Welcome To Young Women Walking

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Wel come to Young Women Wal ki ng

March 31, 2013 Susan G. Komens

Young Women Walking
Inside this issue:
Personal Trainer
Fast Facts
Contact Us
Thank you for your tme and contributon to the Susan G. Komen Young Women Walking
marathon. Well be issuing this monthly newsleter in order to give you tps and tricks on
how to contnue training and fundraising for your walk.
We hope youre excited for this life-changing experience. Whether youve been personal-
ly efected by breast cancer or not, we hope that you leave this event with a more opt-
mistc outlook on the changes that youve made possible.
Since Susan G. Komen was founded 30 years ago, weve made great strides in the fght
against breast cancer but we couldnt have done it without the help and support of young
women like you.
Please spread the word and contnue in this fght for a cure. If you or anyone you know is
interested in getng more informaton about YW2, please visit our website at
www.the3day.org/YW2 or contact your campus ambassador.
Page 2
Fast Facts
One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetme.
The two factors that increase your risk for breast cancer is age and gender.
Ever two minutes a woman in the United States is diagnosed with breast cancer.
There is a 99% survival rate for breast cancer that is early-detected. When Susan G. Komen began in
1982, there was only a 74% survival rate.
There are over 3 million breast cancer survivors today. This is more cancer survivors than any other
The federal government devotes over $850 million each year to breast cancer research, treatment
and preventon.

Monday Rest
Tuesday 3 miles Easy walking
Wednesday 15 minutes Moderate workout
Thursday 4 miles Moderate walking
Friday 30 minutes Easy workout
Saturday 6 miles Easy walking
Sunday 4 miles Easy walking

Start working out as soon as possible in order to prepare for the walk. Start out by taking short walks around your
neighborhood. About halfway through the week, try to spend some time with a more rigorous workout such as aerobics,
cycling, jogging or going to the gym. This will help build your endurance so that you can easily make it though 20 miles for
If the recommended workout seems to easy for you, try using weights for extra strength training. Dont forget to stay
hydrated and keep your own pace.
Your Personal Trailer
Page 3
of proceeds beneft
research and outreach
of proceeds beneft
local programs
A lot of frst-tme walkers are worried about their ability to raise $750 before the walk. Here are some tps and tricks on
how to make it easier for you.
Organize a garage sale
Ask for $1 from all of your Facebook friends. If you have 800 friends, youve already exceeded your goal!
Plan a car wash around your local campus or university.
Penny wars are a great way to incorporate competton!
Visit local businesses. Theyll be looking for the opportunity to get a tax write-of!
Just remember that people will be drawn to your passion for the cause. If you have a personal story, share it! No donaton
is too big or too small so dont forget to go to all possible sources, no mater how unlikely they may seem.
You can also contact your campus ambassador for more projects and ideas. Go out there and show people that everyone
can make a diference!
Worried about Fundraising?
Twin Cites Saturday, August 24
Washington, D.C. Saturday, October 12
Arizona Saturday, November 9
Atlanta Saturday, October 19
Boston Saturday, July 27
Chicago Saturday, August 10
Cleveland Saturday, August 3
Dallas/Fort Worth Saturday, November 2
Michigan Saturday, August 17
Philadelphia Saturday, October 5
San Diego Saturday, November 16
San Francisco Bay Area Saturday, June 22
Seatle Saturday, September 21
Tampa Bay Saturday, October 26
Questi ons? Comments? Concerns? Contact Us!
Mark Your Cal endar!

The Komen 3-Day Coaches

Mailing Address
205 N. Michigan Avenue
Suite 2630 Chicago, IL 60601


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