I. M. R. Pinheiro Australian Citizen +61 416915138: Selected Special Achievements

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I. M. R.

Australian citizen
+61 416915138


I. M. R. Pinheiros Academic Resume

ICCSE University gave Distinction to me, PhD, 2015

ICCSE University gave an A to Anima Est, 2015
Got Distinction on the Masters course with the ICCSE
(Philosophy) A, 2015
TRB registration, Mathematics: 608434, 2015
Awarded A (best) on all stages of the Master of TESOL,
TEFLEN, 2015
Invited to deliver a talk at the ICT/2014/Social Media
2014, China (VIP);
Invited to present at two PROz international conferences
(September of 2013);
Invited to present a paper (S-convexity) in the Real
Analysis Symposium at USP (XXXVII, Jun 2013) with
local expenses paid
Invited to present the paper Starants II in the GWIC 12 in
London and awarded full sponsorship for the event (very
few were available)
Awarded the title of one of the 2000 outstanding
intellectuals of the 21 Century by The Research
Academy, U.K.
Awarded the title of one of the top 100 professionals in
the world in 2011 by the International Biographic Centre,
More than 3,000 downloads of the paper First Note on the
Definition of S2-convexity by the 3 month of official
739), Advance in Pure Mathematics journal, international
journal, 2011, before they changed their online system
and restarted the counter, this time to count our individual
paper downloads
Part of the Who's Who in the World, 28 edition, VIP
35329809, 2010
Internationally recognised as expert in S-convexity by the
editorial board of the Asian-European journal, 2009
Invited by Professor D. Bainov to deliver a 60 minute
lecture at the Plovdiv 2008 (instead of the usual 30
minutes) due to the paper with the International Journal of
Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2008
NAATI accreditation for interpretation via exam, first
sitting, number 40296, 2008

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Book Voce Ja Fez Algo de Bom por Alguem Hoje?, ISBN

8575170651, 2004
NAATI accreditation for translation via exam, second
direction, first sitting, number 40296, 2002
NAATI accreditation for translation via exam, first
direction, first sitting, number 40296, 2000
IELTS Academic, recognised as a native user of the
English language, 2000
Continuing research in Analysis (S-convexity), Logic, and


To excel, excellence standards considered being those from the codes of ethics, in every
enterprise we invest in


Quality research demands: A clear objective; capability of analysing the piece of subject in
depth from a strictly technical perspective without losing the dream involved; ability to
understand all possible points of view on the results; and humbleness enough to refine own
results, as well as to perfect communication tools from there.


2014: Published the first and the second notes on the shape of S-convexity with
IJPAM. These notes contain the first truly mathematical geometric definition of
Convexity and the first proposal ever of geometric definition for S-convexity;

2012: Offered full sponsorship to attend the GWIC 12 (Starants II);

2011: Awarded the title of one of the one hundred top professionals in the world in the
year of 2011 by the International Biographic Centre, from the U.K.;

From 2003 to nowadays: Solved Zeno's Paradox, solved Russell's Paradox, solved the

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Liar's Paradox, found major flaws with the mathematical definition of S-convexity,
proposed fixing, and papers are slowly being released in scientific vehicles (paper with
Advances in Pure Mathematics was the first one in this series), proved the Six Degree
Theory to be scientifically implausible, proposed replacement to the linguistic pointer
'infinity' in Mathematics after proving that the pointer generates scientific distress and
mistake in highest degree, and etc.;

2002: The model for the nonisothermal situation was deemed mathematically
unbearable. Found major simplification path that led to solvability in the same year.
Papers are slowly being published (first one in the series has been published by
Mathematical Modelling and Analysis);

2002: Modelled the nonisothermal situation of film blowing utilising Tam's work as a

2002: Identified major omission and substantially equivocated declaration (end) in

Tam's Master's thesis on Newtonian film blowing;

2002: Offered a Chancellor's Scholarship at the Royal Melbourne Institute of

Technology to replace the IPRS because of change of citizenship status in Australia;

2002: Identified major problems with the precursor work of Comellas et al. (model for
the social networks, counter-example, missing constraints, inadequate wording).
Papers are slowly being published (Applied Mathematics and Computation published
the first one of the series);

2002: Offered an International Postgraduate Research Scholarship by the Royal

Melbourne Institute of Technology;

