Artifact 16

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Memo Artifact 16
To: Parents, Staff and Faculty of East Middle School
From: Lynn Walter and the EMS Technology Committee
Date: Septemer !, "#$!
%e: &'(D and Social Media Policy
Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year at East Middle School. We are excited about the
installation of our new SM!" boards and our decision to ado#t a new $rin% &our 'wn (e)ice
*$&'(+ and social media #olicy. We belie)e that by embracin% this new #olicy, our students
will ha)e the o##ortunity to ex#erience education in the context of 21-century learnin%.
s new technolo%ies continue to chan%e the world in which we li)e, they also #ro)ide many new
and #ositi)e educational benefits for classroom instruction. "herefore, we ha)e decided to
im#lement a $rin% &our 'wn (e)ice *$&'(+ #olicy at our school this year. -n this initiati)e,
students are encoura%ed to brin% their own technolo%y de)ices to their classes to assist their
learnin% ex#eriences. Students will only brin% their de)ices to classes that will be usin% the
technolo%y and only on days desi%nated as $&'( days by their teacher*s+.
-n addition, we will be embracin% the use of social media. Social Media is a %eneral term used to
describe tools and websites that can be accessed on the internet. "hese tools are used to
communicate and exchan%e ideas with others. Exam#les of social media that you may be aware
of include, blo%s, /aceboo., 0interest, and "witter. 'ne of the new a##lications of this
#olicy will be the introduction of an official East Middle School /aceboo. and 0interest #a%e.
"hese sites can be accessed )ia a button on the East Middle School Website. 1et2s use these
#a%es to build #ositi)e two-way communication to su##ort our .ids as learners and leaders3
0lease follow and 4li.e5 us to recei)e #ertinent u#dates and information about our school3
"his document contains a contract which we will adhere to as we establish this new #olicy within
our school. 0lease note that students who cannot brin% in outside technolo%y will be able to
access and utili6e the school7s e8ui#ment. 9o student will be left out of our instruction.
Definition of )De*ice5
/or #ur#oses of $&'(, 4(e)ice5 means a #ri)ately owned wireless and:or #ortable electronic
hand held e8ui#ment that includes, but is not limited to, existin% and emer%in% mobile
communication systems and smart technolo%ies, #ortable internet de)ices, hand held
entertainment systems or #ortable information technolo%y systems that can be used for word
#rocessin%, wireless -nternet access, ima%e ca#ture:recordin%, sound recordin% and information
transmittin%:recei)in%:storin%, etc.
$y law, we ha)e a filter on our internet %ateway which bloc.s certain websites from use.
$ecause of this security measure, only the internet %ateway #ro)ided by the school may be
accessed while on cam#us. 0ersonal internet connecti)e de)ices such as but not limited to cell
#hones : cell networ. ada#ters are not #ermitted to be used to access outside internet sources at
any time.
Security and Damages
!es#onsibility to .ee# the de)ice secure rests with the indi)idual owner. /0S is not liable for any
de)ice stolen or dama%es on cam#us. -f a de)ice is stolen or dama%ed, it will be handled throu%h
the administrati)e office similar to other #ersonal artifacts that are im#acted in similar situations.
-t is recommended that s.ins *decals+ and other custom touches are used to #hysically identify
your de)ice from others. dditionally, #rotecti)e cases for technolo%y are encoura%ed.
&'(D Student ,greement
"he use of technolo%y to #ro)ide educational material is not a necessity but a #ri)ile%e.
student does not ha)e the ri%ht to use his or her la#to#, cell #hone or other electronic de)ice
while at school. When abused, #ri)ile%es will be ta.en away. When res#ected, they will benefit
the learnin% en)ironment as a whole.
Students and #arents:%uardians #artici#atin% in $&'(:Social Media 0ro%ram must adhere to the
Student ;ode of ;onduct, as well as all $oard #olicies, #articularly -nternet cce#table <se and
-nternet Safety. /urthermore, the student must a%ree to the followin% conditions=
"he student full res#onsibility for his or her technolo%y de)ice. "he school is not
res#onsible for the security of student-owned technolo%y.
Students are ex#ected to follow the same rules for %ood beha)ior and res#ectful conduct
online as they do offline.
"he technolo%y is to be used strictly for instructional:educational #ur#oses.
"he student accesses only files on the com#uter or internet sites which are rele)ant to the
classroom curriculum.
"he student com#lies with teachers2 re8uest to shut down the com#uter or close the
"he student ac.nowled%es that the school2s networ. filters will be a##lied to one2s
connection to the internet and will not attem#t to by#ass them.
"he student understands that brin%in% on #remises or infectin% the networ. with a >irus,
"ro?an, or #ro%ram desi%ned to dama%e, alter, destroy, or #ro)ide access to unauthori6ed
data or information is in )iolation of the -nternet cce#table <se 0olicy *<0+ and will
result in disci#linary actions.
"he student reali6es that #rocessin% or accessin% information on school #ro#erty related
to, alterin%, or by#assin% networ. security #olicies is in )iolation of the <0
#olicy and will result in disci#linary actions.
"he school district *authori6ed staff+ has the ri%ht to collect and examine any de)ice that
is sus#ected of causin% #roblems or was the source of an attac. or )irus infection. <nder
these circumstances, your child will ha)e to share their #assword with authori6ed staff.
"he student reali6es that #rintin% from #ersonal technolo%y de)ices will not be #ossible at
E,ST M-S- &'(D.S(C+,L MED+, ST/DE0T1P,%E0T ,2%EEME0T
- understand and will abide by the abo)e #olicy and %uidelines. - further understand that any
)iolation is unethical and may result in the loss of my networ. and:or la#to# #ri)ile%es as well as
other disci#linary action.
PLE,SE %ET/%0 F(%M T( TE,C3E%

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