EWS Design Guidelines For PCB Manufacture May 2012

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Electronics Workshop

Science 2 Building
Nthn !"pus
'esign guidelines (or )!B "nu(cture
This Workshop manufactures single-sided and double-sided boards by either chemical etching or
mechanical milling. We can accept all Protel and some Altium version files. Ignoring the restrictions
below may result in broken or shorted tracks. Ask workshop staff if special requirements eist.
Note: Ask about our in house plated-through-hole connections and overlays. We can also arrange PCBs to
be produced by external providers.
Grid i!e the suggested grid size is 25 mil (1 mil = 0.001)
"ini#u# clearances
$% #il &'.%% ##( bet)een tracks and pads.
Use larger clearances wherever possile to minimise the possiilit! o" short circuits.
Mains potentials to any other copper areas must have 6mm (240mil) minimum clearance (AS3100:2002).
Consier removin! intervenin! pins "rom connectors to increase separation.
All mains volta!e esi!n an manu"acture must #e compliant $ith the %ueenslan &lectrical Sa"ety Act 2002'
an the (ri""ith )niversity &lectrical Sa"ety *olicy 200+. Do not perform this work if you do not hold a
current licence for electrical work. Consult &.,.S. sta"" "or in"ormation on compliance.
*rack )idth 12 mil (0.#mm) minimum.
+se ,' #il &'.-##( or )ider )herever possible$ reducing down to 12 mil (0.#mm)
minimum$ onl! where necessar! (i.e. going etween %.&. pins). 'ee (ale # "or in"ormation on current
carr!ing capacit! verses copper trac) width.
Pad si!e * +2 mil (1.55mm) minimum.
+se ./ #il &,.' ##( or larger )herever possible.
,hen using connector pins$ -. connectors etc.$ use /0 mil (1./0 mm) and "or voltage regulators$ 1*amp diodes
etc$ use /0 mil (2.0 mm)
1ads should e at least 20 mil (0.5 mm) larger than the re2uired hole size. 3"ter the oard is routed$ chec) "or
and modi"! small pads that can e enlarged without causing clearance errors.
Because the holes are not plated-through, beware of connections on the top layer that are under
components and hence cant be soldered to, e.g. multi-pin transition connectors, IC sockets, trim pots
etc. Use vias, or another components pins, to connect top layer tracks to the bottom layer component
Pad 0ole i!es 4dit pads and vias to accommodate stoc) drill sizes "rom (ale 1. 3void using
hole sizes elow 0./mm as the drills rea) more easil!$ and are e5pensive. &hec) that the stoc) lirar! pad
hole sizes are what !ou want drilled. &onsider creating a duplicate lirar! with edited components "or use
while protot!ping 1&6s.
Po)er Plane Connect tyle
+se ,' #il &'.-##( )herever possible$ reducing down to 12 mil (0.#mm) minimum$ onl! i" necessar!.
1ia si!e * Use +2 mil (1.55mm) where possile$ 55 mil (1.7 mm) onl! i" necessar!. (hese have to e
connected top la!er*to*ottom la!er ! inserting a piece o" wire and soldering oth sides$ so minimise their
use. ,here possile$ use an e5isting component lead that can e soldered on oth la!ers to ma)e the

