Nelson Central School: Term 4

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17 th N o vem ber
Nelson Central School
2 009 Week l y N e ws l ett er
Another matter we will be addressing during 2010 is
Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te National Standards. We have yet to organize professional
Kura Tuatahi o Whakatu – greetings to friends and development for teachers but will do so during terms 1 and
family of Nelson Central School. 2.

There are four weeks of school left in 2009 and much yet If you have any thoughts or ideas about curriculum you
to be done before we can call the year ‘over’. While we would like to share with us please don’t hesitate to send me
deal with everything that has to be done – prepare end of an email or leave your contribution at the
year report s, construct classes for 2010, organize end of front office.
year activities, confirm appointments for 2010 and a
myriad of other items, much thought and effort is being put 2010 enrolments
into curriculum design for next year. If your child is in Years 0-5 and you know they won’t be
returning to our school next year can you please call the
Curriculum 2010 office and let Judy know. That will be very useful
In previous years we have organized our curriculum information as we start work on building class lists for 2010.
around some major theme: Also, if you know of families who are considering enrolling
2009 Theme: "Citizenship is Everybody's Business!" in the school next year I would appreciate it if you could let
2008 Theme: "Local, Global and Connected!" them know to contact the school office.
2007 Theme: "The Future Starts Now!"
2006 Theme: "This is Our World and We Are Responsible Term Events
For It!" 16-20 Nov - Cycle Safety Week
17-19 Nov Room 7 Camp
We are still working on the 2009 theme but we know it 18 Nov – NIS testing for extension class
will have a strong Science orientation. In addition we will 22 Nov – SCG Push Play Family Walk
be doing our best to weave into the curriculum 26 Nov – BOT meeting
opportunities to help children learn some key Dec - End of Year activities TBA
competencies: 4 Dec - Mt Arthur Summit Club Walk
• thinking 7 Dec – SCG Summer Picnic Evening
• using language, symbols, and text 9 Dec – BOT meeting
• managing self 10 Dec – Totara Big Day Out
• relating to other 14 Dec – Year 5/6 End of Year Assembly
• participating and contributing 14 Dec – Kowhai Big Day Out
16 Dec – School closes
Some competencies will receive additional attention
through specific programmes such as our social skills Term dates for 2010
programme. Wednesday 3 February - Thursday 1 April
Monday 19 April - Friday 2 July
Basic programmes such as literacy (reading), writing and Monday 19 July - Friday 24 September
numeracy will, of course, be part of the back bone of Monday 11 October - No later than Thursday 16 December
curriculum in the school.
Public Holidays
Programmes and learning tools go together and we will Queen's Birthday - 7 June (Monday)
continue the excellent ICT/eLearning work teachers and Labour Day - 25 October (Monday)
children have been engaged in since 2007.
Dr Paul Potaka
To some extent we will either incorporate items of national PRINCIPAL
and international interest, especially when they supplement
children’s normal classroom work. LOST 2 Scooters
A) missing from bike cage. If you have taken it by
Our weekly newslett er is kindly mistake please call Sally 5466541 or return to bike
sponsored by – cage
B) Also missing - a Micro Brand Scooter - please
see Lewis (Rm 2) if you know about this.
7 0 N il e St r e et , N e lson – Ph on e 0 3 5 4 8 4 9 7 2 – Fa x 0 3 5 4 8 4 4 8 3 – E ma il st a ff@ n el son cen t ra l.sch o ol.n z
Principa l: tumuaki @t Sec reta ry: secret ary @nel so ncent ral.scho BO T Cha irma n: Geof f Cl ark 545 8010 W ebsite: www.nel so ncent
Would you like to be involved in choosing
the new Yellow Pages front cover? If so take
a look at "Busy Bee" Rabbit Island, featuring
Jack from Room 11. The picture was painted
by his grandma, Jean Jackson and is one of
the top 3 finalists. You can vote online at
The Gala will be held on . Last day for
Sunday, 21st March 2010. voting is 24 November.
REMINDER – return your form to the Office by this Friday
with your ideas for a theme for the Gala and the fundraising
All ideas are welcome.
Thank you, from the SCG

Choir & SmokeFree RockQuest Winner Dan Kendrick

Last Friday, the senior choir went to the School of Music to listen to
Johnny Cameron who was this year's Smokefree Rockquest
regional winner. He performed his own compositions and talked
about how he had been inspired and gave helpful suggestions to
the choir about how to follow your musical dreams. This was
followed by many questions to Dan Kendrick and his band "Road".
Every choir member hand went up when they were asked "Who SCHOOL COMMUNITY GROUP
would like to take part in the Smokefree Rockquest one day?" We
Next Meeting
finished the morning by all singing together "Always on my mind" by
Tiki Taane, and Dan said "Wow those kids sure can sing!" It was an Tuesday 24th November
enjoyable morning for all. Tanya at 7.00pm
in the School Staff Room
Everyone welcome!

