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Ofcial Statement (Released): 27/05/2014 10:00 GMT

Taxi 24/7- An Open Letter to UK Taxi


Taxi 24/7 is a social peer-to-peer mobile network allowing users to
book and pay for their journey.

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM- May 27, 2014- iView Incorporation recently announced
their launch of the UK Pilot Testing Program (PTP). The PTP was an initiative designed to
reward and enable black cab drivers with the latest technology to process payments and
eventually, accept jobs. Taxi 24/7 is an iPhone application which is currently in limited
release to drivers and passengers in the UK region and is fast expanding its payment arm
before opening up its job request functionality.
Taxi 24/7 is committed to providing a premium service to its customers and therefore
willing chooses to exclusively partner with black cab drivers. We are familiar with the
recent outburst in London against Hailo, which announced their application for a Private
Hire Operators License. Halio claims that these are tough times that call for tough
decisions, the statement is ridiculously overrated and signies a mere attempt to
abandon taxi drivers and boost their own revenue stream. At Taxi 24/7, we do not
believe in such decisions and treatment of drivers. Rather we value the importance of
black cab drivers who have been providing a reputable service for over two centuries. It is
much more benecial for Taxi 24/7 to leverage cab drivers to be more competitive
against private hire cars than simply opening up to unlicensed and untrained drivers.
Thus, we would like to announce the following promotion in addition to our commitment
to all current and prospective UK drivers.
urlvers across Lhe uk reglon wlll be oered Lhe lZeule Chlp and ln reader whlch
has been lnLegraLed lnLo 1axl 24/7's appllcauon. lor every Lransacuon processed,
Lhe full fare as well as 3 commlsslon wlll be pald ouL dlrecLly Lo Lhe drlvers
accounL wlLhln Lhree-ve buslness days. 1axl 24/7 ls currenLly plloung Lhe paymenL
devlce wlLh a number of drlver parLners. We are looklng for lndlvldual drlvers as
well as eeLs Lo slgn-up Lo Lhe sysLem as we conunue Lo exLend coverage.
ln response Lo Lhe anger caused by Pallo and oLher car apps, 1axl 24/7 has fasL-Lracked Lhe
lloL 1esung rogram Lo open Lo all drlvers across Lhe uk. An excluslve oer has been
creaLed whlch wlll lnclude:
1. A Chlp and ln reader (39 lncl. vA1)
2. 3 for every Lransacuon accepLed pald along wlLh 100 of Lhe fare. L.g. 100 fare
equals Lo 103 pald Lo Lhe drlver's accounL 3-3 buslness days laLer.
Ofcial Statement (Released): 27/05/2014 10:00 GMT
3. CompleLe access Lo 1axl 24/7's urlver feaLures- ln-bullL volce based soclal neLwork
whlch allows you Lo make announcemenLs Lo cab drlvers wlLhln your clLy and even
speak Lo frlends who have 1axl 24/7.
4. Cnce a sulLable level of avallablllLy ls achleved, drlvers wlll be able Lo accepL [obs
dlrecLly ln Lhe ow of Lhe app.
1axl 24/7 wlll conunue Lo ghL for black cab drlvers across Lhe fronL. WlLh our drlver
parLners, we alm Lo resLore order ln Lhe Laxl lndusLry and lncrease opporLunlues for drlvers
Lo make more.
1he Lheory aL 1axl 24/7 ls slmple, reward drlvers and you wlll have hlgh avallablllLy. WlLh
lncreased drlver usage, cusLomers wlll be able Lo access more cabs. ln Lurn, more [obs for
drlvers, beuer servlce for passengers and hlgher sausfacuon for us.
Black taxis continue to provide the best service, coverage, reliability and security which is
inline with Taxi 24/7 ideology of being Simply Brilliant!
Pricing & Availability
Taxi 24/7 will be free of charge for drivers, inclusive of all features o#ered through the
application as well as associated charges incurred. All passengers can pay via the
integrated iZettle Chip and Pin reader using their MasterCard, Visa, American Express,
Maestro, V pay, Electron or JCB. The solution will currently be available only in the 69
cities of the UK and will charge (passengers) a convenience fee for every fare processed.
Press Department: Additional Information:

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