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Channelled Entity
Channelled in
Johannesburg, South Africa
Date of channelling
November 25, 2004
A liberating journey into the Sapphire Temple of Shamballa, accompanied by Lord Metatron.
Beloved ones the pineal gland which emanates frequencies of energy through the third eye chakra is
Lord Kuthumi
5D Third Eye Chakra Activation
Channelled through Michelle Eloff
Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 25 November 2003

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet you at this time and to
bring unto you the blessings of awakening, of integration, of synchronicity and of peace. Greetings
beloved ones.
And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with you upon this day, as we hold
each one of you firmly within the heart of Christ, and securely upon the hands of God.
Divine ones as we gather with you at this time in the presence of the Christ energy we bring to you
individual blessing as requested by your soul, we ask you to open your energy to receive these energy
blessings in order to assist with your personal processes of healing on which ever level currently
Today we assist you in fully activating your third eye chakra of the fifth dimension. The fifth dimensional
consciousness is one of a high frequency vibration, it acts instantly and even as you project a thought
unconsciously it manifests, that is how quickly this energy works. This is another reason why it is so vital
to work with your personal development and awakening process, in order to know as much as you can
about yourself in every given moment and at the same time consciously making the effort to reprogram
the subconscious in order to ensure that which is fed by the unconscious is of a high vibration, and not
of the old paradigm third dimensional conditioned consciousness.
currently undergoing changes within the energy bodies, resulting in this gland re-manifesting its original
shape and size. The shape and size it was when you were a child. One of the reasons children are
generally more connected to spirit so to speak than adults is because their pineal gland still holds the full
presence of their Christed consciousness. As they are affected by projected conditions it does change
and when puberty sets in the pineal gland begins to shrink and becomes as it is now in your adult body.
One of the reasons, esoterically that is, why the pineal gland shrinks when ones puberty begins is
because the changes hormonally facilitated through the pituitary gland do not vibrate in unison. The
consciousness of the individual is a so-called denser vibration and instead of all three levels ascending to
the next level of higher consciousness it becomes distorted and there is insufficient light to ensure the
pineal gland maintains its fullness of being. Therefore the more consciously you work in developing your
clairvoyant abilities, clairaudient and clairsentient abilities, the more light you draw into your being. This
results in enough light to hold the pineal gland, the pituitary gland, the thyroid, the thymus, the
thalamus and the hypothalamus glands, all of which are affected by your spiritual development and are
also affected by the quotient of light present in your energy bodies at any one given time.
A number of people have found problems manifest in their thyroid gland as their spiritual path unfolds,
this is one of the side effects of re-structuring the spiritual anatomy of the light bodies, and the thyroid
gland then needs to experience a cycle of so called detoxification in order to rid itself of the limiting
third dimensional conditioning that it has stored within itself during the course of the individuals
lifetime. Therefore consciously committing to awakening your higher senses assists you in maintaining
physical health as well.
Activating your fifth dimensional third eye will also support you during the next eight years as you shift,
as you grow and awaken even further and ascend the spiral of light into the higher levels of
consciousness that you are divinely planned to experience. The ability to be receptive to telepathic
communication and the ability to telepathically communicate with other human beings and light beings
is becoming a vital requirement in this current time of awakening. You see, it is not up to the higher
beings of consciousness to descend in order to teach you and present to you what you need in order to
evolve. There comes a time where human beings need to raise their vibration and meet these beings of
light halfway. That time is now.
The beings of higher consciousness are descending as far as they can and now it is your turn to raise
your energy to ascend in order to continue your evolution on all levels. By trusting the process of higher
sensory awakening you open worlds of experience and opportunity, worlds of higher wisdom, of highly
advanced knowledge that you by divine right are able to re-learn and have access to. The opportunity
presented to you beloved ones is to move beyond the boundaries of third dimension, fourth dimension
and step completely into fifth dimension.
So now let us assist you in making this a reality, join me now as we journey to the world of Shamballa,
into the Sapphire Temples.
Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes. Take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale
through your mouth. Breathe deeply all the way to the pit of your belly and as you exhale release
whatever negativity or density weighs you down. Continue to breathe in this manner. With each breath
in and out acknowledge that you become more relaxed and more centred and aligned with all the levels
of your higher self, your higher light and higher consciousness.
Now imagine yourself standing in a magnificent garden, one of such beauty it takes your breath away.
Take a look at all the magnificent creations around you. Feel the peace of this sacred place filling you
and nurturing your inner child. Begin to walk along the pathway before you and ahead of you imagine
magnificent golden gates, closed. As you draw nearer imagine two magnificent dragons on either side of
the gate. These dragons are part of the energy system of Lady Kwan Yin and are guardians to the golden
gate, which takes you into the world of Shamballa where the Temple of Sapphire Light is manifest.
Greet these Beings of Light. Ask their permission to enter through the golden gates of Shamballa and
tell them why you are asking their permission. The gates will open the moment they give their consent.
If these gates have opened, step through them.
You are now in the sacred gardens of Shamballa. Slowly follow the path before you and become aware
of a brilliant light approaching you, as this light draws closer you will see a magnificent Archangel of
Light, also known as Lord Metratron, coming toward you. Greet him and give thanks to him for coming
to meet you. He turns around and begins to go in the direction he has come from, follow him.
He leads you to a magnificent Temple made of pure sapphire and the light of the sapphire shines in all
directions. This light filters through your bodies, enters every cell of every organ of your body. It
dissolves negative, stagnant and dense energy in your physical, emotional, mental and subtle bodies.
Become aware of how you are feeling physically or emotionally and just be. Breathe the sapphire light
into your body, open your arms and allow it to filter through you. Allow it to wash over you, and allow it
to swirl around you.
Lord Metatron now signals for you to follow him into the Sapphire Temple. As you enter the temple
give thanks that you have been welcomed into the Sacred Temple and make your way to its centre.
While you are standing in the centre of the Sapphire Temple, all your Guides, your Teachers, all of your
Guardian Beings and your Healing Beings manifest and form a half circle behind you, creating a sense of
support. Each of these Beings greet you by opening their heart chakra and projecting a ray of magenta
light to your heart chakra. Simply imagine these rays of energy entering your heart chakra from the
back, filling you up with this magnificent magenta energy.
You are now to look into the eyes of Lord Metratron. As you do so, you will see a third eye manifest in
the centre of his forehead, as you do this, an eye manifests in the centre of your forehead. These eyes
also make contact with one another. This creates a pyramid of energy. The upper triangle between your
third eye and physical eyes represents the higher mind of Father God, and another triangle manifests
from your two physical eyes down to the point of your chin, representing the higher wisdom and
consciousness of the Mother Goddess.
Focus now through your third eye and imagine that you are seeing everything around you through your
third eye only. Now become aware of the spiral of sapphire light manifesting between you and Lord
Metatron. This spiral expands until you are fully absorbed into it. The faster it spins, the higher your
energy frequencies vibrate until eventually the vibration is so high it manifests in a brilliant white light
which merges with the sapphire light. As this spiral continues to spin around you and you are completely
filled with and enveloped by this brilliant white and sapphire light, imagine your crown chakra opening
and allowing this light to filter into it through your pituitary gland. It makes its way into your pineal
gland. Allow your third eye chakra to open completely to accept this light. Imagine this light moving into
your thalamus and hypothalamus glands. If you dont know where they are dont worry, the energy will
find its way.