2001: Invited to write a paper with Dragomir and his VUT/RGMIA group. The paper is
published in a book and in the report for RGMIA. Sofo, Cerone, and Barnet sign the
paper with her;

2001: Revised the book of Dragomir on Hermite-Hadamard inequalities. Presented

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acknowledgement in his book;

2001: Determined the shape of S-convexity (Dragomir, with 500 papers listed at the
MathSciNet in 2001, Pope of Inequalities, had this as his major doubt in the subject).
Papers that matter are slowly being published (APM has published the first one of the

2001: Invited to become a member of RGMIA by Dragomir. Still a member nowadays;

2001: Offered an International Postgraduate Research Scholarship by the Victoria

University of Technology;

2000: Proved to Priest that Ontological Paraconsistency was not a plausible scientific
thesis the way he thought of it. Reasoning is published in Semiotica;

2000: Solved the Sorites Paradox for good (three researchers have agreed so far that
hers is a definite solution, one of them is Hyde from UQ; the solution, in general lines,
is published in Semiotica).


We are adaptable, but our preferred philosophical line in practice would lead us to assert that if
a student is mentally able to learn, is willing to, and is displaying behaviour consistent with
willing to via actions (compliant behaviour) in that direction, we can only be told to be an
educator if they get at least pass mark at the end of our course.

Our preferred philosophical line in teaching is a mix (John Dewey's, Paulo Freire's, Gestalt's,
and our own thoughts about the subject) that is slowly taking shape (Teach for Freedom).

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2013 and 2014: Getting endorsed for teaching and others at LinkedIn;

2012: Got an outstanding recommendation letter from a student, Jenny Chen;

2008: Invited by Dr. Drumi Bainov to deliver a sixty minute lecture at the Plovdiv due to the
good impression caused by her paper with the International Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics (the usual time is thirty minutes, Dr. Bainov extended it to sixty because of the
good impression he had of both her abstract for the lecture and her professional

VUT: Got a recommendation letter from a student, Nissa Gula, when none of her
postgraduate fellows seemed to have ever gotten one;

VUT: Got invited to present work at the Science Fair in the name of the department and VUT
by Dr. Neil Diamond. Designed software for primary and secondary schools (original)
based on printed work of major Arab-Brazilian mathematician (translated), produced the
software, and presented at the fair in a successful manner;

UQ: Invited by Dr. Prof. Graham Priest to teach Portuguese at the Institute of Modern
Languages when she had never taught the Portuguese language before formally. Invited to
extend her period at the IML by the director, Mrs. Georgiana Poulter;

Senai/Cetiqt: Got complimented by fellows for innovating in classes in Applied Mathematics

(used poetry metrics and professional elements that they had had contact with during their
technical experience at the establishment to teach Mathematics, successfully formed a
team of consultants for each one of those experiences to prepare the classes at her own

Senai/Cetiqt: Advised to publish her results in education in scientific vehicles by Dr. Anna
Fillipecki, coordinator of the department of sciences, due to the meaning of the findings;

Senai/Cetiqt: Recovered a group 'universally' deemed incapable for Mathematics and

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managed to teach them more contents than the requested by the syllabus, so positive the
educational experience with them was;

Severa Romana: Invited to keep on working for the establishment when the paid
probationary period was over by Maridalva Monteiro, director of the establishment, due to
her appreciation for her performance.

In general: We always present either equal or better results with students in Mathematics when
compared to our fellows (teaching in the same sort of level of difficulty and applying the same
sort of instruments for measurement of the educational outcome (in shape, weighting, and
everything else)).



2013 nowadays: Teaching Mathematics and languages at Tutor Universe,

WebTeacher, MySpeakShop, and others (online);

Nowadays: Teaching ethics and translation on Udemy, together with Mathematics;

Jan 2012 nowadays: Interpreting and translating (English <-> Portuguese) for organizations
as a contractor (several, including some agencies of the Australian government);
May 2012 2013: Doing research for one organization (data), Research Panel, as an
Sept 2010 2012: Fundraiser/Educator for cancer, Bowel & Cancer Research Trust. Duties
and responsibilities: Checking on the material daily, knocking at doors following maps,
telling about the institution and their work, teaching about the disease, requesting
donations, giving receipts, packing it all properly at the end of the shift, delivering it all to
the manager with feedback, and others;
July 2001 - nowadays: Human rights defender (research, production of evidence, report, and
etc.) All over the world. Duties and responsibilities: Documenting breaches, passing
proofs onwards, analysing media information, sorting out relevant data, of impact on civil
rights violations, reporting through any possible mean, trying to get funds to help the
cause, as well as support from relevant authorities, writing formal denouncements,
performing accurate research on statistical data, writing texts to catch attention over the
causes, generating debate over main issues involved, and others;
Dec 2003 June 2009: Courses planner (planned and provided a few) for MRP, amongst
others; Courses provider (online teaching); Skilled translator for MRP; Manager for MRP;

