1996-05 Taconic Running Life May 1996

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May 1996
The Sun Shines On St Paddy's Day RacesAA/inners
Susan f:pslcin ol'New York City was all smiles as Myles
OUhodes presented her with free airline tickets from Aer Lingus
for a trip for two to Ireland. Not only did Susan win the drawing
for the tickets, she also came up a winner in her age group in the
l OK.
-photo by J. Mash
Fred Loehfelm presented the tlrst place women's trophy to Tara
McGuire amidst the cheers of a large crowd following the St. Patrick's
Day races at FDR Park March 17, j-'ull race results on pages 8 & 9.
-photo by J. Mash
Mudders & Grunters Marked By Fun & Mud
Race Director Own McCrudden (left) went over the
ixilcs for this year's running of Mudders & Grunters
while Fred Loehfelm, President Emeritus, chose an
enforcement theme of "guns and hoses." See pages
11, 12, 13 for more pictures and race details.
-photo by K.D. Quinn
I n s i d e T h i s I s s u e :
Race Flyers of Upcoming Races.
May 19 Nort h Count )' News 1 OK
J u n e 2 L i n c o l n H a l l 5 M
Jul y 4 Put nam Count y Cl assi c
August 4 Mahopac Bi at hl on
Pr e s i d e n t ' s Co l u mn
Taconic Road Runners Club
P. O. Box 99
Baldwin Place, NY 10505
TACONIC RUNNING LIFE is the ofcial publication
of the Taconic Road Runners Club, Inc. Publication is
bimonthly and is intended for distribution to club
members at no charge. Club ofcers and Chairpersons
i ncl ude:
Pr e s i d e n t Ed Mc L a u g h l i n 6 6 6 - 8 7 1 2
V. P. S t e v e Q u i n n 6 2 8 - 0 6 4 8
T r e a s u r e r R i c h A d a m s k i 5 2 8 - 8 4 5 7
S e c r e t a r y J o a n n a N a s h 2 4 8 - 6 6 6 6
R a c e C o o r d . R i c h N a s h 2 4 8 - 6 6 6 6
P u b l i c i t y . l o e P o r c a r o 5 2 6 - 3 5 2 4
Mailing Larry & Mary Lenahan 628-6229
Ad v e r t i s i n g St e v e Qu i n n 6 2 8 - 0 6 4 8
Member shi p Gr eg Di amond 528- 2251
E q u i p M g r . R i c h N a s h 2 4 8 - 6 6 6 6
V o l . C o o r d . V i n c e n t J u l i a n o 2 4 5 - 3 4 7 2
T R L E d i t o r K a t y D . Q u i n n 6 2 8 - 0 6 4 8
6 6 6 - 8 7 1 2
7 3 7 - 0 8 7 2
Women' s Team Lee Sar ok en
Men' s Team
Scot t Aber cr ombi e
Pr es i dent s Emer i t us :
1976-86 Dan Caftrey (founder)
1 9 8 6 - 8 8 O w e n M c C r u d d e n
1 9 8 9 - 9 0 J o h n H a l l i n a n
1990- 91 Ed McLaughl i n
1 9 9 2 - 9 3 F r e d L o e h f e l m
TRRC TAG Nu mb e r : 0 7 9 9
TRRC HOTLINE: (914) 923-4665
Taconic Running Life welcomes contributions from
members for publication. Word Perfect 6.1 for
Windows and Aldus Pagemaker 4.0 for Windows (IBM
compatible) are used in publishing the newsletter. If
possible, please submit material on discs in formats that
can be converted to either WordPerfect or Pagemaker.
If this is not possible, send printed submissions and
photos to
Katy D. Quinn, 43 Rodcris Drive, Mahopac, NY 10541
Tel. (914) 628-0648
FAX (914) 621-5866
or via America On-Line: SQuinn43@AOL.Com
Fact a non ver ba
SYBIL: I just got back from Sybil. It was very well-
organized and a very enjoyable event. Race Directors
David Farquhar and Tony Galfano put on a great race.
And the group of laconics supporting them did a
terric job, in particular Eileen & Bob Davis, for their
efforts back at the VFW in setting up and preparing the
post-race refreshments. The eld for the 5OK was 39
starters, with 37 nishers - This is probably a record
eld. The only disappointment was that only four
teams participated in the two-person relay. Where the
h were the rest of you? On a personal note: many
thanks to Joanna Nash for being the "support crew" for
Lee and me throughout the entire race. We couldn't
have done it without you.
BOSTON: Lots of Taconics participated in the 100th
Boston Marathon. Aside from a few glitches, which are
inevitable in handling nearly 40,000 runners, the overall
experience was wonderful. Results are on the TRRC
home page which you will nd at this URL: (http://
RYE DERBY: Also posted on the TRRC home page
are the results of the Rye Derby 5M. Congratulations to
Greg Diamond for providing such speedy results to the
folds at the Rye "Y". They have never gotten them as
quickly, nor as accurately. Eamon Coghlan was par
ticularly impressed by how soon the results were posted
and the award winners identied. The rest of the
Taconic support team was outstanding: ; Registration
was ably handled by Rich Adamski Carol Hansen, Jack
Magrone, Nancy Young, Joan Deitrick, Sarah Collins,
Joanna & Shannon Nash, Scott Abercrombie and
Debbie Kenney. At the nish line, providing the set-up
and handling the double chute operation, were Rich
Nash, Steve Quinn, Joe Porcaro, Bob McKeon, Greta
Olsson, Vinnie Juliano, Bill Foley, Scott Abercrombie,
Debbie Kenney, Jack Magrone and Doug Miller. This
is a fabulous team of individuals who all pulled together
beautifully and did Taconic proud. Our stock rose
considerably because of their efforts. Thanks to you all.
I certainly would like to see more Taconics at our races,
supporting the club. Come to volunteer OR come to
run. . . but COME!
Taconi c Road Runners Cl ub 1996 Race Schedul e
May 12
1 0 A M 5K Mother's Day (Women Only)
FDR Park, Yorktown, NY
May 18
9 A M Pleasantville Gazebo
May 19
9 A M
lOK North County News
Yorktown, NY
Aug. II
Sept. 8
Sept. 8
Sept. 21
5M Lincoln Hall, Somers, NY
8M Putnam County Classic, Mahopac, NY
Taconic Biathlon (5K Run, 1/2 M Swim)
Sycamore Park, Mahopac, NY
Phelps Memorial 5K Run/Walk
LeeSaroken; (914)666-8712
Nancy Young: (914) 528-2251
Pleasantville Rec. Ctr. (914) 769-7950
Bob Cooney (914) 769-7859
Doug Miller: (914)962-1402
Roger Cocking: (914) 245-5135
Rich & Joanna Nash: (914) 248-6666
FredReger (914)621-1601
Bob Daubenbis (914) 736-2032
Myles O'Rhodes (914) 666-8712
Larry Lenahan: (914)628-6229
Myles O'Rhodes: (914)666-8712
Jan Peek lOK
Don Ettinger: (914) 737-2572
Dutchess County Classic (5K, 13. IM & 26.2M)
Irv Miller: (914) 471-0777
Teatown Lake 5K Trail Run
Ossining, NY
LeeSaroken: (914)666-8712
DebraKenney: (914)245-9629
Oct . 6 Sun.
1 0 A M 3M Share-A-Wal k
FDR Park, Yorktown, NY
RichAdamski: (914)528-8457
Katy D. Quinn: (914) 628-0648
Oct . 13 Sun.
9 A M
Age Group Cross Country # 1
Route 202, Yorktown, NY
GeneCadman: (914)245-6225
John Hallinan: (914)739-2268
1/4M Columbus Day Races for Children
DePew Park, Peekskill, NY
Age Group Cross Country #2
Somers H.S., Somers, NY
Women's Distance Festival Classic
(Women only), Yorktown, NY
Age Group Cross Country #3
Blue Mt. Reservation, Peekskill, NY
3 X 3M (Women) & 4 X 3M (Men) X/C Relay
Blue Mountain Reservation, Peekskill, NY
2 X 5K Couples Relay
Blue Mt. Reservation, Peekskill, NY
Scott Abercrombie: (914)737-0872
John Hallinan: (914)739)2268
GeneCadman: (914)245-6225
John Hallinan: (914)739-2268
LeeSaroken: (914)666-8712
Joanna Nash: (914)248-6666
GeneCadman: (914)245-6225
John Hallinan: (914) 739-2268
DaveO'Toole: (914)923-4665
Steve Calidonna: (914)923-4665
May Membership News
(Compiled by Joanna Nash)
New Members^ wel come to Taconi c! Pl ease j oi n us at one of our May meeti ng at Teatown and the summer meeti ngs at Downi ng
Park. We also hope to see you at group runs in FDR park and/or at the pumphouse/Croton Reservoir. Plus, don't be shy: Call a race director
and volunteer your services at an up- coming race. Volunteering is a great way to get your feet wet and feel part of the Club!!
Bi l l y Begg Rober t O' Mal l ey and f ami l y Char l es and Mi c hel l e Rei l l y
J . B a i l e y W i l l i a m P a y n e L o r r a i n e Wa i t m a n
Sa u n d r a Fa u s t i n i J o s e p h Pe r e z a n d f a mi l y
B o b J a c k s o n L a u r a R e e d y
Mike Dhunjishah is working toward a goal of 30 to 35 miles per week and would like to run one marathon per year. Mike runs in the
evenings during the week and in the afternoon on the weekend around the area where he lives.
Gregory Govan and family enjoy running the shorter distances. Gregory would like to be able to train and not get injured. He likes to run
the shorter 400M distance and his favorite race distance is 2 miles.
Marie Hale joined Taconic because she thought it would be fun to get to know other runners. (There are a lot of Taconic members that run
in your area!) We look forward to seeing you at the meetings and races.
Barbara Kingsborough does her running any time she can. Barbara's current running goal is a Marathon. She's turned in some impressive
performances at recent TRRC events.
Maureen McArdle likes to run in the afternoons. Her favorite race and race distance is a 5K.
Erich Miethner is a new, but former member of Taconic (one of the originals I might guess!) Erich's favorite race is the Skylon
International Marathon and his favorite distance is a lOK. He would like to break a 3:28:00 Marathon!!
Jeffrey Schreier enjoys running the Bronx Zoo 5K. So far Jeffrey has only run 5K's, but he would like to work up to lOK's and half-
marathons. (It sounds like you might want to run at the Pump House on Saturday mornings. Taconic also has other formal and informal
training runs. Contact an ofcer listed on page 2 for more info or come to the next club meeting!)
Renewing ntentbetS' We welcome your continued support!! We have a lot of events coming up during the summer and could use
your help and smiling faces.
Pi er ce Br ennan
Gene Cadman and family
Ri c h a r d Ci e r o
Bob D'Arcy
Ka t h l e e n D' Ot t a v i o
David Farquhar
Ke n Fi l ma n s k i
Judy Freeman
David Gary
Linda Geppert
Stanley Goldstein
Margie Katt and family
Donal d Lowr y
Ch a r l o t t e L u k a s
Owen McCrudden and family
Ta r a Mc Gu i r e
Bill McLoughlin
John Monten and family
Dick Murphy
Gr et a Ol s s on
J o h n R o b i n s o n
Bob Rogan
John Rooney
George Roy
Joseph Spofford
Sa l v a t o r e Ta v a n o
Jim, Patricia, Mathew and
J o r d a n T h o ma
Stacy Wallach
John Albanese is looking forward to the Putnam County Classic on the 4th of July. John runs in the evenings near his home. His favorite
race distance is a lOK.
