chill for a sec."
"Hello" (not as good as above)
"Hey" (not as good as above)

I'm also playing around with IOD openers like "you guys look bored"

'be social'

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Two-Sets Forum Index -> Ask Me-How
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Joined: 24 Nov 2006
Posts: 7
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:38 pm Post subject: Two-Sets
Okay Mehow I was wondering how you deal with two sets (assuming you don't have a wing); last weekend I
was gaming a two set and I generated attraction in one of the girls, but the other one was totally not into
me; also the girl that was into me, wasn't the leader so I basically ejected after about 6 minutes; now the last
question is how do you re-open girls when later they are being gamed by other guys (the set becomes
mixed); I used a lock in prop on my target, but that still didn't work because I didn't have enough
compliance with the leader cock-block; thanks
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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 508
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 6:09 pm Post subject:
The only way to win over a two set is to win them both over. You have to work on your attract game such
that you win over every girl in the set every time.

Re-openers are always the same -- tease them when you reopen -- it doesn't matter if there are any guys

I always use TD's classic "You totally remind me of my little sister" to reopen and then i snip and stack to
something else.

The reason that you have to tease when you reopen is that reopening it too big of an IOI by itself so you
calibrate it with the IOD.

'be social'

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15 Oct
Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 12:44 am Post subject: reopeners
Has anyone tried False DQ, walk away then return? How'd it go?

How about false DQ and reopen days, weeks, months later?

False disqualifer and walk away is not how you are supposed to use that most of the time. If you have the set and you are into
the set then move the set around and game it. One way to use a walk away technique is to lock her in with a wing or bottle table
and then go open another set to get jealousy. Then come back and reopen. You can say 'oh, there is my friend' and then go
open a cold approach set or a social circle set.

One key to all this is that on re-openers you have to use a tease/neg on the re-opener. I got all of mine straight from TD's
archive on fastseduction. For example, I use "you totally remind me of my little sister" on the re-open a lot.

Also, in your case you should not reopen with "Do you remember me?" - that is too needy. You recovered by teasing her a ton
but using a good tease/neg on the reopen would have been better.

'be social'

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A1 Question - Hooking the set! Forum Index -> Ask Me-How
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Joined: 21 Apr 2007
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Location: Memphis
Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:24 am Post subject: A1 Question - Hooking the set!
Hey Mehow,

First off I want to say thanks for taking the time answering questions. I've been following your stuff for a
while and you truly are gifted. OK enough brown nosing.

My question is going into a set: I usually use an opinion opener, because they work wonders for me. I can
totally get the set into answering and blabbing about how it's crazy and OMG, I can't believe you actually
know someone like that. (the trick about openings is it has to be true). So after I get them at this stage I
start facing into the set a bit, but never know how I should transition into DHV stories.

The sets open right up and it throws me off. Almost all posts I read from new guys are like I got blown out,
so when it doesn't happen I'm wondering if I'm missing something. Should my DHV story just come right
after my opener, or should I do something else?

I guess it's weird for me to say I am successful in opening but that totally throws me off.

BTW, your soul gazing comfort video rocks dude. Ooops more brown nosing
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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 508
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:53 pm Post subject:
So the deal with transitioning to attraction is a bit of an involved answer (i talk about it for 30 minutes in an
upcoming product) but I will answer your question:

The best and easiest way to transition out of an opinion opener to attraction material is by qualifying the
group or the conversation. For example ...

You: ... opinion opener ...
Girls: blah blah
You: You guys are interesting, i have to go in a sec my friends are here, ... get this ... DHV story

That will transition every time.

The other transition I use is if I get any sort of off topic or crazy on topic interrupt then you can just snip
and stack. Example ...

you: opinion opener
friend walks into set
you: "introduce me to your friend .. its the polite thing to do ... you can dress her up but you can't take her
anywhere ... hi I'm mehow" and snip and stack to a new story. (credit mystery)

sniping and stacking to a new story just means that you cut the old thread and go into a new unrelated one.
high value people always snip and stack whenever you are interrupted so generically speaking the method is
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as follows:

handle interrupt
snip and stack

At least half the time in a set you will just get to transition because of an interrupt that they caused just by
handling it properly.

'be social'

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much younger..ioi..iod Forum Index -> Ask Me-How
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Joined: 22 Apr 2007
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:32 am Post subject: much younger..ioi..iod
I was at a coffee shop and when I walked in I noticed a cute girl on her cell. She was much younger than me,
probably 18. when I sat down, I noticed her looking over at me several times. when she got off the phone I
went over and opened her. what I found out she was very smart for her age and poised. She also mentioned
that she hung out with people older than her. I gave her a quick palm reading (not very good I must admit).
We started to talk about stuff that women in there thirties don't talk about, like famous artists and
intellectuals (like I said she was way smarter than people in her own age bracket) I asked her if she wanted
to go to a grocery store next store she said she had to stay there, then she said she got text from her parents
seeing if she was ok . I talked a little more and then I asked her what steps we should take to continue
conversation. She then got up and left. After she left these two girls sitting next to me left as well, so I
figured maybe they were listening in as well.

Any suggestions on how to handle younger women, admittedly I felt inhibited do to the age difference...I
know RJ gets HBs much younger then him, but I am concerned sometimes how other people may react in
this conservative town I live in...
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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 508
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:43 pm Post subject:
Well you are not up to anything! Just get her number. Don't make age an issue. Don't bring it up - don't talk
about it - she probably feels self concious about it if she is into you so pretend she is 25. -m
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#-Closing Forum Index -> Ask Me-How
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Joined: 06 Mar 2007
Posts: 107
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:43 pm Post subject: #-Closing
Do I need to have a Day2 setup or can I just say something like "We should hang out sometime,
whats your number?"
This is still my SP lol
"Don't hate the player, hate the game."
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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
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Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:59 pm Post subject:
I don't set anything up - I just say "give me your number goofball" and call her back right then
so she has mine. i don't try to set anything up in venue in terms of a D2 because it seems way to
needy and can mess up a solid set.
'be social'

Joined: 28 Jan 2007
Posts: 6
Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 1:37 pm Post subject:
mehow wrote:
I don't set anything up - I just say "give me your number goofball" and call her back right
then so she has mine. i don't try to set anything up in venue in terms of a D2 because it
seems way to needy and can mess up a solid set.

So I take it that you're not a proponent of time-bridging?
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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
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Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 3:47 pm Post subject:
Correct, I hate time bridges because high value people don't do it - they just exchange numbers and then set things
up on the phone. Every time Ive tired it i feels try hard and the girl flakes half the time. Whereas if i do the exact
same sarge and just get her number I can get her to go out with me 90% of the time by talking to her on the phone.
From my field experience, time bridging reduces my odds.

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harvesting numbers enmasse Forum Index -> Main
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Joined: 06 Feb 2007
Posts: 43
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 4:22 am Post subject: harvesting numbers enmasse
OK, this is K/Jing, but still guidelines will eliminate excuses.
So I want to go round the bar and get everyone's number, but I fear that if a girl who I've #closed sees me
getting more numbers then she will flake. Or the other way, if a girl has seen me #closing others, she will
refuse to exchange numbers.

Is it just a case of being extremely discreet - only number closing where few can see you? Is this real? Or do
women like blatant players?
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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 508
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 7:20 pm Post subject:
Coming off like a player is a real problem - you shouldn't be getting the number of a million girls in the bar
(although its totally cool to hang out with all of them) - run two or 3 solid sets , get their phone numbers
and leave with the girl you like the most. If you are running solid game you should not have the time to get
the numbers of every girl in a bar unless you are running some sort of freaky phone number gathering
social experiment.

'be social'

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SP: #closing Forum Index -> Main
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Joined: 06 Mar 2007
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Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:21 am Post subject: SP: #closing
I have #closed before and I can but not well and consistently, do any of you guys have a #close
routine that you use the most and will you share it here?
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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 508
Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:43 pm Post subject:
Basics of number closing -

Solid set for 30 minutes.

"Give me your number .. goofball .. I'll call you so you have my number" and call her right there.

That is it. Its all in the solid set. Joz and Red Leaders advice is great.

I have some number closes that I teach in camp that help on marginal sets but bottom line if your
set is tight it really doesn't matter.

To tell if my sets were solid, Lovedrop had me go a month without number closing anybody unless
she did or prompted me with something like "We are going to talk, right?"

I found I could get about half my sets to number close themselves. After that I went back to number
closing them but then I found out all my numbers were solid - when they weren't before the 'no
number close' exercise month.

'be social'

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Kiss Closing

Joined: 15
Oct 2006
Posts: 508
Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 6:11 pm Post subject:
Kissing girls in clubs is not solid game - it makes things weird unless you are pulling her that night. That said, its critical to
learn how to kiss close.

So I want you to attempt to kiss close every girl you meet.

Most often I use Swingkat's adventurous spontaneous kiss close. That is in the comfort and kino demo video that is already
up in the video section.

It goes ..

"Are you adventurous? What is the coolest place you have been too."
she says blah blah
"Cool, because I only hang out with adventurous women."
"Are you spontaneous? What is the craziest place you ever had sex?"
she says blah blah
"Cool, because I only hang out with spontaneous women."
"On a scale of 1 to 10 how good of a kisser are you.!"
she says some number
"Let's find out."
"That is all you get." and snip and stack to something new

'be social'

15 Oct
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 4:17 pm Post subject:
You need to isolate because most women won't kiss close in front of their friends. That said, there are a few that don't care
and will do it with the pope (or even their boyfriend) watching. Once you get good at kiss closing you will be able to tell
when it can happen based on how she looks at you and acts. -m
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Mehow, Question about The Trust Test Forum Index -> Main
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Joined: 08 Mar 2007
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Location: israel
Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:57 pm Post subject: Mehow, Question about The Trust Test
greetings! ori from israel here.

there's this thing i'm not sure i'm getting about the trust test.
after u do the nose to nose thing, is there a little kiss that follows?
if there is, what is the reason/logic behind it? why isn't it part of the trust test?
and how does it fit with the "i'm not kissing u" statement which follows it?

what's going on there?
i'm pretty confused.
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Mehow Admin

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Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 12:42 am Post subject:
when it comes to women there is absolutely no need to be logical. in fact, the more illogical you are the
more attraction you get.

'officially' there is no kiss at the end of the trust test. but i've kissed a bunch of girls that way and right after
I obviously kiss them it i say stuff like ...

"whoa ... we can't make out!"
"ok ... that's it ... YOU ... are cut off!"
"how on EARTH did you SNEAK that kiss in there"

These IOD (Indicators of Disinterest) comments are meant to calibrate the fact that I kissed her - which is a
huge IOI.

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Phone Game
TEXT? OR NOT TO TEXT??? Forum Index -> Main
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Joined: 17 Dec 2006
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Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 9:10 pm Post subject: TEXT? OR NOT TO TEXT???
My wing man is new to the game and often asks me questions on what he should do in certain situations.
But I wasnt entity sure on this question.

It was my wings second time sarging at night game and I wanted to get him past the openers.
My wing opened two HB and got chatting to them after a few minutes he told the HBs he had to get back to
his friend .He return to me and I explained how the two HBs body language indicated interest in him and
told him he should return to the set and introduce them to myself.

When returning to the set we ignored the Target and talked to the obstacle for a few minutes. My wingman
then interacted with the target and I interacted with the obstacle. We ran a great set, after around 40
minutes into the set we number closed the girls and parted ten minutes later.

My wing man was extremely happy with the set and intended to call the target. He called the target twice
with no answer so he decided to text the girl of his mobile phone but still didnt get a reply. I told him its
best to ring the target so u can build rapport and DHV over the phone. My wing said he had success in the
past with texting girls before and asked if he was to text in the future?

Is there a time and a place for text messaging girls or should you always interact by telephone???

I would love to hear your thoughts guys as no PUA marital I have read in the past has covered text
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Mehow Admin

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Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 12:18 pm Post subject:
So this specific set is probably not solid because your friend is so new. When I got into the game it took me
6 months of 3 times a week sarging to get numbers that would call me back. It took far less time to just get
flakey or fake numbers.

In terms of phone vs. text the answer is Both! I will always call the next day, I get her exited for the phone
call by texting her back and forth a few times starting around noonish the next day. After a few text
exchanges I call. As the interaction progresses I alternate texts and calls or just stick to calls. To get a solid
D2 its hard to do it just via texting.