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Customer Liaison for MRP;

Mar 2008 Apr 2008: Relief Teacher/Skilled Critic and Editor of Teaching Material
Australian Technical College - High School Mathematics. Duties and responsibilities:
Revising educational material, preparing educational material, marking exams, teaching,
and others;
Aug 2005 - Oct 2005: Tutor University of Technology of Sydney - Advanced Mathematics
(Vector calculus, and Algebra). Duties and responsibilities: Attending tutorials, effectively
teaching both the whole class and individual students, marking assignments, reporting to
the main lecturer of the subject, revising tutorial material before the tutorials, providing
skilled feedback to the main lecturer regarding his classes and how they were perceived
by his group of students, and others;
March 2003 - Oct 2003: Tutor Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology - Graph Theory,
Calculus, Matlab, and etc. Duties and responsibilities: Attending tutorials, effectively
teaching both the whole class and individual students, marking assignments, reporting to
the main lecturer of the subject, revising tutorial material before the tutorials, providing
skilled feedback to the main lecturer regarding his classes and how they were perceived
by his group of students, and others;
March 2002 - Oct 2003: PhD, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. Duties and
responsibilities: Suggesting projects, following guidelines proposed by supervisors relating
the proposed projects, attaining results in due time, writing up research proposals (wrote
six back then), revising previous students results (one revision of a Masters thesis set of
results in Fluid Mechanics, bubble problem), revising published researchers results
(Comellas et al.), presenting suitable remarks and corrections to supervisor, writing
presentations for undergraduate students in the specific research topics (one power-point
presentation), learning how to win even under extremely unusual academic conditions via
simulation of scenarios, writing theses, and others;
Aug 2001 - March 2002: Tutor Victoria University of Technology Maple. Duties and
responsibilities: Attending tutorials, effectively teaching both the whole class and individual
students, marking assignments, reporting to the main lecturer of the subject, revising
tutorial material before the tutorials, and providing skilled feedback to the main lecturer
regarding his classes and how they were perceived by his group of students, and others;
Aug 2001 - March 2002: PhD - Victoria University of Technology - Inequalities (Real Analysis,
Calculus). Duties and responsibilities: Attending weekly reporting meetings with Dr. S.
Dragomir, revising his book, with step by step re-making of every proof and corrections
annotated in a separate version, explaining them profusely to Dr. Sever during the
meetings whilst addressing all his queries, producing original results, writing papers, typing
papers, and others;
July 2000 - Nov 2000: Teacher University of Queensland - Portuguese. Duties and
responsibilities: Attending classes, effectively teaching individual students and groups,
marking assignments, reporting to the institute responsible for the course, producing
personalised teaching material, as well as gathering feedback from the students on the
material and the course itself, and others;
June 2000: IBM help-desk - Olympic Games Dome. Duties and responsibilities: Addressing
the declared needs (with urgency, needs declared via telephone) of the broadcasters,
routine inspection/maintenance of machines, accessories, and systems, visiting sites and
providing immediate support and skilled help to those in trouble, and others.