Art Breuer does most of his running in Rockefeller State Park with the goal of increasing his mileage. Art's favorite race is the New Castle
lOK and his favorite distance is the NYC Marathon.
Robert Briglio is one of the eet of foot in the Veterans age group. Rob and Nick Caswell were co-named runners of the year in their age
bracket by NYRRC.
George Byrne enjoys the 5 or 1 OK race distance. George trains in the Rockefeller State Park and would like to avoid slowing down.
May Chou has many favorite races (and we see her at many of them!) May enjoys the wonderful feeling, looking t, feeling energetic and
the camaraderie of running. Her goal for the coming year is to break a 49 minute lOK.
Tom Church can be seen at many of Taconic's races wearing his famous sunglasses. Tom's favorite race is the Leatherman's Loop. He
would like to increase his distance to 100 miles per week and run a sub 32 minute lOK.
Bob Cooney and family look forward to the Pleasantville 5K which is also Bob's favorite race distance. Bob runs on his lunch hour on the
streets of White Plains. (Sounds a little tricky to me!)
Peter Hanly enjoys running Mudders and Grunters (hopefully you were there!). Peter's favorite race distance is a 5K and he does most of
his running in the woods.
More Membership Renewals:
Alyssa Lifrieri has been out of the racing scene for a few months. We are anxious to see her back again... perhaps pushing a baby jogger
with her new son!) Alyssa can be seen training in FDR Park and around the Croton Reservoir area. Her favorite race distance is a half
mar at hon.
Bob McKeon looks forward to running when he is away on vacation for variety. Bob's current goal is to get back into shape. His favorite
race is the Dutchess Classic.
Kathryn Mullaney runs in the mornings primarily to keep in shape. Kathryn enjoys reading the newsletter (as many of us do!), and she
directs the Mahopac Elementary School run in the park each Spring.
John Orr likes Biathlons, Track and Field and Cross Country events. John does his running on trails, golf courses, back roads and parks (all
of which there are an abundance of in his area).
Alan Palestine likes running the Jim Fixx lOK in Old Greenwich, CT. Alan does his training in Rockefeller Park. His relay team won rst
place in the Yonkers Marathon Relay. Congratulations!!
Elton Robinson's goal is to stay competitive in his age group. (There's some pretty stiff competition there!) Elton runs in the Croton area
on trails and on the Aqueduct.
Gary Strove likes to run Marathons and looks forward to the Boston Marathon each year and in fact ran a 4:00:18 this year!! Gary likes to
run on rural, wooded areas and enjoys the peace and quiet of the great outdoors, along with the feeling of good health!
Susan Then likes running half marathons, of which Dutchess is her favorite. Susan runs in the morning before work. What a great way to
start your day!
John Zuroski and family like to run anywhere except on a treadmill. John enjoys running in all kinds of elements, usually in the morning or
at lunch time.
A Special Thank You: A club member, who wishes to remain anonymous, recently forwarded a donation to the club with a note...
Because I cannot carry my fair share of the burden on the volunteer side of membership. My life is just too ill at the moment, and I have to
impose some limits." We look forward to welcoming you to the volunteer ranks when your life settles down.
We 're glad you 're a member and we appreciate your gift! See ya out there!
Grass Root s Track Cl ub
1996 - Our 8th Year
What: Summer Running Session
Who: Girls & Boys Ages 8-13
When: Monday & Thursday, 6-7:30 p.m.
Beginning June 6th for 10 weeks
(Optional age-group competition Tuesdays in July & August)
Where: Pleasantville High School Track, Romer Ave., Pleasantville
How: Contact Mike Gossett, (914) 944-0802, 53 Pleasantville Rd., Ossining, NY 10562
Erin, Set, Go Bragh!
By Bob ()'Da\'is iC- Jim IVhalen
Four days before race day; The course was covered with 8 inches
of un-plowed snow and the forecast called for freezing rain and sleet to hit
just about race time. Several publications had incorrectly listed the race as a
10 miler instead of a lOK. Only 150 applications had been received, and the
volunteer sign-up sheet had 6 names on it. The main rafe prize was still in
the mail. The rest rooms were out of commission, and it was a holiday
It was a pretty bleak outlook for a successful race, indeed! We're talking St. Patrick's Day, however, and
Irish Luck is the very best kind to have. . .
March 17th arrived with warmer temperatures and brilliant sunshine. The snow had melted and the
predicted storm moved out to sea. The generous Aer Lingus donation of two round-trip tickets to Ireland were
in hand and well-guarded. Sixty volunteers appeared, along with 380 green-capped runners. Irish Luck? You
bet !
Scott Brown of Eastchester and Tara Maguire topped the eld as they were the rst male and female
nishers in the lOK race. Brown and Maguire went home with trophies, but Susan Epstein of New York City
captured the real pot of gold as she was the lucky winner of two Aer Lingus Tickets to Ireland! In addition to
winning the Aer Lingus tickets, Susan was rst in the 50-59 age group with a time of 56:53.
For many of the runners, it was the rst outdoor race of the year after a long snowy winter, and they felt
a bit rusty. The
O v e n i l l I I I K - M i i l c
Scott Ilrown, 33
Chuck Creel, 34
Sc ot t Mos ent l i al
O v c i - a l l 2 M - M i i l e
.Marcos Ribeiro, 27
Greg Diamond, 3f<
David Fumari. 35
!Vgc (Jroup l OK Mal e
- 1 5 B r e n d a n B e n i d t
1 5 - 1 8 G r i a n l l e r f
Geof Lanca. st er
J o h n O' Co n n o r
1 9 - 2 9 A l o n s o R e n d o n
Garlo Venegas
Rob McClay
30-39 Mauricio Venega.s
Seth Denenberg
B e mi e D e i t r i c k
4 0 - 4 9 K e n P t a "
Pa u l Pi i i e r o
50-59 Art Wei sberg
Ro b e r t o Vc l e z
Ri c h Na s h
CO - Don F.ttinger
El t o n Ro b i n s o n
Ow e n Mc C r u d d e n
>hing times were impressive just the same:
O v e r a l l I D K - F e m a l e
3 2 : 5 2 Ta r a M a g u i r e , 2 6
3 4 : 5 1 B o n n i e J e a n n e R e g a n . 1 6
: 0 1 D i a n e C a l d e r o n , 3 6
4 0 : 0 5
4 0 : 1 4
4 2 : 3 9
O v e r a l l 2 M - F e m a l e
1 0 : 4 2 Lee Barton, 24
1 2 : 2 1
1 0 : 4 4 Debbie Terranos a Kenney. 40 1 2 : 5 5
1 1 : 1 7 Denise Lutrick, 28 1 4 : 3 7
A p e G r o u n l O K - F e m a l e
6 0 : 2 1
- 36: 33 1 5 - 1 8 L i n d a L i u 4 7 : 0 5
3 7 : 5 9 Ka t h l e e n Ka n e 4 9 : 1 8
3 8 : 4 8
3 6 : 5 7 1 9 - 2 9
De n i s e L u t r i c k 4 3 : 4 4
4 0 : 0 6 Christine Gargcr 4 4 : 3 1
4 2 : 1 9 J o a n n e Bi r r i t e l l a 4 7 : 5 8
3 6 : 4 7 3 0 - 3 9 B a r b a r a B r i t t e n 4 4 : 2 6
3 7 : 1 8 K a r e n L e D u c 5 1 : 0 8
3 7 : 2 2 Laura Reedy 5 1 : 2 5
3 7 : 3 9 4 0 - 4 9 Debbie (Tcrranova) Kenney 4 4 : 1 0
3 8 : 3 9
Barbara Kingsborough 4 9 : 1 1
3 9 : 4 3 Char l ot t e Luc a. s 4 9 : 1 3
4 0 : 1 5 5 0 - 5 9 Susan Epstein 5 6 : 5 3
A I mndr c d mi l l i on
thanks to Aer Lingus.N
whose generous
donation each year 1ms
made this delightil
race such a success.
We i nvi t e " Team Aer
Lingus" to come and
join us nc.xl year! We
promise a grand day
and surely, running
with us would be a
cinch compared to
running an airline!!
4 1 : 1 5
4 1 : 1 9
4 7 : 2 2
4 7 : 3 9
5 0 : 3 6
6 0 -
Mav Chou
5 6 : 1 1
Volunteers Register Runners
At St. Pat's Day Races
Among the over 60 volunteers who pitched in at the St.
Patrick's Day Races, were (above left to right seated) Carol
Hansen, Susan Solow, Joan Dietrick, Sarah Collins, and
(standing) Margie Katt and Eileen Davis. Rich Adamski
and Joe Porcaro can be seen in the background. . two
gures commonly "behind the scenes" in assuring the
success of many Taconic events.
