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Ice Breakers

Name Chain
First person has to introduce himself to the group adding a word that describes him based on the
first letter of his name. For example, I am Smart Sahil, or I am pretty Pallavi.
Once 1 such round of introduction is over, then the next person should try and say as many names
he remembers with adjectives from group members.
The person who remembers maximum names with adjectives wins the game.

Unique Things
The speaker can divide the group into pairs and give participants a few minutes to interview each
other. Then, each participant should introduce their partners by name and to share at least two
unique characteristics about them.

Word link
This is a word association game. Ask the group to sit in a circle. The first person starts with any
word they wish i.e. red. The next person repeats the first word and adds another word which links
to the first i.e. tomato. The next person repeats the previous word and add another word link i.e.
soup, and so on. To keep this moving, only allow five seconds for each word link.

Shopping List
Participants sit in a circle and one person is nominated to start. This person says I went shopping
and I bought and says one item that they bought. Each person must then repeat the phrase I
went shopping and I bought and list all the previous items that have been bought, adding in their
own each time.

Fun Facts
Speaker has to keep a bunch of small blank sheets in front of everyone. Everybody is asked to take
up as many paper sheets as they need. Some people will take one sheet, others a whole lot more.
The key is not to specify how much they should take. Once everyone has taken some sheets, go
around the room and ask people to say one fact about themselves per sheet of paper sheet. It's
funny to watch the reactions of those who took a lot!

Around the world
The leader begins by saying the name of any country, city, river, ocean or mountain that can be
found in an atlas. The young person next to him must then say another name that begins with the
last letter of the word just given. Each person has a definite time limit (e.g. three seconds) and no
names can be repeated. For example - First person: London, Second Person: Niagara Falls, Third
Person: Switzerland

Quick Corporate games
Number Clap game
A speaker can decide any number, say 5. Everybody needs to stand in a circle. Starting from any one
person in group, everybody has to speak one no. Ex. First person has to say 1, second 2etc. Every
person is supposed to clap and not supposed to speak 5 or any multiple of 5. Whoever says that
is out of game and game continues in this way.

Clap, Shake hands and Introduce
Ask everybody to stand in a circle. After a start beep, ask everybody to go to as many people in a
group , clap , shake hands and share your name with other person. The person who does this
activity with maximum people wins the game

Listen & Move
Ask everybody to sit in a circle. Speaker has to identify few objects or characteristics. For Ex.
1. White Shirt
2. Person with S in first name
3. Brown shoes

At a time, speaker has to read out one object/characteristic.
Every time speaker announces any object/ characteristic, everybody with object or characteristic
announced by speaker has to get up from their existing chair and exchange chairs.
Speaker has to remove one chair every time people get up.
The 1 who is late to listen and identify characteristic will not get a chair and will have to do some
fun activity. Ex. Sing a song. Say a joke etc. The game continues in this way.

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