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Seminar on

Google Hacking

Roll no. : 11916051028
Semester : Seventh.
Dept : Electrical Engineering


My sincerest appreciation must be extended to my seminar guide, senior
faculty of Electrical Engineering Department (EE) Mr. J.B.Basu without
whom my seminar presentation would have been impossible, also express
my thanks for providing me with the opportunity to present a seminar on
this field.

I also express my thanks to all the lecturers of Electrical Engineering

department for their encouraging support in this direction. I would also like
to thank to my friends because without their help and support neither I can
never prepare my seminar report.

Subhankar Dam
Roll No. :
Year : 4th
(Seventh semester).
Dept. :
Electrical Engineering


2. So, who is a Hacker Anyhow?
3. What is Google really About?
4. Anatomy of a Google Search:
5. What can Google Search
6. What’s more to Google than Searching the Web?
7. Google Boolean Operator
8. Preferences:
10.Create Your Own Google Search Engine:
12.More Google Fun:
16.Links and References


‘Hacking’ and ‘Hacker’ are terms that generally tend to have a negative
effect on people. Most people straightway start associating ‘Hacker’ with
computer criminal or people who cause herm to systems, release viruses etc.
And Hackers do not blame them for holding such a negative opinion.
Nowadays the media has been wrongly and outrageously referring to
computer criminals as ‘Hackers’. They fail to recognize the fact that
criminals and hackers are two totally distinct terms and are not associated to
each other whatsoever. People have wrong notions and for reasons not
justified at all, they have a attitude and utter dislike for ‘Hackers’ and
persons associated with ‘Hacking’.

The description of ’Hackers’ provided by the media is nowhere near

what hackers actually stand for. Hackers in reality are actually good,
pleasant an extremely intelligent people, who by using their knowledge in a
constructive manner help organizations to secure documents and company
secrets, help the government to protect national documents to strategic
importance and even sometimes help justice to meet its’ ends by ferreting
out electronic evidence. Rather these are the people who help to keep
computer criminals on the run.

Today, Internet Search Engine are probably the most widely used
means for information retrieval. They are used to find all kind of information
from finding facts, online vendors, looking for entertainment sources to
malicious activities like looking up recipes for weapons or bio hazard by
terrorists. Moreover, such engines are freely available to all. At such a stage,
it is essential to analyze what kind of information in cyberspace. Today
search engines are highly automated and have increased capabilities to
locate and index information.

With specially crafted inputs, it is not difficult to find tons of

sensitive personal as well as organizational information. Search engines can
be used to locate just about anything from phone number, e-mail address,
company budget, deals, agreements, presentations and more. They can also
assist attackers in finding out sensitive and, at times, enough information to
carry out a successful attack. This report deals with the undoubted leader
among search engines “Google” and how it can be used to locate loads of
sensitive and classified information. Specifically using Google to locate
juicy information has of late come to be as “Google Hacking”.
So, who is a Hacker Anyhow?
Most people think of hackers are computer vandals. But, call a real hacker a
criminal and he would do more than lose his temper. Hackers are not
computer criminals. Why do most people think of Hacker as Criminal? The
media is responsible for that. The media has projected hackers to be
computer vandals who damage system file after breaking into servers, make
and release viruses, deface web sites and a whole lot more,

Traditionally, hackers were computer geeks who knew almost

everything about computers (both hardware and software) and ware widely
respected for their wide array of knowledge. But over the years, the
reputation of hackers has been steadily going down. Today, they are feared
by most people and are looked upon as icons representing the underground
community of our population.

Hackers know everything about the way a software or an application

works. They have this uncanny ability to finding out ways of doing the
impossible. They know of things normal people would only think of.

Three top signs that give away the fact that the person is not a real hacker
1. He uses weird handles (name) like Avenger, dark Cloud, Skull etc.
However, these signs are not necessarily fool proof.
2. He boasts about how much he knows a sure sign of a person who
lacks real knowledge.
3. He flames newbie of people who ask questions, instead of helping
them learn.

Hackers are usually nice people from whom we can learn a lot. Real Hackers
are normally always helpful and really really intelligent and knowledgeable.
We see, hacking is about knowledge. Hackers are those intellectual people
who have the extra bit of information. They know of things normal people
would only dream of.

