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w w w, r u n n e r . o r g
January 1999
T R R C *
T H E TA C O N I C F R E E Z E R F I V E S :
M A K E I T Y O U R N E W Y E A R ' S R E S O L U T I O N !
R U N T H E 5 K ON F E B R U A RY 7 T H A N D T H E 5 MI L E R ON F E B R U A RY 2 1 S T-
B O T H AT F D R PA R K . . . A P P L I C AT I O N I N S I D E ! !
TRRC 1999 Event Schedul e
2 / 7 / 9 9 1 0 : 0 0 A M F r e e z e r F i v e
5 K F D R P a r k
Jerry Radlauer
Bar bar a Br i t t an
7 6 4 - 9 0 5 6
7 4 7 - 7 4 3 1
2 / 2 1 / 9 9 1 0 : 0 0 A M F r e e z e r F i v e
5 M
F D R P a r k
Jerry Radlauer
Bar bar a Br i t t an
7 6 4 - 9 0 5 6
7 4 7 - 7 4 3 1
3/ 21/ 99 1 0 : 0 0 A M St. Patrick's Day 1 0 K / 2 M
F D R P a r k J a c k B r e n n a n
7 6 3 - 9 0 2 3
3/ 28/ 99 1 0 : 0 0 A M
Mu d d e r s & Gr u n t e r s 5 M
F D R P a r k Owen McCr udden
St eve Qui nn
2 4 5 - 4 8 3 0
6 2 8 - 0 6 4 8
4/ 24/ 99 8 : 0 0 A M
Sybil Ludington
Hi s t o r i c a l Ru n
5 0 K C a r me l
Anthony Galfano
Ed McLaughlin
7 3 7 - 6 4 3 5
2 4 4 - 8 5 4 4
5/ 9/ 99 9 : 0 0 A M
Mother's Day 5 K
F D R P a r k
Nancy Young
L e e Sa r o k e n
5 2 8 - 2 2 5 1
2 4 4 - 8 5 4 4
6 / 6 / 9 9 9 : 0 0 A M
North County News 5 K
Yo r k t o w n
Greg Diamond
5 2 8 - 2 2 5 1
6/ 12/ 99 9 : 0 0 A M
Doubl e Ar c h Tr ai l Rac e 5 K
Bi l l Kr es s
Nei l Wool f
9 4 1 - 4 0 9 9
6 2 8 - 9 2 7 6
7 / 4 / 9 9 8 : 0 0 A M Putnam County Classic
8 M
Fred Reger
Christine Reger
6 2 1 - 1 6 0 1
8/ 1/ 99 8 : 4 5 A M Biathlon (Run then Swim)
3 M/ . 5 M
Bill Foley
J oe J er ac i
7 3 6 - 7 8 7 3
2 4 8 - 7 4 1 0
9/ 25/ 99 1 0 : 0 0 A M Te a t o wn Tr a i l Ru n 5 K
Scot t Aber cr ombi e
Deb Kenney
2 4 5 - 9 6 2 9
1 0 / 3 / 9 9 1 0 : 0 0 A M
5 K F D R P a r k
Ri c h Ad a ms k i 9 6 2 - 6 4 0 2
10/ 11/ 99 9 : 3 0 A M Columbus Day Kids
V a r P e e k s k i l l
Scot t Aber cr ombi e 2 4 5 - 9 6 2 9
1 0 / 1 7 / 9 9 9 : 0 0 A M
Age Group X-Cty
V a r S o m e r s
J o h n Ha l l i n a n
G e n e C a d ma n
7 3 9 - 2 2 6 8
2 4 5 - 6 2 2 5
1 0 / 2 4 / 9 9 9 : 0 0 A M
Age Group X-Cty
V a r Yo r k t o w n J o h n Ha l l i n a n
G e n e C a d ma n
7 3 9 - 2 2 6 8
2 4 5 - 6 2 2 5
1 0 / 3 1 / 9 9 9 : 0 0 A M
Age Group X-Cty
V a r
Bl u e Mt n . Re s e r v a t i o n J o h n Ha l l i n a n
G e n e C a d ma n
7 3 9 - 2 2 6 8
2 4 5 - 6 2 2 5
1 2 / 4 / 9 9 1 0 : 0 0 A M
X-Country Relays
V a r P e e k s k i l l
Pe t e r Me i s l e r 2 6 5 - 9 6 7 4
1 2 / 5 / 9 9 11 : 0 0 A M
Couples Relay
5 K x 2
Pe e k s k i l l S t e v e Ca l i d o n n a 2 7 8 - 6 0 3 6
Pr e s i d e n t ' s Co l u mn
Dedication Department: I'm going to address this column to that group ofTaconics who I have not yet met personally. Did
you know that each month there is a club meeting at which we: (1) schmooze, (2) eat, (3) nd out what's happened during the
last month, and (4) we highlight the upcoming events. Not a big deal, not much dull business, really a nice social outlet. May
1 suggest that you plan to attend one meeting in 1999, and give me a chance to meet you. Td really appreciate it. By the way.
the monthly meeting is only one of a number of ways of connecting with other Taconics. If you'd prefer to meet folks on the
run; come to the pumphouse on Saturday mornings, 7:30 am. - we provide the water and Gatorade. you provide the sweat.
These are two great ways of getting the most out of your membership.
Events Department: January is unusual in that TRRC doesn't have a scheduled running event. This is good from a race organization perspective, it
gives the race directors and volunteers a bit of a breather and allows us to begin work on our 1999 schedule. Most things will remain the same,
however there will, no doubt, be some changes. I had hoped to complete the rerouting of the Sybil course to improve both its safety and scenic
appeal, but so far I've only been able to re-measure the last six miles, perhaps I'll get it done for the millennium version. (Note: "1 had a dream...."
after having the opportunity running with the TRRC Mens 50+ team in last year's Ocean-to-Sound relay, I've begun to miss having a relay on the
TRRC schedule, it could be that Sybil may have an added feature this year...stay tuned).
Events Department, Part_2: February brings the Freezer Fives, we anticipate cold weather-wise balanced by the warmth of the replace at FDR, be
there and enjoy either or both the 5K and the 5 Miler. Our race directors, Gerry Radlauer and Barbara Brittan have be busily putting the races
together, and we expect they will be providing you with a well-organized runner friendly races, as usual.
Past President' s Department for Can You Believe He' d Reailv Sav This Denartmentk
1 feel that I have been fortunate to have been the Prez of TRRC twice before, but I have to say that I was relieved each time it came to the end of my
term. There seems to be a euphoria that overtakes you at the beginning fueled by new ideas and possibilities which get a little deated as the two
year tenure comes to a close. I have had the opponunity over the last two years to watch someone lead TRRC who brought to her job an enthusiasm
of which I could not perceive any decline over the course of her term. Tough size 7's to ll. Thank You, Lee!!
Team Stuff Department: Over the last several years, TRRC has developed into a formidable presence in both the NYRRC and MAC champion
ship series. Congratulations to the all of the teams and their captains for making TRRC a respected entity in the regional running community. As
Taconics, we can all feel good about our connection and participation in these events. Please remember that all TRRC members count in the scoring
of such events, not just the front runners, so if you run in a NYRRC or MAC race, ll in the team box, it always makes a difference.
Non-Team Stuff Department: Sorry, nothing to report, every Taconic is on the team. Some just don't realize it yet.
l ac oni c Road Runner s Cl ub
PO Box 711
^hrubOak, NY 10588
w w w . r u n n e r . o r g
Taconic Running Life is the ofcial publica
tion of the Taconic Road Runners Club, Inc.
Publication is bitnonthly and is distributed
to club members at no charge.