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2015: Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematics) IICSE University;
2015: Doctor of Philosophy (Philosophy) IICSE University;
2015: Master in Arts (Philosophy) IICSE University;
2015: Master of TESOL TEFLEN Training College;
2013: TEFL and TESOL Certificate ITTT;
2013: Basic TESOL Certificate Course Udemy;
2010: Diploma in Management (includes project management, accounting, management in
general, modern techniques for teaching (coaching, mentoring, and etc.), customer
service, and others. The course is a postgraduate course by coursework in terms of
contents, load of work, and demands on performance) Arrow Training;
2007: Certificate II and III in Security Operations; CIT (cash in transit) - Security Credentials
(includes first-aid, management of groups, working with groups, working with noncomplier subjects, self-defence, and etc.) - International Security Training Academy;
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003: ABDs (PhDs);
2000: Postgraduate Diploma in Logic, UQ (GPA of 5.88/7.0);
1997: Structures of algebra UF - Masters subject in pure mathematics - B (distinction);
1996: Linear algebra, complex analysis, algebra, real analysis, calculus of variations - UF Reinforcement/supplementary subjects;
1992: Postgraduate Diploma in Systems Analysis UE;
1991: Postgraduate Diploma in Translation/Interpretation - UE;
1991: B. Science (Mathematics) with major in Sciences (Mathematics, Physics and Biology),
Dip. Ed. (secondary school) - UNESA (Estacio de Sa University, GPA of 8.91/10);
1986: B. La. (English) - Fisk Schools;
1986: Dip. Ed. (primary school) CSTJ (College of the Company Saint Therese of Jesus);
1986: High school certificate CSTJ.


2015: Passed the revalidation process of NAATI, Interpreting;

2015: Got accredited by the TRB, Mathematics, SA;
2014: Offered an Assistantship in the faculty of Mathematics by the Stephen Austin University;
2014: Got 4 out 4 on every item of the English language skills assessment done by TAFE;
2011: Title one of the one hundred top professionals in the world for 2011 was awarded to us
because our contribution to human kind in terms of research was considered
meaningful enough;
2011: Part of biography was published with Who's Who in the World, 28 edition, invited to
take part in their publications in May 2010, VIP number 35329809;
2009: Internationally recognised as expert in research in S-convexity by the editorial board of
the Asian-European journal;
2008: Accreditation for Interpretation, NAATI, exam, first sitting (no. 40296);
2008: Invited by Dr. Prof. D. Bainov to deliver a sixty minute lecture at the Plovdiv 2008;
2003: Public recognition of rights to the books: Encyclopaedia of Inequalities, Convexity
Secrets, Terra Australis, and O moderno livro das graas;
2003: Published a Philosophical/Religious book - Voc j fez algo de bom por algum hoje?EST;
2002/2003: Managed to include Watts theory in the paradise of Pure Mathematics (thesis and
paper with the Applied Mathematics and Computation Journal), managed to perform

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extraordinary simplification on ODE system thought to be (that far, up to two thousand

and two) analytically unbearable in the area (bubble formation problem, thesis and
paper with the World Journal of Modelling and Simulation);
2002: Accreditation for Translation, NAATI, exam, first sitting, second direction (no. 40296);
2002: Awarded an IPRS (International Postgraduate Research Scholarship) at RMIT up to
acquisition of P.R. in Australia for the PhD, and then awarded an RMIT Postgraduate
Scholarship for the Masters;
2002: Acknowledgement of the revision of the work by Dr. Prof. Dragomir, work done on the
book Selected Topics on Hermite-Hadamard Inequalities and Applications - RGMIA
(Research Group in Mathematical Inequalities and Applications), VUT, AU
(http://www.rgmia.vu.edu.au/monographs= hermitehadamard.html);
2002: Published a first scientific paper in Mathematics along with Dr. N. Barnett, Dr. S.
Dragomir, Dr. A. Sofo, and Dr. P. Cerone;
2002: Invited by Dr. Prof. K. Horadam to join her research group at RMIT;
2001: International and public reference (Mathematics - reviewer, researcher) at the AMS
website for job seekers by Dr. Prof. Dragomir;
2001: Awarded an IPRS (International Postgraduate Research Scholarship) for a PhD at VUT;
2001: Invited by Dr. Prof. Dragomir to join his research group in Inequalities at VUT in a paid
research support position;
2000: Accreditation for Translation, NAATI, exam, first sitting (no. 40296);
2000: Certified average of 7.0 in the IELTS test;
1999: Published the translation of John Castis best-seller FIVE GOLDEN RULES in Portugal,
with adaptations - Gradiva;
1998: Public recognition of exclusive rights to the translation of FIVE GOLDEN RULES
(CINCO REGRAS DE OURO) by Dr. Prof. John Casti;
1997: Awarded a vacancy amongst the seven available for Masters after undertaking entrance
exam in Analysis (100 candidates) - UF; and
1992: Awarded a vacancy for the course in Systems Analysis after undertaking entrance exam
in Logic (approx. 100 sitters) - UE.