Hope that helps, and get your friend posting on here himself.

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How to get good on the phone?

15 Oct
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 10:06 pm Post subject: SpeedRevolver
Two comments on the post you made in the main board --

1. too get good at phone game call 100 women. go out and number close every set. once you hit 100, if you are working on it
you should be a phone game superstar.

2. if you call a girl and she picks up that means your game was likely pretty solid in field. if she picks up while she is busy it was
even more solid (like in your example when she picks up while driving with her family) ... BUT if she picks up while busy you
have to immediately let her go and call back later to NOT make things weird and to be un-needy.

Here is how this works.

HB: Picksup
You: "Hey, this is revolver, what are you up to right now?" <- Always ask this
HB" "I'm driving with my family."
You: "Cool, I will talk to you later."
and hang up.

Call/text her the next day.

'be social'

Recovering lost sets

15 Oct
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 2:05 pm Post subject:
fenix wrote:
hey guys! I have another question needed to be solved fast. I just got a new HB9 from a party, but the whole thing was
a bit like a fool's mate. We had some EC-s, she gave me a lot of IOI-s but no real social interaction, I just ignored her.
Then after a bit of time passed, she asked me to dance. I kiss-closed her on the dance floor (silly me). We've met since
then a couple of times, I used DHV stories, negs, kino, etc, so I am sure I created attraction in her, but still...last time I
wanted to meet with her she said she's just not in the mood and she's fed up with the whole! Maybe it's all
about another guy she told me about. She was with a guy for a long time and he broke up with her just before I met
her. So...she still likes the guy? I'm just a fool's mate? What can I do to get out of this like a PUA? (Guess I should look
for another one...but she is so GF material.) thx for helping anyways, keep sargin'.

Act unneedy on the phone with her - then D2 her and escalate caveman style. If you can't get a D2 with her then its over. One
way I have resurrected stale sets is by calling them from the middle of a party with lots of girl noises in the background a few
weeks later. Then doing it again a few weeks later. Then calling her up and bouncing her to an entourage night. They key to
saving sets (this is largely not possible) ... but if its going to work then its going to work because you were un-needy and totally
high value.


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Phone game attraction??? Forum Index -> Ask Me-How
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Joined: 11 Apr 2007
Posts: 6
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 2:06 am Post subject: Phone game attraction???
Dear Mehow,

In your published articles, you said that when you first talked to a girl over the phone, you use attraction
material on her, OVER THE PHONE... I find this component of the phone game quite difficult to
understand just b/c i don't understand the basis of how attraction is to be made over the phone....Hence
would it be possible if you could say a couple examples of how to properly make attraction over the

(and some general rules or fundamental aspect that must be enforced to create attraction over the phone, if
any exist)[
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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
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Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:02 pm Post subject:
On the phone I use c and f past/future projections that are quick and easy to do like ...

"Look ... i know that this whole waitress gig you do is just a cover story ... you are actually a papparazi ... i
know because i saw you hiding in my bushes with a camera last night ... i can see the drama between us all
ready ... once the tabloids get a hold of the pictures you will be super rich ... but i will hate you."

And then i move to qualification. On the phone that quick little bit is usually all it takes since you should
already have attraction from meeting her. The point of attraction on the phone is to remind her of how
totally fun and awesome you are. That said, if your value is super high to her then you can skip the
attraction on the phone.

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Phone with g/f HB8 Forum Index -> Ask Me-How
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Joined: 06 Mar 2007
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Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 3:02 pm Post subject: Phone with g/f HB8
really dull most of the time, honestly have no idea why she even wants me to call her if the conversation is
so dull.
heres a basic conversation(not the conversation, Im just recreating it)
her: hey
me: hey
her: whats up
me: nothing much, you
her: same old
her: so how have you been
me: good you
her: pretty good
her: what did u do last night
me: just hung out with some friends you
her: same, same. how was it?
me: fun how was your time
her: good
etc it goes on like that
now our conversation isn't that dull but ALMOST that dull
what do you guys usually talk about on the phone with your g/f?
honestly have no idea why she even wants to talk to me?
90/10 rule isn't so important because when i stop talking she always initiates and for some reason always
wants me to call back...
"Don't hate the player, hate the game."
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Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 6:21 pm Post subject:
the 90/10 rule is just for attraction -- you are way past that here.

girls love to talk on the phone. some will try to keep the conversation going.

you have to turn up the material - she generally won't do it.

so instead of talking about the same old, same old crank up some fun comfort and attraction game like:

plotlines (remember when me and you were chilling in the south of France ... all those years ago ... and you
threw that cupcake at me) ... random past/future stories that you make up and focus on the two of you as
the question game (in the MM book in stores now)
cold reads such as the cube (in MM book)
and tons more

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now that i think about it you really need a basic education in pickup. the best, lowest cost resource for that
is the MM book you can get at amazon ...

That is written by Lovedrop and Mystery and it is the best fundamental text out there.

I'm giving you homework - read that entire book - it will be really good for you.

After that you will be ready for the stuff i have coming out in a bit

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Copyright 2007 Mehow, Inc.
Kino, Negs, or Qualification in sport interactions Forum Index -> Ask Me-How
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Joined: 11 Apr 2007
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Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:34 pm Post subject: Kino, Negs, or Qualification in sport interactions
Dear Mehow, (or anyone who wish to respond)

An interesting event happened, where I was playing a basketball game in PE class (nothing serious) and
well the girl i liked was blocking me, and she was like all over me when i had the ball, (i loved this feeling)
however, this guy I hate suddenly decided to say, "hey Kelsey stop groping all over Orgastro" (and well then
she backed off...)

I need professional help for this master Mehow, should I have just said a neg after that guy said that like,
"Yeah Kelsey just cause your blocking me doesn't mean you get to touch me everywhere, jeez (smile)" or
should I have gotten my point and go up to her and say "nice try, but either you were too slow or I was too
fast (smile)" (credits to Swingcat for that line) then hug her???
General line is that, I know we're doing a lot of kino but b/c it's a game it's not like IOI what do i
do here?

THanks Mehow
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Mehow Admin

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Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 4:26 pm Post subject:
Your responses are both good. If somebody puts a frame on you like you or her are hitting on each other
just false diaqualify just like you write. Other stuff that will work includes ... "Are you talking about THIS
GIRL? ... she is like my creepy touchy little sister."

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The difference between cocky and arrogant Forum Index -> Main
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Joined: 30 Oct 2006
Posts: 63
Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 2:04 am Post subject: The differance between cocky and arrogant
Can any of you guys tell me the difference between being braggy and cocky...
well saying t a girl to stop flirting with me is braggy or cocky...
well I thought that the timing of saying a certain line is the key cause telling a girl who is attracted to u to
stop flirting is cocky while saying it to a girl who isnt attracted makes you look weird..

Last night I was texting my new HB well everything was fine..I told not to dream about me WELL she didnt
treat me after that the way I expected nut I showed her that I aint affected by her mood so she became good
to me again ...What does this make me look like to her?

Another case when a girl is obviously thinking about something and I tell her to stop thinking about me....

Guys I need your thoughts on this>
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Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 508
Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 2:38 am Post subject: subcom and calibration and her negative reactions
Can any of you guys tell me the difference between being braggy and cocky...
well saying t a girl to stop flirting with me is braggy or cocky...
well I thought that the timing of saying a certain line is the key cause telling a girl who is attracted to
u to stop flirting is cocky while saying it to a girl who isnt attracted makes you look weird..

Sounds like you are asking about how false disqualifiers make you appear to the other person. If you are
talking to a woman regardless of her attraction state to you, using false disqualifiers always works. If you
get a weird reaction from her your body language and/or sub-communications could be off ... always be
playful and have fun with it and be un-needy and live in your own reality - one that is not affected by her.
But getting non optimal reactions to false disqualifiers is a normal part of the game even if all of the sub-
communications I just mentioned are dead on. You can always calibrate the other way ...

You: "You and I would never get along."
HB: "What! Why are you saying that?"
You: "You are soo feisty, I love you, cmere." (Mystery)

So the answer to your question is to keep working on your sub-communications and calibrate in a positive
way if you get a non optimal reaction. As long as she is reacting -- the set is still on and doing well. Negative
interactions are a necessary part of every relationship and pickup. The opposite of love is not hate, its

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Hired Guns
Hired Guns Forum Index -> Ask Me-How
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Joined: 07 Nov 2006
Posts: 95
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:24 am Post subject: Hired Guns
Im all direct game and sometimes it seems like too sexual for them. I dont know.Its a different
scenario..any tips mehow?

"The Revolution is inside us"
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Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 508
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:13 am Post subject:
For hired guns a ton of banter/cocky funny stuff works great. Since they are hired guns then
usually they talk to you so opening isn't an issue.. Certainty is really good at sniping at hired
guns and he can get a number close with nearly total consistency. All he does is C and F.

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Joined: 03 Jan 2007
Posts: 26
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 12:55 pm Post subject:
My question: C&F seems logical for this, but how does disinterest play? Does it intrigue or do
they just move on?
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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 508
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:27 pm Post subject:
Disinterest works if you hooked them. I usually get the number of my VIP waitress. If they are hooked they keep
coming back to you in between working. When they come back I game them for a few minutes then dismiss them
before they get a chance to dismiss me.

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Relationship Management
Relationship Management - Arguement Report Forum Index -> Ask Me-How
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Joined: 30 Dec 2006
Posts: 4
Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 6:59 am Post subject: Relationship Management - Arguement Report
Dear Mehow,
Your website appears to be the only one that goes into the real depths of relationship management
that I have come across so far. Your article on becoming unreactive and positively distracted to
avoid negative compliance momentum is the most interesting and detailed thing I have found from
a PUA on that kind of thing.
I have used it a large number of times, sometimes it works sometimes not. After a while of using this
on the same girl she catches on, I continue to be unresponsive but I what I don't want is to look like
I'm avoiding the confrontation - as this would indicate a lack of being able to confidently tackle the
situation head on.
In contrast to that I've found confidently tackling the situation head on always lead to an argument
that can last a couple of hours and doesn't make any sense to me what-so-ever (is just me, or do
women just say completely random shit to "win" an argument sometimes?).
In an attempt to find a middle on this I've found being unreactive and almost like a 'brickwall' can
sometimes work but other times she'll just hurl abuse against the wall and this can escalate the more
non-reactive you are, and when you show signs of understanding this can sometimes break her
down or sometimes just be supplicating and make things worse.

That's just my observations, recently however the problem has become the reverse to what you call
'negative compliance momentum'. The arguments all occur because she can't get me to comply.

I will go deeply into the specifics of my question now:-

I'm currently seeing a girl (for the past five months) who lives a four hour train ride from me, that
majority of the time she is a lot of fun, we are really alike and things go greatly. Over the past couple
of weeks however, things have taken a turn for the worse:-

Her - "I can't come out, but you can come to mine for a couple of hours if you want"
Me - "I can't, I arranged to meet my friends when we were out already"
Her - "I make all the effort you make none, I always have to contact first and come visit you and if I
didn't we would never speak"
Me - "That's a scenario that is just in your mind, we contact each other all the time, it doesn't matter
who is first and it isn't always you.
I'm a student I can't come and visit you as often as I'd like but it's your choice that you come and if
you don't want to don't do it, if you do make that choice to come then you can't use it to throw it in
my face"

That's an edited version of the argument, obviously in real life I reacted with way more aggression
(and expletives) which I know I shouldn't have done.

My problem is this:- She's brought this up twice and I've said the same thing, I am being stern but
fair, I feel. Though I feel she is worried about losing but at the same time pushing me away with this.
I can see she is compliance testing me and because I'm the alpha and I'm sticking to my guns she is
losing compliance and with that the relationship is moving from positive to negative.

Is this a dead end or I can I somehow change it so that she is doing good things to get
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compliance from me and move it back into a positive direction?

Does this question make any sense?
I know this sounds like the typical "rough patch" but I've yet to actually be able to overcome "rough
patches" in relationships (I've always felt my value was to high to bother dealing with a girl like this,
and I've realized I've been losing good girls that just needed to get over their ego and mature because
of it).

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers x
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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 508
Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 4:05 pm Post subject:
This is really tough. I'm dealing with this now and have dealt with it in the past. There is some sort
of balance to achieve between doing what is proper game and doing what she wants. I think it all
comes down to calibration.

