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Epidemiology of osteoporosis

K. M. Jordan MBChB, MRCP (UK)

Research Fellow
C. Cooper MA, DM, FRCP
Professor of Rheumatology
MRC Environmental Epidemiology Unit, Southampton General Hospital, Tremona Road,
Southampton SO16 6YD, UK
Osteoporosis is a major public health problem through its association with fracture. The
problem may be alleviated substantially by appropriate early intervention before fracture
This chapter discusses the epidemiology of osteoporosis and addresses the following
questions: How should osteoporosis be dened? What is the incidence and prevalence of
osteoporosis and fracture? Is there geographical variation in the occurrence of osteoporosis?
What are the risk factors for osteoporosis and do they explain the occurrence of osteoporosis
and osteoporotic fracture?
Key words: osteoporosis; epidemiology; hip fracture; vertebral fracture; bone mineral density.
Osteoporosis has been dened by a Consensus Development Conference as `a systemic
skeletal disorder characterized by low bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration
of bone tissue, with a consequent increase in bone fragility and susceptibility to
Historically, involutional bone loss was recognized 150 years ago by Sir
Astley Cooper who observed its association with hip fracture. The term `osteoporosis',
however, was rst used in medical circles in the 19th century by German and French
physicians when describing the histological appearance of osteoporotic bone.
Clinically, osteoporosis is recognized by the occurrence of characteristic low trauma
fractures, so that any meaningful denition of osteoporosis must account for the risk of
fracture. Using fracture as a diagnostic criterion is advantageous since it is a discrete
event that can easily be formulated into a diagnostic algorithm. The obvious
disadvantage is that diagnosis will be delayed in a disorder where prevention is an
important end goal. This reasoning has led to the use of bone mineral densitometry as
a means of dening osteoporosis and as a tool for non-invasively assessing bone mass in
an attempt to predict fracture. Low bone mineral density (BMD) is one of the
strongest risk factors for fracture and is, in this context, analogous to high blood
15216942/02/$ - see front matter *c
2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology
Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 795806, 2002
doi:10.1053/berh.2002.0264, available online at on
pressure or an elevated serum cholesterol. The risk of fracture increases as bone mass
falls just as the risk of stroke increases with rising blood pressure.
There is a well-established relationship between BMD and the ability of bone to
withstand trauma, such that 7590%of the variance in bone strength is related toBMD.
Other factors including bone geometry, microarchitecture and size also inuence bone
strength. Dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) provides a safe and convenient means of
measuring BMD accurately, reproducibly and with minimal radiation exposure. Using
this technique, studies have shown that BMD has a normal population distribution in
subjects of all ages and in both sexes. Fracture risk increases 1.53-fold for each standard
deviation (SD) fall in BMD.
Thus, a woman at the age of menopause whose hip BMD is
1 SD below average will have a 30% greater remaining lifetime risk of fracture.
The World Health Organisation has proposed that both BMD and fracture be
combined in a stratied denition of osteoporosis.
Four categories were recom-
Normal: a value for BMDthat is not more than 1 SDbelowthe young adult mean value.
Osteopoenia: a value for BMD that lies between 1 and 2.5 SDs below the young adult
mean value.
Osteoporosis: a value for BMD that is more than 2.5 SDs below the young adult mean
Severe (or established) Osteoporosis: a value for BMD more than 2.5 SDs below the
young adult mean value in the presence of one or more fragility fractures.
There is an appreciable overlap in the BMD distribution of normal and fracture
populations. Thus, in the case of vertebral fracture, a lumbar spine BMD that is 2 SDs
below the young adult mean has a sensitivity and specicity for fracture of only around
Likewise, a 50 year old woman with a radial BMD equal to that of the young
adult mean has a 15% lifetime risk of hip fracture compared with a 25% lifetime risk for
a woman of the same age whose BMD has fallen to 2.5 SDs below the young adult
This means that the criteria we use are useful in population-based
measurements but less useful in assessing individual risk.
Fracture incidence in the community is bimodal, with peaks in youth and in the elderly.
In youth, fractures of the long bones predominate; these usually follow substantial
trauma and the incidence is greater in young men than in young women. Above the age
Practice points
. BMD is a good tool to help stratify those at risk of osteoporosis
. lifetime risk of fracture substantially increases with a fall in BMD
796 K. M. Jordan and C. Cooper
of 35 years, overall fracture incidence rises steeply in women so that female rates
become twice those of men.
