Assumpta Mag Oct 2013 Page 6

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AYenr LtvthP/L(fuofAAA

Thit Yea. of Faith in the life of

Assumption began in the hills of Antipolo with the
Second Assumption Together Congress. Graced
by the presence of our Superior General, Sr.
Martine Tapsoba, r.a. and representatives from all
the Assumption communities in the Philippines-
Thailand province celebrated our cup of tife.
Religious and Lay together looked to
Assumption of the future and the future of
Assumption" listening to the call of the times and
searching for an Assumption response to
questions of
justice, peace, care for creation and
solidarity. But in the midst of the words and the
sharing of Iife experiences, there were precious
moments of silence. ln Antipolo, we listened to
God and to life.
The task of the Congress delegates was to echo
the experience to their own communities.
Throughout the Congress, speaker after speaker,
referred to the alumnae of Assumption as the
sleeping giant. Our ranks must number in the
thousands, thousands of women who walked the
halls of Herran and San Lorenzo, steeped in the
spirituality of the purple habit. But where are our
alumnae? The challenge was for us to be heard as
one voice. ONE Assumption.
For our "echo" to the alumnae, we invited the
Class Representatives and all alumnae to a Ceneral
Assembly. The Board of Trustees agreed that the
heari of the Assembly had to be Marie Eugenie.
Assumption is the way it is because of Marie
Eugenie, Assumption reacts to the world in the
manner of Marie Eugenie. For us middle aged and
senior alumnae, Marie Eugenie was a distant
figure. We knew her life story but the depth of her
wisdom and holiness we only knew superficially.
Hers was a familiar face, but only a face. That
moining in June, we heard stories of this brave
young woman whose faith was shaped in the
crucible of revolution, abandonment and the early
death of her mother. Pinky Valdes and Sr. Regivic
put flesh and blood and tears on that familiar face.
Our General Assembly was blessed by the
witnessing of several alumnae to that spark of
Marie Eugenie present in each of us. Lala Dy
HS87 shared her journey
to faraway distant
places as an AMA. Nena Ortoll and Melody
O'Pallick told us of their class project of
providing school supplies to indigent children in
Assumption Mission Schools. This project was
started in zoot by HS64 until today and each
year more than tooo children benefit from it.
Celia Teves HSTI from AAAF Madrid and Ching
Legarda HS64 from AAAA New York were also
So what is our response as ONE Assumption? ln
our little spheres of influence the call is to be
authentic witnesses to faith. And we have a
Saint to give us an example of authenticity.
In August we had our
Lunch with
special guest star
Ponce-Enrile Siguion
Reyna... de Forbes ... y San Lorenzo" aka Jon
Santos. His impersonations of past presidents,
current senators and presidential siblings gave
truth to the adage: Iaughter is the best
medicine. And in the process we raised needed
funds for the victims of Typhoon Maring.
ln September we had our One Assumption
Annual Golf Tournament, Fore the Missions, a
thoroughly enjoyable day in the Santa Elena
Golf Club with r33 golfers including our pre-
teen Assumption Hall of Famers, Nikkiand Sam
Bruce. Beneficiary of this day of sport and
fellowship was the mission school, Xavier de
Kibangay. Still to come is the Bazaar season,
hectic but necessary to support our
transformative schools!
So now we come to October and Homecoming.
Congratulations to all the Jubilarians. We hope
your journey
to Jubilee has enriched your
spirits. We hope you come home more often.
Come home to share your life stories. Come
home to share your blessings. ln your moments
of loneliness
come home! Come home to
enrich the Iives of future generations of
Assumption girls. This is the Assumption way,
the AAA way!

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