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Street:No. 37 and 38 3rd Cross, Muneswara Bloc Sa!aara Nagar Pos", A#ru"!
Business Type: Manu,ac"urer, -rading
"#e Sell$:
0e""ing Agen"s,rewe""ing agen"s,Scouring Agen"s,Se1ues"eran"s -rea"#en"
c!e#icals,Pro"ionic -rea"#en" c!e#icals,Pero2ide s"a3ili4ers,Mercerising
Agen"s,Pero2ide S"a3ili4ers,5/e Ba"! 6u3rican"s,An"i Crease
Agen"s,An"is"a"ic Agen"s,5/e 6e7eling,5is.ersing
Agen"s,5e,oa#ers, agen"s,s"ain re#o7ers,3loo#ing agen"s,alali
su3s"i"u"es,Acid Su3s"i"u"es,An"is"a"ic Agen"s
)&%7A8)&%8, )s" Bloc, 3rd S"age, Adars!a 6a/ou", 0es" o, C!ord 9oad,,
Bangalore, :arna"aa, India ;i.< $%&&7'
Number o(
$ * )& Peo.le
Company Name: Pro#ise C!e#icals P7".6"d
Business Type: -rading
"#e Sell$:
"#e Buy$:
No" Pro7ided
Pro#ise C!e#icals P7".6"d.C*),)7&),>I5C Es"a"e,Panoli *
3'+))%,5is" < B!aruc!,>u?ara",India
Company #ebsite
C'N ,-* .)T)%M/N) #'T)% 0'%.N)SS F%-M C-N.*CT/1/T, -%
T-T'+ ./SS-+1). S-+/.S M)'S*%)M)NTS2
>eneral wa"er !ardness is rela"ed "o "!e dissol7ed #inerals in "!e wa"er. >eneral !ardness
is a #isleading "er# "!a" is o,"en con,used wi"! car3ona"e !ardness or "e#.orar/ !ardness,
w!ic! is ac"uall/ rela"ed "o alalini"/ and rela"es "o "!e @3u,,ering ca.aci"/@ o, "!e wa"er Ai"s
a3ili"/ "o resis" .H c!angesB. -!is #eans "!a" i, "!e car3ona"e !ardness is !ig! "!en "!e .H
will 3e e2"re#el/ s"a3le or al"erna"i7el/ i, "!e car3ona"e !ardness is low "!e .H o, "!e wa"er
will 3e a3le "o ,luc"ua"e easil/. -!e "er# general !ardness s!ould 3e re.laced wi"! a si#.ler
"er#< Hardness.
0a"er !ardness is "!e #easure#en" o, "!e a#oun" o, ions w!ic! !a7e los" "wo elec"rons
Adi7alen" ca"ionsB dissol7ed in "!e "es"ed wa"er and is "!ere,ore, rela"ed "o "o"al dissol7ed
solids. -!e #ore di7alen" ca"ions dissol7ed in "!e wa"er "!e @!arder@ "!e wa"er. >enerall/
"!e #os" co##on di7alen" ca"ions are calciu# and #agnesiu#, !owe7er o"!er di7alen"
ca"ions #a/ con"ri3u"e including iron, s"ron"iu#, alu#inu#, and #anganese. -/.icall/ "!e
o"!er di7alen" ca"ions con"ri3u"e li""le "o no a..recia3le addi"ions "o "!e wa"er !ardness
#easure#en". A s"rea# or ri7erCs !ardness re,lec"s "!e geolog/ o, "!e ca"c!#en"Cs area and
so#e"i#es .ro7ides a #easure o, "!e in,luence o, !u#an ac"i7i"/ in a wa"ers!ed. Dor
e2a#.le, si"es "!a" !a7e ac"i7e or a3andoned #ines near3/ o,"en !a7e !ig!er concen"ra"ions
o, iron ions in "!e wa"er resul"ing in a 7er/ !ig! !ardness degree.