-When you do proper game you sometimes get in these situations where she gets pissed at you for
not doing what she wants or not loving/chasing her when she IODs you
-When you do what she wants she looses attraction

So here is how i have found to handle it. Sometimes just completely and totally give in (she has to
win sometimes) but when you do be very alpha and dominant about it. Like if she wants you to drive
over there then do that but right after you get there tell her ...

"look, I'm sorry ... i sometimes get lost in what i have to do .. you are a totally awesome girl." and
then go heavy dominant kino on her and have sex with her.

So what I'm saying is that when you loose some attraction by complying to her request or chasing
her make up for it by being extra fun, dominant, alpha etc. Material is great for that btw. For
example, just make up some sort of crazy past/future projection thingy while you whisk her in your
car for some secret surprise date. Then take her to an amusement park and ride the kiddie roller
coaster over and over again. Once you are in a relationship its important that she 'win' (she gets
compliance from you, she is chased by you) some too. I think you just have to figure out the exact
amount of each relationship element for each girl.

If things go wrong (she freezes you out, IODs you, doesn't comply , fights or any other negative
behavior) sometimes just straight admit you are wrong/chase her/do what she wants and fall into
her frame and use all that emotional energy from you letting her win to show her an amazing time.
Other times just do the non reactive positive freezeouts like in my article. That one article is
something that very few guys do ... which is why i wrote it ... most guys do fall into her frame all the
time ... and if they follow my advice and thier natural behavior then they will come out with a happy
balance .... BUT ONLY if they also use game to amp her attraction back up when they loose some of
it by letting her win.

Even during a pickup you have to let her 'win' at least once -- but after you sleep with her you are in
relationship land and she needs to know that you are really into her. Girls with LSE need to know
this more then other girls.

Now i really think that PU is easy compared to keeping the girl -- its so hard to figure out what is
going on inside her head and to calibrate.

Let me know your thoughts -- we are all slowly figuring this out and we will get there.

One last thing - this works for me in terms of keeping attraction. I'll let her win, use the emotional
high she gets from winning to do with her what I want, and i get extremely dominant in bed (slap
her ass, call her yours, get nasty) and they always have accepted that frame from me and loved it and
started telling me how much they love me - because I let them win but then got all alpha on them
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Here is the key difference in what happens when you let her win before sex and after
-Before sex, you let her win, she looses attraction but gets all giddy for you (women get all thrilled
when they win - like when the AFC gives her flowers she is all thrilled but she won't let him escalate)
and is more likely to be non compliant
-After sex, you let her win, she looses some attraction but gets all giddy for you and since she is so
vested and is therefore more likely to be compliant, you quickly use the compliance to get the
attraction back.

Love your post. I will email a newsletter out about it.

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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 508
Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 7:27 pm Post subject:
To give you some clarity here is my take on how that who chases who thing works:

Pre-Sex: You LEAD, she chases you, you reward her for the chasing, a few times you chase her

Post-Sex: You LEAD, she chases you, you reward her for the chasing, sometimes you chase her but
when that happens you use the energy to regain her attraction.

Again, this is a tough topic but that is the best way I can explain it in a clear way.

One thing that is really important to understand is the difference between Leading her and Chasing
her. Leading her is creating your own frame and having her follow you into it (she is chasing you).
Chasing her is her creating a frame and you following her into it.

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gf wants to take a "break" Forum Index -> Long Term Relationships
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Joined: 20 Nov 2006
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Location: houston
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 6:14 pm Post subject: gf wants to take a "break"
I've been in an ltr for the past 6 months. She's awesome in every quality which I am looking for in a woman.
Some background, I met her through a social ciricle i was working and you could say i gave her an excuse to
break up with her boyfriend whom she has been trying to dump for the past month at the time. Literally,
one evening, we made out and the next evening, she broke it off with her boyfriend and started hanging out.
I was dating 3 other girls at the time but eventually cut them lose. Things have been cool ever since.

Recently, she suggested that she wants to do a "break" and do some soul searching and healing from
whatever baggage she had since she never had a real chance to recover from the last relationship she was in.
the previous relationship lasted about a year with a breakup in between. The guy went back to his ex, came
back and asked for a second chance and she dumped him because he was still in love with his ex. She also
mentioned that she also wants to take the time to decide if she wants a real future with me and to allow the
relationship to progress down to a deeper level. This idea came about when I sat her down, and pointed out
that I've noticed she has been withdrawing more and more as far as putting in the work to making this
relationship grow and if she keeps doing this, we're obviously going down the path to a breakup and then
asked how she felt about the option of breaking up and going our seperate ways. She buckled and didn't
want to talk about breaking up and mentioned she needed some "time".

My suspicions are that I turned back to a beta kind of guy and allowed myself to fall into her frame but
because I am not afraid to walk away, she wants to keep the option open of re-engaging the relationship
after "thinking about it". I have made it a point that once I break up with my gf's, I never look back and start
over by finding a new girl...

My question is, has anyone ever had to deal with this taking a "break" thing with their girlfriends? this is
the first time i've run into this...
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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
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Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 11:28 pm Post subject:
I've had this happen in my current LTR. This type of stuff is difficult to get data on as you would have to
have 10 6 months relationships all with women who wanted to take a break to even get a solid field sense of
this. That said, here are my thoughts on this.

"Everything she does is a product of her emotions." - Lovedrop

Her wanting to take a break is a product of some negative emotions relating to you inside her head. Maybe
she is getting bored, maybe she is loosing attraction. Whatever. I'm not sure her actual reason matters -
because half the time its just some random chick thing. If you can un-needily figure out what it is then you
can address that directly. But generically the way I have dealt with this in a few LTRs that this occured in is
that I frame dominate them into positive emotions. LIke she tells me she wants to take a break - I say
"baby, you are nuts, we are the best couple ever, everbody loves us.." then I snip and stack and go do a
bunch of positive things with her and later she says to me 'ya, i guess you were right ... i was just feeling
down or something."

Women are moody! Their emotions are very affected by their monthly cycle. Understand that every woman
will get moody on you - i have never encountered a relationship not like that. If she gets moody -
subcommunicate that you understand this by dominating the frame and taking her emotions back towards
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the positive. After that she will appreciate you more because you now understand her like her girlfriends do.
I see women all the time talking to their friends with stuff like "ya, you are probably just moody ... lets go
out and have fun, you will get over it." Do it like her girlfriends do it because they know what's going on.

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Girlfriend Forum Index -> Long Term Relationships
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Joined: 30 Oct 2006
Posts: 75
Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:18 pm Post subject: Girlfriend
out of shear curiosity, when exactly does a girl you've been with become your 'girlfriend.' I'd at
first assume it would be after the first time you've had sex with her, but I know a few guys who
have had sex with their women and the status is still very ambigoius. Conversely, I've been
called boyfriend before sex in the past.

perhaps the wrong forum, but thought I'd ask here because it's a new one

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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 508
Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 11:41 pm Post subject:
Just ask her at some point when you think you guys are an item and say "Are we a we?" The
only use for relationship lables it to bound the rules of a relationship. Basically - if you want her
to not see other guys bring it up - otherwise don't bring it up at all.

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Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 11:11 pm Post subject:


is it true that you only bring the subject 'are we an item?' after sleeping with her?

Twice, I have had the girl bring up the topic whilst we are still in comfort. For some reason, they wanted to hear
my views on relationships. How do I answer them without getting LMR and blowing up the whole sarge?
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Mehow Admin
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 3:46 pm Post subject:

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Correct. Basically you don't want to commit anything relationship-wise to her until after sex. If you do you are
likely to loose the set because for a lot of women start to then think that they 'won' and they get very validated
and loose interest.

So if she brings it up you can talk about how you have 'fallen for' the 'right woman' in the past but it takes you
some time to figure it out and leave it at that. But only say that if you really mean it. If she is just a lay to you
then I recommend you be upfront about that by saying something like "I think relationships are great but right
now I'm not in that mode." You may loose the set - but you get to keep your integrity. Operating from a place of
abundance - lying or leading women along isn't worth it. Because of abundance - I sometimes prefer sacrificing
the set for moral high ground. But the times I have expressed disinterest in a girl by disqualifying myself from a
relationship she most often just wants me more - because using disqualification is good game.

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Stacking vs. Natural Game
Canned Vs Natural Forum Index -> Ask Me-How
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Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 2:12 pm Post subject: Canned Vs Natural
Hey bud, what's your opinion on the "canned is stupid" trend? Check this out...

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Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:57 pm Post subject:
I think that saying canned is stupid is just as stupid as saying natural is the only way to go.

Tyler has amazing sub-communications.

Therefore he will get the girl talking about whatever.

It is possible that your value to her right off the opener is so strong that they are already into you like Tyler
says. But if they have 2 seconds to decide if they dig you then your vibe, looks, dress all matter a lot and
your sub-communication has to be amazing.

But most guys can't do this without practicing a TON to get the right sub-communications.

And even if you have amazing sub-communications and crazy field skills cold approaching an HB10 when
you look like me with just straight natural game is a hit or miss. I've tried it and its 50/50.

Yes, girls can be into you just for you but i find that being able to use the right routines is critical because ...

a) most newbie guys can't just go in natural and get consistent results
b) proper routines instill in you the sub-communications that you need to go pure natural
c) even if your natural game is friggin amazing depending on your individual circumstances it may still be
hit or miss
d) many of the natural game guys i have observed tend to draw on improvised material from their lives
effectively running routines even though they say they don't
e) in an AMOG battle a good congruent authentic true real stack will take out a natural almost all the time -
in my entire pua career I have only been blown out of a set by a guy twice

I'm a firm believer in mastering both approaches - once you do the right material long enough you figure
out how things work and you gain natural personality and self-esteem that you can then apply without

This is why I totally focus on teaching guys material and doing exercises with them that give them not only
tight material but amazing sub-communications. My material is designed to instill positive natural sub-
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communications in them.

I'm not on either side of the routine vs. natural argument. I want you to get both skill-sets and then find
your own perfect game.

Then once you have mastered both approaches you an figure out what works best for you.

In my case, if I really need to get that specific girl i stack but i stack with super fun stuff like my PureKino
material. I can go around a bar and hook hard with vibing but its just not as consistent.

I just wrote a blog on this ...

PS. I asked Mystery the same question a while back and he told me "Everybody that is any good at this
always learned to stack at some point."

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Seeing Her Again: Day 2s, 3s and Beyond
Day with g/f tomorrow! Forum Index -> Ask Me-How
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Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 5:09 pm Post subject: Day with g/f tomorrow!
hope you get this in time mehow, lol.
Im spending the day with my g/f tomorrow and she wants to spend it alone so most likely we are spending
it alone but.. Ive never had a g/f, we are both virgins too and i am really uncomfortable around girls...
whats a general outline of things to do?
i can't even think of anything to do for that long... and my insecurity is that she'll dump me tomorrow
because I dont have any game after the pick-up...
also iI already know to try to have sex but I need to build more comfort soon so lets assume thats not an
option at the moment, please help.
"Don't hate the player, hate the game."
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Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 6:13 pm Post subject:
goldsonic - i love you bro - but teaching you the entirety of comfort in the day before the date is tough.

here are some basics:

-be chill and normal
-talk with her a ton
-escalate kino slowly
-move her around (as in from venue to venue) 2 or 3 times during the d2

Hope that helps. Your question is the size of the book Im writing now - so you will enjoy it when it comes

To get you up to speed on the basics of comfort you really need to read the Mystery Method book you can
get on Amazon. I linked it for you on your other thread.

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Does Age Difference Affect the Day 2? Forum Index -> Main
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Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 11:57 pm Post subject: Does Age Difference AFfect the Day 2?
Hey guys,

While I would think SNL's wouldn't really be affected by age difference, I'm curious if Day 2's should be
structured differently if there is a significant age difference.

If I'm a young looking 25 year old, and I've got a solid number with a 35 year old or over, and it's obvious
looking at us that there's a difference, am I better off with a night day 2, or does it not matter? I'm just
curious if the vibe will be weird with us hanging out in public during the day. This could completely be in
my head, so you can call me on that, but I was curious.


P.S.-- This is the mex I made out with at Martini Ranch that I"m talking about
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Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 11:32 pm Post subject:
I don't think it matters. I have done the same D2/D3 I usually do in San Diego and I get the same results
regardless of whether she is 21 or 35.