What is Google Really About?
Let’s start straightway by asking Google itself, what is Google?

The steps to be followed are simple.

1. Open any browser and the site www.google.com.

2. Wait a second for the page to load.
3. Let’s enter our question i.e. “What is Google?” into the search box.
4. Click on “Google Search”
5. Bingo! The result is displayed!

“Googol” is the mathematical term for a 1 followed by 100 zeros. The term
was coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of American mathematician Edward
Kasner, and was popularized in the book, Mathematics and the Imaginations
by Kasner and James Newman. Google’s play on the term reflects the
company’s mission to organize the immense amount of information
available on the web.

Anatomy of a Google Search:

1. The web server sends the query to the index server. The content inside
the index servers is similar to the index in the back of a book. It tells
which pages contain the words that match any particular query term,
2. The query travels to the doc server, which actually retrieve the stored
documents. Snippets are generated to describe each search result.
3. The search results are returned to the user.

What can Google Search

Google can search files with the extensions that follows.

• Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)
• Adobe PostScript (ps)
• Lotus 1-2-3 (wk1, wk2, wk3, wk4, wk5, wki, wks, woks)
• MacWrite (mw)
• Microsoft Excel (xls)
• Microsoft PowerPoint (ppt)
• Microsoft Word (doc)
• Microsoft Works (wks, wps, wdb)
• Microsoft Write (wri)
• Rich Text Format (rtf)
• Shockwave Flash (swf)
• Text (ans, txt)
• And many more….

What’s more to Google than Searching the Web?

With the mention of Google comes to one’s mind the Google Search
Page, with Google written as colored text. Undoubtedly this is the landmark
of Google, but there is a lot, lot more. Some services like Gmail, Google
Earth, Orkut are rapidly gaining popularity but Google means “Googol” and
it true sense talk about infinite possibilities.

Integrated Calculator
Wished there was something simpler than looking for the calculator on the
desk or under programs? Discover Google Calculator straight from the
search field.

1. Open any browser and the site www.google.com.

2. Just enter the expression to be calculated in the search field.
3. Click on “Google Search”.
4. Bingo! The search is displayed

Book Search:

Allows you to search the full text of books and also collect information
about where to buy or borrow them from.

1. Open your browser and the site books.google.com.

1. In the search field write the name of the book with it’s author.
2. Click on “Search Book”.
3. The web pages about the book load up.
4. Impressive, isn’t it?

Currency Conversion:

Frequent traveler? Businessman? Wish that you had your hands on a

currency converter of some sort. Google is to rescue.

1. Open any browser and the site www.google.com.

2. Enter into the search field “199.99 USD in Indian rupee”.
3. Press Enter.
4. Bingo.

Image Search:

Google Images is clearly the most comprehensive index on the web,

indexing billion of images spread throughout the world. This service can be
used effectively to find out pictures or images about anything. This option
can be very effectively used while creating presentation or projects, as the
standard images available in office applications (like clipart) are rarely

1. Go to image.google.com.
2. Enter the subject of image in the search field.
3. So, how does our new wallpaper look? LOL!

Local Search:

Google Local enables us to search the entire web for just those stores and
businesses in a specific neighborhood. Include a city or zip code in our
search and Google displays relevant results from that region at the top of our
search results.

Let’s find “pizza” in Siliguri.

1. Go to www.google.com.
2. Enter “pizza Siliguri” into the search field.
3. The result for various joints come up, mentioning loads details, which
are very much self explanatory,
4. Enjoy your pizza,

The results not only give the addresses, but also provide with the maps as to
get there and also their phone number.


To find reviews and show times for movies playing near you, type “movies”,
“showtimes” or the name of the current film into the Google search box.

Here we illustrate two of the many options available with Google

Movie. First, how to find the movie name by entering its theme or a famous
dialogue from it. And second finding show times for a particular movie.
1. Go to www.google.com.
2. In the search field type “movie: Rock On” to know about the movie or
type “showtime: Rock On” for the show times.
3. Instantly Google returns results listing out movie names or asks for city or
zip to find you the closest theater running it!

Music Search:

Find information about artist, songs, albums and places to buy the music you
are looking for. Google will display user reviews, song titles, stores to
purchase the music and other useful information related to that artist at the
top of your search results.

Example: Summer of 69.