Now imagine this sapphire and white light moving to the centre of your brain filling your brain with this
energy opens all the channels of your higher senses. Now let this white and sapphire light filter down to
your neck, and open your throat chakra to accept this energy. Move it into your shoulders and down
your arms into your hands and allow the chakras at the palm of your hands, and the chakras in your
elbows to open and accept this energy and light. It moves down into your heart chakra, open it and
accept it. It fills up your spine and moves down your back. It fills your lungs, your stomach, your
intestines, in fact all the vital organs in your abdominal region. Open your solar plexus chakra and your
sacral chakra to accept and fully absorb this energy and light. Move it into your hips. It fills your pelvic
area, open your base chakra and absorb this energy. It makes its way down your legs, into your knees,
open your knee chakras and absorb this light. Down your shins and calves into your ankles, open your
ankle chakras and absorb the energy and light. Move it into your feet and open the chakras at the soles
of your feet to absorb this energy and light. Then release it into Mother Earth.
Your body is now vibrating and pulsating with a sapphire and brilliant white light. You have now
completely activated your Sapphire Sheath; the body of energy and the light that will nurture and
maintain your fully active and open fifth dimensional third eye chakra.
Lord Metatron now extends both his hands palms open, and in the centre of his palm of each hand is
brilliant sapphire crystal, one blue and one white. Focus your eyes on these crystals. Take note of which
colour sapphire is on which hand, in other words through which eye you are connecting with which
colour sapphire.
Lord Metatron now asks you to step closer and place your hand palm downwards on top of his and on
top of the sapphire gems so that they touch your palm chakras. You are now merging with the light of
Lord Metatron and your energy is being imprinted with the sapphire codings of higher wisdom and
knowledge as taught by Lord Metatron within his school of higher learning. Every cell of your body
vibrates with gratitude as it absorbs this light, the light of wisdom, the light of knowledge. It vibrates
with the absorption of the light of inspiration, the light of insight, of clear sight and of foresight.
Now make full eye contact with Lord Metatron again and if you are giving full conscious permission to
be initiated into the Sapphire Temple of Shamballa, to receive teachings of light from Lord Metatron and
you are consciously willing to commit to working with the conscious development of your higher powers
and all the tools embedded in your third eye, then please repeat out loud after me. Your silence will be
interpreted as your will not to be initiated into the energy grids that we are currently creating.
Begin now and repeat after me:
y I, and repeat your name, consciously commit to honour and accept my higher duties of light in accordance
with the higher planes and plans of light as given by Lord Metatron and my soul.
y I consciously commit to opening myself to healing the power of the sapphire energy, to heal and release, to
dissolve and negate all negative and limiting imprints, imprinted in this lifetime and past lifetimes that have
manifested as an inability due to fear, subconscious or unconscious block to fully utilising, developing and
mastering my clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient powers, including my ability to communicate and
receive transmissions telepathically from the highest beings of light.
y I now consciously accept full initiation into the Sapphire Temples of Shamballa and the higher school of Lord
Take three deep breaths in through your nose and exhale through your mouth and allow the vibrations
that he is emitting to fill you. Feel these energies move through every fibre of your being.
Let us continue now:
y I consciously request that all the Grand Masters and Teachers and the Emissaries of the greatest light and
wisdom, the purest love and truth assist me in opening every area of my physical brain required to be open
and fully receptive so that I may become fully clairvoyant, fully clairaudient and fully clairsentient.
Take three deep breaths in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Allow the resonance of
this energy to move through you and ground itself.
Let us continue, say:
I, and your name, fully accept the responsibility of consciously asking and choosing for all of my third eye
abilities to become fully active.
I commit and agree to serve God, to serve the Mother Goddess, Lady Gaia and the whole of humanity in any
way required through the utilisation of my abilities.
I acknowledge to fully honour and respect these responsibilities and at all times and in every conscious way to
be an ambassador and representative of the highest and purest orders of love and wisdom, light and truth.
Take a deep breath in and out.
Lets continue:
y I consciously accept, acknowledge and understand that if at anytime I consciously abuse my powers and
harm anyone or anything in any way whatsoever that these powers will immediately be disabled and my
third eye will resort to a third dimensional frequency.