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Taking it to next level... Forum Index -> Main
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Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:01 pm Post subject: Taking it to next level...
I can create that playful connection between the girls but what is the best way to try for one night stand or
to have a second meeting with the girl you meet. I would be more interested in some techniques for 1 night
stands and when is the best situation for them to happen.
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Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 12:27 am Post subject: the one night stand ..
There is no one night stand (ONS) specific technique. ONSs happen because you have solid game. So to
figure out what to do next I need to know what your sticking points are. It sounds like you aren't getting
solid D2s - that means that something is off when you meet them or when you call them. Tell us more about
what is happening during your sarges and we can go from there. -m
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Day 2 today: "I don't kiss on the first date..." Forum Index -> Main
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Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 4:53 pm Post subject: Day 2 today: "I don't kiss on the first date..."
Hey guys

I feel like such a newb posting this, but I just have to.

I had a day 2 with a jdate girl today. Really cute, fun, and talkative. Always had something to say. I took her
on my typical beach date, coffee, walk on the pier, then back to my place. Getting her in my house was easy.
I just said "I only have a few minutes, but I want to show you something cool." She said "Let's do it..."
solidly and we went in.

I sat her on the couch, got out some 8 oz glass bottle cokes (GREAT day 2 tool), and we sat and chilled. She
was sitting with her body facing me while slouched in nearly the other direction, which made it hard to kino
escalate. I eventually did get in closer, and we were pretty comfortable.

I wasn't nervous (dozens and dozens of kiss closes and failures in bars make this easy), and decided to go
for not, not as much because I was sure she was ready, but because I thought i should go for it no matter
what. I moved to kiss her, and made contact with her lips, and it felt like she was about to kiss back.

Then she moved her head a bit and said "No... I don't kiss on the first date!" She wasn't mad or anything,
and started saying "I'm old fashioned." I said "Well, I think we just did... so that's out of the way."

She then said "No, I knew where this was going, and I know where this will lead, we're not making out
today." She was upbeat as she said this, and it actually kinda fit in with her personality. Shes' kind of quirky
so it actually sounds legit. I was unreactive and cool about it so we kept chilling about 20 minutes more or
so, then she left.

I'm not sure where to head with this one. This reaction from her didn't seem like token resistance, and
didn't seem like disinterest resistance either. I'm, of course, going to make a move the next date, no matter
what. Should my escalation be any different with this kind of girl? Any suggestions? Thanks.

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Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 12:28 am Post subject:
Always kino plow and always get distracted when she IODs you major like that. Whether this is 'her
personality' or she just plain dissing you doesn't matter. Always handle the IOD right and always plow.
Also, you are doing fine on this one. Women that aren't into you don't give resistance. They don't say "I
don't kiss on the first date." to bums on the street (that sentance credit Lovedrop). Some women let you
escalate quick others do not regadless of your level of game. Some women you have to plow for days.

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Stuck in the last place I wanted to be Forum Index -> Ask Me-How
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Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:22 pm Post subject: Stuck in the last place I wanted to be
Hi, of course I've got a problem. That's why I'm writing.
So, here's my story (I'm German, so I hope my English will be sufficient to tell it good enough)
First of all, I'm not dumb when it comes to girls. You might thing of me as a natural who learned some of
the pick-up stuff to be better. I normally get instant attraction from some girls, as my appearance helps me
a lot.
Well to come to the point, why I am desperate right now:
Of course I met a girl, attractive, good attitude and all the stuff. I knew, she had a boyfriend for 5 years, and
one evening while I got a good attitude I hit on her. She responded and we ended up in bed without having
sex, because of her boyfriend (and I didn't try to convince her that much, since I didn't want to destroy
relationships, but right now that's what I did).
It happened again. And always she was like "no, I can't do it" but in the same breath she kissed me...
Now, we've come to the point, she will leave her boyfriend. You might now think "good for you, man" but
she isn't sure about what we have. She feels like "after 5 years, always with the same guy, since I'm 18... I
don't know".
And that's where I am stuck. I don't know how to convince her. Because, you know, I really like her.
Beginning to fall in love with her. And it tears me apart. The situation, when we meet is twisted... we both
don't know what to do. I know, I want her to want me, but it's hard... the circumstances... I'm completely
lost. I can't enjoy going out with my friends...
If you've got any suggestions but "forget her" what I'm hearing often from friends.. I know it is the best, but
as any of you who fell in love, I just can't. The result, if it works would be too good and worth all the pain
I'm going through.

Farewell, a stuck Nightwing
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Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 12:23 am Post subject:
Escalate kino. You will get her. She is on the edge and all she needs is you to lead her to the conclusion.
Women have to be lead. She won't do it because then it would be 'her fault' that she cheated on her
boyfriend. If it 'just happens' then you are good to go. Make it just happen. Next time you hang out with her
just escalate physically. If she resists get distracted (check your email, make tea, watch the sunset,
whatever) then go back to escalating in a bit. The key to escalating physically is that its never a big deal if
she doesn't comply - just be chill - and try again in a bit. She will follow eventually. It might take a few
meetups but you will get her. After you sleep with her she will probably dump her boyfriend. If she is with
you then its likely because you are the better man for her.

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Energy Level
Opening with low energy. Forum Index -> Ask Me-How
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Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 2:44 pm Post subject: Opening with low energy.
Since I've been sarging tired and out of state, I find it easier to open with a low energy.

So I'm like, Hey guys (open with the hand, ready to walk off), where's good to go tonight. The girl
will be like "ohh well; XYZ is good, what music do you like?".

How do you inject the energy into this? Is it best to just open with a good energy.

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Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 6:00 pm Post subject: Re: Opening with low energy.

You can inject energy as acting on the fact that you like what she is saying. So as you like her answer
and pick up on her vibe (which could be creatively misinterpreted as being positive even when its
not) they you can raise your energy in response to her positivity.

All that said, I like to go in straight up mega happy.

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Question for, Mehow, On "Happy Girl Land" Forum Index -> Main
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Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 1:14 am Post subject: Question for, Mehow, On "Happy Girl Land"
A Question about, "Happy Girl Land"

For any1 who doesnt know what, "Happy Girl land" is.
Its when girls are so in party mode, that there state is in a, "Chase the shiny object" mentality. They
get distracted very easily. They are Very Hard to game. Even when they are into you. I usually see
girls in this state a lot at, house party's and Spring-break.

I call them A.D.D. chicks.

My Question is, do u have any advice on how to game these girls in this state?

I was at a house party, and these 4 hot girls (cock-tease)were making out and giving each other lap-
dances. All the guys were drooling over them. But the 4 girls were rejecting every1.
Anytime a guy or me came up to them. They would just turn and walk the other direction. Didnt
even give us guys a chance.

What would u do, Mehow?

Does any1 else have any comments on this?
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Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 9:18 pm Post subject:
My current GF is that girl.

The way you work these girls is by doing hardcore takeaways and hitting them with the craziest
material and behavior out there and making sure they are jealous.

To suck them into your reality you need to be having as a good a time as they are.

Opinion openers don't work. Just go in direct and immediately stack to the hardest hitting future
projections (like "Intergalactic Space Princess" - its in the Knowledge Section on the main website),
teasing and negs or any other material in your arsenal that you know hits hard. Once you have one
isolated do crazy takeaways like they do on you. For example, game up a not so hard set in the
venue. Go open the hotty, isolate the hotty. Then suddenly run off to game your 'friend' with a bunch
of flashy game so you girl gets jealous. Then reopen.

Hope that helps.

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Mehow Admin

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Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 1:03 pm Post subject:
Don't hate them because their beautiful, join them! I love gaming mega hotty party girls. They are
very fun and interactive all you need to bring to the table is value and you can do that with tight

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About Opening Forum Index -> Ask Me-How
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Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:19 pm Post subject: About Opening
Sup Mehow,

I noticed that you use lots of, Past/Future Projections, in A2.
Do you use any other Attraction stuff in the A2 phase?

And my second question is what do you normally do when you go, Direct to Group, and the "Set" ignores
you. And after you say what you say, what if they Ignore you again?
Or what if they tell you to, "F**k off!"?
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Mehow Admin

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Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:53 pm Post subject:
I only have two primary attraction methods I usually use : kino and past/future projections.

I'm going to do a newsletter on some basics of kino attraction as we are now working on some products that
answer all those questions.

Your second question requires a really long answer and I'm in the middle of putting that together right now.

But I can give you the short form:

If, in attraction people IOD or don't comply then you playfully neg them. For example:

I open: "You guys seem fun I had to come over here and say hi!"
Set: silence
Me to target: "Its the loud one you always have to watch out for."

If you are getting multiple IODs in a row right off the bat something is wrong with your energy and sub-
communication on the opener.

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help for a newb needed. Forum Index -> Main
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Joined: 09 Jan 2007
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Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 6:35 am Post subject: help for a newb needed.
So tonight Im going out and using direct openers I need help with how to start off after my opener
and sound natural.

1. 'hey you guys look like fun'

From here I am worried lol!! because after the set hooks I feel its unnatural to just be like 'omg get
this...' I feel after I open direct like that the best way to get stacking is as follows.

player: Hey u guys look like fun *pause*
player: Neg
HB: banter/vibing/shitests
(after passing tests)
player: hey get this or I saw the cutest kid today ect.

But if there is no banter what do I do? Im thinking that I need like a really short story (I dont have
one yet) that sets the mood in this case, as I have no value yet and I need value for them to listen to
me properly.

player: Hey guys you look like fun
player: neg or no neg w.e
player: Man, I hate it when blah balh..[insert quick event]..BAM [insert lol or can you believe that?
or punchline]

Also do all stories need to be humorous? about just emotionally interesting and DHV... I think
this would go down great AFTER youve got the playful vibing and laughter but NOT before. Any

BASICALLY how do I forward stack!!! arhhh. I think I need negs, flirting and banter to pace things
but perhaps this progression from routines will jus occur naturally in set and im overthinking.

thnks in advance.
Mehow Admin

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Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 6:43 pm Post subject:
The only reason you have to have inside your head to talk is your own entertainment. You are
talking because you are having fun. In attraction everything is about YOU. This is why transitions
don't really matter. If your fun frame is strong enough they will follow you no matter which way you
go and if your frame is wild enough they will follow you even further. i.e. Properly calibrated crazy
thread switches with no warning, explanation, or anything will increase attraction even more.

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day 2 seeding/logistics, same night lays Forum Index -> Ask Me-How
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Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 12:36 am Post subject: day 2 seeding/logistics, same night lays
Ive been dealing with a lot of this. I think getting fast hook ups (which is what Im after) has a lot to do with
logistics. In other words, you dont even have to run tight game and u can get a girl back if youre having a
sweet after party.

MM teaches to make the event to timebridge rather than just getting the number because the number alone
= stairway to heaven. And because setting up the date in person is easier to convince the girl over the
phone. What are some good ways to pull a girl back to your place from a bar/club etc. besides throwing an
after party.

Is saying "give me your number goofball" all you really do? I tried out your calling each day in a row after
getting the girls number, but eventually the girl got bored and wondered why i kept talking to her. She also
made an excuse about meeting up, but kept picking up the phone.
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Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 5:36 pm Post subject:
On the phone the secret is D2ing her right when her interest has peaked but before she gets bored. Some
women it doesn't take much on phone time before she is dying to meet up with you.

The one super consistent way I have discovered pulling is to have a kicking after party or at least be able to
say that there is one.

In project Miami there have been a lot of nights where we pulled girls back to the after party - and they have
fun even though its just the 3 of us and 3 of them.

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Peacocking Forum Index -> Main
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Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 12:23 pm Post subject: Peacocking
So recently my mom gave me a pendant... it was a tiny ivory sculpture of a mother holding her baby
representing the virgin mary holding jesus, attached to a piece of bone. She said she was given this
pendant from my grandmother when she was 15 and now she was giving it to me.

The past couple nights I've went out people have asked about it. The ivory sculpture is narrow and
small so you have to look closely at it to distinguish what it is.

In response, I usually tell them the story behind it since its a nice little story... but I'm curious if
anyone else does something different when a girl asks them about any peacocking items they wear.

They usually notice the pendant right away at the beginning of a conversation. Should I do a slight
tease like "Hands off the merchandise", or should I just stay in frame and tell them the story. I'm not
sure if that's a huge hoop I'm jumping through since they've shown an IOI when asking about it.