1. Go to www.google.com.
2. In the search field type in “Summer of 69”.
3. Google displays a personalized caption for Summer of 69 offering all
types of in formations!


This operator searches the phone listings, business or residential.

This basically deals with three types of keywords: ‘rphonebook’,
‘bphonebook’, and ‘phonebook’ for residential, business, or both listings

1. Go to www.google.com.
2. Type the name followed by the location.
3. Press Enter.
4. We get few hundred of person of that name with the residence. If we
know what area he/she lives in, it will not remain difficult.

Q & A:

This facility is tremendously. It has the capacity to answer fact-based

questions. Just type in any question into Google and get enlightened! We
shoot the following questions at Google.
1. Population of China? 2. Birthplace of George Bush?

Web Page Translation:
The Google service allows you to translate websites or any particular text
to and from a wide list of languages. This goes a long way to bridging the
language gap. Really it is amazing.
Let’s consider an example of a Brazilian website, that of a college. i.e

1. Open the page http://www.virtual.unifesp.br/home/uv.php in any

2. The page opens up, as shown totally in Portuguese. Now knowing onle
English, you are in obvious trouble. Buy relax, Google is to rescue.
3. Now open www.google.com/language_tools and enter the website that
needs to be translated. Select the appropriate conversion (Portuguese to
English) requires.
4. Click on Translate.
5. Here is the same page in plain English! Some areas have been marked
to show how well the page has been translated. Also there is a link for a
printable version which you may use to print the website page in English.
6. What’s more? All the links you click on this related page, will be
automatically translated in English as well.

Google Boolean Operator:

AND or (+):

This Operator can be used to force Google to search for keywords Google
considers as ‘Stopwords’.

Eg:- Date+of+birth+and+place+of+birth+of+Rabindranath+Tagore

OR or ( | ):

This operator instructs Google to find pages that contain either of the
terms separated by an “OR” or a “|” sign.

For example, consider we want to search for pages containing exploits

or vulnerabilities in regard to a particular software. Such a search could be
carried out in the following manner.

Exploits | vulnerabilities AdobeAcrobatReader

NOT or (-):

This operator can be used to explicitly ask Google to search for pages
without the keywords preceded by a “NOT” or a (-) sign.

This is another very useful operator; it can be used to find pages the
contain your search term but do not include some other term.

Windows –Microsoft –Computer +House

Using Wildcard:

Wildcard is used to substitute a word or a series of words. Their use is

more advantageous when used in phrases.

(.)= Single character wildcard.

Example: m.trix
Return the result of M@tirix, Matrix, Metrix.

(*)=Any word wildcard.

Using Tilde (~)

This operator asks Google to search for the word immediate following it,
as well as its synonyms. This is especially useful when you are looking for
a particular type of data, not caring to search all its synonyms differently.
For example: To find all sorts of help information for the software like
NMap, you may using a string like “~help nmap”. This will return pages
searching for synonyms of help too, like tutorial, guides, etc.

Often, searches are not interrupted by search engines in the way they
have been entered; the same goes for Google. The following points should
be kept in mind while making a Google search.

1. Case sensitivity: Google searches are not case sensitive. This means
that whatever you search for “Hacking” or “HaCkInG” no different in
the search results returned.
2. Stopwords: Google automatically excludes common words from the
search. Such words are better known as “Stopwords”. They are
considered when used alone, but lose significance when they are
grouped with other not so common words.

Examples of these are: a, about, and, as, and, at, are, be, by, from, how,
I, in, is, it, of, that, the, this, to, we, what, when, where, which, with.

These also include certain single digits and letters.

3. Query Word Limit: Google limits queries to 32 words. Attempts to

search more than 32 words, point out the words after the 32nd word
have been simply ignored.

4. Punctuation: Google ignores most punctuation marks like :, !, ?, ., [] @

# , <, >. But here are the certain exceptions:

i. Punctuation marks present in a word are not ignored. For

example words like “I’m” or “ma’am” fully consider the
ii. When searching for hyphenated words, Google searches for all
its variations. For example, when searching for “low-budget”.

5. Automatic “AND”: Google automatically “ANDs” the word separated

by spaces. Thus a search for “windows and Microsoft” results in the same
search result as “windows Microsoft”.


The preferences are stored by Google on your computer using cookies.