0a"er !ardness can 3e e2.ressed in #an/ di,,eren" uni"s including Drenc! degrees,
>er#an degrees, Clar degree, grains .er gallon, #g86 CaC=3 Acalciu# car3ona"eB, and ..#"s .er #illionB. >eneral con7ersions are 3elow<
) ..# E ) #g86 CaC=3
) ..# E &.&$8 grains8FS gallon
) ..# E &.&7 Clar degrees
) ..# E &.)& Drenc! degrees
) ..# E &.&$% >er#an degrees
) Drenc! degree E ) !/dro"i#e"ric degree
) Clar degree E ) grain 8 I#.erial gallon as calciu# car3ona"e
) Drenc! degree E ) .ar" 8 )&&,&&& calciu# car3ona"e
) >er#an degree E ) .ar" 8 )&&,&&& calciu# o2ide
) grain8FS gallon E )7.) ..#
) grain8FS gallon E ).(& Clar degrees
) grain8FS gallon E ).7) Drenc! degrees
) grain8FS gallon E &.'$8 >er#an degrees
-o"al dissol7ed solids A-5SB re,ers "o a #easure o, all inorganic solids dissol7ed in "!e
wa"er. -!is #eans "!a" i" will #easure ions "!a" con"ri3u"e "o wa"er !ardness, "ie calciu#,
3u" also "!ose "!a" do no", lie sodiu#. -!e -5S #easure#en" is a 3e""er re,lec"ion o, "!e
"o"al #ineral con"en" o, "!e wa"er ra"!er "!an a wa"er !ardness #easure#en". Howe7er, ,or
es"i#a"ion .ur.oses, "!e wa"er !ardness can 3e roug!l/ calcula"ed 3/ di7iding "!e ..#"s
.er #illionB #easure#en" o, "!e -5S 3/ )& gi7ing a !ardness 7alue wi"! an error o, onl/ (*3
Drenc! degrees. -5S #easure#en"s can also 3e deri7ed ,ro# rela"i7e conduc"i7i"/
Conduc"i7i"/ is si#ilar "o -5S #easure#en"s. Conduc"i7i"/ is a #easure o, "!e a3ili"/ o,
a su3s"ance "o conduc" elec"ric curren". Conduc"i7i"/ #easure#en"s o,,er a and non*
des"ruc"i7e wa/ "o #easure ion con"en" in "!e sa#.le. -!e conduc"i7i"/ #easure#en" is
#ade wi"! an elec"ronic sensor or #e"er in #icro8#illi*Sie#ens .er cen"i#e"er or ..#.
Conduc"i7i"/ increases wi"! increasing ion con"en", w!ic! #eans "!a" in #os" cases i" gi7es a
good a..ro2i#a"ion o, "!e -5S #easure#en" using "!e con7ersion ,ac"or o, ) ..# E (
uS8c#. Conduc"i7i"/ is "e#.era"ure sensi"i7e and is "/.icall/ s"andardi4ed "o ($GC. 0!ile
conduc"i7i"/ is a con7enien" wa/ "o ge" an a..ro2i#a"ion o, "!e !ardness o, wa"er i" does
!a7e "!e draw3ac o, co#3ining all ions in "!e #easure#en", including "!ose "!a" do no"
con"ri3u"e "o "!e wa"erCs !ardness. -!is !ardness a..ro2i#a"ion gi7es an error si#ilar "o "!e
-5S #easure#en" o, (*3 Drenc! degrees o, !ardness.
Can /ou #easure wa"er !ardness wi"! a conduc"i7i"/ sensor or -5S sensorH Yes,
!owe7er i" de.ends on "!e accurac/ "!a" /ou wan" "o !a7e in /our #easure#en". In general
"!e ,ollowing "a3le descri3es "!e wa"er !ardness as #easured 3/ a -5S, conduc"i7i"/, or
!ardness #easure#en".
Adasil Conc )8$ landed 7& -, (&*3& 9s
-5SA..#B Conduc"i7i"/AuS8c#B G, Hardness
&*7& &*)+& &*7 Ier/ So,"
7&*)$& )+&*3&& 7*)$ So,"
)$&*($& 3&&*$&& )$*($ Slig!"l/ Hard
($&*3(& $&&*%+& ($*3( Modera"el/ Hard
3(&*+(& %+&*8+& 3(*+( Hard
A3o7e +(& A3o7e 8+& A3o7e +( Ier/ Hard

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