-pholo by J. Nash
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Runners Take Their Mark For The St. Patrick's Day 2 Miler
How many faces can you pick out in this group of ready runners, bedecked with green St. Pat's Day caps? 1 think me sees Debra
Kenney, Greg Diamond, Gary Steinei, Pete Corsino, and Jack Brennan at the left, and Owen McCrudden and Howie Solow at the
r i ght , but sur e ' n t her e ar e many mor e smi l i n' f aces! - phot o by J. Nash
Results of St. Patrick's Day Races
Paul Ribeiro,27
Greg Diamond,38
David Furnari,35
Gary Steinel,43
Jack Brennan,46
Peter Corslno,49
David King,45
Andre Platt,47
Jim Murphy,33
Allen Britvan,40
Jack Brennan,54
Lee Barton.24
Debra Terranova,40
Joseph Perez,46
Peter Barkman,28
Tom Church,29
Denise Lutrick,28
Howard Solow,52
Whitney Myers, 17
Danielle Weldon,12
Glenn Picone,34
Stephanie Kowal,23
Nancy Young ,40
Arnold Gore,55
Stephanie Wolfson,45
Owen McCrudden, JR,21
Alice Kupczynska,21
John Orr,61
Sarah Colllns,35
Joan Dietrick,34
Vincent Juliano,47
Michael Dono,47
Lawrence Flood,39
Fred Loehfelm,50
Marie Noonan,29
Tom O'NeiII,30
Heinrich Lutz,51
Owen McCrudden, SR,60
Peter Hunt,14
T. Nicholas Farrell,12
Harlan Miller,43
Mareen McArdle,24
Joanne Pietropaolo,25
Chris Basso,10
Dani Riordan,16
Ed Rippsteln,55
Ray Davies,44
Joe Handelman,65
Erin Carey,14
Robert Vavolizza,42
Carmelo Roldan,54
Kathleen Barrett,40
Elizabeth Farrell,18
Don Lutrick,41
Shannon Myers,43
Andrew Lowry,9
Melanie Benvenue,52
Don Lowry,38
Kevin Lowry,49
Melissa Berndt,14
Kimberly Sherman.30
Ken Sherman,28
Siobhan Dwyer,7
Terence Dwyer,33
Anthony Sialiano,46
68 Sharon Chase,55
18: 09
137 Josephine McAleer,70 27: 05
69 Mary Coste[lo,35 18: 15
138 Karen Rustad,37 2 7 : 2 8
70 Margaret Bryant,44 1 8 : 2 4
139 Susan Raskin,41 27: 29
71 Doug Miller,36
18: 27
140 Maxine Ravanda,50 2 7 : 3 1
72 Harry Neeson,57 18: 36
141 Susan Grifth,44
28: 01
73 KatherineWall.16 1 8 : 3 6
142 Kathleen Wall,46 28: 20
74 Lawrence Armstrong,52
18: 44
143 James Wall,46 2 8 : 2 1
75 Mary Payne, 14 1 8 : 5 5
144 Lynne Edgette,35 28: 33
76 Elizabeth Brennan,10 18: 58
145 Kathleen Dillon,49
2 8 : 3 4
77 Fred Koelsch,34
19: 12
146 Marie Ratcliff,51 28: 49
78 Ellen Koelsch,30 1 9 : 1 4
147 Marianne Londrigan,31 2 8 : 4 9
79 Mike Pace,35 19: 15
148 Gl enn Br ennan, 20
2 9 : 1 3
80 Linda O'Brien ,52
1 9 : 1 6
149 Pauline Wasser,63
29: 45
81 Kathy McGuinness,42 19: 17
150 Matthew Edgette,5 2 9 : 4 6
82 Kevi n Scher er, 36 1 9 : 2 0
151 Mary Levine,44
2 9 : 5 9
83 Leah Londrigan,9 19: 25
152 Samantha Levine,8
3 1 : 0 2
84 Michael Londrigan,41 19: 28
153 Patrick Cassidy,31 31: 29
85 Colin Hunt,10 19: 31
154 Joyce Casidy,30 3 1 : 3 0
86 Deborah Farrell,4 1 9 : 3 1
155 Susan Solow,49
31: 33
87 Andrea Nash,7 19: 33
156 Peg Meisler,49 31: 33
88 Lee Saroken,48 19: 34
157 Beth 0'Toole,47 3 1 : 3 4
89 Richard Wasser,59 1 9 : 3 7
158 Peggy Sa!ierno,47
3 1 : 3 4
90 Laura Schmidt,32 19: 37
159 Lars Finger,60 31: 38
91 Nicholas DeRobertis, 10 20: 00
160 Anthony Girolamo,45 3 1 : 4 3
92 Alicia DeRobertis, 12 20: 02
161 JoanDwyer,32
31: 49
93 Christine Fallon,26 20: 05
162 Mary Sheely,55 3 1 : 5 0
94 Nicholas DeRobertis,43 2 0 : 0 6
163 James Sheely,55
32: 09
95 Sharrel Vice,43 20: 07
164 Peggy Boyle,48
32: 13
96 Lynn Meaney,35 20: 12
165 Michelle Poweas,49 32: 42
97 William Kellner,44 2 0 : 1 5
166 Bill Graham,37
3 3 : 0 3
98 Brian McAllister, 10 2 0 : 2 3
167 Patricia Healy,42
33: 03
99 Betty McAllister,32 20: 33
168 Michael Hanahoe,49
3 3 : 1 5
100 Regina Regan,39 20: 42
169 Brian Dwyer.lO
3 3 : 1 6
101 Natalia Myers, 18 2 0 : 4 3
170 Swellen Silber,35
33: 16
102 Halina Stave,53 20: 51
171 Gary McAllister,9
3 3 : 2 5
103 Kathy Kennedy,99 21: 00
172 Bill Rzepala,49
3 3 : 2 6
104 Larry Thorp,60 21: 24
173 Tonny Rzepala,55
33: 50
105 Alex Brennan,9 21: 24
174 Ann Gruendel,31 34: 01
106 Michael McMahon,49
21: 25
175 Brenda Mlddleton,44
3 4 : 0 4
107 William Bertram,50 21: 45
176 Shannon Berndt,27 34: 15
108 Daniel Petrucci,9 21: 55
177 Hunter Berndt.l
34: 15
109 Stu Levine,44
2 2 : 0 6
178 Charles Riccio,55
3 4 : 5 2
110 Patrick Brown,32 22: 37
179 Crystal Middleton,16 3 4 : 5 2
111 Kara Levine,4 22: 37
180 John Sullivan,52
3 5 : 0 4
112 John Masselli,29 22: 38
181 Maria DeRobertis,6
35: 05
113 Joe Gawloski,49 22: 40
182 Mike McAIIister,5
3 5 : 1 5
114 Thomas Farrell,48
22: 41
183 Judith DeRobertis,40
35: 16
115 Pamela Hoag,49 22: 51
184 Allie Raskin,13
3 5 : 4 6
116 Joseph Dennison,48 2 3 : 0 0
185 Melinda Rustad.ll
3 5 : 4 7
117 Michael Reilly,8 23:01
186 Nina DeRobertis,9
35: 48
118 Kathleen Gawloski,49
23: 10
187 Joey McAllister,7
36: 09
119 Caitlin Brittan,9 23: 10
188 Rachel Raskin, 11
3 6 : 0 9
120 Kathleen Gawloski,49 2 3 : 1 0 189 Nick McAllister,71 3 6 : 1 0
121 Donald Marley,51
2 3 : 1 8 190 Adam Yarina.lO
3 6 : 1 1
122 Joann Coogan,48
23: 18 191 Randal Middleton.l 1
36: 13
123 Joann Esposito,26 23: 36 192 Amy Rosen,44
3 6 : 3 8
124 Elizabeth Girolamo,7
23: 52
193 Maryann Byrne,59 3 8 : 3 9
125 Beverly McCann,65
2 4 : 3 4 194 Doreen Evangelista,33
3 8 : 4 0
126 Michelle Reilly,33
24: 46 195 Kathy Graham,36
38: 41
127 Amelia Reilly,6 24: 47 196 Sherry Wolf,45 3 8 : 4 7
128 Anna Riordan.lO
2 4 : 4 7 197 Cathie Smith,59
38: 47
129 Donna Barkman,62
2 5 : 0 3 198 Paul Geppert,61
5 0 : 2 6
130 Steve Riordan,45 2 5 : 1 4 199 Dylan Geppart,3
50: 27
131 Lorrane Waitman,42
25: 14
200 Linda Geppert,53 5 0 : 2 9
132 Marvin Raskin,48
2 5 : 3 5 201 Diana Geppert,4
5 0 : 3 0
133 Eric Rustad,39 2 5 : 4 0
134 Iwes Roldan,55
25: 46
135 Pat Loehfelm,54
2 6 : 4 0
136 Joan Kellner,45
2 7 : 0 5
Results of St. Patrick's Day Races
1 Scott Brown,33
2 Chuck Creel,34
3 Scott Mosenthal,43
4 Brian Herf,18
5 Mauricio Venegas,30
6 Alonso Rendon,24
7 Seth Denenberg,36
8 Bernie Dietrlck,35
9 Ken Pfaff,41
10 Geof Lancaster, 17
11 Paul PllierG,43
12 John O'Connor,15
13 Mike Gosset,36
14 Jeff Purdy,44
15 Blair Cullen,17
16 Mike Daley,45
17 Tara Maguire,26
18 Garlo Venegas,28
20 Bonnie Regan, 16
19 Gregory Sauther,17
21 Arthur Weisberg,51
22 Paul Mackay,32
23 Steve Hoanzl,44
24 Ernest Reifenhauser,33
25 Glenn McCarthy,38
26 Roberto Velez,51
27 Rich Nash,52
28 Jerry DeRosa,16
29 Edward Dillon,0
30 Terence Byrne,37
31 RobMcClay,28
32 John Albanese,34
33 Diane Calderon,36
34 John Moeller,39
35 John Lutrick,41
36 John Zuroski,33
37 Edward James,49
38 Richard Fennelly,52
39 Harry Neeson,57
40 Bronislaw Czeck,47
41 Dennis Rankin,37
42 Steve Mackay,46
43 Marc Oxman,52
44 Frank Brittan,35
45 John Seigart,35
46 Denise Lutrick,28
47 Tom Dodd,47
48 Carmelo Roldan,54
49 Debra Terranova,40
50 Kevin Day. 19
51 Barbara Brittan,30
52 Christine Garger,28
53 Dennis Burns,49
54 Alan Kuras,39
55 Joseph Bailey,43
56 Jack Meaney,41
57 Glenn 0'Neill,35
58 Mike Stewart,37
59 Anthony Melendez,37
60 Tom Harlans,41
61 Kevin 0'NeiII,45
62 Linda Liu, 18
63 Chris Cilento,46
64 John McCarroll,50
65 Bob Jackson,55
66 Don Ettinger,60
67 Joseph Yarina,39
68 Bob Daubenbis,39
69 Thomas McClay,30
70 Elton Robinson,62
71 Craig Allison, 15
72 Don Lowry,38
73 Kevin Lowry,49
74 George Sialiano,34
75 Phillip Habib,48
76 Joanne Birrittella,27
77 Eddie Crawford,52
78 Marika Sickinger,25
79 Tom Edgette,36
80 Jay \/andekopple,48
81 JayRyan,39
82 Michael Dono,45
83 Patrick Naughton,54
84 Neil Fitzpatrick,47
85 Larry Ryan,40
86 Lloyd Comeau,42
87 Scott Craven,36
88 Erich Miethner,48
89 Peter Barkman,28
90 Barbara Kingsborough,44
91 Robert Trithai1,45
92 Charlotte Lucas,42
93 Kathleen Kane, 17
94 Frank Doria,36
95 Leo Hernandez,52
96 Enid Burns,42
97 Edward McCarroII,39
98 Dan Moftt,49
99 Howard Solow,52
100 Jack Magrone,54
101 Charles Reilly,35
102 BobWade,53
103 Edward Powers,52
104 Owen McCrudden,SR,60
105 Owen McCrudden, JR,21
106 John Lawrence,41
107 Ji m Gar di ner, 60
108 Michael O'Shaughnessy,60
109 Motohisa Fujll,35
110 Kar en LeDuc, 33
111 NancyBernandin,41
112 Laura Reedy,33
113 SueMcCoy,36
114 Pierce Brennan,70
115 Rich Salemmo,49
116 Norman Singer,41
117 Gino Letizia,42
118 Joanne Dondero,49
120 Gr et e Ol sson, 39
4 6 : 5 6
119 BobDay,51
5 2 : 2 0
4 7 : 0 0
121 Ross Grasso,63
52: 25
47: 01
122 Nancy Venegas,29
52: 31
4 7 : 0 5
123 William Kress,35
52: 36
4 7 : 0 7
124 Karl Eilers,43
52: 57
47: 12
125 Mike Dhunjishah,51
53: 04
47: 17
126 Joe Baumgarten,36 53: 23
47: 20
127 Thomas Lambert,50
53: 36
47: 22
128 Alan Marmor,42
5 3 : 4 6
47: 26
129 Robert 0'Malley,51
5 3 : 5 7
4 7 : 3 7
130 Robert Samuelson,42
54: 23
4 7 : 3 8
131 DanPayne,16
5 4 : 2 7
4 7 : 3 9
132 Geroge Byrne,65
54: 37
4 7 : 4 0
133 Kenneth Valenti,32
5 4 : 5 5
47: 42
134 Vera King,41 54: 56
47: 42
135 Kim Scott,27
55: 01
47: 51
136 KatyQuinn,45
5 5 : 1 0
4 7 : 5 3
137 Steve Quinn,49 5 5 : 1 5
47: 58
138 Kevin Mcran,45
5 5 : 3 0
48: 02
139 Thomas McNamee,47
55: 32
4 8 : 0 4
140 John Sweeney,71
55: 43
4 8 : 0 9
141 Robert D'Arcy,57
55: 46
48: 15
142 Edward Falcone,42 55: 49
48: 16
143 Ron Saplaopoli,45
55: 56
48: 19
144 Michael Harris,38
55: 58
4 8 : 2 2
145 MayChou,60 56: 11
4 8 : 2 5
146 Bill McLoughlin,55
56: 15
4 8 : 2 7
147 Andrea Giangrande,24
5 6 : 1 9
4 8 : 4 5
148 Susan Epstein,52
56: 53
4 8 : 4 7
149 Barry Follman,40
56: 59
4 8 : 4 9
150 Bruno Bank,57
57: 12
4 9 : 0 4
151 GayEddy,45
57: 15
49: 11
152 Jennifer Oxman,25
57: 20
4 9 : 1 2
153 Lawrence Charny, 52
57: 23
4 9 : 1 3
154 Joanne Bertram,49 57: 27
4 9 : 1 8
155 Richard Halpern,43
57: 37
4 9 : 1 9
156 Cecelia Venegas,37
5 8 : 1 7
4 9 : 3 3
157 Bruce Lepham,44 5 8 : 2 9
4 9 : 3 4
158 Karen Antunano,36
58: 39
49: 43
159 Joan Moo Young,45
58: 45
4 9 : 4 9
160 Brendan Berndt.lO 60: 21
49: 49
162 Taylor Berndt,2
60: 22
50: 07
161 Anthony Berndt,42
60: 22
50: 11
163 Daniel Petrucci,40
62: 20
5 0 : 1 6
164 Ned Fallon,64
62: 54
50: 27
165 Sandra Faustinl,31 63: 03
50: 35
166 Claire Bernard,35 6 3 : 0 5
50: 36
167 Kathleen Fernald,45
63: 08
5 0 : 4 4
168 Frank Schmidt,57
6 4 : 1 3
5 0 : 5 3
169 Joseph Durdock,52
6 4 : 4 2
50: 53
170 Marylee Petruzzi,45 6 4 : 5 3
5 0 : 5 5
171 Ginger Bernadine,39
6 4 : 5 9
5 1 : 0 8
172 Peter Meisler,52
6 5 : 0 0
51: 14
173 Donald McCann,66
65: 07
51: 25
174 Kyung-Taik Son,57
6 8 : 1 2
5 1 : 3 2
175 KayBaxter,46
70: 06
51: 46
176 BillPayne,49
7 2 : 3 7
51: 57
177 Joan McKerrow,48
7 4 : 5 2
52: 00
178 Carol DeThloff,49 75: 41
5 2 : 1 4
179 June Allison,43
75: 42
52: 19
180 Pam Putnam,51
77: 18
5 2 : 2 0
181 Joe Albanese,64
77: 59
North County News
19t h Annual 10kr f \ / 6. 2 mi l es
Westchester's Most Challenging Course
Sunday, May 19, 1996
Starting Time: 9:00 A.M. (Check In 7:30 A.M.)