1ia 0ole i!es * 8a)e via holes 20 mil (0./ mm)
Cut lines or a border must e included on 9eep :ut ;a!er in !our artwor) to indicate "inal
oard size. 8a)e cut lines 10 mil wide.
*ext * (o aid in the handling o" the artwor) in the dar)room when photographicall! processed$ there
#ust be so#e Correct-reading text on each layer when viewed "rom that side o" the oard. (his means
that an! ottom la!er te5t needs to e reversed when viewed "rom the top. 1ossile te5t suggestions are a
uni2ue oard name$ !our initials or name$ the date$ version numer etc.
"axi#u# PC board si!e is 12 5 10 (#00 5 755 mm).
"axi#u# art)ork print si!es are<
A2 *= /.0 5 11.# (1>0 5 20/mm)
A% *= 11.1 5 1+ (202 5 70+mm).
;arger sizes will involve ?oining sheets and should e avoided where possile.
Arrays o3 boards * %" multiple copies o" the same oard are re2uired$ the! should e arra!ed
with overlapping 10 mill cut lines. 4nsure that the cuts can e made in a logical se2uence on our guillotine$
and that the dimensions aove "or ma5imum pc size aren@t e5ceeded.
(ale 1< '(:&9 .A%;; 4BU%C3;4D('
0456 786
9:755 786
,2 '.;
,/ '..
%$ './
%- '.<
%< $.'
2% $.$
2. $.,
-$ $.%
-- $.2
-< $.-
;% $.;
.$ $./
.< ,.'
</ ,.-
$$/ %.'
(ale 2< U'4 (E4 F:;;:,%DG ;3H4A' F:A (E4 A4BU%A4. 1A:&4''
)*+!ESS !,E-.!/001 E2!,E' -.00.N3 -/!,.NE
Top Tet Top !ayer "echanical !ayer #
$ottom Tet $ottom !ayer "echanical !ayer %
Inside &utting "echanical #' % or ( "iddle !ayer #
)utside &utting "echanical #' % or ( *eepout !ayer
+ote #,
,hen oards are to e machine milled$ prepare inside and outside cut lines using la!ers "rom the aove
8a)e cut lines 10 mils wide and la! them continuous and unro)en at corners.
Use %mperial grid with -snap*to*grid resolution not less than 5 mils.
Table (
Stock copper thicknesses re 3$u" (1o4) (or single-sided nd 1%u" (152 o4) (or dou6le-sided
=:-2 =7B:6G5A 6P4>?-:67N B4N969 5A"7NA*6
G6N6:A5 P6C7=7CA*74N
.ensit!$ gm. I c.c.**************************************************************************** 1.>5
'peci"ic Colume$ in
Il***************************************************** 17.#
,eight per s2."t. (125 thic))$ls. ******************************************************** 1.2+
(ensile 'trength$ p.s.i.$ lengthwise*************************************** 70$000
(ensile 'trength$ p.s.i.$ crosswise***************************************** 77$000
&ompressive 'trength$ p.s.i.$ "latwise************************************ +0$000
Fle5ural 'trength$ p.s.i.$ lengthwise************************************** />$000
Fle5ural 'trength$ p.s.i.$ crosswise**************************************** +5$000
8odulus o" 4lasticit! in Fle5ure 5 10
;engthwise********************** 15

&rosswise*********************** 12
%mpact 'trength$ %J:. 4dgewise
"t. l.Iin. Dotch$ lengthwise************************** 12.0
"t. l.Iin. Dotch$ crosswise*************************** 0.0
Aoc)well Eardness$ 8 'cale********************************************** 110
6ond 'trength$ ls.********************************************************** 2$#00
.ielectric 'trength*perpendicular to laminations
'hort time$ CImil. .0+25 thic)****************************** +/0
'hort time$ CImil. .125 thic)******************************* 525
.ielectric 'trength*parallel to laminations
9volts$ step ! step$ 0.125$ &ond. 3************************************ +0
&ond. .70I50******************* 50
.issipation Factor$ 10
&!cles$ &ond. 3********************************* .015
&ond. .27I2#*************************** .01+
9ielectric Constant $ 10
&!cles &ond. 3****************************** 7./>
N4*6< users have reported that this value is variale$ and closer to 7.1 K 1GEz. Ae2uest a sample e"orehand
i" this is critical and !ou can ma)e !our own determination.
%nsulation Aesistance 8egohm$ &ond. &>+I#5I>0********************* 100$000
3rc Aesistance$ 'ec.******************************************************** 120
(hermal &onductivit!$ &al.I'ec.Icm
&Icm**************************** /.0 5 10
'peci"ic Eeat &alIgmI
&*************************************************** 0.#5 * 0.70
Eeat Aesistance
F$ 'hort (ime******************************************* #50
&ontinuous******************************************** 250
(hermal 45pansion$ in.Iin.I
F 5 10

;engthwise********************************************** 0.>0

&rosswise*********************************************** 0./2
,ater 3sortion L 27 hours
.0+25************************************************** 0.10
.125*************************************************** 0.0/
.500*************************************************** 0.0#
-tock laminate thickness used is #.. mm. )thers thicknesses available on special order.
-tock copper thicknesses are (/um 0#o12 for single-sided and #3um 0#4% o12 for double-sided boards.

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