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Channelled Entity
Channelled in
Johannesburg, South Africa
Date of
January 25, 2005
Copyright Click here to read
Your journey into the 5th dimension today, is one that prepares many levels of energy shifting not only in
your crown chakra, but also in your base chakra. You understand the concept of as above, so below, and so
it is also applicable to ones chakras. Therefore, your crown chakra impacts on your base chakra - reflects
into your base chakra, and vice versa. Your base chakra roots you to the earth, your crown chakra roots you
to heaven. If you are ungrounded on the earth plane, you cannot be properly grounded in the higher planes.
This ungroundedness results in many aspects of the self becoming fragmented. Aspects of the self
disconnect and leaves one feeling scattered, confused and empty - Kuthumi

Channelled through Michelle Eloff
Johannesburg, South Africa - 25 January 2005

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet thee at this time and to bring
unto thee, the blessings of integration, the blessings of fusion, balance and synchronicity. Greetings
beloved ones.
And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with you upon this day, as we hold
each one of you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.
Beloved ones, as we gather with you upon this day, in the presence of the Christed energy, we wish to
acknowledge and honour your choice to be present on this sacred day of activating and integrating into your
being the right of your 5th dimension Crown Chakra. Initiating your physical body and subtle bodies into the
realm of expanded consciousness, which the 5th dimension represents, is a powerful choice. Bringing
higher levels of understanding into ones energy field serves not only the purpose of your souls evolution,
but also serves the purpose of assisting the collective consciousness in its evolution through the various
levels of density and fear which drag it into the higher realms of light and positivity.
Your journey into the 5th dimension today, is one that prepares many levels of energy shifting not only in
your crown chakra, but also in your base chakra. You understand the concept of as above, so below, and so
it is also applicable to ones chakras. Therefore, your crown chakra impacts on your base chakra - reflects
into your base chakra, and vice versa. Your base chakra roots you to the earth, your crown chakra roots you
to heaven. If you are ungrounded on the earth plane, you cannot be properly grounded in the higher planes.
This ungroundedness results in many aspects of the self becoming fragmented. Aspects of the self
disconnect and leaves one feeling scattered, confused and empty. When one is in such a fragmented state, it
is difficult to remain centred, and it becomes increasingly difficult to understand what ones true needs are.
This results in the inability to manifest ones needs as being met. The intentions one sets do not hold the
clarity required for one to magnetically draw to oneself all the tools necessary to fulfil ones needs. When
one sets intentions, the energy is filtered out through the crown chakra. This energy is picked up by ones
guides and spiritual helpers as it moves through the various dimensions of energy. Now when one it is not
rooted properly on the earth plane, one is not properly rooted in order to manifest physically, so there is a
disconnection at both ends which means the intensions do not reach their proper destination in order for
you to attract what you require.
Therefore being clear in your intentions helps you remain focused and grounded. Fear un-grounds you, as
does living in the past or too much in the future. One of the major reasons why most people have difficulty
manifesting their needs as fulfilled is because they spend far too much of their energy worrying about the
past, and/or worrying about the future, and not investing enough focus, time and energy in the present
moment in order to create a different future. By focusing on the problems of the past, one perpetuates these
problems in the future, because energy grows where energy flows and if the focus is on negativity and fear,
you are guaranteed to manifest the same in the future.
The reason why we are discussing the base chakra with you as a group today, is because much of what you
shall work with through your crown chakra in service, in accordance with your life contract, will be to assist
individuals and groups in understanding how the two chakras work together. How if one wants to completely
connect with Spirit, one also needs to completely connect with Mother Earth. Mother Earth is the feminine
aspect of Father Sky, the two are one expression of energy. Humanity's journey to earth is important in the
sense of balancing masculine and feminine energy and integrating both principles in order to express a
balanced expression of all life. One cannot be rooted only on the earth plane and not be rooted with the sky
plane and expect to manifest balance and vice versa. An easy way to remember this is, as above so below.