With advancing age a greater proportion of women will have a low bone mass. In a
population-based estimate in Rochester, Minnesota, USA, it was estimated that by the
age of 80, 27% of women are osteopoenic and 70% are osteoporotic at the hip, lumbar
spine or distal forearm (Table 1). Furthermore, it has been estimated that, in the USA,
16.8 million (54%) post-menopausal white women are osteopoenic and 9.4 million
(30%) are osteoporotic.
From the perspective of fracture, it is estimated that around 40% of all U.S. White
women and 13% of U.S. White men aged 50 years will experience at least one clinically
apparent fragility fracture in their lifetime.
The Markov model on which these
estimates are based predicts that 35%of women will have a vertebral fracture, 18%a hip
fracture and 17%a Colles fracture.
Hip fracture will be recurrent in 14% of women and
25% will have multiple vertebral fractures. Taking into account sites other than the hip,
spine and distal forearm, the lifetime risk of fracture in women over 50 years may be as
high as 70%. Figure 1 demonstrates the incidence of fracture byage in women.
study looked at the 10-year risk of osteoporotic fracture according to age, sex and
relative risk. It was noted that screening women, in order to direct intervention
towards them, at the age of 65 years and targeting 25% of the population could save up
to 23% of all fractures in these women over the following 10 year period.
Fracture rates are higher in the USA and Scandinavia than in Britain and Central
Europe. Estimates for the British population are about 20% lower.
Hip fracture
Hip fracture is the most serious consequence of osteoporosis. It is most closely linked
to BMD compared with other types of fracture. Costs associated with hip fracture are
high and there is more disability than with any other type of osteoporotic fracture.
Hip fracture rates increase exponentially with age in both sexes with rates of 2/100 000
person-years in women aged less than 35 years rising to 3032/100 000 person-years in
women aged 85 years and older; in men the rates are 4 and 1909, respectively.
In a
UK-based study, hip fracture rates derived from the General Practice Research
Database during the period 19881998 were 17/10 000 person-years for women and
5.3/10 000 person years for men (Table 2).
Approximately half as many fractures are
seen in men in the elderly age groups in most studies. This is due to a combination of
women losing more bone as they age and having a tendency to fall more often.
Table 1. Proportion of Rochester, Minnesota women with BMD more than 2.5 SDs below the mean for
young normal women.
Age group
Proportion by site (%)
Lumbar spine Either hip Mid-radius Spine, hip or mid-radius
5059 7.6 3.9 3.7 14.8
6069 11.8 8.0 11.8 21.6
7079 25.0 24.5 23.1 38.5
580 32.0 47.5 50.0 70.0
Total 16.5 16.2 17.4 30.3
Reproduced, with permission, from Melton (1995).
Epidemiology of osteoporosis 797
Women also live longer than men and therefore hip fractures are more commonly
seen. Nearly three-quarters of all hip fractures occur in women. The lifetime risk of a
hip fracture from age 50 years onwards has been estimated at 17% for White women
compared with only 6% for white men in the USA.
There is a marked geographical and ethnic variation in the incidence of hip fracture
Table 2. Estimated risks of fractures at various ages.
Current age
Any fractures
Lifetime risk
Women 50 53.2 16.6 11.4 3.1
60 45.5 14.0 11.6 2.9
70 36.9 10.4 12.1 2.6
80 28.6 6.9 12.3 1.9
Men 50 20.7 2.9 3.1 1.2
60 14.7 2.0 3.1 1.1
70 11.4 1.4 3.3 1.0
80 9.6 1.1 3.7 0.8
10-year risk
Women 50 9.8 3.2 0.3 0.3
60 13.3 4.9 1.1 0.6
70 17.0 5.6 3.4 1.3
80 21.7 5.5 8.7 1.6
Men 50 7.1 1.1 0.2 0.2
60 5.7 0.9 0.4 0.3
70 6.2 0.9 1.4 0.5
80 8.0 0.9 2.9 0.7
Source: Van Staa et al (2001).
Figure 1. Incidence of osteoporotic fractures in women. Reproduced, with permission, from Cooper &
Melton (1992).
798 K. M. Jordan and C. Cooper
Age adjusted incidence rates are higher among white women in Scandinavia than in
women of comparable age in North America or Oceania.
Similar variation is seen
in the USA, with higher rates being found in the south east compared with the north or
west of the USA.