St ar t and Fi ni s h:
Yorktown Community Cultural Center
Commer ce St r eet & Vet er ans Road
Yorktown Heights, New York
F e e s .
$6:00 Pre-Registration (TRRO Members)
$8.00 Pre-Registration (Non-Members)
$10.00 Race Day Registration
Make checks payable to:
TRRO, Box 99, Baldwin Place, NY 10505
A w a r d s :
Awards to rst overall male & female nishers and to
rst three male & female nishers in age groups:
1 4 & u n d e r 1 5 - 1 9 2 0 - 2 9
3 0 - 3 9 4 0 - 4 9 5 0 - 5 9
60 & over
Special Awards: First Yorktown Resident (male & female)
North County News Employee (male & female)
F a c t a Na n Ve r b a
T-Shirts to the rst 150 registrants
Food and beverages for runners
Race directed by laconic Road Runners Club
Race Di r ect or :
Doug Miller 914-962-1402
North County News 10k Race Registration T-shirt size: M L XL (please circle)
N a m e ^ ^ A g e o n r a c e d a y B i r t h d a t e : S e x : M F
( L a s t ) ( F i r s t ) ( C i r c l e o n e )
A d d r e s s _ P h o n e :
( S t r e e t ) ( C i t y ) ( S t a t e ) ( Z i p )
Please read the following statement and sign below before submitting entrv:
I know that running a road race is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not enter and run unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by
any decision of a race ofcial, relative to my ability to safely complete the run. I assume all risks associated with running in this event including, but not limited to:
falls, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, including high heat and/or humidity, trafc and the conditions of the road, all such risks being known
and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver, knowing these facts, and in consideration of your accepting my entry, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on
my behalf, waive and release the laconic Road Runners Club, North County News, The Yorktown Community Cultural Center, The Town of Yorktown and all
Sponsors, their representatives and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising from my participation in this event even though that liability may arise
out of the negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver. I grant permission to all of the foregoing to use any photographs, motion pictures,
recordings, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose. I understand that bicycles, skateboards, baby joggers, roller skates, animals, and radio
headsets are not permitted in the race and I will abide by this guideline.
S i g n a t u r e : P a r e n t o r G u a r d i a n , i f u n d e r 1 8
Mail to TRRC, Box 99, Baldwin Place, NY 10505. Amount enclosed:
Optional: Taconic Road Runners Club Membership: Check below, if you wish to enroll as a member
F a m i l y $ 2 5 ; I n d i v i d u a l $ 1 5 ; S t u d e n t ( < 1 9 ) $ 1 0 B i b # I I
It's Never Too Muddy
By Steve Quinn
A long, cold, snowy winter, then heavy rain,
and a slight thaw; natures perfect preparation for
Mudders and Grunters. After consultation with
perennial race consultant Carmelo Roldan, Loehfelm,
Quinn, Meisner, and Wheaton set out on March 30 to
mark the course. The rst mud bog cost Fred his right
shoe. This would be prophetic later. As we progressed
along the trail, we developed a few new twists, like the
need to go under the bridge. And then there were all
the fallen logs and twigs. It was delightful! Then came
mud hill, rising a vertical 15 feet and as slippery as it
could be. The 3 foot deep creek was a welcome splash
to wash you off and cool you down.
The annual running of this race was done on a
perfect day. Many volunteers were present to assist
race director Owen McCrudden including Vinny
Juliano, Katy Quinn, Christine Reger, Greg and Nancy
Diamond, Rich Schilio, Sue and Howie Solow and
m o r e .
Tom Church duplicated his performance of
last year and won in a time of32:24. Mauricio
Venegas was second in 33:05, and Scott
Abercrombie was third in 33:43. The rst woman and
9"* over all was Joy Jaworowski 37:25. Golden
gloves contender Denise Lutrick was second with a
43:13, and Debra (Terranova) Kenney was third
wi t h a t i me of 44: 19.
The course claimed many victims, including
Rob Hansen who, while running up front, lost one of
his shoes in the rst mud bog. After a long search was
unsuccessful, he had to throw in the towel and go for
an "unofcial" nish. Other course victims were
Brian Wheaton and Don Ettinger. Gary Strove
nished as the bloodiest contender, while Scott
Craven was muddiest. (The mud in the ear and up the
nose was most impressive!) The coveted Geronimo
Cup was awarded to the "Roadkill Team" of John
Siegart, Rob and Tom McClay. A second Cup was
given to the ladies team of Debbie (Terranova)
Kenney, Lee Saroken and Barbara Kingsborough.
Complete race results follow:
Mudders & Grunters - March 31,1996
1. Tom Church
2 9 3 2 : 2 4
! M
2. Mauricio Venegas
3 0
3 3 : 0 5 2 M
3. Scott Abercrombie
4 5
3 3 : 4 3 3 M
4. J el T Lanc as t er
1 7
3 3 : 4 6 4 M
5 . M i k e M c I v o r
2 6
3 6 : 3 4 5 M
6. Scott Mendel owi tz
3 5
3 6 : 3 8 I M 3 0 - 3 9
7. Richard Parvkaasc
3 9
3 7 : 0 6 2 M 3 0 - 3 9
8. JeffPurdy
4 4 3 7 : 1 3 I M 40- 49
9. Joy Jaworowski
3 4 3 7 : 2 5 I F
10. Leigh Druckenmiller
2 8
3 7 : 5 2 I M 19- 29
11. Paul Pacchiana 4 1
3 8 : 1 1 2 M 4 0 - 4 9
12. Rob McClay
2 8 3 8 : 3 6 2 M 2 9 - 2 9
13. Don Lowry
3 8 4 0 : 4 0 3 M 3 0 - 3 9
14. Tom McClay
3 0 4 1 : 0 8
15. Eric Bressler
4 5 4 1 : 2 3
3 M 4 0 - 4 9
16. Carmelo Roldan 5 4
4 1 : 3 4 I M 5 0 - 5 9
17. Mar cCovi t z
3 2 4 1 : 4 9
18. Michael Searles
1 6 4 2 : 4 6 I M 1 5 - 1 8
19. JohnSiegaart
3 5 4 2 : 2 2
20. John Albanese
3 4 4 2 : 4 9
21. Owen McCrudden
2 1
4 2 : 5 2 3M 20-29
22. Dennis Rankin 3 7
4 2 : 5 7
23. Deni se Lutri ck 2 8
4 3 : 1 3 2 F
24. Chris Slagle
2 4 4 3 : 2 0
25. Don Lut ri ck
4 1 43: 28
26. Paul Salemi
3 4 4 3 : 3 0
27. Phil Tartaglia
3 2
43: 36
28. James Jackman 3 3
4 3 : 4 5
29. Vinny Juliano
4 7 4 3 : 4 9
30. Matt Sheehan
3 4 4 3 : 5 0
31. GregoryOIeason
3 8 4 4 : 0 0
32. Bob Spiers
3 3
4 4 : 1 4
33. Debra Terranova
4 0 4 4 : 1 9 3 F
34. Jim Manning
3 5 4 4 : 2 2
35. George Siliano
3 4 4 4 : 2 4
36. GaryStruve
51 4 4 : 4 1 2 M 5 0 - 5 9
37. Ivan Fernandez
2 7 4 4 : 5 6
38. Harry Neeson
5 0 +
4 5 : 1 4 3 M 5 0 - 5 9
39. Tom Maloney 4 1
4 5 : 2 7
40. James Wilson 2 8
4 5 : 4 0
41. Robin Maloney 4 1
4 5 : 5 5 4 F
42. Glenn Picone
3 4 4 6 : 2 9
43. Don Ettinger
6 0 4 7 : 0 2
1 M 6 0 +
44. Jim Buckley
4 8 4 7 : 2 9
45. John Singer
5 7 4 8 : 1 7
46. Scott Craven
3 6
48:23 (muddiest)
47. Barb Kingsborough
4 4
4 8 : 3 0 5 F
48. Bill Kress
3 5
4 8 : 3 4
4 9 . J o h n O r r
61 4 8 : 4 2 2 M 6 0 +
50. Lee Saroken
4 8 4 9 : 2 8 I F 4 0 - 4 9
51. Bemie Stringer
4 9 4 9 : 4 3
52. Ed McLaughlin
4 9 5 0 : 1 0
53. PeteHanley
4 9 5 1 : 4 5
54. Gi aBoul os 3 6
5 2 : 3 9
55. Steve Quinn
4 9
5 2 : 5 6
56. Fred Loehfel m
5 0 5 3 : 4 8
57. Peter Meisler
5 2 5 3 : 5 7
58. Mi ke McCor mi ck
4 6 5 4 : 1 1
59. David Rauel
4 0 5 4 : 2 6
60. Claire Healy
3 2 5 4 : 5 1 IF 30-39
61. Carolyn Subin
5 3 5 5 : 5 0 I F 5 0 - 5 9
62. Greta Olsson 3 9 5 6 : 2 2 2 F 3 0 - 3 9
63. Mike Dhunjishah 51
5 7 : 0 5
64. Kat hl een D' Ot t avi o 5 4 5 9 : 1 4
2 F 5 0 - 5 9
65. John Hannigan 4 7
6 2 : 2 7
66. Karen Skinner 3 7
6 2 : 3 3
67. Don McCann
6 6 6 2 : 4 3 3 M 6 0 +
68. Frank Schmi dt
5 7 6 2 : 5 6
69. Fred Reger
3 5 6 4 : 1 5
70. Dan Singer 5 2
6 6 : 1 0
71. Edward Schmi dt 4 9
7 6 : 5 0
72. Beverly McCann
6 5 ???