Your interaction with individuals seeking balance is important because your journey into the mystery
schools with Lord Maitreya, will bring about teachings you require in order to understand the higher levels of
this particular teaching. I have often said, that unless you know yourself, you cannot know God. Therefore
through your personal journey of keeping your crown and your base chakras balanced you will discover
tools to assist humanity in manifesting the same balance, but more important initially is the understanding
of why it is so important. I have already mentioned this before, but I shall repeat it. One of the reasons why a
number of people on the spiritual path have difficulty manifesting their basic needs as met is because they
are all up in the heavens, so to speak. Too much energy in the crown chakra and insufficient energy in the
base chakra. In order to manifest balanced rooting systems imagine a tree, this is how one should be, rooted
firmly to the earth, drawing sustenance and energy from the Mother Earth, extending high towards the
heavens, drawing sustenance and energy from Father Sun. Trees live for a very long time, they trust fully
that their needs will always be met. The same applies to all of you, trust that all your needs will always be
met physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Now let us begin with the activation:
Close your eyes and make yourself comfortable in your seats. Take a deep breath in through your nose, as
you exhale through your mouth allow your body to relax and become calm. On your next in breath breathe
into all of your chakras and as you exhale, exhale from all of your chakras, balancing them and releasing any
tension or anxiety. On your next deep in breath, imagine your body being filled with a tranquil blue light and
as you exhale, release all stress, and all tension. Acknowledge to yourself that with every in and out breath
your body is becoming more relaxed, your mind becoming calmer and your emotions more at peace. Remind
yourself this is a safe space, one where you can open your energy to receive the blessings that Spirit bring
to offer you.
Continue to breathe in your own natural rhythm, deeply in and out, and now imagine yourself entering a
sacred magnificent garden. This is your personal sanctuary of beauty, of healing and of nurturance. This
garden is where your inner child comes to, to receive healing, comfort and nurturing. This is the place where
you interact with your guides. It is your safe haven. Take time to observe your surroundings and look at the
beauty and the light present. All this beauty and light reflects your inner beauty, and your inner light. Breathe
in the fresh air, and imagine every pore of your body open to absorb this pure clear air. Absorbing it into
your muscles, into your bloodstream, into the cells and tissue of your body and into every major organ, right
to the very centre of your bone marrow.
Take a look down now and you will see that you are following a pathway. This pathway leads you to two
magnificent very grand and large golden gates and on either sides of the gates are a dragon. They are the
guardians of the gates, the entrance to Shamballa. When you enter into a sacred space, you can only enter
having asked permission first. Therefore ask the dragons for permission to enter into the sacred world of
Shamballa. If permission is granted, the gates will automatically open and you can make your way into the
sacred gardens of Shamballa.
Still following the path, make your way into the world of Shamballa, as you walk you become aware of a
bright light coming towards you. The closer it gets, you recognize Lord Maitreya coming to greet you. His
eyes filled with light, with peace, with ancient wisdom and deep compassion. He welcomes you and asks you
to follow him to the Diamond Temple in the heart of Shamballa. When you eventually reach the temple, Lord
Maitreya will walk in ahead of you, you are to remain outside.
Now in order to enter the Diamond Temple, you need to ask permission from the presence of the Diamond
Temple and if permission is granted, you will see the doors expand to welcome you in and make your way to
the centre of the diamond temple and stand before Lord Maitreya.
Now thank Lord Maitreya for the honour of being able to join him in the Diamond Temple. Thank him for his
presence. You now need to invoke the presence of all your Master Teacher Guides and Angels. Invoke the
presence of any other ascended Master being of Light whom you are affiliated to. Invoke the presence of the
Pleiadian Emissaries of Light. Invoke the presence of the Sirian Archangelic League of Light. Invoke the
presence of the Arcturian League of Light. Invoke the presence of the Andromedan Intergalactic League of
Light. If you have not done so already, invoke the presence of Archangel Michael. If you have not done so
already, invoke the presence of St. Germain. If you have not done so already, invoke the presence of Lord
Metatron and Lord Melchizedek. Invoke the presence of your divine advisor, the being of light who advises
you regarding your life plan, who interviews and assists you with making vital decisions based on your
divine lifes work.