Just want to clear this up. Thanks in advance.
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Mehow Admin

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Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:20 pm Post subject: What to do with girl IOIs.
Respod to an IOI with an IOI. It means you have her.

Allow me to clarify. When a woman IOI's you - she eventually wants an IOI (or multiple IOIs - they
are insecure) back. But you don't want to just make this IOI an 'i like you' verbal IOI. So when you
get IOIs you know that your personality conveyance is working. If you are getting them early in
attraction keep the attraction material going for a few minutes so that she is solidly attracted. You
should get more IOIs. THEN you can start hooping her with qualification questions. And when she
answers you reward her with kino. Your qualification question (like 'name your three best qualities')
is an IOI from you but it makes her work and get vested in you and start chasing you.

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Chick crack Forum Index -> Ask Me-How
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Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:27 pm Post subject: Chick crack
I love this forum idea.

Mehow when the girl is sending mad iois after cold reading what do you do? Do you throw out hoops?
qualify? How do you qualify when their looking like crack heads as if their having a conversation with God?

btw. you have helped my game more than anyone, I can't put into words how much I respect you.

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Mehow Admin

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Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 7:10 pm Post subject:
What to do with IOIs depends on where you are in the sarge. IOIs mean that she is into you and you should
move forward in the set. The further along you are the more compliance you can get. I usually start with
some qualification. If she is too cracked out because you just saw her soul or something then you can settle
her down with 'settle down beavis, you are way to classy to be acting all 'read my palm!, read my palm!'

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IOIing me.

15 Oct
Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 11:21 pm Post subject: On Compliments
Glad you enjoyed the NYC lair talk!

If a woman compliments you then you can simply say 'Thank You!' and understand that an IOI like that means that you can go
ahead and kino escalate shortly regardless of whether you are in comfort or attraction phases.

You don't want to kino escalate immediately as that looks predictable. Girl compliments are just IOIs - which means that the
sarge is going well -- and you can kino escalate whenever you feel like it (as long as its not immediate!).

Hope that helps.

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SP: comfort HB8 g/f Forum Index -> Long Term Relationships
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Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:27 am Post subject: SP: comfort HB8 g/f
I have an HB8 g/f now and shes comfortable around me but my problem is me feeling comfortable
around her... I just don't feel comfortable around girls but I can fake it, did any of you used to feel
uncomfortable around girls and how did you resolve it?
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Mehow Admin

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Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:35 pm Post subject:
Lots of practice.

I think the biggest thing to understand about them is that they make decisions emotionally not for
any other reason. Sometimes logic comes into play but not that often when it comes to relationships.

"Everything she does is a product of her emotions." - Lovedrop

Because of this she will act in ways that are alien to you and could make you feel strange and

You have to simply accept women for what they are in this case. The more you are around them then
the cooler you will be with this.

And use your skills to alter their behavior if its not cool.

Read the blog about one compliance crating method in relationships:

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Joined: 06 Mar 2007
Posts: 107
Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 6:57 am Post subject:
Yea I understand that but should I just spend more time with girls until I get comfortable and is
there something else I can add to speed things up?
Cuz I can just be sitting there and feel uncomfortable for some reason...?
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"Don't hate the player, hate the game."
Mehow Admin

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Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 1:37 am Post subject:
The simple answer is lots of practice.

Get out there do the cold approach, hang out with different girls, get a lot of female friends. Show
them a good time (throw a party). Have the relationships you want. It takes probably a year to really
accomplish deep foundational change. Thats what we are doing with game -- there are no instant
results. Although tools like Hypnotica's stuff will help.

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15 Oct
Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 12:21 pm Post subject:
roberto3331 wrote:
Right now Im using MM A1 to A2 or Mehow's Direct to group, and Im blending that with Juggler Method.

Am I the only one that has thought of this. To me, it seems really obvious to transition to JM style after i get past the
Hook Point. It just makes sense.

JM style, naturally qualifies girls through out the whole "Wide Rapport" Phase. After 10 to 20 Mins. I give the girl an
S.O.I. an then i go "Sexual Comfort" on her ass. Which is Comfort, with Sexual undertones and Sexual Kino. Basically,
your now allowed to hit on her. If she stays in the interaction, youre good to go.

Just keep escalating!

I use Juggler as the fall back blanked method for comfort a TON. You can go on for hours in comfort with Juggler's stuff. I
highly recommend that everybody get Juggler's ebook and learn that stuff solid. I got into it about 6 months in.

That said, to maximize your results, you really should be blending a lot of different stuff in comfort like deep comfort
techniques (mentalism, deep comfort interview (that is a tech we have a product coming out on), soul gazing, extended cold
reads like the cube) and attraction material (plotlining, future projections, c and f) and then also mixing that in with real world
value conveyance (grounding routine) etc. If you are not doing at least something from each of the categories i have listed you
are robbing yourself of lots of results.

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SP: Keeping the sexual tension/its on frame late sarge. Forum Index -> Main
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Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:41 pm Post subject: SP: Keeping the sexual tension/its on frame late sarge.
OK guys I have identified my SP and was hoping to get some feedback on how you guys keep the interaction
*charged* after the 30+ minute mark.

Here are the two scenarios that I am familiar with and keep happening to me.

Open-qualify fine. Build a bit of comfort and take the number and eject. Total time <30 minutes. Take it to
the phones, get a d2. Once the day2 happens she knows shes meeting up with me and the frame is set that
we might hook up and I play it right and I close. Success! My day2->close rate is pretty high, but my open-
>close rate isnt.

But then theres the other scenario.

Open-qualify fine. Start building comfort, attempt to stay in set to build lots of comfort or possibly one
night stand. Once we start vibing in comfort the tension falls flat and the convo gets kinda boring. There
isnt really a lack of rapport or conversation but the feel of it just becomes mundane and boring. I dont think
its even necessarily the conversation (although sometimes it is) because I've felt this drop in energy even
when I was playing fuck/marry/kill. Then we talk a little more and either she gets bored and ejects or I take
a number and no answer. This same girl that I would have been sure was a *solid* number if I had ejected
10-20 minutes earlier is now lost.

The sexual tension and frame that we are hooking up just kinda falls off when I go for deep/wide rapport in
venue. It sticks when I call her/day2 I believe because its pretty implied thats why she answered/is going
out with me but in venue its not that solid.

One think I know that I'm not doing enough of is moving her around/venue changing. I also dont usually go
for the kiss very often in the 1 hour mark, maybe I should start?

Any ideas/comments/questions appreciated.
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Mehow Admin

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Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:53 pm Post subject:
You have to keep things charged. Comfort is just as much about building that deep connection as it is about
staying totally fun. Try to insert attraction techniques like any of the following into your comfort phase ...
use these BT spikes to get her to chase you. Chasing keeps her hot. It doesn't sound like you are getting girls
to chase you.

straight from my own notes ...
"higher value stories and embeds, emotional talk, relationship talk, push/pull, cold reading, mini cold
reads, future/past/dream projections and plotlines, teasing/negs, elastic bands, cocky and funny, drama
lines, false disqualifiers, AMOGing, kino, chase cycling, Wildman, palmistry, magic/mentalism, activities"

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AMOG ing. Forum Index -> Bootcamp Forum
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Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 12:06 pm Post subject: AMOG ing.
lately I've been doing some weird ass type of amoging. it works good in exposing the amogs
insecurities and they appear very reactive, however the end result is usually me getting pushed..

it's called GAYmogging. I'm not sure how bad it makes me look, but it's basically kinoing the sh*t
out of the guy and saying stuff like - "you are so studly.. when can I introduce you to my parents."
"you're so sexy, lets get a picture together."

the guy, so far, has always lost control of his emotions and started verbally threatening me.. which
should blow him out but hasn't proven to be the case. my question is....... simply put.. is this an
effective amoging method?
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Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 8:14 pm Post subject:
"cool man" ignore and continue. Whenever you amog the best thing to do is to as effortlessly as
possible blow them out or in a way that is obviously way too much fun for you. I pretty much always
default to the "cool man", ignore, and continue method.

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AMOG: Violence Warning Signs? Forum Index -> Main
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Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:37 am Post subject: AMOG: Violence Warning Signs?
Hey guys,

I love amogging and am good at it. However I tend to push the limit in how aggressive I get when hitting
mixed sets. I had a set tonight where it was 5 big drunk guys and 3 girls. I went in and opened the set. One
of the guy's said "That's a pick-up line if I ever heard one." I said "You're cool man," with my hand on his
shoulder, then boxed him out of the set, and started to box the other guys out too, while focusing on the
girls, in effect making it just a three set with me and the girls.

I had it going for a while (I'm sure the girls noticed that I took it over), until one of the guys strongly
grabbed my arm and angrily started saying "If you're going to interrupt our conversations it's fucking rude
to block me out. Get the fuck away." Normally I would tool him, but the the fact that he was really angry,
making physical contact, was drunk, and seemed like it had been boiling in his head the last couple minutes
made me think this could easily get violent.

I ejected.

I usually stay in sets when guys are cursing at me telling me to get the fuck away and they drop off and let
me have the girls, because I'm unreactive. However I'm wondering if I should be pushing it this far. I know
there's no AMOG reply to a left hook or a beer bottle to the head.

My rule is if the guy starts pushing or touching me violently I'll get out of the set. Are there other less
obvious warning signs I should be looking for when handling mixed sets?

On a side note, I know befriending is the better plan for the most part, but if it's a couple alpha drunk guys
that are actively looking for ass from the girls, I don't think they really want to talk sports with me.

If you like what I have to say, check out my site: Accepting articles from users NOW.
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Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 7:33 pm Post subject:
If a guy gets physical on you and/or verbally threatens you, you can have him immediately kicked out of
most venues. Stay in the set unless you feel that an altercation is imminent and have your wing get the
bouncers. When the bouncers come over just say 'This guy threatened me' and let them deal with it while
you talk to the girls. The women will be WILDLY attracted to you ever time you defeat an AMOG - the more
spectacular the defeat the greater the attraction. I had to do this on a set in Miami once and after the
bouncers came the AMOG became my little dancing monkey and begged them not to toss him and he swore
up and down that he would behave and then he tried to become my friend for the rest of the night.

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High Value Communications
Autopilot Responses and PUA "tricks" Forum Index -> Main
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Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 2:06 pm Post subject: Autopilot Responces and PUA "tricks"
Hey guys, I'm trying to compile a comprehensive list of people's autopilot responses and PUA "tricks" that
we use that most people just dont know/do. Here's what Ive gotten so far:

Autopilot Responses:

When someone enters a room/conversation everyone will look to see what they are doing/are going to say.

Neutral Rapport - You will sit there and listen, usually until they are done if they delivery it properly.

Trying for rapport- Unless you already have higher value they will not reciprocate.

Break rapport - Will generally show you are a cool guy and cause people to seek rapport with you.

Adding 'because + reason (even if its a really dumb one)' - makes people much more likely to comply with
your requests.

IOD when the girl is attracted - Causes her to chase and want to prove herself to you. This is why when you
are going for quick makeouts you pump her BT then IOD right before you go for the kiss.

PUA Tricks-

Bullshit Baffles brains- Talk while you move her/escalate/whatever and he mind will be focuses on what
you are saying and she will comply with what you are doing.

Plowing - Bombard her with NR stories that builds your value until she opens up.

I'm sure there is a lot more. I'll post them when I think of them. Feel free to add your own.
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Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 1:36 am Post subject:
More PUA tricks ... there are a ton more .. here are a few right off the top of my head:

-Snip and Stack -- high value sub-communication method

-Getting all distracted all the sudden and staring off into space -- high value sub-communications method

-Delibratly running off to talk to some other girl in the middle of the set --- chase inducer, jealousy is your
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Tricks - I don't think any of this stuff is really a trick though -- we are just becoming high value people --
therefore we exhibit these behaviors.

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I Give to the Women I Love; the Rest Get Dennys.
Kerr can you fix my life Forum Index -> Main
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Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 4:48 pm Post subject: Kerr can you fix my life
So, its happened a couple times now, but this time it was with a hottie, so I guess it matters.

I like to really get into a girls aspirations, I like to search out for their limiting beliefs, stuff like that.
(Maybe this is wrong)

But I've been really getting into comfort with a girl, and shes into me and everything is definitely on

When all of a sudden, I'll be thrown for a loop with "Oh my god your so amazing, I need you in my
life, will you help me change my life, will you help me make it better." or sometimes she'll drop "you
are going to be key in getting over my past life" , things like that.