Further work experience includes teaching, managing, directing, providing tuition, acting in

professional plays, amongst others;

Invited to join ULATUS after passing a very difficult exam on technical translation
(Mathematics, higher education, translation of extracts containing several lines of highly
technical material);
Invited to join the American Mathematical Society and the American Chemical Society in
2011 more than once because more than one member suggested her membership;
Member of RGMIA and PROz;
Prizes in poetry and publication of a few poems in books (Litteris) or school newsletter
Prize in composition (Amoapra Association of inhabitants of Tijuca);
Invitation to translate major works of Dr. M. Bontempo and Dr. John Casti; and
Course on Interpretation taught by one of the greatest interpreters of all times, Prof. M.
Spiegel, at UE.

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Journal Publications:
1) Ostrowsky-type inequalities for functions whose modulus of the derivatives are convex
and applications - Inequality theory and applications - Vol.2, 2003 - with N.S.Barnett,
S.S.Dragomir, P.Cerone, A.Sofo RGMIA;
2) Nonisothermal film blowing Mathematical Modelling and Analysis - Vol.10, No.3, 2005
3) Exploring the concept of s-convexity Aequationes Mathematicae Vol. 74, No. 3, 2007,
pp. 201-209 International;
4) S-convexity revisited Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, acc: 2005, Vol. 26, No. 3,
2007, pp. 795-800, September issue Middle East;
5) A solution to the Sorites paradox - Semiotica Vol .160, 2006 Canada;
6) Bubble radius function World Journal of Modelling and Simulation Acc. 2006; Pub: Vol. 3,
No.2, 2007 - Europe, Asia;
7) Starants Applied Mathematics and Computation Acc: 2006, Applied Mathematics and
Computation Vol. 188, 2007, pp. 10611070 USA;
8) S-convexity (Foundations for Analysis) - Differential Geometry-Dynamical Systems, Vol. 10,
No.1, 2008 Balkan Countries (international society);
9) S-convexity revisited (Fuzzy S-convex processes) - Long Version - Optimization Letters,
Vol. 3, No. 1/ January, 2009- All over the World;
10) Lazhar's inequalities and the S-convexity phenomenon New Zealand Journal of
Mathematics, Vol. 38, pp. 67-72, 2008 ISSN 1171-6096 New Zealand;
11) H-H inequality for S-convex functions International Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 563-579, 2008 ISSN 1311-8080;
12) Jensen's inequality in detail and S-convex functions - International Journal of
Mathematical Analysis, Vol. 3, No. 2, 95 - 98, 2009 ISSN 1312-8876;
13) Automation of the linguistic translation processes: A study on viability Semiotica,
Vol.187, 2011;
14) First note on s2-convexity Advances in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 1, pp. 1-2, 2011 - ISSN
15) On S-convexity and our paper with IJPAM - International Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, Vol. 71, No. 1, pp. 31-39, 2011 - ISSN 1311-8080;
16) Minima Domain Intervals and the S-convexity, as well as the Convexity, Phenomenon
Advances in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2013 - ISSN 2160-0384;

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17) Starants II Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths, Sep-Oct (2012), pp. 259-265;
18) First Note on the Definition of S1-convexity Advances in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 4, pp.
674-679, 2014 - ISSN 2160-0368;
19) Concerning the Solution to the Russells Paradox E-LOGOS (Electronic Journal for
Philosophy) 24.12.2012;
20) Concerning the Solution to the Liar Paradox E-LOGOS (Electronic Journal for
Philosophy) 25.12.2012;
21) Infinis Protosociology Journal, On Contemporary Philosophy v. 10, 2013;
22) First Note on the Shape of S-convexity - International Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, Vol. 90, No. 1, 2014 ISSN 1311-8080;
23) Note on Zenos Dichotomy Protosociology Journal v. 30, 2014;
24) Second Note on the Shape of S-convexity - International Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, Vol. 92, No. 2, 2014 ISSN 1311-8080;
25) A New Model for the Human Psyche Journal of Research in Humanities and Social
Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 61-65, 2014 ISSN (online) 2321-9467;
26) Third Note on the Shape of S-convexity - International Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, Vol. 93, No. 5, 2014 ISSN 1311-8080;
27) A Revolutionary Method of Teaching English as a Second Language International
Journal for Innovation, Education, and Research, Vol. 2, September, 2014, pp 23-31;
28) The Unexpected Hanging Problem and a Trivial, but Unexpected, Solution - Advances
in Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 36-44, 2015 - ISSN 23480394;
29) Second Note on the Definition of s1-convexity - Advances in Pure Mathematics, Vol.53,
No. 3, 2015 - ISSN 2160-0384;
30) Translation Techniques Communication and Language at Work, CLAW, Vol. 1, No. 4,
2015 ISSN 2245-5744; and
31) Words for Science Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol. V, No. V, May 2015 ISSN