^r esi dent Ed McLaughlin
244- 8544 t r r c l k s @i bm. net
Nancy Young
5 2 8 - 2 2 5 ! runs262 @ aoi com
V P Fred Reger
621- 1601
f redr@cybi i rban. com
VP-Membership Greg Diamond
528- 2251
T r e a s u r e r
R i c h A d a m s k i 528- 8457 r i c h t r r c @a o l . c o m
secr et ar y
Joanna Nash 248- 6666
twopenny] I @ aol. com
F R L E d i t o r T i n a C u l l e n
523- 2580 tina. cullen @ pepsi. com
^ublicityAVomen's Teams
Debra Kenney
245- 9629 aberken @ ix. netcom. com
^ace Coordinator/Equipm Ri char d Nash
248- 6666 ranasl i @aol . com
Steve Quinn
628- 0648
V I e n ' s Ma s t e r s Te a m
Scot t Aber cr oni bi e
245- 9629 aberken @ ix. netcom. com
Vlen's Open Team/MAC
K e n M a r t i n 7 3 7 - 8 7 8 4 t eaman l ( ) 0@aol . com
V i c n ' s Ve t e r a n s Te a m
Ri char d Nash 248- 6666
r anas h@aol . c om
TRRC TAC Number: 0799/TRRC Hotline: (914) 923-4665
^r esi dent s Emer i t us:
1976- 1986 Dan Caf f r ey ( Founder ) 1993- 1994
1 9 8 7 - 1 9 8 8 O w e n M c C r u d d e n 1 9 9 5 - 1 9 9 6
1 9 8 9 - 1 9 9 0 J o h n H a l l i n a n 1 9 9 7 - 1 9 9 8
1 9 9 1 - 1 9 9 2 E d M c L a u a h l i n
Fr ed Loehf el m
Ed McLaughlin
Lee Sar oken
" T HE F RE E Z E R F I V E S "
R A C E # 1
1 0 A M - 5 K
R A C E # 2
10 AM- 5 MI LES
Race Directors: Gerry Radlauer (914) 764-9056 and Barbara Brittan (914) 747-7431
Preregistration closes January 31 (Race 1) and February 14 (Race 2): $5.00 each race ($4.00 TRRC member)
Day of race registration: $6.00 per race
Family maximum: $15.00 per race
Entry Fees nonrefundable
Special Commemorative long sleeved T-shirts: $12.00 {in addition to race fee)
Specify size if ordering t-shirt
pre-ordered shirts must be picked up at one of the two races (will not be mailed)
F r e e z e r F i v e R A C E S ( d o n o t m i n ) : B i b n o :
1 know ihat runninij a rtxid race u p^xemially hwardous aciiviiy. 1 should nai enter anJ tun unle^^ I am medially able and properly trained. 1 agree lo abide by any decision of a race ofcial relative to tjty
abiliiy to safely coniplcie the mn. I assuntc nil nsks associated with tMnning in this event including, but noi limited to; falls, contact with other participanis, the effects of the weatltcr, including high heat and/or
humidity, traftk and lite c<inditions of the road, all such risks being known and appreciateJ by tne. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts and in consideration of your itccepting my entry. 1. for ntyseif
and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the Taconic Road Runners Club, FDR Park and alt sponsors, their representatives and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising oui
()f my participation in this event even though thai liability may arise out of negligence or carelesstwss on the part of the persons named in this waiver, I grant permission to all of the foregoing to use any photographs,
motions pictures, recordings or any oiher record of this event for any legitimaie purpose. I understand ihat bicycles, skateboards, baby joggers, roller skates <ir blades, animals, and rjidio headsets are not allowed
in the race and 1 will abide by this guideline.
N a m e ; D a t e o f B i r t h / /
T - S h i r t S i z e :
X L M ( a d d $ 1 2 )
Date of Birth.
_ Ci i y
Age race day
. S t a t e Z i p
Sex M F
5 K
5 M ( o n e o r b o t h )
Parent's signature if under 18.
Make check payable to TRRC. Send to TRRC, P0B0X711, Shrub Oak, NY 10588
H U D S O N V a l l e y E y e S u r g e o n s . R C .
G r e g A . D i a m o n d . M D .
A n d r e w A . D a h l , M S , F. A . C . S .
E r i c k R . B r o c k s . M . D . , F. A . C . S .
M A R T I N R L e o p o l d . m . D . , f . a . c . S .
S O U T H E R N 0 U T C H E 3 S
R R O F E S S I O N A l . P A R K
ROUT E 5 2 , F I SHKI L U, MY I 2 5 2 4
i S A ) 6 d 6 - 9 2 e O
The West chest er Road Runner
179 E. Post Road
White Plains, New York 10601
( 914) 682- 0637
FAX ( 914) 949- 4166
Andy Kimerling
Athletic Footwear & Apparel / Event Management
When saying thank you isn't enough
I wish I could really nd words to express our deepest feelings, but I can not. Countless times I have sat trying to reach out and
compose the magical phrases, which would convey our message of appreciation. Each time I have failed. Sometimes I think the words
I'm searching for are beyond my vocabulary; I even wonder at times if they have ever been coined.
In the worst way we want to impart a message of thanks on behalf of our entire family concerning the support we have encountered as
we cope with the situation of Randi. Every expression that comes to mind seems too weak in underscoring those magical words, which
would express our sincerest form of thanks.
To say we are overwhelmed at the reaction of so many people around us is, in itself, an understatement. There are not only close
friends and relatives, but also acquaintances and complete strangers. All have reached out in one form or another. I have always
believed the world is a good place and the people in it are ne. I just never knew how ne.
Randi's condition is fragile, and will remain so for some time. Her temperament is not. She is in rare form with her high ves and
animated faces. Undaunted, she seem rather unperturbed going through her radiation therapy and is a remarkable spirit, keeping us all
on a high. Her retum to this familiar happy, carefree mood provides us with much optimism, for which we are ever so grateful.
As we approach the holiday season we have so much to be thankful for. The doom and gloom of this past Fall has been brushed aside.
For this we are indebted to so many: doctors and medical staff; charitable organizations and businesses; relatives, neighbors, and
friends; and countless others who have been there for us. Each has contributed in so many ways ranging from gifred talents to clasped
hands. It seems people felt they could just not do enough. You have no idea how much you helped
Please know your thoughts, words and actions have been most welcome and most helpful. Carol and I send our most sincere thanks.
We only wish we could say it more eloquently. I know you will hear from Tommy and Elaine, and I have not the slightest doubt that
when Randi is older she, too, will thank you.
Hoping all your problems are little ones. Have a great holiday.
Harry and Carol Neeson
Deli & Catering
1805 East iVIain Street - Route 6
Mohegan Lake, NY 10547
(914)528-0100 Fax (914) 528-0151
Ask for Corey D. Millman
Admi t t ed t o Pr act i ce i n t he St at es of
Ne w Yo r k & Co n n e c t i c u t
Attorney and Counsellor at Law
Tel . & Fax
(914) 533-6724
159 St one Meadow Cour t
S. Salem. NY 10590
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60 Triangle Center ! YorMown Heights, NY 10598
(Onwslla Post OHIee on Mapta Hill Si behind AtP)
245-3625 ! 245-8587 FAX
WA N T E D : W O M E N
by Maria Calidonna
UPCOMING RACES in 1999: January 17 Northwind 10k: Central Park
February 20Snowflake 4 miler, Central Park
March 6Brooklyn Half- Marathon
Just who qualies to become a member of the Women's Open team? Any woman with a desire to race.
Three years ago our team was a force to contend withnot only were we the leader in our league but just second place behind a
formidable Moving-buns-of-steel-Comfort. Now we're trying to organize a new team, one that will not only recapture our past
success but also even improve our record.
Being a member of the women's team involves some commitment, namely racing about once every ve weeks to a designated race.
Races are held in Westchester or Central Park, and we often carpool from Rocky's Deli in Millwood. This not only saves on gas, but it
also allows for both early morning pre-race photos of the team as well as post-race, looking our absolute best, of course.
At present, Taconic has strong, organized teams at the Master's men and women's level, as well as a recent resurgence of a Men's
Open team. It's time to join the force and don those running singlets (bun huggers absolutely optional). All runners are included,
batteries are not. Keep training!
I promise that running for Taconic will be as rewarding as it is fun.
And remember, I've got your number.
