Lillie GLenn

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Lillie Glenn….New Testament History

October 30, 2009

BIB 123

Dr. Alan Bowslaugh

New Testament History Background

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Nothing but silence.

Then one ordinary night in the tiny village of Bethlehem. Jesus was born. With his first cries,

God’s once again graced the land. For Jews with ears to hear and eyes to see, it became clear

throughout Jesus’ life that he was the Son of God, the Savior for whom they had been waiting.

(LASB). NIV 2005

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Ezra was a priest, a scribe, and a great leader. His name means “help”, and his whole world

was dedicated to serving God and God’s people. The book of Ezra is centered on God and his

promise that the Jews would return to their land, as prophesied by Jeremiah. His knowledge of

Scripture and his God-given wisdom were so obvious to the king that he appointed Ezra to lead

the second emigration to Jerusalem, to teach the people God’s Word, and to administer national

life. Ezra loved God’s word; he lived it and obeyed it. Ezra prayed for the nation learning of

the Israelites’ sins of intermarriage and idolatry, Ezra fell in humility before God and prayed for


nation. Their disobedience grieves him deeply and leads the people back to God. (LASB)

After a 58 year gap, Ezra led a group of Jews to the Persia. Their is no recode of the fourteen

years between 459 BCE when Ezra is thought to have organized the ecclesiastical and civil

affairs of the Israelite nation, and 445 BCE when Israel first appeared. After the reconstruction,

A group from Jerusalem dedicates the wall According to some Biblical scholars; Ezra played an

important part in the compilation of nearly all parts of the Hebrew Bible, including the five

books of Moses.

Herod the Great had the history as a ruthless man who did not hesitate to kill anyone who

might have threatened the throne Herod also proved himself to be a capable administrator and

far-sighted ruler who reigned over a territory greater than any Jewish king following Solomon’s

era. Herod’s most famous project was rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem, greatly enlarging it

and making it one of the most beautiful building of his time Some more of Herod’s

accomplishment were building a water supply for Jerusalem, building his own place in

Jerusalem, rebuilding the water supply in Jerusalem, building his own place in Jerusalem.

He was also involved in substantial relief program. Herod considered himself to be head

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Of the Jewish throughout the Roman Empire. During the first seven years of his reign Herod had

to cope with three sources; the Hasmononean heirs, Cleopatra, and finally from the rise of

Octavian to dominance after the battle.


.Herod was clearly a failure as a family man, his success as a builder and a ruler were substantial

Herod rebuilds the northern city of Samarita honor Augustus who name was change to Sebaste.

He takes the Samaritan Malhace as his new wife.



Niswonger, Richard L. New Testament History Zondervan 1992

Life Application Study Bible, Tyndale House Publish , Inc

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