In the USA, the age-adjusted rate in white women increases with
decreasing latitude, socio-economic deprivation, decreased January sunlight, decreasing
water hardness, the proportion of the population drinking uoridated water and the
percentage of land in agricultural use. Regional variation did not correspond with
obesity, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption or Scandinavian heritage.
Fracture rates are lower in Asian and Black populations.
This variation cannot be
explained by race-specic variation in bone density.
The number of hip fractures seen
in Asian populations is rising; it has been estimated that by the year 2050, more than
half of all hip fractures worldwide will occur in Asia.
The projected number
worldwide will be 6.3 million, with 3.2 million in Asia.
There are several populations, including the Maoris in New Zealand
and the
Bantus in South Africa
in which the incidence of fracture in men is equal to or
greater than that seen in women. The explanation for this is unknown but neither
population exhibits the dramatic rise with age seen in the West.
Hip fracture is associated with a high increase in both morbidity and mortality.
Five-year survival post-hip fracture is 82% of that expected with most of the deaths
occurring within the rst 6 months post-fracture.
Vertebral fracture
Compared with hip fracture, the epidemiology of vertebral fracture is less well
characterized. This is predominantly due to the lack of universally accepted diagnostic
criteria of what denes an osteoporotic vertebral fracture. Also, substantial proportions
of vertebral fractures are asymptomatic and therefore escape clinical detection. The
development of denitions based on vertebral morphometry with xed cut-o values,
which have increased specicity, have allowed for more reliable work in this eld.
association between pain and morphometric deformity is stronger when using more
rigorous criteria for diagnosis (a reduction in ratio of 4 SDs) with 80% of these cases
seeking medical attention. Severe vertebral deformities have a predilection for the
thoracolumbar junction (T10-L1), whereas milder deformities are seen more uniformly
throughout the rest of the thoracolumbar spine. It is estimated that only one-third of
vertebral fractures come to clinical attention
, with less than 10% necessitating
admission to hospital.
The incidence of vertebral fracture increases with age in both sexes. Most studies
indicate that the prevalence of vertebral fracture in men is similar to, or even greater
than, that seen in women to age 50 or 60 years.
The age adjusted prevalence rate of
radiological fracture has been estimated at between 825% in women over 50 years,
depending on the denition used.
Prevalence of vertebral fracture has been more similar across regions than that seen
for hip fracture. Vertebral fracture is as frequent in Asian as white women.
Vertebral fracture also appears to be less common in African-American
A history of vertebral fracture, even an asymptomatic fracture, increases the
likelihood of further fracture at least fourfold.
This is independent of bone density so
that vertebral fractures that arise with minimum trauma signal an underlying bone
fragility that is not measured by bone densitometry. Such fractures are regarded as
clinical evidence for the diagnosis of osteoporosis.
Epidemiology of osteoporosis 799
Vertebral fractures are associated with a similar increase in mortality at 5 years as
seen with hip fracture (Table 3). This increase, however, is gradual over the 5-year
period, unlike hip fracture where it is highest in the rst 6 months following fracture.
Distal forearm fracture
Wrist fractures are the most common fractures sustained by perimenopausal women.
More wrist fractures occur outdoors compared with other fractures and a winter peak
in incidence is seen
, particularly in icy weather.
There is a greater female preponderance with an age-adjusted female:male ratio of
4:1, with 85% of fractures occurring in women.
The incidence in men is relatively
constant between 2080 years of age
, in contrast to women where there is a rapid
rise after the menopause, which then plateaus at around 65 years of age. The reason
for the plateau may be due to age-related decreases in the speed and strength of
extending the arm to protect other parts of the body during falls and also the
cessation of the rapid trabecular bone loss that occurs following the menopause.
The geographical variation tends to mimic that seen in hip fracture. There is some
evidence to suggest that distal forearm fracture is much less frequent in Asian
populations compared to Caucasians.
There is no excess mortality in patients who sustain a distal forearm fracture.
There are, however, data that suggests that although less than 1% of patients become
dependent as a result of this type of fracture, only 50% report a good functional
outcome at 6 months.
Other fractures
Most other sorts of fractures have also been associated with low bone density. These
include the proximal humerus, pelvis, proximal tibia and distal femur. These fractures
increase with age in elderly women and also to a lesser extent in elderly men.
Table 3. Observed and expected survival following a fracture among men and women aged 565 years.