This means that the preferences you choose are implemented locally on
your machine. If you change your computer or clear the cookies, you will
have to reset these options.

To go to the preference page, click the preferences link as shown in the

following screenshot.

On clicking it the following page opens up.

Information from http://www.google.com/support?ctx=web


So far we have discussed the features of a Google search that are actually
open and publicized. Now we are move on to advanced operators which are
not so publicized and are only used internally by Google while doing an
advanced search. Specifically, these operators allow you to define a region
of a web page which will be searched rather than searching the full content
of the web. Some example are: just searching within the URL, the title that
shows up on top of your window when you open a page, searching for
specific types of files, pages created within a specific time period, etc.

Intitle, Allintitle:

These operators allow you to search the title of web pages. The title is that
shows up on top of the window when you open the web page. It is actually
the text tagged by the “title” HTML tag.

– Intitle: search term

– Find search term within the title of a Webpage
– Allintitle: search_term1 search_term2 search_term3
– Find multiple search terms in the Web pages with the title that
includes all these words
– These operators are specifically useful to find the directory lists
– Example: Find directory list:
Intitle: Index. of “parent directory”

Inurl, Allinurl:

The URL or Uniform Resource Locator specifies the location of a file on

the internet. Having the ability to search within this URL can be very fruitful
is more time than one! Often system administrators and website designers
prefer to stick with the default directory and file names, thus making their
job and that the job and that of user easier.

– Inurl: search_term
– Find search term in a Web address
– Allinurl: search_term1 search_term2 search_term3
– Find multiple search terms in a Web address
– Examples: Inurl: “log in”
Allinurl: admin password

This is one of the most favorite operators.

– Filetype: extension_type search topic
– Find documents with specified extensions
– The supported extensions are:
- Hyper Text Markup Language (html)
- Microsoft PowerPoint (ppt)
- Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf)
- Microsoft Word (doc)
- Adobe PostScript (ps)

- Microsoft Works (wks, wps, wdb)

- Lotus 1-2-3

- Microsoft Excel (xls)

(wk1, wk2, wk3, wk4, wk5, wki, wks, wku)
- Microsoft Write (wri)
- Lotus WordPro (lwp)

- Rich Text Format (rtf)

- MacWrite (mw)

- Shockwave Flash (swf)

- Text (ans, txt)
Example: filetype: ppt Google Hacking
Note: We actually can search asp, php and cgi, pl files as long as it is text-

Intext, allintext:

This operator does what Google does by default. It searches for the text of
web pages. But there’s one difference: using this operator you can instruct
Google to search in the text of pages all right but not search the other places,
like the title or in the URL usually is present in the main body of the page
too, thus, limiting the direct use of this operator.

– Intext: search_term
– Find search term in the text body of a document.
– Allintext: search_term1 search_term2 search_term3
– Find multiple search terms in the text body of a document.
– Examples:
Intext: Administrator login
Allintext: Administrator login


What this operator does in brief is that it builds a custom search engine,
wherein you can define which site Google searches for your keywords.
This is the keyword which is used to launch attacks specific to a particular
organization by restricting all smart searches just to the domain you are
interested in.

This keyword can be used to find out what a particular site think about a
particular keyword. For example, while searching for news, you might
consider trying searching for the news theme limiting it to the websites to
different news providers in different searches.

– Site: Domain_name
– Find Web pages only on the specified domain. If we search a
specific site, usually we get the Web structure of the domain
– Examples: www.microsoft.com


This operator is used to find pages that have hypertext links to the specified
URL. This is useful in finding out the so-called “friends” of a page. Often it
is useful to know which pages have a link to a specified URL; this can be
used as information for social engineering attacks, or finding way through
these “friends” when direct attacks fail.

– Link: URL
– Find the Web pages having a link to the specified URL
– Examples:
Link: www.google.com-site:google.com


You can use this operator to locate pages indexed by Google within a certain
date range. Every time Google crawls a page, this date is updated. Often

when you are looking for updated information, and are flooded with other
old but popular pages, this operator does the trick.

Syntax: datarange:startingdate-enddate

– Daterange: <start_date>-<end date>

– Find the Web pages between start date and end date
– Note: start_date and end date use the Julian date
– The Julian date is calculated by the number of days since
January 1, 4713 BC. For example, the Julian date for August 1,
2001 is 2452122
– Examples:
– Vulnerabilities date range: 2453196-2453258


Google has incorporated an inbuilt definition generator! This definitions

are provided are not limited to directory definitions but also include
definitions of scientific terms, and other jargon.