Taconic Racing Singlets $17
Call Debbie Kenney or Scott Abercrombie
2 4 5 - 9 6 2 9
Taconi c Jacket $65
Cal l Lee Saroken
Warm-Up Pants
2 4 4 - 8 5 4 4
Both Long & Short Sleeve
Call Ed McLaughlin
Taconi c T- Shi r t s
2 4 4 - 8 5 4 4
Yorktown High School Track to get Lights
The Yorktown High School Huskers Club has undertaken a project to purchase and install lights on the varsity
athletic eld. The lights will consist of four poles that will be placed on the eld where the track is located.
Yea! Just think, many evening hours of running! It will denitely be available for night workouts for TRR.
The total cost for the project is $110,000. Volunteers will be doing the installation. The goal is to raise $50-
$60,000 needed. The sooner the money is raised, the sooner we will have a lighted track. The goal is to have
the lights on by fall of 1999. For further information please contact Mark Girolamo at 788-8823.
Donat i ons can be sent t o:
Yorktown H.S. Huskers - Light Fund (tax-exempt)
PO Box 32
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
Finishing Strong
by Scott Abercrombie
The open men concluded a highly successful year in both the MAC Grand Prix and the NYRRC Club Council team contest. From January
to December this team has demonstrated that it is reliable and powerful. Thanks to the efforts of many different athletes and the help of the
masters men, the team completed the nal three races in November and December successfully.
With two races in the MAC Grand Prix, the Taconic mens open team held a tenuous grip on third with both Runners Edge and POBRRC in
the hunt. A mistake could have been deadly. At the South Shore Sprint, Taconic solidied their position with a third place nish. Scott
Brown lead the team over the four mile course in 20:09 with Tom Piazza (21:14) and Alonso Rendon (21:43) providing and excellent 2-3
punch. Also helping the team that day was Seth Denenberg (23:42), Ken Martin (24:43), and Daniel Amrick. The team would especially like
to take time to thank Daniel for taking time from his busy high school schedule to help up out. The next week the team traveled to the Bronx
to do battle on the trails of Van Cortland park. It certainly was a battle where a couple of points were key. Again Scott Brown led the effort
nishing sixth over all in a time of 16:10. His efort was bolstered by strong efforts from Tom Piazza (17:14), Steve Calidonna (17:38), Alonso
Rendon (17:42), and Doug Miller (18:12). Further lending depth to the team's effort were Dave Goldbei^ (19:12), Robert Walters (20:08) and
Don Vasta (20:10). Thanks to these excellent efforts the team captured third overall in the MAC Grand Prix. Several weeks later the open
team's season was completed at the Kleinerman lOK. At this race Mike Slinsky turned in an excellent performance of 32:18. Steve
Calidonna (34.10) Sean Lockport (35:47), Greg Diamond (36:17) and John Dean (36:43) gave the team excellent races. Thanks to their
performances the team was able to capture seventh out of over 40
teams in the NYRCC Grand Prix. In addition, Scott Brown and Alonso
nished fth in their age groups for die MAC Grand Prix. Scott won his r\ i n
a g e g r o u p i n 4 o f h i s 5 e f f o r t s . Ot h e r Ra c e s , . , Ot h e r P l a c e s
The open team enjoyed an outstanding season due to the efforts of
many different athletes. In a tremendous display of the depth of this
team, they were able to score in 22 different races this year. The team
rarely assembled the same athletes to do the job. The season was
punctuated by the incredible display of raw power Taconic has in its
ranks when they toasted every one at the Marathon tune-up. This
proved that when illy assembled, Taconic belongs among the elite
teams in the New York area.
Don't know where to go?
Don't know who to see?
v u L L e D
P U i L 9
l U O - r i 6 i A L i r ^ A M P ^ m m
Hip PAiM Problem Solved,
L Oi A/ mCK PAi M
C C i A r i C A
p ( / ^ Mr A i e F A 5 c i r i 5
U e C K P A i M
mo o D ^ U( 5 A( a p e o BL e n e
A MP MU C U Mo e e i
Other Races,.,Other Places
John Al banese
Wine Glass Marathon - Coming, NY
2: 58: 28
3rd age group (Congratulations!)
T R R C M e m b e r : M i k e H a r r i a
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(Entrance on Broadway)
I l i o - T i b i a l
Band Syndrome
by Dr. Timothy J. Maggs
M a r c h 1 9 9 8
iFor many who ultimately join the ITBS Club,
the injury has similarities to a bad neighbor. Your initial hopes
are that it isn't really there, but as the pain worsens and real
ity sets in, you slowly begin to go through personality changes,
weight loss and even marital problems due to the tremendous
aggravation and stress it produces.
For those unfamiliar with this very common syndrome,
pain on the outside of the knee that worsens with time should
be considered as ilio-tibial band syndrome until proven other
wise, It can become a debilitating condition and, unless the
underlying cause is addressed, it generally will return.
C a u s e s
The primary cause of this condition is that it is a repetitive
motion disorder: that is, we repetitively use the involved muscle
without ever allowing full recovery. Our body's defense sys
tem produces an inamed situation, which we feel as pain,
tightness and swelling, so we hopefully obey the laws of life a
little and stop the offending exercise and work to correct the
condition. The underlying and inuencing factors that con
tribute to the onset and duration include leg length difference,
worn shoes, uneven running surfaces, increased mileage and
lack of proper warm up and cool down. All of the thigh
muscles, including the quads and hamstring, are victims of
this repetitive motion in runners and are vulnerable to the same
fate. Repetitive motion disorders are also commonly found in
industry today and manifest as carpal tunnel syndrome and
low back pain. These are but two of the more common work
related injuries causing severe nancial burdens and frustra
tions to many employers and employees alike. All too often,
treatment deals only with the symptoms, and this condition
requires causal treatment to alleviate it.
Primary muscles used in any activity repetitively require
specic attention or they will slowly tighten due to an accu
mulation of unwanted toxins and a reduction of normal blood
How (nutrition and oxygen) to the muscle. The situation pro
ducing symptoms experienced in and about the knee ai'c simi
lar to the tightening of a violin wire. As the muscles of the
front and lateral (outside) thigh begin to tighten due to in
creased exercise and a diminishing supply of blood ow, the
tightening begins to affect the ilio-tibial band, and that's when
symptoms begin.
C o r r e c t i o n
Much like any other structural condition, corrections should
be instituted based on logic, simplicity and cost. Surgery would
never be my rst recommendation to any runner, regardless
of the degree of symptoms. The rst step would be to incor
porate some form of anti-inammatory treatment immediately.
This would accompany a "no running and no stretching"
period to increase the likelihood of breaking the pain cycle
without producing further damage. Icing for 20-30 minutes at
a time (5-8 times per day) is a must. Some type of ace ban
dage or elastic support would also benet the injury. An anti
inammatory, such as motrin or naprosyn, is a good comple
ment. All natural anti-inammatories are preferred, such as
bromelain, but any agent is belter than none for the immediate
interest in breaking that pain cycle.
Now that the intlammation is being addressed, the under
lying cause must be addressed. The repetitiveness of the
mu.scle use produces a congested, tight and contracted muscle/
tendinous situation. Multiple massages on a daily basis to the
muscles above the symptomatic sight is critical. It is manda
tory to increase the blood volume coming to the muscle belly,
while reducing the internal muscular pressure above the ten
don in an effort to improve circulation, thus lengthening the
muscle through relaxation of the bers. This lengthening will
take much of the stress off the tendon and allow the healing
process to begin to go to work.
There are a couple methods for massaging the involved
a r e a . On e i s t o h a v e a f r i e n d wo r k t h e l o we r h a l f o f t h e
outside of the thigh with their thumbs for 20-30 seconds at a
time. This can be repeated 4-5 times per day to encourage
blood volume to the muscle. The massage should start about
halfway up the outer thigh and come down just above the
knee joint. When tender and sore areas are located, localized
agitation should be done. This should be extremely tender
and painful, but the amount of pressure should be to the toler
ance of the injured, and no greater. Despite the fact the ITB
is over the knee joint, that area doesn't need to be massaged.