This kind of thing makes me think that the girl really does have a lot of limiting beliefs and
problems to deal with. How do you feel about helping people in a relationship? I'm not sure that I
want a teacher role in a relationship with someone. I'm sure a lot of you self help guys get this a lot,
and I was wondering what your thoughts or experiences are.

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Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:47 pm Post subject:
Love this thread.

HB: "Will you help me with x-whatever-thing?"
me: "Do we love each other yet?" and continue into a routine about how when I'm in love i take care
of the women i love.

This is based on something Mystery once told me about how to handle a girl who wants to buy you a
drink - but its obviously applicable to all sorts of requests and I have field tested it as such.

Basically, you want to sub-communicate and/or explicitly communicate that she doesn't get your
value unless you love each other. And you don't really help her with anything until after you have
slept with her. If you help her prior to that you are messing up your own sarge. After you have slept
with her helping her is appropriate given whatever commitment level you have established or

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Joined: 28 Oct 2006
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Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:17 pm Post subject:
In my experience, if you offer to help a girl out then she will talk your ear off for hours and hours
then go out and completely ignore everything youve told her while she continues to live off her
emotions, then come back to you and talk to you for hours and hours again about the same

Rinse and repeat until you want to bang your head against the wall and stop talking to her because
she is so annoying.
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Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 11:11 pm Post subject:

if you get one of those whiny girls -- let her vent a bit -- then say "you are a tough girl, I'm sure you will get through this" and
then snip and stack to a new thread. and don't actually help her with anything until after you are an item (i.e. you slept with

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Custom Paradigm Forum Index -> Main
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Joined: 07 Nov 2006
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Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 6:13 pm Post subject: Monday Big Sarge Plan
Hey there guys...

Well Im going into a Big sarge Monday night me and 2 wings of mine, I have some vip cards on my
hand for a 3 clubs were we are going so its going to be fun!

Well Im going to test something new Monday and Im going to share with you guys and you can
speak what you think about it...

Sarge Game Plan
1Main Opener for Clubs (Hey seem to have a great energy, djust wanted to say hi)i found
this opener very interesting...mehow used it on one of his videos and i like it pretty much(im not a
big fun of direct game but this opener seems a great thing to test it out in clubs especially...hope you
dont get mad with me mehow )

2Main Opener for street (Hey,do you know wheres "x"(club,bar,coffe)(this could be used as
warmup also)

Full model Im using:
Root opener
Time constraint
Body rock
Conveiy desinterest
Best Friend Test
teasing comments or insert challenges

Step Two:
Demonstrate Value

Routines im using for DHV:

Baby Bird Routine
Stripper Babysitter Strory
Gay Cats(Main)
Water Dream

Lying Game
Stripper Names
Fuck Marry Kill

Calibration Weighpoin
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option 1 : TakeAway or False Takeaway(want your opinion on this guys)
option 2 : Join the group,mid-story or routine,again give time constraint
option 3 : Stay in group
option 4 : Pawn for another group

Step three:Connecting with her
Build Rapport
Elicit Values
Find Commonalities
Let her share

Fat girl personality
So genuine

Lil sister
Balloons in the Park(future projection routine)
Skydiving to wedding
Trust, comfort and connection
Attack Kitten


incredible connection
100% perfect girl story
3 animals
Ring finger Pattern

Step Four:
option 1:number close
option 2:isolate target,phase shift/seduce and close
option 3:Stay in group and end the night with them,try to get to targets house or get her to your


Farmers handshake
Trust Test
Outrageous Kino
Tension Test
Eskimo Kiss
Switching speed


Not boyfriend Material
Push/pull lines
Too similar
Nice new girlfriend Qualifying

well i hope to see some posts of you guys talking about this...wanted your opinion on this and what
you think it will be a perfect follow up(like when to enter comfort...when to escalate..etc)
If anyone want to try this too djust post something here and I will put the things up..
Mehow djust say something I know you have a different game plan or another strategic approach to
this...I will be looking forward for your post

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Mehow Admin

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Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 6:53 pm Post subject: Make Up Your Own Model

Your model looks pretty good.

I'm a big believer in everybody putting together their own model in their head. The above is a great
example. I started doing something like this in my notes when i first got into it and now that doc is
200 pages long and has evolved to the game I teach today.

You will find that the direct opener is what you will almost always use once you get some practice at
it. Opening direct is great because you don't waste any time on any non emotionally involving
opinion opener.

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Mehow Admin

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Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 9:37 pm Post subject: Q+A
Well I was trying to sleep and I couldnt...I think I need a hypnotic program for a good sleep - Lovedrop recommended their free self hypnosis MP3 and I have been using
it when I can't sleep.
The thing about direct game is..where do you put the time constrain?

"You guys have a cool energy, I had to come over here and say Hi!"
Start into a routine (5 seconds) - look over at your friends briefly.
"I have to go in a second my friends are here."
And continue.

I do this all the time and it works every time. If they start asking you questions like "Why did u come
over here and say hi when you have to go?" treat it like a shit test. It should not be happening
anyway much at all -- if it is happening a lot then there is something off about your body language
on the approach.
Body Rocking can count as sort of a time constrain?

Yes. I don't do it on direct approaches though. Cause its weird to rock when you come straight in
with direct body language.
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Im going to try to use the future projection routine..where do you think it will fit better in this

I do future projections right after the opener.
Whats for you the best time to qualify?

After you are getting enough IOIs that you know the set is attracted and you have isolation of your
target. This should only take from 3 to 5 minutes.
You neg the target at what step in this model?

In my model I don't neg the target at all. How I avoid negging is one of the things I teach in
bootcamp. In MM style sarging you neg in attraction according to how hot she is.
tks for replying

You are welcome.

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Original Routines And how to make them? Forum Index -> Main
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Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:32 pm Post subject: Original Routines And how to make them?
Hey there guys...

Well I cant sleep and I was thinking in new routines to use on the field...

So if you guys were doing new routines what steps do you follow? What patterns and what you want
to convey to them?

I know that mystery and style already said something about it...but well its good to know you guys
opinions(and its good for me to improve my routines too )

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Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 11:29 pm Post subject:
In terms of stories two things work:

1. Emotional content - stuff like the Intergalactic Space Princess routine:

2. DHV embedded content - when you sneak in stuff about being a leader of men, protector of loved
ones, and pre-selected. An easy example is saying some long story about some funny topic so
somewhere in the middle of it you can say 'my girfriend' etc. The best resource for this is the
Venusian Arts handbook from MM.

Your story above is ok emotional content but you could embeilsh it a lot with more emotional
content and some DHV embeds as well.

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I need help... Forum Index -> Main
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Prince of Metropolis

Joined: 02 Nov 2006
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Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 7:15 pm Post subject: I need help...
Where we go here the questions I got

A. After I run a routine on a 2 set should I run another to talk about my opener or something else ??

B. What do you if a girl rejects 1 of your routines ??

C. What do you do if the queen bee and the follower won't do any talking ??

D. Who is willing to help me make a dhv story ??

E. How should I start off kino ??

F. Should I kept getting girls to do routines like this ( If you beat me in thumb war I will buy you a drink )
even though I'm not really gonna buy them a drink or get them some money ??

G. Should I use neg hits on hb7's ?? or Use C+F on them or either

H. Should I sarge Drunk/High girls ??

I. What is the best way to pass a shit test ??
Ability is what you're capable of doing...Motivation determines what you do...Attitude determines how well
you do
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Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 9:53 pm Post subject: More Q+A
A. After I run a routine on a 2 set should I run another to talk about my opener or something else ??

Snip and stack into a new routine. Don't ever, ever go back to your opener unless its funny callback humor.
B. What do you if a girl rejects 1 of your routines ??

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Snip and stack into a new routine.
C.What do you do if the queen bee and the follower won't do any talking ??

All they need to do to be attracted is listen to you. If there are IOIs then continue the set as normal. If there
aren't IOIs then you are doing something wrong in attraction.
D. Who is willing to help me make a dhv story ??

Take an emotionally interesting story and drop in pre-selection, protector of loved ones, and/or leader of
men switches or any other DHV spike. Post it here and we can critique it.
E. How should I start off kino ??

In attraction, start off by touching the girl briefly while talking with the back of your hand. This is called
kino pinging.
F. Should I ketp getting girls to do rountines like this ( If you beat me in thumb war I will buy you a
drink ) even tho I'm not really gonna buy them a drink or get them some money ??

No. High value people never need to explicitly verbally give women carrots to get them to comply. Just start
a thumb war. Don't say anything about what you will do if she complies. It's also good to flip it and, while
doing the thumb war tell her "if you loose you owe me 4 beers and a 1 hour massage ... goofball."
G. Should I use neg hits on hb7's ?? or Use C+F on them or ethier

Yes, just use one. Don't over do it.
H. Should I sarge Drunk/High girls ??

Purely for your own amusement. They are super tough to close because they are not all there to
comprehend the awesome game you are using.
I. What is the best way to pass a shit test ??

There are a ton of ways to do this (I have come across about 15 different methods). A shit test is different
from an IOD. My favorite way to pass a shit test is just turn to her, say something completely un-reactive
like "The capital of France is Jupiter" and snip and stack to a new routine. In attraction if you get an IOD
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then just neg the offender and talk to the rest of the set as if nothing happened.

You should read the Venusian Arts Handbook by MM -- most of these questions are answered in there

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Advise please Forum Index -> Main
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Joined: 30 Oct 2006
Posts: 63
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 2:47 am Post subject: Advise please
Guys is okay if I sarged at my university?
Well I never ever did a cold approach there because I was afraid that if I failed this will affect my
social status and pre-game...Well I never have this fear in public places but at my university I never
do group approach...If guys this fear is nonsense tell me?
Mehow Admin

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Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 12:24 pm Post subject:
if you use chill openers like 'hey ...' or 'you guys have a cool energy, i had to come over here and say
hi ...' you should be fine. in situations like this its important, if you are stacking, to have a bunch of
different material ready. if you are practicing vibing then this should not affect anything at all. don't
worry about failing an approach on campus -- these happen all the time naturally anyway -- guys
with no game get constantly blown out. the only thing i would worry about is being known as the
'line guy' or something to that effect on campus. i love the idea of sarging a nearby college too.

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Sarging in small city Forum Index -> Main
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Joined: 22 Dec 2006
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Location: Latvia
Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 1:01 am Post subject: Sarging in small city
Hey guys, I'm new to this forum and seems like it's nice.

I have a question. I live in not very big city(90,000 people). If I start learning PU skillset I will meet many
people. And probably I will not be very good in the begining. After a month or two a lot of people would
recognize me and probably not in a good way. Like 'here's the guy who got rejected' or something. I can't
even go to clubs because I'm not old enough.I don't have money for bootcamp and I can't travel to other
cities, even close ones. What would you guys suggest to me?

Merry Christmas,

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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
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Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:18 am Post subject:
I just answered this one on another thread. In a small town you may be more comfy practicing vibing then
throw in some routines as you get better. It probably doesn't matter. It's probably all in your head. TD is
famous for opening up a set that has already been opened by 4 students before him with the exact same
line. All you really need is just a broad selection of material. And if a girl ever tells you 'you said that exact
same thing to me a month ago' reply with 'you are the same person, aren you?' Guys get blown out 24/7 in
the world -- so if you get the same results as the no game afc chodes out there (which is, with practice, btw
unlikely) they you will be like everybody else. You don't stand out for getting blown out. Be totally un-needy
and fun and happy and instead of having an 'approach looser' rep you will get a that guy has always some
fun stuff to say rep.

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Mental block and subconscious resistance Forum Index -> Main
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Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 10:01 am Post subject: Mental block and subconscious resistance
Hello there its me again..

The weirdest thing happened me 2days ago when i went out to sarge in a club with my wing. We decided to
go in a bar before we go into the club and talk a bit and chill and there was this group with 2 hbs in it with 6
guys. We werent supposed to go sarging that night but we decided to go djust for fun or djust to talk a bit.
So the weirdest thing happened all night to me and my wing...we werent actually approaching and we were
with a mentality of "your not good enough" or Im djust chilling and almost all girls in the club start to
behave strangely in the club, giving IOS, proximity..geez it was f**king weird.