Now look into the eyes of Lord Maitreya. As you do this you can imagine your crown chakra beginning to
vibrate as impulses of light begin to penetrate your crown chakra. These impulses of light are being fed to
you directly from the Diamond Temple. If you cannot feel it, simply imagine it. Imagine your crown chakra
opening more and more to welcome the light and in so doing, your pituitary gland absorbs more light. The
more light you absorb into your pituitary gland, the more balanced and clear your endocrine system
becomes, this supports the process of balancing all the hormones in your body. This balance will help you
release any toxins in your body that have manifested in the imbalance of your hormonal system that has
manifested in the imbalance of emotions, and the imbalance of your mind in any way or form what so ever,
connected specifically to your crown chakra. Simply draw the light into your body. Be in the presence and
feel. By drawing this light into your body, all your subtle bodies are being prepared to merge fully with your
diamond sheath. Your diamond sheath is one of the layers of your crystal body. This sheath ensures that
your crown chakra remains open and connected to your 5th dimensional crystalline body consciousness at
all times. Your diamond sheath facilitates the process of shifting all the levels of your current consciousness
out of old paradigm thinking and belief systems and draws it into the new systems of 5th dimensional
integration of light and application of energy.
Feel your body growing softer and relaxing and surrendering to the power and support of this diamond light.
While this is taking place, Lord Maitreya steps forward and places his right hand upon your crown chakra
and his left hand over the base chakra area. As he holds these two chakras in a powerful alignment of pure
highly concentrated crystal light, your entire spinal column is realigned. Your cerebral spinal fluid is also
flushed, removing any toxins, blockages and stagnant energy that have resulted in you feeling blocked or
stagnant in any way what so ever, relating specifically to your desire to understand, at a more deeper level,
what the next step is regarding your lifes work. Imagine this light flowing vigorously up and down your
spine, drawing out all density and dissolving all negativity. This light releases any compacted negative
energy between your vertebrae and releases any pinched nerves. As this continues, take a deep breath into
your body, draw back your shoulders, open your heart chakra and straighten your spine, so that the energy
can move smoothly between your crown chakra and your base chakra.
This light continues to intensify, the more intense it becomes, the more invigorated your body feels. This
light eventually manifests what is known as your pranic tube, a tube of energy the size and diameter of your
thumb and forefinger placed together. The light begins to change to a light blue colour. It now extends a
hands length out above your crown chakra and it moves all the way down to your feet and it extends a hands
length beneath your feet. Each time you breathe in and out you breathe through your pranic tube. With Lord
Maitreyas hands still on your crown and your base, the Star of David manifests around your body, as this
occurs, all the beings of light present, witnessing your activation and initiation begin to chant the "Om"
sound. Imagine the vibration of "Om" penetrating every cell of your body. As the vibration continues from
the "Om" mantra, the Star of David becomes a three dimensional star tetrahedron -your Merkabah vehicle.
Imagine the vibration of these beings chanting the "Om" mantra dislodging all negativity in every cell of your
body. The vibration now increases as they take the "Om" mantra to a different note. This new vibration
begins to dissolve all negativity dislodged from the cells of your body and at the same time, Lord Maitreya
penetrates your crown chakra and base chakra with a powerful flush of pure diamond light, this light flushes
through your body removing all negative energy, and any other residual energy, be it an emotion or thought
that continues to limit, paralyse or debilitate you in any manner whatsoever. In order to breathe beloved
ones, draw the air into your whole body nor just your lungs, breathing out, releasing and relaxing. Your
diamond sheath is now around all your subtle bodies.