Beloved ones take a moment now, continue looking into Lord Metatrons eyes. Search you heart and ask
yourself what exactly are you wanting to create in which ever manner you choose through the
manifestation of these powers becoming an integrated part of your life on all levels.
When you have this clear in your heart verbalise out loud to Lord Metatron what exactly it is you are
Lord Metatron and all the Beings of Light who are there to support you acknowledge what you have said
and in this moment the white and sapphire gems of light are fully absorbed into your palm chakras and
become one with your energy systems. Lift your hands now from the hands of Lord Metatron, and draw
them together in a symbol of gratitude. Touch both your centre fingers to your third eye as you bow in
gratitude to Lord Metatron and give thanks.
Manifesting now within this presence is a magnificent crowned eagle representing your ability to utilise
your higher powers of receptivity to see beyond all illusion; to utilise your gifts of newly found unlimited
vision and to use this to help yourself and in so doing helping the rest of humanity to awaken to their
same ability. Imagine this crowned eagle on the shoulder of Lord Metatron. This magnificent creature
bows before you and the crown on his head stretches out to the centre of the Sapphire Temple. Imagine
now the sapphire light becoming visible just above the eagles beak in what would be the place of his
third eye. The sapphire ray of light connects directly with yours. This is this creatures blessing and
acknowledgement, acknowledging your power, acknowledging your authentic self and honouring the
path you have chosen.
Breathe deeply in through your nose filling your lungs with the sapphire energy. Repeat this twice more
and on your third out breathe hundreds of sapphire and white shiny butterflies manifest, flying around
you, each one bringing a blessing, gift, and a vibration of light that will assist and serve you. A gift and
blessing that you will be able to extend to others. Sapphire energy brings butterfly blessings. These
butterflies will remain within your sapphire sheath and as you absorb each gift and blessing, so the
butterfly becomes one with your energy. This means that when you absorb it, when you have integrated
it you are ready to extend it to another. You will pass the butterfly blessings onto the rest of the world
until there are billions of energy butterflies filling the energy bodies of Lady Gaia, and will continue until
your world becomes a body of butterfly blessings.
It is time now to give thanks to Lord Metatron once again, to give thanks to all those Beings of Light that
have been present to witness your initiation and activation, give thanks to the devic presence of the
sapphire family. Give thanks to your soul for making the choice to step into the fifth dimensional world
of more expanded awareness and more conscious and responsible living.
Lord Metatrons parting gift to is a magnificent white and blue sapphire gem which he places around
your neck, which hangs over your heart chakra. He places the palm of his right hand over your third eye
and as you breathe in you absorb your sapphire mandala of energy; your sapphire signature of higher
He removes his hand and with the thumb of his right hand placed on your third eye he activates your
fifth dimensional third eye chakra symbol. This is now fully active, and it will be seen and recognised by
all Beings of Higher Consciousness. You will be accepted and acknowledged as a Being of Light, actively
practising the higher service of light. Give thanks. Place both your hands over your heart chakra and as
you draw your hands away from your heart extend a powerful ray of love in gratitude. Turn around and
make your way out of the Sapphire Temple. Make your way to the golden gate of Shamballa and as you
do so give thanks to the gardens of Shamballa for blessing you with their beauty and pure energy. Step
through the golden gates, they will close behind you, promising you access at anytime. Give thanks to
the Dragon Beings of Protection.
Begin to draw your consciousness back into your physical body. Breathe in deeply and as you breathe
out acknowledge that you are grounding yourself back into your physical body. When you are ready
open your eyes. And so it is then beloved ones that we bless each one of you with the sapphire light and
with butterfly blessings. We acknowledge your authentic self, its truth and its light. Trust in the many
invisible arms that hold you, carry and comfort you and know that not ever are you alone for we are all
one and we are with you always in all ways. May the light and love of Mother/Father God be eternally
present and an abundant source of inspiration, of motivation and of healing, and may all always be well
in your world.
I am Kuthumi, Lord of Love and Wisdom and greet and bless you in light. Adonai.

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