a) Cinco Regras de Ouro - Brazilian Portuguese - Classified as Applied Mathematics translation work (1994); Published with adaptations by Gradiva in Portugal. Editor: Gradiva
Publicaes. ISBN: 9789726626916;
b) Convexity Secrets - English - Classified as Pure Mathematics - original research work
(2002); Published by Trafford Publishing (2008), ISBN: 142513821-7;

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c) Voc j fez algo de bom por algum hoje? - Brazilian Portuguese, published by EST
edies, RS, BR, 2004. - Classified as Philosophy/Religion/Christianity, ISBN: 8575170651;
d) Love Games Amazon.com Classified as Family Entertainment. ISBN: 978-150245433;
e) The New Rosary Amazon.com Classified as Religious. ISBN: 978-1502411198;
f) Jogos de Amor Amazon.com Classified as Family Entertainment. ISBN:978-1503050860;
g) Terra Australis Amazon.com Classified as Romance. ISBN: 978-1505764758;
h) Selected Ballroom Jokes Amazon.com Classified as Family Entertainment. ISBN:
i) Translation and Interpretation, volume 1 Amazon.com Classified as Technical. ISBN:
978-1505884081; and
j) On Religion Amazon.com Classified as Scientific. ISBN: 978-1517111168.

a) Introduction to Non-Classical Logic 242 pages, written by Graham Priest; and
b) Selected Topics on Hermite-Hadamard Inequalities and Applications - 250 pages, written
by S.S. Dragomir and C.E.M.Pearce, online at RGMIA website, monographs.




Isothermal Newtonian Film Blowing about 100 pages, Masters Thesis of Dr. Dominic Tam,
RMIT, 2002.


a) ProZ.coms 2014 virtual conference for the International Translation Day Translation
Techniques PROz 2014;
b) Social Media 2014 (IT Fest 2014 event) 19 International Education and Technology

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Conference The Linkedin Model China 2014;

c) Freelance Translator Virtual Conference - Ethical Codes for the Professions of Translator and
Interpreter PROz - 2013;
d) MATHFEST 2013 Minima Domain Intervals, Dimensions, and How to Extend the Class
Convex Functions Research on Linear Algebra or Geometry - Convention Centre, Hartford;
e) Public delivery of major results in S-convexity and the Sorites Problem at New York City
f) Private presentation of the solution to the Sorites paradox to Dr. H. Gaifman - Columbia
University - 2007;
g) Workshop on incidence geometry - A geometrical feature of S-convexity - Adelaide University
Cancun, Mexico, May 12-15 Exploring the concept of s-convexity 2004;
i) Logic - University of Melbourne - A refined solution to the Sorites Paradox 2002;
j) Mathematics - VUT - S-convexity 2002; and
k) Logic - University of Newcastle - A Solution to the Sorites Paradox Nov, 2000 meeting of
the Ancient Philosophy Society.