Your healing angels now step forward and stand behind you. Two of these angels take their hands and lay
them upon your back, whichever areas of your back most require their energy. These angels scan all of the
information stored on a cellular and energetic level in the area of your back. Your back is where you store
past core issues. With the assistance of your inner child, they begin to remove the root to core issues that
you are ready to be rid of. You can imagine this as threads of energy being pulled out of your back, for some
of you it may appear like a smoke or a steam emanating from your back, some of you may see what appears
to be blisters or boils manifesting on your back. Your healing angels remove all of this energy and will
continue to work with you in this manner for the next 25 days. This particular process is for the purpose of
releasing you from past time lines, time lines that keep you trapped in old paradigm systems, a belief in lack,
victim and conditional love consciousness. Remember it is safe to end these cycles of self-torture and of
abuse, the cycles of self-sabotage, self-doubt and self-rejection. Your healing angels will be present 24
hours a day, seven days a week, supporting you completely on any level, and on every level, to heal what
your higher self has presented to you to release in order to clear the avenue of light between your crown and
base chakra. All that prevents you from being completely balanced, grounded and rooted to heaven and
earth will be shifted. Acknowledge to your inner child that it is safe and that you are ready and that all always
will be well.
Now Lord Maitreya takes a step backwards, leaving the space for your healing angels to continue working on
you. He now asks you to hold your hands up, hands facing upwards and he places his hands palms
downwards upon yours, the chakras in the centre of your hand making an instant connection. Lord Maitreya
opens his heart chakra to yours making a connection. He does the same with your throat chakra and with
your third eye chakra. Lord Maitreya now explains to you that the work of a light worker is a role that in all
truth continues eternally. The journey of service and self-exploration go hand in hand. He reminds you that
each time you evolve to a higher level of consciousness and each time you experience an initiation, you take
on more responsibility as a servant in the field of light work. As you serve so you will be served. As you
stand as an ambassador of the truth of Mother-Father God, so the truth of Mother-Father God will always
support you and be there within you and for you. Lord Maitreya also wishes for you to know that by
accepting to walk as a light worker of the 5th Dimension, you choose to serve the world around you as much
as you will need to serve the world within you. Serve yourself beloved ones and serve humanity,and in so
doing you serve Spirit. Now if you are clear in your heart and in your mind about what Lord Maitreya has just
said, and you still wish to continue and accept the commitment and the responsibility that comes with this
activation and initiation, then please, out loud, repeat after us.
"I, (state name), consciously acknowledge that I have committed to the 5th dimensional pathway of higher
light work. I accept the blessing and gift of serving as an ambassador of Mother-Father God and in so doing,
I rejoice in receiving the blessing of manifesting and experiencing heaven on earth. I acknowledge and
understand that it is part of my journey to help my fellow brothers and sisters travel the journey of human
life, to manifest and experience heaven on earth".
Take a deep breath in now through your nose, as you exhale through your mouth, absorb these words into
your body. Now take a deep breath in through your nose, exhaling through your mouth and allowing the
energy to settle in every chakra of your body. On the next in breath visualize your crown chakra expanding
even further, as it absorbs more and more light. On the next in breath draw your entire crown chakra
consciousness into the 5th dimension, rooting yourself in the light of Lord Maitreya. Take another deep
breath in through your nose, aligning all of the energy and as you exhale, feel yourself calmly centred.
Now let us continue.
"I, (state name), acknowledge and commit to the path of soul service and in so doing serving man, serving
women, and children. I honour and accept the gift and blessing of being able to serve alongside Lord
Maitreya and being accepted as student of light " (tape ends)
Questions to Lord Kuthumi:
Q: Lord Kuthumi, the past couple of days but yesterday was exceptionally profound, I was having sensations
of almost my brain expanding and all these things going on in my head. Almost as if Im switching
frequencies, could you explain to me whats happening and where I am at at the moment please.
K: What you experienced was also in preparation for what you have experienced today. The shift in
frequencies have been exactly that. As one raises ones vibration to higher dimensions, one experiences it in
this manner. This means it is becoming even more important for you to hold your thoughts, your feelings
and your words in a higher quality of energy. This means that it is vital that you become extremely
conscious of what you think, of what you say and what you do, how you do it and how you express it. Is this
Q: Yes Lord Kuthumi. And my memory also seems to be particularly bad, I mean Ive started having a loss of
memory from when I had my first child, but lately I cannot even recall a book Ive read or a movie Ive seen. . .