73. Peg Meisler
4 9 . 5 ???
Mudder s & Gr unt er s 1996
The "Roadkill Team" of John Sicgart, Rob and Tom McCiay display the
coveted Geronimo Cup.
Scott Cra\' en washes down some of the mud after his
" muddi est " ni sh.
Tom Church marks his easy win at the nish line.
Harr> Neeson crosses the nish line, attempting to win the
muddi est t i t l e!
-photos by K. D. Quinn
1 2
Special Mudders & Grunters Awards:
L o s t s h o e : R o b H a n s e n
P u l l e d mu s c l e : B r i a n Wh e a t o n
Thorn in vein: Don Ettinger
Bl oodi est : Gar y St r ove
Muddiest: Scott Craven - plus honorable mention to Owen McCrudden, Jr.
Disqualied for muddiest because of intentional (unauthorized) application of mud: Lee Sarokcn & Harry Neeson
First runner ever to volunteer to direct trafc on a race while running the race: Fred Roger
1996 Mudders & Grunters Ofcial Rules
As declared by the race committee, the following ofcial rules were in effect for this year's race;
1. The course has been accurately, carefully and thoughtfully laid out, it is impossible to get lost.
2. If you ever think you are lost remember rule I.
3. Follow the orange ags as closely as possible, you should be able to see the next ag at all times.
4. The course has been laid out for your enjoyment, you should complete the course, muddy, bloody and tired.
5. It is not necessary to nish the race wearing your shoes, but you must have two with you when you nish (If you
started with two).
6. Drowning or getting stuck in the mud is grounds for disqualication,
7. Protective eye wear is recommended due to brush and brambles.
8. Footing is rough, uneven, sloshy, muddy, wet, slippery and generally disagreeable, you will seldom wear your shoes
9. Special Award to the runner nishing with the most mud on their person. (Blood may be substituted).
10. Teams consist of three runners. Score will consist of total time for three competitors. Teams may be of mixed
sexes. Register your team with the race director, Owen McCrudden, before the race.
11. Ofcial time is the nish line clock as recorded by the nish line scoring team.
12. Complaints must be led and received no earlier than December 31,1996.
13. While laying out the course, a blue tinted left contact lenses was lost by the course engineers: reward for return.
14. Tape your shoes. Tape your shorts. Not responsible for lost runners, clothing, shoes or accessories,
15. Anyone caught stealing the neat orange(or were they pink?) ags will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Special "color" was added to the start
of this year's Mudders & Grunters
event as Presidents Emeritus Owen
McCr udden and Fr ed Loehf el m
started the races with "guns and
Donny Lowry and Donny Lutrick lead a
group out of the woods.
Special "leaping" skills were displayed
by Kathleen D'Ottavio (left) and
H o w i e S o l o w .
-photos by Nancy Yoimg
Taconi c Masters Pl an NYRRC & Mac Defenses
By Jim Bagg, Director of Public Relations
I recently sat down and had a lengthy interview with myself. I discussed the TRRC-M men's
40 year olds plans to defend their New York Road Runners Club (NYRRC) and Metropolitan Athletics
Congress (MAC) Grand Prix titles.
Jim Bagg Question: How does Taconic plan to defend ther NYRRC and MAC titles?
Jim Bagg Answer: It would be impossible to send a team to every race. We plan to enter teams in
races that score for both series and races that count double points, such as the Club Team Championship
and the Ocean to Sound Relay.
JBQ: Who is the main competition this year?
JBA: It looks like the West Side Y in the NYRRC and Runners Edge again in the MAC. Our strength is that we can always get 3 or
4 guys to travel to a race and score points for the team. 1 don't expect the Y to travel to Long Island MAC races and Ruimers Edge hasn't
travelled to New York for NYRRC races the last couple of years.
JBQ: Speaking of travelling, last year the team went to Canadaigua and won the USATF National Masters lOK Cross Country
Championship. Any travel plans this year?
JBA: The only national championship on the East coast this year is the ASPIRE lOK on Long Island in April. It is not clear at this time
if they will be crowning a team champion, but it is on the MAC schedule, so we will eld a competitive team. Unfortunately, it is the
same week-end as the Boston Marathon, so we will be without some very good runners. (See related story this page.) Our road trip will
be the Lake Winnepasauke Road Relay. The women's team also plans to attend, so there is the chance of another marriage or two breaking
JBQ: How would you categorize the team this year?
JBA: That's easy. I've broken the team down into ve categories;
1. Studs: Steve Calidonna and Nick Caswell are always among the top Master's nishers. 1 would also put Scott Mosenthal in this categoiy
if he is able to race with us this year.
2. Marathoners: Joe Porcaro, Tony Galfano, and Bob Briglio are all running the 100th Boston Marathon in April. That base of long
distance training should put them in top shape for the rest of the year.
3. Stalwarts: These are the guys who wil always show up if you need them. It doesn't matter what shape they are in, or what injury they
are nursing, you can count on 100%. Scott Abercrombie, Ken Filmanski, Gary Steinel, and Pete Corsino.
4. Newcomers: Paul Fendler turns 40 soon. Paul Pacchiana and Vic Politano have just started racing with us, and Ray Marrero and Jeff
Purdy hve shown tremendous improvement recently. This group will denitely strengthen our team.
5. Comebackers: John Hallinan and Mike Daley both have broken 35:00 for 1 OK. If John resigns from the school board and Mike comes
back from serious injury, they will score.
JBQ: And yourself?
JBA: 1 think 1 can once again be a Stud, but I would rather devote my time to publicizing the exploits of this ne group of gentlemen.
All are pillars of society when sober.
JBQ: There is one name conspicuously absent: Bob Hermesch.
JBA: Ah yes. Bob. Bob will be redirecting his energies for the next couple of years. When he returns, ejq)ect an all out assault on the
50's record book.
Taconic 40's Come Back To Life on Long Island
By Jim Bagg, Director of Publicity
Both New York Road Ruimers Club (NYRRC) and Metropolitan Athletics Congress (MAC) Gran Prix series are underway, and
Taconic is well behind in defending both titles. In fact, they show nothing but "goose eggs" in the MAC. So, a Boston Marathon depleted
team traveled to Plainview, Long Island on April 13 to compete in the ASPIRE 1 OK. The race wasbilled as the US A Track & Field (US ATF)
National Masters Championship and MAC Open and Masters Championship. The team had twice last year traveled to rival's Runners
Edge's bacl^ard and won, but it appeared the third time would not be a charm.
Well, the team was resurrected and locked-up the MAC title by the one mile mark. Led by the "Casmanian Devel," Nick
Caswell (2nd in the USATF 44-49 age group), the team captured the MAC team title convincingly over Rurmers Edge and thereby scored
double points for the MAC series. Soon-to-be-papa Steve Calidonna was second man in, followed closely by fellow "Stud" Scott
Mosenthal. A retmning -to-form Scott Abercrombie was next (and also USATF 3rd in the 44-49 age group). Ken Filmanski, still
ghting the battle of the bulge, was the nal scorer, and Jeff Purdy rounded out the team by setting a PR.
Although the race was billed as the USATF National Masters Championships, no USATF team awards were given out. Top
team was the Central Massachusetts Striders (CMS), although at least one of their men was last seen running for Greater Lowell. They
had to endure the long drive home as "only" ASPIRE team champs. Taconic was second in the ASPIRE event, but the MAC champions,
14 since CMS is not a MAC team!
The l aconi c Road Runner s Cl ub
p r e s e n t s a g
NYRRC Championship Men's Team Series Event 1
The 19th Annual ^
Ver ba Li ncol i i Hal l Road Race
5 Mile Rolling, Scenic Course
Sunday, June 2,1996 -10:45 A.M. Starting Time
Check-in starts at 9:30 A.M. in the gym
^ I^Cash^RafeM^^PrizesMj
start and nish at Lincoln Hail School, Lincolndale, NY
Race Directors: Rich & Joanna Nash (914) 248-6666
Entry Fees: TRRC & NYRRC Members, Registration postmarked by 5/19/96: $8.00
Non-Member Registration postmarked by 5/19/96:$10.00
Late Registration (after 5/19/96):$12.00 I
FREE shirts to pre-registered entries only
c a u m w e d M x
Post race refreshments & music. Race results will be posted.
Awards presented in 10-year age groups for men and women and team awards. "
Directions and map on reverse side.
Round trip transportation from Katonah (MetroNorth) train station (9:51 a.m. arrival from Grand Central).
T RRC - L i n c o l n Ha l l 5 Mi l e , J u n e 2 , 1 9 9 6 S h i r t s i z e : S M L X L
(circle appropriate size)
Race Registration Total enclosed:
Mail applications to TRRC, P.O. Box 99, Baldwin Place, NY 10505. Make checks payable to TRRC.
TRRC Membershi p No. | I i l -ow t hat nmnl nn a roari rara i s a nnt pnt i al l v/ ha^arHni i s t u
NYRRC Membership No.
Please print!
No Refunds, Exchanges or Transfers
Ofce Use Only T Bib No.
.ast Name (only one runner per form)
vge on Race Day
Jate (mo./day/yr.)
laie (or country if not USA] ^ip <
I know that running a road race is a potentially hazardous activity,
i should not enter and run unless I am medically able and properly
trained. I agree to aide by any decision of a race ofcial relative to
my ability to safely complete the run. I assume all risks associated
with running in this event including, but not limited to: falls,
contact with other participants, the effects of the weather,
including high heat and/or humidity, trafc and the conditions of
the road, all such risks being known and appreciated by me.
Having read this waiver and knowing these facts and in consider
ation of your accepting my entry, I, for myself and anyone entitled
to act on my behalf, waive and release the laconic Road Runners
Club, the Town of Somers, and all sponsors, their representatives
and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out
of my participation in this event even though that liability may arise
out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons
named in this waiver. I grant permission to all of the foregoing to
use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings, or any other
record of this event for any legitimate purpose. I understand that
bicycles, skateboards, baby joggers, roller skates or baldes,
animals, and radio headsets are not allowed in the race and I will
abide by this guideline.