Social Skills
Term 4 Week 6 and 7 2009
Key Competency
“Relating to Others”
School Values
“Getting Along with Others”
I have the right to be treated
fairly and with respect
I have the responsibility to treat
others fairly and with respect.
“No Put Downs Allowed”
In the holidays I went on a trip to Cambodia to visit friends from my last school and to help train
teachers and assistants. When I was there 2 very special things happened. Firstly I met up with Toby,
Bryn and their family. They had been in Phnom Penh for 5 days and were settling in well. Here we are
enjoying a trip to the playground at iCAN British International School.
My second great experience was being able to deliver some of the books we collected last year for the
children at the Centre for Children’s Happiness Orphanage. The children were very excited opening the
box and say a huge thank you to everyone who donated a book. The books will go into their new library
which you can see them using in this photo. Tracy

The Week 5 NCS Blog of the Week Award goes

to ROOM 1!
Room 1 have been very creative and have
made some fantastic artwork for use on their
fundraising calendars/cards this year. Check
out their class blog to see how amazingly
colourful and effective they look! Well done
Room 1; it is great to see you sharing some of
your artwork with others.
You can view Room 1's blog by going to the
school website and clicking on "Room 1" and
then "Room 1 Blog" on the sidebar to the left.
Week ended 15th November
Mini Soccer
Central Strikers v Stoke. Stoke won 5-1.
Central Rovers v St Josephs.
Rovers won 6-2.
Player of the day: Eva room 14. Good
defending by Marcus room 16.
Central Spikers v HSS Spikers. Central
won 75-20.
Central Smashers Nayland Hot Shots.
Central won 66-47
Player of the day: Rowan room 8
Central Servers v TA Hitters. Servers won
Central Sharks v Hope School. 4 all draw.
Central Tigers v Henley Young Guns. 5 all
Central Stormers v St Josephs 3.
St Josephs 3 won.
Softball Kiwi Cricket Schools
Central v Stoke. Stoke won 20-0. Fourth Round Draw - 21st November
Kiwi Cricket Children need to be there prior to 8.45 am ready to start at 9
Central 19 v Ranzau. 16.
Ground Team Team
Incrediball Cricket INCREDIBALL GRADE
Central/St Josephs Stars v Ranzau. 1 Birchwood Eagles v Mapua 1
Central/St Josephs won 36-19 2 Appleby v Auckland Point Avengers
3 Wakefield Yellow v Nayland All Stars
Player of the day: Joseph R room 5. 4 Ranzau v Henley Black Caps
Hardball Cricket 5 Enner Glynn Green Caps v Central / St Joes Stars
Nelson Central v Henley. Central won 6 Tahuna Blackcaps v HSS Red
7 Richmond v HSS Black
Nelson Central/St Josephs v Enner Glynn.
Central/St Joes won 128-67. 8 Birchwood Black Caps v Appleby Aces
NELSON JUNIOR SOFTBALL DRAW 9 Wakefield Blue v Stoke Hitters
10 Central Sixers v Mapua 2
11 Henley Stumpers v Tahuna Tigers
12 Ranzau / Mahana v Auckland Point Aces
13 Birchwood Young Guns v Henley Magics
14 Wakefield Red v Mapua 3
15 Nayland Kiwi/St Joes Kiwi Caps v Stoke Rockets
SATURDAY 21.11.09
D3 ROYAL RASCALS VS CENTRAL STING We do odd jobs, cleaning, repairs, maintenance,
Nelson Cricket Assn. gardening, childcare and more!
Saturday morning hardball cricket for 21.11.09. But if you require a specialist then our Local
Golden Edge Primary B grade.
Services and Tradesmen directory can put you in
Central Sch/St Josephs Sch has bye.
Check web site for touch with the experts!
cancellations and draws. Ph: 0508 263 748 or

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