K: Sister this happens because the energy is shifting to other dimensions, therefore certain parts of the
short term memory can be wiped clean, so to speak. This does not mean that you have forgotten it forever,
sometimes a keyword or sentence can trigger the memory, but this is as a result of these shifts in
consciousness. Many people are experiencing it at this time and sometimes cannot even remember what
happened in the morning of their day, or the day previous to the one they are experiencing. We suggest to
you, beloved sister, that you take into your body a balanced amount of the Omega 3 and 6 oils, this will
ensure that the areas of the brain required to retain higher knowledge can do this and still remain connected
to the conscious consciousness of what one is experiencing in order to apply that information. It will also
nurture your central nervous system and keep your chakra system in balance during this time of change. Is
that clear?
Yes thank you Lord Kuthumi. You are welcome.
Q: Master Kuthumi, yesterday it was more around 1:30 2 oclock, I just felt a total depletion of energy. I just
felt like my entire body just plummeted to the floor and I felt so tired and absolutely drained, drained. It just
plummeted. Why was that?
K You will notice that this happens more frequently. Especially since participating in activations such as the
ones you have been. This usually happens when the energy disconnects from the physical body while the
body is physically conscious. In other words your soul will move into a higher dimension of experience
while you are awake. It is similar to leaving the body when one is asleep, the only difference is you are still
awake. We suggest at that time, if it is at all possible, to actually lie down and rest and go to sleep. Often the
soul is drawn out of the body or the soul will chose to leave the body at certain times during the day in order
to be a part of higher dimensional interaction with high frequencies of energy. The soul is not bound by time
and is not always discerning of when it leaves. You understand??
Yes. Very Well.
Q: Id also like to ask, I think last night I made a kind of break through after years of a lot of illusion and the
veils covering what were affecting me and stopping my growth, I finally realized it all had to do with
nurturing and healing my inner child. And I think Ive had a lot of grace and a lot of blessings in, in coming to
terms with what happened in my informative years and I had such a long, long talk, another talk with my
inner child. Has my process of healing my inner child really taken off now, and is all happening for me as it
K: Do you feel and believe it is.
Q: I think so yes, not I think so, Yes I do know so.
K: Then it is so.
Q: Thank you.
K: You are welcome. Blessings be with you.
Q: Lord Kuthumi, regarding the inoculations for Michael John, (inaudible) . . . the process that shes doing
with the injections that I am concerned . . . . (inaudible). . .
K: Beloved sister, does your daughter have access to the information regarding vaccinations and their
effects on the human body?
Q: No, I do believe . . . (inaudible).
K: Perhaps, let her read this first. However the choice at the end of the day is hers, and you need to trust that
it is therefore in alignment with the childs truth. Another suggestion we have to make is that you align with
your grandson on the higher planes, call upon his higher self, his spirit parents and his healing angels and
ask for divine intervention if the process of immunisation will be of great detriment to him on any level. Ask
therefore that his higher self work with the higher self of his parents in order to filter the consciousness of
that truth into their conscious minds, so that they feel safe in making a decision based on information they
understand. Is this clear?
Yes Lord Kuthumi, thank you very much. You are very welcome.
Any further questions??
Q: Master Kuthumi, may I ask . . . (inaudible) . . . for life, . . . (inaudible) . . .
K: Brother where do you feel the doubt is coming from in your body? Where do you feel it? Do you feel it in
your heart, or do you feel it in other chakras?
Q: Other Chakras.
K: Below your heart?
Q: Yes.
K: Then it is of the ego. Therefore it is, should we say, more self-doubt than an alert from your higher self to
be cautious. The solar plexus is also one of the points through which the ego works. If one feels fear in
those chakras, the solar plexus and the sacral chakra one is tapping into the fear related to survival. If it is in
the heart chakra, then one must take note. Is this clear?
Q: It is Lord Kuthumi.
K: Do you feel comfortable with this explanation?
Q: Yes.
K: Very well. Then trust your heart. Blessings be with you.
Any further questions?
Q: Master Kuthumi, A few years ago I was talking with you about information on the new children and my
son, you have mentioned it is best to keep them at home till the age of 3 and not to send them to school
before that. A few months ago, I had a struggle . . . (inaudible). . . to send my son to school, even though hes
almost two, and not three, I asked for signs and I got the signs, and off he went to school and he seems like
hes doing well and Im really battling with the guilt about sending him . . . (inaudible) . . .