The muscle above the knee joint is the key. A second method
is to apply the thumb pressure to yourself or consider a tool
. such as The St i ck.
Now that all proper healing methods are in place, a biome-
chanical exam should be done to locate contributing factors.
This should work to minimize chronicity and re-occurrence.
That leaves the big question. "When can I begin running
again?". The answer is simpleas soon as you can run
without pain. But, under no circumstances, should you Hy
without a net once healed. Continue the therapeutic portion
of this article until you're totally convinced you can go it alone.
Don't be too discouraged if that day never comes.
For information on specic injuries, Dr. Maggs can be contacted @ (HOP)
987-7845 or Dr. Maggs can also be heard
Sunday mornings from 10-11 AM on his weekly radio show "You Gotta
Keep DancinQ!". heard on AM 590 WROW.
Rich Adamski has been one of TRRC' s most
amazing volunteers for over a decade, serving as trea
surer for many years and working at almost every
race we put on. He serves his community in many
other ways. He is one of the prime movers in the
Support Connection, raising money to provide emo
tional, social and educational support for women with
br east and ovar i an cancer. He i s . so wel l l i ked t hat
there are women swooning all over him, as you can
see by these pictures, taken in a very short span of
t i me .
Enjoy the companionship and fun of the Saturday morning pumphouse runs - remember YOU need to take
a turn helping with the water supply. Volunteers are needed! Please contact Joanne Bertram 528-8767.
There are two ofcial water stops for the Saturday runs:
Water Stop #1 - Mailboxes (@3.35 miles):
From Jan - April: minimum 3 gallons of water
minimum 2 gallons of sports drink
60 plastic cups
Water Stop - Glendale Triangle (2.2 miles straight from mailboxes)
From Jan - April; minimum 2 gallons of water
minimum I gallon of sports drink
20 plastic cups
9 - J a n
1 6 - J a n Ti n a Cu l l e n
2 3 - J a n
3 0 - J a n
6 - F e b
1 3 - F e b
2 0 - F e b
2 7 - F e b Ru d i E i n h o r n
M a r c h
6- I VI ar
1 3 - M a r
20-Mar Greg and Nancy
2 7 - M a r
Try a "Tri" in '991
By Katy D. Quinn
Okay! So it's wintertime and hard to remember when the temperatures
tempted us to jump in the lake. But I invite you to "think Spring" and start
cross training for some early summer fun.
I don't know why it took me so long to tiy a triathlon: Taconic's Mahopac
Biathlon holds a special place in my heart. It was my rst Taconic event..
.and I was more worried about completing the 5K run than the 1/2-miIe
swim. This past summer, I enjoyed a number of bike tours with my husband
Steve, our daughter Heather, and our Taconic friends Pete & Peg Meisler.
Fred Loehfelm, Dave O'Toole and Carol Hansen. My morning workouts
with fellow Taconics (when I'm not rehabbing a pulled hamstring) include a
run, followed by a swim - except on Wednesdays when we often take a
studio cycling class. So when Dave mentioned that he was entering the
Harriman Triathlon in June. 1 said, "count ine in" and I called and invited my daughter Heather and her friend Jen to join us.
At the recommendation of Bill Foley, Greg Diamond and Chris Tippin who had done this event before, we went over and checked out the
course ahead of time. The 16-mile bike ride is VERY challenging, but also VERY beautiful. Evenifyoudon't want to do the triathlon, I highly
recommend Harriman and the Seven Lakes area for a gorgeous bike ride!
When the morning camc for the race, it was a rainy uninviting day. But my friends Susan and Howie Solow were coming to cheer me on,
so I knew 1 had to be there. Heather and Jen and 1 had so-o-o-o much fun. And we got to applaud Chris Tippcn's terric performance, too.
Dave was a no-show, thanks to a pulled Achilles tendon, but we
started planning for our next one.
It didn't take much convincing after the Mahopac Biathlon to get
Steve McKay to try the tri. He, Dave, Heather, Jen and I all sent in
our registration forms for the West Point Triathlon in August. This
too. turned out to be a great course, and included picnic opportuni
ties at the lake afterward. A real highlight was seeing Chuck Creel at
the fmish line. Chuck was preparing to head to Canada for the Iron
Man. Now that's inspiring! I can't imagine doing a triathlon of
those distances, but I was honored to have Chuck there to cheer us
o n .
Most of us can't even dream of doing an Iron Man, let alone actually
do one - or in Chuck's case more than one. Many of us can do the
sprint distance triathlons though. I strongly recommend them! Here's
hoping we'll be in them together in '99!
M E C H A N I C A L & E L E C T R I C A L
2 4 N . G R E E L E Y A V E N U E
CHAPPAQUA. N. Y. 10514
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Voi ce Mai l : (914)749-9501
L i e . R E A L E S T A T E S A L E P E R S O N
My New York City Marathon
By Kathleen D'Ottavio
About a year ago, my daughter asked me if I was interested in running the New York City Marathon. My immediate response
was, "you're out of your bloody mind, there is no way I can do that." Well, I suppose Tve learned a valuable lesson.... never
say never!
Somehow. I don t quite remember how it happened, I began to increase my mileage. At this point I was still resistant and
hadn't seriously committed myself to the idea, even though everyone was encouraging me. I don't really know whyl couldn't
imagme mnnmg 26.2 miles, other than of course the obvious reasons pain and agony. The truth is, I was tricked into doing
it and before I knew it I
wa s h o o k e d .
Water, Gatorade and gel packs became my closest friends. I woke up on November 1st to a clear, crisp day, thank goodness
tor that. I had a knot in my stomach, but I was excited. I knew I had trained well. My biggest worry at this point was where
will I go to the bathroom? I was overwhelmed with the multitude, of people, when I arrived at the race sight, and was eager
to begin my journey. The gun sounded and we were off.
1 was on my way. Thanks to Greta who joined- me at the. 16th, mile and Jack Magrone who joined me at the 17th mile,
my.spirits were lifted and my energy level remained high. The crowds of clapping hands of friends and family cheering me on
helped to push me forward with a smile on my face. It wasn't until the 20th mile, that I eventually felt the affects of this brutal
race and hit the invisible WALL, that everyone talks about. I began to feel nauseous and weak, (gee 1 wonder if it was the 9
gallons of water I drunk), but 1 was determined to run the entire race, no walking.
I crossed the nish line with a sigh of relief and a sense of accomplishment that I had never experienced before. Thanks to
friends and family and the guidance of my fellow runners
1 ran the New York City Marathon in 4 hours and 50 min
utes. I actually didn't think it was as difcult as I thought
it would be, and I found myself already plotting next year's
r e t u r n .
My Grandfather was the, winner of the silver, cup
for the one mile race on the Isle of Bute in Scotland,
I wonder if he was watching me with a smile. Thank
you my friends, for believing in me and for your
continued support and encouragement.