Radius/ulna (%) Femur/hip (%) Vertebra (%)
Observed Expected Observed Expected Observed Expected
3 months 98.2 98.6 85.6 97.7 94.3 98.4
12 months 94.0 94.4 74.9 91.1 86.5 93.6
5 years 75.5 73.8 41.7 60.9 56.5 69.6
3 months 97.3 98.0 77.7 97.3 87.8 97.9
12 months 89.6 92.4 63.3 90.0 74.3 91.8
5 years 62.8 66.4 32.2 58.2 42.1 64.4
Source: Van Staa et al (2001).
Practice points
. hip and vertebral fracture are associated with an increased mortality
. there are regional andgeographical variations infracture incidence andprevalence
. dierent osteoporotic fractures occur at dierent ages
800 K. M. Jordan and C. Cooper
A detailed understanding of the risk factors for osteoporosis is important for several
1. They may help us understand the pathophysiology of the disorder.
2. They contribute to the clinical treatment of individual patients.
3. They may help in the design of preventative strategies against fracture.
Risk factors for osteoporotic fracture can be grouped into dierent categories; those
that inuence the risk of falling and the responses to trauma; those that inuence the
accretion and loss of BMD throughout the life course; and those that inuence the
skeletal strength independent of BMD. Table 4 summarizes the risk factors for
osteoporosis and fracture.
Intrauterine and early postnatal programming
There is now good evidence to support the hypothesis that the growth trajectory may
be programmed in utero or during very early postnatal life, and that environmental
factors at this stage in development may inuence peak bone mass and later bone loss
and thus the later risk of osteoporosis. `Programming' is the term used to describe
persisting changes in structure and function caused by environmental stimuli during
critical periods of early development.
The embryo does not contain a description of
the person to whom it will give rise; rather, it contains in its genes a generative
programme for making a person.
Dierent tissues of the body grow during dierent
periods of rapid cell division, so-called critical periods. Brief periods of under-nutrition
during intrauterine life can permanently reduce the numbers of cells in particular
Table 4. Risk factors for osteoporosis and fracture.
Female sex
Body mass index
Maternal family history of hip fracture
Prior fragility fractures
Low bone mineral density
Low birthweight
Genetic factors
Sex hormones
Premature menopause
Primary or secondary amenorrhoea
Primary and secondary hypogonadism in men
Disease states
Thyrotoxicosis, Cushing's disease, hyperparathyroidism
Inammatory arthritides
Dietary calcium and vitamin D deciency
Epidemiology of osteoporosis 801
organs. This is one of the mechanisms by which under-nutrition may permanently
programme the body. It is not in question that the human body can be programmed
by under-nutrition; rickets serves as a demonstration that under-nutrition at a critical
stage of early life leads to persisting changes in structure.
Studies in both Britain and Sweden have provided evidence that weight in infancy is
a determinant of bone mass in adulthood. In one study, 153 women born in Bath were
followed up at age 21 years.
There was a statistically signicant relationship between
weight at 1 year and bone mineral content at 21 years; the relationship was
independent of body mass index (BMI), diet and lifestyle. Similar ndings were seen in
a Swedish cohort of boys and girls aged 15 years.
These relationships were seen to
persist into later life as demonstrated by a study of 189 women and 224 men aged
6373 years born in Hertfordshire. BMD at the hip and spine showed a 1215%
dierence between those in the lowest third of the distribution for weight at 1 year
compared with those in the highest third.
Again, these results remained after
adjusting for lifestyle and dietary risk factors.
Further evidence for osteoporosis programming was demonstrated by a study of 144
neonates whose mothers had their characteristics assessed at 18 and 28 weeks
gestation. Neonatal bone mineral content was positively correlated with birth weight,
birth length and placental weight. Maternal smoking and maternal physical
activity were, however, negatively associated. This implies that maternal nutrition
can modify fetal nutrient supply and subsequent bone accretion. If these eects are
maintained through adolescence to the attainment of peak bone mass, they will have
far reaching consequences in terms of future fracture risk.
Genetic factors
There also appear to be genetic inuences on bone density and fracture. Family studies
have shown clustering of low spine BMD among rst-degree relatives of osteoporotic
parents and among the daughters of osteoporotic mothers.
A family history of
osteoporotic fracture predicts low bone mass in men and women
, and is an
independent predictor of fracture at the same site (relative risk 1.53.0).
relationship appears to be strongest for a maternal history of hip fracture. Twin studies
have suggested that around 50% of the variance in BMD might be genetic
and current
data suggest that several genes are involved, each with a relatively modest eect.