a) ProZ.coms 2014 virtual conference for the International Translation Day PROz 2014;
b) Understanding and Implementing Effective Translation Quality Evaluation Techniques GALA
global on air on the 4/10/13, 1 AM in QLD. We watched on the 8/10/13, about 8:20 PM in
c) Freelance Translator Virtual Conference All sessions of the 30 of September of 2013 apart
from the third and the last one;
d) Visualizing Open Data by Tableau A presentation by Ben Jones Social Sciences Building,
Columbia University, 19/09/2013, 7 PM;
e) MATHFEST 2013 Sessions attended were from Assessment, Mentoring, or Outreach,
Teaching Introductory Mathematics, Teaching Calculus, Research on Linear Algebra or
Geometry, Interactions Between History and Philosophy of Mathematics, Research in Applied
Mathematics, and Research on Graph Theory or Combinatorics;
f) Webinar of Research Fellow Simon Hearn (Overseas Development Institute) CBD 143
Report and Support Use of Findings on air for the first time in May, 2013, American
Evaluation Association (29/05/2013, about 5:30 AM in SA);
g) Webinar of Prof. Patricia Rogers (RMIT) CBD 142 Synthesise Data from One or More
Evaluations on air for the first time in May, 2013, American Evaluation Association
(29/05/2013 in SA);
h) Webinar of Director Jane Davidson (Real Evaluation) CBD141 Understand Causes of
Outcomes and Impacts on air for the first time in May, 2013, American Evaluation
Association (watched between 29/05/2013 and 01/06/2013 in SA);
i) Webinar of Director Irene Guijt (Learning by Design) CBD140 Describe Activities, Results
and Context on air for the first time in May, 2013, American Evaluation Association (watched
between 29/05/2013 and 01/06/2013 in SA);
j) Webinar of Prof. Patricia Rogers (RMIT) CBD139 Frame the Boundaries of the Evaluation
- on air for the first time in May, 2013, American Evaluation Association (watched between
29/05/2013 and 01/06/2013 in SA);
k) Webinar of Research Fellow Simon Hearn (Overseas Development Institute) CBD138
Define What Is To Be Evaluated on air for the first time in May, 2013, American Evaluation

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Association (01/06/2013 in SA);

l) Webinar of Director Irene Guijt (Learning by Design) Overview of Rainbow Framework for
Evaluation on air for the first time in May, 2013, American Evaluation Association (watched
between 29/05/2013 and 01/06/2013 in SA);
m) Webinar of Dr. Sarah W. Zaramek (MATLAB) Speeding up MATLAB applications on air for
the first time in 2013, Mathwork (26/05/2013, about 2:30 in SA);
n) Webinar of Dr. J. A. Rossiter (University of Sheffield) Fostering Independent Learning and
MATLAB Programming Skills at the Introductory Level on air for the first time in 2001,
Mathwork (24/05/2013, about 3 PM in SA);
o) Webinar of Carl Christensen and Jose Sermeno (GALA Webinar) How to collect and use
effective data on air for the first time in 2013, watched in real time (original presentation,
24/05/2013, 00:20 in SA);
p) Talk of James Bromberger (AWA) Kloud Computing and Marketplace (Amazon.com)
20/05/2013, Second Floor Lounge, 6:00 PM in SA;
q) Course of Ben Fhala (02Geek) SEO for content creators (Udemy) on air for the first time in
2013, watched from 6/6/2013 to 19/06/2013;
r) Webinar of Pearson Learning Solutions Online Tutoring Improve Retention with Early
Student Success on air for the first time on the 20 of June of 2013 (24/06/2013, about 7:40
PM in SA);
s) Webinar of Arle Lommel, Lucia Specia, and Stephen Doherty (GALA Webinar)
LaunchPad: Multidimensional Quality Metrics Version 2 and Software Infrastructure on air
for the first time in 2013, watched in real time (original presentation, 10/07/2013, 00:30 in SA);
t) Webinar of Charlie Clark (GALA Webinar) Translation and Quality Management Systems:
The Value of Certification on air for the first time in 2013, watched in real time (original
presentation, 12/07/2013, 00:30 in SA).


Hanna L. Schneider and Lilli M. Huber. Social Networks: Proposal of settlement of

terminology for evaluation purposes. Social Networks: Development, Evaluation, and
Influence. Nova Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-60456-800-4.


We were (2008, first semester) invited to deliver a 30-minute international public lecture, on a
topic of our choice. Due to the relevance of the topic and unilateral perception of need by Dr. Prof.
Drumi Bainov, 30 extra minutes were offered to us. The invitation came as an award for the
results attained in the paper that has been published with IJPAM: H-H inequality and Sconvexity. The topic of the lecture was chosen and the lecture was designed: It had to do with the
extreme need to hold an ethical body solely for Mathematics. The lecture contained facts that
should create shame in the whole Mathematics community regarding already published papers,
given the amount of scientific inaccuracy involved. The lecture was baptised The fishy side of