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N Y C M A R AT H O N 1 9 9 8
118 Alonso Rendon, 26 N Y
2: 35: 39
3 3 8 Steven Calidonna, 43
N Y 2: 48: 22
3 7 7 Fernando Bastida, 24
N Y 2 : 4 9 : 5 2
5 7 9
Robert Briglio, 49 N Y 2 : 5 5 : 3 7
8 0 7 Seth Denenberg, 38
N Y 2 : 5 9 : 2 8
9 1 2 Kev i n Lawl es s , 33 N Y 3 : 0 1 : 0 1
1 3 4 8 Glenn McCarthy, 41 N Y 3: 08: 28
1 5 5 1 Phil Richey, 41 c r 3 : 1 1 : 2 2
1 8 4 2
Emmy Stocker. 40
C T 3 : 1 4 : 1 9
2 1 1 0
Roy Altman, 41
N Y 3 : 1 7 : 0 8
2 3 4 9 Arthur Weisberg, 53 N Y 3 : 1 9 : 1 9
2 7 0 6 William Foley. 38 N Y 3: 22: 26
2 8 7 6 Edward McCarthy, 56 N Y
3: 23: 48
2 8 7 7
Gary Struve, 53
3: 23: 49
3 3 9 4 Jack Br ennan, 57 N Y
3: 27: 12
3 4 6 3 Ctiris Tippin, 38 N Y 3 : 2 7 : 4 1
Kei t h Benkov, 45
N Y 3 : 2 8 : 4 4
4 0 5 1
Margie Katt, 41
N Y 3 : 3 1 : 1 3
4 5 5 6
Meghan Alger, 25
CT 3: 34: 22
4 7 2 8
George Mrus, 38
V A 3: 35: 23
5 3 3 9 St even Levi n, 45 N Y
3: 38: 35
6291 Mi chael Di l l on, 28 N Y 3: 43: 30
6 7 9 9 Bar bar a Ende, 38 N Y 3 : 4 5 : 5 3
6 7 6 3 Gl enn Br ennan, 22 N Y 3 : 4 5 : 4 0
6 9 5 2 Mar c Di amond. 37 N Y 3 : 4 6 : 3 8
7 1 3 0 Josh Knight, 52 N Y 3: 47: 21
7 1 4 4 Richard Espinosa, 38 N Y 3: 47: 24
7 1 5 4 Edwar d Di l l on. 51 N Y 3: 47: 27
7 3 8 4
Anthony Galfano, 51
N Y 3: 48: 28
7 7 1 8
Amy Hoselton, 32
CT 3 : 4 9 : 4 2
8 0 2 9 Gl enn Ni l sen, 33 N Y 3: 50: 57
8 1 4 8 Michael McCormick, 49 N Y 3: 51: 27
8 2 4 7 Mark Fang, 30 N Y 3: 51: 50
9 0 1 2
Terry Feehan, 34
3: 54: 33
9 5 2 4 Cliff Palmentiero, 35 N Y 3 : 5 6 : 2 4
1 0 0 2 8 Stuart Shilitz, 38 N Y 3: 58: 01
1 0 1 8 9 J o a n n e M o s k o w i t z N Y
3 : 5 8 : 2 9
1 0 6 7 0 Jud Ramaker, 51 N Y 3 : 5 9 : 4 8
1 0 9 3 2 Gia Boulos, 38 N Y 4 : 0 0 : 5 0
10116 Ar t hur Br euer. 57 N Y 3 : 5 8 : 1 9
1 1 9 4 0 Ri c k Sal emmo. 52 N Y
4: 05: 11
1 3 6 7 9
Skip Hovdestad, 49
4 : 1 2 : 0 6
1 3 6 9 1
Patsy Perrotto, 45
N Y 4 : 1 2 : 0 9
1 4 6 7 9
Davi d Wi nne, 34
N Y 4 : 1 5 : 4 6
1 5 8 1 9
Angelo Cumella, 41
N Y 4 : 2 0 : 0 7
1 6 3 2 0 Ruth Bieasdale, 31 N Y 4 : 2 2 : 1 4
1 6 4 5 1 Adrienne Thompson, 39 N Y
4: 22: 51
1 7 4 1 9 Brian Brady, 44 N Y 4 : 2 6 : 2 1
1 8 8 7 1
Jeffrey Cole, 42
4 : 3 2 : 0 6
1 9 1 9 5 Denise Borgeest, 40 N Y 4 : 3 3 : 3 6
1 9 8 2 7 Rober t Daubenbi s, 41 N Y 4 : 3 6 : 0 7
2 0 0 0 8 Heat her Qui nn, 24 N Y 4 : 3 6 : 5 8
2 0 1 9 0 Marlene lrving,31 N Y 4 : 3 7 : 4 7
2 0 2 6 1 James Gi l l en, 51 N Y 4 : 3 8 : 0 4
2 0 5 6 4
Amy Ferrer,41
N Y 4 : 3 9 : 2 2
2 0 7 7 6
Agnes Gyomai,35
N Y 4 : 4 0 : 1 4
2 1 5 3 4 Jacki e Gosi n, 46 N Y 4 : 4 3 : 3 9
2 1 8 2 0 Kate Glynn, 54 N Y 4 : 4 5 : 0 3
2 2 1 8 2 Connie Lyke, 54 F L 4 : 4 6 : 5 9
The post marathon party picture with (top
row) Bob Daubcnbis, Phil Richey, Jim Gillen,
Mar gi e Kai l , Bi l l Fol ey, Kat hl een
D'OilavioJosh Knighi. Jack Brennan. (bot
tom row) Patsy Perrola - also seen sleeping
soundly at another time in the hoteK Glenn
McCarthy, Kevi n Lawl ess and Ruth
B i e a s d a l e .
Skip Holvesiad (above)
and Chris Tippin cross
the Queensborough
r # , T
2 2 3 7 5 John Macl ean, 49 N Y
4 : 4 7 : 5 5
2 2 9 6 9
Stephen Regan, 25
4: 50: 32
2 3 0 8 6 Kat hl een D' Ot t avi o, 56 N Y 4: 51: 02
2 3 4 5 5
Moises Salama, 70 N Y
4 : 5 2 : 5 8
2 3 6 6 4
Lynn Puro,41
4 : 5 3 : 5 3
2 5 0 1 9
EdGiglio, 34
5 : 0 1 : 1 9
2 9 1 2 8
Mary Fields, 42
N Y 5 : 4 2 : 5 6
3 0 0 2 8
Syd Henry, 51
N Y 6 : 0 0 : 3 4
9 1 4 - 2 4 8 - 6 0 6 3
KATONAH, NY 1 0 5 3 6
Relay Results
O v e r a l l
T i m e
Scolt Abercrombie / Deb Kenney 8{ ) - 99 25: 20
Lincoln Taylor/ Susan Menz 6 0 - 7 9 Z5: 47
Jack Br ennan / Tar a McGui r c
80-99 25:52
Wayne & Judy Rubin
80-99 26: 47
Gary Steinel / Nancy Laun
8 0 - 9 9 26: 55
Kristen Nussbickcl / Richard Egger. Jr Under 40 28:04
Ed McCarthy / Anne Olivicri 8 0 - 9 9 28:14
Dan Wheeler/Virginia Richardson 80-99 28:20
Ma r i a Ca l e d o n n a / Do n B l e a s d a l e 6 0 - 7 9 28: 28
Nick Jubok / Nancy Young 8 0 - 9 9 28: 48
Leo Saposnick / Alison Casey 8 0 - 9 9 29: 04
Magali & Rene Hardi
6 0 - 7 9 29: 34
Nathan Treadwell / Stacey Reynolds
60-79 29:49
Michelle & Fred Reger
4 0 - 5 9 30:16
Josh & Jamie Gage 40-59 30:43
Doug Miller / Karen Antunano
6 0 - 7 9 31: 20
Letti ci a Lacati va / Dave Fl ei schman 6 0 - 7 9 31: 29
Tina Cullen / George Batton 4 0 - 5 9 32: 00
K a r e n R o t a c h / A l a n Wa l me r
33: 47
Kat hl een Davi es / Wal t er Johnst on
100- 119 35: 11
D a v i d & D i a n e Wi n n e
6 0 7 9 36:02
J oeHandel man/ J oanne Ber t r am Ov e r 1 2 0 38: 30
David & Susan Pendergasi 8 0 - 9 9 38:53
Thomas Reed / Mary Gatherer 1 0 0 - 11 9 39:47
Allsion & Anthony Giacchetto 6 0 7 9 39:57
S u z a n n e & S c o t t To r r e l l a s 4 0 4 9 40:52
Kathryn & Murray Alpert
47: 42
Steve Calidonna and Pete Meisler, race directors for
t h e l o s t w e e k e n d
M e n ' s Te a m s
S a m ' s C l u b 1 : 4 9 : 5 8
Wa r r e n A d I e r 2 4 : 2 5
Tom Biegeleisen 2 9 : 1 3
S a m G o l d f a r b 3 3 : 0 5
Jeremy AdIer
2 3 : 1 5
L a s t M i n u t e E n t r i e s 1 : 5 5 : 1 3
Myle's O'Rhode
3 1 : 4 9
K e n Ma r t i n 2 6 : 2 3
Chris Tippen 2 7 : 5 3
Fred Reger 2 9 : 0 8
D a v e ' s R a i d e r s
1 : 5 7 : 3 5
B o b A n c o n a 3 3 : 2 0
Tony Galfano
2 7 : 0 4
Dave Fl ei schman
2 7 : 5 9
N i c k J u b o k 2 9 : 1 2
S n a f u 2 : 2 6 : 1 5
John O'Loughlin 3 8 : 5 8
J o h n R o l a n d
3 2 : 0 2
F r a n k R o l a n d 3 8 : 4 5
John O' Loughl i n 3 6 : 3 0
M i x e d Te a m s
2 Ringers and a
P a i r o f G e e z e r s 1 : 5 2 : 1 7
S c o t t M o s e n t h a i 2 4 : 3 7
A d a m S l a v i n 2 6 : 3 4
N a n c y A d i e r 3 5 : 5 3
V a i b h a v P a t e l 2 5 : 1 3
S t e e l M a g n o l i a 2 : 3 7 : 5 8
F r e d L o e h f e l m 3 8 : 1 6
S t e v e Q u i n n 3 8 : 4 6
O w e n M c C r u d d e n 4 4 : 2 2
Ca t h y Gr o n e ma n 3 6 : 3 4
Wo m e n ' s Te a m s
Th e Me n St o mp e r s 1 : 4 1 : 1 0
L e t i c a L a c a t i v a 3 3 : 2 5
D e b r a K e n n e y 3 0 : 3 7
L e e S a r o k e n 3 7 : 0 8
S m o k 1 : 4 6 : 1 8
