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Micky Van Schie de Pont Student Id: 5675349

For my active seminar my learning aims and objectives, are for my students to;
- Get an insight into Mori music and culture.
-Learn about the different types of Taonga Puoro (Instruments)
- Reflect on how these instruments and music demonstrate Mori peoples connection to
the land and sea
-Learn about some of the history, myths and legends surrounding Maori music
-Get actively involved by making and playing some Taonga Puoro (Instruments)
First I will talk to the students about how Taonga Puoro had a cultural significant Maori by telling
them about the creation story. This will demonstrate the long connection between Mori and
Then I will outline how the different Taonga Puoro have ancestry or whakapapa under different
Gods. After that I will show them the different Taonga Puoro tell them their names, characteristics
and how they are played.
From there I will hand out the Taonga Puoro booklet I have made for the students. This is for their
reference for as it contains information on the creation story, instruments and the instructions for
the activities.
Next I will set up a practical activity in which the students have to match the instruments with the
Gods or deities they come under. This lets them use the information I have taught them.
Then I will hand out the pre-cut Purerehua I have made and give them a length of thin rope so
they can make a working Purerehua. I will then have them look in the booklet at the instructions
which I have drawn. It shows step by step how to tie the knot
needed to attach the rope to
the Purerehua.

Then I will bring out the Porotiti that I have cut and again give them another length of rope. They
can then again look in the booklet to find the instructions I have drawn for tying the knots for the
Then I will talk to the students about kowhaiwhai patterning and other Mori designs and show the
examples from the booklet. Now using what they have learnt the students can use the markers I
have provided to decorate their Purerehua and Porotiti they have made.
Finally I will demonstrate how to use the instruments and I will let them have a go playing the
instruments they have created. While they are doing this I will also show them the Koauau I have
Students now have two instruments a Purerehua and a Porotiti to take home with.
Creation Story
Activity cue cards
Resource Booklet
Pre-cut Purerehua
Pre-cut Porotiti
Lengths of string
Marker Pens
Carved Koauau

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