Exact Name of Team (USATF only)
Taconic Masters Consider First Recruiting Drive
By Jim Bagg, Direcior of Public Relations
The Taconi c Road Runners Cl ub Men' s Mast ers
(TRRC-M) team has been the top team in the metropolitan New
York area for the past three years. After getting soundly beaten
by the Central Massachusetts Striders (who recruit) at the
ASPIRE lOK, it Is obvious the team will have to look far beyond
its Westchester/Putnam roots if it plans on moving up to the next
l ev el .
Let's face it: All top teams, men's, women's, open,
masters, and veterans, do some kind of recruiting, and it is about
time TRRC-M come out of the dark ages. Look at neighboring
Westchester Track Club (WTC). Two of their top runners,
Alem Kahsay (1995 NYRRC Runner of the Year) and Itamar
DaSilva, aren't even U.S. citizens. And do you think it is a
coi nci dence that both are del i cl erks? No doubt Mi ke Barnow,
venerable coach of the WTC, is out scouting for talent on his
l unch hour.
1 recommend that all concerned Taconic Masters start
to visit nursing homes. No, not to start a wheelchair team, but
all those folks do have offspring in their forties. If Mike Barnow
can "pick up a meal and come home with a runner," then no
doubt we can "deliver a meal and come home with a runner!"
We will be helping the community and TRRC-M.
The Taconic Bravehearts Are On The Run.. .Literally!
Under the guise of something called the 4S Club (Sunday Soft Shoe Shufers), and led by a strange, kilted individual who keeps
muttering, "They can take oor wives, but they canne take oor wee dram," the Bravehearts are congregating twice a month for a series of
training runs with a denite purose in mind.
Harry Neeson (a.k.a. Mac Tavish) has put together a schedule of varying lengths and venues which may be of interest to high
mileage and long distance runners. The program runs through the end of September. All runs are slated to start at 7:30 h.t. (Harry Time).
"Entry" fee is $10 with monthly dues of $5. All monies remain with the 4S Club, whose members will dispense with the currency
in October at an affair called "The Bravehearfs Ball." Further info may be obtained by calling Mac Tavish at 245-3598. A tentative
schedule of runs follows, but check with Harry or a participating member to be sure the venue or meeting point hasn't shifted!
(You've already missed April 7 and April 21 runs! Don't miss the rest:)
5 / 5 M u s c o o t R e s t a u r a n t 1 2 m i l e s
5/26 Downing Park - Baptist Church - WhiteHill
( M e e t a t D o w n i n g ) 1 2 m i l e s
6 / 9 Be a r Mo u n t a i n Co u n t e r - p r o d u c t i v e Ru n
(Meet at Lookout Point, Rte. 9) 14 miles
6 / 2 3 T. B . A .
7/14 Downing - Rte. 6 - Baldwin Place - Rte. 188 -
D o w n i n g 1 6 m i l e s
7/28 Water Shed, Arcady Rd., Yorktown 17-20 miles
8/11 Muscoot Restaurant (Reservoir Run) 20 miles?
8/25 The Not-on-the-Level Sedgewick Run 20 miles
(Meet at Rte 6/E. Lake Blvd. Parking Lot)
9 / 1 5 T. B . A .
9/29 West Point Regurgitation Experience 20 miles
(It is not necessary to complete mileage indicated, however
participation requires a two mile minimum with at least one run
per month or a ne will be imposed. Don't ask about the
weather. Facta nan verba!)
- s s s s -
(914) 245-3400 BUSINESS
(914) 245-8602 FAX
( 914) 749- 2182 VOI CE- TEL
c e u N t f c u .
! A M I W O
I M . : - . . L i
^ C O L D W E L L B A N K E R
: J ' i L O S A ; V M i . ; I - I I V E R R C . A Q
. O R K l O . ' V ; H E I L - H I [ l i '
(914) 245-3400 BUS.. 245-8602 FAX
(914) 749-2180 VOICE
c o u N u e u .
B A N K l B R a
Y O F 1 M O W N H t . j H l b N Y 1 C ' j 9 8
The Taconi c Road Runners Cl ub
present s
Thursday July 4,1996
8 Mi l e Cl assi c - 8: 00 a. m.
Mahopac High School
M a h o p a c , N e w Yo r k v
Check in begins at 7:00 AM
Race Directors: Ed McLaughlin (914) 666-8712
FredReger (914)621-1601
Bob Daubenbis (914) 736-2032
T R * R C
Pre-registration Entry Fee (postmarked by 6/29/96)TRRC Member - $10
Non-TRRC Member - $12
Race Day Entry Fee - $15
Pre-registration guarantees commemorative T-shirt to participants
(No T-shirt guarantee for race day entry)
Awards Presented in All TRRC Age Categories (results will be posted)
Special Commemorative Awards to 1st Putnam County Resident (Male & Female)
Gala post race 4th of July Party and Avyard Ceremon^
Note: Please include SASE (legal size) if you would like complete race results mailed to you !
Directions: Taconic State Parkway to Route 6/Mahopac Exit. Go east to Baldwin Place Road (McDonalds on right). Go left 1-1/2 miles
to Mahopac High School. (Road closes at 7:50 a.m.)
Putnam County Classic, Thursday, July 4,1996
Race Registration T - s h i r t s i z e : S M L X L
Zip Code
p m
u i O v f N s c i v t f
Sex: Mal e Femal e Age on Race Day
Bi r t h d a t e :
I know that running a road race is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not enter and run unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any
decision of a race ofcial relative to my ability to safely complete the run I assume all risks associated with running in this event including, but not limited to: falls, contact
with other participants, the effecs of the weather, including high heat and/or humidity, trafc and the conditions of the road, all such risks being known and appreciated by
me. Having read this waiver and knowing these effects and in consideration of you accepting my entry, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and
release Taconic Road Runners Club, the Hamlet of Mahopac, Mahopac Schools and all sponsors, their representatives and successors from all claims of liabilities of any kind
arising out of my participation in this event, even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver. I grant
permission to all of the foregoing to use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose. 1 understand that bicycles,
skateboard, baby joggers, roller skates or blades, animals, and radio headsets are not allowed in the race and I will abide by this guideline.
S i g n a t u r e D a t e P a r e n t ' s s i g n a t u r e i f u n d e r 1 8 y e a r s o f a g e
Mail applications to TRRC, P.O. Box 99, Baldwin Place, NY 10505. All checks payable to TRRC.
REMINDER: Our sponsors are a
vital link in making TRRC what it is
Now and in the future, race directors will be making
an effort to get more sponsors involved in our races to ease the
nancial burden, keep entr>' fees down, and add amenities and
programs benecial to the communities.
To thi s end we woul d l i ke to remi nd our members to
patronize the sponsors that are associated with our club
whenever possible. If they see results from their advertising
dollars, they will be more likely to continue to support our
club. So- when considering a new purchase, service or
whatever- give our sponsors a chance to make the deal!
If you have ideas about businesses or organizations
who might be interested in sponsoring a Taconic event, please
contact a TRRC board member. If you are interested in
advertising in the newsletter, please contact Steve Quinn (914)
628-0648 or via America On Line: SQuinn43@AOL.Com.
Tr a c k Wo r k o u t s
Now that Daylight Savings Time is here. TRRC will
be conducting track workouts at Yorktown High School on
Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m, Doug Miller has been kind
enough to volunteer his time again. Doug will lead the
workouts which are designed to improve your ninning through
a variety of interval distances and intensities.
These sessions are open to anyone interested in
gaining speed, stamina and tness. We are
hoping to see a large turnout this season. There
arc usually three groups, so you can train with
others at your own pace. It is likely that we will
get a large turnout, so we will also need another volunteer to
help with the timing of the groups. Contact Doug Miller, or
Just show up and ha\'e some fun. (A group usually goes out for
dinner afterward also).
The Daily Bagel II
M u f n s
Co o k i e s
2000A Commerce St reet
Yorktown Heights, NY
1 0 5 9 8
Jim Tanico, Owner
(914) 245-9092
P i l l s f o r S o r e Mu s c l e s ?
A harder than usual workout, game, or
race may bring on mighty sore muscles a few
hours later. This is called delayed onset muscle
soreness, affectionately known as DOMS in the
sports medicine community. Will anti-nammatory drugs help
you out? The evidence is confusing.
One report says indomethacin doesn't work, and another
says ibuprofen does. One group of researchers suggest inamma
tion is not involved in DOMS, and another group says it is.
There is a new study from the University of British Columbia in
Vancouver that comes down on the side of an anti-inammatory
Volunteers performed 300 eccentric quad contractions on
machines, and the next day they began to take one Anaprox DS
tablet, twice daily for a week. (Naprosyn and Aleve contain the
same active ingredient, naproxen). Another group took placebos.
The perception of muscle soreness in the treatment group
(13 people) was consistently less than in the placebo group (14
people), during the week after exercise.
Perhaps the reason there are apparently conicting
results from different studies is that inammation is part of the
problem, not the whole problem. This could be a reason why
somet i mes medi cat i on seems t o work and somet i mes i t doesn' t .
Also, individuals respond differently to different anti-inamma
tory medications; one daig may give much relief to some people
and none at all for others.
When you get scrously sore muscles iier a vigorous
effort, ne.xt day you might want to try aspirin, ibuprofen,
naproxen, or a prescription drug that you know works for you.
Wliat you do not want to do (and may athletes are guilty of this) is
take pills before the event. Randy Eichncr. M.D.. Chief of
Hematology at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences
Center, warns there is strong anecdotal evidence that this practice
increases the frequency of gastrointestinal disturbances during
endurance events. Marvin Blood, M.D., Associate Clinical
Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at California Medical Center in
San Francisco, adds "It may also suppress warning signs of pain
that signal an approaching overuse injury."
(DonaldMcKenzie, M.D.. Ph.D.. and colleagues, poster pre.sen-
lotion at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports
Medicine. Minneapolis, MN. May 3I-June3. 1995.)
C E N K ' S
9 1 4 - 7 3 7 - 2 5 7 1
1 8
1996 Rye Derby
Taconic An Wcisbcrg, pictured at right, was among tlic
winners at the 1996 Rye Derby. Full race results (8 pages
worth!) arc available on the TRRC hoinpage on the internet.
Overall and age group winners are listed below;
N a m e T i m e
Ma l e Ov e r a l l
1 Abibi Bouazza, 25
2 4 : 4 6
2 Keiran Stack, 32
2 4 : 4 7
3 Mohammed Toualeb, 24
24: 52
14- 15 1 Yohei Tanioka, 14
37: 11
2 Matthew Mackay, 14 3 8 : 4 3
3 RobertJohn Tiliotson, 14
39: 27
1 6 - 1 9 1 Alan Maruschak, 18
3 5 : 3 0
2 David Kingsidaphone, 19
4 0 : 0 3
3 Daniel Barberisi, 16
40: 45
2 0 - 2 9
1 Alem Kahsay, 24
24: 56
2 James Platek, 28
2 9 : 1 1
3 Gerard Pizzo, 24
2 9 : 1 8
30- 39 1 John Cunningham, 30
27: 36
2 Stephen Durso, 31
2 8 : 0 8
3 Tim Sullivan, 30
3 0 : 0 8
4 0 - 4 9 1 John MacFarlane, 41
3 1 : 1 2
2 Bill Curran, 47
31: 12
3 Brian Daly, 43
3 1 : 1 3
5 0 - 5 9 1 Art Weisberg, 51
32: 56
2 John Mauritz, 50
3 3 : 1 3
3 Domingo Stern, 50
3 3 : 2 0
6 0 +
1 John Bates, 72
3 9 : 2 4
2 Alexander Smith, 62
3 9 : 2 6
3 Ross Grasso, 63
4 0 : 4 1
Taconic volunteers kept things running smoothly. (At
right;) Bill Foley gets a hand from Paul Fcndler and a
smile of encouragement from Jack Magrone at the
registration table.