A n n a K u n s a k h a r 3 4 : 0 6
M a r y L y d e c k e r 3 9 : 0 6
S a r a h G o t t l i e b 3 3 : 0 6
B a r e N a k e d L a d i e s 1 : 5 9 : 2 4
Robi n Lougee- Hei mer 33: 14
L a u r a K o s b a r 4 0 : 1 6
K a t i e P i a v e t i c 4 5 : 5 4
( 914) 628- 0296 TRRC 10% Di s c ount
Gi f t Ba s k e t s Ma d e To Or d e r
Lotto - Daily Numbers - Instant Tickets
Jack Rafferty
T R R C M e m b e r
Lake Plaza Shopping Center
Route 6, Mahopac, NY 10541
D r . P e t e r F. C o r s i n o
T R R C M e m b e r
Hours By Appointment
7 4 9 Ea s t 1 8 7 s t St r e e t
Br onx. NY 10458
7 1 8 - 3 6 4 - 4 5 2 8
m ^
The New York City Marathon: An Adventure in Slow-Motion
by Kate A Glynn
How do you survive the notoriously challenging NYC marathon? Bring your camera! Forget your aching feet, hips, and stomach!
Instead, take a bunch of memorable snapshots!
Still waiting in the corrals I sighted a very ofcial looking lady with glasses and a big ID around her neck indicating "All Area".
Passing up Mayor Giuliani I took a photo of her, the one and only female TRR President, Lee Saroken. Hurrah, Lee, here we go, off to the
s t a r t !
In the very front row, hooking arms with my fellow runners to form an unbreakable "rope" until the gun would go off, and being warned
not to create a false start (imagine, thousands of bodies eager to move! Who could ever stop them my trembling lens tried to catch some
of the elite women, who were warming up a few yards ahead. I could barely breathe from all the excitement around me and did not even
notice one of my neighbors peeing on my shoes until she apologized... Finally, after having shed all the extra clothing, the countdown
sounded across the bridge: 3,2,1, take off!
Struggling to the elevated divider to see the human wave from "above" I noticed the elite men beyond - quick: a shot on the move -
camera shake - yes, now 1 was sure, 1 was moving too. Back over to the other side to take a photo of the reboats, spraying their colorful
fountains towards us. And another: the skyline of Manhattan ... So far away!
Off the bridge I had to jump behind some bumpers (don't get the camera wet!). No, I didn't give it to the cops; their backs turned on
me. to have them record this happy moment. Onto Brooklyn, 4th Avenue, arches of balloons on the horizon; the 5-mile clock coming
up...shucks, 47 minutes, 3 minutes too fast, keep a 10 minute pace! Timeout for a photo session performed by one of NY's nest cops. With
a big smile I continued down the avenue, driven by the spectator and runner crowd. Check the camera-. 14 shots taken, 22 to go, take the
town hall, the music band. Too bad I couldn't record the rhythms and roaring echoes underneath the passovers. But here was a re truck
loaded with well wishers. 1 hugged a female policeman - click, but no winding sound. Okay, my ears were numb, just check the number 16,
click, and still 16. Panic: cameras are not made for marathon running, all the pounding and roughing! I shook it some more, talked to it,
number. 16 - no movement... no movement in my legs either. Over and over again I tried to snap the Hassidic Jews in traditional garb posing
with some Frenchmen, who boasted black barets and red shirts with a message from the Bretagne - what a shot! I took the little girls in
Sunday coats with fur collars and pretty hats. Click, click, not a sound, no advancement. I gave up. At least, the photos of the Verrazano
Bridge events and sights were taken. Let a broken camera not spoil your marathon. My mind could still take the shots and my memories
print them forever...
As I rethought my strategy to survive this marathon without a camera at mile 11, 15 to go, I suddenly remembered that 1 neglected to
check the batteries. With every step it became clearer: the batteries, they must be dead. Where could 1 buy new ones? Didn't anybody
have any batteries for me? No chance, Manhattan Ave in Queens, Brooklyn, where was I? Wasn't
there any battery store in this world? Low and behold, there was! A Radio Shack, (no advertising, of course!) I dashed into the store and,
still logging, replaced the dead batteries with
the ones an astonished guy behind the counter handed me.
"What do I owe you?""
"Nothing, run, run!"
"Thanks a million, you made my day!" I snapped the guy, the ash worked, and was, on my way again...
I ew over the Polanski Bridge, then pranced up the Queensborough to say a big "hello", relate my story, and take a big shot of the
Taconic crew guarding the 15-mile clock (thank you, Carol, Nancy, Richie, and? and?). My team captain Melanie promised to be at mile 16,
but she was hiding behind a huge bridge pillar... I was prepared for such surprises, With a "slightly" exaggerated "You're on a good pace,
Kate!" She peeked out between pillars and sent me down the hill
...! Onto Manhattan's I st Avenue! With every step, ever so slowly,
it grew longer and longer. Was 1 approaching the Wall? Only 6
shots to go; only some 6 miles! A mirage wasn't that Owen
McCrudden at the 20-mile marker? Hey!! Lightening struck, or
was it Owen's ash? What a boost of an encounter! His hugs,
photos, and wishes propelled me through the Bronx and *into
Harlem. There, 2 boys (one of my most precious shots) gave me
a very special drink of H20, *in a red cup, with ear-to-ear smiles.
My heart raced, not so my legs but they wobbled into the park.
My "photo safari?' was coming to an end: the nish line, click,
another one back-wards in the shoots (don't hold up the mn-
ners!). one with the rose and the medal, and one wrapped "in
silver. Or was it gold? Whatever, bring me a marathon, any
t i me . . . s l o w mo t i o n !
I mpact
He a l t h *
For more information,
cont act Mi chael McEnt ee,
Katy D. Quinn, or
Harry Neeson at 232-3030
Health Screening
& Disease Management for
Ca r d i o v a s c u l a r Di s e a s e
Di a b e t e s
A s t h ma
Ulcers (H. Pylori)
Yo u r s o l u t i o n
f o r n a t i o n w i d e
heal t h pr omot i on.