Syntax: define:word
Example: define: circuit breaker.


This operator also works on a URL. It displays those pages that Google
considers are similar to the URL entered.

Syntax: related:URL
Example: Look for pages related to www.google.com.
Such a result displays about 31 other popular search engines.
Uncomplicated and sweet.

If we are able to stumble upon one kind of unprotected vulnerable page, it

may be useful to find other similar pages.


This keyword returns the information Google stores about a particular URL.
This information is usually provide when a site is submitted to Google,
specifying what the site contains or is automatically entered into by Google
by its various algorithms.
Syntax: info: URL
Example: info: www.microsoft.com

This operator allows you to search within the post’s subject lines. Usually,
any good post will have a subject reflecting its content.

Syntax: insubject: “topic”

Example: insubject: “alternators”


This keyword allows you to view a copy of a page Google maintained while
crawling the web. This keyword can help you stay anonymous! Google takes
a snapshot of each page examined as it indexes the web and caches these as
a back up in case if original page is unavailable If you click on the cached
link, you will see the web page as it looked when Google indexed it. This
can be used to look up pages which may not be presently up, whose server is
down or pages to which you don’t have access to.

Example: Here’s a site www.hinduhumanright.org

This site is blocked by most of the internet providers. And any attempt to
view this result a lame “This page cannot be displayed” error.

But this is not blocked for Google. And so for us! Here’s how you can view
such blocked or unavailable pages.

1. Go to www.google.com
2. Enter the URL of the page you want to view. Here,
3. If the page has been crawled by Google it will be displayed in the
search results, and a “Cached” will appear below.
4. Click on the cached link. And the page opens up.

This technique can be used for anonymous surfing. That is surfing without
letting the site to know who you are an where you are from.

We will not be able to view the multimedia contents of the cached page in
most cases, as the whole page is not cached by Google. The ached link will
be disappeared for sites that have not been indexed, as well as for sites
whose owners have requested that their content should not be cached.


Google map and Google Earth are literally changing the way we visualize
the world. It is finally making sense of the term “global village”. Together
they offer numerous options to zoom into nearly and place in the world, find
directions to and from places, locate businesses in an area, and recently even
locate accommodation in a city.

Google Maps has the ability to recognize an address typed into its search
field. Here’s an example.

1. Go to www.google.com.
2. We try finding the map to Siliguri Institute of Technology. We type in the
address we find from the college website. i.e. “Siliguri Institute of
Technology, Siliguri”.
3. Press enter.
4. We select the Google Maps link and the map for our location comes up.
5. Using the options on the top right namely Map, Satellite and Hybrid and
the options to zoom and move on the left, we get a close image a Princeton
as shown below.

Finally, a brief on what keywords can be used where,

Search Mode Operator Accepted

Web Search allintext, allinanchor, allintitle,
allinurl, cache, define, filetype, id,
inanchor, info, intext, ititle, inurl,
inlink, phonebook, related,
rphonebook, bphonebook, site,
Groups allintext, allintitle, author, group,
insubject, intext, intitle.

Create Your Own Google Search Engine:

Google has recently come out with another feature. This allows you to create
your own search engine. Options are available to specify around which
keywords you want to centre your searches, enter the sites which you wish
to search, and more. Such a customised search engine can be used to carry
out penetration testing specific to a site.

Link: http://google.com/coop/cse/

Filling in all these details results in Google providing you with a home pge
where you can use your own custom-made search engine to search the web.


Gooscan is a Unix tool that automates queries against Google search

appliances. For the security professional, Gooscan serves as a front end for
an external server assessment and aids in the information-gathering phase of
a vulnerability assessment. For the web server administrator, Gooscan helps
discover what the web community may already know about a site, thanks to
Google’s search appliances. It also incorporates a CGI scanner that never
communicates directly with the target web server, since all quires are sent to
Google, not to the target.

Link: http://johnny.ihackstuff.com/

More Google Fun:

GMail as a Storage!

Ever wished you could maintain a file system similar to Windows on your
GMail Account? Yes, it is possible and that too with the convenience of a
hard disk drive. So store your files online, share passwords and share data or
music or friends with ease. And also have the option to directly email it to
anyone as after all it’s stored in your GMail Account.