(Below) Shannon Nash and Tom Church (at left) check
out the chutes at the nish line while (in the back
ground) Bob McKeon. Rich Nasli and Jack Brennan
prepare for nishers, -photos by J. Nash
t t
TRRC On The I nt er net
By Greg Diamond
Our club has joined in
the internet frenzy! We
now have a page that is
available to anyone with
access t o t he i nt ernet . Thi s
includes people who have
an online service, such as
Amer i c a Onl i ne.
Conipuseivc or Prodigy.
More and more people arc
also acquiring access
through an internet
provider. With this type of
access, you arc directly
connected to the internet but don't have available the other services
the other providers have. The software one uses wilii this direct
internet access includes Netscape. This type of software is called a
browser, (America Online uses another browser to allow its users
access to the internet.) Browsers dilTcr in how they present you with
the material that is on the internet. Netscape provides users with a
vast array of abilities, while the America Online browser is very
limited. This is why AOL recently decided to use Microsoft's
browser, one vastly superior to its own. This is all important in the
sense that what one person sees on a page on the internet from AOL
could be very dilTercnt from what another sees with Netscape, If you
would like more information about accessing the internet, call me at
Taconic's home page is at the following address: http://
Oil the TRRC homepage, you will nd:
Tthe schedule, with printable applications for our races
Results from our races (sometimes by the evening of the
Pi ct ur es
Interesting information
Links to other nmning sites,
Any additional suggestions would be appreciated.
If you have access to any online serv ice, you can e-mail me
at greglrrc@aol.com.
2 0
' P E R S O N N t i A N D
Go o d He a l t h I s Go o d Bu s i n e s s
H e a l t h R i s k A s s e s s m e n t s
Biometric Testing Services
Self-Care Programs
Health Promotion/Education
For information about programs to help
y o u r c o m p a n y
Impact Heal th,
C o n t a c t M i c h a e l M c E n t e e
or Katy D. Quinn
(914) 232-3030
Heads Up Running
If you look down at the feet of runners in front of
you when you race, you may end up running slower than if
>'ou look at the back of their heads, according to an intrigu
ing study from Central Washington Universit}' in
Trained runners pounded a treadmill at about 6:45
minutes per mile while they were made to look high, at
horizon level, or low. at ground level, at video displays of
countrv' road scenes. They switched views every ve
minutes: hi-lo-hi-lo. for 20 minutes. During the lest, the
runners' o.xygcn uptake increased slowly. Curiously, though,
the increase between the rst and second low eye orientation
runs was more than three times higher than the increase
between the rst and second high eye orientation runs.
This says that your running economy is better if you
look up rather than down, by something a little over 1%.
That may not sound like much, but it translates to about 30
seconds off a 50 mi nute l OK.
Why do you use more oxygen to nin when you look
downward? The researchers speculaate that when you look
down, you not only tilt your head, but you hunch forward a
little and spoil your normal upright running style, and this
takes more energy. So, when you're in a race and eveiy
second counts, you'd better keep staring at the heads of the
runners i n f ront .
(K.J. Adkis.wn, M.S., and I'.Af. Nethery, Ph.D.. Poster
pre.s'enlalion at the Annual Meeting of the American College
of Sports Medicine. Minneapolis. MS'. May 31-June 3,
Carmelo's Painting f 'D'l:)
TRRC's Carmelo Roldan
Specializing In
Cedar Rest or at i on
Home Decorating
Pressure Washing
Wall Papering
Light Carpentry
Airless Spraying
Business Accounting &
Income Tax Preparation
B a n d B
Bookeeping sc Accounting
M e m b e r s B e t t i e & B o b P e y t o n
T R R C ( 9 1 4 - 6 6 9 - 5 3 3 8
(914) 245-B9B9
-Fully Insured-
Westchester Summer Twilight Track & Field Series
Sponsored by The Town of Cortlandt Recreation Department
& The City of Peekskill Dept. of Parks & Recreation
Held in conjunction with The Taconic Road Runners Club Summer Track Series
A series of 6 summer track meets for youth and open (adult) competition - Ages 7 (& under) - 70+
Meet Schedule: Tuesday, July 9, 1996 at Hendrick Hudson High School
Tuesday, July 16, 1996 at Hendrick Hudson High School
Tuesday, July 23, 1996, at Depew Park in Peekskill
Tuesday, July 30, 1996 at Depew Park in Peekskill
Tuesday, August 6, 1996 at Depew Park in Peekskill**
Tuesday, August 13, 1996 at Hendrick Hudson High School**
(**Last 2 meets may be moved to another site - if changed, nal information available in May)
Starting Times: 4:30 P.M. - Ages: 5 & under, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-14
6:30 P.M. - Ages 15-18 (High School), 19-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+
Age as of day of race. Tag system will be used. $3 per event. ($4 maximum for each meet.) Bring your own
implements. Some may be available.
O S S ' N i n g
f AV
4 : 3 0 P. M. - 55 Meter Dash:
5& under, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-14
1600 Meter Run (Mile):
8-9, 10-11, 12-14
55 Meter Hurdl es:
8-9, 10-11
100/110 Meter Hurdl es: 1 2 - 1 4
100 Met er Das h:
5 & under, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11,12-14
400 Meter Dash:
7 & under, 8-9, 10-11, 12-14
8 0 0 Me t e r Ru n :
7 & under, 8-9, 10-11, 12-14
200 Meter Dash: 7 & under, 8-9. lO-l 1, 12-14
4 X 100 Meter Relav:
in eaeh age group
4 : 4 5 P. M . -
Long Jump & High Jump:
in each age group
Shot Put:
8-9, 10-11, 12-14
Di scus Thr ow:
10-11. 12-14
6 : 3 0 P. M . -
(Women, then Men, in all events. All events will be contested for all age groups.)
**The featured Taconic Road Runner Track Series event will be the rst event of each meet. The schedule will
be adjusted accordingly.
100 & 110 Meter Hurdles
8 0 0 Me t e r Ru n
1 0 0 Me t e r Da s h
3,000/5,000 Meter Runs
4 0 0 Me t e r Da s h 4 X 100 Meter Relay
1 6 0 0 Me t e r Ru n
4 X 400 Meter Relay
2 0 0 Me t e r Da s h
4 X 800 Meter Relay
400 Intermedi ate Hurdl es
(The relays contested will depend on the number of teams entered.)
6: 45 P. M. -
Long Jump, followed by Triple
Jump, Shot Put, Discus Throw, High Jump. (Pole Vault-depending
upon number of entries.)
Awards: Ribbons to top 3 nishers in each event in each age group. Ribbons to all nishers of youth events.
Taconic Road Runners Track Series Award: Open to Taconic Road Runners Club Members
E v e n t S c h e d u l e : 7 / 9 ; 4 0 0 M e t e r s 7 / 3 0 : 1 0 0 2 0 0 M e t e r D a s h e s
7 / 1 6 : 8 0 0 M e t e r s 8 / 6 : 5 , 0 0 0 M e t e r s
7/ 23: 1600 Met er s 8/ 13: Mak e- ups
For further information regarding the TRRC Track Series, call: Anthony Galfano - (914) 737-6435.
For Directions i& More Information, call: Cortlandt Recreation: (914) 739-4301
Peekskill Recreation: (914) 734-4223
Roy Arnesen (eves) - (914) 226-7064
D o n a t i o n r e c e i v e d f r o m O s s i n i n g P A L 2 1
TRRC Members' Resul t s At The 100t h Bost on Marat hon
(The following times are approximate. Check the TRRC homepage on the Internet for further updates/corrections. To add/correct your
nish to the list, contact Greg Diamond
Thomas Ami sson
Anthony Berndt
J a c k B r e n n a n 3 : 1 7 : 1 0
Bob Br i gl i o 2: 43: 45
Mi ke Dal ey 3: 16: 35
Seth Denenberg 2:52
Greg Diamond 2:55:14
William Foley 3:18:43
Robert Furphy
Anthony Galfano 3:40
Kat e Gl ynn 4: 20
C a r o l H a n s e n 4 : 2 7
Mar gi e Kat t 4: 27
Josh Knight
Stuart Kuritzky
Alessandra Lynch 3:07
J i m M a r t i n 3 : 5 9
Ed McLaughlin 4:28
I r v M i l l e r 3 : 4 8 : 1 2
George Mrus 2:48
Pa u l Pa c c h i a n a 3 : 2 9
Kei t h Panzer
J o e P o r c a r o 3 : 2 1
Peter Rackett
Ger al d Radl auer 2: 55
Judd Ramaker
Wi l l i am Ros t
Wolfgang Sander
L e e S a r o k e n 4 : 2 8
Set h Schi l d
Byron Stinson
Gary Struve
Chri s Ti ppi n 3: 19: 15
James Shal en
Nancy Wisnlow
Nancy Young 4:27
/ wasn 7 there. 1 heard that the 100th running of the Boston Marathon was an event to be remembered, however. The
"memories" I've heard about, seem to have been greatly enhanced for those that participated, by the "esprit de corps" of TRRC.
. . .Like someone who needed to catch the train in Stamford to get to Boston. A fellow Taconic saved the day.
.. .Like some Taconics who went to Boston but couldn 7 get room reservations. They found Taconic roommates willing to
shar e.
.. .Like a nisher who was revitalized with IV's at the nish but was later seen partying in the streets!
.. .Like mental toughness - bolstered by fellow Taconics when it was found lacking, late in the race
. . .Like jackets offered at the nish-line to fellow frigid nishers.
Taconic Running Life welcomes runners' accounts of their experiences at Boston. Send them to Katy D. Quinn, 43 Rodcris
Drive, Mahopac, NY 10541. If your name or nish time is missing from the above, we 're sorry. TRL is a volunteer effort. Volunteer
your information for each issue to have it included. Deadline for submission is the club meeting the month prior to publication. Come
to the meetings!!! Opportunities to share in the camaraderie for which Taconic is famous abound. Come! Be a part of it!
Printer of Taconic Running Life
954 Rout e 6
Mahopac, NY 10541
Tel: (914) 628-6430
Fax: ( 914) 628- 0593
. . . y s
^^^^XPrint House
We'll be happy to help you with all your printiny and copyiny needs:
black & white & full color copies, offset printing, ery prints and more!
Located on Route 6 in Mahopac, across the street from Caldor, in the same parking lot as the Plaza Bakery.