The thing is that we were not approaching them, most of the times they were approaching us or giving signs
that they were interested and then we approach. The thing is that we were actually in a Zen moment(only in
our world..2 friends djust talking about life and enjoying music) but the weirdest part is that we wanted to
approach like a mad man and there was some kind of mental block i dont know...maybe some
subconscious resistance that kept us from well work all the room. We werent feeling anxiety...I dont this ever happened to you guys before?

Well maybe i was conditioning myself but honestly i know i had the skills to open anyone and not get blown
out easily. Maybe I aqcuired particular thrait but Im glad to saw al that IOS from girls..

Feel free to express your opinions on this..

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Mehow Admin

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Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 10:33 pm Post subject: give yourself permission not to game
Sometimes, its good to just give yourself permission not to game so you don't burn out. I've definitley ran
into sarge burnout issues and then I would just take a break for a week. Maybe it was your brain telling you
to chill.

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Drunk Girls
DRUNK girls. Forum Index -> Main
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Joined: 30 Oct 2006
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Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 5:15 pm Post subject: DRUNK girls.
I was asking Mehow for advice earlier on sarging girls who are too drunk. Usually I eject when I find out
they're too drunk but I've stayed in a couple interactions like this lately just for the hell of it. I thought i'd
share my question and his response with you all. Feel free to offer your opinion!

My question to Mehow: DRUNK GIRLS. They are so into me it's ridicolous, the amount of kino they give
me and the rate of escalation is so fast that it even makes me uncomfortable and I am a huge advocate of
kinoing from the beginning of the set. Then, sometimes they'll completely go ADD and do something else.
Are drunk girls worth even talking to? I feel whenever I sarge one I have to be extra sensitive and actually
hold back some kino because I do not want a flake the next day. Is this stuff normal?

Last edited by Joz on Fri Dec 15, 2006 5:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 30 Oct 2006
Posts: 76
Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 5:15 pm Post subject:
Mehow's response: i don't like sarging drunk girls -- cause whatever they do with you they can easily
attribute to alcohol --- i use drunk girls as social proof and move on ... for the same time spent on a drunk
girl (which may or may not be solid because she is drunk) you can sarge a sober girl. the extra kino from
drunk girls doesn't mean the sarge is moving any faster usually, it just means she is drunk.

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Approach anxiety/Size of set correlation Forum Index -> Main
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Joined: 28 Jan 2007
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Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:46 pm Post subject: Approach anxiety/Size of set correlation
So now my approach anxiety for single sets at the club/bar is practically non-existent. For two-sets it goes
up a little but is still basically manageable, I will still open. At about a three-set it's up somewhat
considerably and I have to push myself quite hard to open. In the few times that I've attempted to open a
four or five set I don't think I've ever gotten the entire groups attention.

I remember when I was in school, I would get nervous when I would have to do presentations and address
the entire class, so I think that this is another version of that.

I'd love to hear any ideas/thoughts on this situation, has this been a sticking point for any of you guys, and
if so, how did you deal with it?

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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
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Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:45 pm Post subject:
You are the super ultra fun social character. Approaching big groups always sucks. The way I deal with it is
that I just do it. Since I'm always super fun and social and my internal state doesn't affect that (just because
I have a lot of self - esteem internally) and I don't pay attention to their reactions except to play with them
the set always sticks. There is no way to deal with the AA except to just fight through it like this early in the
night. Once you get going the AA goes away usually. -m
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Question Forum Index -> Main
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Joined: 30 Dec 2006
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Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 10:50 pm Post subject: Question
What is the best mindset to have when approaching the group, I see on the videos that mehow has
really playful attitude when he enters to another peoples space....also on the 4 set he totally ignored
one guy..? What is the best mindset to have.
Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
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Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:25 pm Post subject:
The best mind set is the one where you really don't give a shit about anything and are there to give
value to the girls. I call this 'the zone'.

The only way i know of getting there is to immediately run a set and hit that zone through your
game. Once you hit the zone you stay in it for the rest of the night.

To consistently hit that zone you just have to practice a ton in field. I went for 6 months of 3 nights a
week to be able to hit it consistently and it still doesn't always happen. We went out 4 nights over
new years and I was in the zone on 2 of them.

The game still works if you are out of the zone -- its just not as much fun for the player or the girls.

'be social'

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Interacting while in a bad state Forum Index -> Main
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Joined: 20 Jan 2007
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Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:17 am Post subject: Interacting while in a bad state
I find it nearly impossible to sarge while I'm ill, tired, stressed etc, for me it's a detatched feeling. In
PU101s 10 years of approaching, Lance says don't even bother approaching if you're in a bad state,
you've lost before you've even started. Personally I can only escalate when I'm attracted and the
energy is flowing through my body, maybe this is a weakness on my part. I like my natural, default
state of mind to be so above her that nothing can effect me (this is why I don't get anxiety).

Topic. Is sarging while in a bad state a good idea? discuss.

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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
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Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:58 pm Post subject:
As a great exercise I love going to strange venues and being the different looking guy. It gets you
used to social pressure. When i first got into this I would dress positivley outlandish and go into
regular venues. Your game should be state independent. Once you have tight game your state
follows your game, not the other way around.
'be social'

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Calibrating to Value Level

15 Oct
Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 1:33 pm Post subject:

The higher value you are perceived relative to the set the lower value you have to act. If the set is a celebrity SHB10 then you
want to sub-communicate super high value, neg a ton, etc. On a set of HB6 friendly may suffice. Note that you still want to be
friendly and open with the SHB10 but your game is very different in that situation then vs. a HB6. My thoughts on your posts
are that you are over thinking it -- all this calibration comes with practice. To learn how to paint you can't always be thinking
'does red come before blue or blue before red?' ... just paint! And these finer points will become obvious to you. All you have to
is be concious of the forces as work and know generally what you are going for. And the practice like a mad man.

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Lifestyle vs. Solid Game Forum Index -> Main
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Joined: 10 Jan 2007
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Location: Sydney
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 4:00 am Post subject: Lifestyle vs. Solid Game
Does having a great lifestyle thats aspirational to others make the art of PU so much easier than just having
solid game?

I have been toying with this idea for some months now after Matador mentioned a few things to me on an
MM bootcamp early last year. There are plenty of guys out there with a load of cash that spend a lot of it on
getting laid, and inevitably they meet the wrong types of girls (mainly the gold digger type). If you combine
a fun/flamboyant lifestyle with solid game, PU is so much easier.

I was out with my wing on Saturday night, and here's a brief run down of how the night unfolded:

There's a new club that's opened in the Cross in Sydney called Favela. I was
there the other night, it is hands down the best club in Sydney, and the
girls are extremely attractive. just take a look at what's queueing up outside the
door, 60/70% HBs, no one below a 7 allowed in.

It's going to be a tough place to get into, but definitely worth it. A
friend of mine's brother runs the place, so no such issues for me.

So now onto my night.

Dinner at Sushi-E with a friend (hands down the best sushi bar in Sydney), sat at the sushi bar, opened one
of the waitresses, got chatting, invited her and her friend to join us at Favela for a friends party when they
were done working there.

Left Sushi-E for De Nom (this is where the rock stars have their private parties in Sydney, membership is
$10,000 per year, I didn't pay it), this is the bar above Ruby Rabbit. Got there
at 9pm, reason for this is i planned to go back later, but wanted to
get a stamp as it gets packed by 12am. Anyway, there's 2 girls just
leaving ruby rabbit, so I open them and they are off to get some food
before one of their mate's in a band starts their set. We accompany them for
food, get chatting, and one of the girls is an environmentalist and the other one my target is a waitress at
tetsuya's (our version of Nobu, they're good mates btw) so I
talk a lot of shit about this and then we go back to Ruby Rabbit, and
my friend and I go upstairs to De Nom for a couple of drinks. We then
head of to Favela, so I go up to one of the girls we met who is still
in Ruby Rabbit and ask for her number as I am going to be back later,
she hands it over. I send her a text from the cab, saying i'll be
back at 12.30 and she should wait for me, she replies that she will.

We get to Favela, walk in (no queueing for us) the place is heaving,
I find my friend who is having the party, there's a lot of hot chicks
there, so my wing and I open these 2 lawyer chicks, get chatting and
go for a dance, 2 hours later we bounce them to the Cross the club
above Bourbon. We get to the door and I know the door girl quite well
and we walk in. The girls are trying to meet some other friends, but
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we want to bounce them back to De Nom, but it's not looking like its
gonna happen soon especially when they just bought themselves a
drink, so I say to them we're off, and one of them asks me for my
number, I tell her I dont give out my number, but ask for hers. She
hands it over, and we move back to De Nom. I send a text to the girl
from Ruby Rabbit saying we're on our way and she replies that she's
just left as her friend's drink has been spiked but can she see me
tomorrow or sometime next week. I reply sure, and then get a text
from the waitress at Sushi-E who wants to meet us with one of her

I ignore the text until I get to De Nom as I want to check out the
talent before I commit. We walk in upstairs and as I thought, the
place is packed. We get to the bar, and see 3 russian girls there, so
I open the girls, and we start talking, and my wing isolates the
other 2, and after a bit of banter and shit testing, i start playing the question game with this chick. She
knows the game and we play for a good hour. I kiss close her, and get
her number, but she's off to melbourne in the morning, so i knew it
was going to be a struggle to get her to location change unless it
was back to hers, but I have other shit to do in the morning so i pass.

I text the waitress from Sushi-E and ask her to meet me at Ruby
Rabbit, which she does... She's a bit tired and I ask her if she
wants to come back to mine as it's only around the corner, which she
does. After a bit of banter and chat, she agrees to spend the
night.... she left at 9am this morning to go to Yoga having not had
much sleep.

Now this isn't posted as a lay report, this is a standard weekend for me now. I am in the top bars/clubs in
Sydney, eating at the sushi bar at Sushi-E on a Saturday night (I've sat next to Elle Macperson here a few
months back in this place), and it's so much easier to open and close chicks when you're in places that
automatically DHV you. it's incredible how people notice you when you walk into bars/clubs ahead of the
queue, and when you're inside and have a table and look like you're having a lot of fun, people want to know
who you are. But if you combine this lifestyle with decent game, the results are amazing.

So just having a good lifestyle isn't enough, and having a ton of cash and spending on chicks doesnt attract
the right kind of girls. it's being totally congruent with a great lifestyle and backing it up with decent game
that paves the way to the promised land.

An example, I was sarging this german model one night, and the conversation went like this
Me: do you know what I hate about Sydney
HB9: no, what?
Me: How bad the drivers are relative to Europe (germans think they are the best drivers in the world,
arrogant bunch).
HB9: I know, they're terrible.
Me: That's pretty rich coming from a chick, a bet you can't even reverse park
HB9: I am a great driver, I bet you can't even drive a manual (stick)
Me: You've got to be kidding, all chicks say that, but put a stick in their hands and they get nervous, I think
it's a sexual thing. I've been playing with my stick for years, driving a manual is just a natural extension
HB9: start laughing
Me: Anyway, if you're such a good driver, my co-pilot has had a family emergency, and i'm rally racing on
Sunday, why don't you come and take his place. Actually scratch that, I need you to read a map, and chicks
can't map read, let me go and find someone else
HB9: I can read a fucking map, i've driven from Zagreb (Croatia) to Munich loads of times and I didnt get
Me: is that supposed to impress me. look it's been fun, I need to catch up with my friends, find me later if
you;ve got something to prove.

20 minutes later
HB9: Are you really going rally racing on Sunday
Me: yes
HB9: I've got something to prove
Me: I am sure you do, but i have to run, i'll talk to you later, I am not sure about this co-pilot thing
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HB9: OK, what's your number?
Me: That's pretty forward, do you give out your number to every person that asks you for it?
HB9: Takes out her phone hands it to me, and says "just type in your number"
Me: I take her phone, dial my number, and delete my number from dialed numbers.
I then tell her, i'll call her tomorrow if i haven't found someone else, and hand her back her phone.
HB9: What's your name?
Me: Kempai, look i really have to run, i'll call you tomorrow
HB9: I'm HB9, make sure you call, I really want to come with you

This is just an example of me doing fun stuff, and girls wanting to be part of it. I have done lots of this stuff,
by making the next hookup something really exciting (i'e done helicopter flying lessons, white water rafting,
skydiving, car racing, canyoning, pantballing amongst other things), and chicks always want to come along.