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a) Short poem, prize at school competition (CSTJ, Brazil) 1983 published in the schools
newsletter for that year;
b) Short composition, prize awarded by the Association of inhabitants of `Tijuca (Amoapra,
c) A few poems were published in books by `Litteris Editora, Brazil;
d) Article on our experience at UQ as a postgraduate student 2000 UQ, published in the
postgraduate magazine for 2001, UQ;
e) A postgraduate article on Higher Education issues in Australia got published by the RPA,
newsletter from the RMIT Postgraduate Association ( The Postgrad, Vol. 10, ed. 4, Sept.
f) Exploring the concept of s-convexity - Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS Int. Conf. on
g) A postgraduate article on Higher Education issues in the World got published by the RPA,
newsletter from the RMIT Postgraduate Association (The Postgrad, Vol. 14, ed. 4, Sept.
h) Diversity in Ethical Codes for the Professions of Interpreter and Translator; How to Deal with
the Gaps in Professional Translation; What about the Gluts?; The Sounds of Confusion;
Forbidden Inferences; There to Make it Beautiful or to Be Pronounced?; When You Are
Unsure about What You Have Heard, Why Do You Not Try to Ask Them to Spell it? A Case
of Unfair Rejection; ING or S: A Matter of Ending; The English, the Portuguese, and the Latin
- 2012 PROz;
i) 123 Waymouth St: So It Does Not?; Origins and the Recovery of Common Sense; Essential
Notes; God Complex; The Words from The Gap; Localisms; Localisms versus Accuracy; and
Court Matters: Simultaneous or Consecutive Interpreting? - 2013 PROz;
j) What are you doing with my preface?, Accentuation, and Cultural Translation: An option or a
sin? 2014 PROz; and
k) Others.


Real Analysis and S-convexity, Medium World theories applied to health, Linguists Reasoning
applied to paradoxes and issues emerging in Language, application of Logic to Mathematics
Education (new approach to Mathematics teaching), and Teach for Freedom.

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1) Plenty of academics: Linkedin

99+ for Mathematics, Research, Teaching, English, and a few other items that matter.

2) A few students (online courses)

2) Asian-European Journal

Tue, 14 October, 2008 10:49:41 PM

paper for referee
From: "koppitz@rz.uni-potsdam.de" <koppitz@rz.uni-potsdam.de>
Dear Prof. Marcia R. Pinheiro;
5 out of 5 in all reviews so far.

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3) A few students(face to face and online): Tutor Finder

The attached paper "xxx " by yyy, and

zzz was submitted for publication in: "Asian-European Journal of
Mathematics" (www.worldscinet.com/aejm/aejm.shtml).

It is known that you are a specialist on this subject. Hence, I want to ask you
to referee this paper. Please, inform us whether you are willing to do this
Thank you in advance for your help.
Best regards
Jrg Koppitz
Manager Editor

3) Private student (Philosophy)

----- Forwarded message from Jenny Chen <missrabbit@live.com> -----

Five in five stars, four reviews.

4) Dr. Prof. Sever Dragomir

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5) One brilliant private student, face-to-face mode: Jenny Chen, from Adelaide High,

Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012 08:59:40 +0000

Subject: references for teaching
To: marcia pinheiro <drmarciapinheiro@hushmail.com>
Dear Marcia,
I would love to, not least because I do earnestly think you are great at teaching, and deserve
much praise.
Epithets of character and ability:
Good Natured Your vivacious and friendly character makes me feel comfortable.
Caring You possess a caring and thoughtful nature that makes me feel valued.
Comprehensive Your exceptional mastery of the English language is accessible to secondary
students as myself.
Eloquent Like a lawyer, you have a large vocabulary and manipulative ability.
Philosophical You have helped me gain life skills (in communication, comprehension, attitudes),
not only knowledge
Meticulous Observant and careful regarding language, which is one of my learned life skills
Strategic The thoroughly prepared lessons are greatly effective, efficient, personalized for the
student, and logical (starting with development of fundamental attitudes and habits)
Passionate You are able to enrapture an audience with your passion.
I would mention that your influence on me has been immediately effective within school and
You have assisted me in my understanding, communication, and comprehension with zeal and
My decision to take classes has been rewarding.

6) Linguistic endorsements

All course providers;

Awarded A (best) on all stages of the Master of TESOL, TEFLEN, 2015;
Got 4 out 4 on every item of the English language skills assessment done by TAFE, 2014;
NAATI, number 40296 first sitting, exam, both directions, Interpretation and Translation;
IELTS, 2000 7 in the overall (no preparation); and
TOEFL, 1999 standard version (not the computer-based one) more than the score needed
to do postgraduate research, teach, and study (postgraduate) at UQ in 2000.

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6) PROz endorsements (language services)

15 positive entries

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