Sweeney Claims Hat Trick At Sybil 50K
Bob Sweeney claimed a "hat trick" as he raced to his third consecutive win at the Sybil Ludington 50K on April 27 in a time of
3.25.31. Race directors David Farquhar and Tony Galfano were ready for him though. They had a specially designed hat to give him at
the awards ceremony! Gold, silver and bronze framed prints were also distributed to winners, along with certicates of "Sybility" to each
of the ultra nishers.
The morning of the race found a record 39 entrants, including 5 women, lined up alongside Route 6 in Carmel. The ultra-
marathoners set out on a cool but sunny morning at 8:00 a.m. ! followed an hour later by a scarce field of only 4 relay teams. The head
wind posed a small challenge for the runners, but compared to the weather of past years, it was a lovely day.
The course was well-marked, with numerous green arrows, and not a single runner went off course this year. Hooray! A loyal
band of Taconic volunteers provided the hours of support along the route and at the nish line. The Davis' had a bountiful array of
sandwiches, pasta, fruit and cookies (as well as appropriate beverages) ready for the nishers at the VFW, and the running water and chairs
were also much appreciated!
Conversation among the nishers was mind-boggling as they were overheard discussing the previous week's 50 miler and the
following week's ICQ miler! The only thing missing was a larger Taconic presence. Those of you who have participated in this event -
either the full 50K or the relay - know that it is a great day. Make plans now to participate next year!
Sybil 50K Finishers
1. Bob Sweeney, 29M 3:25:31
2. David Luljak, 40M 3:31:59
3. Larry Philips, 35M 3:45:22
4. Ralph Balsamo, 49M 3:56:25
5. Ed Finnegan, 39M 4:02:57
6. Kei t h Panzer, 37M 4: 04: 48
7. Fr ank DeLeo, 43M 4: 04: 18
8. El l en McCurti n, 29F 4:18:49
9 . J u a n F r a n c o , 4 7 M 4 : 2 2 : 2 6
10. MelCowgill, 59M 4:24:35
11 . Bo b Co l t o n , 5 5 M 4 : 2 5 : 4 4
12. Ti m St urmur, 43M 4: 26: 08
13. Pete Colaizzo, 31M 4:26:54
14. Fred Kirby, 45M 4:31:17
15. Bruce Boyd, 57M 4: 35: 43
16. Frank Dudaas, 35M 4:36:18
17. Ken Huttuien, 41M 4:38:28
18. Don Villeneuve, 56M 4:41:47
1 9 . B o b F a l k , 5 2 M 4 : 4 1 : 5 7
20. Mark Ornstein, 37M 4:53:37
21. Dick Opsahl, 64M 4:57:45
22. Joe Spofford, 34M 4:57:45
23. William Piper, 50M 5:06:15
24. Charl i e Ei del , 48M 5:08
25. Ed Gallagher, 48M 5:08
26. Bert Meyer, 50M 5:10:38
2 7 . R e x Wi l s o n , 5 4 M 5 : 1 2 : 4 0
28. Ed McLaughlin, 48M 5:14:03
2 9 . L e e S a r o k e n , 4 8 F 5 : 1 4 : 0 3
30. Barbara Saldick, 43F 5:24:37
31. Mary Phillips, 55F 5:28:06
32. Barry Aronwosky, 55M5:36:!8
33. Harry Chafetz, 66M 5:37:08
34. John Kaufman, 47M 5:40:21
35. Joe Handleman, 66M 6:17:55
36. Deborah Redding, 41F 6:22:38
3 7 . J o h n K e n u l , 5 2 M 6 : 2 2 : 3 8
Sybil 50K Relay
1. Gary Steinei, 43M
& Paul Fendl er, 39M 2:53:44*
2. Pet e Corsi no, 49M
& Doug Miller, 39M 3 : 3 1 : 5 2 * *
3. Brett Lim,42M
& Jerry DiMaggio, 38M 4:12:18
4. Steve Quinn, 49M
& Katy Quinn, 45F 4 : 4 2 : 5 6 * * *
*The racing strategy of the #1 relay
team was to change legs every 0.2
miles. It was quite a sight to see them
hopping in and out of the car. Gary
noted that the most difcult part was
putting his glasses on to drive without
fogging them up!
**The second place relay team didn't
decide to enter this event until the night
before. They divided the race by having
Doug nish the rst 20 miles and Pete
the last 10. Wait a minute. . .who did
the nal mi l e?
***Upon being congratulated as the
rst masters team and the rst mixed
team in this event, Steve Quinn was
asked the secret of his success. "The
competition," he replied!
2 3
P r e s e n t s
19t h Annual Bi at hl on
With Cooperation Of
Richard F. Gennaro, Supt.
PLACE: SYCAMORE PARK, Long Pond Road, Mahopac, NY
T I M E : 8 : 4 5 a . m .
Registration and Check-In 7:30-8:30 a.m.
DISTANCES: 3 mile run followed by a 1/2 mile swim
AWARDS: T- Shi r t s t o FI RST 150 ent r ant s
Awards in the following categories:
o v e r a l l l - 3 r d p l a c e l - 3 r d p l a c e
14 and under 1-3rd place l-3rd place
1 5 - 1 8 l - 3 r d p l a c e l - 3 r d p l a c e
1 9 - 2 9 l - 3 r d p l a c e l - 3 r d p l a c e
3 0 - 3 9 l - 3 r d p l a c e l - 3 r d p l a c e
4 0 - 4 9 l - 3 r d p l a c e 1 - 3 r d p l a c e
5 0 - 5 9 l - 3 r d p l a c e 1 - 3 r d p l a c e
6 0 - 1 - l - 3 r d p l a c e l - 3 r d p l a c e
ENTRY FEE: $20.00 pre-entry received by July 30th
$ 18.00 Taconic Road Runners Club members (Pre-entry ONLY)
$25.00 post-entry
Checks payable to:Taconic Road Runners Club
Mail to:Taconic Road Runners Club,
P.O. Box 99, Baldwin Place, N.Y 10505
*$5.00 Refund/credit at registration toward entry fee for licensed TRIFED Members
Directions: from Taconic State Parkway, take Rt. 6 exit east, approx. 8 miles to Valley Market (on left), turn left on Crane Rd.
just past market. Go 1.5 miles on Crane Rd.and bear left at Fire House. Sycamore Park is 0.2 miles on left.
A G E _ M A L E F E M A L E T - S h i r t S M L X L ( c i r c l e o n e )
In conskleratinn <f the foregoing, I, for my.self, heirs, executors, administrators and assignees, do hereby release and discharge Town of Carmel,Taconic Road Runners Club,
Triathlon Federation/USA, repre.scntatives and siicce.ssors from all claims of damages, demands, actions, and causes of actions whatsoever, in any manner arising or growing out of
my participation in .said Biathlon. I irther attest that I am physically qualied to participate in this race.
(If under 18 years of age)
l aconi c Women' s News
By Lee Saroken
Spring has nally sprung, and there are tons of
races coming up. In particular, there are team events,
including "You Gotta Have Park," a 5-miler in Prospect
Park, and the ever-popular Advil Mini-Marathon which is a
great opportunity to run with many of the world's elite
women, as well as local runners and walkers. In July, there
is the Club Team Championship 5M, an event which has
grown tremendously over the last few years through the
support of all the local NY clubs, including Taconic. Please
try to make room on your busy calendar to participate as a
member of the Taconic Women's Team at one or more of
these events.
Sarah and 1 have sent out schedules and letters to
all of the women members of the club. If, for some reason,
you did not receive a schedule, please call me at 666-8712.
Our club sponsors many races and provides the
opportunity for women to run in a wide variety of races. The
Women's Team operates within the framework of the club,
and provides an additional opportunity to experience the
camaraderie and mutual support of teammates in represent
ing the club at many races. You should seriously consider
taking advantage of this opportunity and share the team
spirit. It will enhance your running experience!
Other Races, Other Places
(This information is compiled and published as received by
the editor of TRL. Send your results and those of fellow
TRRC nishers at non-Taconic events to Katy D. Quinn, 43
Rodcris Drive, Mahopac, NY 10541, or TRL, TRRC, P.O.
Box 99, Baldwin Place, NY 10505. We will gladly publish
them here.)
Do You Have Chroni c
Ar ch or Heel Pai n?
Tips from Professional Sports Care Management, Inc., (914)
241- 0106.
If you are suffering from chronic arch or heel
pain, you may be experiencing a condition called PLAN
TAR FASCIITIS. This condition is an inammation or
possibly a tear of the plantar fascia along the bottom of
the foot.
The plantar fascia is a band of tissue that runs
along the long arch of the foot and connects into the front
portion of the heel bone. This structure helps support the
arch and relieves some of the force in weight bearing.
Without proper stretching, this tissue becomes tight.
Continued stress can results in pain at the base of the heel
or arch, and eventually a bone spur. Pain can be dull or
sharp, and sometimes feels as if there is a pebble in your
shoe. Pain will be progressive if not treated properly.
The presence of inammation will set up possible tearing
of the tissue, resulting in a long healing process. Take
care of the little pains before they become big ones.
SYMPTOMS: Pain at the base of the heel or arch.
Tenderness to same. Pain during or after running.
T R E AT ME N T: R E S T ! ! !
Light work outs are OK without pain.
Anti-inammatory medications (per M.D.).
Ice massage.
Proper stretching to include manual massage.
Plantar Fascia strapping may be indicated.
See exercises below:
Pl ant ar Fasci a St ret ch
Standing with ball of foot on stair, reach for bottom
step with heel until a stretch is felt through the arch
of the foot. Hold 20 seconds. Relax. Repeat 3 times.
Do 1-2 sessions per day.
Central Park Power Bar 20 Miler 3/31/96
Seth Denenberg 2:10:07 (38th overall)
Taconi c Road Runners Cl ub
P.O. Box 99
Baldwin Place, New York 10505
I VI ember shi pADpl i cat i on
Renewal Address Change
S t r e e t C i t y S t a t e Z i p C o d e
D a t e o f B i r t h / /
Membership Desired: Student (Under 19) ($10.00) Make checks payable to:
I n d i v i d u a l ( $ 1 5 . 0 0 ) Ta c o n i c Ro a d Ru n n e r s
Fa mi l y ( $ 2 5 . 0 0 ) a n d ma i l t o a b o v e a d d r e s s
(TRRC occasionally is asked to supply its mailing list to other running organizations and events. It you do not want the above
information accessed in this way, please indicate here: )
Tell us a little about voursell' so we can get to know you better (^optional information):
When di d you st ar t r unni ng? Favor i t e r ace Favor i t e di st ance r ace
Where do you most enjoy running?
What time of day do you usually run? What is your current running goal?
What do you enjoy most about ninning?
Other thoughts, ideas, suggestions:
W h e r e d o y o u w o r i c ? O c c u p a t i o n :
Which of the following volunteer opportunities interest you?
Race directing Race support Sponsorship committee Water support for trail
Ar t wor k Ref r eshment commi t t ee Ot her :
Qub Meetings: The Second Wednesday of Each Month at 7:30 P.M.
Teatown Reservation Qubhouse May 8
Downing Park Junel2, July 10, August 14
Water support for training runs
Taconic Road Runners Club
P.O. Box 99
Baldwin Place, N.Y. 10505
P E RMI T NO. 1 5
Expires 1/1/97 IDNUM5109
Melanle Benvenue
160W85 St #3 J
New York. NY 10024-4465
Fact a Non Ver ba

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