Perhaps having an amazing day ahead of you is something to plan before you go out, it's defintiely
something you can invite chicks along to.

just my 2 cents

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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 508
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 1:13 pm Post subject:

good post. we do this type of stuff to the extreme at project miami. its all about flipping every DHV switch
you can. if you keep doing that girls will absolutely positively get sucked in. one of the things i learned early
on in the game is that a great life can't be faked with game -- you should have a great life (health, wealth)
and with game you get your relationships taken care of. i always did well on the wealth stuff but could not
get laid pre game pretty much at all. game changed all that - but when you combine game with wealth you
go far beyond any normal guys reality.

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Addicted to sarging? Forum Index -> Main
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Joined: 09 Jan 2007
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Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 12:14 pm Post subject: Addicted to sarging?
So I bummed around studying MM and looking at routines 4 around 2 months and I went out about
3 times....and just froze out man, complete AA combined with a lack of prior planning and
confidence in field tested material, or rather, my ability to deliver it stopped me opening. I didnt
open ONE set and yet somehow 2 weeks later Im a new man, I now BELIEVE AA is an ILLOGICAL
FEAR I dont just take mehows word on it, through approaching SETS Ive proven it to myself, and it
sure makes it easier to approach when u know the worst that can happen is an icy interaction.

You know there are a million guys who will tell you 'I have terrible AA', Im ugly, theres no hot girls
in this club w.e but you gotta make the choice. Im not interested in guys without balls anymore, im
sorry but sitting at home avoiding clubs or interaction with women is denying who you are...hiding
from yourself to save some pathetic self imag...ANYONE who TRIES is cooler in my book then a guy
doing nothing or worse...happy doing nothing.

Im officially addicted to sarging and I love every minute of it, Im not pro and I dont profess 2 be, I
just want to spread the word with this post:

I ENJOY my time socializing with beautiful women. Im in perfect vibe when Im in the field because
Im doing what I want to do....I love everything about sarging and from here its just a self analysis
climb to the top.

d rather talk 2 twenty girls, kino and laugh, run routines, negs and takeaways than SETTLE for
being a LOSER...I just wont do it. So the point of this post is to point out that the newbie mission
isnt some huge undertaking of DREAD like I originally thought...its just jumping into cold water a
bunch of times, and then ENJOYING a nice LOING swim...DONT DELAY, go out and use direct
openers running natural game, use opinion openers and best friends test..whatever it takes to open
sets at first and then develop a stack AT not think when you are in a club and use 3
second rule, dont use your brain just commit!! you dont think about jumping in a cold pool...u close
ur eyes and jump and once your IN THE water your swimming training (routines or w.e) should
come to the fore and if not...well youve always got a cheat sheet!

Happy swimming guys, Im going 2 work now on 4 hours sleep...ouch! lol
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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 508
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 7:35 pm Post subject:
I love these positive posts!!! This rocks. I experienced the same thing early on too. Once you get a
bunch of field experience though you will have times when you don't want to go out. Give yourself
permission to do that as well - as sarging too much can cause negative emotional state as well.

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Entourage/Social Circle game
Mehow, Teach us, "Entourage Game"! Forum Index -> Main
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Joined: 06 Jan 2007
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Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 3:14 am Post subject: Mehow, Teach us, "Entourage Game"!
Hey Mehow,

How bout u tell us about your, "Entourage Game"?

How do u build an Entourage of ladies for future events and how do u build one right in the clubs/bars?
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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
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Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 6:33 pm Post subject:
The entourage stuff we are putting into a product.

But here are the basics ....

-Go out and sarge and number close women as friends.
-During the week phone game them and invite them to your next party.
-When they come to the party make sure none of your wings pick up on them.
-Do this over and over until you are rolling with crazy entourages (my personal record was 35 women).
-The game is the same other than you don't escalate kino and go sexual.
-You introduce cold approach girls to your entourage and those are the ones you choose to either make
more entourage or pursue deeper relationships with.

One thing that is super key to this is to have professional wings -- you have to have enough cool guys to
entertain the women in your entourage and you have to trust them to not fuck up the sets or attempt to
sleep with the social circle (afc dudes think that if you have 30 girls then can definitely have one - and they
think you are being a dick for not sharing cause they don't get it).
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Repeating routines in front of girls .. should I avoid it ? Forum Index -> Main
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Surreal Satyr

Joined: 11 Feb 2007
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Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:49 pm Post subject: Repeating routines in front of girls .. should I avoid it ?
Hi guys,

Ive been playing the game for some time now and got addicted to pawning, merging, pivoting and
entourage-like stuff... (life becomes much easier)

Problem is I still got few A2 routines. Maybe, without improvisation, I could do 2 diferent A2 for 2 diferent
sets... that means that if I open more than 2 sets by pawning, merging etc the girls will probably see me
doing the same routines again.

And if I befriend a set and call them up the rest of the month every time they go out with me they will see
me doing exactly the same things I did last night, maybe even with the befriended set in question.

What do you think about it? How do you deal with this?

Surreal Satyr, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 508
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 12:48 am Post subject:
And if I befriend a set and call them up the rest of the month every time they go out with me they
will see me doing exactly the same things I did last night, maybe even with the befriended set in

What do you think about it? How do you deal with this?

I run into this issue a lot because I love doing entourage game. Things you can do ...

-Have a ton of material in your head. So much that its very unlikely that you will run the same stack of 2
routines in front of the same people. Don't worry about this conciously - its really hard to remember what
you said to who - just be a fun guy with a ton of cool, fun, true stuff to talk about.
-Don't merge during attraction. I don't spend a lot of time merging sets when I'm working on one in
attraction. In comfort you should be always isolated and out of ear shot so that portion of things should not
be an issue. When you merge sets just vibe. Given those two things here is a common scenario:

-Walk into club with girl friends and vibe with them. Have a good time.
-Peel off and run some cold approach. Merge the sets together once attraction is done.
-Vibe with the girl friends and the new cold approach set.
-Isolate any woman I want to do comfort with.

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All the sets get jealous because of the entourage vibe you are creating. Solo approaching a set of girls (if you
are going direct) when the entire venue sees you already hanging with girls IMO gets you better results then
rolling in with a wing-girl unless you and the wing-girl have amazing game. The reason this works is that
women really appreciate a guy with the balls to approach solo but also want to see someone who is social
proofed. The above scenario addresses both goals.

Incidentally, the reason getting busted on material or repeating yourself is a big issue is that women have a
huge sensitivity to anything being dishonest. If you think about it -telling a true story twice isn't logically
dishonest at all - but women then correctly think you are 'up to something.' They get irate when they notice
that their emotional S and R circuitry is being worked by something that may not be genuine. This response
is an evolutionary mechanism designed to protect them from mating with a guy who pretends to be the
tribal chieftan but isnt.

Another tip is to take brief notes on what you said to which girl. I do this because .. I meet so many women
after a bit of time I forget who they are and what their name is. Also, on important sets I like to keep track
of where I'm at so I write brief notes about the stories I told them in my phone.

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friends/wings Forum Index -> Main
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Joined: 11 Nov 2006
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Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:29 am Post subject: friends/wings
hey mehow, do you ever go out by yourself? none of my friends ever want to join me when i go out,
and to add in, they never want to introduce me to their girlfriends because they know what ends up
happening if i happen to like one of them...any advice as far as going out alone?
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Mehow Admin

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Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 6:39 pm Post subject: wings vs. friends
I only sarge with community people or wings i have trained myself.

Sarging with AFC is not worth it no matter how buddy buddy you are with them.

If there aren't any community guys around - try to identify a friend of yours that might be down and
start teaching him the basics.

Having no wings sucks major balls. Going out yourself is great practice but without a pro wing
pulling/extracting/making things solid is hard because of the logistical nightmare that women are.

You need to find a wing.

In terms of keeping your friends cool - you have to actively not game their social circle unless you
have their explicit permission. So no negging, false disqualifiers, DHV stories etc. -- you have to be
your boring old self or you will steal their women and they will resent you for it even though they
don't have the skillset to close their own girls.

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Increasing Chillness
Increasing Chillness Forum Index -> Main
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Joined: 29 Oct 2006
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Location: San Diego, CA
Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 5:00 pm Post subject: Increasing Chillness
Hey guys,

I was out with Kerr last night, and he commented that a lack of chillness was getting in the way of
better success for me. I just come off with a lot of intensity. It's probably why I can AMOG so well,
guys can tell my intent is much stronger than there's and they don' f*ck with it.

Does anyone here have suggestions on how to be more chill? I know Mehow has worked on that in

And yes I know marijuana and xanax works, but I'd prefer a non-drug method of being more chill.

If you like what I have to say, check out my site: Accepting articles from users NOW.
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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 508
Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 11:13 pm Post subject:
You learned the PureKino attract stuff in my bootcamp - I came up with that to specifically address
that problem. If you are constantly touching girls you can easily hold the set while also being super
chill. Most guys have a problem with being chill, because when they go chill they loose the set. But a
super good looking guy can be super chill and just hold it due to the value. Average older looking
guys (like me) also need to be chill to make it solid but I use kino to hold the set when if iIm just
talking I loose it. For those of you who want to know more about PureKino I'm shortly going to be
writing a newsletter about it - look for it in the next few days.

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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 508
Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 4:33 pm Post subject:

The kino is the key thing that lets you keep the set while your sub-communications are chill.

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To be chill in the set:

-slow down your arm motions and walk slowly
-speak slowly
-reduce head motion
-smile a lot
-feel like you are wrapped in a big warm fuzzy pillow at all times

Lovedrop followed me around the club while i opened sets and just walked around being chill - he
would say stuff like 'slow down the way you move, quit moving your arms so much, chill.

Hope that clarifies things. There is nothing more frustrating then being chill and loosing sets which
is why i came up with the PureKino thing. btw, the PK newsletter I'm writing now. it will be out

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Sex Protecting Yourself
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Joined: 06 Jan 2007
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 3:48 pm Post subject: ADVICE FOR NEWBIES: STDS, CONDOMS, ETC...
Hey bros, for a guy who is 17 years old and still a virgin, what would be your advice for avoiding STDs,
wearing condoms, getting tested, getting THEM tested, and even choosing "healthy" partners?

Obviously there are many people who use condoms for vaginal intercourse, but it seems hardly anyone does
for oral sex.

This is a point of concern for me so any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Mehow Admin

Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 508
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:26 am Post subject:
The industry standard amongst the pro puas I know is that you always wear a condom on intercourse but
hardly anybody seems to wear a condom on oral sex. Dental dams for going down on her are unheard of.

My advice to you is always wear a condom for intercourse and oral.

In terms of getting tested the official guidelines are all over the web. One thing that you may want to know
about is that there is a new HIV test that you only have to wait 30 days after a possible exposure to get
accurate results - it is called HIV DNA by PCR.

I can't say that testing HER is a bad idea before you sleep with her. Problem is that I feel its incredibly likely
you will loose the girl if you put her through that. I've never done it.

Bottom line, look around on the web at reputable medical resources and make your own decision.

I'm happy wearing condoms all the time but obviously my sex life is not a scientifically measurable
indicator of what is safe or what isn't. There is no such thing as 100% safe sex as you are ultimately never
sure who she has or hasn't slept with even if you know you are totally clean. I have definitely had women lie
about when their most recent sex partner was other than you and how many partners they have had - don't
rely on what they tell you. btw, if you bring stuff like that up before sex you run the risk of loosing the set.

Another reason to always wear a condom even if you want to have unprotected sex is pregnancy.

Women want your sperm. Period.

They hate condoms. Period.

They are all rational in broad day light about getting pregnant and will easily tell you stuff like 'I don't want
to have any kids now' and 'I would definitely get an abortion if i got pregnant.'
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Don't buy into that. It's all BS. This isn't because she is really lying or anything. It's just that once she gets
pregnant her emotionality gets ten times stronger and she will be totally fine just telling you that she wants
to keep the baby. Trust me on that one. You have to love women for what they are. Their emotions let us
attract them to us as PUAs but there are also potentially negative sides to that like she might get attracted
to another guy or want to have your baby.

I've had women literally BEG ME to do them without a condom on multiple occasions. Its nuts. Be mentally
prepared - they can be pretty convincing - 'I'm hard to get pregnant.'

Also, one time this somewhat drunk girl I was seeing for a bit - tried to pull to condom off me after I put it

It's a war zone. They want your sperm but you don't want to give that up usually.

'be social'

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