K: Beloved sister, it is vital that you trust your heart with your son. The information that is being presented
applies to the collective energy of the new children, many of them require the home environment up until the
age of 3 years old. If it is any consolation, let us tell you that this channel felt the same way, and her 4-year-
old son also joined a playgroup just before he turned 2. She too was wracked with guilt until she saw the
benefits it had on her sons state of well-being and mood. Is this clear? Trust your children to guide you as
to what their needs are. Do not give your power away to an outer source of information. Even if it is
information that the Masters have presented. Is this clear?
Q: Yes, thank you.
K: You are welcome.
Q: May I ask, if he is happy . . . (inaudible) . . . hard to let go of my child.
K: Do not apologise for a mothers natural instinct. Sister, you are suffering from the separation anxiety
more than he is in truth, that is your inner child process. Most adults experience this when their children
step out of the nest for the first time. It is a regression to their first experience of being separated from the
mother at birth, also the next experience of being separated from the mother when embarking upon their
schooling career, you understand? So you are responding to your inner childs need for comfort as a result
of her separation anxiety. So trust that your son is perfect. You can ask that Archangel Michael and his Spirit
Parents alert you if in any way whatsoever he is unhappy. You can also ask Mother Mary to hold him in an
incubator of blue energy so that he always feel safe, even when you are physically not present. And ask the
same for your inner child.
Thank you Master Kuthumi. You are welcome.
Any further questions before we end this transmission?
Q: Master Kuthumi, on several occasions I have tried to access any past life memory or experiences that
were holding me back from healing and moving forward, because I always felt stuck and not being able to
move forward. I was never able to discern or see any past life, persons or experience. It was a complete
blank. I am worried, why can I cannot access those memories?
K: Every person is different. And it is not the way you need to discover what leads you. You saw that for
yourself last night as a result of your realisation. Every person experiences their healing process differently,
however there are collective experiences and some people find the answers in past life regression. The way
you regress is emotionally, not visually, therefore your body may have memories of past lives, but you
remember them through your feelings, through your emotions. This manifests in far more feelings and
emotions coming to the fore, that dont necessarily make sense, feeling ways that you cant understand why
all of a sudden you are feeling a certain way. Can you understand?
Q: Yes.
K: So trust that you have found what has blocked you and that visually tapping into a past life, is not the
route you have to go. Is that clear?
Q: Yes. Master Kuthumi who are my Master Guides that work with me constantly?
K: There are up to a minimum of 14 guides working with a person at any one given time. Currently assisting
you, is Babaji, one of the newly Ascended Masters Yogananda, Master Djwal Khul, the combination of Lord
and Lady Vishnu and the Goddess Sarasvati. That appears to be the main influences at this time. Is this
Q: Yes thank you. Im so touched it is (inaudible) because I have been feeling their presence very powerfully,
but I keep wondering and I even, if I could use the term, argue or fight with them to say that, Ok I trust that
you are here and that your presence is here, but why dont I see. Why dont I hear you.
K: Sister, let us explain something very important. There are people who do not have clairaudient and
clairvoyant abilities, as one would understand in those words. However their psychic abilities are in actual
fact stronger than those who would be clairvoyant or clairaudient because they are having to trust solely on
their intuition and the process of their inner senses as opposed to relying on clairaudient ability of hearing
voices, or the clairvoyant ability of seeing faces or other visions. Do you understand?
Q: Yes.
K: Many believe that because they cannot hear or cannot see they are less evolved, that is not true. We are
also not saying that those who see and hear are less evolved than those who dont, you just develop skills in
another manner but they are also very strong. Is this clear?
Q: Yes, just one last question, please Master Kuthumi. Will there come a time when I will be able to hear and
K: That is entirely up to you. What do you think?
Q: Well I sincerely hope so, because I think I have been waiting since my previous life time probably.
K: Remember there is no concept of time on the other side. So set your intentions and if it is part of your
divine plan then it will be so.
Q: Yes thank you so kindly Master Kuthumi.
You are most welcome.
(Tape ends)

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