Candidates include the vitamin D receptor gene
and the collagen type I alpha1
(COL1A1) gene.
Others are being investigated.
Sex hormones
An acceleration in bone loss is well recognized in post-menopausal women,
particularly during the rst decade after cessation of ovarian function. Women who
undergo premature menopause before the age of 45 years are at the highest risk of low
bone mass and fracture. Conversely, a greater number of fertile years from menarche
to menopause is associated with a reduced risk of fracture. In the European Vertebral
Osteoporosis Group (EVOS) study, late menarche correlated with increased risk of
vertebral deformity, whilst late menopause, hormone replacement therapy and the
oral contraceptive pill were found to be protective.
Low bone density is also a feature seen in men with primary hypogonadism. Causes
of secondary amenorrhoea, for instance chronic disease, anorexia or excessive exercise
can also result in an increased risk of osteoporosis.
802 K. M. Jordan and C. Cooper
Cases of secondary osteoporosis include thyrotoxicosis, Cushing's disease, hyperpara-
thyroidism and male hypogonadism as well as stroke and the inammatory arthritides.
Drug therapy
Chronic utilization of corticosteroids, heparin and anti-convulsants results in
accelerated bone loss. Thiazide diuretics may have a protective eect.
Smoking is well dened as a risk factor for osteoporosis. There is an inverse
relationship with BMD. A meta-analysis concluded that although there was no
demonstrable dierence in bone density between the smoker and non-smoker at age
50 years, there was a subsequent loss of 2% in bone mass at every 10 year interval for
the smoker. By age 80 years, there was a 6% dierence between the two groups.
There is an independent eect of smoking on the risk of hip fracture.
Studies amongst alcohol misusers have shown that they have lower bone mass and also
a greater rate of bone loss. Alcohol has a direct toxic eect on osteoblast activity and is
associated with a lower BMI, chronic liver disease, smoking and poor nutrition. Falls
are also more common in this group of patients.
In moderation, however, alcohol may have a protective eect on bone.
Physical activity
Bone adapts according to the physical load and stresses exerted upon it. Physical
activity during the rst three decades of life may increase peak bone mass and reduce
future osteoporotic fractures. A review of physical activity and hip fracture showed a
strong association with physical activity in leisure and a weaker association with
respect to activity at work. The association was present from childhood to adult age
and consistent across geographical regions; USA, Asia, Australia, Europe. It was
estimated that to be physically active reduced the risk of later hip fracture by up to
50%. It was noted that even daily chores, such as climbing stairs, were also protective.
Dietary calcium and vitamin D
Good dietary intake of calcium in childhood results in enhanced BMD in young
women. Vitamin D levels are well known to correlate directly with BMD. Low levels
of circulating vitamin D are prevalent in elderly populations.
Low body weight is negatively correlated with peak bone mass. Low BMI and weight
are also strongly correlated with fracture risk compared with higher adiposity, which
is protective against the risk of both hip and vertebral fractures.
Epidemiology of osteoporosis 803
Falls increase the likelihood of fracture. Risk factors for this include poor eyesight, a
previous history of falls and gait or balance problems.
Osteoporosis is becoming an escalating problem worldwide due to an increase in life
expectancy and therefore in the ageing population. It therefore constitutes a huge
burdeninterms of morbidity, mortalityandcost. Thetotal cost of osteoporotic fractures
to the UK healthcare system is in the region of 17 billion per annum. Fortunately,
osteoporosis is a preventablediseasewithwell recognizedriskfactors. Anunderstanding
of the epidemiology of osteoporotic fracture can help identify those at greatest risk and
permit the appropriate targeting of treatment for prevention of fracture.
1. Anonymous. Consensus development conference: diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment of osteoporosis.
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Practice points
. there are multifactorial risk factors involved in increasing the risk of osteoporosis
. many risk factors can easily be targeted in childhood and early adulthood to
reduce the risk of future fracture
Research agenda
. further studies aimed at delineating the important risk factors for the prediction
of fracture and bone mineral density are needed
. further epidemiological studies in non-white populations are required
. studies on the most cost-eective means of targeting at-risk populations who may
have asymptomatic fractures should be carried out
804 K. M. Jordan and C. Cooper
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806 K. M. Jordan and C. Cooper

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