Su n 11 : 0 0 A 1 0 K/ 5 K 9th Annual Shiver by the River
Reading, PA
914 627 3258
3 Su n
1O; 00A 5 M Fr ed Lebow 5M
Cent r al Par k 212 860 4455
3 Su n 1 0 : 0 0 A 5 K
Westchester Road Runner Winter Series
SUNY Pu r c h a s e 914 682 0637
S u n 1 0 : 3 0 A 1 0 K Boston Build Up #1
Nonwalk, CT 203 849 8646
3 S u n 3: aOP
5 K Bet hel Wi nt er Ser i es #2
Bethel, CT
2 0 3 7 9 4 8 5 3 1
9 S a t 9 : 3 0 A 1 0 M
Fr ost bi t e 10M
Cent r al Par k 212 860 4455
9 S a t
8 ; 0 0 A 3M YMCA Winter Racing Series #2
Stratford, CT 203 378 5210
9 S a t 9 ; 0 0 A
5 0 K Fat Ass Fifty - this is a free race
914 229 1776
r j
9 S a t 1 : 0 0 P 4 . 4 M
Winter Wimp 4.4M
518 842 2067
1 0 S u n
11 ; 0 0 A 5 K
Orange Runners Winter Series 5K
Mi d d l e t o wn 914 386 5931

10 Su n 1 : 0 0 P 5 M
Kelly's Pace Frostbite Five Mystic, CT
860 536 8175
10 Su n 1 0 : 0 0 A 5 M Westchester Road Runner Winter Series
SUNY Pu r c h a s e
914 682 0637
1 6 Sat 8 : 0 0 A
3 M YMCA Winter Racing Series #3
Stratford, CT
2 0 3 3 7 8 5 2 1 0
1 7
Su n 10: Q0A 1 0 K
No r t h wi n d 1 0 K
Cent r al Par k 212 860 4455
1 7
Su n 1 0 : 3 0 A 1 0 K Boston Build Up #1
Nonwalk, CT 203 849 8646
1 7 Su n
3 . 0 5 M S n o w Da s h
East Hartford, CT 860 282 8240

1 7
Su n 1 0 : 0 0 A 5 / 1 0 / 2 5 K
HMRRC Wi nt er Ser i es
Al bany
518 435 4500
2 3 S a t
8 : 0 0 A 3 M YMCA Winter Racing Series #4
Stratford, CT
203 378 5210
( U
2 3 S a t 1 1 : 0 0 A 5 K
Technology 5K Challenge Hoboken, NJ
201 216 8086
2 4 S u n
11 : 0 0 A 5 K
Orange Runners Winter Series 5K
Mi d d l e t o wn
914 386 5931
2 4 S u n 9 : 3 0 A 5 K
Gr i di r on 5K
Cent r al Par k 212 860 4455
2 4
S u n 5 M
MHRRC Wi nt er Run 5M
Hopewell Jet
914 227 5252
2 4 S u n
1 0 : 0 0 A 1 0 K Westchester Road Runner Winter Series
SUNY Pu r c h a s e 914 682 0637
3 0 S a t 8 : 0 0 A 3 M
YMCA Winter Racing Series #5
Stratford, CT
203 378 5210
3 0
S a t 1 0 : 0 0 A 5 M Al Gordon 5 Mi l er
Cent r al Par k
212 860 4455
31 S u n 1 0 ; 0 0 A
5/ 15/ 30K HMRRC Wi nt er Ser i es
Al bany
518 435 4500
* ^
6 S a t 8 : 0 0 A 3 M
YMCA Winter Racing Series #2
Stratford, CT
203 378 5210
7 S u n
11 : 0 0 A 5 K
Orange Runners Winter Series 5K
Mi d d l e t o wn
914 386 5931
O n
7 S u n 1 0 : 0 0 A
5 K Fr eezer Fi ve
FDR Park 914 764 9056
Su n 9 : 3 0 A 7 M
Lucky 7 Mile Reversible Cent r al Par k 212 860 4455
7 Su n 1 0 : 3 0 A
1 0 K Boston Build Up #3
Nonwalk, CT 203 849 8646
7 Su n 3:OOP
5 K Bet hel Wi nt er Ser i es #3
Bethel, CT
203 794 8531
c \ 1 3 Sat 11 : 0 0 A 4 M
S n o w a k e 4 M
Long Beach
516 431 3890
4 3
1 3 Sat
9 : 3 0 A 4 M 3r d Annual YMCA Sweet hear t Run
Stratford, CT
203 378 5210
1 4 Su n 9 : 0 0 A
Mast er s Tr ack Meet
Hackensack, NJ
201 447 9750
1 4
Su n 1 0 : 3 0 A 5 K Valentine's Day Races
Brookl yn
718 259 1481
1 4 Su n 9 : 3 0 A
5 K Valentine's Day 5K
Cent r al Par k 212 860 4455
1 4 Su n 1 0 : 0 0 A
4M/ 10M/ 20M HMRRC Wi nt er Ser i es
Al bany
518 435 4500
2 0 S a t 9 : 3 0 A 4 M
Snowake 4 Mi l er Cent r al Par k
212 860 4455
r !
2 0 S a t 1 0 : 0 0 A
v a r North American SNOWSHOE Classic
518 643 8806
2 1 S u n 11 : 0 0 A 5 K
Orange Runners Winter Series 5K Mi d d l e t o wn 914 386 5931
2 1 S u n
11 : 0 0 A 7. 6M Pol ar Bear Run
New Preston, CT
860 354 9191
2 1 S u n 1 0 ; 0 0 A 5 M
Fr eezer Fi ve
FDR Par k 914 764 9056
2 1
S u n 3 : 0 0 P 5 K
Bet hel Wi nt er Ser i es #4
Bethel, CT 203 794 8531
2 8 S u n
1 0 : 0 0 A 2 6 . 2 M HMRRC Marathon & Marathon Relay
Al bany
518 435 4500
2 8 S u n 11 : 0 0 A 5 K
Kelley's Pace Hare Hop
Mystic, CT
860 536 8175
2 8
S u n 1 0 : 3 0 A 1 0 K Boston Build Up #4
Norwalk, CT 203 849 8646
2 8 S u n 9 : 0 0 A
6 0 K Kni c k er boc k er 60K
Cent r al Par k 212 860 4455
M a r c h

6 S a t 8 : 0 0 A 1 3 . 1 M
Brooklyn 1/2 Marathon
Brookl yn
212 860 4455
7 S u n
3 : 0 0 P 5 K Bet hel Wi nt er Ser i es #5
Bethel, CT
203 794 8531
7 S u n n o o n 5 K
Thomjpsonville 5K
Eneld, CT
860 745 0515
Su n 9 : 3 0 A 1 0 K/ 5 K The Mar ch Har e
Rahway, NJ
732 382 2023
13 S a t
9 : 3 0 A 5M Pol i ce/ Fi r e Run
Cent r al Par k 212 860 4455
1 4
Su n 1 0 : 0 0 A 5 K St. Patrick's Day 5K
Washington, CT
860 350 5439
1 4 Su n 1 0 : 0 0 A 5 M
Warren Street St. Patrick's Day 5M
Faireld, CT
2 0 3 4 8 1 7 4 5 3
1 4
Su n 2 : 1 5 P 5 K
Woodlawn St. Patrick's Day 5K B r o n x
9 1 4 3 7 6 1 1 3 8
1 4 Su n 9 ; 0 0 A
1 0 K/ 2 M
Tappan Zee Sports Run
914 359 5425
2 1
Su n 9 ; 3 0 A 5 K
Athlete's Foot 20th Anniversary 5K
Stamford, CT
203 323 3101
2 1 Su n
1 0 : 0 0 A 1 0 K / 2 M St. Patrick's Day Run
FDR Park 914 763 9023
2 1 Su n 1 0 : 0 0 A 5.1 M
Spirit of Spring 5.1 M Tolland, CT 860 872 0528
2 1 Su n
9 : 0 0 A 1 5 K/ 4 M Scar sdal e 15K/ 4M
Sc a r s d a l e 914 722 1160
2 1 Su n 9 : 0 0 A 8 K/ 2 0 M
Rites of Spring Cent r al Par k
212 860 4455
2 1 Su n
9 : 3 0 A 1 5 K
Kings Park Challenge 15K
Kings Park
516 349 7646
2 1 Su n 1: 00P 5 K
Leprechaun Leap 5K
Olive, NJ
7 3 2 3 8 1 0 3 1 8
2 7 Sat
9 : 3 0 A 5 K Rai nf or est 5K
Cent r al Par k 212 860 4455
2 8 Su n 8. 7M/ 5M 9 : 0 0 A
Run for Humanity
Sh o r e h a m 5 1 6 8 2 1 8 1 8 4
2 8 Su n
9 : 0 0 A 13. 1M AHEPA Suffolk County Half-Marathon
Se l d o n 516 893 3056
2 8 Su n 1 0 : 0 0 A
5 M Mudder ' s & Gr unt er s
FDR Park 914 245 4839
2 8 Su n 8 : 3 0 A 5 K Tor t oi se & Har e
Danbury, CT
203 790 0032
MARCH 21,1999
Rac e #1
10:00 AM
2 Mile Fun Run and Walk
Ra c e # 2
1 0 : 4 5 AM
1 OK Championship
t t t t Pn Dr . Pe t e r Go r ma n < J | | ^
Race Director: Jack Brennan (914) 763-9023, FAX: (914) 666-8691
Awards (lOK only): Top 3 Overall and all TRRC age groups
All races entries eligible for rafe prizes - enter two races - get two chances
Post race refreshments, music and festivities
Registration: TRRC Members pay $9.00 and non members $11.00 (by mail before 3/16/99)
Family registration: $8.00 for all pre-entered children under 15 years old when accompanied by an adult entry
Club or Group-call for special rates
Post registration: All (members, non-members and children) entrants pay $14.00 day of race
DIRECTIONS: Taconic State Parkway to FDR Park exit - parking lot #1 is the rst lot on the left
ST PATRI CK' S DAY RACES ( do not l l i n) : Bi b no:
I know that running a road race is a potentially hazardous activity. 1 should not enter and run unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of a race ofTicial relative to
ray ability to safely complete the run. 1 assume all risks associated with running in this event including, but not limited to: falls, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, including high heat and/or humidity,
trafc and the conditions of the road, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts and in consideration of your accepting my entry, 1, for myself and anyone
entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the Taconic Road Runners Club, FDR Park and all sponsors, their representatives and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of ray participation
m this event even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver. I giant permission to all of the foregoing to use any photographs, motions pictures recordings
or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose. I understand that bicycles, skateboards, baby joggers, roller skates or blades, animals, and radio headsets are not allowed in the race and I will abide by
this guideline.
N a m e : ^ D a t e o f B i r t h / / A g e r a c e d a y
A d d r e s s C i t y S t a t e ^ Z i p
Club or Group Name
(All Participants must send own entry form-1 per race) CIRCLE RACE lOK 2M
Circle T-Shirt Size S M L X Circle Sex Male Female
Signature(parent if under 18)
Make check payable to TRRC. Send to TRRC, PO BOX 711, Shrub Oak, NY 10588
1 3 t h A N N U A L ^
Race Directors: Owen McCrudden (914) 245-4830,Steve Quinn (914) 628-0648
Awards: Top 5 Overall & 13-18(1), 40-49 (3), 50-59 (3), 60+ (3)
Team Awards: The Mohansic Geronimo Cup to rst place team
Course: About 5 Miles of Mud and Slop, Some Hills
Registration: Members pay $6.00 and non members $8.00
Post registration: All entrants pay $10.00 day of race
Post race refreshments
Age limit - no runners under 13 years old
MUDDERS AND GRUNTERS I know that ntnntng a road race is a potentiaily hazardous activity. I should not enter and run unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree
to abide by any decision of a race ofcial relative to my ability to safely complete the run. 1 assume all risks associated with nmning in this event including, but not limited to: falls, contact wlh other particif^ts, the effects
of the weather, including high heat and/or humidity, trafc and the conditions of the road, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts and in consideration of your accepting
my entry. I. for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the Taconic Road Runners Club, FDR Park and all sponsors, their representaUves and successors from all claims or habilities of any kind
arising out of my panicipation in this event even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver. I grant permission to all of the foregomg to use any photo^aphs,
motions pictures, recordings or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose. I understand that bicycles, skateboards, baby joggers, roller skates or blades, animals, and radio headsets are not allowed in the race
and I will abide by this guideline.
N a m e : D a t e o f B i r t h / / A g e r a c e d a y
A d d r e s s ^ C i t y ^ S t a t e ^ Z i p
S i g n a t u r e S e x M F
Parent's signature if under 18
Make check payable to TRRC. Send to TRRC, PO BOX 711, Shrub Oak, NY 10588
Thanksgiving 1998
By Steve Quinn
Sixteen Pilgrims wearing Taconic Green braved the rainy weather to participate in the First Annual (?) Taconic Turkey Trot, an
unsanctioned last minuteevent. Many of you sat in bed thinking I'll run when it stops raining. Well, it didn t stop and neither did we.
Some people walked, some ran, some jogged, and some (Meghan Quinn and Dan Moft) did the course twice. Dan complained of
being pretty sore the next day after his rigorous workout. The coffee was brewed by Katy Quinn and the Lox for Howie Solow (a no
show) was provided by Harry McTavish. Dave O'Toole and Carol Hansen were listed as DNF come to think of it no one saw them start
either. Well hopefully they ran later.
Riley and Conor Quinn arrived before 10:00 AM which is a record for early awakening on a non-school day. Honorary race director
Carmelo Roldan will make next year's event his rst. Past President Freddie Low provided assistance in course layout. Andrew Tully
enjoyed the coffee after the event and judged the day a success. Joanne Bertram showed her other side by winning the Taconic
Quiche award for her asparagus and red pepper quiche. Bill Bertram beamed with pride wearing a hat that said "Turkeys fear me women
want me". Marge Katt arrived to check on Dan and garnered breakfast for Daniel and Christine.
True to the event yer, there was no clock, no ofcial course, no cost and no results. No money was spent on the event and none was
taken in. This is the most successful event I have run. Thanks to everyone who came,
next year we'll start planning earlier, maybe.
Christine Reger helps at the Friday night party for the
TRRC kids (and readies herself for one more of her own)
while Jack Magrone plays Santa Claus.
Newsholme Financial Services, Inc,
Registered Investment Advisor
Donald E. Newsholme, Certied Financial Planner
TRRC Me mb e r
40 Triangle Center, Ste. 215, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 (Adjacent to Miraggio's Restaurant)
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Call: (914) 243-6700
(Clockwise from lop left):
Scott Abercrombie and Deb Kenney.
fearless leaders of the masters teams.
Joanne Bertram, Vinnie Juliano and Ken
Martin, being honored at the dinner dance for
t hei r vol unt eer wor k.
Just a sample of the wild dancing at the dinner dance.
Carol Hansen, Mike Carney . Tony Galano and Jack
Brennan thanked for their volunteer work.
Susan Solow and Harry Neeson enjoying the
Ti naCul l en and
George Batton in second
place(very unofcially) as
cutcst couple at the dinner
d a n c e .
Al onso Rendon was
the most watched dancer on
the Hoor.
John and Gi a Boul os
were the cutcst couple there.
Membership Application
Dat e of Bi r t h
S t a t e Z i p _
/ / e - m a i l
Membership options: Student-under 19 years old only $ 10.00
I n d i v i d u a l $ 1 5 . 0 0
Family-please write names and birthdates below $25.00
Please make check payable to TRRC and mail to PO Box 711, Shrub Oak, NY 10588
Optional survey:
At what age did you start running Favorite place to run
Fa v o r i t e r a c e Wh a t t i me o f d a y d o y o u u s u a l l y r u n
At what age did you start running
Favorite race
Favorite race distance
Most important factor in choosing a race
One most likely thing to turn you off at a race,
Would you like to volunteer at our races?
If you would like to be left off our mailing lists (made available to other races, etc) check here
Club Meetings: The second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 P.M.
January 13 and February 10 at Teatown
Taconic Road Runners Club
RO. Box 711
Shrub Oak, New York 10588

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