This tool can be downloaded from http://www.viksoe.dk/code/gmail.htm

Google Videos: Broken!

Google recently launched Google Videos. These videos are meant to be

viewed online as a video file (.flv). Google does allow downloads but these
downloads are in a ‘.gvp’ or ‘Google Video Pointer’ format. To open this it
is required that you install the Google Video Player (from
http://video.google.com/playerdownload). So, when a ‘.gvp’ file is opened
by Google Video Player, it downloads the full ‘.gvp’ file into the temporary
files, which can then be played by a Google Video Player.

The following JavaScript code can be used to download Google Video

directly as ‘.avi’ files. These can be played correctly by many free players
like Windows Media Player Classic or VLC Player.

Step to download a video:

1. Go to http://video.google.com/
2. Open the video of your choice.
3. While the videos are being loaded, copy and paste the following code into
the address bar. Press Enter.
4. You will get a prompt to download the video.
5. Click on save.

{window. Location.href=document.getElementById
(‘macdownloadlink’)}else{alert(‘Go to Google Video to download videos as

Google Romance:

Google has been coming up with many hoaxes like offering jobs on the
moon, introducing a new informative drink called Gulp, and others. Even

Gmail appeared to be a hoax, until people actually got Gmail Accounts. The
latest in 2006 was starting a new service called Google Romance.

Click it out at http://www.google.com/romance/


Want to know what Google thinks of you or just about anything else? Check
out www.googlism.com . Options are available to search for anything as
Who? What? Where? When?


Froogle is a pun on the word frugal, which means thrifty. And the name of
the company, Google. Froogal is pronounced the same as frugal.

It is basically a price comparison service for all kinds of products. It also

searches for vendors for the same product and provides information about
how to actually get an item you want.

Let’s consider we want to buy a 30GB iPod, tye latest teenage

obsession. Let’s see how Google can help us locate the best prices to finding
the shop in our locality from where we can buy it.

1. Go to froogle.google.com.
2. Type in the item name, here “ipod 30gb”
3. Click on “Search Froogle”.
4. We can see the different prices offered by different vendors, and we
also see various convenient filters on the top.
5. Now when you have googled yourself to finding the best price, let’s
locate the nearest shop selling it.
6. Just enter your zip code, city or state. Here we enter “Siliguri”. The
pages will open up, also constituting a map, showing the exact
locations of the shops!

Froogle is in its Beta stages, so it’ll still take some time to cover every
location, zip code and sellable item in the world!

This can be used to find cheap and interesting gifts for someone’s
girlfriend or boyfriend or whoever!


Web hacking aspires to make the internet safer placer to be in by bringing

useful computer security knowledge into everybody’s hands. Not only has
the internet deeply impacted our life, but it has also completely
revolutionized the way we lead our personal and professional lives.
Unfortunately, as more and more individuals become more and more
dependent on the internet, the grave threat of cyber attack comes to the
foreground. Within a few minutes, a single computer intrusion is capable of
causing losses amounting to millions of dollars. Most users continue to
remain clueless about the threat posted by computer criminals, espionage,
identity theft, privacy invasion, and cyber terrorism.

Globally, with a tremendous rise in cyber crime, there is a rapidly

growing demand for high skilled ethical hacker who can safeguard the
internet. All the laws in the world cannot and will not discourage computer
criminals. Crackers are getting real smart these days and it is becoming
increasingly easier for them to break into a system, create havoc and escape
without leaving any trace behind. Laws are absolutely useless when system
administrators themselves are becoming ignorant of computer security and
are dismissing all hackers as people belonging to the dark side of society. It
has become absolutely necessary to teach people as to how crackers work,
how cracking is executed and how to protect computer systems from
crackers. If this is not done soon, then the crackers will get way ahead in the
security race.

Links and References:

1. www.google.com/apis
2. www.google.com/remove.html
3. http://johnny.ihackstuff.com/
4. “Google Hacking for Penetration Tester” by Johnny Long.
5. “Google Hacking” by Ankit Fadia.
6. http://www.i-hacked.com/content/view/23/42/
7. “An Unofficial Guide To ETHICAL HACKING” BY Ankit FAdia.

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